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The Marion daily mirror. (Marion, Ohio) 1892-1912, January 16, 1911, Image 1

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' ' to. 1
Wj&Yl'HEJt l'X)H OHIO 8noV tolilff lit mid Tuesday in ibrlli iM tonight or Tuesday in central ami souUi, slightly wnrnicr Tuesday.
Are to be bad for tho odver.
Are to be had for the adver
tising! ss
Nations Preparing Great
Leviathans of the Deep
For War.
Money, Stocks, Bonds And
Business Generally Dur
ing Recent Weeks.
On Uncle Sam's Battleships
To Be Investigated On
mmmMm i
E2 X, bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBbsbbbbH jbbbbbbbbbbV.
Roar Admiral Barry, Com
mander of the Pacific Fleet,
Asks and Secures
Personal Charges Incubat
ing And Likely to Be
Piled Against Him Still an
Officer of the Navy
' ' -
Although I lot i ml Anil May Cost Him
JIIh Position Two stories a'olil nml
Uncertnln uh Yet Wlini Is tlio llock
Ilottoiu Trutli Tho Admiral
Denies Tlmt lie Was Coni)elleil t
By United Pros Wire,
i Washington, Jnn. 1C. A tfcandnl
such as official Washington has Bel
dam known and one tliat has no dupll
cato In Mio history of tho United Stat
es navy threatened to bo exposed hero
today has the result of tho hurried re
tirement of Hear Adimiral E. H. Har
ry, commander of tho Pacific fleet,
following the Ming of personal charg
es against him by his officers. The
fact that Barry applied for retirement
by wire and succeeded In Raining ac
tion from tho soero tary of tho navy
and President Taft, before tho ar
rival hero of charges mailed from
San Francisco, la not expected to end
the nffalr.
.When President Taft ordered Har
ry retired last woek, nothing was
known hero of tho circumstances of
the case, further than tho fact that
Barry, having nerved forty-flvo years,
had urgontly asked for Immediate re
tirement. Barry Js still an officer of tho navy,
though retired, and it Is believed hero
that hla accusers, will not bo satisfied
with tho situation. Hints of a possible
court-martial as a result of efforts
of Carry's accuscra to fordo him en
tirely out of tho navy, wore heard
Jiero today.
A court-martial or Innulry of sucH
ILbLv ahature ao -to bring out tho details
filU ij-wr; iHVhiid);tU-Wppoapd, JCpos,-,
lL-S" ' Bible,' 'on' the- ground that itwould not
ibe good policy xor tno navy, oui u
the circumstances sedmed to demand
ouch acUon, it is declared today that
tre department will not hesitnto to
compel a thorough airing of tho whole
One report reaching Washington to
day Is that Barry explained to tho of
ficers of tho West Virginia that a boy
who had been hurt In a .football gamo
was detailed at his door and that ho
had Inquired about how ho felt. Barry
la quoted as having said in sympathy
for the lad, ho passed his hand over
his head and faco sovoral times and
tapped him on tho back, while some
one wos watching from awovo anu re
ported tho incident. This, it was de
clared on Barry'o bohalf, , was tho
whole basis for tho charges.
iA. very different story has reached
here from officers of tho West Vir
ginia. It ifl said that four officers of
the Bhlp, having observed, without de
tection by tho rear admiral, w'lat thoy
assert to be- positive proof of tholr
charges, openly demandod his resigna
tion. Thoy made a roport of tho af
fair, and placed it in his hands with
a request that ho forward it to Wash
ington. Instead, it 'Is said that ho dos
troyod tho document and at once ap
plied by telegraph for retirement. Tho
officers then mailed a dopullcato of
the roport to tho navy department at
Whelilngton. , ,
Jn the meantime, Barry succcedod
in .minintr his retirement, and Rear
Admiral Chauncoy M. Thomas hasti
ly summoned from shoro leave at San
ta Barbara, California, was ordorod to
take charge of tho fleet today. Tho
West Virginia has been at 8ea for a
two day's cm la being expected In Ran
Francisco harbor today, when Barry
will leave tho ship and bo succeeded
by Thomas.
