LOCAL NEWS. Tlio bargains ylveti by Goldstlno & Rosen water .In calk, is, muslins; and Ml otnpld iirti olo in tho ilrv troods line, is nttractinc u 10 attention of nil prudent buyer. tf HOTEL AltlltVALS. Tlio ft. Cliiirle", Monday, January 25. il Vnnc.il. Aritann, ' WltttfMoll.MI"., .! 6Uiy, St. Mnryi nnJolin,at. l.oni; J Morris, Chicago; K li l!ii!nll, Hoton; B Jinan, Ontmlm; NWOawv, ib A K Orr, S. Y.i G H ftwite, Mr St Charles; H Itaiidal..St. Louie; .1 Lynn, N. T.i J A l'tllik A lady, So Ex Go) Ol'enk.N. V.i j UHtmeuouse, ciiy; -IA Wlndram, ollyi W EOrcutt, Chicago; Jllltihm.Pt. Louis; A Mars, city; 1) Kennedy, Central!.-!! K W ChlcheMer. Illinois no Marshall, St, Louis t it: fim. " It l Miller A lady, Hosfon nui:: fiiikii riit:::t "Vntor! watorll watorlil Grcnt induce- monts! Rariralnsl barcoinsl The Mock o clothing, furnishing goods, boot, shoes, Ajc, Vc., which was saved bySlornhcimcr& Marx from the lalo Are, will bo sold nt 50 per cent, loss than cost, at their now placo of business, No. 84 Ohio lovec. Call' soon und secure bar gains, as tho goods will bo sold nt a great sac rifice, byordor of tlio underwriters. Those Hint vim Sen lmt Dimly, cnii be Mmlr In nee Plainly. .Tflbor Rrotliors nro now In receipt of one of the largest and finest stocks of spectacles and cyo-glasM over offcred to tho public in this market, consisting of steel bowed spectacles, Shell, vulcanized rubber and steel framed oyo glfti, In the most fashionable and exquisite styles, for ladlos and gontletncii Thwogoods woroiiurcliased of tho celebra ted mnrititncturini; optician Ann of James Tirwu & Co., riiiladnlphla, Pa., and solocted "by a first cIrm optician of that city. "We nro proparnl to furnish mathematical Instrument, for drawing, surveying and civil engineering; nW, philosophical, astronomi cal instruments, Ac, of thoc celebrated mak er. TaIikii IlnoTiir.Rs Cairo, 111., January 25, lBCD-Ct ,JiTitr.' coJA,Hi:i,.s.i'Aiit(.ni.Anvim: Dinito- OI.IO." Ono A. J. "W'ordcn, of Ulundville, inflicts upon tho readers of the 'Times' n two column communication, tho excuse for which U found in.hU dcslro to bring our jirete nylons to legal learning into di'ronute. AV'o shall dispose of nil his vorboso platitudes with a very short shrift, chiefly by saying that 31 r. W'ordcn at tributed to u opinions and expressions that wo neWior hold not emjiJoyed, on tho occa sion to whieh ho raters, nor before that time or tinea. There was not a sobor, sensible man in honrinjf who does not rcoolioct that wo dis tinctly anil rather emphatically told Mr. Warden that if .Mrrfck" stole tho horso in Kentucky and brought it to -Cairo, and was tore found in tho ossion of tho animal, the larceny wr.s completed in Illinois, and u warrant for th" guilty party's arrest could bo suy out lxfore any Justice of tho peace. AVo nlo told him that if ho could identify tho jnonuy Morriok had fraudulently obtained from him, mi action would cvttniiily Jo whero tlio property was found, WV ventured these fuggiptionsiu all kindness to Mr. W., seeing that he was ii vripplo and hearing him protest tliHt the accused had - loo of his money In hlt'lMoket." Hut Minded by passion, orsoino lst esciuubht oauae for iiliiidiie, Mr. " vc humeutly protested that wo had not stated tbd.luw; thathedidn t tarn u d n who we wore, b'd "bet a hundrod dollara it was not the law" and, going home, he writes n windy ooiiiiininlitition in vindication of our ositlon ami to iht enfusiim of his own. There was no earthly reason why Merrick might not havo Ixen brought to punishment, unlet It rotted In th..