OCR Interpretation

The Cairo evening bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1868-1870, June 10, 1869, DAILY EDITION, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88074143/1869-06-10/ed-1/seq-3/

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ruiiLiHHKD ii v Joliy ir. ojikiu.y a v.o.
' lliliiolM CiilVnlIi."K.,CIiin0 ttrTi'mp.1
Tho trains nowlea-vfaas follows r'H f
ooiNd NoitTir: '
MAif trttih drrlif it a o'Mrelf anriT
Bipwa " " 4.0?'" 'p.wl
. KJlKIOlir Tlt.MNS:
Way, irave at l:30oVlrU i.m.
Kxpicl,," u.3. ... 4:I'
Way, nrrhc it .............
Kxpwe r....Trr.r.r.i.j.;.-..i. 7i90
Daily, Sundays excepted.' ' I J
In tlio .nitluctlon or' pliotoirrnphH etc.,
Hell nUtnl utifurpaswd; kOatleryJcerncr
of Eighth aud J-cveo streets up stairs.
Uarcloy Hrothers Uarrott's agents
Cairo, iUIh'ol?. " tf.unc ditwlw.
Brill" AI" HiITST. H V74 1.TilfiiHfyr?f IbIiK
A ball in honor of tho opening of Jltq
Cairo Tobacco market, dr rather for the
eiilcrlttiiuent.otlio.sraqgqr, drawn,, to
tho city thereby, who tuny remain over
for the second day's sales, will bo given
In hjofcit. Charles Hotel, on Thuraday
evening the 10th Inst.
Gonttuuioii have assumed tho manage
ment of Uio Affair, who know exactly
how to carry (inch occasions through to a
f uccessfu! coiicjuslpu. Tiun-ou't and"
greet our guoirtV wlth n klna greeting.
The following MeRtleman compose .the
Committee of arrangements.
Win Stratton, olty. 11.11. 6tVH, Ky.
James Johnson, " (). Ii. Straughau, "
Jas. BRenrdcn, " lTfioiMilrU,'WoC;c
J.M. Phillips, " A. 8. Taylor, Ky.
Nowt. Itcynnlris, p. II. yood,ward,
RII. Cunningham, Jr. Thos. Karroo,
David Holmes, Harry Walker,
Scott Walton, Kd. Slssoa,
Yi, IL gandusky, C. B. Dftlay. 2t,
tiowei TempJara Pie-Mtc.
Tho order of Good Templars will hoid
their picnic nofct Bnturday. Beautiful
grounds have beon selected near tho ferry'
landing In Kentucky, cleared of tho un
dergrowth and otherwise prepared for
occasion. sJeat.i.and a platform will be
provided, and a first class string band
will furnish music for those who wish, tc
The turnout should and no doubt will
be Urge; because, in the llrst placo the'
programmo Is inviting, and because, sec
ondly tho alms of tho order of Good Tem
plar arc such as ovcry citizen feels (lis-
posed to encourago.
"Ham tt a high roputatlon.
t llyWrrlp iMf
Among other cl'y scrip stolen from
my residence nn tho night of tho 3th Inst,
was order No 061.1, Wiuedj i me larch
1st, and calling for '$40.00. All persons
aro hereby warned not to buy or trado
fqr.yifc Vatno as payment Jias' been,,
stopped; and unless thp,samo Is recov
ered by mo I shall In' due tlmo apply for
the lssuauco of a duplicate.
June03t. B. HfrANNKaftV,
Bavo your Uvo's and property. A.
Fraser Isagont for.tho copper scroll lights
Blag rod company and will fill nil orders
promptly. Call at oiaca and have them
put on your buildings. This it the beat
and safest rwlnow.ffiade. Sfief) on Com
mercial avenue, between Klovonth and
Twelfth street. v o .iiU4lm
"IlarrettV can't be beat.
mot-A. . WkKWMf'i Orc HUH.
Mr. A. R Whit taker hereby announoos
to bis friends and patrons that be has re
moved from his old stand to Ford's build
ing, two doors above, where ho will bo
please 1 to see and wait upoa bin old
ettetoHers, assuring them that his stock'
of drugs aro unsurpassed for quality and
and variety, myl7dtf
If you want a good stove, or tlnwaro
hollow.ware, copper or sheet-Iron ware,
tin roof, gutter, or anything in that line,
call obi'A." Fraser, Commercial Tavehuo,
betcen Eloveuth and Twelfth street,
where be has moved to, aud fitted up tho
largest, and t most compjoto gbppln
Bouthern Illinois.
