OCR Interpretation

The Cairo evening bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1868-1870, February 12, 1869, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88074143/1869-02-12/ed-1/seq-1/

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?Officia-5Wjwhington-AvenueE)mocrat Hall ; Editorial Rooms, Ohio Levee, over Barclay's, Drug Store
mini- iiiin
, ,irFJlMY 1869.
.330M, CIMA 3T008
v I im . i .m a 'X av a sr m mm bb sph
F .or ' II r n t . " r i i 1 f i. 1 1 1
J ' it" r 1 I 1 'i ' 1 1 : : - ' r a " - , - .
Tho leading radicals of Cairo arcs encour
aging, in all posiblu ways, tho formaUon of a
"Citizen's ticket" Thoy aro laboring under
tho delusion thnt tho defeated candidate, after
next Saturday, will bo a pliablo element of
Strength in tlioir hands, equal to the balance
of powor between tho two parties; and that
by uniting this with tho radical alrongtli,
thoy insure tho defeat of tho democracy. ,
In rmrsuanco of a well dovtsed plan it rad
ical conforonco was held on Wednesday eve
ning, during which it was agreed that tho
defeated candidates should bo manipulated
from tho momont of tholr dofoat, and tho
names of tho strongest placed on tho "citlzon's
ticket. Their exasperation over their defeat
is not to bo permitted to abate, and to carry
out this purpose cortain parties aro to perse
vuringly upply all the irritants at their con
trol. They nro to cry "fraud ! fraud I" and to
dlnim for thcnuolvei tho infamy of having
voted cuveral time in tho different wards,
without "let or hindcranoo."' Any and every
re? jrt ii to bu considered legitimate that will
confirm tho disappointed aspirant in tho be
liof that ho is the victim of outrage, and has
been cheated out of tho nomination by moans
at. onco fraudulent and disgraceful. "Work
ing their "tool" thus, up to the highest pitch
of anger and resuritment, tho next step will
be t j persuade him to disregard the decision
cf his fellow-democrats, bolt tho nominations,
and tako a placo on tho "citizen's ticket."
Now U'foro mattcr-i come to this point wo
urgo tho several candidates to tahout,l(
they arc dissatisfied with tho judges and clerks
chosen; if they nro dissatisfied with tho rules
adopted for tho government of tho primary
election, or disiatMo! for any other cauio
that is subject to control beforo the "dio is
cast. ' To pratorvo n silonco now, to sane-t!-r
by silence, that of which they intend to
cwr.p!ain hereafter, is to act an unrc&sonablo,
irrational part, and to play most Acceptably
into the hands of tho enemy.
If everything is now satisfactory, let tho
pf V.s bo watched with a scrupulous care, that
till radical and illegal votes may bo excluded.
Candidates havo tho right to protect their in
terests in any part of tho city. Hence, if
they ice any departuru from the rules pro
scribed, or any ilb-gal votes offered, it Is their
duty to expose, then and there, tho delin
quency, whatever It may be. Thoro will bo
every possible effort put forth to conduct tho
election quietly, honorably and fairly to
leave no room for complaint on tho part of
any one. If, after this Is done, the defeated
candidates conceive themselves agrleved, we
swk them, as democrats, to keep in mind tho
character of tho men who approach them to
aggravate their griovancos, and to intensify
their dissatisfaction. If thate persons are
sound democrats, who never bolt a nomina
tion, there will bo soino ground for dissatis
faction. If, however, they are "sore-bcad"
democrats, who fight tho party every time it
runs counter to their inclinations; if they are
chronla bolters, and smooth-tongued radicals,
then tho decision of tho democracy has been
just, and the defeated candidate iws ben de
feated fairly.
