FRANCE. THE FORTUNES 0lr WAR FAV ORING THE VERSAIL LES ARMY. Tlirlneiirirrnl .t'nll.iii-l. Drlten Trom re ami 1i frnu il in Armlly, RED niSIXi.H It i:i It" SNRH IX notrt.. UUAG AAli Illinilt.ltX Th Term r peace OITVreil Iir Parisv A Armistice, Amuteiy-, i.le. Trench ntporli. r THE TAIltS TEIIH8. t..l Taeu, April 10. A. programme which has been tug;esto4, and met "with general approval among tlio people (of Purl.', pro . title fotthu mainteriancu of the republic ; tho grunting of communlal rights to Paris nd other cities; tho reorganization of the National Guards; the dissolution of tho Assembly and (be election of n Xatlonul Ciimmunal l'.pprcsentntivo Assembly In tU ihid j tho formation of un ud interim gov orntitiru f..r Paris and Vursnlllt s; 11 de cUration of un ninne.s,ty for till tiUetites against iho government; anil thu signing of an nrmlstice. Tho inturgcnlt admit having Won ro Tiulscd atKeullly, but claim victories at Issy and Clarnmrt. General OkolowlU succeeds General Dombrowticl's brother, who was disabled at Asnlurcs. C2rrlHtl llrfinrfe. rmcK co.vrj.-Rf.NCK. BncffELs, April 15. The penco confer oneo Is still linguged In the discussion of tho question of tho frontiers of Franco and Germany. Progress in the fettlemont of tho flnat.cial question is very slow. THK FI.VAL TKACK. DnWELf, April 10. It is suid that tho pence conlYrciice will soon concludo its labors, All tho negotiations havo been madj by writing, but it is known that no concc iijn luivo been nnuto to France, liKSIOSATIO.V OF 1'IC.tMJ. Tho Nur.t ti-diiy nnniiiintci that Picnrd ha9 re-!;rned his potitim'i as minister of the interior b t'e F'isncli cabinet. I'igl all Ilafrla, COVKCNMEXT btlCCEF.S. . Lostiox, April IP. A dispatch from Versailles to-day siits thu government tioons occupied Asnleres yesterday, driv. ir.g the ensiny across tlio Selno and rap turing mmu prisoners. Tho loss of tho Versailles troops was small. A battery has been pluccd in pnsitiun which pre-1 vents tho Insurgents from using the bridge which crosses tho river from (Jlicl.y toAs siercs. Tho insurgent troops wcro qutct and their batteries silent during last night. FA L UNO ToriKCES. A dispatch from Asnlercs, via. Ver sailles, this morning, says tho weather is rainy and operations to-day aro next to Impossible; but adds that tno insurrection is falling tn pieces. RED U1SINOS ItEl'KESSED. A dtipalcb from Bolougnu of tho 10th 6)b: This afternoon a Communist leader unfurled the red flag and addressed a crowd in tuppurtof tho Commune. Con "sldcrable excitement was created In tho iu u nine, oui eveliiunily tlio po lico seized tlio Cag and quieted tho disturb- ance. There havo been soma disslubanccs tt Bordeaux, but they wero promptly re pressed. THE rlOIlTIXO AT ASJCJEUES. London, April 10. Details of fighting in jionuay at Altileroi show that tlio Ver saillos fore s compelled tho Communists 10 evueualo tlio town, hut did not them selves occupy it. Tho Communis, in tlio alternoon, re-occupied tho place, where tliey wero again attacked bv tho Ver sailles troop. During tho night theio was un iiiccfsunt fuilnde, and the gowrn mei;t troops maintained their jiusltiun with difficulty. There aro rumors of changes in tho French miiii-tre. FAMILY GROCERIES Family Grocery Cor. 8 tli St. & Washington nve., Cairo, - - - JlUaois Uitplleil with t'.i Iri'M.cct (Uoccrlca, l.rtru anil Oiled mill fli nod lr t-ailla. Brassed Poultry, Fesh Wk An-lMuruliins eU iioHe! (or .unlit .111 II ii- tl maul tliu be. I ii.cUr.l cruceil I'I'li in .11 ic-eff peblie pjiroa i.