Particular atteutlou irlvon to steam-
ana biieet mworyc, juwigcuimnoys,
breecher escaping stcam'-plp'es.'ptc. w
aprSldflm '21 h '
"Barrett's' Unlvereal' Hair Restorntivo.
Levee, is furrilshed',wAh"tho,iate8t styles
of tables, and tho bar supplied witii the
most excellent liquors, Freo lunch ;ls
prcajl ejveryday ata. m. aud 10 pf,
Heraher Asuply'of IoeVfllbbl kept
for sale on tho corner of I9th and Porlan.
nt tho same rate as furnfshe'd fay oflir
dealers. May $tt
.Wnnderf the.agft J'wratt'sV f t W
. .
Itu imlnu; of Fruit Tritlna.
. Ili CiN'i!R H Co.,
Caiko, Mny2S, 1S00.
Until further notice n fruit train will
run dally, Saturdays excopted, leaving
(ftoatt oclck a. m,. ndtwl.ljirrlvfji
at Chicago nt 7:50 next morning. Frutt
shipped in car loads, or nearly bo, will
rcnoh St'-Lonis tt10:ao 'rfrxl morhlng
Yltii9R9,,aDK9Hr cars, PftsenKere;will
not bo curried on this train. .-
Ma'JOlw Jamr" Jwuxhon, Agent.
(Tiines copy.)
TBeCrawd, IheLttneh e., M th ToBae
eo Wnrrttamto Ta-day. .
Whatover may bo the character of our
wksLvitlteA ouKt4se warehouse jdslt-
Hag.thqjlas; cotid,hro fejotherwise
than fjilly assured that good results mu$l
onsuro from tho operations of tho Plan
ters' Too aced,'' AVareh'blf & ncom pa ny.
floor of nbout six ,ltuidred by one hun
dred feet, prosentod a sconoof business
activity hat)mu8tjayi)14eu1 gratifying j!
to every person Interested, Ink ho pros,-,
pority oLoulfy, lpeji oT-tobacco;
hogsheads, (uid, tubs, hemmed tho spec
tator. In ou overy sldo forming a total
beyond utuo expectations of the most (I
sauguluo: friend of tho. enterprise. And
the crowd substantia! 'pldntors from
Ietituckyj Ml99otirI Imd Illjiiola were
thero by huadreds, all Interested for the
successor tho .sale. In one 'portion of
tho warcholis'd tho repast- -Wiw spread,
not In plica oh rough hoards; but tilshed
up with care Ih and Iron stonoi ItoaBt
pig, roast beepmutlonrohloken, turkey,
ham, with all tho needful eoinllmonts;
vegetables, wlues oto., 'We'ro.' thero in
abundance for nil, and ni free for those
in attendance as tlii? very air above them.
Tho room was embellished hymottoeu ex
tending to et!lers nod buyers n'wclcdmu:
with flags and flowers; nud whllo the
throng partook of tho refreihiieUts tho
Cairo,. gllyeCvCqruot, ibati,' ,JIscourse d
music that seemed to give all un in
creased rclUh for iho repast.
Of those who extendedld luhe,
hereafter. Citl7.eris"fr0m evbfyK wi1k of
life were thero lending awilllnK and a
knowing bn4teMWRleiug with tho
otbtr.iitMMfitU, to mako every fenturo
of tho ofMBiBKsala a success. Our visi
tors expressed thenxielves gratified with
j tbVaftoTTflonTlh"ey "51 Bed'
our citizens in mt ixpnme or tho hope
that the complet est success may crown
tho undertaking in hand,
For photographs' and ambrotypes go
Tlio late entry of tobacco for prizes,
and the'recelpt-of largo corlslgamente
ror saie uunng mo morning, aeiayea
commencement of the sale until about
ii o'clock p.m. This delay was uufortu
iiato hut unavoidable, and our friends
from abroad, appreciating the caufe, cn
tercd.no complaints, but took the matter
phllos6phlcally. Many of Ihesi took a
stroll about the city, vMtcd frlonds and
places of public resert, and managed to
put In tho time quite pleasantly. Among
other 'distinguished visitors present at!
