OCR Interpretation

The Cairo daily bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1870-1872, December 13, 1870, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88074142/1870-12-13/ed-1/seq-1/

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- T1 C . - .- a - - - . -i
.. t ,v a n
Ill, 1870. ' '
Til k next legi-laturo oi Nevada will
iniisi- iif.'" Democrat and Hii Kml'tak
l.a-t yc.irtlm House stood Ml Kodicals
to 'I i'uiitocriits;tl:u Senate! Dcniocral
to i:t Tbdicalu Radical majority 42.
It u(.'iiih to lie a standing Itolicf
ainuiig the Trench, that every one ol
tlu-ir K'iiK'nilrt who MitTcr a defeat in a
traitor. Xmjo1'oii, Ja7.ainc, Jtcbuiuf
:nnl ('iiiirfihtfrt are traitor, clf-o how
louhl Ihey have Wn 'defeated ? Cam
brlel iii tUo a traitor, or lift would not
have jioriiiitted the Garihaldiann to ride
rough .-hod over him. The lnt traitor
i He I'lilatlines, nvun hu who wan thu
idol of taut wwk. We idaeo him in
the Hit In-canni the Trench already talk
of haviti!' him court-martialed. All
idea that the Merman are mainly re
fjiiinible for the defwt of their nnnic
5 M-outed hy the people.
Ir every Stito In tho I'lilon could Iks
t-arrl'd in opposition to the Republican
party in 182, there would still remain a
clear majority of Republican in thu Sen
ate until 18o, nnd under no circutnstaticoj
practically potiblo can thu nttitudonf the
.Sento with rofereneo to Republican prln
tlploi ormcasure lw changod before I HT 7 .
Ita l.eal lirthaiiyr
And therein i- one of the imporfee-
tioiM of our ry'tcm of govorntnent,
every HlaU in Uio Union Miould clamor
for a rciwal of any of the obnoxious !
law. Gxcd in our ftatute bookK by the
Ib:preentativc- of the Iladical party,
forty or fifty men in the h'enate could
prevent their repeal, even defy the will
of the people for a p-riod of "even
Had the fraiuen" of our enniititntion
fore-eon the uprise and triumph of Mich
a party as that now in tho a-eendeney,
thoy would undoubtedly have limited a
Senatorial term to about ix mouth'.
Theru i a probability that the Senate
will refute to I'ontirm tho nomiuatioti
oi the dirt-eating I'orto- to the grade
of Admiral. Prominent Senator-,
;unon) others Lyman Trumbull, are
orx'nlv ho-tilo to the confirmation.
.Meauwhilc Logan, in the Hotw, in
working to nbolish thu grado, with every
. P v. pi , i
protpectof Mtece... I hr.t I.opui may I
fiicceed i the wih ot every vitixen wlio j
would not iico a l.iwnmg yeopnant, a
a .vhamele. dirt-cater, in the place .o
lately filled by the immortal I'arrngut.
A.XOrilKi: DKUOCIIATIC r. s. sk.v.
Ill the joint hesiou of the Alabama
legislature, held on Wednenday last,
Cjohllhwaltu, Democrat, received !.'
vote., Warner, ltepubliean, ."0, and
llaralim, ltepubliean, I t. tioldthwaite
having received one majority (if nil tho
vote. CiUt was declared elected for the
termif fix yeare from "'larch next.
Senator Ooldthwaito Imn boon ludj-u
of the Circuit and Supremn court., mid
an nblo lawyer, lie h.ia been a citi
zen of Montgomery over forty year.",
and the people nru greatly vvjoiml at
hi" clcctiou,
run oururr via .vz:ir oni.KArs,
T ho reason why tern of thotiand of
ton of the surplus agricultural products
of tho Northwest, grown upon, and
convenient to, the banks of the .MUcis
n'ippi river, tir.d the wacoast ni north
ern lakes and railroads, may bo found
in tho illiberal, uiiontorpriiing nnd self
ish spirit that controls New Orleans
shippers and sliip owners.
The New Orleans Piraiutv recently
had tho boldness to declare this fact,
uud donouco a combination muoiig ship
owners to inaiutniii occap freights at a
rate that had driven thousand nnd tens
of thousands of bales of cotton into
other channels, nnd which,if maintained,
would continue to operate disnstrou"ly
upon tho commerce of tho city.
We make tho following extract from
the I'icayune articlo:
Tho total supply of tonnago In port and
known to boon tho way hero is tueroforo
amplo to transport o'-' 1,000 bales of cotton,
or ucarlv half tho amount to bo forwarded
from thl port during tho present commer
cial year. ....
But few of our readers, probably, havo
ever noticed the wide ditl'orcnco between
tho rates of foreign freights' which prevail
hro and those current in New York.
Tho Now York Shipfituj IA$t of tb 2nd
quota the sales for cotton from that port
1 V, .1 1 1... A. 1 fl
10 JjlVOrpooi J(a)JV .WU oy sun, uiiu jv
lCdby itoamor,
1110 sail rato iioro u v
The rate of freights
from New York
I upon a bnlo of cotton weighing 450 pound
. ' i I- r M . 1 .. III...- w n.
i1. Tho imo balu of cotton cannot to
ihlppcd br sail from UiUclty to Liverpool
fur less than $4 t The rat from thl
I doublo thi) ouUlde rate from New'ork.
