OCR Interpretation

Ashtabula weekly telegraph. (Ashtabula, Ohio) 1880-1886, April 09, 1880, Image 1

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

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tfntPt-M nt tup Vii OfTW At AclitAliiiln an Hfuond rinsi, Mntffr.
AIV1KH KI:i;D & HON, J'libllHliorH.
imkim;micnt i am. tiiinoh.
Vol. XXXI, No. 15.
Whole Number 1579.
K HO 1 1 A N TS.'
tho; S"i6o'ri'iiiMiVnii lu-iifi-r-!!!
Iiry tloods, Oroeerlee, (.'rockery And Ulnae
WHe, llOOtH RIKl SIlOCS. llody-M lldO cloth
lug flat and .'t.a. Tobaccos and I'lioire,
H ml everything- a. family nerds to enl or
vrnr. North Main street, AnlilHliulM. l;ts
TMHKIt KOrRUKlL, (A. ('. f nmlin
and I.. K. Rockwall,) Wholesale and Uo
tnll liealers In lirooerles and Provision..
KrliitsnndUrnlii; Ajienta Tor Ainerleun nml
Itnion Kjcpreas Companies Hiul Cleveland
Herald, Moln street, Ashtabula, O. IMi
A. elf. at K. WH A V AK, Dealers In Choice
r-'iuiitivliroeerlesand Provisions; also, pure
Conlee'tlonery, and ttio Hut hL brands of To
bacco and ClR-nrs. lil
jff'W Bibl.MProdueo and Commission
Muri'hnnL for th purchase and wile of West
em Unserve HuUer.Chceseniid Dried Fruits,
Mulli Ktreul, Ashtabula, Ohio. I-"-
jrriw7lA fl l".K Kit At NON, Dealers 111
Urnoeries, Provisions, Flour, Feed, Foreliin
and Lloiiiesilo Fruits, Malt, Fish, Piaster,
Wnter-I.lnie, Heeds, &c, Main street, Ash
tabula, Ohio.
ivrilEDHKAU, Ilenter In Flour, Pork,
Hums, ljird.Hiidnll kinds of Fish; also all
kinds of Fitnilly Urocerlcs, Frulu and (.on
fectlonery, Ale and Ilomeat Ic Wines. U'Jil
H. 1,7 jnoilHISON "Dealer hi Dry UoodB,
Urocerles, Hoots and Nhoes, Hate, Caps,
Hardware Crockery, Hooka, Paints, oil".
4c., AsliUhulu, Ohio. '?'!
M It T I N S K W BKHil , I iriWlst and
Apotheearv, and (lenernl Dealer In Droits,
Medlelncs, Wine and Honors fir medical
purposes. Fancy and Toilet HinkIs Main
street, corner of Centre, Ashtabula, O.
fTT.I,K V r'lr P'O ro., Manufacturers
or Lath, Hldlnir, Mouldings, Cheese boxes,
Ac., Phinlns:, Mulching, and Herowl Hawing
done on short notice, (shop on Main street,
opposite South Park, Ashtabula, Ohio.
f. K. PKTTIBONK, Attorney unl Coun
sellor at Law, and NoUiry Public, opposite
Flsk Homo, Ashtabula. 157a.
H W7 1'Ai.VlN, Attorney ami Coun
selor at Law, and Notane Public Wil
lurd'altloc.k. W'l. If I. KAHIKH, J II., Attorney end
Counsellor at Law, and Noiary Public Of
fice with Hall Hro'B, Ashtabula, O, Hl
JuiTN "t. Tn6ivJ, Attorney aiiiFtNiuil
aellor at Law, and Notary Public. Oltlce in
Ashtabula Loan Aasoolatlon bulldlliK. W
Oil Alt Li: BIIOTIlVAtUiriwy and Coun
sellor ul Uiw, AshUbulii, Ohio. 11
E. A BD. Attorney at fjiw, Jcirer-
wiu.Ulilu. Olllce In the Hinalley Blovk
Bl'fo. '. Ill HII1HD A ., Deulers In
Haidwurtl, Iron, steel and Nalls.Htoves.TIn
Plate.shcet Iron,(.'opper and .Itic.and Mine
UlactureisofTln.shect Iron amlCopperwaie,
F'lsk s nioek, Ashtiibula, Ohio. Into
Dr. S. U.lll ni'illlli V,MuKetle Healer,
AsliUibula, O. Itesldence on l.uke Shore
DH, K, Xrii lMti, Physician and Sui-Rcon;
olllce over ow Jt Koyera'. I lia-va a com
plete set of Dr. Hadttuld'a KqualUers, Willi
the exclusive rlaht of Ashtabula county.
