OCR Interpretation

The Cairo daily bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1870-1872, April 03, 1872, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88074142/1872-04-03/ed-1/seq-4/

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On end after Hunday, Mr.- t4l!.. T,
ng time-table will hot rn the rM nJ
ure of pemogsr train at Calr
if-Mlt train, dally- 4? 5 m"
4rffr-Mall,dlly -- 3:.n.
t'tnaes .......-'.... .... 1.00 p.tri.
Cairo and HI. Louis tMiorl Llae.
Am"-. 3:44 p.m.
Depart, 11:30 a.m.
v ..t, ....... nfffnnr frnm fNkirn In Kl. Lotti'i A
change ' from Cairo to Chicago. Kl'"'
rHng Room sleeping cars cn mgni
aggage eheohed lo all important r-olnl'.
hTCAn rru.
VHImslie three trips daily,
tfirim '9
irttiMi jiuinp titr
At t.M n.ni,
At lian P m.
At 0 - -.p.m.
At II .
. . . in
rtcvh iray, 3 cents t i "" .
Will fanc.-.h.AUed, ;t nr Rood
mJiogior passener.or freight, nowm.
The fin steamer
ors fowler,
Will leave Cairo for Evansvilla every Sunday and
Thursday evenings, hi a ocioo i, p.i
fre ignt or ps.sage, apply on hoard or to
00 1, p.m. ror
snl nr to
The splendid steamer
Joe I'onrlr rf Maatcr.
if 1 Curo 1 vl A', Hmliys excepted) at 4
m, Kr treuhtor p.us applJ on hoar dor
iimbrrlniiil lllver Packet
Die sple ndid steamer
Will leave C ilro every 8atunl ay at S o'clock p.m.
forClnilsvilte, ami Nashville. For freight or
pa-sage, sp.Iy "o ooaru or to
Jao3 if J AS. 111009, Agt.
Tlte gallant steamer
0WtNDAVl3...Ma.trl JAS.P. JOHNSON-.ttfrlc
Will leatp Cairo KTprv ThllmdaT at 6 o'clock p.m.
for Nahulle.Clatkayllend all way points. For
freight or passage apply on board or to
JauJif. JA3. UIOGS. Ag't,
'Die good steamer
WILKr SIMM9...Ma.ter JSO. U ARPKR....CIerk
will icava MuwIa; nvbtcWcH, p.m
lor Nuhvlllr, and all way port For fieiglit or
pa. face, appir on uouru r 10
an J tf JA3. HIGCiii, Ast.
FOR SALE, ) For Hale t FOH SALE,
I For hale 1
-'OK SALE. J For Hale 1 FOH SALE.
Faro from LiVEitrooL,
i'Hre from Lo.vdcndkkiit
KMro from Glawoow,
Fitro from Qukkxstow.v
TO OA I HO, :::::::: $-1820
ratlord, Morrn & Cn , genla.
Liverpool Kew.roik and rhllmtc Iphia
Steamship Company,
eta coxratcr with vmted iraru in aaitiiH
For Carrjins tne Malls.
or rcaTiita iroasnTio
JS Broadway, New-York, or to
II. Iloupt,
Wahlncton ATenue, Cairn. non.
A (IT,
ron HAVK
rne Illinois Central Hail Kuad Conip.ny now
oflerfiir fate the lollolnidoicribed loip lu Fir
Addition to the City of Cairo, vii i
Lot block . hot ill block fi,
" U " sii. " irr " t,
" 6 " n, ft,
' 6 't ti, ai h
" a n 3j ' Hi.
urti rm,ie. apply to JAMES JOU.N-.OM,
d'l tit-aiii' ,
KF,SIl)K.Sl,l-; .No.- 21 Ttlirteenih atreet, l.
tweeu H ituhingion avenue and Walnut otreft
Olhce UiOomiiiereial aienile. up ftalra,
RKJHK.VCE-tforii-r.Vitnh aud Walnut ala,
Jti'e ;o ner "Ulh .(reel no l fllilo leree.
Omce hour from 6 a.m. to It m and f p.m
rkE-iIIlK.NCR Corner Mn.lientli alreet and
j Wa.hiiigton avenue, near court lioue (if.
nee over tlin iolotlice. Ottice hours It to
a in. and 2lo 4 n in. junUlf
William J. Allen, ) 1
"u11,. CAIK0- W-N01.
arPirtlcular attention paid lo river and ad
miralty buainex 1
OFFICE-Over Fit.! Nation. Ilank, Ohio I.eiee.
William H, fireen,
Willum n Gilbert, V
Miles r.Ullbert, J
m i'?? Il,,,0,"a ''' 10 Admiralty u,(
" national hakx.
Tnisl ktirtark-i t.a.t j
perfecdy ltrnlei, , J,J, l't ,n J'-rW-No
dlaappolnunent, T 7, ZuX TT,T
lum the hair clean, .oil . " llln bill
enly safe and perfect balr dye. htU b, Jh
gists. yctery,I0Hond6t.,N, V. ,U',UK
rnbllcfttlon Offlr, nnllrlla Ilallillna,
Wnahlnfjton Avfniif.
cmrtnr covm.
In tlio forenoon yesterday, niotlotii, oto.,
occupied nil tlio time.
In tlio nftornoon John Hurtling,
nrralpr.cJ for prnnil larcony, plud guilty
biiJ vvbi ciit to tho reform school for
Ihrco yraM.
John Hrt, nrrui"iieJ for buruliiry,
jilond guilty, ii nd wits euntoiicod to Jolict
for tli r co years.
