OCR Interpretation

The Democratic press. (Eaton, Preble County, Ohio) 1860-1865, September 15, 1864, Image 1

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88077265/1864-09-15/ed-1/seq-1/

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u-i. .,L ' -ju .v..-. ? .k .......,; jt,:.. Iduot-'' (. j Lniio'l tixf ,Wlj;5 1 ikbs ,.,;: cu ":i : -
mXjJAM FERGUSON i Priprletor
$2:00 Per Annum.Ia Ad7inca
).;:! -.J.-.
VOL. 5-3.
NO 211
: u.-h .uiu-j i ...,. 7.- .T-rr " ;
.1 . T I . M . , r . . I I 1 1 . . j i . I
H . 1 1 JL' J 1 1 l ! ' 1 . t' t i ' ' '
iHSHALL' & Baa's.
-'.-.AVent Fifi.L. Str.ict, Cincinnati
'rw SUJwMEsVDjIESS goods
Hil.tM, MU8MXS, and IWnik'dppiu '
11 (SflOdi Ronemlly. " '
We i:':i'(j;d iniirjrtmtnt oi
Wlsioii tky s i cheap lor cnsk
ky wliu'el. : Keaiicr tlmn myjtkei
UU8 Ciucianati. "
by Wh tlita fluid hifonint vitiated,
i -k, tiA poor. Bnf in the circulation, it
i ' raiw th whol botlT, n.l may 'jurt out
iv.'W on njr rwrt o.' it. No or,.m it Irt
(fin-, in ttrk, nor u tlura o hi ,ii it my
i 4-'jy. The icnifulou Uiitt in viiuii-iy
'ti by mmtirwl di Wr li din.
f "-"i or ur.htaitl'. 1nA. inipurn mi, ti!ti
ImbiU, the drnr'W.iii r , d
t), hy the vcner-I inf.tiim. WJ:M
h ; jriidin. it iii tn-rfliturr Hi -n.
tlwLW'didJofirthq.'iicraiiiiiii ' indeed, i
. " oA" "'' "f "1 1
1 Ortt oommortfe br done .it'iiy rtjm tli
' !'r'K tinl nctv.r. ! nifjiu, t nmd I
- V; in th ilniJ.j, mellins l 0I; !
j. ' ntec, eruption, pr kihc. ;uu cur. J
JTI...1-. wju:i' l"i.TI in I'lU lillHIU I'll ttkU
r - niTrn' tin'e) lniuiiiu
itWar nri only eulTr ftcai cinfii:
'-.t.'. hu? knro far pom
j the ts."f' ? o'lier UUmih
' .' w jnikre ppii h hy
Jt uahi'ieh not crofuloit. in ii:
w vli n.n-lrreH ft by Hui Hi
; i . . .Wirt of '! LOiiim-.pTioi"
t-:W- '.!: !:uiiiiu funi'.lv lm.i iti eiit
i'1 ' ..-'fiiliiii.cniiiiui-.:;tatiriO ; .
ftr'; '-Vriii,nwVof M:e livT, Ikiiln
K! : J. o' rbe uifHiiv, nri
di.i md b .h n) c.ii;
. '.'-i' i:r,-r t yr piTplp atf
-ii fii, uV( i'iTi!fd by tl;i 1'
.n: .n.r'i.fl.r h"lth ia uiitiro.u
'''' it 0i nyiit.im w mus'
! ' ni i ii !y n t'tfwtiro riJicine
on tilu.
in ,n;n-
. nin'e-
'ia -iif,
in tlit
' i,V, dH.
I iiiwy
i, 'iruin,
run it
til IK n
it ! it :
cnot iH
ltd n
' i"!i It
by iin.thr food uJ
"ii!"! L'ltRrt of S;sajiarir-.
;., r.i-i' i-ti;.itul rmnlf wki. h t'nt mri.'i
Ki'i o' .iu tinier c.n trve fat Ci r.-i
. i-.i ;f.f eilbicniid total nialrdr. i 'tiv
-.-'.it a the ino-t active rcniei;lt that V.e
1..- fl.')errd furrheenpurtoiionof tliii t'.t ..
'""l-'i "Vo:n the unit I.1:.-!rtu it !
,.t fiM;n ittr ,urtrncii1'fcMM'que nv '
V.vr ) abotild h ?atiilv.l fir i,W t r' '
c-.ur B rfnia, txit a!iu :!. .(illift 1!V"
W"ft rl from il, M'di m Kiptivi
1 m lIuRAtfn, St, Ati;(iT' Tie
,. vt r.BTfir-.iA., J'imm.m, 1'viTri.M
V, ItrAlNI Allfl l'i111.. Tr
.j"1ii.t Rum-, SiAt.n Hun, Hinufoi
' '"Haiin, Pr.'Pii.tTicand Murcvkiai. 11m
!, Hkii.-st, J)vnriiriA,, Jiavn.ivY, end
i ii-.J, ti.k"CuMri.AiHT aatatMH it Vitu
if i r Juri aR lli.ooti. The j'.apular ltdrf
fiii i(-Vy (bed" in fwimdi'd in buth,
uri.i'ula ii a di'ifiivra: inn of hi- b'oud.. 'lhi
MiitHir jimrio-ie and firt'te of this bKrsBp
;i If to piirifyd riifrnimtc bii fluid,
v'loiir wbVh oimd benlih iir x$m)Si) k
!- - .' ''
Ague, Cn re,
,r,.irr-fw.. r
FTr, rr Ffvef in-.
