OCR Interpretation

The Cairo evening bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1868-1870, September 29, 1869, DAILY EDITION, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88074143/1869-09-29/ed-1/seq-3/

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toning Sulbiim
Vot Member of the Convention to Alter, IlcTloor
" Amend tho Giiwllliillon,
For Counljr Judgr,
vnr.Rovxur. hhohs.
-Yor A(0CilVutlci,
For County Clerk)
For Count Treasurer,, ,
WU.lt . M'KtIT.
Per County fcopTnt4lfht tit' Public. "flhoo.ii,
ULKWIH1'. RinXBft'.'"'
For County Burveyor,
,. r '
A democraUcobveUtfpn will bo held
a , , , ,
'24. IRAQ, far Mm rmrnnso of tp1ftlnir a
wdldato for delegate to the ConBtltu-
nniti :nti VATiLion rrnm inn rrnroiiAnLaw
mine. ln1aaWI ari'rl ITnlnti. Tlln iiauIh nf
1 . . 11. 1 . r . .
... v
'alulcJ county, to ............ 'do
Yjoii county, to .. ,9 do
By order of the Democratic Represent
ntivo L'cntrai L'omm ttcc.
Thus. Wilson, Chairman.
Cairo, III., Sept. 18, 1609.
To preserve hair uso "Barrott's."
Three cjuch suporior London Dock Glu
it fetti fit iltn TT vn I ri ti IDnllkMnf nlYInn
Wo record It as a fnct, for the informa-
lon ofdlitautreaderH, tlint the weather is
, . ...... d t f . . .A
iifiLiTin i. inn LiiiriiiiiiiiiLir Miuiiiiiiiir.- lit
2m. at 71.
The col jrel brass tmnil will, wo learn
"rrtiTiii-r win iiiiuini. in l iji iiiiim iiiv
-it-- M. .1 a. r Vt.... .w.
nil nifiri lilnc nti ihii Dlifn lnvrr rliln
- -
tnnliii T t ii (a 1 lunnbAil r
f uijiiiki as mi i iiciiiuu la uiairiMuu tu
- - - -
1 - 1 t J 1 A
IT l"l ITI LllllUinU L HIT L'lllll in 111 LilU 1 1 1 I II 1
Mra. iiif Hiiriuiii i pnr in mini! iriiir iiif
iami ih nit creuiure oihix wcokh.
t .1 .
ATatlucAh tinner mp: 4,llio'nnmbcr
A - , . I
uiuu uii in nun uuuul x uuuoii ara Torv
if as n't Homebody nut a now ton tolils
it " - . . - . .
ri vn iim till, itvn "irrflr rtMMn uit'tm i
ii - i ; ut- " o o '
Tho editor of the Centrnlla 'Democrat'
in. iinn rii ri i ri vnrmi w i r n ninrranAnKii
'mwford Tnrlety. nnil ineasureii Icven
iics -jit inurriiL fc neiicn ivns 01 inn
mi ii fiiinrrjtt l nnns iti tunfri 7i
bout thit h!zo of a hundred and sixty
otintl cannon ball I
The oldest man In tho world In sup
osctl to l)o David Eaton, of QIIch cou'n?
eiupiur,aioui buveuiy years ago, ana is
u experienced lad ofono hundred and
ightyeurn. Iu politics ho Is rather In
lined to bo a democrat, having 4liys
oted that ticket. Ills last presidential
oto wan given for Douglas.
Shcrlll'Myeni left for, Joliet to-day,
'III. II... i.lrn.i.im n... I Ilw.
resent term of tho circuit court thir
n In im tnlinr iirnl. tlwt ..illlnrnf tlin
uicago 'l OHi' uau ncuer prepare tor n
1 1 if k iiiiim in ni'rii rii ii n 'rniiH t
Cannot tho Pout1 give our "copperhead
ourt" a few blizz&rda for what tiio com
lexion of a majority of these conyle1!
linemen oruni nnraonuiion or run nnnr
Mr. Extine Norton has bcon elected
resident of tho PaducaU &. Gulf railroad ;
udge L. 8. Trimble, vice president, and
I.L. Jones, Esq., secretary.