Again, wo say, let every candldato go into
tho primary election determined to submit to
the result quietly and liko a democrat ; and
let him, afterwards, show tho nobleness of his
spirit by supporting his successful competitor
with zeal and cheerfulness, to tho end. If
the defeated candidates dumean themselves in
this way, tho "citizen ticket" project will re
ceive lu qujetus while yet in embryo, and tho
mlschlef-maklng, sore-hoad nursing radicals,
who aro smacking their lips in anticipation of
troublo in the democratic cump, will como to
the grief of bitter disappointment, and bo
"left entirely out in the cold."
Nearly every tmtern paper that finds its
way west is burdened with advertisements,
tho purpose of which is to catch tho sparo
dimes of the thought youth and adult
greenhorns. Newspapers of tho highestchar
actor, and particularly the pictorial publi
cations, nro always freighted with them, ac
companied by no word of warning, but, on
the contrary, often brought to the spoclal
attention of tho reader by an editorial ref
We clip three of thoso "snares" from a lato
numbor of 1 Frank Loslio's Weekly.' Thoy
as follows :
A Mystkky! By sonding us lyour ad
dress, color or hair, anu as cents, wo will
send tho namo and curt-doviiito of your fu
ture wifo or uusuauu. Address, etc.
Ahtoniwiiisg. Tho Turkish Charm of
Kdcn warranted to fascinate und novor fail;
also ton Songs, Lovo Secrets, Beautiful Arts,
100 Ways to .Make 3Ionoy, otc, all mallod
for ten cents. Address, etc.
WoNuenrui. lllow olther sex may gain
thoundying lovo of any person thoy choose.
Tho single married, tho married happy, and
who In time, simple harmless and sure; also
Journal of Love, Sccrot of Success, How to
getltich, etc. All mailed for 20 cents. 100,
000 sold. Address, otc.
As ridiculous as thoso ad vcrtlsomunts appear
on tholr vory face, thoro nro scores of thought
less young persons In overy community
who place tho utmost rolianco In tho honesty
of tho advertisers, and forward tholr monoy
undor tho delusion that it will placo them In
possession of tho marvelous "charm" or power
advertised. Wo saw u statement tho other
day, to tho effect that tho individual who dis
pense3 tho knowledge whoroby the lovo of tho
opposite sox may bo commanded ::t will, is
now tho possessor of a fortune of $500,000, tho
wliolo amount ol which was beguiled from tho
pockets of tho foolish and unsuspocting youth
Aim valtu? of tho jloUvpolu
Promulgator anxious) to' neutral izo his'ny
llhossMri soino way, cent for tho "Turkish
Charm pI'IMtho; pyitoriquv agent that
commnnds tho "undying lovo of tho ladies"
and by duo courso of mail, received a llttlo
satin bag of young - hyson v tea. And Dayo
Barton, of thVCarbondtdV 'Now Era," sent
fpr,.a,solution,oC, i'A Mystery,',' and received
tho "carto do vislto" of a baro-foot, lolling
lipped wench over & Wih'-(ub.
Theso and kindred advertisements arc tho
means of victimizing young and foolUli poof
plo In every community. Could tho amount
of monoy overy year drawn from the west by
such moans bo aggregated, tho total would
form abundant capital for a dozen banks.
Tho western pross1 lias oxposcd theso hum
bugging traps a thousand times, but tho pco
plo seem determined to learn only in tho
school of oxperlonco. Thoy "bite," get bit
ten nnd nro then satisfied.
Hv ton o'clock to-morrow nitcht It will bo
known Into whoso hands tho city government
will bo confided during tho coming year. It
. .... ...
will bo known who will irarao our municipal
laws, nnd who will execute them who In
short, will bo tho guardians of our municipal
ity until tho month or jnarcn ibtu. xno pri
mary election to-morrow. Is, therefore, of the
utmost consequenco to overy citizen of Cairo.