-e , reii'i a l t d IIIII.V Family Grocery Cor. i'ojilar und Tlilrtcculli St , CAIRO, - - - - ILLINOIS (la 'tmbuilJIng Unoir.iiu the Mmih -lore.) p iw iih len-'ran.rocory llurinea. in V ' -C una o n iur i-, 'ir, O Oiiiiii- 1 a n line ri , imid 01 -ii! im, l,0'.i-d I'ork. '!. Bul'T, 1' ;, M ,, . f i, .N 1 . i;u ..t, "not i.i,d..l kind. ntY"lir in nral-cUra jjroo r .lo.v BOOTS AND SHOES. KAHIIIONAUl.t'. WO SUE UIQ "IVKNTICTII STltCET, sliliigton Ave Ac Poplar St Jlde to Order. JTlun en .susiiuvrd. Warranted Ucltstf. MEDICAL- HOOFL'ftND'S ) fiiBHifl-Birrair A 1 1 .1) . i HOQFUND'S GERMAN TONIC ,ii irooflnritl'x'Z'oiIopTiylllaii Hbbfland's Greek Oil ijt . tl If ! I 1 1? lloofllnniPs Gorman Bitters. A Rlltrr Wllhant Alcohol or Hdlrlta of miy ki nd Itdlllsrentfrom all otnera. l'composeJor the purrUiceor principle of tluota, IlertnaDd Hrk (or as m dieally termed, extracts 1 the worthlexi n l Inert portlona of the Ingredient nut Uid used. Therefore, la one bottle of thin UitCerx there U contained a much mediiionl vir tue iw will bo f.iund In ereral lie Ion of ordinary mlxtiirea. The lloota, eli., ufd In this llllterc ure grovrn la Uenniny, their vital prlnelplea ex tracted In that country b n aclentifio Cheml.lHnd rorwrded 10 the munufaetory in thceltr, where ihty aro compounded nnd bottled. Ointaliilon no plrltuom nfrredlenta, Ihia Hlttera la Tree from the object ons urged atalnst all others; nodenlr. fortrnulantacan be Induced fmm their ue. mill iiikkk uu drunkardi), and cannot, ilndrr ircuiiuuiico , nar 13 ny outaoeneaciat euect. Itoiinaiid-n tie.rmiin 1'obIr. Wim coinimiiaded fr tho.e nui inclint-d to ei riino bitter, aud la Intended for use in cuei when aowie hlcohoiic Bttiuuluit la equlted in con necilon with tho tonic propertlea of the Hlttera Cachbutde of the Tonlo coutnlm one bottle o the Hlticr,eoinbiDed with puroSataCrus Rum, and llavuicdiij aueli a mnuner thai the extreme bitierneas of the Hlttera la oroicome, furminga preparation highly agreeable and pleas at to tne pulate, and containing the tncdielnvl virtue 01 the lliltein. The priceof tho Touio la tl'DO per bottle, which ninny pcrnoua think too hi(li The) must take Into eonaidciallun thni the atimu. lant yed la guaranteed to beofu pureipuahty A poor article could be lurnlahed at a chepr I'nce.uutisltnol Ijtlter to pay u little more aud nave moot nrllclu J A niod.ciiial preuamtioL Kliuiild eontaitl ii'jiio but the l-t inrodlcuia and the wlmoxprct toubtalnu cheap toiniMiuud wdl inoatcoiialniy boeheatid. They arc thu (.reniast Kuown Heme. Ulea. For Ujrer CiinpUml, Iiyar-,)ia, .Nerroua Dablli. ty, JaiiU,ii, liiaca.u ol ine unluey, Uruo liom ol tli Bum, and all iliVasea ariaing iruui a Ulaurdeio1 i.lter,&lniiiiich, orun puniy ofHio JIIocq. Itcadthv .'ellowiiitt ayinpiomsi Ccnpalionvf Maiuleiivr, llinur.1 lMe., J-iiiU. nt blood to the liea.l,iie.dil ul ,.ie Mumucli, MllWH, Hurt-burn. lIlNkfl.kl 111 fl.11.1 I.llli.u.... ....!..!.. I. .1 - . ".! V f fcrueaiiK...1-iiiliinJ or liu(lring at II. c pii or lie.tuiiuvli, iniiuiiigof u,v hed, liurne.1 ordilluiil brtmi.lug iluiiriiiiKatthoi ean.chok' luKureMlwiitiiiKMiiautlonawlieiiin nlyiju no., line, diiniaaol iin, dots mul weblw iM-lore the right, lul pjin ,11 ine hand, di'liiileuey of iieraulf aimu.y lUuncKa of till. .lu and ojer, pum Ii. .. u.u.,.iCTi, iiiihih, civ., auitileli llUnher ol lieu!, burning in ilie iin.ii, cuuntuni Inauininua id evil, mi.i gnat ilcpie.Hluuoi agiiltH. AUtlieac Indiuuu diaiMte Lt the Liver or Olyttlve oiguiia ooiiitiuuU wuli liniiurobluoil. Tno uroof ilm lluicia ur Tonla will nnnn Mil.. IIiohImvu rj iiiituiiis todlnappear, aud thu patient Dr. Iloollaud's (J reek UU, I.tBhtliiK.l'Mie Inr all kluda of Plna unit javiiew. Ai i Liti. UxTttt4LLT.