thesalo we noticed tho Hon. Oscar Tur
ner, Hon. Tnotnaa H. Corbett, Capt. Dick
Hardin, of Kentucky: Gen. G. 11. IUum
and'F.' J.-'Chapraarii,;e8av,of Illinbls'. 1,1
"Wo would, ad via our, tobacco buyers
to go down to Cairo aud buy all tho to
bacco offered, and bring it to Paducah,
'nud sell Itagalu In our market. A fine
chance for speculators. rauuean "iiei
Tbe'deeeeSyduwobldl If your'buyf
ers" should accept your advice they
wouldJiaro a chancctobuy several hogs
hosds nobacco Vctully apldtln hhe
iPaducsli market within the past ten
dnyaL Bend 'era down, liowovor, they
shall bo'treated like lorM-to"thft maor'
ino council proceeaiags w-usy aaL"
l. u . I .1 n ... L.lin.H !.
mayor 'atJd'ATllllaai'B. Howard, eaq-i
concerning tho. claim, of Messrs. Fox,
Howard 4tCa:i the resort eMlwreounoll
oomBailtee-thefBt-V, aakw fer.
'these soveral paperacaroful reading,
as they treat of miitters In" 'which every
tax-payer is Interested,, ad of whloh
every citizen should be laformed.' Kl
! Tlieball'lB' tlie't. Charles 'Hotel to-
Bign( will no aouDtoaitoui muuu oi iuu
beauty and faoe of the, female .sldo of
pur city, and muchof tbo gallantry,
chivalry, .aad ,'befUness,'rfrom the
Baaseuliae We.r But inhere i will bo gen
uine e'njbymeBt vfof allV Good music,
.unexceptionable management, 3 and
hoepltaelo enterUlnment! fcwld
ask lor a more seductive programme? lj
M ii - mmmm 0S i i
Poor alike Berry came to his deathB
the service of.a friend., Had.ba notbe"en'
.doing a kind omce for a' friend r'in deliv
ering the ice totlu jBL Chsri,lieNroM'
not have WenpTreeeht at the' Tlghand
ueing.prvui1jiwwuiu uo ut'u
killed had" ho not interfered to saveTthe
,ltfo of one of the belllgerentawhom he
-. .i.iui j ' '
;jinu Known irnm cuiiuii,nyu..J )irMn
! lJkc'i UrdMGlrcu (omltl K
Lake's kipeymMd Bad otreailll
be hero pJh.23djBSt.. tjs .said to bo
ithj largest olroujcombJqaUqnioJ.be
'United States7alido'verybody klsaWs)
IWll'Iiake' t beajf HkowVAvltWa himsetfj
We hayo.0Mlyre"j3Ittlsp4DrtA
(announce tho coming nhd ask the reader
to reier to ine imRieuaeHuveriisemoqt.
Moro In duo season.
' a,,t.r..
ThbimagalflceBt pletorlal tdUs. pu,t.up.
by Iiake agertlii.dlfVereHt parts' of -the
city, yesterday evening, werowashed
down by tho ralu during the night. The.
l9 .uamed fprHrday,, MljJajge bas
ket 'With, eatablesptake your f famliy,or
sweet'fleart, take somebody JoinVtil
orowd,-aBd devote a day-to- reoreatloH,
Tho musieTr4he Cairo 611 velCorifei
band elicited very high enconlums from
tho crowd of listeners to-day. Good
(Judges (among others, oursolves) pro
nouqeettttas iroadmtielo'aahas htoettdls-
coursed In Cairo since the visit of Mentor.
of Itin fnl
hoUsrflw'wUlilfig'or ''tlilgh'af' fdr
dlnneAe-dayj tjliejepprtpf a pistol waa
heard in an adjoining building. With a
portion of tho crowd wo hastened to tho
spot, auuto,lrotUr ..bVrp'rjso.' ijnd hbixor'
round nyomig man lying prostate on tho
floor, iih6t 'through the Iiedrt and gusjK
lug his last breath.
