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The Daily empire. (Dayton, Ohio) 1865-1867, November 28, 1865, Image 2

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II. II. ItiHIINSON, Kmtob.
1 )nytoii, Ohio,
Tuesday, - - November, 28, 1865.
The Liquor Law Revived.
Some fxi'lli-nu'iit i'xUIk kiiioiik tin1 ll(in.r
ini'ii nf tlir prwpeet of a ritrM piit'nrwmMit
of the Hl Jltiwr law, . The Uruiiil .lurj,
wliiilt s;it two weeka iijr"'. h:ivin.! lieeii
-la-olnlty hvii to Inrllit every limn w h
W.H Vllll.lt ill!.' tllllt lW, lllll kl'll tiieoiirij.'e
to iinlirt, iilKint a hiilf ilown. TIh-h- r
w.ic were all up In Court, on Sulutiltiy lnt-Se.-rnl
ph-iiil (snllty iiml wereflneil
ami cost- behur the lowest allowed by
law. Other hiul not guilty. K:,ve lil.
anil tlteir c wi Were eoiitinueil.
.Itnl(rt WiviNs, of Xeiiia. Miinoiinrcil
tlixL :n thn law had not hi-en ent'oroeil here
tofore ill till' eouitty. he would Iiiimo the
lii(rlu--t tine, at this tiTin. rwoifiilzeil In
tlie law ; but hi; nave due nntiie that should
he be here In April. n lie cxpoett-it to he,
the law wonlil te rigidly anil triitly en
tiHTed. Few person are aware that a very strin
gent liiiior law hns been on our tatiitc
hook tor atmut ten years; for which we
are imlelitetl. as usual, to the fuiiatii ism ol
:ilnilitioiii-ui and the Niwerof the Western
lieserve. Siu li is the faet. It has rarely
heeii eiil'oii'eil in Montgomery county; hut
n late Alioliiion l.ejf i-lature has seen lit to
revive the aritaliou anil it is now thn law
of the State that the .tudj?e shall -jive it III
i hai jte n riallg to every Cirand Jury tli'it
We may, therefore. antieiate another
li inpi ram e erusaile. Fanaticism must have
some outlet fur its foulness,
I'nder these i ireuuistauees, we have
thought it our duty to lay the law before
our readers for the information of all t-oii-eerneil.
Hvthe tlrst section of the act II Is mmle
unlawful to sell intoxicating liquors ill
any quantity to lie drank in or iihout the
premise wine manufactured of the pure
juice of the (rrape cultivated In tills State,
Iti-er, ale or cider ejreeplnl. JVnalty, a lino
of not less than live nor more than lifty
dollar ; or Imprisonment In the county jail
not more than thirty nor less than ten
Hays; or both.
The 'Jud Section makes il unlawful to Sell
intoxicating; liquor to tuition; unless iioii
the trriltm order il their patents, ;iiardi
am. or family physii iaus. and tills law ui-
plies as w ell to ale. beer, nine, and eider an
to wliisiy,. Ac. IVualty, same us in 1st
section ,
The ;ird Section makes it unlawful to Hell
liiUr, inclu.liii wine, lieer, Ac to intox-
ii ateil persons, or to persons, in the habit of
cliinv inloxicateii. 1'eiitilty the same us
in the 1-t ami ami 2ml sections.
The 4th section declares that all places
w here liquor is sold contrary to the provi
sions above named, shall he '-held to be
riKiiiii'ifi tiitisiiiiittt; and all rooms, taverns,
eating houses, restaurants, groceries, coll'ce
Iioiim's, cellars, or other places of public
resort, where intoxicating liquors are sold
in violation of this act, shall be shut up and
anaieii us puiiiic nuisances, upon the con
viiiion of the keeper." who shall he punish
en ny line ot not less than tilt v dollars nor
more than one hundred dollars, or be ini
prisoned in the jail not less than twenty.
nor more loan liny nays, or Horn, at till'
discretion of the Court.
In all cases the imprisonment is ut the
discretion of the Court.
Such Is the law which now Is on the stat
ute books and which will probably be
inter unless repealed by the next Legislature.
Unconstitutional and Anti Republican
We find in the papers the following
Washington dispatch., shallowing forth, a
little stronger than Mr. Colfax did, the
designs of the flisiinioii party in Congress
W ASHlAT. I'nN. Nov. 'J). The Xillitmtll
llrhithliran ot Monday says a hill has been
dratted ami will probably he ottered iiuuie
diately utter the organization of the House
for tlieorgauialiou of governments for the
Slates heretofore In rebel ion. by the mi-
pointuicut of ( iovernors, with power toeail
conventions, to frame new constitutions, on
the approval of which by t'ongress, the
reconstructed States are to be admitted by
a secial act.