Mr. Norton Is a gentleman of means,
n ablo financier, and a man of good
f which ho is president, aud which la
frtltnnn(l liv tlin irrandllodUent title of
ho "Paducah and Gulf railroad" is a
fty-soven mile switch of tue aiouiio aud
ihlo road a Mound City road on a large
Tho colored brass band wan blowing
wnv Inst tiloht at a fnrioua rate, clvincr
he neiRhbora a sound or stiaitering
quawKing urassiuai wupeneony iiuru-
. . . .. . ..t.t. i
putting. But all bands have a com-
I' I I'lHII H II I . Ill ill WH I.BI1IIUL Btm V 1UBH LUU
- . a. 11..
olored band la not making aa creditable
nnilu'nv no Htn malnrlrv Ifn.
The band proposes to make Ita tft&ttf
morrow, at Mound City, tho occasion
Alnnn ilAiMAHni.. tt n m A r lit a Wl 1 f4k1
The dead bodies of two pauper wer
emoved from St. Mary's Inflrmary this
nrniiiLT. io 1110 imuiiur uurv nc lruuiiu
i -ii ...ill i a m l
nn whb inn iiiiiiv iii it. iiiurm. wiiiihh
At.' I I . 1
amo wo did not learn. Tho other was
ian from tho country, who was entered
the 27th Instant, while In the last
lllHM 111 I I 111 11IU11 UCUl 1 u uuuiu icni LA
othlngof hjs hUtpry or tle whereabouU
f his relatives-only mat no eaBae.iua
ylng condition, died, was hustled Juto
pauper coffln, and put away among the
auper dead. i
Branlnv RrotHfem.) "Barrett's" atteutH.
Barrett's" does not affect the system.
The largest andbbst furnished billiard
hall In Southern Illinois la that of Wulk
ker fc Slsson, tf
Irish linen, selling at 135, now $1 15
Irish linen sold at $1 now 75 cents; 'and
good Irish linen at 50 cents, at Reilly'H
"i 1 j. '.
Best 5 quarter
pillow slip muslin 24
cents per yard, at Reilly'a.
Tk fMMr"tc-
Prof. Blalsdell takes this method of
aaylng that the singing claim will meet
at thV Conservatory or-mtillc on Thur
dayirlC Jlxt, and set this evening,
as formerly announced.
Brlhlilafn'mlndr "
'SI 3 .enrijlDlffitTA" ? ' .
The stock of 8trattonrHtee.ACiatk,
embracing a general assortment of gro
ceries, will be sold at auotlon to-morrow;
(Thursday) Ike tsJe 'tKaiclng at 10
o'clock, a.m.
The HtockjBmbre8Buga,rstcoflee,.teM,
trfolaksef; rc spices, mackerel," and
everything else usually kept In a first
olass grooery-establishment, 4hd will be
old wltbotrtireeerve ,
The dead body of a' negfo' that was
caught In tb Ohio riyer Sunday eyen
Ing, prcsonted evidences of a last ride on
tho steamer Phantom. Hie clbthiog
was badly torn and bung in rags about
the.feetjand upon the left breaatithcre
was a Tagged wonnd.Tvhlch vra no doubt
the cause of death. It Is known that ns
many as four negroes wero killed by tho
Phantom explosion, and. It is boiieved
that this wan one of tho bodies. An in
quest was held, and tho -body burled at
the expense of the counly.
The carpenters engaged on the new
custom houso are; erecting tho Iron
frame woikof tho roof.' There yrill bq
no wood. (or very little, at least) used in
the building,. Tito Joists, JJraftera and
column8"nroof, iron; the' cornice Is of
stouej the roof will be of slato and the
Iloors of marblo. V
Ifwoani not mistaken, wo have before
remntked, or. heard (ornobody- el3 re
mark that "tho bulltllngjwheu finished,
will lw a credH tojho cQ" There" ii a
frflhueniabout the originality of t(ic re-mark-'that
render It quire cnptlvnng.
Tcftli! Ti-nhl XtetUl
Dr. Austin, tat HO Commerclnl avebue,
Na surgeon dentist of m$eh experipneo,
theoretically -and practically fatuillar
with ull the details of Lthe profession.