PliVHiclauft are respccttllly Invlled to cull
anil examine the Instruments. Olllce hours
irom 10 a. m. to I p. m. Uesldence south of
Ht. I'etor's church. HA!
pH7icVl X Tit ON WOlt KH 0.,Mnii'f Tf
of WUtveH, I'luwH Biul Columns, Wimlow
Ctimat)l Hillrt, Mill I'aHtlliK". KettleH. HtiikH,
Hiijj;h .shot'H, die, Pbamlx Foundry, Awhtu
bulii,Uhio. HM1
JOHN lirrilO, Munufnrtuiororftnd
er in r uriuuim ui m uwiuniniiuii,rtii
every vurlcty; uIho, UuneriU UndttruiK'
and MunufHcturor of CoIIIuh to ordor; .mtn
Hli eut, north of Houth Public Squure, Asli
tabulu, Ohio. 1 41U
A.TInDKN 4c HA KK1S will doall kiiidH
tlumirili oi v uLcueM, uiockh nnu jeweiry,
at 1-7 3lul Htreet, in room with Curllwle
lyior. i io--iy
ii.:ti' V. UI4JK INXON. Jew filer: Hcualr-
liM ol all kiiidH of Watches. Clocks and
Juwelry; Mlore lu AHhtuUulu ILouw 13 1 on K
AHhlabula, Ohio.
m.AKI-:tl,i:i: Sc RIOOHK. riintoifranh
era and Uealors In Picture, EiiKruvliiKs,
ChriiinoH, tVc, ; having a lare supply
MoLiUlliikH of varioutt Ut'rJcriptTinii. are ure-
paml to frame anything In the Picture line
PUHO Sc BROTIIKK, Manufacturers
and Dealfm la Mmlult Urldlcft, CollurM,
Ti unkH, Whips. 4o.., pppodlw fUK llouno,
Anhtubula, Ohio. )Ui5
P. V. CiIOOD, Wholehalf and IleiAll Dealer
In all klnUtt of L'oul, uitd Lumber. Hewer
Pipe ot all lzt'8. Office and yard at (.'enter
street railroad crosKlny, Aahtabuln. llalPi
iiltitflenaHueeialty. Pine lumlnJr.Bnlt.KleH,
. lath, of all kimU. in any quantity, at the
loweHt prlcctt. and delivered on can or any
where in Antitftbula. Orders left at the
. store ofJ. B. crotiby 4 Hons, will receive
prompt attentiim. . ,
Londo A (llnbe InsuranceCo. Ctuh AHnets
over t'A''.OMj Gold. In the U. H. ftl.tKHJ.iitW.
HtoitK uoiuers amo personally ii&oie iizm
DAVID 8I-OAIV, Civil Euk ueer and Hur
vcyor, Architectural and Mechujiical
ItrautfhtBiiian. omce in nerce ana k'U
head's lilock, Aahtabula, Ohio. 142i
-n. K. KKLLEV.D. PH.. Newbcr
"fTrtry's HliH'k) cor. Main and Centre Hts
Entrance on Centre Htreet. Olnue uuurs,
o IS a. m. I to & p. m-
P. K. 11 LI., DeiitiHt, Ashtabula
Ohio, omce
(jeiiire street, wiwreu
Main ami Turk.
50 Yeurs Before the Public,
Pronounced by all to be the most Pleibawt
and ErrioAciooi nme(iy how In ue, for
cuki ol oovohi, coxaa,, caovp. BOAaieNBii.
tlcklloK tentlon. of tbe throat, whooping
in mi lat rw ycABi. Tt give, relief whorurer
uai'd, and In the power to Impart benuttt,
cannot oe bad from UI cough mlztarea now
nse. Bold by ell Dmggliui tt conte per bottle
BEL1.K1W LIVKR PILLS ere alio highly
lor curing Liver Complaint, cqpiti
patlon, Slck heedachet, Kevei and Ague, and
dtneaaee of the Stomach and Liver. Bold by
Druitgtate et 26 eeute per bo, NJ-OI
E, E. StUeii & Co., 1'ltUburgh,
For New Sprin
Hats and C
and NEC
Next door to Tlinrlier nnrJ Dick
We have received the
Slioeu ever liro
IjOW siioks
From $ 1 .- to 4.00.