This bill cannot be o lie red with the sane
lion of the Ifcpiiblicun party, for that
party is, we have been informed, pledged
to siijiport President Johnson's plan of res
toration. The plan alluded to in the foregoing
iiispaieii is ipiue iniicrcnt from mat ol the
rrcsidcut. II assumes that the Stales lately
ill reliclliou have been and are still out of
the inioii Unit they were successful III
secession, and that tiiey had the power
dissolve men-connection wilti the L ulou
If this doctrine is true, the Southern
Suites have actually liecn a foreign 1'ower,
just as they claimed to be. niul are uow
held only by the lorce ol military author
Ity, as a coiiiiuered foreirn conntrv.
This 1h the doctrine of the radicals who
are iMsiiiiionists ami do not uieaii to have
a restored t ulou, unless the Southern
pie come in humiliated, us subjects anil not
as citizens ot a common and glorious lie
public. II Isa shocking violation of the principle
ot restoration enunciated by rrcsidcut
Johnson, ami if successfully carried out,
would change. In an essential manner, the
character ol our government.
It centralizes iniwer; a danger to which
the Itepublie is now much exposed, and
w hich true Cnioii men, of all paries should
guard against. If xuccessful, it would
so far abridge the liberties w hich the iieo
ple have long enjoyed as to render tiiem
almost worthlcHS-scltiiiga precedent which
would work vast evils In the future, and he
felt, at no distent day, most oppressively in
New Knglaiid.
The Icinlcncy of the day, Is to danger, ami
the fricudx of Liberty should consider,
thoughtfully, the issue prescnled to thciii.
and without parly liliu guard Hgainst an
invasion id righta without which lliet-xieri-inciit
ol a republican lorin of government
berts would be a tail lire. ilarifvrtt 'Jimta.
"West Virginia."
We take the following paragraph from n
Republican' paper :
Several-Virsililia Doners lire dlseiifsing
the fcuslhilitf of reuniting the Slate by the
absorption. oT Weet Virginia, lb subject
has come ln In eonscinicnea of the attcmitt
of the Htutauf West Virginia to get posses
sion of II miotic or llerkelev ami .leller-
"oii, against the wish of the Inhabitants, by
Hie iifftne tictlHim jtrorm by w hich the
Stale was originally divideil. If there Is
any legiiiiiiat process by which tlwi two
Virginias can be consolidated into one.
lurrmr trill rrnrtllti (lire Hit marnt. Two
Vireiiiiii m-natoi- will thus, lie got rid of.
In fact OoiigreHH winild in 4 have consented
to the division of the State if the result of
the w ar hud liecn foreseen. II was an act
of faithlessness and deeinlion."
That will do. coining from a llepublienii
on ice. It foreshadow the fact that Ihc
partisan majority In Congre. Irj iwliieh
the iniiuity was H-rietraled, have already
got sick of thoii Job. , '
In more tliaii oiw itepiibliciui journal, we
have id late noticed the vool avowal that.
ould Hie men in Congrv have foreseen
what eomplexion of politician would be
ehrteil to the Senate and House from "West
Virginia," licit so-called State would never
luive b"i Kniiiml.
It does not Tmalify or excuse the dishon
est character of that proceeding, that in
point of fact, the pretended State doe hot,
and never did exist. Its creation, under the
clreiiuistaiiccs.I" III dlrii-t and open violation
of an exprm )truvisiim of the Constitution ; I
and the l!ciublicaim in ongress and in
Lincoln's Cabinet, who connived at this
lliigrant violation of the organic law, have
only siicceedcd in upholding a fraud, the
fruits of w hieh they are beginning to Itntl
exceeilinglv hitter: but they must swallow
the dose, for It Is one of their own presci ip
tioii. It seems that, some of them are now
dNwed to remedy the great w rong they
have crict rated la this matter. , It Is tobe
I'ean-d. however, that their eleventh hour
rCien!ancp Is not induced by any higher
motive or principle that that which im
xilcd them totliecoiiinilsslon of the wrong.
The Official Canvass of the State.
Theolllcial canvas. of the Stale, in the
aggregate, shows that the Iemncrscy
ladled n larger vote at tlie late elect ion than
I be y ever did before in a State contest. It
M some CmiU more than they gave Mr.
Vai.i.ani-wiiam at the meinnrable el-tion
for tlovernor in lSftt,' iind Is only some
10.0011 voU-s short of those -tolled for
MfCl.Kt.i.AJl for President last year. The
Democratic vote of lsfia is a majority of nil
the votes -tolled in Ohio at auy Governor's.
election, save their two contests in ISM and
lU,"). In any former year It would have
made the mail who received it Governor.
While the Democratic voto was. larger
than it was in lNtU, the vote for Cox is
0.000 less than that given to Jolts liliouun
ill that year. This Is it pretty good proof
of what was la-fore Kus-ieoted, that a large
isirtion of Hiuhioh'h vote was grossly
fraudulent. No candidate ever received
honestly -j.00t) votes in Ohio.