- superior Knowledge ns uind by Mr. A'., who iudstM tho cae was hopolea. uult the prisoner wus sent Wk to luetttttcky. The ncc.isetl might have been brotijiht to itooottut litre, wWo thu stolen property wa found i or ho might havo Wen enrriud bock to Kentucky undfr tho law re lating to fugitive from jintieo. 'In eithor oaie tho cltisftfis of Cairo would have extended gonoroua aid. ' M. IS. II. Tin: rAi:iio. ok jkn.nh: uom:-mi: i.mil'm;ls IX A CA1II) (If TIIA.NKS. The trial and conviction i.f;i oolprad woman namwl Jounlo I!oe. for the killing of her -il-logd lnubnnd Aleck Ituic. urn still tr(uh In the mind f many of our roadors. Jonnio served a couple of yars or more in tho poni tcntiary, wlion borfrloml-, believing that she hud paid a duo penalty for ridding the com munity f one i f tho wort negroos that evor diigracwd it, hikI ono. too, who had threatened and repeatedly attempted to tako her life, potitioned. thu govornor for her release. Tho prayer of tho petition was grunted, und on tho 2d Instant tho prison doors woro opcin-d und Jcnnio walked forth. Keeling exceeding ly grateful, she essays a card of thanks which wo publish below substantially ma wrlttun bv her : "To tho citlronsof Cairo my most respect ful friend : I nddri-s vou by public letter to roturn to you my humble and slnrero thanks for thu yreBt kindliest you havo shown mo. i uuiuioi xpros me grcut gratiUeationormy heart to think tlwt I am onto moro u froo woman enjoying the sww-t air of liberty, and relriuod rom that shamofnl Imprisonment, und all . ' my friends welcome, mo. My frieiuU, hi time und tide proves all things, oven o tho future will provu what my doflru und intention. i. I Jo not iulondto cast myself away bocauo I havo buen in btuto's jiriwii ; but I Intend to hold my head above tho waves us loug as lifo exists. It shall not bo cast in my friends' faces that thoy done good for my future welfare, but I did not do good for myself. I now havo nothing to g'tvu mo trouble, und I intend to make my future dayii happy and my friends shall nyvor havo to tako mo out of such trouble again; and I roturnmyslncerothanks.totnr. J, O.Morgan for writing tho petition and to inr. and inrs. uuvn. ior miuK to interested as to tako upon thorn to get metiers in order fur ma to -iln mTltborty. Headers please excuse a)l mis takes as 1 am j.. t .. .. n.pli ' 1 in education'. TJiU is mipood and written to tho bet of mv Knowledge. 1 shU here eloso, ond what 1 havo ald I hope will bo a satisfaction (o all tlie coiilwunlty, nnd may God blias those that Intoraedwl-tu set tho prisoner free from bon dage, und reward them hero and horonfier, UoodMiyo. 1 nm more than obliged. Mr. Jknhiu Kohk. Tho stool; of beautiful dress goods, cinbrao- ! iiig poplins, r-jw, merinos, etc., at (Joldstinq ! Ajvllosinwater', wo very ultoap, fH'UloimbW ' und doairubU. Xo toro in th6 cfty prefenU ! n better selection in thIvlino. jan22-3t RKVOLTnfl SICRDKR. AVo received yesterday, tho details connect cd with n doublo murder which took place on the lino of tho Iron Mountain railroad, nbout four weeks ntro. The murdor wns committed nt that point on tho road nearest Capo Oirnr dcau, and tho victims woro a Mr. Kelly and his