fflSttlkftit OFFIOK: lo. 13 Tontli Street. Thornton's Building. DAILY EDITION MONDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 13. 186!) JOHN H. OBERLY & CO r, i'jii; oiticial iMii:it or Tin: city AND COIWTV. t it t: m i.i.i.rix i thu o.vi.v uaii.v IVVIMCK I.N NOt'MtEUN I LLI XOI.'l. TO I'Alt I I I.S DKNIKOI'S Ol' HK.M.'III.MI tii i:sor i a 1:1c; s i u vr tjh: icm.in tiv is tiu: jiosr m;.i it a iim:. vovr.ic 'usiMi ui:ihi:.u i;; ii.umhs. 'I HI! ( OWIiLTtUNAL CONVENTION. An A tiMilnu f a Jt ls :i fat-' dlselo.J by the late elee ti n that If the territory of the State of Illinois were divided into two equal lull I y an cant and went Hue, u very iMiislderubli' nmjorlty ofthrpeoplo ro M ling north uf Hint line Would bo futiiul of the republican faith, while ft largo maji rify of tba people residing south of tlu line would bo found of tho ih moiTiitie frl'.h The pn.of of Mil i.i soon In tin flection i.f tlility-flvu rudioal and MfVtaii demo cr.ith' delegate t tho Constitutional ( jnveiiti jii from the uorlhorii half of tho Htte, and thlrty-Mx democratic and et Tin radical delegate from the .south. i.ru half f thu Stale. A like antagonhm of political faith ex isted up to tho year ls0, but was, to n great extent, dispelled by thu war. Tho return of peace and "tho sober, second thought' have brought about its re-o-tabltahiiuut, rostoring about tnubamo dividing lined, and giving vet fair pro mlio of the wonted democratic prepon derance In Egypt. 'I ho Constitutional Conveiilimi oan vuics D-day, and an matter of sentral pub Ic Interest we append a list of tiio members, correctly Indicating thu pollti- I afllnlty of oacli Radical raemUrn, ikvk I by democratic votes are c!ased with tho radicals, ami democratic mem bers 'c ted by radical vote are ouuntod on tho democratic sldo. An asterisk, in tho fip r mlcd list, denotes tho lattor, and an id disk the former. The members may thus bfl clashed wltfcoutoUVMtco to their former jxilitical attachments, viz: k r 1 1 ri menu .....M l m tir t.il i iuac f Mul- 'I , . : . ii i L ! iJ kil -f !amenUa J . i r !, lii'I . ml h ' if Suj-.ar, sin i tbr I ' . s il inbtr M..yii .m,-. MUM laamriLi.. v A i iliirti . rmirr, r A -n. 'iiTnija, 4 , W t:. jnm a. Hmara. r as. ' M. ttfimn. r n.fV'.fi H Ki,r JuliB I. Tii hurt, r v. h I U. Bnnll, r h i: ilirl. I, r Cbiri1- l.in'""". r :i I " -i 'p. J V if n, 4 . . .1 . n, 4 I'iji, l 1' 1U- x. 4 t Ain,4 e . i.U I V, ,;ar , i y . .1. 4 Wir. Jt tufu,t -ti In att Go'uii'.. 'I Win. i.. iw.dn. r Wm. 1' fi'r '.r JlltM'l J- I'ttthiiry.r Jrvnph llrt r (..-.. rr r. Y'.'. .f r I.'. I V, i II e l, 4 t.1 I'M.' i P-irlr. r .1 Ull" t- W btl.sg, i . . ' . ' 4i. nnorg" E. W,, r II Sitliiit. 4 i4T. 1UIh Tio4I. r r.' 'IS. Jam-. K. M-foy. r .1 v l!fc).D. 4 IH. Wn W 4!'. r 1- k I 1 HiWruf. i , . . ., cili'li. d . tbrl: WliMton. i Win r r J r Kunrv f'h'frlll. r t, 4 M. tK. Jt. Ilttai. r W u iTttf, d U. lmr. iP 'hnr. K. i n II Will .4 IU. Hoktrt J. . i , .ryj. A k.u',4 Tlv. J- Turner. 4 i . .