We unhesitatingly reconimentl him to
our readers, af home nndjabroad, at ono
of,tho most successful practitioners In tho
State. 'J SeptSSdlw
A'Rmrliable AflltlMloa.
About two weeks .ago a little jpjg &
runt welglilng ,9.ny oh'p""pound and k
quarter was taken Iiito a grocery storo
on Commercial svonue, .where thero was
a cat with n Utter of four kittens lively
little fellows that had commenped ?CAin-
penug nnu playing all about tiio store
room. The pig Introduced himself into
the feline family, nnd, in a few days, be
came qulto intimatet- and finally com
menced nurslug with his strango com
panions at tho old cat's fountains, Tho
cat itermltted the familiarity, and It was
not long untiltho .little porker Imagined
himself a full fledged kitten, tho most
Importunate of tho lot for his regular
supply of tho lacteal. In this, that ho
was first to assail and tho last to leave
his meals, ho could hot repress his por
cine nature Had not somo scamp pock
oted his plgshlp and carried hlra away,
wo fahould, most likely, have been called
upon In duo time, to witness the wonder
ful exploits of a pig ratter.
A lllul to our Country Friend.
Thero wero tweuty-clght country wag
ons backed, Against the platform nf tho
market house .this morning; and, we
wero told, a uuraber of them worefronx
distant poinU In Union county. They
brought farm and garden product of all
kinds, overatocklng;tho markotlu;tho ar
ticles of sweet and Irish potatoes, peaches,
apples 'and young corn. By what seemed
to bo a oommon understanding they
preserved protty stiff prices. .For. In
stance, sweet potatoes wero held at SO
cents per peck, Irish potatoes 20 cents;
peachen 30 Jand. 40 couts; tomatoes 25
cents. As these aro tho samo figures,' or
evon beyond, what the grocers oxaot, the
country people hold out no extra Induce
ment for cltlzenB to trade with them..
Tho result Is, at tho close of tho market
hours they find thewsolvea. with half
their loads ou baud, which they aro com"
pellod to peddlo out around, town for
whatever they can get most generally
gelling out for ono half tho prices main
tained by them at the market house.
There Is no necessity for any such sac
rifice, If our country visitors would sell
iholr Irish potatoes at 60 cents per buah
el at the market house, their aweet pota
toes at 25 csn taper pock; their peaches
at 20 oonta, and.eYerytfaing.else, P'0"
portion, they would draV customers , to
their wagons that would relelve them of
their loads. ,Tbey would not, $hen, after
market hours, be compelled to hawk
their Irish potatoes about the 'streets at1
30 cents per husheM their, peaches at 50
cents, aud their sweet potatoes at 75.
Tho plan at present pursued tho high
prices during market hours, and the low
prlcaiftfttrwards', kooris the people away
frpm the market house, that they may
avail themselVea'ofJtHo-latoHour low
.prices. Draw citizens, tp ,ue marpet
house, uy low prices, ana uy iu o-voe,
doubtof tnkUUk ''
"Barrett's" Btudles the balr.
Good all linen shirt bosoms at $2 60
per dozon at Bellly's. tf
Uso Ender's Chill Cure. "It never
Flrt class day board at Walker A Diss
on's restaurant, at (5 per week. tf
t ji
"Tho Best in Use." Ender's Stomach
"Barrett's" never-falling halrreatora
tlve. Shell oysters, red and white fish,
game In neasoa, subject to order, night
or day, at Walker A Sliaon'a restaurant.
i About four thousand dollars worth of
boot and shoee for sale at Bellly's at 60
percent, on the at price t tf
- - 1-
Particular attention la directed to the
advertisement of book for the million
Marriage Guide In another column. It
should be read by all.
- .
Bird Parrlsh, indicted with two others,
for lareeiiyVrbund guilty '6y the jury, and
awarded a two years term in the peniten
tiary, has been granted a new trial. Ho
llrtoTe-lfleTaT'tfie next term of tho
court, passTng the Intervening timo in
the county Jail.
Tho undersigned 'will dispose' of thelr
stock of groceries etc., at coht for cash
untilrktiraday,-90th Inst, when the re
mainder on hand will bo disposed of to
the highest f bidder at- auotlon without
BTRATToy, Hudson & Clark,
57 Ohio Lovec.
Cairo, Sept. 27th, 1S09. tf
A 8errnale n ! n Hfrcaadv.