- iHni Ktrr, l-litll Kfl.t, lSna
.f V 'rloIU'l ll-KHxrbr or Vllloai
Jl- ixha, oa.l Klllnna tm,
t rh whl it!! tmii.f c or!(-l;it'
kill.,, erraiirmint, tat4 bi
nlri nfKUiaialtc ConatfUe,
1 e enaMd nere tc ef. r ti onmmiir.'.ty 1
.-dy Khiali. while it (i:r the at07 lyirl.niiiM
l enii!'y, nill prfrrlly harmlem in rat
1 1 alf- Hue- a ranitily it ir.talut!r iti irtrirU
" 'Birtiii ikxirdrre iirJ. - "lMi
''" ' ! th ibiaMimitc nouoa Ftm'
n. '.j.'-a'ncnn Ibe rrttrm, and prcTcr.'.e t!.i it
" "'i i-'M .' ih diaeaeo, if tiiirn an tbe fi.-t .-.
jc '.10 if ittfi?taii)iiitnryTr,ptim. ItiaMlnrir
;.t ti arr yiit iiiarnrrrd far tan rhii
W ir -irir;i, Snt ah ). rhaprJti, 'Jhe lir((
atin a i'rly fr a Holier triumii'triiLir Hi.
.. ..! axirj, Vi.Hr ; and m liilbtiaditiir ii a-.i
ti Ante prrvailt, erery ImHr ahi 11I5
tt n ml va it liaely both fir cure ar.H la'vt
f A k" c-twrtootT f tl.ij remi dv 0 Vr n .
ttf itrMlaMxred f"r the api-ly n'r.d
.:( iatfiiiiieat ia that it certain m (,mi.it,r
a' "'arrai, 0,1 ju'ily it prdu'v 1 akini'ii i
. iti.fr .wiUn.. !lttl,rrCp ,.,t
lt..)f rved y it are left ai a!Li, i:
aad i.rt- hart the diauate. y
tn e A?-.ie ia act abne tae rn t qitn.ci- nt
n-aam.:itr j-)ina. A arret rtiii rycf di-or
Mr bai 11a irritaiio, aniens nhi.-li rr
?". huwnatftm, (lot, lUmintht, HUiut-a-,
reotitvA. Itirmrkt, tV n;A, jji.ii, 7'a
W-tfiJ Afntim tftht Sihm, lluf.r
v fa 3"nlt, Ceut, 'ara.'yni .d
nvf. Ht Htmm h, all of whl' ,i, hn
eow'.caiifT ; thia eaiia. jut at, the 'orntiTrrtit
e w, ry.xn reriadiral. Thi '.. em " rx?,I,
ft. Hreat the bicod, eneW.iieeaiirrtlv rjM
ai-.. it b aa lar-iuable arMaciion te
Hiy7a " atanr.a . vrllinj; rr irvirorarily
Rjnaiir ! malarieRa'jatricra, If laVra ocm
ewKvi'r w 4i!r while etanard to the inftatiiw.
' a'. U m t, 4 ti avutam, aad ranret
.;iaMi! uihrin; quaatitf te riara u;io di
'mm kk!'lt ia rrtn .ir TaJua'jlr for nret
u r u Mt nm ul erer auffcr froai lntaa
an-.iai tf. Mi Urrlte of Ue (lalwuui .
MA,. 'i 'v..
- Va ft ATSli A, 9a laiaS. m$a
MSlUSiaifJf 8ALF,
0 nr .-
'1 Co.-l.t Ex'r I ., PrcMo
d m twenty deceased, I Common I'lea.
. ' ; ' -foe No' Hn3 .
v.atair.BATl,f)ia-. 'J , :r,,?.- r-i
ii virtue oan orocr ofslo iod -by the,'
C'jiirt of Co-mri 'n I'lenaof Treble ConntT
W fcrid t'ounty 'directed, J
"... ui.-r saie.jn niDii!. iiurettnu. at Hit
ro- oftjie feirJ.lJjiwi.B1-Kion-tj.,a uir
'.i.:n'.y Tn Salurday iho l'jt.dayrif 4ct.i'ii(-r
A. O 18111 between tnehidrg-:TrVand '4
'i.:. ck P. M- of said day iheiolldwinV- itbI
:oin annate :a rrpnw i;foaty..UUior &id
Appr.ased in $102d,0&,-', .Ternis 'cash.' ''
-i a5,,rin of t0'8 County 0. i
Oiltu.iru L Camiibcll Att va
i pr.f.'$
Ciolii is down to 229.
. .
1 I
. ;
Tt A T
iii 1x1 UiUIidl,
call the attr-ntion of the public to 1 lie
Just arrived, which they will sell for Casi!
cluiip can be bought elst-wlicrc.
'a.iD POPLIXS, ':
... . 1
ii ' ' ' ' 'i -
Balmoral SS.Irt3,
' Pall Mantillas & Shawk
1I05TEUY iDOMESTrcsr'.'
AImo a new anl ncil aolectej Stocl ol
fs r?S. C?tT. "'
i-iff i :,f j-va
V s2t .'.'tif $
ri ci
U.S. T O 27 i S.Xli itl.EiVi
iMxiN Stiieet." 'EaIok, , .'pwji 't
I'.hlon, Allgi.Sl. lga4w 'i.ii
.. .,'..-1 III -.'.1 . '.I -il Ml" "
Eaton Fbiindyy.t
.i 1 -. r: 'i I;...' 1.
rniUS aii.lcrsignrd arc prFrraied lo iir.c-'B,.
n odtite the public in the way of oiitti'rV
iliichiue work.