Jerry Sullivan wue on trlul when our
reporter loft tho court room, on n clmrgoof
Iluilncsj was alow. Tho only cases wero
Geo. Thomas and Tim AVIIlliinu who wuro
t.f tho hnrdujt kind. Each win 5ont to tho
cnlahooso for seven days.
1I011S. Capt. llalllday has locn at Memphis-
Ilccauso wo Imvo had Dllnd Tom,
SliBwncctown wnnts him. Ho U a good
Tho Gorman Lutheran school will
glvo a picnlo on tlio first of May. Partic
ulars hereafter. I-Olf.
Mr. C. Ilannyhas returned from New
York. Look out for his hnmonso stook of
flno goodi. They will arrive In b few
Go to C. W. Henderson's lor Goochs
I. X. L. Ice Cream Freezers, Water
Coolets, Hurilcaite Lanterns and Enam
eled Grato Frontn. 3-3l-dlm.
Tho county court was in session yes
terday. In the afternoon, tho ineinbor
went over the proposed road between
Cairo and Mound City.
The city council will, It la said, bo
I dovcloped into a buso ball club. Counuil
I man "Wood and Schuh will bo in embers of
the first nine; Wood will pitch and Schuh
catch for him.
The first calico hop of tho season was
given by the "Charleston Excelsior Dane-
i.ig Club" Inst night at tholr hall. Sev
eral Cairo beaux and belles Intended to
graco tho hop by their presence.
Colored Scott, of music hall and elec
tion notoriety tho highest toned darkey
in tho city received a uold-headed cano
at a lato ball as a token of tho fact that ho
was tho "neatest dresvod fellow prcsunt.'
Martin, of the Charleston, (Mo.)
'Courier,' is again sick, but the 'Courier'
comes to hand notwithstanding. Martin
never gives up, and works whethor sick or
well. We hopo he may toon bo as hearty
as of old, when ho was as tough as a knot
Siogolman has boon to Cairo, and con-
eluded ho would bring all tho fine goods
they had in Cairo with him. "Wo won't
undertake to describe, them vnu must
1 drop your bmincsf, tako time, and look
them ovor yourself. Onmmrre (Mo.)
Wiom a motion was made In tho coun
cil Monday night to refer his 'Sun' bid to
tho printing committee, composed of two
republicans and a democrat who U very
unfriendly to Tub IIullktin, Col. "Wood
objected, nnd moved for a special commit
tee ol three. This motion was a part of
tho programme Tho commlttco would
have been appointed by the mayor, and
would Imvo hud "Wood at its head.
Dr. Thos. J. Griffiths, surgeon in
chargo of the U. S. marino hospital at
Louisville, reports tho follewing as tho
condition ol tho hospital under his chargo,
during the month of March, 1872: No. of
patients remaining tho lst day of Febru
ary, 102; No. of patients admitted during
tho month of March, -18 ; No. of patients
treated during month of March, ISO; No.
of patients dlscliargod during month of
March, 45 , No.of patients died during
month of March, 3; No. of patients rn
maining on last day of March, 102; No.
of private patients treated during month
March, 13.
Shores, a colored divine is a candi
date for school director in Cairo, and Scott
a noted colored gambler, lor triutlc.'
ShatrnrelMen Uazette.
Mr. Shore, who professes and possesses
a great deal of independence of tho whlto
radical)leadcrs, before the duy of election
came ta tho concltmion that he would not
bo a candidate. Wo do not boliovo the ro
port whispered on tho street corners that
this determination was induced by the fact
that Davis, of the 'Sun,' woulJ not conn
tcnanco his candidicy. He is not afraid
of the man of tho 'Sun'. Hut wo do be
Ilovo Mr. Shores was intlunccd by Col
oou's declaration mat colored men
should not mplro to any office and ought
to ho satisfied with tho privJIego of voting
.Major oods nolds tlio colored voto in
tlio hollow of his hand, and even Mr.
Shores indipendont as ho is and bravo
cannot entirely frco himself from his influ
PROroSKIl IinllKlK Actios uavvra-in
The pvojilo of South Hallard, tii most
fertile portion of llallnrd county, Imvo long
derirtd to eccuro a )iermunuiit road to
Cairo, Lut havo been kept away from the
r-lty nine months in a year by the impoisi-
not be forded when the waters of tho Mis-
siisippi back up and fill the channel. To
obviate this ditlluulty it is proposed to
build a bridge across thn creek at u point
about lx miles from tho forry landing.
When this is done, the people of South
liallard, who are now compelled to deal at
Columbus, can always reach Cairo where
uiey preter to trade. To construct this
proposed bridge, with proper approaches,
and to otherwise repair Hie road will
require about l,000 cash. Lust week tho
court ol Hallard county voted an allow,
anco of H000, worth about fifty cunts on
adollar, to bo expended on this road, pro
vided an additional amount sufficient to
i build tho bridge and repair the road could
bo procured from some other sourcoe. Th
cltlxons of the localities that will bo nar
tlculnrly benefitted by this project havo
subscribed very liberally and have author
Izcd JudgoJenkIn, Squlio Hlchnrdion nnd
Capt. Dupoyster to visit Cairo and ascer
tain what our cltl.ons, who will bo partic
ularly bonofittod by tho opening of this
now market, will do to forward the enter
prise Tlioso gentlemen are now In tho
city ttnd wo hopo thoy may receive tlio
most gratifying oncourngmont. Our mer
chants should open their purses and glvo
liberally. Wagon roads openings into
country around about us in Kentctiky,
Missouri and Illinois aro needed now by
Cairo more than railroads. Theso wagon
roads bring farmers into our streets, with
farm products in tholr wagons for the uso
of our housolioldors And m.-ney in tholr
purses to ho expended in our dry-goods,
grocory and boot nnd shoo stores. Wo
urge our merchants lo encourage all such
projects, and wo assure them hut they
already known this to bo true that they
can mako no better Investment than n sub
scription to aid in opening up South Hal
lard to the Cairo businoss men. Wo then,
foro expect and boliovo Messrs. .IcnkiiiF,
Richardson and Dupoyster will havo no
difficulty in securing In Cairo an amount
of money that will put tho building of the
proposed bridge beyond a doubt.