A small party of gentlemen was out
upon a serenading round last night, per
forming Hundry .selections for tbo edifica
tion of tho writer hereof. They- htylcd
themselves a perambulating concert
troupo, and gave frco concerts to parties
whom they conceived bad large cars for
for music. The instruments used wero a
single octavo Freuch mouth harp and a
wheezy old hand organ that had forgot
ten its tunes, and nflcctod an' imitation
of thogrpauiiof asick, cow. Wo shall,
most'llkely, surprlso.pur readers by tho
remark that tho aerenaders presented no
evidence, whatever, of intoxication
Wp wll'underlako td say, Indeed, that
every ono of them was sober. , ,
1 m - -- i m
S . Srtiool FJtctlon.
On tho litlfdoy of October an election
'will bfo'rfeTdiTi hb JXtab cnglnoliouse,
for tho election of two schooljrusjces for
Townslljp i7Jfi'QUth.of rangb ono west, to
fill tho vacancies that will be occasioned
by thc'cxplrajlon of Messrs. Williamson
AHagey's term ofofflco. It is to bo
hop&UfatfcUlzanB lnUrestViIln fto 'suc
cess of our Bchools, nnd tho' careful man
agement of tho publio school fund, will
boo to It' that good mcu are elected to suc
ceed .Mcsm. Williamson t Hngoy, or
that those gcntlcmeni than whom there
nro none better, nhnll be dlootcd to suc
ceed themselves. Tho matter Is one of
importance, and should excite duejntten
tlon. j
Ttie rmttpiitlarjr ar
ShorlfT Myers left for Joliet this nf tor
noon with the following convicts:
Henry McGce, colored, larceny, lyear;
Bufu3 Wilson, colored, larceny, 1 year;
Alf. Horehaw, colored, larceny, 2 years;
Bill Curry, colored, larceny, 2 years; Le'o
Wright, colored , larceny, 2 years; Chas.
Johnson, colored, larcony, 3 years; Jos.
Jackson, colored, larceny, 2 years; Dan
Dally, white, larcony, 2-years; Julia
Robinson, white, larcony, 2 years; J. H.
Owens, colored, attempted rape, 6 years;
Wm. Wright, colored, attempted rapo, 10
years; Henry Davis, whtto, confidence
game, 1 year; James Cartor, oolored, con
fidence game, 1 year.
Ten negroes and two 'white persons. It
is a fact that speaks well of Joo Arnold
as a thlefand villain taker, tliatho effect
ed the arrest of all tho above named per
sons, except two, viz: Lee Wright and
William Wright
Attorney nd Couniellor M Law.
F. E. Albright, Esq., called on us this
morning to put ouroxpertness In tho line
of law card writing to tho test, and tho
result maybe seen In another column.
Tho card says that Mr. Albright will
practlco as an attorney In the adjoining
judicial circuits, and mako collections In
tho neighboring counties of Kentucky
and Missouri, and all this, wo are pro
pared to say, editorially, ho will do with
an Industry; pcrseverauco and ability
that will inspire confidence, if not admi
ration. Aud.hiBt, you men who, Dick-ens-llke,
don't relish your domestic re
lations Vllh your wives, and you women
who want to get rid of your "brutes" of
husbands Albright Is tholawyer, to
servo you. He puta husbauds and wives
asunder with a faolllty qulto f astonish.
Ing. He can be found at the' Corner of
Twelfth nnd Washington avenue, and
parties "who cannot keep out of the law,
will secure a faithful stand-by by drop
ping In thero and engaging blm,
To Contractor and lliiMdni.
Desiring to clean off my lumber yard,
perparltory to ongaglng morooxtonslvoly
in tho lumber business this fall, I will
soli the stook ou hand, consisting of ash,
pak, hickory, "cypress", popTar &o. of all
sizes and dimensions, cheaper than It
can bo sold at any other yard In this
section of country. I will take In pay
inentatporclty scrip, county, orders,
and Bchool scrip. , . jf
Cairo eaw mill.
Cairo, Sept. 23d, 1869. lw
letter I,lt.