Ban Francisco, an. 1C Although
near Admiral Chauncy M. ' Thomus,
commanding tho socond squadron of
tho Pacific fleet, today conferred with
District Attornoy Flokort, following
the sudden roquest or. acur uu...
Edward Barry, whom Thomas succeed
pd, for retirement, nolthor Thomas nor
Fickert would discuss tho causo, FJck
ert admitted, however, that his or
ilce was "Investigating the stories re
garding Admiral Barry," Ho added
mt he was, not yet prepared to say
What notion, if any. he would take.
Admiral Barry made tho following
statement today regarding his retire-
m'"n is not true that I was forced
to rotlro. My reasons for doing bo are
mrtly PuWIo id partly private. The
man who Is triumphantly vindicated
under auoh circumstances is as much
r" , h nharees agalnBt him
Z:Z Toved true. By requesting Jm-
imedlate retirement I believe a
save the navy from a scandal."
Advanco In Diamonds.
New York, Jan. lO.-Owlng to tho
IncreTsoa uso of small diamonds in
sssis ss-aw ?S H
early advance In tho prlco or
smaller, stones.
tMl-lllllW i. SHSllSSK
it1 IbsiiiB'vjHbdiiiiiiiV
i JEw isHHsliillv
PmNisIIbB &3Em
Shanghai, Jan. lC-On January 30
China Is to witness tho greatest hair
cutting contest of tho age. Ono hun
dred and forty-llvo prominent China
men uro going to havo their cuus ro
moved. Wu Ting Fang Is going In
tend the party und have his long
cherished locks removed. When Chi
nese, minister to tho United States,
WU Ting Fang said ho thought tho
day was not far off when Chinamen
would loso their cues. It Is expected
that there will bo some trouble
nmong tho poorer classes when they
arc asked tu have their cues cut
off. So far It Is not an ofllclal order,
but otllclals would not bo Biirprlscdto
see such an order Issued before long.
In the Schenk Case And Her
Work Occasions a Dispute
Between Attorneys.
As a Spy, a Liar and Any
Old Thing Which is Bad
But She Laughs at Mr.
Boyce and Doesn't Seem
To l)d Slot (Ml by His Harsh anil Spir
ited I'lxcorlation Jury Kxcuscd
While Attorneys Arguo to tlio Court
The Proposition Whether Mrs.
Klein lb to bo Treated Considerate
ly or Otherwise Witness llelatcs
Troubles of Her Otui.
By United Press Wire.
Wheeling, W. V.a Jan. 10. The
Schenk poisoning trial went Into Its
ticcond week today with "Mrs. Klein,"
tho doti'ctlvo nurse, on tho stnnd, to
compluto her story, begun Saturday,
of how sho drew from tho prlaonor
tho dotalls of the alleged poison plot
against tho mljllonalro packer, John
O. Schenk.
Mrs. Kloln, or MIks Rlnora Zoesk
lor, wore, a stunning tailored suit of a
dark material. Tno neavy uiown
volj had been oxehnngod for one of
blue, which tho nurse throw back
from her faco as soon as sho beenmo
seated In the witness box.
Sho looked onco at Ms?. Schenk,
who returned an unsmiling glnnce.
Mrs. Klein told of going to tho
Schenk homo from tho hospital for
a pillow. Mrs. Schenk nml tho two
children wero alone, Witness said
Mrs. Bchonk declarod sho had tho
Schenk money "well salted."
For tho threo unys prior io nor -
rest, Mrs. Schenk the witness said,
was decidedly evasive,
meeting the detectlvo on ovcry oc
casion. Onco sho requested tho detective
and Miss Evans, the regular nurso,
to leave her alono with her husband.
, "Wo heard high words behind tho
door," witness said. "Mrs. ."Schenk
left shortly after and tho patlont was"
much worse.
Witness Bald tho Instructions wore
never to leavo the prisoner alono wltli
"We observed tills, except when It
threatened an open breach with Mrs.
Schenk. Wo didn't want that," wit
ness said, '
Tlio nursp said on another occasion
Mrs. Schenk said;
"Dr. Hupp says John Is liable to
drop dead any moment. I havo deter
mined to suck It out and bo as Imp-
tr ni T pnn."