-J'. will cure alt kind.ol iiul l..wKiK.I,i1 Kk headachf. i-nlln. . !..,.,..... uuirliwj. iho cia luiuutuni. . i.i,l..r,. '...-... eriiiiip.aii.J luiua lilthe atomuch, fever and axiie eojgiia, cold, aalhiiw,ets!. ' Dr. iIiiol!nd's I'odopliylllii, OK SDltl'llltiK I'oil HltUCUKY Two 1U n Ooae. The most ptnctrjul, yet Innocent Vegetable Cathartic Known. Itn tint ueceaaary toUkeanamllulortheaepilU to produce the tlat.riaj tlltvti two of Hum hct piickl) ami l'lliilly,cIu.iiiiigiholiver,i.i.iin wiiaiiu Umela 01 ttllimpiirllUa. J Ha priuciln lugieilieul la Hod iplijluu, ur the aUholudic ix.'if .Maiidiaiic, wniclita byiuuny liiutm mure jerml, acting uud aourchliig tlun the Ataudii.kc jlaeil. llaKcuiiuriictiuii la upon Hie LlVir, clean, liirf it apuoul) Iroiu nil ourtriiclioi a, wiin Hlltli HHru lercuo.jet Iri'e Irum tl o lujiiiloua re kuhaatiavlieU to li,u ueof that lulneial. Soralldueaaro, in winch the ilae ol a eaharL lu ilaio,i, ihi-aol-ill, wt I Kve eutlre attia Umilunniuiiii, ihev rii. a lneaaetof Liercomp nit, Hyrpei'tia, tnd ex treii.e eu.liveaeaa, Ul. moBauo'a6elim,,1 "liter. li.,1.o0'V',o,ul,U U .V""'1 " ''"Wl iu will, ,1k 1 ',111 ,.11' ,"t". ,r'll."f Uilterr or Ton e tfiea the n.iod,aireiitheiiatha nervea. Hie 1.1 ver anu give. Irengtli, energy ui "r.-"V". tun. iiiueir or Touio our. vuni ho jgur Mllh u, n,. un3 tone iwui M"oirucuie Mini ll.ii fill, p Ihf rialeiil Willi Hie Hilteiaur T..,. i..aa,..i, r taunt. h..ld,or eu r avaiii ua.uil it r..e.eii,i,uli.i., aieruu by .ill HTuLg ata iuo euleia In liillciniacerjlieie. UU Keculltit ll,ui Hun imH. SI. L VAN'S, Irourtelor rormerly O. M. J.lUKiiS.V to. keTwr-.,,.LUllri,LTif'r ".' hf "ruK''. 8f,r aineru.aaudiliV.t tndirS. Fur Bala by ILUaoiB ... i,u.rr, rui n KR illieillliallHIII, AcuiuJuia. louiluiho, Uljllblauia, SpMln., Hrui.e, eroat. llitrii, ileudiK'hca, lMna iu llio Hack and l,oln. I ulna the Joiut., t,iiiilj, hunga of Juaeeu, ltiux. TAklS I.MtuutT.-It will core Kldnev nn. I'll 1. la ur. 1 1 1 k . n .1 n r 1 u i-Uier, 1 1 ml ure ao iiiiIut-aIK ....... iieud. Ii and Un uotullow the lAualat to iudulV jou I., lake Hi.yth ii,g , ,l,at he uiuy a.v "i ju,t aa girtid, bec.uae he i,,.kek a larnr iiruMi on 11 Tl..; e ll.iuedl.-. II U aeu, bfexi 'e a to .ni ' caldy.upoii ajiplu atiou to iu, . ,l n.,, '1 S r iCft. aillie l.V:i(.MAN MKUlCliK HTultH 11 AltU b'ilti-'HI.I'ii.'adflpiua. liHU"lK UJI ATTORNEYS. -A1 L . HIS. MI LKUV A ATrORNEYSr cfolNSELLOItS AT C. J 3 LAV. WltlUm J. AlUa.. 1 Jolin II. Hnlkel. J CAIRO, ILL, Hrtmntl I. Wu.eler S I'ortlctllu attention naiil to river and a.l.nlraltr business. Om Rnnms 7 S XVI iier'i fllock. ATTOBNETS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, (IIUm n. Oraasi, ) svllliam B. Ullbrt, S- CAIRO, ILL. a Pacini atteatioa giten to Admiralty and 9inm beat buslneaa. Offlea os' Ohio !. Itnom 7 and orcr citjr Nalionisl BnisR. GROCERS. SM"i'U & CO., GROCERS OHIO LEVEE, oaiho, iriijujoig. Alao, keep conaUnl) cn hand aot com plete a lock ot Scotch and Irish Whiskies G-I3XTW. Pod, Madeira, Sherry, Catabaw WINES. tVe sell excluaivcly lor Cash, to which lack w invite tho attention of close bargain bnyera Special attention kItcq to fl ling orders. Q D. VIJLIilA80K, GROCER ijaoiLJCJkii mo COMMISSION MERCHANT