Kjnrfsof pasting li ch't Tc C;Vfc
TViiis,' lien pors, 'Mowers. Thtajlntp'.Ml
ihiues, Oriat Alills, Saw .V11U1, A(c. n-"
paired to ord'T en short I'liih.1 ;i
Alwavs kept on hand im l ptn.io t iidi".' ''
Frames and iiralo JSa's fi.rrrtu! fa"'
Uakerys, Engines Ac. "
Cooking Stoves; HtlHi Stoves
bhoi , Vwcory ar j Scltoo'-IIr.se- B!ov.
Dog.irons..,, ;...,,... .. ''.
H7aow li'fifAj',, CVw; :Sr.iVy.
Water Spouts for ha jsesi ,K. 1 ..
.... 1 i-'i .!
T'jttoms for . Ljc Ilopperj,, . . 1,; mo I,
Blacksintih'ti'Va roi ttifv i.r
,',.s ... .. . ' -.
lEQ'B' FEHGltja
,Vngon linxcs. , ,1( '-,. . ,.
Fly .Wheels, .TrucL." V W4 -lS3a
for V ood ..Saws: '11 ,: , ; ...
Frames for seating Sebol Houer :
Windpw t'ope and Sills. . : .! in .is
Washe8 for Bridges, 4a -. ' ' -:n mi
We ore prepnnng, and an'l bv e .
a very short time, ,ne of uu b.-t' and
VooEt.so STOiVSsevaf oT(v . ' .. iU
'this or any other State, 1 PotonM r iiat
Warruntcd to bak5 in the boftoio and iii
bnd Ki.vtf.good sati(atie.j3i ,1 v.d.i;-.
We wiU-aaythe -h4gheiit prm-ictr-&r
and Wrought7lfVr5Q (?tf&Q
Castings. . "
rkEALEU IN FINE LlMiliias-.tMir
f L. S a-1 . ' . -
DMQCRATlc.li Jqla,.
" " ' 3'.it? V rVanJ Ml
.c i-'l.t.'eWd : booo ji.ii.. . X
t..'arRArbh,,TL. MrTlthJ lehinii a'.ni.:
wFifvr ittwrauiini r-.i-
a-vw-.i Ui.it a. -.jJ Vwf-R
, ami a neat uittuataotei'L n'v I
aperiaiierai out.
II " 1 M
the ;;ai.v,..roffV
1 OINOlXfiATi. 'a ' "
1 b'-st
yi 4j
t t.imi iii'i i
. TIib Secretary of the TicitsLrr citon n
(icejh:il nubnciiptioiu will U-wveJ G
,Copon Treim.iry XotP!,jvhU tlin-e yours
from Anf 5'h, IHfi t. will. ' eumi-ann,,..! 'i
oic!, tlierateof evcn nd ' tLr-e wntln
r cent, per apmim,--princift:niia inter
OBtbothtobe paid to be paid ii lbKiiil
eonP 1
These notes, will bo eonvertible at
oplioa.of tUe holdor 01 .matmity, into
haii flivc bor more than twenty y.-at.
from their l.iti), as the jrovcr'iimoul inayi'lccl
Ihey w.U bisine.l iu datuiuiiu'iuna ol .S.jii
100, $iO(i, $1,000, Si.OOD.and oil iubaorij.
tons nuitit b for ( dollar or some ui'mI,
tiple ol fifty dollars.'.
The naesj will bs traiuiniueJ.. ih
lh owners free of truinporliuion ciisiiri'
as soon after thn rweipt ol tho Kriiii; I ('ei-
nucules ot tlea-pos.t as they can be pre. nre.i .
As thd notes d.-uwintcroai m Aus.
15,j)crsoiis luakinu deposits subsrnnuiit t..
that dale must.nay lheiiiterct.tactrue.1 frn,.,
uam 01 noio to dale ol deposit.
i'artics depositing twcnty.fi ya tli .Ubi,
dillars and upward, f.,r tin-so notes tt a,.,
otietitt.e bo allow -d a commi -lion
cne quarter of one per cent., whiub will b
paid by the Truiuury Department U on tli
rrceipt ofa b II for the nmntint cer'-ifiJ ..
tythe tilliec.- with whom the dopt?'t w.t,
made. No deductions fur cum nisi-i.M jr- j
be made from the di'poalls.
Signer rate of interest Ihnn
any n'licr. m
tlSkUeCHl-illf. r y Slm ,3 b. , j ,
pays its depositors in U. S. Nnie, e.iHider
that it in p.iying iu t!io bust ciivulaiin in-i
diiiin of .he country, itd it. piy tl,
uiiylliing Lellei, lor its own aet? are ;:)..
in L'overninent seeoritii s or '.. ..
w ... 1, inmiii, sncni .imaor t
,'K.e4.r tjaisi.iy.ib!ij in g.nvr,.a.n r
er. . ,
Il is fr!ia!ly oanrenient as 11 '.c:i.(.,irryo'
permaiieriav,'sti)iiit. Tlu u.iti ci a'
ways bcsol'l f.jr within a frnctiov of So
luce au l accumulated interest, nu 1 -e
swuiity with b.inks u.i oo!U-
dyivrrillile inti'-Six per cent. n.W
: , - 1
'. i Gi ld Bond.
It) addition to the very liberal interosl vi
ithe'iifUS lor ihreo years, this i rivilogn
eonvpriion is now wortli ubo'tt ihivrj pci
H'leht. per annum, for t'i currnut 'r.t..' f ,K
bonds is'iiu't less thin nine our ,futl
m?l(tli. and bufitratfio wnr r. ..:'..L'I
I "rm'i. V w
Ij'iFI1!1.!".'.. Htots (Was o-irr taronty
Vent. 1 ft will be'ert tbftf'fho- eet'4H'
profit on this I'o'itu', af (ho.'irqgt. a.arkA r.it- "
not less .ihaa .Viijjer cc.st. per annum.
hv ljcei4ik -fi'Sm titute ' or .?,(; i
' .l.'i:r: i.l;ll.' 1 '
1 - :n:-fll TrtXittio.t.