From $2.rOto )(4.M. Full sto'k.
Kvery I'ntr Wnrciitiul.
From i)l 1 .50 to 4.0.
C. A. Il.iniiiigs' cilil BtiuiJ, 14
Jlarch 25th.
We offer the most
In the city, anil our
Rentier ours the Sufeni
g Clothing, Fine
riHOM, Ahtnlxiln Hoimc IJIock.
Largest Stock
lght to tliin city,
cii" (ielits,
IlarriiiKton, Solm; tt Hiitlinway
Button, $0.00, Coiifp-i'rM, l.nO,
WurenU-d an koimI as any Shoe
ever noui.
Main Street,, Aslitlula, 0.
at tractive display of
established ru
House to dual with.
Boys' ClotlimE
i's, viz:
ommended all
J. E. D0RAN,
UA.KE STREET, , ''.'
ashtabula, ohio:
and Manufacturer of Fine Hreech Load-
iug Shot Guns. Also agont for t
Double lliw.eU Loudorn, $10 up.
Single Breech I.o adorn, $0.50 up
. , Price LisU Hent on Aplicaiion.
American nireot for Jobu Wuvelock A Co.
Guu Manufacturers : Aueut for W, W. irent:r'
Hamm'trlenB Unos ; A u out fur Ctia. Daly's flus
W fc I r 1 1 e asea ot the Urinary Ontana
Tri Jthebrfsth.orbetrayitapres.
Dltiieriiu In an miniitip Itrwnt.
mnt local), huld by all
Drufrists, or sent by mail on rfcehit or price
BfDdforpamphlPt. Free. 8PAN1MU MKUICLNE
L.U., uoz ttuuaio, pi. i, -
I A i.i
r AT - - " ' ,i:
Too will always And a full sopply erf choice faralty
(rrocerics Provisions
Wiileh will be old. for Pawh. as low a at sn?
placu Id the (Jounty. Usll and ezamlna my Goods
ud Fricert Deioro ptirciae(ng ciecwoert, My
Htcck cunnlstt In part of
Sugars, Teas. Coffees Smces,
. Canned -Fruits, Fresh
. . rruits, &c. '
! .' n'' also
i Coirnmeal, Oatmeal, .
Provender, Bran, OAts & Corn
.and varlo as other srtlclfi loo n amorous to
i -. oienuoa. 1 ' -AIbo
A it en t for the culerbated ,
Buffalo Cream Ales & Porter.',
At his old stand, corner of Main and CunireS
ofctslnw! Ihr new ItiTCntlrme. or for ImnroTempnte
In old one.. Caveats .ail ell patcut buaioeae
iirciauii ly uueunca to.
KD may atlll. In moHt cn.ri., he patented hy tie
Meilitf opi'Oane ineu.o i-aieni nnt:v, quo en
4k:v5 lu PATENT UlISINKSS KXl'l.l Sf'KI.Y
wu cud ecnre Detent. In le.r tllnr llian til'
wbo are remute from Wualituetuu and who niiiat
depend lipor thu tuaila lu ell lianattcuoue with
tlw. lMt(.nl flffli'a
Whffn tnventora aend model or akeie.tl we make
aeercli In the Patent Oltlce and advise ea lo Ita
patentability phk or cuahqb. Corrciowinderice
contldeiitlal. prlcea low, and NO L'llAlttIK UN
We refer to Hon. 1'o.luiut.ter General D. M
Rev Hev F.I). Power, to iifHi-l i. Ill I lie U. 8
Putnnt Offlce. fend exoerlHllv to our r.llente In
ever? Htate of tbe Union end lu Canede. For
special relei uucea, term, ailvli'.u, Ac. At diesa
i A. NNOVV.V. :..