-.a. r.4 :!. W4lim l'ry. r i -t , II I wi.ioi. 4 iHiwir. W. ;!. r W H. 4 H. II Ci.n.4 j,.,f F.. '.io'IH. If.v.4 I I ,i I I'M v 1 ,X Jiir ! s- l.Met. r i A ! Ki'H 4 r, i I V 4 H I' l umnnng, 4 JU.irt V. WrIN.r JtiMlill Mi'ilill. r S. Wm. Y. ni.ufh,4 ti huri.i Hi. l r 91. IHtl C?niro. 4 I f &" Alilliu). t run EXVATiuAnax or jiussiax JEWS. V on careful Inquiry It turns out that Pnsldont Grant has not o.iusud any rw prcsentntloiiB to bo made to tho Jluaslan government relatlvo to tho allowed ox patrlatlon of Israelites from Kt. Poter btirh'. Ho had nslther ont a detpatoh about the matter to Minister (.'urtln, nor Iisr he Instructed Secretarty ri!i to Mig t'cut In a friendly way to M. Citaenzy, tho new and ucunmplishud KushIiui Minister, that our government would do kIio to liavo tho Iraelites treated with moro forbearancs an'd charity. Tho fact Ih that thero aro serloui doubts aa to the truth of tho story upou which tho Wash Ington Jewish delegation based their appeal to tho President in behalf of thoir eo religionists of Hussla, St. Petersburg papers of a later date than that upon which tho Czar's uliass wai 'reported to havo neon promulgated against the Jews liavo arrived and. no mention ia mado of anything of tho hind having occurred. Tho proclamations ' of the Czar are nl wayH publlfhed In tho llnsfdan papers, and it U believed had rnch a ukase bron Issued Homo noticn of It, or t least of tho ixpulsion of tho Jews, would have ap peared in the ltuHHlan Journals.' Tho whole Btory Is pronounced a canard. Old "torch and terpenilno" TJrownlow Is In favor of tho removal of tho entlro radical Judleary of Tennecsee, and the the amendment of tho constitution up on tho democratic basis. The oldjman In the ordinary course of nature lias not long tollvo, and had bettor mako tho most of It in eeds fitted to fttoio for tho past. TUX. SPANISH GUNBOATS TO Jill . ' '. ,.: , WlibRAHBl). t i C It Is tho opinion In Washington olllulal cireUs that thu Spanish gunboats cannot be ultimately detained. This Is confirm ed by tli a statement made to thu Presi dent by Judge Plerspont. It appear that he has on Hoveral occasions olllclally enlled tho attention of tho Peruvian Mill ihlsr to tho importance of supplyinr whatever cvidonco ho has In his poscs flon or en procure from his government to sustain tho charges which caused tho libelling uf tlu gunboats. The minister however, hits failed torespoud, and Judgo Piorropont ftnys ho iIocb not appoar to take any interest lu tho matter. Wheth er ho has any evldenco toofler,or vrhoth er.ho is Indifferent as to rhthcrthtgun boat aro released or not, .ludgo Pierre pont Is not Informed. Tho latter, how ever, ways ho is frco to confess that thero Is no evldenco now ill possession of tho goTemmeiit todotaln the gunboats. Tho caso will ooino up ou tho 20th, when, If there Is no rciponso from the Peruvian Minister, Judgo Pierrcpout will proba bly outer a noUr protfju!. In tho mean timo it is thought Congress may:tako homo action which may placo the caso in u new light and keep the gunboats from going to sen. - I 'll mU) OS t OF Til A SSIT. On Thuruluy lwst Mr., Carpenter, of Wlscouitln, Introduced into the IIouhc of CougroM a bill to secure and protect tho freedom of transit within the United Hates It