Probably becauso tho 'Sun' Miggctcd
Col. Wood for tho office of mayor during
tho last canvass and insisted on making
him a candidate for the sulect council in a
ward not entitled to elect n member at the
lato election, ho has becomo tho champion
nnd advocate of his little luminary and
says ho is resolved to give tho city print
ing to that papor during tho current mun
icipal year. Very well; if the Cononel
can lead tho council into his way of think
ing wo shall not complain ; but, before the
decision Is made, wo wish to briefly state
why Tub llULLGTiN should rccelvu the
city printing at a fair price and not be
compelled to enter Into a contest of low
rates with tho 'Sun.' So. here goes:
Tho city lias adopted tho policy of en
couraging manufacturing establishments,
because thoy give employment to work
men and distribute monoy in Cairo among
retail dealers. To Mr. Gamblu tlio cilv
gave valuable privileges and tho trustees
ol the property, valuable proporty. Tho
hub factory was as much favored, and tho
Uox Factory und Eicholf Brothers had no
reason for complaint. The policy was not
a mistaken one, and, if tlio' trustees had re
fused to donate lots to oncourago theso en
terprisos, Major Wood would havo raited
his nbeneozer in an explosion ot indignu
tion against Col. Taylor.
.Now, wo assert the Uullktin Is as
much entitled to thu encouragement of the
city as any other enterprise.
In the faco of the most discouraging cir
cumstances Tub Bullkti.v has struggled
for years, and has novor lost an opportu
nity to advocato Cairo and her interests.
Hut, moro than this, Tub Hullbtin has
and does now emplo a greater number
of workmen than most of tho establish
ments of tlio city, and pays out to em
ployes every month between eleven and
fifteen hundred dollars cash lor wages,
which, with tho other expenditures of tho
office, go into tho pockets of our grocers,
dry-goods mercbiints, boot and shoo men,
etc. The Hullbtin is a concern Cairo
has no right to decry, and if Col. Wood
and his co-laborers in tlio council and Ma
jor Munu's oflico woro to succeed in their
very sly attompU to broak it down, Cairo
would bo a greater suficror than we. Tho
hub factory may provo u failure, and tho
outside barbarians bo none tho wiser, but
tho failure of Tiik Hullbtin would at
least croato a rippleon tho currcntof pub
lic otllairs
Hut, although wo believe we might with
good showing of justico claim tho right to
receive tho encourngomont of the Cairo
public in the manner indicated, we ask no
such favor, and only cluim wo should ho
allowed to do printing for the city at a fair
Wo might enforce this claim by calling
attention lo the fact that The Hullbtin
is tho only paper printed in Cairo that
can legally publish tho council proceed
ings and ordinances. ' Tho Paper, ' being
a weekly issue, cannot publish them, and
the 'Sun ' is net printed in Cairo. Olio
side of that sheet, and the only sidu con
taining reading matter, is printed ut liulle
ville. Tho side printed here contains n
few advertisements, and usually a local
item or two, and is printed by a man who
knows very little about tho atl'uirs of the
city, pays no taxes, has never done any
thing lo advance tho Interests of tho city,
and rents tho press on which ho does thu
printing from a citizen of Union county.
Tho only strong ground ho has for de
manding tho printing, is taut ho is the
organ of Col. John Wood and believes
that gentlemun, who is fearfully uncertain
in his political way, to ho really a great
man I
On Evekyiiody'b Tonoue, Elogiums
of tho great National It'gcn orator of
Health, Plantation Hitters', ure on
everybody's tongue. This gratuitous viva
vuee advertising is bettor than all tlio paid-
for puffing to which tho owners of bogus
bitters are obliged to resort. Jt has a
apontanoous heartiness about it which
carries conviction to the mind of tho
auditor. Uutil is a well known fact that
the proprietors of Plantation Hitters
havo never relied upon newspaper bolster
ing to establish the success of n prepara
tion which owes Its ustonlshing popularity
mainly to tlio oral testimony of the
thousands who havo either experienced or
been the eye-witness of tho linmnnsn
physical good It has wrought throughout
the length and breadth of the luml.
Infants. Much autlering to theso ton-
dor little buds of tho family might bo
allayed by using Mrs. Whltcomb's Syrup.
See advertisement in another column.
imported Malaga grapes at Jprgen
son's, corner of Twentieth streot and
Washington avenue, tt
Regular Jelnt session of th city council.
Council Clumber.
Calro,.lll., April 1,1672. J
Present His Honor, Mayor Lansoon,
and Cunningham, Mntcnlf, Phlills, Roar-
don, Robinson, Safford, Sense, Slnncil,
Stratton, Swiiyno, Taylor, Wahler, Wood
nnd Woodward 15. On motion of Aid.
Beno tho reading of tho Journal was dis
pensed with.
Tho reports of tho following named olll-
ocrs woro presontcd, nnd, on motion of
Councilman WooJ, rccclvod nnd ordered
filed, viz: W. II. Robertson, police con
stable; H, Shnnnessy, p. in. ; A.Cain, city
marshal; L. H. Myors, chief of policonnd
J. H.Taylor, city trcauror, for March; of
F. Hross, p. m., for February ; and Mar
tin and Hilllngsly, police constables, for
February and March.