On a ship of 1 200 ton tho oxcosi or our
nitrn above thwo from Now York, equals
$$,G'2', or $C 90 per ton. Our port charge
rny Lo heavy, but thoy certainly do not
justify such scandalous rate of freight.
It t not to bo wondered at that vouch can
alford to lav for flvi! or tlx monthi waiting
for a cargo'whon thoy can get iiich rates
of freight, nor need it bu n matter of ur
prUo that our foreign trndo ilex's not in
create Kxorbltant ocean freight nave
drlvon.nnd will contlntio to drive produce
Into other channeti.
Thli eitra charge of 2 AO In gold upon
every bnlo of cotton ii sufficient, in a
grent many cases, to turn tho scilo agalnt
thlt cltv, and Induco the Interior aliip
per to "forward to .New York overland.
Vu lout stiver! thousand hhd of tobacco
i from high octnn freight from till port
Iml year; and ir wo no not regaru mo m
tBrei't of commerce morn cobildcrately,
we shall oon dicvcr that the rotton
trade too, 1 gone Hp.
Forty-five nhiji agenlfi and ouiicts
who have been enriching theiinelvc-H at
the cxpeno of the commerce of the city,
becamu very indignant at tho I'tenynw
nod addreied itc proprietor." tho follow-
in;.' note .
To III Utitor of III . Urlv.tK l'icSUi. I
From and after thl dato we shall cease
subscribing to and ndvertl.Ing In your pa
ier. and deiro lo withdraw hiiv and nil
our idverti'emcnt now appearing In your
The forty-five gentlemen who attached
their numon to the note, have jjivoti a
notoriety to the structure of the Vlrwj
mir which they could not, otherwise,
hae gained, nnd have tints, in a marked
t !l ...... .1 i.lklAti
miscellaneous news ITEMS.
T. ,t.v. . .TloTd. wh, divorce
suit in Now Ifaven, a year and a half ago,
crxxted such a leneh. I reported t have
wpttraled from tho j'oung woman Susan
nah, whom he married after tho suit. Tho
former Mrs .ludd isalsosld to haVH fallen
heir to TS.iflO. A rich themn forn Brad
don novel.
An euterprl.iug MgrieulturalUlIn N'
braika ha planted Mm acre with walnut',
nnd anticipate n ver v remunJ-ralit ljnr et
in twenty yean. lieh acre will haveWo
trtw, ha'auys, which will ho worth ?"(o,
000. lie proHrs next to try tho pine,
whieh will bo marketabln in flt'ty year.
A young lady at a Western temp-r-nnc
miotlng Id, ''Brethron and Itrr,
elder I a nc clty to me, and I rnut have
it. If it decided that wo are not to
drink ef It, 1 h.ill have to eat appidu.
and get 'vMoyjuug man to njueo'e me, for
I can t llva w'ithnut the Juie of tho apple.'
Tho State of Iowa planted, lat yonr, )
about IV. 000 tree., and will tt out a still '
larger number thi year, i wo farmers, in
one township, have et out thl Spring 25-
ml. ...... O.Mit I. u ili.. i-.T .luuir ft.'..
otui tree. I lit l at tho rato of aboui
true", annually, for eeh Inhabitant
. , ,,Mimn,i fpr ,
(.ommereo and timber,
Two parties eiigagml for some two !
1 weok in killing rt in Stark county,
i Ohio, met recently to count tail, "electing '
fourteen helper. 1 no entire nuniner oi
nit killed and reported was sixteen linn- I
dr,-l and ninety-six, one i party btatlng tho.
uiiojr oon oiuiuruu niiu uiuui.
supper followed, of whieh the rat', how-1
ier, loriumi iiujmiii.
The ti'ually solmr, moral and wll-be-haveil
New York I'oti ha hern Bu"'.v "f
thi scandahai verbal outrage: "A rliym
ing correspondent of the C'tturifr-Jtuirnut
ask: I it truo that there is poetical In
spiration in tea, coflVo nnd anch mild Umu
hints? Cortainlvit K There is the easo
of Kdgar A. I'oe, for instance. A little t !
would havo iniido Kdgar A. l'oct. ' )
The "stark county (Ohio) Dtinm-rat
make- note of tho anniversary of Chri-,
tfan Biichtel for the murder of hi wife.
This "Judicial murder" took place Nov.
:to. is:i:i. There havo been live murder
If. ili.i ...iiirit -.Inn.t 1 1 1 it t ilnle. fur M'btell
tho otTrndor were l.roulit to trial, four j
convict.Mlof inurderlntho eoond de.re,.
nnd one aco,ulttol.
A woman raiding near Augtuta,
(iuorgla, on tho Colombia road, wu re
cently robbed oi'swen dollar by n porson
of thi noueitliiu! way of thinking. Meet
ing him on the public highway on Thur
day, shj presented a revolver and until thn
limn "huck" lilm.olf until she was utl
lled that tho money whs not in hi possos
slon. She then nut up her artiilciy and
allowed tho trembling man to go hi way.
And them were Ku Klux In thoso days,
In certain Part of Brazil a man U requ
ired to show hi metal before ho is consid
ered fit for the trial. of matrimony. Mrs
AgasslK tolls that among coma of tho Amu
zoniiin tribes tho brldu groom, on the day
of his marriage, and whlln tho wedding
festivities are going on, U required to havo
his hands lied up in bag lllled with tiro,
ants. If ho bears tho trial smilingly and
and unmoved, hois considered lit 'for tho
trials that aro to come ; If not, there is nil
end to hit. hopnsand his "trials', in a di
vorce couro.