Extending Inquiries we learned tlio,
following facts: Tbody wns'thnt rtft
Bam. M. Eaton, a" paili?er ' from Hinck-'
James Smith, or Calrp jjrovyked a fight
with a man by tho name of Clark, In thi
saldou df the. iHt. 'Charles: During the
progrcsphUflglitElyn npjired up
on tho scenoand ordered Suilth. to de
sist, dj ho "Wqdld shiiot m. Tho
flglit contlnuod alid JSateudrow his nls-
tul, cocked It rfnd loveled 'lt at-Sifiltf'ii
body. Jut at this juncture Mike IJerrj
whV'hafl Wirfminr bdfbro citrrled'
chunk orieo lnt tlio liQtI, appeared with
tho lee hooks In his lufiVdnnd approach
We Kathn,;;riiflfJleil Hot tb
shoot adding that It was no time for n
fuss. Some say that Berry raised the Ice
tiooksMn'a'thrcatenlng' attltuder'whllo
others auvvtbov...Wcro, morel v restlntr on1
his shoulders'. J1io'-tliat as If) may, how
every, the pistol of Eaton was diverted
from ymlth to Bery.aud brpughtwlthb
a mdt or VwoVMA'ebt breast. In this
position tho pistol was flrcd and Berry
fell, pierced through tho lungs.
Eaton then started toward the tobacco
warehouse, when tbo cry was, raised to
"stoplilm.hoHas killed a man," Eaton
continued. Oh his way, and reaching the
warehouse; was met 'by officer Cum
mlu, who.exhlbltJils.lMdge.of.olllof
aud demanded a surrender. Eaton again
drew his plslof'j pointed It at' officer Cum-
mlngs and actually pulled the( trigger.
OlTlcer Cnmmlugs, seeing that It was)B
matter of life or death, then drew bis re
volver and shot Eaton dead In his tracks,
his baH takW eiffect'ln tho left breast,
stoat 'three' inches'abbve tho nipple.
i Eaton fell forward, rdatol st III in hand.
upon tils face. When wo assisted in
turning him upon his back, nhnlf min
ute afterwards, life' had departed.
Tbe affair Is ono'hat Is deeply regret
ted ou all sides; but the universal vtr
diet Is that officer Cummlngs was fully
justified In killing Eaton. Ho was not
only in deadly peril himself but In the
dlscharuo of his duty. Eatou was hero
merely as n looker-on, tho pistol ho car
ned being one that be bad borrowed of
a neighbor, for tbe trip. Ho was a single
man, given to occasional dissipation, but
was not spoken of as either a desperate
ior dangerous man. Young Berry was
raised in Cairo, was a quiet, Inoffensive
young man, aud tbo sole support of an
aged mother who lives in the' upper
(part fo our city. Whatever ho
uuajr , have done, . In the open
ing fracas, all' agreo was dono
In the interest of peace. At half past
two o'clock he "was, k till" breathing, but
before. this paeer comes to tbe hands of
our city readers, be will have followed
I his slayer to the unknown world.
Tbe occurrence necessarily cast a gloom
'ovMUwfseJInsjsof all; and tlie'fegrets
over its occurrence are some what inten
sified by tbe reflection thatBUoh an aflair
should disturb the hundreds of visitors
sailed her by tbe opeabag of onr tobao
co market, -.at
Photographs, txe&ted la the highest
style of the art at Bell's gallery corner
ef Eighth and Levee streets, at $3 per
CtlN as aislaaallaaT 0mmhsIIx
(Communicated by a Lady.)
After having canvassed tbe city of
Cairo for .thebeBtIIUL'Work entitled
"Night Scenes in the Bible," I must say
that in point of refinement, Intelligence
aadaUate f good, subs taatlal literature,-
the Cairo ladles areual, to any, sur
passed by none, In "any western city.
With the tbe exception of two Instan
ces, myself aad book were treated' with
marked respect.
r One of these was with very treat indift
ference, tiie,,othei;Bciueii told me
iVUsd, it was only one of
the many species of begging that was
going round our afreets, and that he
iwowd Refglveglve1 five? dents for. 'tho
book. M. B. H.
If those whaa'freoV'the'Dellof that the
tobacco market will not amount to much,
had visited our loveo stofes' 'during I lie
fore part of tho day theymlght have
seen convincing evidence!' the contra
ry. Couatry atea- aUdvomen thronged
these estBihmeBlssjot as lookers on,
buaVbuyers.'Clrksaud salesmen, the
llVeXfdlyfy. kept upou tho Jump,
BurelylMsAoVsjWejieuough for a com-
mencomont. The1truUuls,-yp.,yousider
overy man in Cairo, whAiowpsja lipuse
and lot, worth u thousand dollars moro
this ovonlng.tbwnrho.was.-thla morning,
That'sithe way we look at it,
The ropast spread lh the Planters' To-
bace Yarehpuf e tq dy,twM Wenaefus,
plentiful, well-cookptj, finely seasoned,
tastefully dished up. politely served, eto.