Tho commlttco on streets submitted tho
following report and resolutions. On
motion of Councilman Woodward, tho
report was received and tho resolutions
woro ndoplod by tho following votes
iyes. Cunningham, Metcalf, Phllli,
Robinson, Safibrd, Sense, Stratum, Taylor,
Wood and Woodward 10.
Nays. Reardon, Standi, Swayiu and
Tho commltteo on strcots respectfully
report, that an examination of tlio side
walks of the city shows, that although a
great doal of work has been done unon
them within tho last year, a largo amount
is still required to put them In a good condi
tion. In viow, not only of tho convenience
of tlio citizens, hut al-o of tho necessity of
placing me wbiks in sucn a condition as to
relievo tho city from tho risk of being
subject to constant claims and suits for
damages, for injuries to persons resulting
from insecure walks, tho committee- re
commend that two gangs of men, consist
ing ol inrec each, bo p aced at onco upon
Iho repairs of sidewalks und crort-walks,
iu,d upon such new walks as miiv bo or
dered by tlio city and aro not constructed
by contract, one ot each gang to be em
ployed us a foreman at threo dollars ner
day, and tho other two in each gang to bo
paid two dollars per day.
lour comiiiiiiuo also recommend that
an additional man bo employed at $75 a
monin, to attend to uio miscellaneous du
ties connected with the construction of
sido and cross-walk., and general work
upon mo streets and nvenues. Homo or
these duties would bo tho preparation of
estimates for materials to bo purchased,
mo recoiuion, measurement and general
vurifientlon of tho correctness and nroner
character of tho materials received and
the safe-keeping of tho samo, and proper
delivery in locations whore thoy aro to be
used, general observanco of tho work
performed and tho manner In which, and
of tho tlmo during which work is pe -formed,
and ger.erully to act as superin
tendent of all work upon streets and ave
nues under direction of tho street or other
appropriato committee, a report to be
mado by him at tho end of every month
to tho committee on strcots, or ol'tener if
required by said committee, of the above
and other piirtlcu'urs, that it may ho sub
mitted to tho city council at ouch slated
monthly meeting on tho first Monday of
eacn monin.
Tho attention of your committee has
been called to tho present grado of
many of tho siJowalks, which seems to be
much higher than Is required in many
places, und could ho lowered to great ad
vantage. This is particularly tho enso
with tho walk on Commercial nvonuo
abovo 20th street. Your commltteo
would recommend that this walk bo low
ered at onco not moro than three foet, and
whoro such general reconstruction is re
quired as will permit It to ho done, that
tho other sidewalks of the city on strsets
which havo not been tilled, bu' lowered t'J
such grado as will not materially Incon
venionco citizens wliojo buildimrs bnvu
been erected with reference to tho pres
ent grado, as thu street committee may
determine, such reduction of grade not to
exceed three foot in any case.
To give efl'ict to tho abovo suggotions
your committee recommend tho adoption
of tho following resolutions, viz ;
Resolved, That two gai.gs of mon be
employed upon tho repairs of sidewalks,
to bu composed of throe each, ono of each
gang to act as foreman and to bo paid at
tlio roto of $3 por duj, and tho other two
at tho rato of -'J per day each.
Resolved. That a go'norul superintend
ent of work on streets ard sidewalks bu
appointed to act under instructions of tho
committee on streets, and generally per
form such duties as may bo required of
him by them, tho same being generally
indicated by the reeonimendntions con
tuined in tills report, and that such su
perinlendont bo paid $7o a month.
Resolved, That the commlttco on streets
bo and thoy aro hereby authorized to
havo tlio sidewalk now existing on Com
morclnl avenue, from 20th to 34th street,
lowered to such grado us thoy may deem
expedient, not to exceed threo feet below
tho present grade, and to reduco the grade
of other siduwulks when reconstructed,
where tho streets havo not been filled, to
such level as thoy may deem expedient,
not to exceed three foet below the present
grade, and in no cnao bo lowor than tho
natural surfaco of tho ground ; and that
whoro tho sidewalk is not elovated moro
than eighteen inches above tho natural
ground that said committee bo authorized
to construct said sidewalk with red cedar,
blaok locust, or mulberry sills, with white
oait or cypress stringers ol suitable size, to
uo laid on edge, instead ol tlio present
iijoiio oi eiuTiiiicn uy snort pots.
Resolved, I lint tho cltv comptroller lin
mid ho is horcby authorized mid Instructed
to purchase such material for tho uso nf
tlio city in repairing sidewalks, cross
walks, and streets and avenues as tho
commltteo on streets may, by written or
der require of him. reports of sueli requi
sitions to ho mado by him at tho city coun
cil at each stilted monthly meeting, on
tho first .Monday of each month, with a
statement of how said requisitions havo
been complied with.
Resolved, That tho committco on
strocts bo and thoy hereby aro authurizod
and instructed to have the streets and av
enues levelled, whoro gullies and holes
havo boon created in thorn by uso or by
rains, and to employ tho prisoners in jail
for that purpose or any other purpose con
nected with tho repairs or cleaning up of
Ilia streets and avenues, and to mako
such other ropairs upon tlio sidownlks,
cro-is-walks, streets and avenues as may
bo required.
Your cnminittco recommend tho ap
pointment of the followlui persons to
the positions Indicated opposite to thuso
names, viz:
Genoral Superintendent, : .
Foreman, N. A. Dovore,
Laborers, Thos. Fitzgerald ond P. Con-
f oreman, .Milton Jenkins.
Laborers, A. King and Thomas Jones.
Assistant to jailer in working chain
gang, M. Mahonney.
Resolved, That this ronort be snreail
upon tho minutes and bo publishod with
S.Staats Taylor,
'ii W(n"i Committuo
II, SAfyoRii, on streets.