Oruoral Ilurrot'si Addrei.
Victory nstiler a Riubll Belle ail ta
lie IlopelSM,
Loniiuk, Dooembor 11. llonoral Ho.
crot isstmd tho following order of the day
to hi command:
yiNCKNNKs, Decomber 4. Soldiers:
Attor two day of glorious battle you
have rnerot-sod tho Marno having found
that your eflorta were fruitless when tho
cnotpy has not tlmo to concontrate, or to
prepare to, continue ill vain lacraflce of
life. Lei ut renew thocentest with Increa
sed animation, and ratio our hearts to tho
saorltlco demanded hv th holy eauie for
whleh vtsmut not heItalo tosjcrallc'e our
l'rcDnration for crcat tnovcinenU and
frch ortlo are bolnir made in VarU. Xo
n.non ii ftllowcd to lea vo the cltv. Gone
raU Trochu nnd Ducrot were both nutldo
thujwulh on tho fourth.
A rooort i current to-day In ofllclal elr
clei that l'ruisla ha reiolvcd to withdraw
her uuiiranteo of tho neutrality of Lux
embourg. The London club aro full of
rumor of thu rpcedv conummalion of ar
rangcinenl for peaco and tho restoration
of tho empire.
The feelliiK Is strong that victory for
Franco I hopole under a Republic. Ad
vices from all nart of Franco indicate i
reaction everywhere In the restoration of
the Kmpernr. Thu pcoplu arc contrasting
twenty year of order and pnwporlty with
too present micry anu nnnrcny.
The Tour government havo proved ln
competent either to conduct tho war oriiO'
gotlulo pi-nee, Napoleon rcfuie to give
his.sauetlou to any ichemes for hi restora
tion at present, saying that hi part Is si
lent Inaction, until tho Kcpubltcau either
capitulate or are tlopcsiil.
;tion for the
b'or Restoring to Gfirx Hair its
Original Colon
riiALos's VitaA" cliffers
i f.tterly from aitlic "dves,"
I eolorers, VTind " restorers
I (?) i" 'sc. It acts on a
I f0"11)' MlCnt P iplf
totally dWcrcnt pttmiplc. It
is ltnipidfragrant, ;utd per
fcftly iunocticuje. precipitate's
no muddy or llauVdcm mat
tcr, rrqutri-s no Miaiyn- up
apd rortimuni a'r.. n v vin tt,
the skin or '"ir
taper CUrt.:. it t
conceal its fttth'-'"';,
for the sirrtrjtc rcivr
f-ar " is
r.ot turbid, r ;o
t-i intfnr."
ant I pir,f)i -.('. . vt vhhwrv
Ui Toil 'iic: nr v.
i '
T.M I i U
warranted to ...
in tht: colur ' tin
Hfi itn
lo days aitjr :.o hiwO.Jiiiica'
tion, riu direction:' being
careful I v observCiL.'"
vn'UXv1: :;n si:;
Priiv, ()t
Dollar oer Hox
hivkisu iw ni'n.r.
your DruKgiA iva not
Vitalia " on hand; write, en
closing Si oayfttui v will
forward it iitlnu'diately.
PhauVn & .Son,
civ Brotiua, N. T
! OSS'
() f T H nnTJ OTRCCT
fUU I 1)1 LLtVLIlIll 0 I tltt I
.llouttt C'ltt-hnj',
in Quoin nnd
Wit CM
A liimil Niiiil)' on llniul.niul ilrllvcrcil
lit nny iiart or (lie rlty.
livery Loud of Coal Weighed, nnd full
.Measure ("Ivon.
mr oi'oix cum, itiixim;i) at Sao
ii;it OA it i.kaii.
Orttci h li lt !ut tlie attlco will' e lilted OiiiilC'li.itel
JAMF.S BOSS, Fi op'r.
H 'l '.'III
iA!K arv
Are Prepared to Supply (.'iisloniers
with the Best (uullty or
llliiioiM oal.
Orilcra left l Ilalliuy llro. (IIMec,
Nu. 7is Okila Lever, r Ht ttse 4Vnl
Yard lirlinv IbtKI. t'lmrlra JIo
11, will Hrrel ve i'roiiitt
Tl.e Tux "MoiitnuU" will hrini; !ol aloiiKslde
trainers ataity hour, iliiy ir nUlit,
K'.tlre, Orl, 'i.lh, l;n i
vsizi o: B. jyOSSSni,
420 North Eighth St., HiUndn,
A color and dressing that will
not burn tho hair or injure the
It dodTJnot prodnco a1' color"1
mechanically, an the poisonous
preparations do. l "
It gradually restores tho hair
to its original color nnd lustre,
by supplying now life and vigor.
It causes a luxuriant growth
of soft, fuio hair.
Tho heat and safest articlo
ever .offered.
Clean and Pnrc. No acdimcnt.'
Hold everywhere.
wsfji t money
I V cthn-.f. or nrtlitp imoitii
mnrki-l . o. )., tu'rmuu your ilriicslfV and
joii ml: in nltli no lo.
oka i,:ksi
P" L O U R
. i And Ai4i)t of '
JtXTo. VO OHIO 2,3--rB
7"ooi s?tt!:mtoi!si:
M.f ii.. ,j AiuiJt Co.,
.AMI '
General Commission M ercfaant
7-io. !'::. OUUt Li'vci't
novlltf C.U!lt), U.I..