OrposlTI Patknt Orrlca. WasiiinotoiI, D. C,
r- r-i r- r- rtirT XO ALL
rnnr. uir i : win. .miw win,
Bill l'TITIrf, l t II a. , VIN. MCI
lltl.l.ll.M lll'elsunl hll O. Itc-
HIL1TV. Ueuerel 111 HeHltli. wui-tliii
Deeav. IFrliiMrv llCaeaeee. atiilueil lle
eai.ee, llyeiieitelai, Kle., IClc, to wlietn
will bd sent my book on Mt dleul iilectriclty, and
Blectro unlveiiic liens, world reuunnru lor mei
.urcesa In aavtitir manv valtmhle liven, bv t'fK
Symptoms aud aiiinip for IUkiiohi- to 511-I001
uit. 1.. w. roii 111:,
1T4 W. Fourlb ., I liielmieil, O.
LAUtiE aiitl complutu utock o
ieunl l.iaiiKN lor shio hi tile
Omtllrmrn : The nw tirnTirlen thrtt .1
the tlrxt meeiinir of thf ('ontifil in April
In emOi yenr llio MHyorelntl) ny iK-lore
the C'iiiiikmI, ill 11 writU'tl meHWifre, etatr:
meiit nl the t'onilitioii til public Rn'eirH,
and nmke eueli retroniuiendHt ions for the
fulurt' iihkIhiII H4m to him lient ctilculHU'd
Ui promote the puliiir wellHre.
111 r:oiuiillHnt:t with tine lirovinlon ol the
law i herewith eulonit lor your considera
tion a atntt'tiieiit of the limine inl condition
oT Ihc villii(re, toi'ther with surh autrgeH
lioiiH of ftiture public policy a eeem to
me worthy of your citreful consideration.
1 wo venra itjro, wnrn I nwMUnied the
liilicn of Mnyor, the nuHtnndlnif tKinded
lit ol the VIllHjTe W11B an followa;
Honda laioird for piireTiiise of Are etenin-
er M aj
lioucU iMoied In 1H7H to fund fl.nuirie;
uelit, ftnd termed Ceiitentilitl Uonda.. 6 HOD
Mnklne . total hondeil debt of au
During the yenra of 1H7M and 1KT0 there
rnia iieen iinlil on the prltielpal or
thin debt the aunt of 000
I.envlnn preaent bonded debt at pi OOU
There hue also been piiid during the two
past year the sum of (1, 1115 of interest
upon tin- bond?, mokint; total payments on
account of iKinded debt $1 iiii."i.
t rfjntnl any luiili rinkinr which in
volves an expeiidilnre beyonil tlte Uix lev.
leu iiv tuetnen i.ouncii with very erave
doubts of its wii-dom, and believe it uhould
never lie resorted to except under very ext
reme ami urirent necesHiiv- Ita eneel up
on tin: public iiiurtilH, and ita tendency hy
:hkii tiixuiioii to Keep away capital, are
cry slront; arxuuieiits airainst its adoi).
Hon at any time. During tiie past two
years two bonds have been iseued, of $ 1U0
each, for sidewalk purposes. One of them
ins necn pain, and tiie oilier noon will he
mm special lax on he nroiiertv ahuttlnir
and adjoining the improvement.
All improvements ot I he nalurc of grad
V, paving, sewerage, or of like cliarat ter.
which are nearly or wholly local in their
icnems, should nc nan lor by the nrmicr
tv linmcdialely iM'iieiltted. 'l'hu genera
slfcct fund idtould be nsed solely to build
and. keep in reasonable condition such
ids as the public as a whole may re-
luiic. Anything beyond this constitutes
a legitimate charge against the abutting
and adjoining properly which mbcntiUteu
thereby. Whenever it is, fully understood
that this is llic settled policy of the Coun
cil, there will lie less clamoring by local
nteresU for the lion's share of the nuhlic
Year after year, and hy Council after
Council, have some of our streets iieen
surveyed, partial and often unwise uml im.
practicable grades lixed, without due con.
.(deration, ami ollcn without havmir anv
map or profile made anil placed on record,
and no fixed monuments planted ; 90 every
year or two new surveys nave to be made,
mil additional expense incurred tobe paid
out of tin- taxes already grown burden
some It would seem high time that this
leuipori.ing was stopped by intelligent
aud well-considered action ou lite part of
the Council. Let there be a connected
survey anil piolilo of the grade made for
our pt incipal slrcels, and placed on per
manent record, periuaneni mouuMieuts
planted, and a seliled purpose be adopted
in 1 lie matter of street and sidewalk grades,
and made so plnln that a new survey will
not he necessary every time a sidewalk is
laid down or a ditch is to he opened.