provides that no citizen of the Ur.ited State in passing from one place to another within the same Miall be sub ject to any civil process whatoverinuny State, Torritorr or district unless 'ho voluntarily tarry therein for more than twenty-four hours, nor shall his property be subject to attachment while in transit; and all plaintiff or attorneys instituting such ruits shall be liable to actiotl for damages in tho United Htates courts; provided, that thlsehall not abridge tho right of commercial stoppage in transit butwesn vender and vendee, and further that action may bu Instituted ou the suit of a party demonstrating to tho satisfac tion of a court of record that he has a good causa of action, and (hat tho party hn-i left his place of domlclio and Is In transit through tho United .States with tho intention of departing from the same. Section 2 gives to the United Statos district courts Jurisdiction of acts contrary to the provisions thcroof. It is thought that the bill will pass. ... IMI.t. FOIl UXIFOHMIVYIX F.LKC rycf iriiMDJiris ofcoxgiiess. Tho committen on elections have agreed upon a Jbi'.l "which provides that tho day for holding elections for mem bers of.congrcis shall bo tmjfonri through out ail the Ktates. As it will rcqulro torn' cbango lu tho laws of several of tho BtaUs to conform to this .at tbs,b(l provides that it shall not take died un til the Ilrst Tuesday In November. 1S72. The bill has two objects, first, to insure a full representation of all tho States at the organization of Vach new 'eoiigrcm on the ltli of March, 'and, sittohd; to prevent persons from ono Ktato going Into another to colonize. It is thought that having the eongreslonul elections going on In all tho Ktates on tho same day, every district will llnd enough to do at homo without going to holp their neighbors. siro uj.d tjti: popf nivt Tho latest advcles from Romo state that Pope Pius the Ninth lias becomo pocsscd of the npprohonsiou that the excitement of tho Ecumenical Counoil may be greater than his health can on. dure. It is confidently stated in Home that a Papal Pull will ho lsued ordain ing that should his Holiness die daring tlto meeting of the council his 'successor la to bo elected by all tho assembled bishops, and not merely tho conclave of cardinals in tho manner Just now de scribed. POLITICAL XOTKS. Oco. A. Haldwin Is thp .clomc-qratic nomineo forjinayor at Itoston. Tho Alabama legislature has passed a" hill making it'perjury, tojajsoly Jake tho orUi of office. A colored man haa bcen elected. ten grossing clerk of tho 'Alabama house. Democrats voted for him against a white iria'ri. ' : ," ' 1 Choycuno legislation Is looking de cidedly toward the adoption ,of femalo suUVago. A bill of that character 1ms passed ono branch and U now before tho othor. Thoro is scarcely aiiyof, tho se?r in thotcrttory, and this a bid to induce immigration , Ii is a curious fart, nnd ono illustra tive of tho times, Uhat when, tho Mnssa chusetts legislature shall next qUopo tho United States senator, Its only altoma tUe Is supposed to bo to chooso cither Henry Vlladrt or II. K l)litler. Tn view of this