Tho night of Mrs. Schenk's ar
rest Mrs. Klein was alone with tlio
prlsbnor In Prosecutor Hnndlan's li
brary, The detective protended great
"My Cod, Mrs. Bchonk, what have
Continued on I'ngo Four
For the Lambs Have Been
Shorn So Often They
Dread the Shears Bogie
Men of Wall Street Are
Tho Oil nml Tobacco Cases Anil Itnll
way Hates Main Trouble. Is the
Jllgh Price or Steel Anil Iron anil
The Hodlng up of Price by Com
bination Natural ax of Trade
Needs ti Operate to Start Brisk
By United Press Wire.
Now York, Jan. 1C The stock
market Is working between two con
flicting conditions, viz., a strong tech
nical situation, but a somewhat un
settled outlook as to natural condi
tions. The strength of the situation
lies In tho fact that securities are In
strong hands, that weak accounts
Jiaye been eliminated, that specula
tion Is within very moderate propor
tion, ihnt nrlee.H of stocks and bonds
aro considerably below the high level
and that they yield much butter re
turns to tho Investor than formerly.
Another Imitnrtnnt factor In tho stock
market Is tho expected easo In money
tor some tlmo to come, arising from
tho return or funds from tho Interior
and from a lessoned demand tor busi
ness purposes. It must also bo taken
Into consideration that the big bank
ing interests of tho country nre en
listed on tho side of higher prices.
Their function is to finance the great
transportation and industrial organ
izations of tho country; and It so
happens that our railroads aro in
pressing need of large supplies of new
capital. This means that many mil
lions of new securities will have to
be! placed during tho current year:
hence ono of the strongest reasons
condition ready for the absorption of
thkso forthcoming Issues.
Such are some of the facts which
explain tho present resistance of th"
market to uusottllng Influences. On
tho other side of tho account thore
Is an unsatisfactory bank situation In
certain portions of tho country, re
sulting from tho otiormous expansion
of loans and tho latter's continued ex
cess over deposits. It should be sa . d
that there ia somo Improvement In the
matter of loans owing to the recon
conservative attitude of western
bankers; bt there Is still a consld
orablo strain in certain portions of
the interior, arising from cesslyo
land speculation. Irrigation schemes
and tho Increased borrowings of
farmers for buying cattlo and carr'
ing crops. Tho western situation us
a whole Is unquestionably Improving
albeit there aro still points of weak
new which will probably have o be
ellmlnu tort. The local bank failures.
being conllnod to weak and unimpu.i
..... nnnr. wero without particular
significance and had little effect upon
the Now York inarkot.
1 The most serious Interference with
activity on tho stock ",'!'
uncertainty attondlng the oil and to-
acco cases and the railroad rate
ouesUon No general resumption of
actlWty can be expected until these
important problems have been Una -
v adjusted. It the decisions .prove
unfavorable the market may no
""' ..,.,. rim.9 reaction, for In each
case tho parties concerned aro un
doubtedly prepared to adjust hem
solves as far as possible to he , worsu
In any ovent it ! recognized that the
pUuctlon. distribution and consump.
an fiffn not being likely to cause
inv cessation of demand or nny sen
oh dlnUnutlon of profits. There to
moreover some belief that tho rail
roads wm secure moderate conces
sions in curtain Instances. No doubt
So railroads "-making their cas
as strong hb possible; for thoy nave
entered a period of business reaction,
fac'ng heavy Increases In operating
ovnenso" ami Imperative demands for
flP,i facilities. Tho rate que.
lllvivMH. . ..,. ., Iinnnllfln ill
.i ia ., nnmiillcutcd one
u ,,"", fho ,.0untry rates ors
somo sections of tbo comUrj m
wh lo in others they are reasonably
ow and some roads are much bettor
auto to keep up under existing con
Sltlons than oU.crs. Tho load comes
eavlest upon such companies as are
sUU laboring under tho excessive I xed
' "nee Imposed by tho nscrupulous
""',..., .. nrnviniiii ironeratlons,
DSg Ju Uce'Vo the rauroads is a
nrob em that calls for the Highest or
or of talent; and It should not bo
forgotten that it ?100,000.00Q or more
are to bo taken from shippers to
compensate railroads it la still a pro
ner question for tho government to
esk. what will be the effect of such
un Incronso upon shippers nml con-
...v.r in ii n v nav tho bllw.