Here Is the ollicial abstract:
Jtcoli 1). liix (K)
i1ik-K- w MotKn (D)
AleXftiiilt r bnnK
Cux't matiihly over Mor-gui
An 0. Mi Huroey (HI
wan 111 I ftlttf, (ut...,
M. Ncy UiiKiaui-t
McHiriu-y'a lnKjonty ovi-r hung
Siilney M. WHne-r (Kl
, '."..'.7
lii.r. SliPD 't. (ti)
John II. M. ijnrlo.-
Wiuufcr mbj .rtly over ppiu;e....u
.Iiicnb Bnnki-rhtiff (R)
P1nlaUeiih Van 'lruiui (U) H ivi.'isf
Muttliw U. Mitvuult .. aft
Rrinfcatttof innj.inl; OTr Vnn Trump 3t,l7
John Weiih (H)
TholiUH M. Key (ft)
AlraHUilir . H..ya
We i't,'t mnjonty oer Ky
. llU,:a
WilliHUt II W.M(H)
Paviii M. Wilsou (1)
K.iljftlt HniehUMiiu ,
W'eitt'e maiorily otht Wilson
, i.'6
. lvi ecu
Jiilin A. Ni ftl ()
Un-Mtii H IWruey (l) ,.,
Janifi M. Wliilf , ,
' Noma' inajriniy oyr Barney
. i'.3.
. Wa.avr
.lamei Muora (R)
laiarlea UiHel li)
W U. i;re ghlou ,
, M5.2H5
, i-ja,4iu
Moore'a majority ow Boaaal, 'M,1'j6
Kmint.; l-eua (HI - t!6,'i
llautel 8. It .ua
Viltitl K. Hlmw
.... T 3li
'4u' uiaf irily evor liana ,..v 31861
Dayton Empire.
The tirst number of the new series of lids
pater appeared on Saturday last, ilr.il.
II. I'obiiisou. w ith his assistant, Mr. 1. U.
Fitch, havesiH-ccedcil in bringing order out
of chaos, and have sent us a very neat
sheet, full of well-digested new s, and Mili
tically as uolind as could la-desired. The
h'muiie has I tasked through many trying
vicissiliitlcs, i'4H'eially alter the, ocuiiig of
the late war. An etiiuir assaaslnatiHi ; ins
successor imprisoned tor Home weeks i,y
niilitary uiithority ; subsenuently the oltlce
closed by the same exercise of pow er and
held for nearly two months; then broken
' into bv a nu ib and all throw u Into ine; It
' may be retailed us marvelous that a busi
' wus left on which to reconstruct such a pa
! M-r as Mr. Ilobiiison lias jicnl us. It lp neat,
full of well-dlgesU-d matter, and look full
of life. If we were called Uhui for our
jildgincut, we would say it is bound to be
a success. Cinriiiiuttf Knuttirrr.
' The trenHiires of silver alid. of gold are
coming In from California at the rate of
over a million of dollars by every steamer;
but II nearly all has to go to Kunite to pay
for articles w hich we ought to produce or
manufacture lor ourselves.
Tlie other 'evening a German, named
HierMilii, Iu a drunken row Ht lialtimoi,
HiabUi! aud killed one man And mot ally
wouudtHl another.
At the time the war emhil the (Jiivcrn-
ow ned mid used for nillltarv mirnoaes
:iiW eoeomorivtn, 4.000 ear and 7n.0W tons
- .-
of iron. All the locomotives but tlilrty-
two have la-un sold, but tlitre are 1,000 cars
yet on hand. Home have been sold on time
to Southern railroads.
The Commissioner of the Internal Kev-
enne has iteclileil tint the tux of six s-r
cut. iiNin the inaiiiitiicture of soda applies
to all the itreparalions of foiiiitalus and
ntiist be paid. , ! , i
'it iiiH-ars that although In 1SC2. ISInI and
Hi w e bid one million of men In the Held,
w- exHirted to foreign couutrleji two and
tlree-iiiarterii ns much w heat and eight
tinci inure ham and bacon than we cx-
Krtcd prior to Isiai.
l.Neaiiy all tlu Veteran Hi-serv Corps
have voted under the lute order of the War
ln partiiicnt, to leave the service. In one
rtfgiinent. only four dm-ii renudii. ' A large
nlnubcr of the olllcers however, still re-
iilain in the service.
The Washington correspondent of the
New York Wiif t says a prominent iiicinhcr
of the Senate Kiiiaiice C'onimitteu lias an-
iiiiunceil bin intention of urging iin Con
gress a reduction of Uovcriimeut taxes to
tile amount of CIIHI.0tl0.0O0. This is good
ut-ns. There ought to he a reduction of
taxes to the amount of $: ".1.000,0110 a year.
Many New York merchants and import
ers have iet (Honed the President to appoint
Henry A. Sinythe, of the Central National
llniil., as t'ollcctor of New York.
Frank liurley, the tcrsou who
( rt-ni ial Met 'ook, near .Naiivlih in IStiA
has been arrested tu lluntsvllle, Alabama,
and, it Is said, w ill Is- executed for the of
,, . ., , . , , .