wife, who recently lived in tho fourth ward of this city. It appears that Mrs. Jvclly and n neighboring woman named Mrs. r it irorald. quarreled nbout n tablo fork. AVords ran high nnd tho women separated in n fever of exasperation. Tho samo evening I itzgcr aid provided himself with n revolver, und re nnlrhm to tlm shnntv of Kollv. shot him dead In his tracks at tho flrst Arc. Mrs Kelly thereupon seized a stick of stovo wow; and dealt Fitzccrald a blow on tho shoulders Kelly aimed at her head, but tho muzzlo of the u stnl was knocked downward, nnu tno ball took effect in tho woman's leg. Seeing that she did not fall, nnd having no further chanres in his revolver, tho fiend seized tho woman by tho throat, and with tho butt of his weapon dahed out her brains, no tnen Immediately lied tlio country, and i believed now to bo in Memphis. A fow davs after this bloody occurrence sister of Mrs. Kelly paid the neighborhood a promised visit, and found only tho now-made graves of hor sister and brother-in-law. Sho nt onco returned to Cairo, and from hero went to Cjlumbus, where, detailing tho occurrcnco to hor landlord, sho was informed that tho murderer had boon his guest tho night prcvl ous, and had that very morning loft for Memphis. For cold-blooded tlendishncss this bloodv affair stands almost unparalleled. rOMCE matt tins, IMnn It. Slunuwy, P. M.) Tho cases before his honor, "old Dick," for trial this morning, didn't amount to much. A white woman named Lizzie 1'aimcr had been drunk. She was very penitent, it was her first offense, and should be her last. The fcpiiro believing in tho sincerity of her protcs tations, pcrmittod her to go acquit. Hill Green was charged with public inde cency nnd tho carrying of concealed weapons. Xoithor charge was proven. Accused dis missed. AVin. Fay and James ltoynolds had been taken to the calaboose tho night pro vlotts very drunk. Their appearance was almost pitiable ragged, hatlcss, shivering quivering crea- turcs, pennllcs and on tho verge of dolirium tremens tho squire discharged them with nn admonition to go nnd sin no more. Anderson McGaw, n negro, smacked his unch of five against tho parson of Madison Lee, and threatened to dress off tho suid Mad- u it la McCooIo. A iluo of io nnd cost was imposed, which Anderson promiied to pay, in part, to-morrow morning. At this point the court arose to talk election and take refreshments. Hedge Miller, having relieved his shelve and counters of his old stock, has returned from the eat with u large nnd very choice selection of tho thousand articles of clothing, furnishing goods, etc., that constitute n first dais clothing store. Ho hit tho market at tho right tima, und consequently received bargains which ho intends shall inure to tho advantage of his customers. Ho has every thing tin iriiblo in thn linn of winter clothing, u magnificent stock of hats und caps, n largo supply of elegant picco goods, trunks of nil size4, kinds nnd prices, und all tho novelties und necessities in tho way of gents' furnishing goods, for which any want can possibly arise. Having this lino now stock on hand, nnd his merchant tailoring department being in full blast, ho Invites his friends, or rather, tho friends of Miller A Miller, to come and see him. A boat containing u party of three gentle men who had resolved upon a day's hunt In Kentucky, capsized whllo being rowed