The geutfemeh'wno Unglhiored that de-.
part;ne.nt,r sjlfliy'd themselves qxpert?,.
and deserye-the thankaof the entire com
munity. Thero was abundance foi; all
aud that nbundanco was of tho best, v I
Buck beerjcoranion heor, claret and
eatawba wlatesiwas freo to rail, and all
enjoyed it.
Tlio lunuh was praised on all sides.
t j . nl-tii lnJXI,,',", in'""'
Owing to tho late' hour at which
tobacco" ia'les rcorVirrieneea' ,tbiay',,
n wo
ds: of
have only'tlmc to report tho awards
premiums and the sales of UiU'pr zo to
bui'po.L 4 if J, t:,lt i u ii I
Ist-premlum of $100, awarded to MrJ
Dudley, ofKerdtlicky;tfdr,st hhd
bright wrapper. ;Bold to .Christian Pcp-
per, of Bt. Louis, fdr $1.82 per lb, Thd
a'rtnohifcdrr5eiiVTi;sll as jfreoted'
with three hearty cheers.
Htuve)Bon( Kentlfclyidr Jedead best
ihd or brlglit wrapper; Hold to Chris-!
tlaii Pepper, nt 12, cents per poUnu. Tho
hhd that took, tho second ptizonati tho'
greuttobuqcafalrnt LoulsVlllp'ri'.' thai
5th, commanded only oi cents:'''"
lstpre'mhimof $100 w.ardedMOiMra.!
J. N. oi'RolilHii bfBallaVtlf for best hhd
or tobacco catered. iiuttufrttufofa lady.,
Bold toDavjd WhUoatOO;eenU. , i .
2nd premium of 560 awrirded'tb MIps
Molllo Ulukei for the second best hhd oft
tobacco entered ,ln tho,, natno pf a; lady.
Purchused by I. N. Kelly, of Carbondnlc
nt 17 cents.
1st premium. bu-tuOitbbacco awarded
to W. L. Stevenson, of Ballard. Bold to
Booth & tioii. 81. IAiU it. &VA8 cents .
1st premium t. tqvr best hhd, of jSlilppliig
limf fiti'nriloil In W r. Hfnll nt Itlillnril
Bohl to F. J. Chapman, of Carbondulo,
atJISOO, , ..-itH) .Tr! I
iremtum. for second best hhd ofl
shipping leaf' awarded fo Craif Elliott, fj
Ballard, 2045.11m, bought by W;D. Biev-
enson, at S13.Z5. " '
Premium: ftotittBe bso1hcIs:of toMc-
co, awarded to W. M. Coffee, of Ballard.
1st hhd sold to J.-H-.-Hublettc, at $12.26;
2d hhd to. Christian Vt pe,rt16.a0;
2rd to F. J. Chapraant at $1 1 .25.
Premium for five best hbds awarded to
fel ti.alf,;p'fy;Kv?MVt
hhd sold to B, F. Besamont.,Clarksvlle,
at $13.60; 2ud toVW". Bak9r, ata.Off
3rd to same, at $11.785' 4th to B. J. Bra-
zeltoti, at $11.76; 6th to P. H. Thompson,
at$H 25. - ' -1 - - ,
To-morrow" we shall pBWklira'fall re-;
port of all sales that may be made up to j
hour of going to press.
We conversed wllh a number of'por
so us, both citisens and strangers, w,ho
witnessed tho killing of young Eaton at
tho hands of officer CummlngS, and they
all agreo In acquitting Mr. Cummlngs of
any blame. The deceased was manifest
ly determined' to resist arrest to death.
He was not Intoxicated f was febnsolBus
that bo had the fresn blood of a fellow
creature, upon bis bandj, and Lad evi
dently resolved to resist "capturo to the
last Substantial cltieens of Cairo and
resident!) of Kentucky saw, him aim b4
snap bis pistol at Cummlngs, and fall
i.i. . i. i.yi. i i.
Willi UIV JUBUCU nnjiuii iu mn unuu.
There will be a called meeting'.)' tho
City Council (JolBtaetaienJilWa evening,
to cousjder thu propriety pfrderljigit
election to determine whether tho prop
osltion of Col. Allonlooklnfr'To'the' re
construction, of thO'fCuirs'jB: Fulton rail
road, shall be accepted or rejected, A
full turnout of tbe members Is desirable, i
Umt Bar tha Ilaar
Twa 'imB, r. ai.