Bit a sicla fi;D:n ail titftitdvaiitafr-js we 1 ftve
cu'.iineiutej, a apscial ilct.il Cougreiis ax
tmpla aU bimdt awl Treasury hUu rrtra
luxation. On the average, th.d exemp
itjim is wordi about two per ce jt. jwr'una no
nccoi-Jingio the rate pi taaatiiui io vario.:'
Plal if rliA nm.ntt.i ' '
I1 Uevp'l, thai-no securities effer n
rip', inilacemenia to h etdera n 1I1..01.' ;.;ciw,i
'Jj,tll8 government. I:i utl bl'ier'Torm o-
at4tcdnoss, the fa;th or ability J') j.riv.itii
parties, or stock companies,, or separate,
cpmniuuitics, ortly.'is pledged lor pnjir.eiit
while tha while property'' of the cuuutry is
held to secure the discharge of all. the W
gotions 01 the. United States.
While the government oilers tlus irost lib
terms A'r;ts loans, it believe vhat t ie
Vjfy strongest appetl will be to tho loya'1)'
palriofisoif thpoorli. 1
Duplicate certiu'eates will be issue I fur all
'(leposi.ts. 'Thef part depositing past eo
dorsonpon the rij'ul certilicato the de
rnbrnfinauo-ii of botes required, 'and' whether
areto be issued iiiilK?:;i or pfjabh to
; ; . . . . . ...... .
lirdarj When so ondor.ied it must b left
wiihtbe olfiul-pfteeiing lltu deposit. 10 oe
forwarded to the treasury Dep'artmeni
SsosruinioN'S will be jibckivku bj th! f roa-
surer of th i Uni'tea Stutesj a; Wa.lii igton
several Assistant Treasurers andMosig
anted Depositaries, and .by the
I,rrst NulionnliBiink of Dayton. -
First Nationnl Bank M' Hamilton,
by tilt Nntibhil ilanks which are d.tpo '
ItaTies ofpiAdic miiiey, tind
i;4u! W (! nfy vdl j fur".nv in
fonantioii and ' ' ' ' '
U . . . : : .,., ! . ..
b.yora erery Jlnr.M U a't rrse-
I .ii
ifllfB tfnd.rsigned have beet duly uppofnt
ed Adniiti'Strntoru'tif the lismie: 'ef
iVrge fstfrsehbacli, late tif 'l'teble ccuntv.' t
..vmi.. ..-.m
owcaRcq. - . '
G K B ) K K WO 6 6;' f ,A d ,a'r
JAUUM-KTKR'iKriKAHI,") . , ', w t
' '
; ,
- ' - ..
... . , .
llB anderaitrtfet! hefln nnnnin.aSl K ..
rriekrWteoJ PUa,, r.n. de.' nZA
wj.jn.iAi jawj-jiccifiiu
....:... ,t i it. 1.
an ihe l.f. h ii. '-." w.
fi .1,. f)...,..l..ll, .- i .t . .
'''a. Cr
', V " ' j
.uy vi. air, witn. unt on ! li. ,-W
.-. "t'" ,' vvficuieu ir tit .. , "-ni
aaai'tmUctou. .
Ll tr.if. .in ihs I'liiiiidefea. jUd Col!oe.
feristaltic Pclduodcrs.
V ((jciuble Stomach ifiul Liccr I'lli
I iely veyeiubie iill.i'jrupiuci.i.r li.e
' var'ml ,hJ'
an all iniasninn.-, tuiiicr'aor other in du-
j enco upon tin sy .in .a .ilt Utui 1 - d ru 1 '
ctlt'vt, ulnth ihoult) be vi!t(i. ' 'luc biV.
; i-udaiMt rvJh.t&MMXwal
poaure, acling miidl kiid surely, and leav
nig '.lie stuuiauu .iiud'xiiri Is in.i mstu-ai
and liealihy t iiiduion, : Ti dynpepius iIk v
are iiiiuii.aoie. J'rice '.j ceins.
l"ym saffei- from a 'nilIi it 1.4 vuu
ow i mult. A trial of these pills wiil i nn
Vinee villi of tbul met; J'liey deC,ui;:is
Ibe i'hiegm, aui 6Clue all mil .iniiuai,,,u.
Il itheb"iit conipuiiiel ever put t,r'Hiiu
tur ct lds, eoliglis, asihuu, spilling nt' Ulu i.l,
and cotisuniptiou. A.l uliliutcd ith coughs,
fraiu uLalever Vbuse eve i ebimie'i wit.,
wuruic tun be cured by iki ir u. IViee
0 cents.
Anti-Cholera Pills,
A positive curj for any casu of cholera
Nj m.iUor ho.y vn uletii. may be tin: attack
also, Dianhwti or Dyesiilery a aute ai.d
pislf oar' .Sa.l'trrs ir.j it O.iro lie 1 J 1 tr
ue alwul.j try this established remit ,f
Cieuce' Prieeal) centa.
A UNIMK.VI' CL'UlN i A i.r, KYI Mi
The niost csiraordintiry iiniinunt e.M
pr'Hiii.'i'u or el.it) iratea hy scittuce "i ex
peneiiee fur neuralgia wli.te h-.iel.in, s-t. i-
ing "t toe juitits, neue, ureas', amn i r i-i-e-where;
liwirian, s"re iln.iul, '-ry -i,"-'im,
g'uiit, iiiUuinuiatinti ol all ki'i.h, iie.-vi..is...f.
tuition, uleers of every eh .raeter ditvase
nf the skin, pucli as tetter nnj;,vorui, Ui-h,
lie, iVe , b'tes. of veiijini iiu' ammuis. ttitigy
of rcpulio und ill re's, lienh -avuuiJa e:.tt r
Mai porous,' ills '' fciii' is an. I a. 'J ' f.-e
U ceii'S'
A PMiei and Tj ie :J 1 .-; r-ia.H
witlrjut Alcoii-d.