I'. )! ithii.-.
Commission Merchants
i:i. Ohio J.ovpp, CA1H0, ILLINOIS.
Sim iu u!!f ntiiin liiTfn to tlii linn'hn.o nu.i .air
Golden Remedies.
V-c t!i"if nnly. ii sst Tims, Ilrallh stvl
Momy. 11,000 UKV.ltn for any c-is cf Ulicsic,
laauj-it.- U Ihty Nil la cur.
I A l i .Vo,. I ii art tlia
vrciint altcratlrej known.
ii b. uiciiAU'H ooi.nr.:;
J. I. IS. I II ll'AJIOUIt II 111
Crcakst Tonic ami AstrlnjMit
In tb Mollral l.UU lis. III.
Ii the unlr rrliabla dlurrtic.
Thvr It'nrtlrs ar not a4-rtl(tl lo Curs all
Conml'ttutf, an I brnflll nnnei tut ar (uartnltvt
to r8ct u lUliol auJ HJy Curt In all cair for
ulili ji thy n'o rcomraniJf I, whn all cilir trt
f nt liivi faileJ. Tens of thousands ytarly recoyj,
by tttrtr uju. ho havt lost all hopo, andU-wrrru'
nounrcl a Incurall by tbs Itit efT mcllcal
J- HAI.SA, No. I. ftt Ulert, Ulcerate!
Hore Tlir at anil ycath. 8or Fyf , CuUnf.
em rrnnttnns, Cpy(ilrel niotche. UortiiMt
of tli fclii, Scrofulv ' 14 "' Orcatfd Itcno
vutor, Aliratlfo Illooi 1'urlfltr known, r
iiqvi all inrrvur from tio syitcm, snl leaves
the Wmi I j.are btt" bcalUiy. jM
IIAI.Hll, N. turn Ht-rourlal AttVc
tloniltbeumatlim la all Its form, ant
:lti Immfiilt rellvf In all ca.e.
. frlet oflthcr No. I or S, J rr bo'". '
l"N. .
j? if in ll A TI S , N
1(1 WlitSU "v" W -
ASTItvin-, a radical rurt for all urinary
dcrimvacnU. l'rlce f 3 pr Uotilo,
A y i:i,lXI l ll'AMOUrt, ft rallcal cui for
Xerrmi or tieneral Debility, In ubl ct
youn? i Irapnr tiiK tiotfy with wonderful eHect.
l rl; 15 i.er li.tdo. it IwoforW.
On receli t i i.rlcc, thvjo remedies will U)
uhlpnej t aav tiUec. I'rompt attenllin pall U
nil rarroi mile. . SVns renuln" wlthnul tlit
mint of lit. I.IOIIAfi !0l.)i:S' r.KMWHtrt,
II. II, III- HU..', flo 1'rjprl-tor," blowa In
glait of hittU ., . . . ,
ClreuUis tint, I'nls Bundled at a liberal
lltc.itiit, ' . . .
AdlriM, Hit. I). P. ItlCIIAimS, '.".' arlefc
Ctre'l. .S'w Vwk.
r:.,lstllN l.piivr Wrlly frra Ntw
Vnrli, l.tvi'ipno! niifllunalowst.
',kU .).) (II V'A"it.
1 1 1 IV 1 1 L
job woiik
(iotoiii- rAimi ui'i.f, r.riN ot'rt'K
BIML illilTS
. ..... XI" ,
Special Notices.
"otlii'f -turilvd.
Kaj fory'iuiik'nii'D, on Hftcinl r.tU nn tu
' jirojirlty or lniir triety orltnix in irrlnl, with
-anifnry lielp for lit. vino fi'd tinfilti-il forirmt
rlmnninl hipplniV". Horit free, in nftlfj enrol,
oj in, A'I'lre llowsr.l Ataelatloa, Hft K Wilt.
adolpliln, I '.a. fopt lo.l.lrn
The linpcrl.lmnie l'riTiniie.
Asn ntli", tliu perfittnm now in n.n)iav no per
laanviicy. An hour or two nftcr their tw, tlirrr- ts
antmi'Hril rmrfitm left, ttmrillllcrent It thn re.
fttili siiceooiilnj? Ihn mo ot Murry and Iininaa,4-
riorum nirr. iny nurj i.. pppuraiinn inn
handkerehf! exhales a mo-t lel!ghtmi,ii1lit
ami B'4r-"nllp Iraj'ratici'. innrldeodly
nr.. . r,;;::,r;: .tnVISES' COXSVSrtx
77 J 7..- T ) no TO rr.'WWA IV
, ir.vrsh. . .