Mo. JO Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILL. NpeclrU attention ttlven So C'onelgii uienlaand FIllInK Orders- W. Htrattnn. T. Bird. TltATTON Sc 1II1M, uccoasora loSlratton. tinrtaon A Clark.) "Wliolewale GROCERS COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 07 ohio xjxaxrxiz CAIRO. ILL. Asenta ol Auierlratu Powritr Co., nasi Tlrinufaietrirrra Airrsita lor Slolsoss Yarn WOOD, COAL, ETC. yyOOD! WOOD!! HOEIM The undersigned will furnish Hard and Dry Wood Aa Cheap, If not Cheaper nun any wood-dealer In Clro. lave orders at tne Poaixiltlcv and at the corner olUih Street and or.iunuion avenue. J give good measure aad will cord tl.e wooil up. Keliruarv Tint, 1871. OU.SMUUAt.EV. yyooo AJSI COAL. JB1, IMI. WARD l prepared to deliver Hie beat Fire Wood & Stone Coal In any part of the citr. in an.' mtnnl.iv .i...ii 'ui rhoit notice. Coal Delivered at $4 CO Per Ton. OFFICB-tlver Heerwnrt, Orlh A Co.'a atove ktoie. two doom above the corner of Eighth ltet tnri linmmeri'lnl nvnm. .I.'iiil wmes ci i. 3, D3BEWS, 420 North Elulth St., Philnda DdbMiis Vegetable A color and dressing that will not bum tho hair or injure tho hoad. It docs not produce a color mechanically, aa tho poisonous preparations do. It gradually restores tho htkt to its original color and lustrb, by supplying now life and vigor. It causes a luxuriant growth of soil, fiuo hair. Tho best and safest articlo ovor offered. Clean and Pure. iTo scuiraenl. Sold everywhere. ASK FOR DOBBINS'. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Jim. It. Cannon J ' a tJANXOX sk CO. Siiece sacra (o n. 0. Tcma A Co,, wnoitaAli ptilrm la STRAW & SILK MILLINERY GOODS, 602 4th St., cor. St, ChnrlcH, Over U, H. Exrucra OITce, NT, LOUIS. Orders will receive jnoiupt and careful atltn. tlipi uei7dlin f6 llrtml. FOK 2.35. an.l VPI1V I.STlnP i.. -in.., uv. ,n., w,i Hrn winiei iuvv everv. ire. -nint-iiiinniort'rerv r.o.iie liliirtiort'reri' r.O'iie, Pendstamp n'a fur carCal speolmen.. orltS ilflt. to Urylit wide. Cjmpany, 114 mrrna, iucen ii.rei.iniiiM.M m. I wailttt RUaet, SEWINMACHINES. AISRNOY.OP ,TUE DAVI VERTICAL FfEU SEWING MACHINE, The Completed, Slaplett aid He SewlBK MMhlae la Vn. Cor. 8th St. &Washington Ave . CAIRO, ILLINOIS. The demand for the DAVIS SEWING MACIf. INE In the Atlantic States, where lhr are best known, and where ther aupplaot all others, la areater than can be supplied. It never falls In Bay kind of work.) It la simple, constating of a few atronf parts, and Ita vertical, feed enaiilea Ii to ran over aeams and to turn cor' nera without change of atitch or tenamn. Clothing and Glove manufacturers preferlt to all othera, and that It la Juat the thlnjt for famllv aewiug everybody wil I acknowledge after exam' tiling. Mcsar fluders have several aisea and diflerpnt atylea of finish, sad raapectfully fhvite all who want lk BEST SWING MKHINE Manufactured to give them a cf.U before pure ha a. Ingelaewhere, Call ftsd Get a Clrr.Hlar. LI0UCS5 M. JI. NCMUTTER, Importer and Wholesale Dealsi ......IM.... Wines, Liquors TOBACCO and CIGARS. Agent for best branda of CREAM AND STOCK ALE Ixxa-jDortoci Alosi ordifa zeron; Io. 75 OHIO LEVEE CAIflO. ILLINOIS. jP M. SVOCKFI.ETU (Hucceasor to Poble A StocLfleth) Ileclifler and Wliplcaalo Dealer la For cljjn aud Doincstfc , WINES, ETC. 78 Ohio Isevee, CAIBO. - - - ILL. He lteej) on nan I constantly, a full stock of Old Kentucky Bourbon, Rye and Mon ongniieia iiiimkios, rreucn uran dies Holland Uln. Halua aud California Wines. nnS0.Hr PHYSICIANS. A IV ADO Y MAR, IH. !., I'Lysl , clan,- Surgeon and Accoucheur, tor merly ol Anna, Union Co., Illinois, baa perm. nently localcd in city, OFHCE Cemraerclrl Avenue, between nth nnd 9th rireota West aide, marulildly I W. IUNIU, M. I. K. V IDGNX'E-Corner Ninth and Walnut oKKlCO-Corner Sixth Street and Ohio Levee omCE HOUIB-From 9 a.m. to II m., and pm WlfiLIAM II. SMITH, flf. i KESIDENCE-No. 21, Thirteenth ree eiwocn Washington Avenue and Walnut Street 01 F0F..