The A'iasciiium acts up a iho ton..-r
iu hiioh a manner is coaciu-iite. y lt era.
traliee the el'eets of atiiisicvi-:, buiar.O'ii
ajid.ill utlier iuipi.rMir 'delLt.-riuns atioos
pher'u iti'ltii nces tpoa ' bi-ait. It irer-
rem ives iho 11urb.1l coiiditinu d i t
ft(Bicl,'tttVi!trt' retevyeij vio- In "vtit
luiietion !' the ' hum ni ai'stcia-, ih a t-.it
preventive of fever a.id .git, tmd au'it-.h.
bi-ury derangtineutK, s.nJ a roliabi pro
lection atuiiHi Hie diee.se uf tiopica. oil
males. Pi i e 1.) euts. N. li -i7,:v.it,vi,
ait" maitguunt fevers, jurl.ir'at-. t
Kpolttd- ,
! 'i'"r"."Cilii OF tiUl.L'.)
Tt 'Hctus o'Ua is the ti: W ,. ai' t-n
west careful, analysis and
itnt.t'imv of In.
" wmova b-.j i-tovnit ll ilii
1. ...
case. -w me seaip r-r.t!at, lb 1 root-; and
iiicrfase thegro'r.a of t'he li-iir. b i.iitilvii.g
und dtiimB:.;,gii8 cd,,,.; give vig.ii' t ihe
tuj.pi'til -..i,py ofcoluitii.. ma I,, ti,at..(ivie
tia. lo'tkb hair; mid, in thurt, etui uve nj
ij ei-t. r for aiding nature i.t givin;; li-.-.i.
buity, iie.iuiy and aireugih to U, r-.ia-'u-iiauieiil
ni' 111,1 pers'iu.
liHlOB, tl.N'K DOLLAlt 'i-Iilt IJiTi'TL;.:
Sold by Dealers and I 'raggists generally.
i'lUXOiPAdi DroT, 01 Lin hi t Sr. N V
'sMni x co.
Jalv 21 :im. .
bttEKlt'F'S E5AL12.
Daniel' Ault, Pl'tlf, Preble C.):a:n-i't r.i-ai
vs.' Jnuob j-.u'l. V 111 I'a' liliuii . '
et al del'ts. J Cu.ie So. i,7 i;l
T)Y ylrttie ofan ord. r oi sa'e iaMii ?r.w
ij th" Coart oi! C naai m I'l-.-as ot i're'ii
uiiv, in tint in ive sii'ud c.i'J, u .t li l .
Viir of a d county directtd. I il .T,r i
saie ai piioitc auction, it tlie aoir m it's
Court House in Jiuton, in said county, on " I
Saturday, theUtdnuof Ochbcr. A I). iM,; t.
leteon tho hours of l snd 4 ocb-ok. I'. "1.
Paid day, the following deseraned lends
and teneiuenls siltiu'e in. the cOnnrv ot
rcllo, and Mine of Ohio, und clescnlici h
follows; tb'wilVTIt- .rtl. w st.-nurt..r ol
.section .oho, in- Ii wiiflnp etht, of lange
two Fast, in said eoutiiy of Pre pie, t-omain-ing
IV 1 ncrt'i" of Ian l,mo:e or less. '
Appraiscl ni Sn.ZlKi
BUMS" A1K One third ,.f the nhi-ihi.-o
,y fas on He da, of ,uh, oW thiid
,. .1... ..":.i . , .
buiiov inn un any pj ,'uiet one ttiira .,
"ii" year, imp tho I'esidue in.iwtr.te ;,B.itMI
fhe de'erred linymeiits to bear iiiire iromi
iky ef auii. and to be seiaiiej by mort-'
gjge on lhe premises.
i onlhe nretnisea '
u 'n it, hici i.t.if,
M,.,;ir nf i',i,i. ,.....i r.
Foos & oTtruKss, Ait ys.' .; 'j', ' j
eepteniberl, li6l -Ida ' J.V, t 6 50 ;
John tV'.ilf adm'r of)
I'.eb'e C'iiui:ii.ii
I'et'.tii'ii fo Si il
. Iaml to pay '
"nm I r Icur.ii: utc u
i : vs : 'J'l
Marv Fluming wid-
ow i t, al,
UCOlH J'l!
X I'ur-iiuace ofan ord r of eouu
XI will,
hetween'tnt1 b1 lirs of i;ne ued I ,'i. r 1
ilower.,iMe iaf.W4 Fieiamo. ,m ;.
naaigiieu oy nj-iier pi court.. tncaii)U
'.:. ......i.:. ... . I...' . i t .'. . '
uraiseoaunj-ct "o su e j.wr vatate at
Iki.i.U.S OF SALK tliirtl
Uf n.vuB tlurtl eaia. ' iTi
lltird iti six nod ibd iewdu .iHwelvi. m. ..it.''T
the doo.-ot the Hindi Ifiu.-e . iiHt. , !
at putilioaulu, ihe fo-hiMng r'.al tti
s'tiato iu ritbie County, Chio, tcwil: I
Tb. Souih half of I, 41, Urov .. ,
,lef.igna.e't'.,,ntk. pla'tof tii.'TSwr ol
lieliitl. t hesahip- hi iu...' in, i.n 1,,., :i . .'
.. . n
1 1
' ii.ojl,1!