List of letters remaining unclaimed In
tho Post Ofllco at Cairo, Ills., on Satur
day September 25th, 1869.
lames' List.
Frank Buckner, Miss Eliza Dorlty.
Mrs Mary Edwards, Miss Bridget Farrell
MreDorathy Hunt, Mre Angollne Hurst,
Mise K Bohler, Miss Reach Kcnney,
Mrs F Miller, Miss Elizabeth Phels Mrs
Martha , Roundtreee, Mrs Alce Scott,
Mlsn Alice Schlclgh.
John H Atkinson, West Blair, W F
Buckelew, Francis Boland, Morris
Clancy, Sam Cromwell, Samuel Clark 2,
IT VUI1. tllil Tf UM XX VUXl IT XU J
Carr, Wra Curtis, William V CousIns, W,
AvawMt auivi wuui f v as
Hunt (miller), Chas. Houmore. Chas.
Hughes, Chas J Hunt, C Harrell, H D
HllT,r H M Heller 2, J B Hill. Alferon
R. Jones, Jno Jenkins. Christopher Kelly,
James Keegan, Andrew G. KlrtJand,
O ELewellon, John LowIb (col'd), W R
Llnk..ThomasMcCormlok, John Miller.
Charles McClaln. Dr A P Phllllne. David
Plerson, John Itobertson, R iioberson,
tt xayior, Ollvor Tedson, AS Van
Derenter.'S T Wilson, Marlon Ward,
Edward Wood, G W Weldon, Con Ward,
Peter Young.
"Barrott's" is Just the thing.
Ender's Chill Curo Ncver.Faila; . u
Cotton cards 05 cents per pair, i.at.
Bellly's. ; tfXt '
Linen nheetlng 12 quarters wide, 75
cenU per yard, atRollJy's. itf
H Xotlce.
Richard JTilzgernld, Deputy Shcrlir,
willrcprcHcnl mo as ShcrliT during my
absence. L. H. Mykrs, Sheriff.
Cairo 111., Sopt. 20th, 1S09. 2t
The powers of Mrs. Whltcomb'u syrup
for children nro as positive ns thoBun
llght from henven, nnd gentle nnd sooth
ing ns an angel's whlspor.
Sept27 d&wlw
BJ Ilrj nnt';;iilfnso Illialnoa Trntrtliis:
Ourndvicoto any young man, that
can nparo tho time and money, is to; go
to Jiryant'i Chicago Business Training
School, whero tho best facilities in tho
country aro to found. It Is Just as cheap
to go to "Headquarters" as to go to ti
second-rate institution. Send for paper
describing this model Institution tho
"High School" to Commercial Colleges.
Address. H. B. Biiyant, Chicago, III.
J. C. Canon, agent forplanos, organs,
and Wheeler iSs Wilson's sewing ma
chines, Eighth street, near Washington
I wish to Inform tho publio that I shalf,
in a few days, increase my stock of
pianos, and be prepared to furnish to
order, many of tho flrstclasa Instruments
manufactured, ou short notice, at iho
regularly established price; any of which
I will deliver, bet up und warrant to bo
in perfect order before requiring the pay
ment of any money. All Instruments
warranted, for five ycara. I also keep
piano stools and coven, nnd una receiv
ing tho very late&t publications of music.
AH persons wanting anything In my
lino of bualnuss will do well to call and
seo my nt ck aud learn particular be
fore effecting purchases elsewhere.
Sep21 dlw" J. C. Cajwo.v, Agent.
The 3Inil rromlni-ut Attrnollon
111 these times when it behooves every
ono to practlco tho strictest economy,
tho full dry goods nnd clothing storo of
Messrs. Goldstlne & Boson water, on Com
mercial avenue, botweou Eiglith and
Ninth, becomes a polntof attraction for
all those who with to procure fashion
able, Beasonablo and cheap goods.
Messrs. G. & R. have Just opened their
fall stock, and are prepared to furnish
all tho lato styles In prints, dress goods
generally, trimmings, notions, otc. as
cheap an anybody else In tho city can
sell them.
In tho line of clothing they offer supe
rior luducements, having a well assorted
supply for all classes and conditions, aud
ut prices thatdefy competition.