aoros tho Ohio, this morning, nnd throw tho entlro party into tho water. Thoro is great cause for thuiikfi(luoES that tho mishap resulted in nothing more Rorious than tho loss of tho guns, etc. Had tho river been rough, los of life would ha70 been inevitable. AVo do not feel nt liberty to mention tho names of the persons that constituted the party. I MM - . F. K. Albright, esq., has withdrawn from the contest for tho oillcoof city attorney, as rdgning us a reaon therofor, h business cull abroad that would pro von t personal attention to tho omivusi. This withdrawal will be re gretted by Mr. Albright's many friends, who intended to lend him u hearty support, be lieving, with tho community at large, that ho would havu mado an industrious nnd otlicient city attorney In tho event of his election. Jack Hodge has nearly completed his con tract on tho Cairo and Unity road. Two days more work will bring his job to n close. He has corduroyed nbout two miles of tho worst roud that marks tho bosom of Illinois. It Is to bo regretted that tho county court did not conceive it desirable to mako tho road sixteen insttud of eight feet wide. A correspondent of tho Times,' In utter dls regard of our feelings and aspirations, connects u with thu legal fraternity. Fortunately for tho honornblo profession with which wo real ly urc connected, Ids purpose Is covered up b"y such a mountain oi words mat tow persons will detect it. Tho candidates entered their appearance at tho masqucrado ball last night, and their big hearts went out iq strong affection for every body. It Is rnthor remarkable how clover sympathetic antjvklnd n candidacy for office renders u man. " , Tho Acadomy of Science hold an election for otlicers, yesterday evonlng, which resulted in tho selection of tho following: President, J. AW Coo; Treasurer, II. AVardnorj Secre tary, John 1). Mnckie; F.ggleston. Curator, Gcorgo C There buiug spme confusion about tho idan tiflcation of tho McCarthy who has announced himself ns a cuudlduta for city marshal, wo will remark that tho gcntletnun In question is wan. -McCarthy, our present ciuet oi police It i i ii John Currnn announces himself ns in th Held for" the city marshaibhip. "Tho plot thiclens." tub rsisn cisMO'l MlSOLtJliDK BALL. Tho two hundred persons who participated In tho masqucrado ball given by the Coiro Cnsino In Schccl's hall last night, havo fixed nnothor "ercon snot" on memory that will provo ns enduring ns life. Tho ball was, oy oil odds, tho most harmonious nnd agreeable one of tho kind over hold in Uairo. 'inoiargo hall was densely thronged with ladies and gentlemen In character and fantastic costumo that furnished an Impenetrable disguise, ui thon'ph tdensintr. chasto and Inccnious. Much of tho costumo was provided through tlio skill o J r" . . ... and excellent taste of tho wearers, nnd con tributed not a little to tho show nnd merri ment of tho occasion. Tho affair was truly festive, gay and refreshing, nnd win prolonged until "Tlio floods, first Ixirnof tho frosty mora, in tholreiutern circuits ronmedj" when, full of tho ball and its varied and ex hilarating features, tho participants partook thomsclvcs homoward. Tho music, which was by Cramers band, nnd tho refreshments by "mine host," wcro of the best nnd most cnjoynblc. Tho management descrvo tno nigiiesi prniso for their unflagging ellbrts to mako tho occasion just