The 'investment demand for stock
lias thUB far been moderate and cou-
LLi , ' nhimiv to individual buyers
Savings banks, trust companlos. In
suranco oqmpanles mid other instuu
tlons are nt present only moderato
purchasers of Investments, but a Hf-
tin nncniiraureineut in i;uniii"
... : . ...... tfenm lllio
would oo U'pi soop io uii' -
the market. There has been an ex
Continued on Pngo Four.
feffe mlSMxik:
New orlt, .Ian. 1C. Ars. P. Au
gustus Helnzc Ik going to resume tho
stage. A few mbnths ngoMrs. llelnze
who was Mrs. Illomlcrsxi, deserted
the footlights fr marrlcl bliss with
the Ilutto ciippel king. Vhlle Ilelnzo
has hail a strciiius!i tlm of late In
the courts, It wiis Jhougit his mar
ried llfo had berl hsppy. Mrs. Ilelnzo
declares tlieie Is no 'friction, but that
she can not resist tho call, of tho foot
terday by a
No Rioting
entucky Yes-
tasked Mob.
Jut Mob well
Orga lized.
By United
Shelbyvllle, Ky.
Hen Perkins and
Press Wlr
Jan. ic snerirr
Coroner Bullock,
of Shelby county,
loduy, commenced
an investigation
tho lynching of
three negro prlhoii-rs by a masked
mob which early jstorday stormed
the jail and took ,t)o threo men out.
Shorlft APerkJns'l declared today
rwliti- (its
thorough nn lnvestlgatioi as was In
his: ' power. . "
Eugene Marshall, nei ro charged
ultli the nlurder of hlsi ftilstress In
l!iD!i and who was in jail ; waiting tho
disposal of a motion for a new trial
was hanged at tho ,eniU Of a twelve
foot rope to tho Chesapijaku & Ohio
bridge. -
Wade Patterson, negro charged with
attacking two white women was shot
to dpath and his body thrown into
Clay creek.
James West, the third negro taken
from tho Jail by the mob has not
been found. Sheriff Perkins stated
today ho believed West's body would
bo found In Cluy creek us It is
known tho negro was bound liand and
foot by the mob before ho was drag-,
god from his cell,
The mob wub well organized and
Its work was characterized by tho
totul absence of rioting. The work
was done moro with grim sullen do
termination thnn In a spirit of
bravado which generally marks
mobs. Every man was masked and
henvlly armed, In addition to be
ing equipped with Bledgo hammers
und picks with which the Jail doors
were forced.
The mob was organized quietly and
disbanded as quietly, tho ljody of
Marshall suspended from the bridge
and tho battered doors of the jail
lielng tho only evidence; of tho work
of tho mob at daylight.
The Jail door was battered down
with sledgo hammers and picks when1
Night Jailer Hornbeck slammed tho
door In tho faco of tho mob mem
bora and throw the koya to Jailer
Thompson, who then hid In a closet
In u remote part of tho Jail. No
shots were fired during the assault
on tho Jail.
There wero seventeen iprlsoners In
the jail but only tlio threo negroes
were molested. Iloforo attueklng tho
Jail the mob visited tho electric light
powcr-hoiiso nnd at tho point of a
pistol forced Night Englneor John
Suter (o stop his engines and shut off
tho current. All telephone wires to
tno jail wero cut.
Two policemen who attempted to In
terftiro with tho nlob were forced nt
tho point of pistols to another part
of town,
Jailer JSdward Thompson, who hid
with' tho Jail keys )n a closet) while
the mob was at wprk, explained his
action today as follows: '
"The mob had us covered .hoforo
wc realized what was happening and
I had no chances to use my pistol at
any tlmo. Whon Ernest Hornbeck,
my dnputy, throw tho koys to mo af
ter tho mob had demanded that 'ho
glvo thorn' up, I did tho" only posslblo
thing I could do, hid in a closet whoro
thoy could not fine w, and thus pro
venting thorn from securing tlio keys.
Had I attempted to light I would havo
been overpowored and the mob would
have secured tho keys. By hiding tho
keys wo hoped to hold tho imob off un
til help camo, but our telephones woro
out of commission."