(leneral Butler Is In Washington, when"
he is establishing a peniiauent household
This increases the belief that he is to be
Secretary of AVar, In plmx) of Stanton, . .
II Is said that three hundred thousand
coolies will be Introduced into the South,
to do tliu work the tree ucgroes will not. ,
The French (Jovcrniiient has made a de
mand iikiii the Federal authorities for the
tobacco seized ut IMchmoiid, said to belong
to French titizens. ' '. . u ..
The l'aris c.orres(K)ndentoftlieew York
ilrrttltl says one of tlie editor of the Joub
lin' nA Vruplt; and one huutfred other Irlsli
refugees, have fled to that rlty. They as
sert the tlrst move of tlie Fenians is to cap
ture fiiumht.
A commission has been apioluted to In
vestigate certain frauds alleged to hare
been f-omnilttcd In Huston.
The Washington correspondent of the
New York Hi'rttltt aays the tneinljera of
('ongress In that city are opposed to the
admission of the Southern incnils'i's and
insist iihiii the test oath.
(if nc ral Logan has telegraphed that he
w ill lie in Washington about the 1st of IK--ccmbcr,
when he will decide what course
he will pursue in reference to the Mexican
Tlie Washington special of the New York
Cuiutittrciiil gives currency to the Idea thai
Mr. King, the Collector of New York, is
still living.
llerschij V. .lohnson, of Georgia, has ar
rived in Washington.
Large quantities of Government laud are
being taken up and settled uihiii by dis
charged soldiers.
In Liberty County, Texas, they are or
ganizing a militia force to resist an antici
pated attack of negroes.
A large tlcet of upper lake vessolst have
arrived ut Oswego, New York, ludcued
with wheat.
General Brlsbln'ii negro brigade hanf left
Louisville for Helena, , Arkansas where
they are not wanted.
A disastrous , fire occurred yesterday, at
Meadville, Penn. Loss, tl50,000. Eleven
store! were destroyed.
The Importunity of Republican
Office Seekers.
The New Y'ork Trilmne attributes the sul-
i-ide of 1'nkmton Kino, the late Collector of
that city, to the Importunate demands of
the crowds of Republican olllce seekers
upon him.. It say:,
" How was It with the poor Senator who
lies to-day in self-sought couuuuiiioii w ltd
the rlshes of the sear Hewusugcntleitiair.
None knew bill) hut tu love bint to yield
iniicreeptihly to the facination of, his
frank, manly face tho clear, merry laugh,
the joy that never seemed to leave his calm
blue eyes. Why was it thai litis man, whom
children come to with loving instinct, and
women looked upon with tenderness for
w idow nor orphan never sought his aid In
vain was forced, from very despair, to go
dow u to the bottom of the sear The rata
were alter him. When he .came from Wash
ington,- Itiey twugbl hU auutU. When iut
went to the custom-liuuse, tney gnawctl
through Isilt, and plank, and bar, and the
granite walls. - When he went to the As tor
House, they followed him from chamber lo
chamber, from dining room to pal lor, and
i ... , i ,1 .. a... i .... ....i
ii oui pui iur to ucuimuu, lie iicu wi gut-iia-
burg, hoping for coiiHolatton and peace
amid tlie xconr of his youth, tliu fields he
w as wont lo plow, the rivers nisi lawns
his (ionic, But licit her steam nor lightning
nui outrun tlie furies, and the rata billowed
him front station tu otatiou, aud chased him
from tlie country deiMit to Ins colllllrv
home, ll'ilealll was Inevitable, he would
lie (teaitefiilly, and nut from torture, and
so welcome the rushing river; and lest
proved treacherous, unit deny Ut peace
ihU Kiully-hiniliit limn would Imve, jmiU
iihI litit k ft leuikii ImikIcii,' iMniWnlH
to ris no uiort. The ntU tuvu loni' tlulr
-The IiiiiH'i-.alUU (that Ih, th Maxliiilliun
U h), iu MiituiiioiUM, w i re uttiu ketl rereiilly
liv u nt Hn: liin-eot'Mi'Xicttii LHx'thIh, whom1
tfii V r'ul-fil with iin-ut whuiifliter. Tho
' I.ibtialrt, howi'Vr, ituma utilii huU
nyum to the aMault,but wure at last driwu
ofl lioprhwly deleated.
An Important Decision.
I The decision of Judge Trigg, iiftlie U.'S
IMrlet Court at Nashville, iipnu an nppll
mcnt ealion for a w rit of n. conni. In the
... ... I ..t 1.. r
case of Hick Met 'ann, I oneofconslileriible
liiiHtrtni-e. Met uu, alter liaving Hr
reiiilcred and been rmrmled in the iibiiiiI
manner, wna arrcxtcil by the State authori
ties of Tennessee and Imprisoned upon fnci
charge of having sat in a confederate Court
martial which tried, eonih'iiineil ami exe-
cnted one Ilium, for acts committed eon-
trary to th law of war. . . t
Judge Trig decides thuf a Kednral JMle
has no luri-dlctioii in the case of nu iiuii-J
viuuai ncio oy riaie aiiiuoriiies rir oiiences
not coiumltteil against tlie I'nlleil States,
'lite application was therefore denied ; but
Itefore reaching this decision, the Judge
Ti . .