Tho democracy Is tho controlling party and
with them tho high trust Is reposed to choose,
from the candidates now In tho flald, or such
as mtr vet announce themselves, tho men
they honestly bclievo will fill the positions us-
pired to most intolllgcntly, laitntuiiy anu
satisfactory. This consideration alone
should control. It matters not how poor the
candldato may be, how active a democrat;
hnw rlnrrr or how honest if ho have not the
qualifications to fill the position to which he
aspires, in an efficient manner, he should not
bo nominated. Tho interests at stake are too
great to hazard by bestowing rewards for
cleverness, or nolitical activity, or by provid-
ing official "pap" for tho poor. Tho time is
at hand when our best men snouiu oo loiccieoi
regardless of everything save tholr color and
T.ot nvorv democrat t?o to the noils then.
- t .
determined to lay usido personal preferences
and prejudice, anil to vote lor tne men no
honastlv bellaves will best serve, promote
foster and protect the great and varltd inter
ests and concerns of tne city, ii tnts oe aone
and if th democratic strength is brought to
the polls, no one need havo any fears for the
' ..... .
result. Good, rattbtul, honest, capam men
will be nominated; and onco nominated their
lection Is sure beyond tho shadow of a doubt.
There seems to bo a ceneral movement in
favor of an apprentice law. or. rather, for the
amendment of such laws as may be on the
statue book, in other states besido our own.
Meetings have lately been held In Chicago to
urge an amendment of the existing npprcn.
tlce law, and arguments In favor of such
amendment aro based mainly on tne necessity
for more stringent regulations which shall
compel the apprentice to thoroughly learn his
trado'and become a skilled workman. It Is
complained that under the present system em
ployers generally, aro prevented from taking
such apprentices as they may want ; Uiat in
Chicago, where one apprentice is taken into a
machine shop, ono hundred willing lads aro
turned away and prevented from learning a
trado of their own choice all of which Is only
arguing in favor of tho training schools so
much needed at tho west, and which
might be opened, if the means were furnished,
without special legislation on the subject.
Such schools, moreover, would removo tho
necessity for new laws respecting the appren
tice system.
Tho proceedings of tho joint convention
of congress, convened for the pur
pose of counting the electoral votes, on
Wednesday last, wero of a most turbulent
and disgraceful character. Ben Butler lead
ing the house, protested in tho most vehe
ment manner against counting the voto of
Georgia, undor the ordor of the vtco president
pro tern., that order being in direct violation
of the sense of tbo houso. Tho passes between
Butlor and tho president of tho convention,
pending tho count of tho vote, was angry, un
dignified and disgraceful. Butlor was urged
on by the members of tho houso and the vice
president was sustained by tho members of
tho senate. At tbo close of tho turmoil, and
after tho senate had retired, Mr. Butler offer
ed the following resolution :
ltcsolved. That tho houso protests that tho
counting of tho voto of Georgia by order of
tho vice prosiuent pro tern was a gross act oi
oppression ana an invasion oi tno rigius anu
privilege of the houso.
Tho Speakor decided that tho resolution
was n question of privilege.
Tho nrcsidlni: officer or tho joint conven
tion announced that Including tho Stato of
Georgia, Grant and Colfax had received 214
votes and Seymour and Blair 80 votes, and
that excluding Georgia, Grant aud Colfax had
recolved 214 votes aud Seymour and Blair 71
Tho presiding officer, uftor reporting tho
result, ealdi 1 do, therefore, dcclaro that
Ulysses S. Grant, of Illinois, having received
u majority of tho whole numbor of electoral
votes, is duly olected president if tho United
States, for four years, commencing on tho 4th
ilnv of March. lfiCO.and thatSohuylor Colfax,
of Indiann, having recolved tho majority of
tho wliolo number ot oieciorai votes, is uuiy
eloctod vlco-presidont of tho United States for
lour yoars, commencing on vno iiu oi jiurcn,
- -
Tho soldiers in camp at Columbus dovoto
tnoir bunuays to target shooting anil sueii
other pastimes ai aro host calculated to koep
out ot sight their latter end so says tho 'Uis
patch' of ta&ylityjo.