Whllo,Bholbyvlllo Is qulot today,
negroes aro leaving town on ovory
train, fearful of further trouble.
County Judge dllbert condemni tho
triple lyiMhlng, declaring tliat there
was reasonable 'doubt as to tho guilt
of tho Patterson audi West nogroes.
Night Jullor Hornbeck deolares ho
Continued on Pago I'lirco,
:. - J
'?& 'T;
J1 W - IX. . - I ,,-.. . jj
Government Monopoly of
Production in Honduras
Realizes Large Profits Bad
Roads Make Transportation
KxeocilliiRly Slow In that Country of
Panama Hats isthmus Canal Pro
moters Keep u Stllf Upper Up on
Completion or Work lit nil liarly
Date ItcKiirtlUw of Slides Military
Dy United I'ropn Wlro.
Washington, Jnn. IB investigation
or the manner of storing coal on Unit
cd States battleships Is expected In
tho near futurii by ollleois of tho Navy
Tho immediate cuuie for such an In
qulry Is found In the fact that with
in two weeks, explosions recently oc
curred In tho coal bunkers of two
Iwttleshlps, causing the death of a
man In each Instance. They were on
the North Dakota and on tho Michi
gan. Coal passer Evans, of tho North
Dakota died after lingering nearly
two weeks from the time of his be
ing burned. IJiuJamln McCleary coal
passer on the Michigan, died within
two days after the accident. Hoth
men were Injured while the fleet was
In the English' channel. Though such
explosions aro not unknown In the
Navy, olllccrs are frequently alarm
ed at what seems to bo an Increase
In their frequency.
According to the report of tho Hoard
of Inquiry on the North Dakota, coal
dust was lespunslhle for tho explo
sion on that battleship. Evans de
clared that he crawled Into tile bun
ker to toko a. nap. Needing a light,
he serafeched a match, and the ex
plcslon followed, severely burning
him. Tho board reported that there
was no trace of gas In the hunker.
No detailed report on. the Michigan
tho clrcumstanees, so far as known,
w'e're similar.
Lack or ventilation naval oillcers
is tho dangerous Tactor In bat
tleshlp coal bunkers. On most me
ships, ir th0 traps are opened and
kept open to admit air, water also
gotB In. It is well known that water
In small quantities, with largo
amounts or sort coal, will Induce sPn
taneous combustion. The difficulty
of tho problem is Increased by the
ruct that there Is little choice In
placing the bunkers, all must open
Into the lire room.
Many oillcers are convinced that
these recent explosions offer a strong
argument for tho adoption of oil
burners Tlio danger from coal, thoy
cay, Is too groat to bo longer tolerat
A monopoly of the manufacture of
rumlln Honduras Is held by tho Gov
ernmont and the business is conduct
ed on tho basis of a very liberal
profit, according to a report from Con
sill Haebcrlo who attends io me in
terests or the United States in tho
Itepubllc. Tho Government contracts
with distillers In various parts of the
country for supplies of rum. One of
these Informed Haebeilo that It cost
threo cents to produco a bottle con
taining 18 ounces. It Is sold to tho
Government for i-cvcn cents by the
latter distributed among the ultimate
consumers at CO cents a bottle. Tlio
rum Is called guaio and la made
from sugar cane.
As to the need of roads Haoborle
"Ono or Uio enterprising merchants
nr Tm-noiiriiiiia said that ho Is nt
provont transporting muchlnory to
his farm. 20 miles east of tho city.
During tho p.ist week the oxon ad
vanced three miles. At many places
his men had to stop and lis tho road
before pi acceding.
"To transport heavy machinery to
tho San Juanclto mine from Uio coast
requires fiom two to two and a half
months, sometimes soven weeks from
Tegucigalpa to the mine, a distance
or 21 miles. For 12 out of three of
theso 21 miles the block and tucklo
must be 'used, and It takes from 30
to 50 oxen to move a pleco of ma-
ehlnorv weighing over fi tons."