KaMUataj at
U . nil
Urn. Andtraon, Columbia; Wra, WhlU. PaJacah.
Cumbartaad; CvamatUV Eloraaua, TBn,Kh or.
Dextar, St. Louli. BU Mamphls, Mamp.
Ham Brown, do Arm.dlllo, Pittuburf .
Dictator, do Kala4r, Pul'ltt-nt.
TlRrrs, Pt. Pltaaaat. "
Ban. Aadaraon, ColomiMa WmSvbitf , Fa'tucali.q'
Guldor, Mamphlf. Cumberland, EraniTlllaT'
Florence, H. Lttlf. - :Trr, 1-oul.vlllo.
BallaMamphii, do Dictator, do
ArmadlMo..r do',-unlWnf?T' riucaw )
Tlf r, Pltttbttrg. . , A
i After a warm afteMka' we bad a smal 1
shower, las,t nlgbt'adcompanled by.gon
slderable wind, after wliloii 'the .Atmos
phere became deliciously pleasant. This
Moralug tho sun ret la a eloBdksasky,
and bis beams were rattier' warm for
The Mississippi and Missouri continue
fallinBrevervwhA: r"
The CumberlaBd isrijilpg afain,wjth j
uvo ;eet on narpe onoais. i
file Ohio' fs falllHgvrrom' Ht'tHr'rg;to:
below Louisville, and ,1s still Rising at;
in tne cnannei to,f itispurg anuaoout
tho same in the chute over tho falls at
Louisville. kxirw
Hw tbe.rivcr ,has faljon rUJbut
uitiy ho quoted as stationary.
lluslnewjsodraje Jtfs TO
The Cumberland brpgjht.60 jBgt'eXs,:
and a few sundrlasjlpre-sijejtottl,
and tho following dairo freight: thui
ters' arthOBBB, 1 bhaa'tohabBsprhomas
.CireenMbbl krd;
pkgs ; Fohle A 8tockfietb, 26 bbls whisky ;
P. CuWrbbb - t
Tho Cairo ferry' boat brought JQ bhds
.tbtWoo frVmeBBclry&VoVemgltf(Jr
tho Plauters'WareMousBand was crowd
ed both laat fllght. and this mornlog.with
planters and visitors to tho "Great To
bacco Fair and ,auque to, bp heit hero
to day. a
The Wm. White yesterday brought (12
tyjd tobacco rqs jtJle4'jaatiprs; yarI)oue,!
and by leaving Paducah at 6 o'clock this;
morning arrived 'hero beforo 10 A. M.,
with 9 bhds MBd S half hhds tobacco for
the WarsbQWee, and also 35 paaseagerit '
all of whom are Interested iu tho tobacco
Tho WhiW
liavehero tlHs eTeVnnV
for Paducah, after the Tobacco Fair and
Uauyuet are, aver, 4 . ci.w i
Tho, ArmadlllB Is tborjliCBBsU
Evansvillo Paoket this eveBlng.
Tho City of Cairo Is the regular paoket
for Mom phis this evealag.
'i f
tt t x '
vto)ifAni)nt(i ANi)y 'c'OMMiSsioy
cJhi6 .
ii hi
rl tul
TlirAtiRll nillM of
Avallnlitx I'ol
itin ltyltull or Water.
tmcgat I trad meMOKC
ATiaTit; .y Ni .Misisiiyi
h t i: xai ttu 1 1 'Hi, o.-jii i a n y
compromisu mm: STfi.WnjItS
TO ' "
KT X W 0 n. Xj 3IJ X,3Nr &
.xy. it, AiiTUcn , JO.VW. jfai .
. HUTU "'I:iIiAm, Mntr,
FADMNK CAltltOI.L, WII1TK, Mu.ler,
UNTItlKKN, Muter
r.izziK tin.i.
U .-.J-.ll., .MmlV,
..fOXI.V, Mt-r,
MVta 11...'
oaaDoania B .an... .IS I r f"' .
THOMPSON IlEAJf ..1.1-r.PKlTKK, Mnlr
MOLL1K AIIL.IS AIU.i;, M.k.irr.
Comprnlnu nil llm flnotanj Urvtat Iiontsont cf ((.
loi$. I.