-.18B Comeielal Averi r eiMiira HWAKD.HEH, M. !., tJalru , n.E'I)BNCB-t!ornerof Nineteenth at., nn...Kiuu avn. wrrii;rv un commercial ave., over the I'o.tomce OKFICB 7OUlia i" " in., isuoaava exceptedl aud rom 2 to 6 p m, h.UHIGlIA 'I, M.l. Homeopathist. Offlce, 130 Commercial Arcane. UKcelloura, Htu 10 ss.n , 1 is p.m. I eridenoe.No. U.NInih atreet, Cairo 111. Jnn3lii'in ANTED, AGIjNTN, . Jltl k,'R"' l0.tw0 h.'1"11"'! dollara per month evervwhero. male and 'emale. to introduce the tieniilno Imjirnved Common ben. o Family Kowlnu Machine. This rnadili.e will atlich him feir tuck. mud. bmld, cord, nullt an" eml'.rSfavJ I n not superior .manner. ' l-riee onlv 15 Full? """'V".'''' "'0 ra. Wealll S1.000 for su can art mftnt!.atiilrx penaes, oraeonHnlsaion froiu which tw ce thai amount can be made. For clrculiia aud terms, apply to or addri-i. rur.uiai .,., jV I UWEIVUCO. anpiucocireit, t'niladelptiiit, P. Osurioa Do not be Imposed upon bv nih.r utles iiilmiua oil woithli.'..r..t i JH" "L 9 i"r under the same name or uihri.V ""v.",P."r yATJEUN, TODD A. CO, Imporlera and Jobbers of RIBBONS, MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS, 409 N. FOURTH STREET, ST. LOUIH, Have at all tlmea a foil nn,i.... . lonabie loo Is which wIM b2 .uo0.'. ,Mnfon Ka?ki' K,V 5ldW. .isud .u'a'I" ,ow'', LIQUORS nnr iniu ninn ii hi uvtu , ,",lu.M, K..Jt"I?' PECIAIL NO riCES. BSTCIIEroH' SIAIMjV4(. .Thia Mtt Itaatbyc sthe'ir..T VVsssl WottD ' PprtecllTiBatiiilias iMfible. and odlapi oitttmenl. N.tlll'llclilous'Tlr.ts or L'le 'r4ant Odor. Theg.iiulifi" W'ADarnelor'a liar Dte produeea IM ilEDt TKI.Y it aplendld Walk or natur I Uronn. Doea not 8 itin the Hkin, but leavoHthe IIAtr Clean, P..ft and l!o..utl ful. The only Safe .nd IVifect Djo- Bi.ld by nil drugglata. Facto. y 10 llond Strei t, New York, Jan)ldeod.twlv Its Cure and lis Preventives BY , S. gOKIMOX, M.D. nmln Manrakoi in utinfhsa pMsed asrar for whose death there waa rio utker raaaon than ihe necloet of known njidlndlamititblvrjrilvan nnininlnura nu ini Tcoae near ana dear to (aiullr anil trlenda are aleeplng thedreatroleta alumber Into wuicb, hud tliey email j adopted SR. JOSEPH II. tCnEXCK'B SIMPLE TUE.Wia.NT, and availed themaelvea of hit wondrrf nttrefflca cl.ina medicine, tber would not have fallen. Dr. Hchcnck has In Ilia own caae proveil that wherever aufllcient vluillr reaialna, tliat vluil llr, br hla raedlclnea and Ida dlrectluna fur Uielr uae, la quickened Into healthful vigor. .. buii. twiei tnrnia. To the reoreientatlon I n tnla atatement there la nuthlnc preanran I faith of the Invalid la made no that la not a thou .and time, ma IB aunuatea by llvlna and vlalble worka. theory of the curvTby Dr. Bchenck'a nedlclnea la aa alnple aa It la unreillna;. Iu pblloeophy ro- i i h,iuu.u,. aaaaeuaasriaa;,BaUua 'I'll, fl.. Bl TarI. mA UrtMt.AmUaaU.kA ItaSSV' Orat two waapuna Willi whlou iue I ot tlia malady la aaaalled. Two thlrda of the oaaei of cunanmptlon orlnlnato In dyajpepila and a runo tlonaliy dlanrdtred liver; tvilh thla condition the bronchial tubea "armpattilie" with tho