, 1' ,
False Prophets.
tot a man count up f e falpp
projilit't-ii's of the U-pnlilmun lead,
eix 1'iiIj.A, tHil from intcniion, hut
In.ni iirn.naiu-M antl see Imtv many
tin'' nri;, ami to what they have
Xyliiuly hurt : Thteo linnili-i.,1
llmilSillltl killed 1111(1 woillliletl mid
f'cvptity.fivo thon-tand men: Ovir'
w-rnii t8.. - -
"l ,( e u'-ett our in iiiree
mnntltt. : n;.M,,,nt i IStM.
h.ii'UioiM! Iiruki'ii nt every sue-
Not y,.i.
upeii'ii r r,j MnsMHippi to com
. -.. 1 . ,.
u annuel 01
irueiTilI Irl.
Every new levy sure to extiu.
l'iiihIi Ihe rel)i'lli,,n : Jlrul't oidered
tor lDlli ot Sepiemher.
Pnp"r a- ffood an roU : (Jold 234.
Tim people richer tor the war:
Prices advanced three hundred per
cent. '
Every campaign to be the last:
Free so:! : Four states making
nueh elt'cliou returns as bayoncti
roo speech . 1 ho suppression of ,
r I't enii'ii : Ilmi li-.nl i ni.i-.ut.i
, , 1 1 v.--.. uu
hi.. t :n i-it!ii..jiiiinsonr.i with.
ott tnni'', and
r, .
eiihir''i'd withniit
National honor: Th
m.-nr or Die .Monroe ili.e'riiii. .,.,4
t:tc kidi'iitiiiiuir of , , ,.,
l!ep"tt for law: 'flu- hiviic' ,f
it in every White oi' t!ie Union.
?if.'!iet mi the Union as nnbn'ik.-n-
The lmiiiuf.i tur.; ot" lio.rn i ,t,.j '
t I h 1 slave : A i,tir..n
1 . . 1 1
"'"ii tli ro s-'i mililarv onK
und 1 1-1 1 11 : . 1 1 1 -r ni.-n f e tl, .1..,
'i'lng in n tor the ranks
E"ve of tlie iiugiv): L eti'u ' him
ior in henps. 3 (
l.'ve of' pfog-e-s and htir.nuity '
iiging war against j.vrtn.. n 1
'"en. in.i lousciiiwl 1, .,,..,:
'aas " ,
... ...... il.ti DO,
.41 1' -no iirai iriijiii'meuls.
l ;'.o lor the toMiers ? Lc-pyinf
Mieni to ntiiuri'i'. inn ii
".U ,nd
Inrst, and prisons, ain!
Vow .I 'II (' .
verinin: ,
- "" SltOU JilislUi
fin. yr; hu-lievc., he must
mat Hv.iieity of faith
"n'liieh, wedded lust
To some io u3n, hi;s it tube last."'
' '-E s'ates that are to decide 1 !,0 i
flrc of Lincoln, mo New York, 1
L'i nn-vlviiiiiii, Ohio, Indiana, Illi-'j
iiii'i Aiissonn
wilj give a largo majority!
electoral vote. - Whoa
t .... i i k . .
of ihe
ici.rd from iu November, the !
ineoiiif(H will t-t. ? i.L- tl,.,,. i
.'vrlliqnake. '' ' '
, ., i . . , j-
" ' ' eli moil hug, alter harvest
J'no.i says hu ;was' mo Idml of l.lw
.wile before innrriatctlistt l--OJ,kl
have eaten In.i.'. ',i'-l ' ",. ;. -. ' i
, Ul U " lLV t'B..tlee Je
bt'en J'M't.'.
, pXAKsa rsEii as WArcn-Doas
v,i" Ein rstiii "iVitnent, in his wr!c
oi. Ceylon, mentions a commiinica
;ion he recuivul from: getitleinan
well known Iu Ceylo-ii. rei'tirdimr
Him great snake of India: "Did
you ever h",-ir of tame cobras beiii"
Kept au'i (lim';sticato. about
. - - -
n..ii;,v going in and out at plea, j
1 1 iv, anil in common with the rest
i)l the lnmat,s ? I one family,
it-.. .M-miino, courtis are kept as ,
iproleeiors in the place of dogs, I
Wea Ii hv rivin n-1,..
large sum's ot monev in ill, 1,
. .i. . ' "'"iv.
, , . I1.3 18 nOtasoltaiy case of
t,ie. '""' 1 it only the nth-
f daj, but from undoubtedly gooi
illlti,n!l.. ':-i. . . I .. . T
laiiiority Tl10 snakes glide about
the house, a terror tn tlii
niiVtir ntt(miiri.,. 1,..... i
, ' UW'' U,S t0i " the 1.1-
,'TiiK West Union (lowM) Record
says that a farmnr. whr n.f
I .. tt .1.1 I . . . '. . '
" " M!
CO liy i NO Clllllcll hllir ntt lie linni.nl
8t! U1' ,0 the) stubble ami burned
tl.i! fiehl. tnkinir c.ira l I .u
...u..,. A- . ' . .Y"' '
. . .
'. nu'tuis tie det.trovtl tho
. "l' '"'""" mm sriinin,;.
bugs and their eggs, and this .yyar'
liarvcslctl a 111 if errtp, while adjoin-
ting neitts oi his neighbors were
severely injii od ,y the hug.-'
Lovu. An old 1iii"lir'!or'., delin-
i.Sn . ,t 1.... A . i:. a i ..' i .
.., ,,.,1,--. , , s ,r ,, .
e cryiii..;-. a' Yvn- dviug, und'aW
.i .i .1 ? i . . i i
'g?d ,le of' lying.