I lie matter 01 a township and city ha II
lias agilated the public mind more or less
for several years. 1 only care ut this time
to notice an idea -which seems to have
some advocates. It ia that the township
shall raise by township tux aoerlain sum,
the village hy village tax raise an equal
amount or more, and the two unite In the
erection of a building fur the use of both
township and village. Tlte township as
such, some eurs ugo, built a town hall;
but its location was not satisfactory, and
after a few years it was sold for other pur-
noses. v mi tins exception, the villain.'
has, at lis own cost and expense (except a
very small sum for repairs), furnished a
place lor the holding 01 township elections
iroin its earliest organization as a town
ship up ui thu present lime; and wheuever
the township trustees levy a township tax
for building a town hull, that levy reaches
and touches all me property in Iho vil
lage as well as township; aud as a mat
ter of fact, the properly within the village
limits pays uiore than tlirec-fourths of the
tax. The village is making muny and
costly liiiproieiiieiue in vtiiicu me town
ship ami tiie surrounding country are
deeply interested; and which add to the
desirability and value of the property all
aiHiiu us, lowmtiB wmeu it communes
nothing in the way of taxes: This being
the case, dots not equal justice to all re
quire that the township furnish the means
to build, at such time us may be advisable,
a amiable building for the joint use and
accommodation of both township and vil.
lagcl . .....
The straightening, widening and deep-
en mc the river channel at the Harbor.
w hile it is strictly a local matter and must
be paid by u tux ou village, property only,
does, nevertheless, bo nc lit a lurge section
ot the BUirminuing country, which con
tributes nothing whatever towards the ex
ru'iise. Most ol our people are familiar
with the history of this undertaking, and
Know oi ine ousiacies mat nave so lur ue
layed Us completion. Three years ago
this oast winter me Legislature passed
law, hy virtue of which, on a Tote of two-
thirds ol ine people, oonits might be 1s-
Buco lor me iui iuo ui uiuaiug ine im
provement. An election was held, and
the proposition failed to receive the re
quisile two-thirds. The matter rested
quietly, while public opinion was slowly,
but surely cluuiging. In the spring
WU, the Council levied a tax of lour and
ouc-tcuth millsllor harbor improvement,
and in August proceedings were had
appropriate Ihe lands it was intended
should be dredged out. Thu award of the
jury, including compensation for lands
and damages, amounted to f;i,ur.iu. tin
the 27lh of February last, having realized
from the tax before mentioned a sufficient
sum, the village paid into court the ain't
of the award and became iwissossed of the
land. The balance of taxes, which will he
collected this summer and paid into the
villugc treasury in August next.
reac h something over two thousand dol
lars. Out of tins will have to be paid the
costs of court, Ihe balance of attorney fees,
urn! the expense, oi removing the store oc.
Ciinied by J. S. O'Neill, all of which, ac
cording lo the best cellmates that can
made, will amount to about eight hundred
dollars, leaving alauit twelve hundred dol
lars available lordredging. Action has
alreudv been taken by Ihe Council to
ticipale the August collection by the issue
ol bonds, payable ne niemoer tst, lttou, and
aiiplvim; the proceeds towards the com
nluli'on of the work ut as oarly a day
possible. It is not expected that this
sum ot twelve hundred uollurs will com
plete the work fully; but bids have been
solicited under a resolution of the C'ouu
cil, aulhori.ing a contract to he made
optional with thu Council us to the num.
her of yards lo be ee.cavati'd, the mininutn
being 10,000 anil Ihe maximum od.OHl
yards. It ia very evident that a contract
to remove fto.000 yards can be made at a
much lew price once per yard than for
only 10.0OO yards; aud if the contract
should be made at two. price contingent
upon the removal of the whole or only a
part, the incoming Council could, by levy,
ing a Uix as was done last year, and an
ticipating that tax by the issue ot bonds,
complete the work at once at less conl
than lo make separate contracts, involv.
ihg Increased fii'. If only KJ.OOOvanls
were to lie excavated it could hardly be ex-pectr-d
that any dredge from abroad would
put in a bid, as the expense of towing to
our harlior and hack would lie so large as
UideU'rthein from bidding, thus shutting
out com eli lion ; while, if 50.000 yards
were to lie removed it would pay them to
count. I fully believe It to be w ledum on
the part of the Council to provide for hav
ing the contractu let and the work fully
completed this seaaon, and at as early a
day as possible.