atooacn. TUejr rcapona to Uie luurbiae actl.ui nt tho liver.. Here then cornea tho culmlnatlnii result, and tho Betting In, with all IU dlemaa. log ajtoptoma of CON8U3IPTIOX. The Mandrake t'llla aro eornpoaed ot one of Ka. tare's necleat (Ifta-tha I'udiii.lilllum peiutum. Theypoaaeaa nil tho blood-amrclilna, nllcratlva propertlea of caluniel, but, uullkv caiuoiel, they "LEAVE NO STI.NG DEIIIND." ' The work of euro Is now beginning. Tho villa ted and niucoua depoalu In the bowvia nml In tho alimentary canal ure ejected. The liver, llko n clock, la wound np. It uruuaes from Iu torpid ity. The atoiuach ncit rvaptinalvely, and tlie lattleot bcRlns Ul i'cel that Uu U ifettlnf, at laat, A HUPPLV OP OOOD DLOOO. Tho Sea.wcod Tonic, In cnnjunctlnn wllh the PII la, Beriaeatea and ilia. MrineuiM anu uaaitniiauia wiui tne timmi Btalmllalea with the fix id. Chyllncatlon la now priuirea.lna; without Ita pre Tlonatorturea. Ulaestlun becuroea talnleae,und the cure la Been to be ut hund. There la m mnro inro AO flatulence, nu csMcerbatluo of tuo stomach. apneuieaeutu. nt.woiimea tuo creaicm inooo fanner ever yet artvon by an InduUent father to nunertna; man. Bchenck'a I'ulmunlo Uyrupcumca In to Iivrroroi iu funcilona and to iioateu and complete tho cure. It entcra nt oncu upon Ita work. Naturo cin not bo cheated. It collect! and rlpena tho Impaired and diaeased portluna of the tunga. In the fomof prepurca them Inr cxpectoratlun, and lot In a very .hurt time tho malady Ic vanqulaned, tho mlltn throne that It occupied l renovated and niiule new, un4 tho aitlunt4ln all the Ulunlty of rcaatned viaor,ii' ui th tu enjuy the manhood or nomunuood thut waa GIVE UP AS LOST. The second tlilni la, the patlenta mut atay In a warm room until they act well i It la alumatlm poialble to prevent takln r cold when the lunxa are dlaeoned, hut It meat be prevented or a cans can nut be effected, Freah air and r'dlna out, especially In thla aectlon of tho country. In Iho fall and winter aeiiann. aro all wrung. I'hyal flana who recommend that ciurae low their pn lenta. If their luuiia uro budly dlaraaeUi and yet, became they aro In tliu h. uao tliey oiual ru ait aown quiet tnry must waia amiut tne room aa much and aa faat aa the Btrenjrlli will bear, to aet upaaood circulation of )liHid. The pallenU muataeep ingiioaeptriia ooacicrraineii lo get 9a In si Kid aulrlta bo detcrfntn well. Tola liaa a great deal to do with the appe- tlte.and lathesrcnt noliittomiin. xi aeaouir or euro alter ancn inaence or ill leaoalr u lllty. In the worat carea, and moral cer tainly in all otriera, la rinrai. Ur. (Vhi uca'a er aonal atatemont to tho Facvlty of hta own cur waa In theee ra oil eat words i " Many yeara aao I waa In tho laat stares of consumption i .cononcu to my ocu. ann at cne time my physicians tlioaalit that 1 could not live ki tnen. use a urowninc man caicnina' at alrawa, I beard of and obtulned the preparalibna which 1 now ofler to the public, unit they made a iHjriccfc tore. i.i iu.. a. Kvura to iue toat l, enuia seel inera pencirau my wnnie a tu pe nod i ayttem. They aoon ripened the matter In my Jurat, and L wnald aplt ap voora than a pint of ovenalre yellow matter uvcrr mornlus for a loim time. As aoon aa that lieaan to euhalde, my conch, fever, paint, and nUnl aweata all bexan to leave me, and myappelitu beeumeaoKreatthatltwaa with difficulty that t could keep from eating too much. I aoon pained my strength, and have grown In flesh evar since. "1 waa weighed shortly after my recovery,' added