(Councilman Schuh appeared In his
scat.) '
Tho samo commlttoo to whom, on thn
Aj?1UL 3, 1872.
4th ult; was referrod a resolution In re
gard to the construction of roads to tho
city limits, recommended that Sycamoro
street bo oxtended on Its present courso
fiom Tliirlyfourth street to tho prcsont
cross levee, and from that point, In a
straight line, to tho point of Intersection
of tho now county road with tho northerly
limit of tlits city. Tho committee hIso re
commended that Washington avenue bo
extended on its present course, In a
straight line, from Tnlrtyfourili street to
thu new county road along tho Mississippi
rlvor, it being understood that the
Trustoes of Cairo City Propi-rty will do
nuto Iho right of way, 80 feel wide, lor the
extension of Sycamore street inside the
cross loveo, and 100 feet outside of thai
levee, and 100 feet the whole distance, for
tho cxtonsion of Washington nvonuo. Tne
committee reported tho approximate col
of putting these two roads In proper con
dition to bo $780.
On motion of Aid. Scasc, tho said ro
port was received,
Tho dralnago committee, to whom, on
Feb. Oth hist, was referred a petition from
a number of citizens of the fourth ward,
requesting a drain to be made in tho vicin
ity of Center und Walnut streets, presen
ted their report, recommending that a
drain bu made along the north sldo of
Center street from Washington nvonuo to
Walnut street and along tlio east sido of
Walnut street to tho low ground north of
Loretto Academy, and recommended the
drafting of mi ordinance authorizing said
work to be done.
On motion of Councilman Wood, tho re
port was received and referred to thu or
diminco committee to draft an ordinance
In conformity therewith.
(Councilman Hurd appeared in his
Tho ordlnanco committee reported the
following ordinances lor consideration,
To aullioriio the issuance of bonds to take up
r " wwh'.s wi me uujr ui , airo, now una
and to become uu during Hie year A. I), U7.
lie it ordained by the cily council of iheclly of
Cairo :
Hie. 1. The ir.aror of the city ol ealro, la
herebt authorized nnd directed lu c.une to be
prepared elgnleen (Uj.one iliou.and (loooi iinl
lar tionda ol t lie i it' of Cairo, payable in tllteen
je.ir Irom thn dale thereof, an.i to bear aucn per
interest cent, per -nnuin, paable
Keinl-unnualiy, a thebonda for which
Ihey are lo be exchanged now
bear ! and, when o prepareu, the nld mavor nad
tnou: y elerk and city comptroller nl I cily,
nre. hereby authorised and tnatruuted to a go tho
.nine ana nltix I he real ot aaidclty thereto,
rite. 2. When eald bondi hav leen prepared
and executed, a hereinbefore pioviueu lor, the
aitiie ahall be exchanged, under the direction of
the nniuiuH committee of the city council an I the
fald mayor, for Hie liondi nf the city Mhich are
now due and which will lietoma due during thla
year, A. I). !S7. the exchange lo l according to
the lace or ear value of the bond given in e.
change, nodlacountolordeduction Irom Iheaatne
to be made or nlloaed In any ca-, ; and thn bocda
receled by the eald i-ommitiee aud mayor In ex
change ahall bo lakencnnige o by fald commit
tee, and by them dcitr e i t their next meet
ing for tli deatru Hoc of other eviden-ea i.f
city Indebtcdnen, the aalil coiiiiuitlee reputing
to Iho city council tne Im-tof Hie ilc-truolliin ol
nl Imndi, giving In Ihelr reiorta full and com
plete description of each and every bond so des
troyed, Hue. 3. The aid roir.tnlllee and mayor shall
give to Ihe cityt'O nptrol'er and cily ire.nu er, n
list of the name ol the perrons to whom a.od
bond-, or any of ihem, shad be given in eiih uige,
to. ether with 'he numbers an-r amount., ol fiie
bonds eo ex hanged i and should said committee
and major e unable, lthln u reasonable lime
lo el!,-rl an exclienge of all of said l-ouila lor
aaiu i ondi now due and b-ceme due n afore
aald, they ehall report to the city council the
amount on hand which tliev bale been unable to
exchange, aud shall hold them subject to the or
der ot u:a city council.
Aid. Sutlurd moved to amend section 1
of said ordlnanco by striking out
"eighteen (18), ono thousand (1000)" and
inserting in lieu thereof, "thirty-six (30),
Uvo hundred, (000). Carried.
To provide for Hie extension an 1 Improvement
ui -jiHinuio,nrui hum tvasniugiQU avenue,
lie it o.idiided by tne Cty Coun:il cf the city
aiCTiu 1. Th it Washington Avenue bo exleu
nen in a airaunt lino on iia i.reseut rourse and
with lis pie. cut l t, Irom Thirty -fourth street
toils intersection wnti too cro-a road leal ug
over tlieembinkineiit ol Hie Cairo and Ml. I.oui.
lt.ul 11,, a. company, n. r Ihe noitheny l.iult- uf
iiib city, inni tnai ocamir Mr el lie, exieude l
on its present o mist", anj aith a width of BU leet
bom 'Itiirty fourth stieet to its o n uf rros.uig
,.ir-,-,i, v.-iv rr, mil ii uo, inn, I villi ID a
straight Hue, witlia wniih of one hunond leet lo
Is iiiieraectiou widi ihe Qor.lirrly limn of II, e
due. 2. That Bv-smnrs altsiHt i,il.nU.I
above provided for. be leyrll -d Irom it luieie c
tlnn ailli Washington aveuu lo n iiiler.ee. I n
aitli lhecoumy road, auch levelling t Le done,
ho far ai cutting down the elevalloo- will furiiis h
earin to uo it, ami mat a propertm-sing lie con
etrurted over the prcsanl erosa levee upou iho
iinu ot sain -)caiuoro street.