They respectfully ask tho ladles to call
and examlno their stock, as thoy are
satisfled that It embraces articles adapted
to all kinds of taatos, alike In dress, goods,
holscry, notions, trimmings, laces, hand
kerchiefs and tho thousands othor
articles In domand in this market.
Sept. 22 dAwlw
A Public Meeting.
It has beeu thought advlsablo to open
tho public sohool library to such persons
ns may, under tho rules and regulations
entitle themselves to access thereto,
without further delay, and to excite an
iucreosod interest In the matter it baa
been decided to hold a publio meeting,
In tho High School Room, on Center
street, on Friday evening next, at
half past 7 o'clock.,
1. Music, Vocal and Instrumental.
2. History of tho Publio School Libra
ry, by Miss. Jenuie Warwiok.
' 3. Music, Vocal and Instrumental.
4. Address.
Rkcess of ten Minutes.
5. Physical Excerolsos by the High
Sohool. . ., .
0. Vocal and Instrumental Music.
7. Address.
R AT nIr.
Addresses will be delivered by Judges
W. H. Green, Hon. D. W. Munn, John
H. Oborly, Esq., and 8. P. Wheeler, Esq.,
Exercises will begin promptly at 7. SO
p.m. t
The publio and particularly those in
(aroetod In the object of the meeting, are
cordiauy JnvIM to attend, 24
cents per yard, at
Ender's Stomach
Hitters I "Tno best
in use."
Ilftrmnnln-! mitr.
The best and prettiest cook stovo now
,A new lot Just received. Call 'nnd seo
thera at Bcerwart, Orth fc Co., 130 Com
mercial evenue. ScpO dwlra
Ladles, remember the Fall and Winter
Millinery goods to bo oponcd at E. H A
Oswald ft Co'b., on Friday and Saturday. '
r It .
r Mftml Natlea. Bcwaro ol CoaaUr-
Smlth'a Tonic Syrup has been countef
feitedand the countcrfoiter, brought to
The genuluo artlelo must have Dr.
JoHlt Bw.i-'s privato stamp on each bot
tle. Dr. John Bull only has tho right
.Wssjuuitffacture and -sell tho original
LouIsvHIe, lty. Examine well tho label
on each bottle. If my privato stamp Is
not oa'the boftle, do notpurchaso, or you
will bo deceived, See my column adver
tisement, and niy show card. I will pros
ecu to any ono infringing on my right.
The0iii Smith's Toxic Syhui' can
only,bpaprepared by. myself.
Tbo public servont
Dr. Jon.v Bull,
Louisville, Ky., Oct. 23. 1803.
itiVEitlvrnvs:. '
ArrivitU niul Ilcimrtiires Ilnrliifthe l'ntt
21 IloillM,
Ike Ilnmmltt, Colimibtis Wm White. I'ailueah;
A.lUker, Kaitporl; Hulucon, VicUtlmrs;
Nornun, KTiniTillf ; Hollo Mumplili,Mmph'f;
Ikt ltammltt. Colmnbuj; Wm.Mlillo, l'ndiiaah
Itiil'icon, Ht. I.oul"? Norman, IlrnnnTlllo;
Ilfllo JlcmjiliU " A. Hakcr, Kutport;
It. C. dray, Memjihli.
The weather it uleur nnd cool, but tho
long continued absence- ofralh renders
our levee anil streets disagreeably dusty.
Thoso who Hwcar flftit Cairo Is "an over
lusting mud liolu" would bo compelled
to search long aud Carefully for enough
material to mnkott inud pie, unless tbey
furnish their own water to mix It.
Tho Mississippi is rising slowly froi
SL Louis to Dubuquo with an abtindnncN
of water already. Tho Missouri Is iu fair
condition and stationary.
Tho Ohio Is rising nt Pittsburg with
nearly 'seven feet In tho channel, and
stationary at LonisvIIlo with four feet In
the canal. It Is qulto low agnln from
Evansvlllo to Cairo.
The Cumberland 1h again rising with
thirty Inches onllarpeth Shoals.
Here tho river has fallen flvo inched
slhco last report.
Business continues good.