ilia) Doctor, " tnen looking like a mere weight waa only ninety-seven pounds I my present weight la twobnndrcd and Iwenty-nve (I3) pounds, and fur years 1 faave'en Inyad uninterrupted health." - Dr. Schenck has discontinued bis professional Jlslts to New-Vork and HiMion. lie or his sou, Ir. J. li.Beliene, Jr., still continue to are pa tients at their office. No. 16 Worth Blllh Blrvet, 1'btladelpliia, every Saturday (rum 0 A.M. to 3 P.M. Those who wish o thuruugn examination "with the llesplroruoter wlll be charged Si, The Ilea- (rlrnmeter declares the exact condition of iho iings, and patienu can readily learn whether u ey ure curable or not. The dlrectlona for taking tho medicines are adapted to the Intelligence even of a child. Fol low those directions, und kind Nutura will do the rest, excepting that In aomecasea the Mandrake rills are In be taken In Increased duaeai tho three medicines need no other accompanlmenu than the ample Instructions that accompany them i First create nppetllo. Of returning braltb, hunger la tho mutt welcome symptom. When It ouiacs,as It will cume, let the despair ing at once boot good cheer. Hood blood ut unco follows, the cough lHsena, tho night aweat is . abated. In a ahurt time both of these morbid symptoms are ona forever. Dr. f chenck'j medicines lire conatanUr kept In tens of thousands of families. Aa it luxatlve ur pura-atlve, the Mandrake I'lllaareaaUndard pre paration i while thu Pulmonic Syrup, aa a cure of coughs and colds, may lie regarded aa a pro phylacterlo against consumption in any of Its forma. Price of the Pulmonic Byrnp and Bea-weed -ionic, siaia Dome, or si-mn naix aosen. Aian- drake l'llls, 25 cunu S saoox ox. For aala by all drug. -aoa dealers. PAINTING. JAMa I,. TIIOMAN, Is prepared o do all kinds ol PAINTING KAIsSOM 1NIIVG siHiiND. SHOP, IN THE PERRY HOUSE, COltiVER COMHRCIAI. AVENUE AND KIOHTII NTRKtrr. STOVES, TINWARE, ETC. iiai.m:y, DEAliEil IN STOVES Tin and Holloa-Varo, Clof licslVrlnjrers xouot isuro, ijoui . noun, xiro Slioieln, Air, Urates, MaoUfaelurer o: Tin, Zinc, Copper and Sheet Iron T7tr a. xi. aa, nooflnsr. Gutterlnir ml all khula of lob ypxSt aoe nt hhorteat Nullce. feli2lir BILLllEAns taULIA LAISINO, , jlinW UJUM FLOURING MILLS. : . ii "fetv. 1 in i fw raTk aa a. i.i STi j'lJl Oiuo M;v::ii. a inn. I'lHiroV & SON'S, . . Prrf,'rl!,t Arn.Xow lufull Mriilou. wrn?.'" '.uan.i.i.drroS .Orahan, Kloiir, to sacks Wheat. atirllSdll ! ATIIITE 8TAMAIrli. 1.. ..!.- I 0 A 4, ,CtK.porsiBf lfr tYxsr!i:i) tin, iu,? nua noii- CtL 3 iVHITLE.U),oiiaconr. WISD0W GLASS. 1JIIUSIIKS, lO" " f' Etc., Etc., Etc. . AT COOL. !' HAS lioUOHT FISIIEU S 1'ATLST REFiUGER lTOR, yt n ? .0 ,p s v,, Ayl ' VlUled,AM(rntt:ll, isoaf the only kind ma le that will keep meal, frel and ve;;e atlea erlelly aweet and dry wllhoul freetlnjf 1 am prepared to manufacluro lb Itelrljjera or, ortoollnf rooms for tiutclwra, hotel. atrainboAi-, brewers.aml inokern. Tbe lltlncrialor tan be seen' at l'hll Howard's alentnljoat meat atore, under oirice, and al Kynaiton nieiil imrkei. corner of iOtnand I plnr streets. Kor eartloulars apply at my reldtnee on lWli and PojplHT. J . . .r ..lmii'i TOHN JIYXAMs'N HAIiOV ' j la ailppllnt frji'la al( klnila altj y SUPERIOR LIQUOPS n a' ' - ' i 'i 1 ; Boost. -4L.1o, ctio., 4 ON COiHMEnCIATi AVENUE mm V Ja J 'W ft aTW n Betireen Eignth and MntbBtteU, Q thirsty,1 whslove goodllqnnt, ahould g nun a can, ana mono no want a FRIO It ANT CIGAB Can have their wants supplied at hla bar.