me. 3. That the pr.aent filling on Wa.hlng
Ion a.enuo between Hil.u.hr-i un,i i ,
third ureetH be widi ned thrre feet on i-a-h a oe
lo II- pro-out height, ami the til lug iiiunriiintclt
tith oflhe lire sent erosi. leteu Lm mhI.i,i ..
far as to mako the lull width sixteen le, t, and
thai Ihe appro ich to the letee on the ouisiile ol
tliocro.a levee, on the lineof Washington atemie
eAierueu, lie a o llliuil iiji as to III.IKe tl.u slope ol
aiiiu apjiroa u not to exceed one loot perpendicu
lur lo twelve leet horizontal,
Sic. 4. Tnat proper culwrts be put In where
f ur hi the opinio.! of t ie Street CumiiiiiIIch Diet-
are require 1, and that nil ihn work provided lur
in i Ills onliiiaucH shall be done under thedlrectl-.n
ui aaiu niicet cominiiieo,
AN OltlllNANCi:
For the protection ol the United States Water
lie. it ordained by the City Council of Ihe City of
htc I. That it ahall not be lawful for anv i,.,
eon, not leg illy author tod thereuntil lo renins
tli o water guagn plat" d and established on Ihe
siope ot inn unio i.e.ee near Ihe Ireight depot
boll-lings of tim Illinois ueniral K,Ui Itoai Co .
piny, uy iiib oincera oi tne government of ino
un teii lates, or uuy yio tion tiiutu ii, or to ilea
ir,,v. Injure or Impair, or in anv manner to mi. r.
lere Willi, said water guage or any p ri or pomon
oi urn Bain-, inj ovui j porauii,visj,ui!g any or llle
pruvlsiou. of Una nri'lnniH-e, or lemiiviag, les.
lioymg. injuring, linpii.riiig, or In any manner
inteileriug with the e.iin w- ter guage or any i
llon Iheri-o , ahull fo, fell nod pay to said t.ity of
' iwiu n .Hill itui in., innii iou UOIIiirS IUr lllOjO
111 ill lllty dollars loreacn iiudeleiy utk-iise.
For th' regulation of the pollie force.
He It ordained by the Cily Cuuncil oflhe City of
Cairo .
fiit, 1. That seclion thirty-sixth of Ordinance
No. 2of the revised ordinances, be amended hi
sinking out the worst "seven" lu the second line
of anal section and inserting the word "six" in
pjato thereof, and nil ling at the end ot aald re
bon the following, vis: "and provldul also,
that III" chief ol police shall perform duty n
miilit policctna I and have especial charge of tho
police constables auilngas night watchman, nnd
ono police constable lo be designated by the
Mayor shall be on duly in Ihe day time,
n.c 2. That sectioii forty-live of said onli
nanca No. 2 be amended hv slrlltinu out U s lir.r
aevo i lines of ml aeclion and that not lion of the
eighth ineeiidlng with ihe word "sired," nod
iii-erung in lieu iiiereoitnu following, vu i
"Tint the cltv shall bo divi led into two nnii.
disltlcts, tlio first to consist of all that portion ol
tlio oily below and south ot the eonlro Hat of
Foiiltconlh street, nnd tho2nd of all th.it miiiinn
of Hit city abovo and north ofthutline.
Graining the right of way through certain streets
in iiiueiiy to uio uairu nun hi, i.ouis itallroad
Ho It ordained by the Cilv Council of Ilia eii
Cairo I
Hrcrio I, That the right of way u-ro.s such
portions of First. Third and Filth slrcela as lav
south of Jelfcrsnn avenue and across Washington
nnd Commercial avenues where those avenues
are Intersected by First an, I Hecond alre.-tsaud
oyer and along Jerlerson avenae, be ween Seventh
and Fliat streets, and over and along 1'irat jtreet,
Serond street and l.vee street south nf the pas.
senger deeot grounds nf Ihe Illinois Untr..l rail
road, bo and tho same 'a heieby granted lo the
Cairo nnd St. Loula Itallroad Company nnd aaid
rnilrnuH company .lull hnva double line
of rails nver md along said streets the
right to lay clown and operate a single or
und nyenuea in order to uiv aald company an.
cess to the Ohio liver; Ptavidvl, however, that
sum rigiita snail oe anil nre granted upon
the cnnditlim that eay approaches shall be con.
euucii'ii uy eaiu rauruad company urn muj win-
bankmeatthoy may build oa any of sled streets
or avenues at ever' cross street Intersected by
sld embankment! that tho tracks and rails nl
said road ahall bo so arranged and protected by
said eompscy by plank, stone or other solid ma
terial an to afford a sale and ay passaue for
teams and vehicles over them ard that such le
Rill Hons may be Imposed by the cily council of
aald oily upon aaid railroad co-ppsny and others
as to the uso of aald tracks as will restrict the
speed of mrs thereon to a safo and reaa nsble
rele t will tre-entthe storage of care upon said
tracks and will generally piotect Ihopublio In Ihe
aafa biiu convenient, use of said avenues and
Said commlttoo presented their reports
for tho month of March showing that thoy
had destroyod, by burning, city orders to
tlio union nt of $2,36.03 and cupnns to tho
amount of f 285. On motion, said reports
woro received and ordereJ filed.
A petition of J. R, Cunningham was
presented, asking damages for Injuries
alleged to Imvo been su-tnlned by the pe
titioner's horso in stepping; into n holt' on
thu plank road on or about tho 5th ult.