Tho world at largo do not understand tho
mystcrlos of a nowspapcrjrnndt as In a watcfy
thcTbands thaf nro scon arb but tho '' paiUtvo
Instruments of tho spring which Is novcr Been :
so, In a newspaper, the most worthy causes
of its prosperity nro often least observed or
known. Who suspects tho benefit which tho
paper derives from tho enterprise, tho vigi
lcncc, and tho watchful fidelity of tho pub
lisher?' Who pauses to think how much of
tho plcasuro of reading is derived from tho
"kill and caro of tho printer? Wo feel tho
tho blemishes of printing, if thoy oxist, but
seldom observe tho excellencies.
Wo cat a hoarty dinner, but do not think
of tho farmer that raised tho materials there
of, or tho cook that prepared them with
Infinite pains und'skfll. But a cook of veget
ables, meat, pastries, nnd Infinite bonbons,
has a paradisiacal ofllco In comparison with
an editor I Boforo him pass in roviow all
their exchango nowspupcrs. Ho Uto know
nil their contents, to mako for other eyes tho
matter that requires attention. Ills scissors
are to bo alert, nnd clip with Incessant Indus
try all tho little items that together form so
largo an Interest In tho news department.
Ho passes in review each wook erery stato In
the union, through tho newspaper lens. Ho
looks across the ocean, nnd in strange lands,
and following tho sun, ho searches all round
tho world for material. It will require but
two second's time for tho readcr.to tako In
what two hours' search produced. By him
aro read the manuscripts that swarm tho of
flco liko flos In July. It Is his frown that
dooms them. It is his hand that condenses a
whole page into a lino. It his sternness that
restrains sentimental obituaries, that glvo
your pools n twig on which to sit and slug
their flrt lays.
And tho power behind the throne, in news
papers, as in higher places, Is sometimes as
Important as tho throne itself. Correspon
dence, occasional or regular, stands in a wo at
that silent power which has tho last chanco
at an article, nnd may tend It forth in glory
or humilitv. And, In short, as tho body de
pends upon n good digestion, so tho health of
a paper depends upon that vigorous digestion
which goes on by means of tho editor. Ought
they not to bo honored? And sinco llttlo
fame attends them, they should at least have
their crcaturo comforts multiplied. From
that dark and dlstnal den in which they have
so long had purgatorial residence, thoy aro at
length translated i
The following bills haye passed tho house:
House bill 938, to incorporate the Metrop
olis and Kentucky bridgo company.
House bill 4C8, to incorporate tno Southern
Illinois land and improvement company.
Also, houso bill 1070, to incorporato tho li
brary association, of Shawnectown, Illinois,
was ordered to a third reading.
Scnato bill 324, with amendments, for nu
act to repeal tho act to establish tho Cairo
court of common pleas, being upforconsld
cration, Mr. Burnett said ho understood that
the court was in session at the present time;
and thought that tho bill if passed while tho
court was sitting, might creato a great deal of
Mr. Cook replied that tbo session of tho
court would bo ended by tho 15th Inst., and
the purposo of tho bill was that it should not
affect the term of court now being hold In
that city.
Mr. Burnett was of the opinion that it
would bo tho better to insert such provisions
in the bill as should mako it Inoperative as to
tho present term of court.
Mr. Cook withdrew tho amendment pro
posed by this committee, and moved to striko
out tho 15th of Foburary, and insert the 1st
of March.
Mr. Burnett stated that that would be sat
isfactory. The amendment of Mr. Bond was adopted,
and tho bill was ordered to a third reading.
F. 8. This bill passed tho house yester
day. In the Senate on tho 9th, after having,
through inadvertence kept tho bill in his
desk during a period of three woeks, Mr.
Munn introduced Senate bill C40, for an act
to incorporate tho Cairo Public School Libra
ry Association, which was read a first time,
and ordered to a second reading.
On motion of Mr. Munn the rule was dis
pensed with, the bill read n second time, and
referred to tho committee on banks and cor
porations. The Legislature Is now enjoying n week's
respite from its labors.