supposition ono may exclaim yKU Clnero, "0 tompora, Qunoresl" nif.M oiiTiir. KKJioVAi, or niMAniM tim vsvr.n run vovrtrkbitii AMKXl)Mi:XT. The following la n copy of the bill in troduced by Mr. Btovouson of Ohio, in the house of representatives to-day: lie it enacted, 5cc, two-thlrda of each Houso concurring thoreln, Thntupon tho ratification of the proposed fourteenth ar ticle ef amendraont to the constitution of tho United States by tho Legislatures of three-fourUis of the Htatcs.all legal and political disabilities imposed by tho four teenth artlclo of amendment to the con stitution of tho United States, shall, by operation heroof, be removed from all porsonu mibjcct thoreto who shall havo litcii at the (I a to of said vote citizens and actual residents of any State, tho Legis lature of which shall have voted to ratify said fourteenth artlclo of amendment; provided; however, tko provisions hereof shall not apply to any person who shall hare beo Indicted for any crime com mitcd in or in aid of tho Into rebellion, nor to any person who during said rebel lion, was guilty of cruelty or Inhumani ty to any prisoner of war hold orollering to sourrendcr as such, nor tonny persou who aided, allotted or countenanced tho asassinatlou of Abraham Lincoln. If YOU EVKIt?- F.VKR WHAT? Why, when tho good old democratic party was in power, did you overhear of spiuJiO!lugAiuong your private goods to'Vee'if j'oli have complied with tho proTlsions of an unknown and unpub lished law? Did you ever hear of stamps? Did you over have to swear as to how much money you mado? If a manufacturer, did you havo to mako a monthly report to somo lazy of ficial at fivo to ten dollars per day? Did you .over hoar of a tax on every thing you eat or wear, in addition to a State, county and municipal tax? Did you over hear men (as you now do i advocato tho policy of paying tho laborer with paper rags and tho money shavers with gold? Did you over hear that a negro was better than o white man? a niMinAciMTi, ami Mimuiinots Arm ay. On Friday afternoon, tho Eighteenth ward of New York was tho sceno of a disgraceful riot, arising from a political feud, tho result of which Is likely to be fatal to several persons, participants and non-participants. The row jippenrs to liavo been begun by a small, ward poli tician named Florence Scanueii, who, with about twenty of his retainers, made an attack on the saloon of ono ThoniHs Donahoe, corner of Second Avenue and Twenty-third street. This Donahoe Is understood to bu a partisan of John Nesblt, the Tammany candi date for asistant alderman, n position to wiiicli hcaunell sought rc-nominauon, A numbor r.f Nesblt men being in tho saloon alteady mentioned, tho hen nil ell party undertook to "clean out" their an tagonist. Clubs were freely used nnd numerou shots tired. Seannell fell, badly wounded, at the opening of the fray, and Is dead. It is tlionght by somo that his own brother shot him, by mis take, in the confusion. Another man jiamod George Johnson, was nlso fatally wounded, though not mortally. Arrests wgru mudo of the leading riotors. It Is to be hoptd that they will recolvo tho full rowan! of their scoundrelly conduct, and that thus the lesson presented in the fatu of the leader of this savage political vendetta, may be lu ft" alutary manner supplemented. Till: ICK IIA ltISO..JICFAU- i,am) nAititiAa:. iir.i'.cnr.ii'M kxim.an.itiox. - " .