IIaVImi f. r i'.o U-.t tlnrl--o-o years At voted My
wtitlotnnn mi. all. till ,n t tli u,! 1 1 lun.
ea.ti nnt c smntpin, 1 lerl Hint I i.n lerrtanl
fjlly tlin i' "in-, lb It I'M lit IJ lir I urmoO tornUT
a til r.i.l t 1 1 tt il.taMd turn In fita'tny
in-tti tn .1, 'l.i t t t i, . tt linli. ,1 l it lp 1
for l!ua:inii u kwl u'.iiu'.r Id; n. , 1 tl.c lot
if all .n llmoniiiKiii fjr tlilf lurptir.lu
wlni. r. Mil, i, .1 .1 jmii In tho fM ur, m!,.i,i
that, in,, rn . ut I-, alilnet Itihjca tnau. Ii
niUilt:i n i i r. -i n -b in I iiltml. t. l.ilnki
l ii i. 'it I em rctornj(il. A k.1 lHell kcti
tin ro hy ivt -n.nn. J.i-i .nti r f n jktl r
..tn ttu.ru i ("m I iru Ii ..lie n l.k'iy 0'snl,tict
:. utid-rllii tfi.i,;ii -ti- cr t'iiclfnn.ean 1
U.vl.l Ii . . W, -i. t, t ,1.
una li'irvlml Ci Un unl.ir.il.Mii tb tirtr Ii a
MktwuKli I Ht.ldlir.r i -u.nu.i, a tliu us-..
er-lur" It m " v. i, rrn t tli a - iityi n . I Mdiv
Jifi ll'.rtt If to nr.! l.tiPrin. am lnnl iiirn.. I
!.,ii.tmt inl.cu. J i , nu..- t . Jli .:i,ihi;:fi k
it iwt Diucairjui hi er c r unr. aniiiie'j. aiuir.i(
l3-.I..Hh:. I ) I' .1
ir . ii. i.ii I. siul 1,'iliU
in it'it Iij I, it r. nr. 1 r. . r u-.i U.n i,t t.irc.i
I ul lint lni;, 4 rd.ti, r.ltityl!cali' n rrluni i f
bl'ta tllvil.nJ, vlu n lUic l Itidca..1, thry o-licrnlly
Iinfinii!ir',:i,atilliitliKlnt.fliiii.t hail. '
.'imnirilU, IMiirruia, (Irfm ()o... tiiul Matty
ctlii ri'.'utt In .t,.iu ,inii'l I'll ri,'i,iuilo uii
l rmniii. ii u I n tui.ijni . ' i in tukitr. .'y
mini. rirMTTlifAnrv1. tnal t .I'entsnrelift l!n
U lit tiko r I Hi, t ' ttu.i t)i tl.c i n It a !
iirti tcmt.n:iir- i 1. 1 it i i, t." ir t j t.u
lllil. Mhr U f'.'I.U vl.. Ifjf iu,. l.iUlf
L rr.ie ut e ' , lia H r.'iuti t i.die tuutlyi
(hrrrf.irotiirnli.. c m .!., mii.'.iI. Mat-.
. 1 1 .: .. mi . ' -Im Mat
uiiu in.- r .1 1 1 ,
, i i v .....I fi-ii rui.
t ivi ii i r Is' th I .Mlir
.1.11 llio-s vn-i r.ntiimlle.1
ii " it. fv i wm..Ji. ii n .1
1.-i.m;ii- I.'. . i, n i,,
lilio Ii4nul, v
1 1
miwi-.i, i-ir" iin nr,i t nt"'i . f rii-f vii.,.0
lu:u tt lUvarnl. ilU.-ni iltw.. . ml u iai
l ltf irrmni.irurii.
IW ilArrn tiarL; r I t .J' ' f !''
al.rln.s.w Y.tr-j-iei .Ii-J-iMte.CTi liiinuil
I Lia ttvy fl. k liuul 44 viJavJ -i M
aiai;e nr tinrtrn-l fV-',t .ratle
rsuxti nil- -,i -i ra .rnr rj.t f MarUnf iutU
CIHIK. lit. i -i iblut JU I) tt-ui'.. t
fully nnd li.i.ca lny ium aMt';- M i.i i..,im
t IJ. A-r. II iwy. ltt it i kiriiil it
'"lhfri.'l-.. ItilfnWtf OV f . ttl
larulrake , iu.il i . ., .t.l.,l
'lilltitA ,1. . . r
In 'J.rU.l.ell1r t
V j'-'Vn-l't
iM li. Iit.lv
'JljiiJrilt I II Up f. r ill
loprvd'jcnliLtKJ bit lit tluu i jra ji n born litU
ia.U. It I a wil-ni:i ,1 f.'tr, il.tti.i.n t .
t.r llorldt
rarely Ure't r tyi.-.ia. n, j.il'wy.
U.. cf tbo n
w uicLord, ne-il.it,tAt Im.t tt. aortujvii
t.Ai.f uot ii.rr:idiiC:iir:.J,. in "tfut-ettic,
It jt-l prevail to Urtly : uil t!.i fj-jirn l..ty
ltwuvidiirraM:4lUtrii. .vbUrf .ul j4rienia.M
of lift ouU l mimI If .'uitn;Un ,-,
Citllyalanui Hum ilu, ui . '.n.ili.y
kraaBouticaiUtfi) r.iui.i-. .. II ... , a.J
lull tboy uvouluru.iyi. ii iit,'t:-.J.i. v.hwii
U.ry ai eredluut u..li ta ll-,.ui.v.r u4
1n a t-SMtj wltier pay n-i ew. i."a. -tUs !
LrrtcallUyt t lu.nu icn fvT JJi.utr. nu l arc
Miursiill.ualU tht luu.t u.-1 ... d I-V n 1UI
D ivh! irm I, Hi. i.iiih. Ljriuind. 1.1
L..M bf cure.