A Tuugt Will Cut.
IKruro the. New York Sua.
A colored waiter died, recently, In Pough
keopslo, leaving property in this Stato worth
$40,000, to his wifo and children. Tho namo
of this nogro was Watson. Ho was onco a
slave in Virginia, and then in Georgia,
whonce he escaped to New York, whoro he
married ; and it is this widow and her chil
dren who now claim this hnndsomo proper-
When all was going on swimmingly In fa
vor of tho New York children, lo f an ante
cedent wife of Virginia oxtraction, with off
spring to match, enters tho court of tho Sur
rogate, armed cap-a-pie, to contest tho rights
of tho Now York claimants, nnd to Insist that
the voiiornblo ANutson had them in his
oyo when ho executed his last will and tosta
mentl This cuso raises questions that will sovore
ly tax Surrogate Tucker ; as, for instance,
whether tho marriage of a Virginia slavo was
valid : whether WaUon when ho ran awny
from Virginia, via Georgia, become so far a
freo man that ho could contract a lawful
marriage in Now York : whothor, in fuct,
a negro, who was never legally eman
cipated, could havo a wifo at nil, either in
Virginia or Now York ; nnd, therefore,
whothor, in default of wifo mm children, tho
will do no becomo void; and in that ovQiit,
to whom this lapsed legacy of tho lapsed
AVatson will go, whether to tho Stato of Now
York or tho Stuto of Virgina, which lattor
Btato itself is perhaps in such t disorgan
ized condition that it is incapable of taking
proporty by will becattbo it has no will of its
own, bclct,' -till under mlllta- ruls.
'Tho I'aducah 'Herald' sayrthero Is no rea-
enn ,lmil,t ttinf. n nlinrter will bo passed bv
tho Illinois legislature for a road from Padu
cah to St LouU;.nnd:thatthoi'chnrter of tho
Chicago nnd Danvlllo road will bo extended,
by way of Olnoy to Paducah, giving us not
n , limn linn in CMcAtrO.- tlirOUL'll tllO
ccntro of Illinois, but a first rate connection
with Yincenncs, inainna.
rri.o PnlMtntma 'iT1!trfttrh of vostflrdav savs
that n thief who stolo a horso nnd two bags of
bacon in Mississippi county, 3fo., was arrest
ed in that placo on last Saturday, nnd taken
back over tho river, nnd on his way to trial
was shot anu killed by somo oi tno ouirunuu
For Circuit Judge.
Having lioon ollcltel by perwinii of both political
parties to run for Die Judgeship of the Nineteenth Ju
illclal District, nt on flection to be Jicl.1 on tho h day
of March, A. V. 1809, 1 now announce myself on a can
didate for that olllce, and pledgo myself to the peoplo
thnt, if elected, I will dlsehsrge lt ilutle Impartially,
and to (he bcit of my r 1:111 and ability.
S'o ore authorised to announce tho following citl
rns ft candidates for Councllmcn, mlject to the do
clslonof tho democratic primary olectlon
Hwond Wsrd-l'hlUndT W. Dnrclsy.
Third Ward-Tlmoihy O'OUUhan, ,(,
Fourth Ward Louis Jorgenson.
CfTy" Xi Lnrge-nrgn T. WIllUmMm,
' William Martin.
For Alderman. ' f J
Wo aro authorised lo announce tho following citi
zens a candidate!! for Aldermen, sntjrct to the decis
ion of tho democratic primary election t
First Wurd-FcrdlnandTheobold.
Hecond Ward Joeph Mendel,
John W.Mckeo,
HendcrKon M. Hulen, (to fill vacancy),
Dr. Joseph llunnard.
Third Ward William Lonergau,
William II. Sandusky,
(Jeorgo W. Hendricks, (to fill vacancy.)