Haebcrlo also makes somo observa
tion on tho Panama hat industry to
tills effect:
"About tR.ooo of theso hats aro
made annually by women of Santa
Iiarbaia. Tho palm leaf, from which
thoy aro mado, Is called 'Junco'. The
most tender loaves are seiecieu uuu
exposed to stilpher smoke, moisture,
and the rays of tho sun. The price
Is about IR cents gold for two dozeju
leaves, the amount needed for ono
liat. It takes about two weeks to
mako an ordinary hat and ono month
to mako a lino ono.
"A round block, called 'horma', Is
used as a form for making the crown.
After this P'irt la finished a tnblo
Is used, provided with ono or moro
holes, Into which the crown Is drop
ped and the rim woven on tho top
nf tho table. Theso hatH nro sold from
J120 to U according to tholr qualltv
They nre made during tho wot sea
son, as the straw breaks during the
dry. Even In tho west season a damp
cloth Is constantly usod to moisten
tho straw whllo weaving. Whon they
are finished, thoy are iplaced In a
lareo box and again subjected to sul
continued on INigo Four.
liil mm wn imnnilW
London, Jan. 10. Suivrise has lieeii
caused In London by the marriage nf
Earl Cadogun, cx-lnrd lieutenant of
Ireland and ex-lord privy seal, to his
cousin, the Countess Palagl, at Flor
Earl Cadogan is one of tho wealth
iest of Loudon's titled landlords nnd a
great entertainer of royalty. Tin to
heirs to tho title hnvo died in his life
tlmo. Ho Is seventy years old.
Lord Cadognn's first wife, a daugh
ter of the second Earl of Craven, died
In 1007. She w.is a leader of EnglUh
society, tnd tin ('adi)gau regime lit
Dublin fistic was one or the most
brilliant on n r 1.
TV-MCgft- VT MSS22J5S-
Means Great Increase of Net
Earnings to the Big Rail
ways of the Country.
Generally Recognized And
The Human Element Needs
To be Eliminated Enter
prising Cites Still Bidding
For Stovo Fiictorks, Paper Mills, etc.,
Hut Parsing up lr.-hlp Works.
Great lleailMi. Itcpiiitcd ltelng
Made Agiilnit tlio White Slne
Truffle And Soon the Annual Meet
ing Will be Held at Chicago Willi
Heports of Accomplishments.
Uy Unlto'd Press Wirn
Chicago, Jan. 1,0. Safeguarding tho
public In train opor.Utons moans great
increases of net earnings for tW
railroads of tho country, according to
u bullitln of the League for Public
Safety. "Tint aggregate wreck wast
er the steam roads amountB to over
30 per cent of the total expense of
opeiatlon," says the bulletin. Accord
ing to figures of the Interstate Comi
morco commission reports tho roads
which havo done the most to saTo
guard tholr lines, are the ones with
the lowest alio or wreck losses. Olio
Which has 37 per cent or its mlloago
signalled In 1008 had wreck losis or
$13,721,000, while another with 54
per cent equipped had losses or $7,
200,000 total mileage being about tho
same. 'Taken as a whole, howexer,
tho Amorlcan railroads havo as yet
expended little money In block signal
equipment. Out of the total of 230,
000 miles or main linos only 17,305
havo automatic block signals and only
ni.Hilii the manual block equipment.
This leaes over 150,000 miles or CIS
per cent yet to be protected. How
ever, expense of Installation would
bo miany times soon repaid, regard
less of lives saved, 111 tho reduction of
wreck waste, in one ease ho cost
of Installation and upkeep was ro
pald In tho llrst year by tho reduc
tion of wreck losses, Howovjer it is
hoped that the block systoni and train
control board of tho Interstate com
merce commission soon can report the
discovery or practical oimlpmont It is
seeking, to Improve on visual signals,
whether automatic or visual, mm i
stop trains running toward danger
by somo simple, automatic means.
"Human fallibility must bo elluilnat
ed." says the secrelnry of the stato
railway commission In writing to tho
tongue: "As long us the pooplo aro
donendent upon tlio human factor In
tho operation nf trains, Just so Jong
will there bo serious acuiuenis roun
lug In death and injury. A rovent caso
hot this kind occurred In thUf state,
In which two men, both motormen
and conductor within eighteen min
utes after having received positive
ordors to meet a train at a certain
station, wlllfullv. or willingly, dlsobey
Coutluiicil on Pugo 8m en.