Jiy ruinrom trnn wli.. lunoi.r a.
eiuitllKbtly.Ulu lay In a it - iccf HCtn w !':
imilfl nyru., helnni-k't uit,i,l l n', sat
muwiCi't Hltn,tMko I'UUan l t iiul'loi..: u 1 1
enrDUitn,ltbc.ttparilcularint.lliiet,tKcauii' I ai.i
liiKouulilyucqUAiiiud Willi II. iru.v.iL Un i.,
tl.-il, Mbera they aw iiml Hi. UK t R.-eLfdmci1
uy itmctlinti lli'y u H i Hi - v. tu,i u
CUlrcd. TlilSCC' .ur..-!.i-l. : ,tl.. sllllldll, l it.'
'ibt pby-tlan wIm rntrrll'.t fr c I. m, '., i-r 1
n:.-ln atau,amt tUii Ji.Mtit.'pA uenvi" 1 ilx
irridoooteieryi'i tit. tttr. i ;lim-U i-.sto
i n lilt kandt Uf. i t I vs.
.Myrlnli, topvciurtriri'ti4iUrlnes In acrrd
anco villi tho Nun. d .lir ..ci.1 . ' ' In . .. i
i.ui ir a wu. r tin ui iuo ; uwi .... n
aeiiiary. Sly Hijeet u, i iinelo. I ilir n.r.i
ailL tu pet up a i "I ;.;., i,l tt I. alwayt a
r.l slsnnlien a piu.nl K,-.jr t , it n bnu.yi
liartliopctuf tjili. Mali n roli.ti f t f.u.1. mil
Cu crauurjt..iii i f l!ittrilMi,c.'ii..t kdv.1 LM.
cul uuli It lunra (loll, Mlihli t il.vrly i .tl.mi.l
ty n liftllii.'i.f tliolunji, llienlbucuucli liwnt
Mid abate. lb) iarj.lni( rbil: and eMiiuny nliht
taeatt nu liin.fr ir.irni.i u.il uu.i. v, .,u-t I'm
ti,r,t .i m l, r iniidli4 uial'.t Uk.imn' !,
lijw, iheM am uiiij "tivauiriint wl.u I.4.1
nGttUonu'JiniiF 1 U Vl.irnU. I tt !:. 1 n may
to aikcd, It Ultra 111 Im-o 1 ,f tuiiif i.iu.uj
tbcrolt. llya.l1eoiiimh K au.uvrrbJilu,
tutuy Inn iranu i'm cla'.tu I'.) lm r, ulili u
lctairraturu i.f I.1, ,ut 1 ilir-i', Mlt.ili
il.itild Im kept iera.ii ly fit tb it point by 1 irai 1 (
albi-rinmiutrr. lt .u. ii a I .n at t.ii.u I. ii .
(Iioultbln thl limits i f tlm rwm 1v.aikln up
and down at niu-.li n lilt ttniutti v. ill impiil.ln
1 dr to kup up n bialiiiy cir ui .In :i uf iliu l., i.l.
I Lai a cund tlwuMtidi l y thu tynrui, nnd can dt
u t.'iln. Comutuiiti' ii it at tu.ily cund at nny
tbrrilifa-,intrttalieii In tn.ie,and llio rcj-ir
klitl uf ir.iluii'.l It Iiui'iu-X I bo f k! tUtidi un.
illiputcd un ricurd, tU.t FcLui'l'. Pntimnlc
Pyrup, Maudrako I III", and Nauru! Tinid bin
(unil my winy uf iibatr-iiiu.l tu la ln'ilnt
rak'tvfcuniini.iln. II j uii.ro yuii w.d.y. uvml
liu alinott iviwlii to ilnd niiiiu 1 .mr c ii..iiu;,ii'o
liii MtbccnriKUi.l lio:;i ll.u 11 ly ) t il'Ui ii
lylbelruK. ..'
rki ru at tba llandraku l'lllt aio vutccnu.',
eterybudy tlivuld keep n tup; lycf then un band
'ibryan in ll.o llrr 1 1 tt- r tb.vi calomel, nu t
If.uo nuno uf Ittlitirtuliilii tt lii.iud. In ftn,
lb-y iw I'terllent In nil ca.. t m licit nputratlio
liuJu.lio It itijuui I. If uii line par'aUn lou
lidif liui.ul iliirrboca 1 meet, a iluto if I bo
id.njut.i viil iii.. ) j. If ivu urn i.il'j.ili.i
tllk In idli-lli', l.i'.O ,1 1"
' l I HIV luIl,l(4ftlH, UIi.1
till' Mill H.IH 1 0 i.ll II IK .1 ll. Urt. II Jl'U wuuld
ibTlato ihn iiin t ufarUn.d tf tvaur.irllii'li,.!
Iri-" lililulk'.-UL llllrc.t. ll.u l no ut llio jlLliiirjkc.
iicrynlvbi. utft yuu uuytbni ilrluk itaur. ant
1 at iritir-iiu-l, ',1, )" .it, u.'iliIlJun, ,ij.li.',ir
iirn.llbnul lbor..l. ul biu u..id.iiik lyiluci.