what It was an honor to the Cairo Casino, andnn affair long to bo remem bered by all who participated. Tho Cairo Casino, for wuoso bcnciii tins ball was given, is n benevolent institution that embraces many of our best, wealthiest, and most influential German citizens. Any city would havo felt proud of tho material that entered into tho procession yesterday. It was nothing less than u half n hundred or moro of well-to-do, active nnd prominent bus iness men, and public spirited citizens. The Cnsino Is a society that deserves to prosper, and since it has directed attention to itself, It will tako a broad hold upon tho confidenco nnd respect of the public. Tho How J. AW Coo, rector of tho church of tho Hedcemcr, will lecture beforo the Acade my of Science, in tho Athcneum, this even ing, commencing nt half past seven o'clock. ScHts nro free, and tho public Is invited. AVo hopo to seo tho purpose of the Acado my of Science to furnish our citizens whole some and in'tructivo pastime, properly en couraged, by a full houso this evening. RIVER NEWS. o Port Mat for the T wenty-four Hour Elid ing nt Two o'clock, I. 31. Altr.I VAl. Oca. Aadcrin. (vlurn.i Win, Whit?. pAdtieah: Talisman, .NaliulIo; W. It. Arthur, N. O.; Mintirom, uinoinrv.ui; in'lina.1, " lloxrr, St. Lotus. DKI'AKTUIlKf. (Jen Andr rM.n, Col urn.; Win. While P.idueah; w. it. Arthur, M. Louis Mlnnroln, Memphis, Indian, Kouisvilk'i lUir, Pilt-buri,'. Tho weather is again clear and tolerably pleasant, although tho morning was quite old. At daylight tho mercury indicated only 30 degrees two degrcos below tho freez ing point. At noon, however it has risen to tho closo neighborhood of 40 degrees. Tho pleasant weather seems to be general as re ports from Memphis, St. Louis, Cincinnati nud I'itubutg nil read alike, "weather mild and spring-like." Tho Mississippi is falling tit St. Louis at thornto of ono foot per 2t hours. Tho Ohio continues falling from Cairo to Pittsburg, or, as that sounds like falling up stream, lot us say from I'lttsburg to Cairo. Thero is only ilvo feet water In tho channel to Pittsburg and six feet in the pass over tho falls. Cumberland river is nlso fusing fast, with scant eight feet water on Harpeth shoals. Hore the river has fallen eight inches slnco last report, nnd continues to rccedo nt about tho same rate. Ilusinvii has been ruther dull slnco our last Issue, as steamboats havo been quite scarce. The Talisman brought 147 bars, 32 bundles iron, 48 pkgs roofing, 14 pkgs leather for rc ihipincnt to St. Louis; 1 1 C pieces iron for Memphis, and 20 hhds tobacco, 80 bids flour, and 10 tons sundries for reshipmcnt to New Orleans. Tho Arthurdlschargod tho following freight nt Cairo: For Cumberland river, I" hhds su gar, 05 pkgs molasses, 52 sacks coffee, 60 pkgs hides. For LouUvllle, 203 hides. For I. C. It. It., 2,300 boxos raisins, 03 hhds sugar, 40 bbls molasses, 285 bbls rico, oranges and sun dries. .Sho also had 230 hhds suL'ar. 327 pkes mohmos, 200 tons pig Iron, 100 tons sundries for St. Louis. Tho Shark and barges was preparing to leave for Now Orleans with n tow of barges laden at this point. AVo cannot givo her en tire cargo until to-morrow, but it cannot bo loss than two thousand tons probably more. The fleet Quickstep, capt. Dexter, clerks Jack Grammar nnd AVulter Pennington, is tho regular mall und passenger packet this evening fur Kvansvillo and