On motion nf Councilni in Wood thu
petition was referrod to the coin uitteu on
cluim,. if,
A petition of C. R. Clark praying the
u.iiincil tu transfer to Michael llondrickta
saloon licenso heretofore UsueJ to I). O.
Luwri'iico was, on motion of Aldermiu
-Uotcalf, laiJ upon thu table.
A peliiiod nf Michael llojrigan win
read, praying thu council to remit a cer
tain lino Imposed upon him by police
magistrate S.ianues.y for neglecting lo
ruinuVu a dead an mat oulstdo Ihu city
Alderman Cunningham move 1 to refer
to a special committee, of threo to report
thereon at llu next iiu-ollug of lliu coun
cil. Carried.
Tlio choir appointed as such committee
Aldermen Cunningham, Rearden and Mot
calf. A petition from John Tanner and 04
other citizens was read requesting the
council to consider thu necessity of erec
ting a market house nnd city building in
the city.
On motion of Alderman Robinson the
pctltou was referred to thu committee on
The following bills were presented, and
on motion of Aldermuti Swayne, referred
to the claims commltteo :
Thus. Wahler, hauling a dead
eow outside city
$ CO
Morris, Rood & Cj., 501, feel lum
Morris, Rood & Co., 6271 luet
Morris, Rood & Co., f304 feet
05 C'J
100 20
101 01
.Morris, Rood & Co., 0,005 feet
lumber 05
Close ic Vincent, 2 bbls. limoaud
Jos. It. Reed, nails and sundries.
T. H. Farrin, 1 1,700 feet lumber,
1'. U. Farrin, 10,203 feet lumber,
T. U. Farrin, b,428 fuel lumber ..
Uarclay Uros,, medicine for jail...
James Rots, 3 tons coal for jail...
Culro Cily Gas Co., gas consumed
in street lamps, .Murch
Carl Peters, repairing picks arid.,
Jas. Ross, 1J tons coul for cily
Thos. Median, hauling 30 loads
If. II. Cunningham, 2 months
rent of city building to April
John M. Lansden, for legal serv
ices in supreme court, January
t re m 1871, in case of Walter
Fulls vs. the city of Cairo
Peter Smith, 2 days work on
Tenth street sews, with tools..
Uiipliil Holsteln, huulding 5 curs
John Gladury, hauling 68 loads
lumber mid 'J loads cinders
John Glndney, hauling 5 cars
Win. Wulliiiat!, uso of chairs nnd
tablo al 1st ward polls at late
Thus. McCibe, hauling aud hurry
ing dead mule
J. R. Cunningham, hauling small
pox patient to hospital
Jos. Luhemes, hauling small-pox
pallelll lo hoi-pitai
Arab Fire C., 1st quarterly allow
3 00
14 57
187 20
104 'JO
80 81
1 00
13 60
287 00
1 60
6 75
18 00
80 00
150 00
16 00
22 50
CO 00
25 00
I 00
5 00
1 00
ance to March 3lsi, 1872 CO 00
Hibernian J-ir Co., 1st quarterly
allowance to Mnrull 31st, 1872-.
Peter Conhin, 25 day son sidewalks
in March
50 00
50 00
llios. l-itZjernld, 25 days on
sidoniilks in Murch ", CO
M. Mnhoney, 21 days on suwurs
in Marco
Win. ilc II nl,, in tliaigo of cty
labor 21 duys
K. A. liurnett, sdary as comptrol
ler fur Mulch
Jos. Ii Taylor, salary as treasurer
48 00
42 00
75 00
lor March loO 00
A. Cain, s.ilarv as marshal lur
Marc I
.M. J.llowley, sd.iry as clerk lur
L. II. Myers, s.il iry us chief of
II. T. Martin, R. F. Huling.iy,
W. II. Rohur .sun, Jamoi Q iinu
and C. Muliner, policu coiirta
ttuhli s or March, each
Jin). Shehull, 10 (lavs Hilary as
100 (10
83 33
75 00
police constable 25
r Uro-s. X'. M , 3 m-n. salary to
March Dili, 1872 76 00
H. Shiinnet6y, P. M. March salary 26 00
i m .MoIIalo, dieting prisoners
Hi .March . 26G 75
Councilman Taylor offered tho following
preinablo and resolution, viz:
VviiBREAS, Tho flow of water from tho
dischargo pipe of tho sower through tho
I.. I,:...... ... n l. . .
viuo mivu us auiisii mi ut-fc una seriously
directed tlio embankment at that point,
and if tho abrasion there is not soon ar
rested, portions of tho dischargo pipe
will bo displaced and destroyed, thore
foro, Resolved, That tho dralnneo commlttco
bo and thoy hereby aro instructed and au
thorized to havo said dischargo pipo pro
tected, and for that purpose that the stone
belonging to tho city lying on Twontv-
fourih street near thu Ohio sower, bo ro
moved to fluid dischargo pipo and placed
under it, and that any othor material un
der tho control of the city, suitable for a
protection, bo also deposited thoro under
direction of tho drainage or street com
Aid, Metcalf moved to adopt.
Ala, Swityno moved to amend by refer
ring to tho city attorney.
Aid. Rearden moved to tablo the amend
ment. Carried on a standing vote by-
yeas, It; nays, b.
Aid. Rearden moved to amend by In
structing the drainage commltteo to build
a substantial wall around the pipe, laid
with cement. Lost.
Aid, Metcalf 's motion to adopt was
then put and carried.