- . - ' I ' ' ' I JOH!wATES y: PrnprieloJ ot, th; 1 TJ' Billiard Saloon and liar Room 1G1 Dorado 100 Commercial Ave, Cairo 1 r - . ; Illinois VIEWH, i iiTTtra , I - a. V'CltROMlM r Vr - :'c, on.. mM P A U T AMTunMvt, rr w.wai. irtiv l HWIl I'M WVS.a If oui jihuauway, m:vyork, Ala, PHOTO I.ANTEHN BI.lWErl . ,Ai M- . r r -ST t-QUAl-noSOOPES. NEW VJ EWB OF YOSEMITE. . n fl-1ffftl. G: E.a HTiUNTliONV-A-lryi.', 01 Iluotnwiv, Niw Yoax, OppbVlto Mctropolllan llolel, mroatxas xnu MaivrstTi'utas or PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. iiil8iUw:im . .. . . . r , tt F H MUItltAI, V S r (III. f 0' Is GAS tt STEAM FITTER lias Removed to the JIRICK BUILDING ON SEVENTH ST Haltvacvt ContsaeicliUakil Waalilesrtoat vcuuea.Ouu..elt'a SSIoelt. Sma sab n. I I.I. .l.,u In tl. III A Hill II1DJT aissas UU UUNII Ills) Viiwsj w as." "" ' " lii w Hfures, and lavs pMfpeMigf of the WW. Mi i bi miiB i.,ai "mn ii it jl 'liMinMli'-lfLIi Bi aiaiBiaiaiBBi.Bii ai'aiiH .11 1 Is ' s. m si c ?Z a? I OO. O CD:, n CD la- iC 5 i I 1 1 p S r" 3 C o ,zj g O m ta i 39 1 !nv!athatUrllonof tne '1'rade lpelr Jxl? slasSfrtmettof,lhe nliovaaooitft i.i uia owstl rusuexTiON, anaorAiiitait'sXa iuroaTllo.v, PAINTS' CIL3, ETC. II K IVrkir il, I. nui; fjcnl h in WHITE LEiiD. 01, OILS HVfmfini (JIiih nml Ititty. ilrllalica, Wall 1'aper. I lido it aliea 05 OHIO tiEVLE, Cairo - - - . imn0g CINONHATI ADTESTI8EMEN l',S. ....... L.-'iC.i..ii. " ' ( r TA a? nssvaiafia,i . ... UNDRY m m shop SIaPi'lFf TOILERS, Uopper and StfeEt.lron Work No. 218 Eat Pearl Street. .jam. ,r- if tfflOlKBATI, etO. LUMBER. BIsINBSt 1 -A Si A fin rvNT. vi LATH AND LUMBER . OFFICE, OUi, XESTU TREET Betweea Commercial arid' Wash r Ajreiils, fair RIt4 l4fs4r Cniiipaiiy'aNltcislkliiij Felt snd UHarfz.c'siiNeiit. ,., ') kT II. W. Jsshn'n improTtMl Bsxsf. IiiI1wmi-b sH hit nil. BOOTS n SHOES. BANKS. EXTCRPaVIrlEi l.iVk Sayings Bank Chartered March 31, 1800 OtFICK IH City Nutloufil Bank CAlDO, ILLI.VOIts. OS'S ICKH8 A. II. HAFOUU.1'reakenl; B. H.; Vk'e.lVeal.lent: W. HVHUOl1 BeereisryHiid treunrer. inuKcrousi P. W. IlARCr.AT, . CHA3. OaLIUHRR, K. M. rui:KKI.ET'r, P.UII II. bCilDll, II If. CUNNfMIMAM. W. P. IIALLIIiaV, J. M t'lllliLU., j Oepoalta or any Aaaoant necelved froaa . Its tciut Upward.' i interest pilrt on deposit, ai the rate of 0 per cent. ,per annum March Ifi end Sept. Isu I r.teret hot withdrawn laaude.l Immediately to Ihe prlnelnal of tliedepoaltslhereby aivigir Ihem eniuiouiid interest, 5 i)furrlel H'onacn and '7hlIdrcB May tlepoait money so Hi. t MO.UNK KLaK'ClN'oRAW IT. pen every txislnesa day from a am. In 3 p.m. ad tHalurday eteuna; lur HAVING OKPOSITS only, frm Uioap'clocM. - a anar-rtf W. HT8I.0P. Treasurer. CITY NATIONAL BANK ;. Cairo, Riihois. ; . ' .ii i -W. F. IIALL.IDAY, PrMlsfeS A. B. S AFFORD, Caahlen , TTi WAXiTSn AwlSattOStafe! I tlU tl I 'DIRECTORS. Staata Taylor W. rTBHlday, Bl.kt IS f - - -... 1 cun ivnile nr.,. n. ivnn.-.n. v.:i . " " I ., r. . wrgva a. b. wairora. " j JBxoIiange, JDmUt', nd U.M.lSolJiUKht mid ,.ffjiia.y XSoiOSSsltoSaa ,KyAxrj AfjF.t BB IU II l.MttfWt BIflllf 3 T 'Mt.t FIRST HATIOMM 8AHM DANIRI, 1IIIRD. Prcaltlrsstt I 'f 1 11 llM.aCushl e r- s. j : Collection Promptly Made ExcIiaake,xCoku,' BHiikNeie nml I'-ittcd NlHtets Kccurt csxs-xtiea-BoHiilit and:i0 , t i(Wy nt y iHtereat Allowed on Time BtMltii. , HELLMUTH LADIES'o COLUGE laaUKuraiad by l(. B H Prlirs Artliuyi ftul K"1 AS,.? I?- I'rslilent.snsarr n t i. ii.iiinuin.u ii... uean , eli Simon jirar. a n a t s. 1 i fK ' ft M .0J1U) tfC" J I II