' -v Jt-.-se- .w -i- .
ATfVE " LAX.- Tho TcrrDo.rlal
Iv"a.. r .: is'--'- - , " " rr:
. .v . ... -. ."
iiiii.UUIHHU iratlft 11tvrifiij J
tno ni.nufa,ture of bala und wi ,Tl
'aru. ot iiiruei JiwtTiti'
i u ui vr v i nim cr p, ,n .a t
lasj rope. 1
i ....... : 1 J . I .
"irn ' of an Hidigpnuous, flax
,.lis.:Cvi'red.-OM flu, hiris i.i tVn
r n ... :.. . . . " : . "
" . -.' 'if Sf ;aioNL.'ltUlU-0. Lhd
uminu 10 ,'ivc a receipt lor ni'iiiev
:p,ii,. The receipt is an instrument
ol evi.leiR'i', useful oy to the per
:c: soli lo niiuni it is lmvl-ii. It lie
hiw lor the ominsion; hut the oth
newiaiieiN. or party may stamp it immediately
nnnn ;ta i.nim
iSTA.ir a si' Ueceipis. Wo bta.
NmI, a ie.v (Jiiysuo, in couuiJoriu
linn question, tlmf, ca a gfiierul
ruic, U10 person who pays money
Hhonlil jm;.' tor tlieotuni upon the
r-eoipi, uiJtlio person to whom the
inonuy is pai'l i entitletl to tlie lull
amount, and (lie receipt is only for
1 10 iii'iiriit ol the pi.y;r. Comniisi
Hi'tllcr LiMvia cnnlii'iiw n(li..io I li- tl.t
Vli.lV I. til l.nii.fL ,,1 .;.tt...t
" ' I'v.n.Q vui. u u 1.-3I I III. LIUIl
Ho fa:
I "Ordinarily ntlau-ro person U
"co'm o reeeiut.it in necesHar fnr
"im to lurnisit me stamp or to
1.!... . .. .
Kiumptl e reeeipt.it' required, he
i'.ue it in signed. The person who
receives the m.ney is not obliged
to give a receipt, unless the other
parly furnishes the proper stamp.
"Ifa persi.n gives a receipt with
out requiting that tlie party to
horn it is g. ven shall turnish the
stamp, the maker of the receipt
must himself stamp the paper bei
fore he delivers it. If he fails to
Vamp it before ho delivers it, he is
liable (a I ln immiltv nm'ln.l I,.,
- i-". . -' '"p, i-uviua.
Tug Dead Ticket. Oii the field
riNtenlay, on the left, near Til ton,
ivliej'c our eava'ry engaged the ene-
"'v. a tieiiiitirui gar.ieii, clutliml 111
a.l tlio lovt-liness that ruro plants
'i'it born Hovers could give it
utti'acted my attention, and 1 was
(',iUV" fo '''l0 '""1SU '""I ''en
'I'.'S'M'fml by its owners, und iV.c
sinning uiagnolias antl the, roses
Rfii.mml to Ct'in.-I irnui.fl .1. . I
..."-i i..r,, ue- uc.
f'Tted premises. I entered tlnvimrli
"" !"' stopped to pliuk n
foso from the hi'.slt, when 1 discovi
?ru' '"! "f ''ie merry's pickets, Ivi
IM- 1'i.'iuHv eovored hy the grass
1 " . . . .
i"11' imp tics, cleat . lie was u no 1 u
1 , .
"-a.nm 111,111, unit ni'oti 111
'erianco there ncimcd to rest the
reiuinint of a eniile. Tho right
li tif I
1 a itifp, which It
ie was
in Ihe net of suveiiiig from its slein
when ho received the messongor of
death. In the afternoon the cava!,
rydug a narrow grave, and with
Federal soldiers for pall bearers
and 1 110 beautiful ' flower i for
nionmera, he was laid to rest, the
P1'" cdasprd -in his stiffened
!l!int1- Xothing was found to
identify him, and in that lonely
grave his lile's history lies entomb
ed. No Ulster's tears '.vill bantize
f'ie n'':iv nmong Iho i-osm, xhero
the reoei picKct tell. (Jin. Uom.
Charles Gates, n minor son
lf William K. Gates, of Lee, Mass ,
wished lo enlist, three years ago,
but bis aged parents objected to'it.
One morning ho was Pent to drive
the cows to pasture on his way to
work, taking his dinnor with him.
Dsit fl.t. night ho did not come back
ll'l'll 11 .-II III! I, .1.1 ft,., .,.,... t n..
- v '""i am uiijii nun i;i.
listed in the Tonlh Regiment, lie
leniuincd the three years without .j
furlough, and returned with 'the
regiment, unharmed by rebel hub
lets lie ai lived at. the old pasture
hemij one night last week, just J
"cowiime," and leisurely drovej11"1'
me same old cows, as if hei
h'ldu't been awav for threu vearn.
His reception was a irivtnl mm
none the less so as his comiii" was
complete surprise.
BOi. It is not generally known
that tho best Havana cigars are
math trom tobacco dipped into a
sol'U'on' of opium. Natural leaf
tobacco' has that peeular effect, ai
Avidl be .noticed upon smoking the
best clean lea. in a pipe. - It is the
opium in a -first-rate cigar, and no(
tho tobacco which smokers get enj
slaved witliand eannot do without.
In some of the Havana' establish
menta,,. twenty 'thousand dollars
worth of opium a year is used.
ilistitulioiis ' oi
are among the city
PinrlingtonJ Iowa.