By Councilman Wood :
Wl.. rrn,- t i.i....... -f hn Stato
o uvius hid jjegisiuiuiH w
has lately passed i ro venue law for sue
purposo of enabling cities and towns .0
Collect the dellnqusmt taxes of 1871; and
AVhereas, A largo amount of taxes Is
now overdue and unpaid, therefore be It
Resolvod, That th, cly lrea,urer u
heroby Inslruclod to procoed without de
lay to make out. uio asllnquont tax list and
turn It ovor to tho Sheriff for Immediate
Resolved, Tint the city treasurer Is fur
thor Istructcd to notifiy by publication for
cno week al) parties Indobted to said city
for back taxes that thoy hare a chance to
pay heforo further costa are added.
Counuilmon Schuh morod to adopt. Car
ried. Tho following resolution was offered,
and, on motion of Alderman Itcarden,
adopted, viz.:
Resolved, That tho finance commlttco be
and they are hereby Instructed to make
arrangements ns may bo in their
power for Hie payment of certain
bonds amounting to $500 of tho
city nfC ir.i, now hold by Jas. R. Hull,
and which were originally made payable
In Able Jt Co., tho amount which tho city
treasurer is hereby authorized to pay
thereon, not to ex coed tho face of the
bonds and Interest lhercon,Jfrom that day
in December last upon Which payment of
sal I bonds is alleged lo havo been de
manded. Councilman Sohuh introduced thn fol
lowing preamble and rosolutlon, which
wcr.', on motion of Alderman Metcalf,
adopted, viz:
Wit e itK a a, Thu ordinances of tho city
weru revised and approved on or about
Iho I'Jth d ty of November, and a con-tra-t
filtered into for the printing of
satno, and
Whereas, It Is Impossible for tho city
council lodo business without taid ordi
nances, Therefore, bo It Resolved, That the com
mltteo on printing bu instructed tu see to
thu early completion of tho same f
orriiMiL iionds.
Tho officiul bond of M. L. Dunning as
streot supervisor, with Geo. W. McKaig
and Horman Meyers as sureties thereon,
was presented, and on motion approved
and ordered filed.
The bonds of K. A. Hurnctt, city comp
troller, L. H. Myers, chief of police, and
of Phillip Helm, Chas. Mehner, James
(juinn, R. F. Hilllngsly and H.T.Martin,
police constables, wero presented and on
motion of Aid. Sease approved and or
dered filed.
Tho special committee heretofore ap
pointed upon tho matter of
thu purchase of a gas tester
reported that a gas tester would cost
from $3 00 to $5 00 besides it
would be necessary to employ an exper
ienced gas engineo'r to take charge of and
work tho same. The committee therefore
rocommend that the matter bo postponed
indefinably. The commltteo submitted
tho following resolution in connection
with their report, viz:
Resolved, That the Mayor be and he
U hcroby directed to instruct
the police constables performing
night duty looxamlne Into the
tlmo of lighting and extinguishing the
the street lights, and to note any omission
of tho company to light said lamps, and to
nuto any other omission on the part of said
company to comply with their contract
with thn city, and to report all such omis
sions and neglects to tho city council at
its first rugular monthly meeting in each
Councilman Wood moved to receive
the report, adopt the resolution, and dis
charge the committee. Carried.
A proposal was presented from D. J.
Davis to publish the council proceeding
and all notices ordinarily connected with
said proceedings for one year,
for tho sum of one year, for the sum of
$400 in city ordors payable in monthly in
stnllme.nts. Second To publish all other
notices for the sum of eighteen cents per
squaro oi twelve lines, or one inch In
length, for each Insertion, to include rule
and figure work. Third To do all job
printing at usual prices. The bidder
agreeing to enter into bond for the faithful
performance of his contract.
Alderman Metcalf moved to refer to tho
printing committee.
Councilman Taylor moved to amend by
adding with instructions to accopt propo
sals from any other porsons and to roport
at the meeting of tho ceuncil on next
Friday night. Carried.
A certified copy of the judgmont of
Phillip McDonald vs. the city was presen
ted and on motion of Councilman Taylor
tuferred to tho city attorney.
In Hccordianeu with tho resolution'
submitted by tho stroet committeo and
adopted at this meeting of the council the
in iynr proceeded with nominations and
appointed Messrs. Schuh and Standi teller-.
The mayor nominated N. A. Dovore as
foreman on sidewalks. Confirmed:
Yeas 12. Nays 4. j
The mayor nominated Milton Jenkins
as foreman on sidewalks. Confirmed:
Yeas 16. Nay 1.
Tho mayor nominated Thos. Fitzgerald
11s laborer upon sidewalks. Confirmed:
Yeas 14. Nays -2.
Tho Mayor nominated Peter Conlan as
laborer upon sidewalks. Confirmed:
Yeas 11. Nay 1.
Tho Mayor nominatod A. King and
Thos. Jones as sldowalks laborers. Each
cuuflrmod by Yeas 1G. Nay 0.
Tho mayor nominated M. Mahoney as
jailor's assistant. Not confirmed ; Yeas
8. Nays-8.
Tho mayor again nominated M. Mahoney
as jailer's assistant, Not confirmed :
leas 8. Nays 8. ,
On motion of Coucllman Woodward the
council then adjourned.
M. J. Howlky, City Clerk.
The scholars of tho Parish school will
glvo an exhibition at the First (colored)
Missionary iiaptist church, on Wodens-
day ovenmg, April 3d. On the ovonlng 01
tho 4th, at tho samo place, tho Aid society
will given supper for the benent, 01. me
church. Everybody Is Invited to attend,
Rev, T. J. Shores, Teachor.
Tie Anna IiniT. on Eighth stroet be-
tween Washington and Commercial ave
nues, has Just received a fine spring stock
t mlllln,rJr Booui consisting ol haU, bon-
nets, ribbons, notions, etc., etc, to which
tbo asks tho attention of the ladies of
Cairo. Mrs. Lang will take pleasure in
showing ber good to all who will favor
her witlt a call, , 3-0-1 m,

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