ull way points on tho Uuio. The neat and comfortablo little Paducah packet Win. AVhlte, capt. Northern, clerk Jas. Uevorly, is making reuular trips, leav ing our wharf overy evening except sunday, at 5 o'clock. AVo are glad to learn that tho accommodations she oilers, and tho urbanity anu huiiness qualiucations of her officers uro building up n paying trade for her ulong tho river. Tho Richmond from Louisville and tho Commonwealth from St. Louis, nro both due here to-morrow for Now Orleans. AVo can find no boats advertised for New Orleans to day. Capt. C; I). Conway and clerk Henry Deit rick are now on the Luminary, St. Louis and A'icklurg packet. Capt. Aleck Zoiglor has gone back to his old placo as commandor of tho Hello St. Louis. AVho don't know Captain Aleck Edgier. rr- HEALTH INSURANCE. rjAIIK PEORIA MUTUAL JIENEVOLEXT ASSOCIATION Peoria, UllitoU, The Firnl and ttcst InatUution of Iht Kind in the United States. Wcfkly Heneflt from W to $10 in eate of slcknos. Every trun or Female of Healthy Constitution uun U a meintit-r, Thu Inititutiou is l(-Klly incorporated under the laws of Illinois. Hor particulars upj.lv to LOUlHHKKHKItT, dc51dlf General Ajent furbtate of lllmols. STEAMBOATS. OK HICKMAN AND MEMPHIS. Th fdsit rllnntlii .iaAHia t tt .T.tl nrwwsssawsr it j i its 1 1 itviiit 1 1 1. -sin 1 1 will Iraro IjalroiwahoTft on THURSDAY tlioS8t!i7lnt, rorfrflKlil or pagp apply on hoard. Jnnl6-2t QAIRO ANDa'ADUOAH Xa.lly Paolcot. Thn light draught paMcnger Steamer It. V. .N()IlTHi:nN t Master, J. M. HEVEKLY Clerkl Will mako regnler DAILY Tltlly bclwecn'calro and I'n.lup.ih. learinz Cairo eicrv CToninn tHundara ti- ti'ptedl iitntiio'glOftj, The White conftcctnt I'.vlueah wltS thqNaw Orleans and Ohio railroad, and tho Cumberland and Tenuesseo rlrer packet.". ror ireiuni or rnssago niipir on iionm, or w Jl. J.HUCKLEY, Aent, lani-ldlf Cairo, lllinoix. ANNOUNCEMENTS. For City Attorney. To the democracy of Cairo! I rgent lui'lne.n rcnuiriiiK my ireeucc at aprltiK Held, will prorent mo from gllii2 my Krsonal atten tion to tho miiurilclpHl canvass now in progress. I thereforn withdraw my name a a randidatc fur the position of City Attorney, with many thank anil tho dccpeMjfeellngi of gratitude to my friends for tho as suranco of success thus far given me. F. K. ALnrtlUlIT. Woarcanlhorlzeit to announcothat L. I'. BUTLElt, Kq., will boa caudidato for re-Mcetlon to the olticn of City Attorney, suhject to tho decision of thodemoorntlc party.' te For City aiarihnl. We are ntithorluvl to uunounco that JoltN" L'L'IlltAN will jf ii candidate for tho olllce of City Marshal at the onuin( charter (lection, suljeot to tho deoi!on of the lemcxratlc party. te Wo ro authorized to anuounco MICHAEL HAM- HlttCIv as n rnndldate for tho ottlco of City Marshal, sulject to the decision of tho democratic lrty. te Wrt ftr.t ntitlinrlr.l Ia nnnnimii llmtilW. MrPAt!. THY lineamlidato fur the orllo of L'llv Marihal. nub- Jcct to tho decision of the Demorrntle jarty. te" For City Tremurrr. Woareauthoriteiltoannounee tlwt JOHN II VI. AND U licatidiilato for tho olf.ee of City Treaiurer, siiWwt to tho decision of tho democratic party. te Wo arc authorised to announce J. II. "AYLoll n a candidate for the ottlco of City Treasurer, ml ject to the lecision or win uemryraiic pany. te" For INitlce MoKlstrnte. .Vr. iifr I1ea Announce ino a candidate fnrl'o. Ilro