(From tho Nw Vrk UcrulJ.) The Rev. Henry Ward needier sees that hU association with the recout ante-mortem nuptial coremony was a blun der. His explanatory letter makes this fact plain ; at tho samo time In that let ter he falls to acknowledge his fault in a fair and handsoiuo way. Ho justifies his couro on a statement of his view of how the case stood before hoappearetl lu it Now a man cannot plead ono of Ills own faults in mltltfttlon of another. It does not lighten anollenso to say that It Is the legitimate consequence of a pre vious oirencc. Yet that Is Heechcr's idea. This man stolo tho llvory of liuavou to servo the dovil with most of fensive pomposity; ho abused tils saereel office to gloss an ndulterous connection, glorify ft llbortlno nnd to reflect all pos slblo obloquy upon a man In prison by giving the sanction of his name to the statoinent that tho shooting of Richard son was without possible justification. Having done all this ho excuses himself hv declaring (bat ho was ignorant of the facts -that ho hnd formed his opinions on a grossly ono sldod view of thu caso. For wjmt ara a man's senses given him, then, If Jio cannot uso them to bettor purposo? fa It nqt a little inconsistent that tills would-bo Inuocont should so much sot himself up as a guide for men when ho oanhotguldo himself in a mat ter so otorinus that nono luiod be Ig norant lu regard to It? Wo nre glad to seo that Mr. JJeocher feels tho proprloty of yielding tho position he had taken on thfs subjeot In dofcrosoe to public senti ment It Is notoworthy that all tho thrno persons conoerned makes substan tially. tho same dofenuo as to one point they wero all foolod into their connection with this business by Greeley. Greeley, who nover did caro a button for any social lino whoso Ilrst nnd greatest claim to notice was always his doilanco of tho proprieties of llfo nover stopped to Inquire Into the right of this matter, but went abend with an intomperato "on to Riohmond" determination to make overybody bellevo that Richardson was right. Ho fooled tho parsons on, and now will let them got out aa they may, not caring to got out himself, as he is qulto in his element in this particular sort of muddle.' BOOK BINDi'nG. f wwsy sy . s-ss --ti s . QAIKO CITY HOOK BINDKUV. MAItCUS SILVElinEUO, Bools. - Binder, XTixloV lllank Hook Manufacture i No. 73 Ohio Lkvkk. CAIRO, ILLINOIS bdi r&Siitf MTLLINEHY GOODS. jJILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS Ercrj thliig Fresh ami CYr. Mr. Annnlni; liinJuntoppnoiU frcli ti I Btrlrt Ijr r.Kliiontlilo utixlc of bonnMn, niwrn,'rl Ixniii nnU f.iticjr Knodit Krnemlljr, In4 ah Mioltfttiio t)ieno; Mi l uonnilcnt of licr RbilltT to unilcrm ll til otlicrel.tlilialiiiicnU Id tlio cfljr. ,Tlio Jatlles ro Invlird to oil. ftlm nMo rolnri", lilfnehM nnd nmkci ovit lonnH nn 'I bit Iti itylo. Stnrc on Tenth