Fourth WardTames Kennedy,
D.mlel nalllKer,
Jorcph llmnkle.
f the Fourth Ward I
My name having been freely ued in connection
with a scat in the toord or Aldermen, rrom mo lourin
ward, I avail myself of this method lo say that I dccllno
a candidacy for tnnt oincc. i Manning my imuw-tiu
sens for their aourance or support,
1 am, respectfully, Ac,
WM. MrllALE,
For Mayor.
To the Democratic votera of Cairo!
The ungenerous means resorted to, to Injure mo be.
fore the public, by aomo of the partisan of my oppo
nent for the nomination for Mayor, induce me to with
draw my namo from before ths primary election, ami
from the canvass. With assurance of the hlghext ap
preciation for tho many expreaaioaa of good will on tho
port of my friends, 1 am,
Very re.poclfully, JAS. H. HF.AJIDEN.
Cilro, llllnou, February 10, 1S6.
Complying with requests, verbal and written, of a
large Lumberof citizens, I hrby annouce myself a
cnndh'Ate for mayor for the ensuing ottieUI year;
subject, 'ion-over, to the decision of the itemocratlo
party of Cairo, at tho primary election to be held Sat
urday, lMh (nt. JOHN II. OHEHLT.
Cairo, 111., Feb. J, 1569. to
For CMjr Attorney.
We arennthorited to announce that L. I. OUTLKIt,
I , will be a candidate for re-election to the offieo of
City Attorney, subject to the deelilon of the democratic
patty. te
For City Marahal.
Fellow democrat of Cairo, I hereby announce my
self a a candidate for City Marshal, sut ject to yourde
clslotion Saturday next, 13th lat.
We are authorised to announce that JOHN CUKKAK
will boa candidate for the olTico of City Marshal at the
cni-ulnj charter election, subject to the decision of the
democratic party. te
Wears authorised to anuounce MICHAEL 11AM
IIIIICK as a candidate f.ir the office of City Marxhal,
Mllject to thodccliiion of tho democratic lty. tn
We aro authorised to announce that DAN. MrCAIt
THV Is a candidate for the offieofCity Mar.hul, sub
ject to the deciiou of the Driuuciatio party. U
For Cits Triaiarir.
Mr. Vi.rriooje announce nie'ai n candidate for
re-election lo the office of City Treasurer, oubject to
the decision of the democratic party at the coming
primary election. (U) WM. T. UEEKWAKT.
Mr. Wttr I'leaae announce me Man independent
candidate for the office of City Treasurer, subject, how
ever, to the decluoaol the voter of Cairo.
We are authorised to announce that JOHN HTLAND
is a candidate for the office of City Treasurer, ubjt'Ct
to the declion of the democratic party. to
We are authorised te announce J. . TATLOH a a
candidate for the office of City Treasurer, subject to tho
deciaion of tho democratic party. t
For Police Magistrate.
Mr. FMor llease announce roe a candidate for To
lice Magistrate. Security debUtodaipellof slcknesa
of two and a half year' duration have left me in noed
of the office. It U my chief aupport, and as this I the
last tlmo I shall auk office, I hope my friends will not
forget me. te B. BHANNES3V.
Mr. KJi'ior l'leasa announce me as a candldato
for the office of Police Magistrate, subject to the dec!,
lonofthe democratic party. fl JAUsaYAN.
- in
For City Clerk.
Mr, :A(xr rica-to announce mo as a candidate for
tho office of Oily Clerk, iitbjoet to the decision of dem.
ocrnU at the eusuiug primary election.
It Is well known that I am no bogus democrat. I
am a regular hanl.fiated, nniuttui and ilutn.iltd ono.