Mni;j. Irate, Security debts and a ipell Of stokheM of two und n half years' duration have left ma in need of the ottlco. It it my chief support, and as Dim Is the. Ut tfmn I shall aik ottice, I hope my frivads will not rorget me. te II. HIIANMiriY. Mr, tUitar I'eao announce ino n candidate fortheottieo of rolicoUgiiitrate, suljeet tothedci. Ion of the democratic party. (teJ JAMI1S KYAN. i. - For City Clerk. I tiftreliv ntlntiimM tn v-l t il nnmlulfiff. f.ir 1,m f.ffn of City Clerk, mbject to the regulation of thedHiv cratlo party. te JOHNP.HELY. WenrefttittinrlEert In Annriiiiici. JOHN I. PAfitN tvi a candidate for thn office of City Clerk, subject to tho decision of the democratic rirty. te THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. Wants, For SaU, For Jlent, IkU Found, and J'ersonal, published in An column Jur etyht tents a line, or one insertion, WANTS. WA NTK II Alexander County ordrns at win. on th dollar, for all kind of Lumtr and Hud ileri.' Material!. W. W. THOIt.MON. JnIHtf , 'WrAXTKIl-Calrn City Srlp. at fflceiit.f.n Ihu dollar, fur nil km Ii ol I.tnnlT rid Ilinlder' Man rlalt generally. W. W.THOUMON. tanlS-ltf DRY GOODS, ETC J II. CUNNINGHAM, Wholenalo and rtctall Dealer In Fancy anil Staple DRY Gr O O X JS ROOTS A' SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, CUTLERY, NOTIONS GCUU FuritlililoK Goads, LADIES' DJIFSS GOODS, SUA H'LS, ISluiikctM, C'as.siiiicren hiiiI Jcuiim neat Calleoe., ....... .............,.iaKc, UeLaluea '40c. Heavy Ilrowti Domestic 17c. Hoop Skirt.... . ..OOe. SUOUetlt'a Hat at ... 73c. each A Splendid Lint 0 WHITE (JOODS AND EMHR0IDERIES llii)cr.i will do well to cull and cxamlno mys lieforo purchasing elsewhere. 1 lock It. H.CtJ.N.NINT.HAM. No. OU Uhlo I.evet, CAIUO, lU- decirtSdtt GAS FITTERS. QUANGE OF FIRM. C'F. YEAOEK Sc. CO., Havinit purchaieJ theentirn KlocU nnd fixtures of Aug. Kor.meycr, aro prepared to do all kinds of Gas and Steam Fitting In a neat and workmanlike manner. Wo are afso pre. pared to repair all kinds of (Soft fixtures, and by our procesH of broiuing aud gilding nuko tliem iuuwry particular o good m now. TIiojo huvlnr such fix tures, will pleaie i(Ito,ii a call natiafaetlon guaran teed in all cuies. C. F. YEAOEK, lanDdtf K. K. MUltitAY. "JADIES" HAIR, DRESSING, MRS. ADDIE HUCK Wlahc. to Inform the public that sho ha a Ladles' Hair Dressing Naloou On Commercial avenue, between Ninth nnd Tenth Mreeti. HI111 uUn inanufactures Curia, Svvttcltt., Watcli-Guardi, KurItlng, Ilracelcts, and all kind, of Hair Jewelry. Ladies may havo tho combings of their hair rnanu. facturod In any desirable stylo. ' Jun2Sdtf pRINTING, OF ALL KINDS, At thu Ofllce of tho Cntro Ilullctlu, DU. II. WAUDKIl-Il(idenco; No. 69 WaJ. nut btrcet. near Eighth atrout. OIHce, over l ost Olhee. OtHcehoura, 10 to 1 a.in. and to 8 p.m., U nell fiupplloU with fresh, healthy vaccine matter, janllalm HINDE'S COLUMN. CAino cirr Wll AliriJO AT. ciino TRAMsrra c, wiiAnrnoAT. Q1IAS. T. HINDE, 1'ORWAnMNU AND COMMISSION AGENT, CAIItO TRANSFER COMPANY CAIRO ILLINOIS. ' TlirnuKn utlla f LnitliiK tilvrn to nil Avullable Point ly Hall or Wiittr. DJTSl'ECIAL A1TENTION TO KOKWAItDINO. 1 JLSTIC AN D MISSISSIl'l'I S T U A M H 11 1 V C O n i A X Y ASD COMPROMISE LINE STEAMERS TO 3NT33XV ORIiEAIffB THK HTKAMKItS V. UV11TIICIU HL'TII ..rAUTT.lt. Ma.tir, .Ilt UK, Ma.it.