., , , " a
(' u; 'vu e iiiku; . iitiin me
ast tortnieja iv thin,t!iemuuie,ir.ul
limits-' ' " ' " .
i.r r'J'i." t.i
i.j..i T . :
, .. ,
aceoni.ng td a (Juijtorui
.1' la ,ua(o tlii 'ov'oi plus
L'.V .V'""- l'-'"e uovernmnut-otlie a
uui uicu ut ntu itt'iir nr i .iim,i,ir
i iu uiftio population. j
..... '. . : : . - ,
ffO-A lOttC Irnni 8.1 ofliceP of
Ajttiiiitiow, to IIH Jar i,.r gf te.H'.nt
theheat was never k a wn lo be so
o,Fressiye a it rhis ycar-in
laet,' it w iHite intolerable. The
weelc, beforo the,..UMep. was lis-a3
',i I
The American War.
[From an English Paper.]
The wars and rumors of wars iii .
America wy are positively cureless
to report. If we did so, tho same
tale o? bioodsled would have to be" ;
ncorded,-Ihe samo variations of
victory aud defeat, and tho samo
spii it of reveuge whic'i Jia3 prompt' -ed
both boHigenints to tjeedt. that '
a feV rears ago tbeV would have
shuddered to comeniplnte. Engi
land as ever remains iirfittral; sho
would gladly give her a'd to re
store peace to that country which
she ha.i formerly looked upon a
peopled with her own progency,
and iiad delighted in contempla.
ting as a great nation going forth
from tho mother coh itry and be
coming one of the most prosperr
oil on tho earth. But, nlasltho
grim god of war has laid the for.
tile valleys waste, rolueed tho
commerce of the country, made,
many happy wives ..widows antl
their children fathtrlcFs !. e
look with pity and. alarm at the
emigrants from Ireland, .and Engi
land who are daily bccoiiuing vic
tims to this fatricidal struggle.
It is hard to think that the man
who loaves a country dear to himr
lo seek by honeat industry, a beti
tor reward for his l iborin foreign
ands, should be kidnapped on hia
placing his foot upou Aniericoti
shores forced to lake - part in
war in tr hiol; ho has no eliaro.
placed the object oftheir wois1iip
a number of-prits, whilst
There is nvich talk nt tho rese.nt mmi?nt
concerning a Britis-lt American, C'-mfeder
ntiun, lite innniii;'4t ".v.hii h is,' to. -fern -Canu.lu,
N'ev, f.i.indlan'L .Naw lirunsiviek,
N'ova Seulia,' Triuci lidard lilund, Httd"
S'Ht's Bay cc-lmir, llritt.di (.'iliutihia, and
Vancouver's loland, ift der .:t t'n :'n;.,isnl ,
lor the pro'telion of eaeh other sevral'v
and collect! .-sly, eneb, luwcver. to have Hi
o.vn anl ir-pcrul constitution. This is a
very iaiporbnt strip in the pngress of th
age, and m'g'it load ti weililie;' re
sults than we anticipate. It is iiu'i':jili'j
losl.ile I In: urea with nb'nltite iir'-ir'at-'.'. bt
causo msny parts have lntea iinii'ri'eclly
surveyed ur gjiplured, Lut , !t miry, nlull
evf.uls, bi tnkfti thai tlio giand t..:.il. .iv t
which the projiorcd Oinl'c .li.-rtitioa tviala
have control, would b;' 2,!ld'l .078 B-j iuro
miles, t'.a area nearly as great s tlio Uiiited '-.
Stitw, mid consideralily gr.ier than an .'
European kingdom. Jt would c.t.brace a
territory more exteasivo than those of
France, Italy, Portugal, and Greeeo a 1 1 .-J
together, und is equal to Germany" ami
Spain united. It is believed by experienced
politicians that this would be a grand move
meat for EiiglanJ, and Wahid saves con
sidoiblesitin per uuntiiu lt:'thot cost :off tliii
pn tocti.in aii'urdej to our. C.l )u:ts . 'A'iii
Huh J'tipci;
.US?- The latest mail from IuJi.
gives us information of too idolat.
trous worship of that ugly old od.
Juggernaut, in Cakuit'a, nu of
the dreadful selfimmnlntimw m.i,
J'0'1 ilt tho annual ikk given in
its honour. Tlio details a'ro tralvr
horrible to coutcmpl ifo: 2,010 men
pulling the ear on which wad
""1! wreicuen creatifcs placed
ineinspives under tho .wJicels be.
i... f . ' . ,
uiiu.i vy a religious eniiiusiasm.
into a belie! that their spirits would
benefit therein-. Tho English
Government haVs"nsel all tho?rc!
forts to put down tho fanaticism of
tho natives- but' it takes' -u 'long'
time to deliver an unenlightened
nice from the bondage ot superstu
tion. . Vc trust, however, that tho .
education whieh' is now oncoursg
ed will eventually wean Tho peo1'
plo from their idofafi'v.'1 '": ' "
A Iondon pedestrian, known aa
the "Surrey Novice,'' bus perform
edthe astounding feat of walkinee .
100 luilct; in 22 hours and 37'inin.'
Manyof our routers, wonder that -tlicy
did not receive a. paper from.
ouroCice last week!; Tliey know
the re'ilpon.' When they will havo '
paid what "they owe us, and pay Tn
aHI,L'e "or Ihreo months 'omv',
t'hey shall Jmvo the "IVess -'i, but
' f : .'L ? ',-'; u ''
'e havo los.cjver twenty Uvo.;
hundred do'arn(2,S00) i'lt'-' tlirf o'
yeiH -Ofi : th'e "Fre'sv, not a' coi'V1 '
..tl -i .,'V'rVj.. ..
siinit goiiui ot in.,' t'inec tin t'uiii
.. ."';';, ..' '., .a.; i., . . . ,.
for in advance, aud a'd old scores
lt finite' t-p.

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