An expenditure of 2,SO0 t 3,0011 per
annum for Milice purposes is a forced con
tribution levied upon community by the
vices and passions of iBsir human nature
in Ita selfishness and blindness. All are
ready lo admit that he who respects him
self, holds aacrod the rights of others, and
obeys the law, is the only true man.
Selfishness tramples on the riirhta of oth
ers, sacrifices its neighbor on the altar or
greed and lust, and w hen confronted with
in Crimea, cries out as of old, 'Am I my
brother's keeper?' I see no way of escaie
fro.i, these burthens save hy a lifting up
of a higher standard. To reform the
world is the easiest of all tasks if rightly
undertaken. It is only necessity that each
individual should himself do right, and
the work is accomplished.
The Fire Department, in which we all
feel a commendable pride, still retains its
vigor and usefulness. We have had sev.
era! incipient fires, which, but for the
promptness and good conduct of the De
partment, would liave resulted in serious
conflagrations; and the Department de
serves the fostering care of the Council,
and the cordial appmlmtion of our citi
zens. It has been in contemplation to ef
fect an arrangement whereby the water
works erected hy, and belonging to the L.
S.ifc M. 8. H y Co. could le utilized in case
of lite at the depot, thereby releasing Luke
Eric engine, No. 2, for service at the Hur-
bor. Preliminary steps only, have been ta
ken in this direction ; and I would recom
mend that (he Council complete arrange
ments to eflect this transfer as ston as
consistent with the be.t Interests of the
tientlemen of the Council, into your
liands the people have committed all the
public interests of the whole village, as
wen ns tiie interests ot those who voted
against as those who voted for the success
ful candidates fur the honor of a seat in
tills Council. All should be carefully
guarded, ever hearing in miud that the
best government is one that insures the
largest possible individual freedom, con-
sistent with a due reaiiecl for the rights of
others. And while each individual mem-
ber may see more clearly and understand
more fully the wants and needs of p par
ticular locality. It Is the duty of each to
look over the whole, and Unit sectional or
personal feelings and interests should not
be allowed to blind the sight to greater
needs and more Important Interests In
other localities, and so to at on all ques
tions as to secure the greatest good to the
greatest number.
H. L. MORRISON, Mayor.
Ashtabula, April 5, 1880.
The Courteous Contempt of Senators—
Troubles of the Ways and Means
Committee—The Diplomatic Bill—The
Way We are Represented
From Our Regular Correspondent.
The outlook for a long session is im
proving, the House and benale appear
to be pitched into illimitable dubta. Both
ends of the Capitol are at. war with one
another, aud each end is at war with it
self. Members and Senators seem to be
imbued with the spirit of strife. Senator
Edmunds is more than usually caustic;
Senator Blaiu. more pugnacious than ever.
Senator Carpenter aa able, and as ready to
strike whenever he sees a head of friend or
foe. One of the most entertaining epi
sodes of thu session was a debate . in the
Senate on the utterly insignificant ques
tion, in which two of these gentlemen ex
pressed their contempt for Mr. Blaine, and
in which Mr. Blaine expressed his oori
tempt for both pt them, all the stronger
aud more stinging because oouohed in Ian
guage courteous and parliamentary. I
The conclusion i to which one cames,
after hearing our legislative sons of tliun
der for eight or ten years, is, that taking
them on an average, one soli of thunder is
about as able as another, Oue may exoel
another in his peculiar acli or strategy,
but when the result ia summed up at the
close of the war, it wilt be foand, as far
aa members and Senators are individually
concerned, that the victories have been
dearly bought, and that defeats aro tn
fling. . .
The Ways and Means Committee are in
a Terr awkward situation, which it has
brought upon Hsell Dy usurping the luna
tions of the House in attempting the final
disposition of bills. The resolution to
place paper and articles used ui Its minu-
faeture upon the tree list is almost univer
sally pronounced a delusion and a suare.
It is said that the protectionists do not in
tend to permit shy such measure to get be
fore tne nouse: tna tner couia uot long
er defy public opinion by openly opposing
the placing of these articles on the free list,
and, therefore, they engaged in a scheme
lo defeat it by duplicity; that their pur
nose is to load the resolution down with
iron rails, salt, sugar, aud numerous other
articles so as to kill it in the committee.