Vattcl, Whcatoii iiml other authors to. -how
that the late war was a civil war, hence
that any act of a Confederate Court mar-
linl, iliily organized. Is hot a punisliable
ollense. Alter limiting a great many
authorities. Judge Trigg adds : '
"Now with the facts of the late rebellion,
us it is usually called, staring us nil In the:
face, and in view of the authorities Just
cited, and cstccially that emanating from
tlie highest judicial tribunal in iiiircuiiutry,
1 inn at a loss to Hreelve how anv. lodge
or Court, w hether State or Federal, call
assume the remiixlhility of pronouncing
otherwise than that it wiis a civil war that '
the parties engaged In it wore belligerents, ,
and. as such, entitled to exercise every
right accorded to them by the law s of w ar. I
It w ill, of course, he conceded ; that, if it 1
were a civil w ar. tind the parties engaged
111 It were belligerents in the sense of in- !
lei lial innal law, then w hatever one of the
belligerent partitH might do in conformity
to the law and tiagcsof war. so also might
the other party.
It Is my opinion, therelore. that il tin1
cnarges nunie agaiusi Maun, as the same are
l.lll-ll III llll- 111-1111,111, Vtl'll- LI lit'. 111 WOlllll
be an otl'cinler inrainst the laws of war.
nnd might proterly be tried by a mil
itary court. Ami that Ihc members of
such court, if I hey acted ill good faith, even
though they may have given a wrong
judgment, can not be hcliT M-rsonally re
sponsible iiHin an indictment, orothcr nro-
l ecdlng. civil or criminal, in a state court,
fr the itarv l.hey may havp eiiaeted in such
mm. l lie laws ot war Dcing it part ol tin
laws of nations, and conseijiii-ully are law s
of the I'nitcd States, the courts' of the re
spective Mute area" much hound to re-sM-ct
them as are the courts of the I niled
As a decision from a Federal Oiurt that
Hie south iMissesscd belliircrcnt liirhts. ami
mat whatever "one ot the parties might do
in conformity with the law and usages of
war. might lie dono by the other nu ty."
the tltove Is of much more titan ordinary
liiiMirtauce. In its concessions may lie
found a solution of the dillieiilly widen In
sets Chief .lust ice Chase ill his efforts to se
cure a trial of Havis. I'hirmjtt Times.
! - -
Tlie spread of the cholera In sonlliiTu. itml
ecntral Kiii-om' is creating a terrible' panic,
which of course aids the disease in Its rav
ages. We ought to get ready for its visit
to our shores next Spring, ainl by timely
sanitary precautions mitigate Its horrors lis
much as Missible. Some eases have already
occurred on board of steamers coming
hither from Buanfie.. ,i ... .
It is rumored that a crushing reply to
F-arl lliissell'sargniiients against Kngla'ud's
resMinsibility for I tin ravagiD of the Alaba
ma and other British pilules, is in course
of preparation at Washington, ami w ill
soon be sent across the Atlantic.
;i . -.
According to some of the Toronto pa-x-rs,
the t-ople of that city, ami Ihc Cana
dians generally, are ranging under the ter
rible "Fenian scare, " ; Toronto and its
environs ar pickot-d with regulars and
volunteers. and everything kept ill readiness
for a conllict.
An actor in the l'uik theatre, lirooklyn,
while attempting to come dow u from a
theatrical mountain, by means of the limbs
of a theatrical tree, broke out- of the limb
and tumbled promiscuously to the Hour,
whereby one of bis-own limbs. , was badly
At last accounts from Hotnbay (East In
dies), lr. Livingstone, , the ' celebrated
traveller, was there, preparing for another
tour of exploration into portions of Africa
whereto the w hite inaii lias never hereto
fore x-net rated.
HCH Lit KfUKIH Carolina t.omao, 111 Ism ilaunh
tcrol William aud Mary HcliloitUitN, died Una ilay at
o'clock P. M.
Fuoeral aerricea atlVa n'uluck lo.morrtwtWedaee.
day) afternoon at Ilia laniily reaUence, No. IV Mar
ket Slreel.