Eleven Monstrous Dread
noughts to "be Launched
By United Kingdom Ger
many a Good Second With
Scion, llii'-sla and U. S. Iiiir Each and
Ten Others ecnty Hattlesbliw
Anil Cruisers Opting $700,000,000
iul Willi a Touuago or l,r00,000,
Tons A iv Xow Under Construc
tion Throughout tlio World Talk
Tor Peace; Work Fur War.
Uy United Press Wlro.
London, Jan. lfi. While the' press
of the world Is shouting for peace and
Senator Hoot and his colleagues aro
working out a. plan to spend Andrew
Carnegie's $10,000,000 peace fund,
figures obtained from the British
naval authorities todny show that
1911 will break nil records for battle
ship launchlngs nnd naval activity.
Theso llguroH show that every nine
dayn, from February 1 to Docombor
31, a iihw Dreadnaught will take tho
water tu somo part of the globe. In
other words, thirty-six Dreadnaughts
will bo launched this year, or only
two less than the total number al
ready ulloat as the result of llvo years'
In addition to this Innumerablo
small cruisers, torpodo boats, de
stroyers, submarines, otc, will bo
launched by nil the big powers. Great
Krltnln ilone will send Blxty-one of
bu h smnller war craft Into the wntr.
Of the Dreadnaughts, Great lirltnln
easily loads the list with eleven to be
launched this year February 1, tho
3J. C00-ton Thunderer will leave th
slips at Hlackwall, and from then on
there will bo a regular succession of
big splashes.
Germany comes second in nnval ac-
States will launch three, In addition
to tho Arkansas, which slipped down
the ways Saturday; Itussla four;
France two; Argentine two; Chllo
two, Japnn two, and Italy, Austria,
litazll and Spain ono each.
Altogether, It Is stated, seventy
Dreadnaughts and cruisers, with a
tonnage of over 1,500,000 and vnlued
at more than $700,000,000 are now
under construction throughout tho
world. Great lirltnln has 250,000
tons on the builders' stocks nnd a
tonnage of 12S.000 launohed nnd
Hearing completion. Germany lias
150,000 touuago building, and 125,000
fitting out. France Is building' 40,000
tons and fitting out 110,000 and tho
United States Is building 80,000 tons
mid fitting out 70,000 tons.
Seizing Cold Storage Eggs
In Now Jersey Caused The
Chicago Landslide in
By United iv-h Wire,
Chicago, Jan. 10, Tho recent ac
tion of the Federal Inspectors In New
Jersey In sel.lng and dumping ihto
tho North river an Immense amount
of "cold stor.iRe eggs," on tho grounds
that they were unlit for consumption,
Is said today to bo responsible for tho
unprecedented drop here and lji other
big editors In the prfce of butter, egga
and poultry.
United States District Attorney
Blnis, it Is understood, hag requested
the fedoml food Inspectors In Chi-'
cago to make a thorough Investiga
tion Into all cold storage eggs, chick
ens and butter placed In interstato
commerce, monster sulzurcs In var
ious parts of the country are said to
lie contemplated.
As a result of this fodcral activ
ity, tho "food trust" la said to bo In a
panic, and is throwing upon the mar
ket at least $5,000,000 worth of eggs,
butter and poultry that has boon In
cold storage hero. This Hooding of
the inurket Is said to have caused tno
rapid declines In prices noted with
in the past few days. It Is polntod
out that while strictly fresh eggs re
main firm at llfty cents a dozen, cold
storage eggs havo dropped to twenty
nine cents a dozen. This, it Is said,
shows that there Is no groater ipro
ductlon or fresli eggs, but a greater
tale or cold storage products.
Tho government crusade agulnst
such "embalmed rood" resulted in the
recent Now Jersey solzures und fright
ened tho food trust Into dumping the
eontonta of monster cold storage
plants upon tho market
Postmaster Pleads Guilty.
Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. 10. John
Hoths, postmaster At Hobbins Station,
wns arrested In a Pittsburg saloon to
day by Postofflco Inspector H, H.
Williams, charged with tho ombozile
niept of over $2,000 of money ordor
funds from tho postofflco of which he
was In charge. Hoths entered a ploa
of gultly later and In default of ball
was committed to Jail.
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