Even If this charge be true it is doubtful
if the scheme oau be successfully carried
out. It can uot if the anli-protectiouisU
stiok together. The object of the latter is
to get the question before the House,
where, they believe, it can be passed.
Therefore, they will vote to report the
measure, no matter how it may be patched
or loaded in ooiumittee, leaving the duly
of separating the good from the had to the
House. Haying once voted to place cer
tain articles on the free lisr, the protection
ists on the committee cannot, for the sake
of consistency, vote against it in the com
mittee or in the House. Unfortunately
for the committee, even if it means well in
the measure, the public will not give it cred
it for its sincerity. -Thediulotnatio
appropriation bill will
probably be pressed in the Senate without
ameudmeiit aud go to the President iu
much the same shape aa last year. Mean
while we aeern to survive without repre
whtie we seem to survive without repre
witatmn at the moet important courts of
Kemps. The Minister lo Kna.ia ia in
VVaehington. The Miniate to Kngland Is
in hpain. Minister N'orea haa recently re
turned to nis poet in I'aris after a tour of
between three or four months in Aaia and
Africa. Next, Minister Maynard shortly
after getting back to Constantinople from
a long leave of absence home, left again on
an exiended tour, and is at present junket
ing in Kirypt; and now it ia annonnoed
that Minister Kasson is coming home from
Vienna to look after the next election in
Iowa. This is the sort of thing that makes
a good many people think our whole diplo
malic system might as well bo diaiiensed
with, and its so-called dutiee tarm-d over
to our coneuls. Asa rule Iheaeofflcers are
useful, and earn their salary, which is not
said of most of our foreign ministers, or,
perhaps, of anv of them.
Washington, D. C. April 3d. 1880.
At last it seems that there is some hopes
of the State menagerie breaking np ita win
ter quarters. The sunbeams have been kisa
ing blossoms of the dogwood, and the good
housewives far away have written treasur
ed epistles by the score to their truant lords
to return to their own vine and fig-tree and
quit sponging off the state, for the past
week, and the hint has been taken and
doubtless the Legislaturewill adjourn Tues
day or Wednesday of next week. The past
week witnessed the passing of the long talk
ed of reorganization bills, and now the
work of renovating the state institutions of
Democratic rubbish will begin. This is
housecleaning seaaon, and a good job in all
the state institutions should be made. A
remarkably large number of bills were
passed during the last two or three days
and such earnest work should have
been done many days sooner. Tbe reor
ganization bill has been written up in the
Telborapu enough to need no repetition of
its provisions in this letter and as for suit
able men for Ihe places that are soon to be
made vacant, doubtless there will be a doz
en or so for each vacency.
The Local option bill for which nearly
two hundred thousand citizens of this state
have petitioned, was defeated in the house
Wedneeday, by a vole of 53 to 53. 17 Re
publicans voted the negative and only 3
Democrats voted the affirmative. On
Thursday the vote was reconsidered and
another vote taken on its passage, but this
resulted in a second and final defeat. On
Friday a bitl was introduced in the house
by Sir. Harmon for the suppression of mak-
iug butter of impure materials, and or
Saturday Mr. Covert offered a resolution
requesting the boards of trade of Cincin
nati - to investigate the manufacture of
oleomargarine and butterine, and report
on the next session of the House. Few peo
ple have any df finale idea of the amount
of butterine manufactured in this atate.
Thousands of pounds aredailymanufacLur-
cd and sold in Cincinnati, intbe local mar
kets it ia supplied in a great degree. It
is impossible to get tbe exact figures, for,
owing to the prejudice which ia alill held
against it in the midst of many people (most
of whom doubtless, have been consuming
It the past winter), tne manufacture is
cladostine and the process kept a secret,
rersons wno nave used tne article say it
is a cheap and delicious substitute for but
ter,cspecially in the seasons like the one
just passed, where cows are on a strike and
larmer a wires nave no way oi supplying
Ka .iAm.n,i nt tn k t.i.ntiar,-na ti.
country article would now range from 40
tn 50 centa per pound. But this has been
sold at from 20 to 28 cents and under the
representations of pseudo farmers ( huck
sters in buokr.m) who offer it on the mar
kets, finds its way to the tables of the first
families, principal hotels and boarding
houses. A few mornings ago, one of the
members of the Columbus City Council was
seen laying in asupplyof, what he thought
a choice article of cream made butter, and
he didn't know any belter until the next
day when it began to crumble and give
forth an un&ayory odor. Candor compels
the advocates of the compound to admit
that it must be nsed when fresh to get the
best results.