Died. New Advertisements.
ti j
ofNoT.mhar, IDAS, the undr8lgut(l war a-
youiivti tuiii quHlititl HtliiiiuisirAtor t Ht chuIi uf
.Mol flmJtt ut at ' f viiiiry ounly, Ohio,
uov-wUt LU01NDA BUAlK.
x" Ei THOMPSONifrr
.A-ttorney and Notarv,
THUh'I tfiO to him with itiligfcuce, uroutuiH9,
Ml cttr. . ' "
o(tit' onl htrJ Htr at, ovr llwubtirtt:t.iH' nloihiux
Btont. t , ituviMaiwly
iiim'liUK ol I tut Htui-lt-hutJtri l th 'Ku)iii
tU lit
Will 1)41 hMl I'l If 11 OllH't" t I IhA t'oiDiwtliV,
1. K. UOYKK, PrtHhml.
. O. jam Hacrt try. imv7lHwU
. ' , i i . j i i
ttornov a, t Hiaw
H Kr !rr, Mmtm mm lb I ret Htu.y
, , , (tnlrawDttTluraillrfnt, , r
nuiaodaali . . lurrua, Ohio.
, "'y , , , ,
: -I ' i , , 7 t
ihU I uvimtitl ot IhA 1'i.ttl Kiilttf in KUtiit hall a
It4 wkfr wall Mimttt tt-utxi with niolHHiwfi. aa
m aiiara w it-htor on, twithina irfdr thdt'hi. tL'k
Hltl bU Will ih HKhJh tLJi HiUli liu.
Hi-Ht t ilvtfv in tntf imantdM ttrat doee
nat Mjui tlta "hill Hituubt it uriflura vomJUina (aui
it trihaMy will 1 tha uinath U vry fiul), taka a
itMia rtun iui-r iutmih water awMu-neq wunaupir(
aluir tttt h Mua-mi rurMrveraiu-a iu tlw tvm Unt-
i.Mtt Iwa fiiro l ia -ny. vra aii l olvtiuata caaaa of
ilua duaoaa.
New Advertisements.
Real Estate and Loan Agent,
A I v
N. t:. ' Main aa TklrA m..
Intranet on Third Ftreet,
nnyr)anm Patton (Imo.
7.: , J7j7Biiuivn.LET s 7
Attorney and Counsellor at ' taw,
III I H F t Tairner'n aera Haaaa,
it'ifltn Mo. 3, t-eeon4 Floor,
farmersanV mechanics hotel,
Fjnnerltf Lfifaytttt HuHat
1 hi nl H., Ntnth ),!, Ji(-t Knt of Jt1orao Sret,
' DAYTON, If 11 i ,
JOII.V A. XHIHK m m m Prrlelrf
I lite :mt(y of ymrytM nnd Sltehiintci, H cond
Stiettt tit Utuye.i tt liutU )
L V A lfcl),'it rHrtr.nrt4.-4, w.J will U kplr m
Him a-innr iMutt iii fii itt mMruiiatitt. tintiniint iy
tmmt iiiKtH ruu t kuJ ironi (tie lr put.
MuVat.lJllll " I i J
ckokug w. iior.
Jaim a. rn'mnu tH.
.AttbiMiify at Law,
llirnv, No. 'J'l'e Tlunl Slreel, Kfl ot Ham.
0 WfMJtlfUN . .tl bMlTII. M WOUiM&H.
Wholesale Grocers,
No 28, Main Street, Opera Building
I'otiii'lettt ttltx'h i f 4.riW"nrieii. NmiIh, Kih, To
Inict o, hih) v rv other urtiflp cnl d for in ih whole
ka e njrir t trwl. Ht mii rctpnUy rimoTi'ii to Mir
ii w rnm, o li it Kf11 lv itH;riid mir Uck, ami
r ireuir. tl lo (ill i onl. r- iniiiH ly
W r-, cltutlv hII th fcttciili-n ol cilV Mmlcftiin
tryilol-r lo our iir tttock r KnwrNtfi, HktiMiitxi
that witvnn glvi lhm hh i;ooi btri;in-t a- thy t an
ulttHin ut Mtiy other houne iu thpfity.
i filhe'-on Liiiow,nr Van Itiirmt htroeta, a jtwlyn
llt'K , ol tinn Iur. and drk color. Anv nun r- turn-
it tb- Mtiin?, In the N fUi o hhI Hotfl, or ( the store ol
1. m. ufiniry n, wtll NihiiTHHynWrtnlPtl.
noti.'Kili' THOMAS WHITC.
Iroin th anUmrib r'a prmt , netar Yallow
imiKi( Nntpinle.r1, a Hla-k Mara, two yearn old
liiAt firtnt;, aUiid flit4n haiiiw and una inch hith,
with niir in hfr forcheatt, lia vv maim nad Inreloi.
nnd Intro footed. A rewHld of ih nttrirod for her
ip'iary. ADAM HA.MMA,
Xrhia, Nov. 14, IttUft. ttorJ6U
XTOTM'B ia harrdv civa that tho anderftiiriuid ha
Xl htM U aHinl-l and tju thrlfd aa AdininiHtrfttnr of
ma AMtHiA of 'FtuiR!iii Miner, lata at uouiKouiury
CiHintVi droaml.
cot8;it. , JfSHKXIAH MII.I.KR.
Ifaniai Molhar.l,
' ') Of
.1. ; 01
Oonrt of Oornmoo Plai
Mary Jaaa Malhanl,
Mouiomery Co., O.