street, botweon Wniliingtfin Arcnnn nn4 Walnut ulreet. ANoh fntlftnok of wortMl. nft.Dtl MUSIC. JOHN G. KAUFFMANN,' LKADUit OF INDEPENDENT STUINO BAND. Caii nreoinmoil.tn Hio public with tnualc for balli purtiei nnl f rcnmlc, nt hhort notice, "ml on roMon l)ln term. Lcaunn k't"'" en uvor; liutrumtnt. tlFiMQnie on ISth trn4, bet. Walnut n4 CeJnr, CAIRO ILLINOIS niTlOUl JROF. ED. WHTIG, Lender of WITTKJ'S STUINO AND URASS HAND Con accommodate tho public nltU the brtt tnutla for caici rt, Iwtllii, partio, i'ril, and neri'iimlef, tn thort notire. Lcinni ilrcn on ererr lontrument. Kniili-neunn Wnliinion nYmni', bttwrUi Tourtli kfi' Fifth tri, t, Cairo, Illmoli. .N II. JIuw forhnll etc, ftirnlihod, frctn on to Itht mm. tfltdtf . TAILOR. QOltNKLIUS IJOYLU, TAIIjO Xt, MO OM.MKIICIAI. .VVKNL'K, lni:illott A llnTthorn r Hoot ml Shoo Store, 'HO, ILLINOIS, arcuttins done n thott notice. marMl WATCHKS. l-t Z GKT THE WEST. 620 nt nil. u."ia (ir.ni'i.ir. niriiu i.ii ORIODE GOLD WATCHES Manuf.irmri'il Ijjt tho OROIDE WATCH CO. Theyuroull tho let insko, Huntlns- Coi, flneljr chn4; look And wvnrliki line Knld, nnd ro equal In niipraram i-T the I t cold tthn iMiullr routing llJii. Full Jeweled I.ofcru, (ient'i and laiJles lic, at 81.1 each. OIK DOI'ltl.K r.XTU.t IlKI'INr.ll folld Orotdo tlot'l Iliintinp'Cnicn ;rull Jwvled Letor,ro rfjual to tA'J Uold W.1teht'; Itegtilated and liuaran teed to Urep cnrrrct unit', aad wrr and not tornlh, with Kxtm Fine. Cam-, nt tit ea- h, o nioiiry In reipilreit In n4vmre. We end Iit Kxpret AnjM here ilhin tho l'nlt'd Stuti'i, i.ival.lu toauentoii Ji lircrr.with t bo nritili i to mien and 4'xaininu before pld for, and If not Hatitfaitorr returned, vy paTiiif tliu j.iirem euiir8'. voout win bo keut by mall KegUlciVd I'n'ku-e, ptopaiU, kj eendlnre'l In adranco. AN AflKNT HKNIMNU FOR SIX WATCIIKM lir.TP AN KXTItA WATt'II KKKB. MAHINii MRVKN I6 WATCHES FOR 5W. OR WEVK.N l.M WATCH W FOR ALSO ui.i;im.m' cmuini, uii.ni OIIAINN, of late.t and mot eixtlr htjl.-i, for l.ndiei ami Uentlenien, from li to 40 inche lonK, t ti, H, M. andSSeoeh. tenlnith watelieHal nholes.il" lirlee. State kind and Hie uf tratoh required, and order unljr rW THE OROIDE WATCH CO. oilli 4 A r e w Hi Fulton titreet, Nun York. W. HAMLIN, JJUALHIt IN (UHX, II AT, OATH, imAJT, AND WHIP- k i err, Corner of Coiiiniorclul Avenue anil Twolfth Ntrvcl. Onlro - - - Xlllxxolo. n. Keep, a full upply of ft .'d, and In prepared to fill order on uliort notice, at the lowet market rutoi. .NotI.'i Km Jt JJOLIDAY GOODS. tontcctloiis, Tojm, Flrc-yVorKH. AMPLE PROVISION FOR THE YOUNGS TERij. , , . (lot 102t.'omnieroiiU ATenuo And tmy vour boltifa)' KO01U. 1' Sau p ha laid In a Hock In (U.it line that Imi never Imen iniulo4 in Cairo. , - Conri-etlons or all ktudu, toy In nninvleii Tarlely everythlnstepleine anil (jrutify tho who nouldob erviiChrntiuJ nn4 .New Vear. ' Remember tho place, ll CoininercUl '"j FOREIGN EXCHANGE; ptOR SALK, if if i JOMNW. TKOVKUdfcCO., 1IR0KF.RS AND EXCHANGE DEALERS Eictli atreet, econd dour from Com. Are., EXCHANGE OX Great llritaln, Ireland. SouthorGormahT, r riuick-i weilyn, Northoru