1 biy will protect Ibi u i bu Hi 11 In damp tltuatlciia
iimt 1 lull and f.vrrt, 'Iry Hum. 'il.ry oro
I linn aban.lnin-.l my 1 !.-i.'tiui il.lit 111
m 1 i.iy.
lit in IV.
i.itiu'itij 111
ten mil Ne e Y,fk, but riii.iiio laut piatii nu ut
liiyunico,.N.i. II .Villi t-.iUi&trut, 1'LiU.uliblo,
nery Saturday, l'i mit'.AU.l 'Iluwnlii
v 1.11 11 uinnuii'ii i-aniiiui 11. -n iwi in. i(i-"itiuincii r
vlll 1,0 1I1 iri'id iliu il t. Ibt i;..i,iru.i ur
iloltrrt tbo taart n mi 1: ti cf tho lurutt and
, num. Mil rr-dlly U-im xli. iber Ib.-yum rur
kblournut. Hut 1 dt-.p.- It illtpiKily undi rtlui.1.
tlultbo)aluo if my p.. UUu-i drpt-ntl u-.tlrtly
upon their bcln takiti ttrtcily acvurdlr i; t) ibrcu
ti 'in.
In cuuclu.lon, I III ty, tint nh(n perwrt
tko my in. 'Urine., Mil tbir .y.it n.t aro I r"iil..
into 11 lii-.-ilibyioiidiii, 11 ihvrt'by, tiny am i.u J
lltl.l.i toltko itild; )t liu 1 11,' wl!i tllit j.i'd lun. 1
iitn btir n tuddi-ii ih.ini- if ninnpbt ri Hlibuut
lU ' liability ul 1 natir irlj t Irrtutu.i it Uiv bun
il.lal lubit,
full iliitclbm In nil linuace.taecunipany tny
I'l.'dicliii'i, Mnapliclt nivl iitMrilutani iiiki iii
iliiin Milbout ftwiiKlnj me, nil cuii bu
t'vujbl lioi.i Miy druct (
J II. n ..' I).
.No. U ' 1 xit'itar. . , 1 bit .:. I; I1I.1.
.101 ix 3i :vi:v,
vnor.rif i; a.kxt.
lui: ixsi'iiaxci:.
KKIC:.-Xortlicil far. 1'mirtli nml
Ollsv (irroela, HI. I.iiuU,
Auilt'ur. Illi ft. c. i!uiiinurclal Av
tikah Capital,
Cisli Assdn tvtr,
1, ijlSOO.OOO
AUTIIUU U. IIAItllirr, I'rrt't.
V. St. 1IAWIW.V OKA V,' 113 I.i Hullo "IrKtfl
Chli'Su, t-tnlo .H.umK.'ls for lllmult.
I'reini'ntiit'vul.l liiHinltii'lleculif iitlntdo by U.'
N illivlii'4, O'l'liliT Kir-il ,N't 'ii:il Hunk.
ocllt.lJin 1
oAiao, i;xijX2Nrif3.
Also, tefp cnnnUntly cn hsml n not com.
t .i... ... ...
SCOtCtl and IrlSh WhiskiCS
Cr IS,
Pfl, Madeira, Sherry, Catabaw
' J
"7 INKS.
Wi uri- nji-nt. Inr S
Wi-tio.. Ii.tit.tyf
lnll till- ll'tCfltl,.!! of
llfiil A Co ' CVMnitfil
CV.li, In whlrll fiwt 'f
i..l lar'alll llUJl't".
"Pflal Aftcntintl
n to filling onlrrn.
v 'vui: mow..
H. M: H'Ui-EN
vv v--
A N Ii
Confection' Morclian
IIdh Uniniiti-il In Ills DM
U Commercial venue
Whi t" li miilcl la a ronttnimM nf palirna- u
li r,irriiriuiit.iiiti.,iitHi a uA ..1 at mull 1
new uni t In liiaVHii.1tppK.1r,,l'frlR, .1I.0VI, ,,..
ul.-.. runmrk ,hlv ubihi fori i'h 1
Tuim.i Mriilly nwh, fur wliMi h- villi !
OHkit,in lliflnnml, ,;(
:vi.va-:sT. .
tIK l.UU I.N ,
Plaster Paris Plasterers1 Hair
0IVEJX"?. ebo.
y.tint In Stulk, ti'Mi si 011 husitl i
T. Hint.
'VllA t'TOS iV 11',
1- ' Mi u, 1: ;.. riirk
VriloltiHIl lo
Atfi'ittt uf Aliirilcuti I'niiilrr Co., itlul
.1niiurnrltii'ii..i;iiiH r (odin, Vitvit
:. v, n.i.iAHHox.
ii . W a 0
5-R '.l8 JO.
N. 7ii Olito I f;po.
Njir.im iitfoi ti 11 lnii in i i t.tiai.
utviilt uivl I'lllliif; Ordrr,
nu 1
m -is
f 1 1.1 iS. O.Y ,V OH.,
' ih '11 Jiilmii. II iriimii A lU..,'
,., nn.
HP ft.
U, Second Floor, OHIO LEYEC
Buy mul Soil Heal Esuio
riiuMriix .tns'iKAvrs 'tvvi.y
A .i vitr.pA it f, i. vt; am 1
'I ai.i.viih
Importer and Wholesale Oeal:r
if5 5Sf (D
Wines, Liq;dovs;vButc
in r e a n nr I .t r n r r AND
K .4t
itt:. I Mf A Vlk AMI'S V.IJ. . All.lA.
vuiw-.ui a.urnivnvAiJii, - . mjf m'iu&tffr.
l-'OU OUi CKl.r.nUATHO -
Perfected Spectacles
A.nd Eve G-la&ses.