H T AUY Jana Mnlhord of Lofttninorl, in tha Omm
XlL ly ttf Chhh. ami late ot Indiana, ia notified
Hi l tanil Mnlherd did. on Oifl 'Aid day of ( fUlr
im.fi, ttiakiaptHiUmnu iltai'(Hi ai th VW tk nf the
Cotirt id'Oontmou I'lon-tof Muouoiuary County Ohio,
clHtryinK thenaid Mary J ann M.Mherd With adultery
Willi on Job UtMUwr, and aktaH thai he may ha
thvon-otl from tha uaid Mary Jaue Mftlliard, which
iwtiitutn will Btmd lor hairing at tha April term
IKttf.of HNid Court. '
I'fcU-d 1 h ia 4th day of Novpmlr 1BC6. 6tw
A. lLf, AH y. .. 1 HANIliLMKTHKKU,
ILuoah AlR'6 flrmmer, Conr, 0 ommon Heftll
William Jamaa Craamrr. j 01 uio-.-it no., o.
r II.LIAM Janieft f?rfaniar woha rttnidanoa i
unknown i itotilki'd Ihitt Hannah Alien Creamer
hil an Ihn Ivih dy ol t nifintier jhiA, file hr paii
Mou in Ihe odii'M ol the ( fcrk 01 the Ceurt ol Common
IMfMH wiihu and lor thaonniT nf Montgomery and
rftiaor Ohio, 'tmrii, tho Sd William Jamas 1'ranin
ei with adulterr wiih a woman uknown U the ma id
tatitiouer andaUot-h rine him with gross nrlect
i uiht luwHrtia ner (o? iiutM.-r atHin iiint an may
imi dikorceil (torn thnnaid Uilham Jtuitea Oranar,
whn h tetiiion will aUnd r htMim al tha nexl teim
ofMal i'tturt. , , HANNAH ALlOtt MiftAMKR. .
tty AntiM Ouf, hr Attorney., .-,., juoi6iia -
- Tha reroe ly to cure and prevent this disease la
The celebrated haw rtnely i,r Jaundice,
fever and Aiue, tifuerul I'eUlity, and all
diaeasas antinjc rrnin disonlered toii)a:h
I 1 ( ,i 1 ' lT,r Wl1 J. t ,(; , ;. - ! a I
They are used and recntn mtndcd by IwadiitK phy
aiciana or tha nountry, and all who try tliam pro.
nouuoa them iuvalnaMe,
Frice, tl per bttle.
J. N. IIAKKIH A CO., iiiH-ionat', Obio, pro
pnaiors for th" Waatern HiataN. '
buhl) HY A1L Mf.lilCINK MCALKK8.
011 M.tawli
, Oittce 3113 I hird Mtreet Nsrlb stl4e
V MoHHra. i'avie A Cii with Batdiiaerjr, mint a auras
of laud. . t " t ,. f j .
A fiirm ltn res I miTe north of Hrown's station on
i WitMtern 14. K , nu '1 win Crotk, well inipioied
A hnok hniiHA, ens of Urown aai Aaa 81 r 1 t
Aaanlite trama ttonae An Hun street; '
A doiiLIti frame house on Wttluut alreet
Adniitile frame hoime on K1III1 nlreot j
A Unu ot iaf aireM, wY nultM troio flay k
A larm ot 14 atTett, 7 iinlea front Oavluu ;
A furin of5owrMonOrteiiTille K. Hi
A rin of lu:iai'rei nettr erniantown l
A iirk'k hoiloe ou Kiilh ntrnet, No.227
A lartu ol 71 irn , well unproved, Una hrick nouue,
and InhI Twin bottom lund mile wext ol tier
tnaotowa. '
A Imi in ot 6i an res fmd improvement at Hrowa'n
BliliDUon WeHleru K. K.
A well improved lann ot lio atuaa, two sntlaiejuaol
(louura, on WesUtrn ral I r oat 1, '
A wood lietiiMaamt lare li on Main rttreet, No i.4.
A trtro' ol 76aure on Oerinaiititwn pike, it iiiiIh froiu
I 'ay ton. , J ,
Trt aa all farina, tfotl intpriMmtl ' aointa; I .iherty,
1 nule.4 from I Hi? ton, 01 3U aud MU mires each.
A anmirof house and Iota in diikmtut parts of tha
oily. All will le Mold t-hau. ,
ivi& LKN'l'K A Al'I'LEUATk:, H. I. A.
aala, woud do wall toettl, aa I have fuite a diiiii
her of apo'ii'atiena Iur houses and hts inthecly.
I Intra kuniA very valushle house 1 snit lot in Paler
aoeand WlatnlOitv thai wilt ha s ld I'fcoap. 1 have
alsii aomewf the best intprotffd fmrmsiu Mouttcoui
ery eotinly, for sale 011 reasonable terms, A I so $
more hon-s in tha uity.
, JAM ft KM 1 I.Y, K.-sl RsUtesfrt-.