Germany, NorTTay. Aluo, V;ag8 Ticketa from Liverpool, London, Havre, Antwerp, liremtn end Hamburg, to Neio Vwh OrloanrWlntVMt. irColUellj inadaeaaay pjmiia "Jorapa.' deeircidtf Fill BALD, HIAP-Xif C.mi ai4 Ifcree GROCEmES. COMMISSION. W. 8T1IATT0N. T. HlliO; gTRATTON & BIRD, (SuncPMon toStrntton, lludnon U CI tie), WHOLKS.VIiE Grocers and Coininlssion Merchants, .tgentaof Amerleaii I'oMtler Va it ml Mnnnlarlnrore Aicriiu for tlotlnti Yrn, . N. 57 Ohio I,vco, Cnlro, III. fH'iayiif ' gAM'L WILSON, Dealer In IIOAT 8T0KK.S, fiKOCERIES AND PRO VISIONS, llO Oliio Iiovoo, oclatf Cnlro, Illlnoli. pETEll CUHL, KxcIiinIvp FLOUR MERCHANT AND MILLKJW1 AGENT. No. NO Ohio I.ovoc, f?iilro, IIIIiioIn. Order Bollelted nnd promptly nnd uttlslnclorlly fl.ed. oclUtf I)YA8T. PARICRK. JOHN Jl. PIIIIiLIH.; pARKER & l'HILLIS, Ocncral Couiinlssloii nnd Forwarding Mcrclianla And Dc.ilors lu Hny, Com, Onln, Ilrnn, nml nil KlnilN ol I'rodurc, OHIO I.EVF.E -.........CAIUO, ILL. apt dtf S. I). AT Kits. K. J.ATERS. YERS & CO., FXiOTTJEl imd or.ncuiL 0 a M M IS S 1 0 iY MERC II A A' Tf Xo. 133 Ohio Levee, CAlitO, ILL. marKdtf j sr. ruiLLiPs & co., IHutcefior to K. U. Homlrlclcni Co.,) Forwarding ami Commtsvion .Merclni u -AMU fVHAtlt'JlOAT I'llOl'ltlKTOllS; Ovli-o - - - IlllaaoiiBi. IAb:ral Advances Mule oil Conttgnmcnta, II i1 ' V w w w Willi. II UI)(IIIB lJ illiolnti bur oraell on cominusion. 1Iuil-.ih ut- Iro prepared to r.celvo, atoro or forward Iroiuht to lUHIIleArt HI AiilOdauti viitjvu unn prnmiHiieai. R EMOVAL NOTICE. T-I. INL IT TJ L E 1ST 'w holoeialo C3r X-o O O X i.1t ComuilHNlon Mvrclmul. lUrlnp remoTod to No.7i Ohio Lnvn., noxl door to (: tv Nikfmnul nnnlt. hIia.i ulll. ..Mlltllu ....I i.i. ." ii.-i inviniii'i. null larger ktocUa, linkullcllH tho Miiltntiixncu cd patrou nicuof hi fotmir customiTf. nn well 114 thai of m m.iti)r new. Nitprwlor ari'oiiruitinlloni for Nlornifei mill I lie lltiiKllliiu-i nil lilmU ( ... Irlice ou Cointulaloil. Cairo, .111., June I, ISC'J. my3l4lf Q W. GREEN, ffillL'ttMior in Ia!W. it i.. FLOUR AG-B'jN"T Ail GenornI Commission Merclmnt, CAIKO hi.,, . F. VINCENT, Oealer m OKicene, Lime, I'laniur I'ailn, I'lanter Hair, Cement. :i. mmm. !Pj.'"'.k' n hand. Comer Klchlh .(reel 1 1 Ohio I.tm, iMtn Illlnul. mvls-lt LUMHKH. yiLLlAM V. THORNTON, Wboleiale ml Retail Dealer lu LATH, TIMHEH, Cetlar I'aali, Door., Su.li, Hllnil auil Wll- no- liinaii. .Ofllco 011 T011U1 Street, elween t'ommereial mM WM.Iilni(lnr Aruniia, CAIRO, ILLINOIS t Am.ir'ro Uoek llirtr Taper .(liinpnny'a Sheathing Felt 1KD (tl'AIlT'Z'CK.MENT. -i , 11." W. John' Improved Roeflug ARO Atkitalua Ccmeut alwayi ou kaud In Urga or tuiall quanlitiw. 4wt 4 I'M s. WALTryKS. 53)"; Daalac XTrtx-d and Soft XnaaXaexlo fTry drltl, Ltti, MilBKlea aoatl 4ar reaf . VARI) ANDOFriCE-CorarCetaral Taaa4 Tenth lrel, QA1R0 1.... rLLt0i. OrH.r "ollcited aid aranptly MU (iNalW Lunger furnlihed an ort aalie. eelll-laa i VOID kJl'ACKB.-A VICTIU, OK ULT IK J prudsuce, oaailuj uerraa dtblllly. praaMVare Jway. 4c ha 4ioTrad almple aana af arj, whieli he will n4 frrwitq hi fellow uraaa. Ae dres J. U. RHEyKS, 78 frasaaa Seraol, rW fiafcr, cWT a w