(You know cotijiUtency I a Jcnel (Ihmo lunen.) I
mako no hypocritical pretention. My claim and ca
pability nro pretty generally known by a majority of
tho citizen, w hoiu I uk to support nnilrloi me, 1
havo worked for nnd with democrats, on all occasion,
ainco I cuino to Cairo I my prospect uml miret are
here, aud, if ulottod, I hope to bo ablo to wtt Tin tho
ililtio of tho office to tho catlsfagtlyn of ul!. My resi
dence is on Washinjlon avenue, next tut1' 'atholie
Church. Jtcspectfully, Ac,
to LA WHENCE J. bvllNE.
Wo lire authorised to nnnounrn J, II. Ill . .DIETS
a a randulato for tlto otllco of City Clerl; at tho ensuing
t'tcction, subject to tho do.il.lon of thu democratic
parly. to
Mr, J'.Jiivrl'leiio announce me a an I'uk'udiuit
candidate, fortho olllco of City Clerk at hi oianlng
election. to L. W. li.U.J.KII.
.Mr. Vditor l'lcxno IUII10UIICO 1110 a a v.uu!. ato for
tlto olllee of City Clerk, at tho cmoiiimsj ib.-. i-l.v.
tlon, subject, however, to tho dcmooratii! m ,
I hereby announce myaelf a candldato for th ottlce
of Oily Clerk, subject lo tho regulation of h :. mo
crutio party. to JOHNl'. in.l.v.
Wo aro authorised to annouuee JOHN 1 'Nua
urandldatoforthu oilloo of City Clorli, u"ji . . i e
decisiou of iho dcmocratlo party, tc
1'resiuem. i. ii-u-viesiucui. .
C. X. HUGlfES, Caililcr.
Collections Promptly Attended to.'
Exchasige, Coin, Dank Notes nnd Unite
States Securities,
23 on. six t niid J6s"olcA
Interest Allowed ou Tlmo Deposits
Cairo, Xllixioii
CAPITAL .... $100,Wt
IV. P. IIAIililOAV. President;
A. II. S AFFORD, Cnlileri
WALTER 1IVHI.OP, Asslataut Cashier.
Exclinufc'c, Coin, nnd United Stales Bontti
Bought aud Sold.
Depotitt Rteelttd, and a Gtntral Banhn
Btuiiusi Conducted.
Xj. 33XjX73VE,
122' Coniniercliil Avenue,
Inform the citizen of Cairo and vicinity that he has
on hand one of the larKCt and best ofaortcd stock of
Dry (foods, Ynuvy Hoods aud Notions,
In Southern lillnol, which heoftVr at price that tU
defy competition.
We will ell I'rint, forbet brand, at from. to Ue
Tard wide llleaehed MuMin t................ 12&1
Heavy yard wide Hheeting at - 15c
All-wool Flannel at. 30c
Willie lllankel per pair, nt-.. u 3 W
lATgt lse all-wnni douhle Shawl at , 4
New atyle laille' Cloak at S3 00 and upwards
Good Llnteyaat ........................... Sic
Elegant ami very heavy ehangenble and fig
ured Poplin, per yard, from M15 tot
Silk l'oplin at.... , 7i)
Good yard-wide Merino at................. fe
A largo anaortment of
Black and Colored AIpHcaa at 25 cestU
Andnumerou other styles of Dress Goods cone
pondiuKly low.
All-linen Handkerchief nt...... U
All-linen Toweling, per yard, at... rtjc
OockI Table Linen...... - 45c
Irluli Linenryard wide -.. to
All-wool Hock . 4
Ladle' Merino Hon - . 13c
Merina Undershirt and Drawer.... 3A;
Abo, a lare assortment of
S'suxoy GoodM,
yuoli n-1
Alexander Kid Glove ..,...St 75
French Coret - ,7.''
Rutiud Comb " sot
And all other Good carreyondtnyly low.
It is therefore to tho luterotof every person bujiue
lioda to call lit
122 Commercial Avenue,
Before bujiutf ilsowherc, as money navod U moaey
"'Thankful for tho lllwral patronaje heretofore es;
(endod to ii'i vu hopo to rtx-oivo the sumo in future
rfeeU'vSatf L.UIiVMi

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