Northeast cor. Mam and M Htrevls,
iiotatAiawIm 1 ayioo, Ithio,
AUMlHini ItA 'Ulv'it e"Tlni ,-MkLMiL
LiCli has t aMJOiuud Ailminitiiator of Dae
iel Millar, deceased, laia ot Van tturan Tuwnnhip,
Muntgoiaetjr Ouuutj, Ohio. DovUwat
laiiAe h Manaeer..
I. rttKliKU'CKg
......(JH 14 Hll.l,
laKa ftlanajir K,
firm Hiahlof tha Hrilliaol an j Haahlan UnminedienH
Ami the Fafortte TaVnl.-t Attia';' '
Folia: A. Vlncoutr
Tiii-kiIhj lOvenlny, Nov. 28, 1M05,
M lit bn auit.l tha Uraod Milllarjr Drauta, eoliued
naerr nt. aim )
Ha tnM VaUaaMuUi Wtlhama n
Maul. I tie Meriijue J
Ton; Barard Mr KeliiA. Vmeedt
To eoMluila with I
Feiio, nrli.Woa Mtaa Mnllie Williuna
ueruef u liyor Mr Viwiaai
'I'wu-la Tir aalealj. T. Sonjey'i Mualo Blor. '
tKMra niien el 7 'jloelr. Urertura oommaDau '
at 1 o cloi-k.
: . J . i'M
On Tliurwlay and Friday Kvening's,
Noveinucr 30. ana Ik-ct'inher 1, 1S65,
Tliey lake tleaaure la aau lic ng the eaai((imeiK of
The K.iiilnent Tenor mid Hullitilint ;
i. II. Klt'KKV, Hi-oond Tenor;
1 J. O. IAKKHU.ST, Baritime; '
THUS. COKWIN, Basso I'roftmdo. ,
t)oor open at 7 ac-loelt; To co'iimem e ai tt ' 1 , ., '
AUmiitiiiuu, AO Centa. . i . . .
X Kilra Oliarft for Re.errrrf Sata.
1 lUn ot Mat to be aeen at aUoueye Mu.ioHler,'
a ht-re Tit-It. Is can be aecureU. . ,h .
Dry Goods.
Third Slietl,
Alt ust reeivel, and is opening, thn targe!, '
tiaeH, and best iSehiCtei nbaik of r aito and
lam I'kY otiliM. truws fooili, llalmoraW. Suoerb
Oloth lor Ifen'a and to)'s Wear, which moliMles the
Plalai Milk, lei all ('..lore. , ,
KlKBred Mllka, lu ail Uulara. .
Hlack At Plain Hllka, llitll.il AV llepa.
f.la;ai.l Parle Velvela.
rlah H..,.llBa. PI. I. and Plaid,
l-'raaeli Papllae, Plala aad Plaid.
Krfaran.rlaei, all Colari,
I'lala, Mlrlued k'lajured Alpaca,
all Oolora. ',
All Waal Plaid. '
i Maul Ua l.aiMa.
' America lie l.aluc
American Blaaoh Moilint
Engliih Bleaob Knlin, vtxj line,.
Brown Mnahni ;
Can Flanneli. . . i '
Cbecki, Ticki, and Strip). '
Linen and Cotton Sheetjnfri 10-4.' '
Bleach & Brown 41 .Pillow Oattv
Alexaatdar'a (Gaaalaa) Kid Clare
Cblldaaa'e Slae, i, ,:(
Hack, Deal aaa 'aalaara Cilarai
: Mill.
Ilk aaa llalh Glare.' 1' "i f l '
l.adla Claaklaga, Mepellaat.
i ' Uear, er, tu.
I ' Wall,, Beavere
i "-' t ' ' pi.iaulaek rialka'
. i i r &a
ilMrh HUmk ot Uloltia for Ma aoa Unii Wear;
aMi-ganl OMha, hif vvMoalet Ueaeral Humk
ol NoltoBa, . haala aud uloaka; a hit
Uoo.la,luK alunki l,ie OolUcaanJ .
. , t.ilaai.laruui r)Hln..iJ-.wr t ) f f
j larxe Ituei HrHdley'a cute
fcreiu uubll nvuii)
All., Au , Ao.
i f I i r
and Domestic.,
Our alork ol Qeoda u ;tte beat thai coulJ be a ''
enUd iu Xaateru Markaia, and la mot aaosilad 114 aur . ..
eity.bemff ol the totesl and iitoat etegaMylasi.
The fuUlu are uordially invited to -all and esaiit
in lorthaiiwelvaX ' '
GEO. A. DIXON, ; ;
no 1 tait ' "
"1 (IMN KHIHAY'H ItHl AIK.-tN VHK is lAf ,
I of NoveaiW. ItMUL Uaa uiadstusel & . , .
puiitia! and tfuahHed ad 111 mstrator tbe eetale cf
John ri'dav, tai ef . a outrun, ijf c .out , uitie
diwa d.
novi6w3t lUil QBBDART,

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