-r. ..lltAM. Mn'terl ...WHITE. Malrr, .ENTltlKE.V, Maritf li'SriMt.. Mml.r I'AUI.l.VK CAKIKILL. IIIMSI AIK'IC I.I . 7. IK ii 1 1. 1. . C(IM.M(. WKAIiTII ('ONLY, Ma.lcr, OLIVK llltANCII JONfy, Maxtor. COXTI.VK.VTAI. ..OIlEE.Nyl'(SH Mal r Ccmpritllig all tho fiiutt and largent loats i...tr.f f- IU...fll...L.iA 1 , .. . r - , r .l liirn I for New Orleans every other day, cormect.nj? at N Orleans with (voan Line of Hcamcrs to Liverpool, .tiv 1 orl, llolon, and l.nlvt -ton. Ttm. Paeni;eri and Hh.pi ers can rely on ono tf Iit leatinK ( airo punetttally n alve Wi.lpay o New Orleans. ClL5. T. HINDI; (lentral Auenu i n'ro. wiiiep, on nariiiai. niwic mu i.i ED. K. 8IS-ON. I'a.uijer aul Tlck t Am nt. Olhee, at fit. Charlet IlolU. "jl TEM I'll I. S AND ST. LOL'LS PACKET 0O3Vt3PyVJNTY LINK OK S T i: A 31 K R S. T! f- " w - s V .-.'i tt n t. -U,'.vi r (rl' 1 up. fc thn I. n and w "I I .11. I'.. FOIISVTII...... .MAIIIII.K CITY .. .. ZI.Kil LIU Mat-r, CONWAY. Matr .-..TIIOMI-XiN. Mu".ir. rlfANE, Mt , .. MALIN, Matt r ITVOK.W.TO.V IIKI.LP. MK.MIMIIS. IT's OF CAIItO .... l'r..mt.l.llr.' ,n will I I !: I t' hit r ' -1 n Kr itht Bd T:kit ixU- intpar.y ' -r' '-- ' front pf City NalionaJ Haak. CHA?. T. lil.M'E, f.rtTl AKnt ED. K. alreON, Ticket and laB'i Ak--V MEMPHIS, AVHITK RIVER AMI LITTLE ROCIv PAOKET .OOM3?ATffY VNITED hTATrli MAIL LIN& .HIIIN II. DA VI, Nnp't, Mcii.pl. , Tei.t.r . a" Tho splendi'l iIi-whri'l PASSKNGKR STEAMERS 31 AY FLOW Kit. COM.M KHCIAL and I.IIIKIITY So, a, Lwe Memph t-ury Tt IDAr, Till I.iDAY ut 1 HATt'ltDAY, ut 1 1 m , P-r Wh tn Itivr r. t -.-r.ef tlnaaf Duialt'a lilutt urith tim M'Hiphii and Liltleltk l-i . road for Little lUjk and !f..r ."pi T.nso frr.r Mmph to I.'iile INN k. Ii b'-'ir.. Krenshtnaiid raeaier-t rfeipil utr !!.!-. Line ut lower rate than aar other r"HV CHAi. T. HINDE, Agent, t .r . 1.1 tlteii -u Wi u.f . fT. LOUIS, CAIRO AND YICKSIIULG X-A.CI5C331' COMPAKTY tfrswt't3 PiisciiKt'r Stonmcrrt ItCIIICO.V IILAKL lite:, .Il.'I.lA .... . , I.'KKia 1 M I. L'.M1XAUY... ..........m.H KKIt. Matter, II. .M..SIIHKVK ..C AUTrh, M' r I'u.tilro Koma untiMm erry hi MHV 1. 1 TrE-'PAY, and or. flown, irp evr'y THU."" VYr M'NPAY, makinKCloieonnnfrtion w.!! VlrkalitirK ml Merldlnn llullroad, Nclma and Meridian Jlnllrond a in New OrleuiM, Jarloon and (irrnt .Vorlli. ru Ilallroad. Throuijh rcempt alven to any nnd all jr i'i T aid rMd, with Vaekelf. for Yukmi Ibnr special attention Kiven to all wuy buimcsa Letart .1 Cuiroand Vieksliurc. CHAS. T. HINDK. (ieneral AK nt offlco on Wharf.U .t E VANSVILLE AND CAIRO PACKET .-flTw-.N Conltin of tho followinj; afefSiiIcniIIiJ Pnsnii,'cr StcaiiH'r.: AHMAUA, DUSOL'CIIET. Master KOWLElt .Xler.. Leaves Cairo uuday and Thuuduy at a p.m. UCICK.STKI', DKXTElt Matter OIIAMMKU... m.Vit K Leave' Cairo Tuesday and Friday at A p,tu. CUJIUKUI.AN1), IIOWAItD Mailer WItKiHT Cler" Leavea Cairo Wuducaday anl Saturday at 0 p.m. Makinu all Intermediate hindinKi, and paying 3 tlcular attention tn nickel Freluhlt. CHAS. T. HINDE, (!cnerl Ajtent. Ultk uon WIuirMfoat VfA'SIIYILLE AND OAIRO NAHIIVILLX!. SIMS -...Master HAltPEIt ..cittl; Leaves Cairo oicry ounoay ni 0 p.iu, TALISMAN, 6THONO Master'! EUAN ........Clerk U-au-H Cairo every TiH'S'lay at fl p.m. TVUONK, HARMON Muster WI1WER Cleric Leaves Cairo overy Friday at 0 p.m. Speclal attention iven to way business bctrmt a Cairo aud Nashvillo. CHAS. T. JJ1NDE, General Aecn dccSl'MJ Ofilco qu Wharfbat.