TheCSTorman brought 100 tons for re;
Ihc Baktr wa tlefalned by running
aground ou Duck River shoals, fciho
brought .SO tons mutal, le-1 rolls leather
for St. Louis mid several lots for Cairo
and other points.
Tho Colorado for VIcksburg, and Bis
marck for X. O. nro the regular boats to
day. Chas T Hlndo, Agt.
Tho White leaves as usual for Paducah.
Notice it hereby men Hint on Monday the t levrnth
dityof October iiexi, m tho Arab F.nR'ne Hou.e, In
towruhlp uTeniern, uth run?-, oim west, In tha
conoty of Alexander kiid Ktt uflllinoU, an rleutlva
will beheld fortwoA lior Trn-lued for.wld tornihip,
vrbicli election will lw n-nel Ht nlno o'elock n. in.
and will uoDllnue open until tho o'doek p in. of tho
ime (Ut, Hy order of the Tnutee of rVihoolg of
laid lownlilp. W. .V. WINSTON,
Twwnhl Treuurer:
Cairo. Illinois, fckpt. Slth, 1M9. td
Arc Yon a Slnvo
To tho un of ToWco ? Io you with to quit tbo fil
thy habitl Of eouraa you de. Then gut litirton'n
TuW:co Antidote, rnl you will not only Ixi cured of
the um of tobacco, but) ou will not craro it again.
Such I tha experlVnce of hundreds. Many in Cairn
haremed It and found it in every way ettevtual. (let
a box and try It. It you lire at a distance, vend fifty
cents to Ilarclav IlroUiem, Culro.nud thoy wiU need
you a box by ru'turn mall.
Ilraiitllon, WliisKfcM, IVIiioh.
For modical parposea only, at wholei al aud retail,
by Barclay Hither.
IJHiHilInpartttblo Cement.
Thin new and rrjltihlo article It manufactured, re
commended and for aale by lUrclay llrotliem. Used
forcementlngwood,leMh'r, tjsf, chlnaware. etc.
French mucking.
The demand for thii artlelo haa aoincreaieil aa to
neceaaitatethn purcliaio of another larj;e aupply. Wo
hAie the true article aa mailo by tho noted munufuotn
rera, Maroerou and llretion. Kor cither kind ro to
For Nnlc-FIy Killer.
Oo to IUrclayt' and ft a sheet of Uutcher'a Llght
nin Fly I'aper tho cenulne fir tide. One ihect will
kill a quart of Kile.
California Wluc.
If you want the pure article, from the original pack
age, received direct from Sunny Slope vineyard, I. f
AiikuIos county, California, go to llsrclujo'. Thfj
hara II.. Angelica and 1'ort.
gteraUga nud llluo Mck Hakr.
BVAa clear and lively iu when Urank at thefiprlnpf.
The virtues of thcio water hnre been and ore .bein
teated to tho Kroat benedt and iiatiifacllon of many of,
ourcltiwu. Ai dealt out al ine rojimer oi uajciaj
Hrotkcri. ther are alwara cool anrt rurrconinjr, uftra-
toea. fifteen tlcketi for ono dollar! feven tick,
etn for
rlffjr centi
Bhio Mck-tanty Klaasei for ono dollar.
TlIVtyT ACriOlf IIKACEA mpcrlor auipen
X derforRkiiioriaiti an unequalled brace for
Tie ahouldera i a.wayaaU9pent':. a brcc, or not
at pleamre.
LtullcM, Attention.
The purett and bt'it articles of extract of Lemon
and Vaiiill. for flavoring Ico cream, jelllci, jiuddlngn,
etc. To be had at Barclay'.
Pure Cream of Tartar.
The best Enillih Boda, Jamalc Ginger, clein and
, rure Allspice, jiiock reppw, iiuiuiei vuiiw
Bark, etc,, at Iliielay ilrother.
Blackberry Wiaoaud Cordial.
OC extra quality. Now I the tune to u a puro art)-
GlV ' oraala tnil KUaranteeq uy parciay nrotnen.
floating Soap.
Just the oap for bathing. It dsea not alnk, No
dangtrof loeluiitusltUoati ou tho.korfaoo of tn
atvrf JUaiyUy,.
f r
I - l t. Alt f I, ft A '

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