I The unilerinptitlouiJilirAriuitflEKii ovr tlm.o In
1 or.lli.-ry mo. thnptoorr whlohtnay bo seen In
mi' i,,in.iiiiiinrj itii'i. nnu consiniwy in
crMlnK rt-mftnil.forthemi
I .HiPS-
Tlistthfynnnfiir a. brllllaneratia dlatliiet.
I iic.S.f i.ti ii,wiilinniimiiintofKA9KaiiICOM.
I nJKTniit liltlicrlo cnjoy-l liy tpwraclnwinrpr.
.'I. Hint tho material from wlili-h tlitlx-n.ctaM
Rrottml, n nnntir.irttirivl specially far optle pnr
po-nt. nn.1 t I't'llK, HAKti anil URII.MAAT,
nni not II il. f Vyotii f,'HiHhvir.
ttli. Tlttt.lhe, tr.tOf.t;in which ther are t,
alifttinriti flol.t, Hiltrr or Steed, aro of th Hne.l
ipinlltjr uiij Uui.li, and. yuaranluuJ perfect In
i wry ii'i'iel.
Taber Brothers
Satcumakimis, jewklmm Hn
I' ni .li'welrr, tliainnnili, ."(ill, I Kilver, l'UId
Wai-, 11 tOMririuritiirt'rs" Of JllllrJ'll, Pla
in 1 1 ?rtIne.- j J 1 "
I USTo.StS 'Ohio Ievoo
C.!!t(, I'.I.l.VOIS,
F .-nt f .rli.'ltf" f-nnrwnim ntl1-"i'Sn
i "Xo Jleil!tirN viiiplnytMl.
.Mxntlfiwttirlnc'Opllclan", Ilartlonl.Conn.
1 ttorltlfiltir
"A LJ I -
t r '
V- it
j gKIVI.N'rt '.-IT.lC'llT.lt.S.
Tiir. davi- vi:ut:cal fi:i:i
I Thn Coni-ili'toH, SlmiilrHt tjtl Hrt
SohIui; 'IrtWiIno InLNo.
C 4 ' -i' r i
riio 1I.1111 ,11 1 for !.. IIVVIS oKU'lN'ii M.tl'll.
1T In tba .minim m tia. ul 1.1 tntr ar l-.l
I II no if 11. an I Hliii'i' lln'V .iipplmt nil uilirr", I.
, .jii'Rl.'i Hum run lui tupplli'il,
1 Hn.'i.ir inlm In anv Kind uf work. It llinpl,
run.'.tm'' i.f 11 frw tron p.trtt, and II ?fitieal.
toit 1 nuldea Ii tu rim ow r ruitina and tuinrni'or
nrr itiihoiii t-Ji.mur of Mltcli or teu.inn.
lotlunK mi'l lyn tiianiifneliirra pieferlt to
all nther. 11 nit that It Ik Ju.ttlir thlDK fur fainllr
vniiit'iiTjtNid) wil neknorte afiernitm
S i.l r
,M -rt Hu lirt havo wMfMl ones sndiliflrrrut
.'ibt of fiii'.li, sml n-tpectfulty linttu allnhu
nant tbn
MHiiiir.ii-liirtst to;iii thi'ina rail befurt pnrnluta
Cull nml lift u Circular.
S'xJraortllnurv Iixliict-niciilai (e
A . 1 " . f In, - (..nun,; liitnl, tiiibrareil uitliin Ilia
. l.i it ofinin 1 iln.'ei il,. I'ltiut uf Vn'ktiiuif
I nml Mi lull 'ii, i.l il. "I!jii' of V. nml M.railroa.1
iiif 11...1 I'emtf.jruUu.u.N a fliKliir ur IVI4
I 1: lit-. hi I
.ill'. Hi 1 iiiitiiti l.rlli, ft."! South Clark St.,
I I tilrnifii, ll'iiiulx.
Thi" I 1 !- 1 i' tn I. upli'M'e, Nrwtou, Clitic,
' Ja.pi r, ... uii, Kniitii mid I.utkot'iiuullea. ai.it em.
I braai' inuuli ul ill" mm I ilutir.i ilr I llinium Un.lt
I lllllu'M.i'i' I ..IU.ll. rtiril, pol.llort, millUlt, r".
!i'i.T,i mul 1 ru I. J.IHH in iiiriuu almailaiii'i.
a h. iiulo i'ioi .111 ii)iiiK tliti vunl of Iti" lnil.
IiikmI IiiiiIit nml pur i) watur uiniliiid, ami llioc.'Uii.
try IM.1111.II.V lilian iipwilli 1111 In liitiriuutaii.l lu.
I " iHUi'lli I'IHI.II,
I-1 ililriiiilnttiiluleKruml hv a.l.ir.sliiir.
V. riu. Hi t'ltrk M., Cliu-jtit.
! ,o . ;i t:it
iy uiKUtV ."iii.o.vv.
M n&i chers
AM) I!!.t HUS IN
; Elglnh St., betwesn. Washington 1
i Commercial Ave,
A (IJ lit II In f; llltll-litiiillai. ,
tho'WsJ of 11. i f, I'.irk.'Mltltpii, Wat, J.tinti
! ,!i-. i" , ui I i t fp.ir- 1 to trvi. iMiimni.
. nu .1 iwi'i-pf l iiiuuti.', wt'.iMir ,
i iti!!'.n'i' rrSR tiiu
- '
oi'i-pj-iTK Wvkt iy
It '

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