OnoofthoatJorn lino of loatncrit
run 'k J
Will Icare Cairo for 'ew Orleans eery
Fofly-elgli't Hours, '
Coiinoctln nt Now Ostein wllli Uoran Mnn nf titfjni
rt to ,
Iiycrjieel, New Vork. Roitoit, anil.Ontyca
A Hill
Psngfra anj Blilicr cn rely on one of tlio
particular uttontlou to all war frolaht llow Memp
inn irnYinn i.airn d innuiaiir m Kiir.
Ocnrrnl Airrnt. Cafr.
Office, on Wharfbnat, I'ubllc I.andlnt.
U .i
la . . . O
: i8o.i
Tlio followfiiK llontK omprto thu l.inr and vill
nin In tho followlnc nrilrr:
lArrlvo at Cairo,
ArrlTiat Cilro,
Malln, Mkimi
Crtna, MatiT
Tieday,5 p.m
Thurilay3 p m
Monday. 1 j.ci
?aturdv. G p.mTJium.,
Arrirr nt Cilro Arrlvt- at Cairo,
Boat . txiwN, tr.
' CI T " OKA I.TOX, Wiiory,fi;m Friday, 1 j.bi
AiThr. Mtrj
, Mairr;
nuilICO.V, KrMay, 0 p.m uiifty,i 1 ait
I.UM1NAKT, , " " ''T;
Coiiwny.Mal.ri u .
M. E. KOIlnVTII, Smi.l.iy, S p.m Wednaifyla w
r JUnoy, iluurr '
Jl'MA. , " ; '
.9flLR'ln'Sl. o wi , ...
Northern I.luu I'urkat .C'uiuitauy,
Keoknk PucLct Conimn-,
Omaha Packet Companjr, 1
' and Va-lotia Knllroad I,li.
AtMrapr(l with
MtaapBia Whit River Packet Co.,
Arkaniai Illvcr l'ackct Contpx
Memplila aad Charleif on R. R.,
and Mlalaalil 4i Tmucixti 11. tl
At Vle.kburgwlth . ' ' "
Vas'Mlvar Packets, and "
Vlckaliurg mul 9f crldUn ltallroa4,
(Ilvlni ihroiigh bills Ulmg an t tickets to all arailabh
polntiihy.ratlorrlvrr. ,
' " I'll AS. T, inNDE,'0BraI Ant. '
' Offlcoun Wliari-boat.
EV. F BION, Twkct and Pnx'r Aki-
Oonihtlntr of tlio following
splendid psaaenger ttcnmeri ; ,
..Matter I. UAnPEK-i....
..Muter 1 Woods
It.iVIH., .., ;,.,,Miu(i'r I L',Vn,.,
MWirift an jmernieniaia lanamcn, ana kitIdk pia
attention to way hnine. , ' ,
' ' 'I'll AS, T. iri.NPE, ficjierel Aw'nf
dec-'l tiW OttJoo on Wharftosr.
V T i
' 4fJl" '
PAOK331" . 003MCXu9LaXTV-
OMTKDbTATrW M.l', Ulr.
JOHN B. UAV1H, Sun't. Mi'inptil.'Tf nneAw.
Tlio spltndtd Aldt'-wheol u
1. 1 11 1. 1 vi' a mo. w,
I.av Memphis niviy 'IUR-DAY. Tllt'KPPAY UJ
DuvaU' lilutt illi the Jlvmnhls and Millr- Hock Rf.
roa.1 for Utile itwlt atnl lAjt yjirmg-v Tuno faa
Mfmnhls to Mil hi IOcIc.Mr hnlim. '
Prt-iehta onJ PaariiK( rvccptiil ocr tbonbdre
Uno at lowor rains limn nhy other route. ,
OI1AS. T. HINl'K, AgfM, Cairo, ill. '
uiucc on tvnurr-i:U.
p-avoscBT ooivtarrji.Kpir
, OdnsUting of the followmg
DUS0U0JIET.. ... Matr KOWLP.lt Crt
yii Cairo Sutulajr sml,Tlufstlay at 6 p,m. '
O.UIOli.tiTKP, ,
PEXTB15.-., .u.tfr I OKAMMEK V....C,'JV
Leatea Cairo WtvliuviJay ami Eaiurriay ut J'j;m.
(loula raltentlou t. I''k. 1 I- r. inl.ur if -OIIA.
T, 111NDE, Central Agent.
Oili:oon WharT-boai.

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