1 By atanding a few days exposed to the
air when the temperalure is above 45 ,
tbe lard and tallow begin to leave each
other, and the coloring matter "anatto"
fades out. Tbe ingrediants of which it ia
composed are cheap and abundant. Tbey
are chiefly lard and tallow and eoloriog
matter. There are also a few chemicals
used for assimilating the ingredients, and
making them taste like cream butler, but
they are not held together for any length
of time. It seems that the only matter
oomplaiued of is that the. manufacturers
put it on the market aa butter, and not
what it reallv is. and thud far defraud the
purchaser. Somebody once said that at bis
boarding house he always took hash, be
cause he knew what be was eating; he was
eating hash. ' Let these people call the arti
cle by the right name, sell it as butterine.
and then people will know wbat they are
eating, and Mr. Harmon or Mr. Covert
could no more object to ita sale and manu
facture than they could object to 'sale and
manufacture of collars made of paper in
imitation of linen, aa loug aa they are call
ed paper collars. . A law that would pre
vent the sale of butteiine uuder the nam.
of butter in the markets would be a good
protection to the dairymen, wbo sell but
ter on its merits which sometimes are de
cidedly strong. '
Secretary Sherman was in the city laat
week at the reception to the members of the
Legislation by Uovernor roster. Mr. SDerman
held a reception in the legislative
halls on FridBy afternoon and a very pleas
ant time was bad.
The election in Columbus yesterday, was
rather a surprise to many strange things
Columbus, April 6th, 1880.
Eds. Tel : A fine, warm and ateady
ruin for the past twenty-four hours has
very materially changed the appearance of
wheat and grass.causiug them to grow rapid
ly. From present indications stick will
be able to subsist themselves by the mid
die of the month, and no doubt the farm
era will be glad of it. I know of no oats
being sown yet. The ground is fully re
stored with water which tbe drouth of last
season used, and we may be as much too
wet the coining summer as we were too dry
laat. Our farmers tailed to secure ice the
past winter, and no doubt, tbe old stock
kept over will be closed out rather spar
ingly, In order to accommodate all who
will have it.
Aa Mr. John Baldwin was returning
from town laat Friday nivht. nlmnt ;rl.t
o'clock. It being very dark and himself and
nnraes unable to aec the oad, they failed
to get on to a little bridge squarely, near
ly opposite Mr. V. Atwater's. wh
a Inrge ditch of some eight or ten feet in
width, and about four feet liiirh. and were
thrown off and on to their backs in nearly
two feet of water and mud. Mr. Baldwin s
erica for help were immediately responded
to hy the assistance of three or four men
wnn lights, and his team extricated with
mneh dillieulty. after cuttini? the hr,.e.
nearly to piece. His wagon sustained
the breaking of the pole and other injuries,
all of which damage should be paid by the
town, aa a little twelve foot bridirn i a
thing not entirely safe to cross with a live
ly team, even in the day time.
Being up to Ihe center of the town the
other day I heard considerable dissatisfac
tion expressed at the calling of a strictly
straight Republican caucus, by some who
thought the movement was only the more
favorable to the anti-town house rule, aa
many Democrats were kept out who are
not for favoring that hohliv anv longer
of using that old school house for the
transaction of town business.
A call on Mr. K. 0. Scoville iWW.l
the fact that he has quite a taste for
eouine stock, havinr three head Iwr. fln
colts, and the black Snuthwick horse which
is aoie lo take the pole from any horse in
lown, for I know whereof 1 speak.
Mr neighbor. W. H. Rrown h.. ht,(
the pump works in Kingsville, and moved
his there for
April 5th 1880.
The Sunday schools at the corners have
held their annual election of officers aa
follows: Cone-reratinnal school f: I.
Johnson, Superintendent ; W. 8. Harris,
Assistant Superintendent; Henry John
son, Treasurer; Mrs. Henry Johnson, Li.
brarian. In this school the Assistant Su
perintendent performs the dutiea of Sec-
In the Methodist school Wni II Rrnwn
is Superintendent; W. K. Wilkinson, As
sistant Superintendent; Albert llichard
son. Secretary: Miss Cvrene Allcnelr
Treasurer; Benuie Brockctt, Librarian;
Aima vvaiiccr, organist.
lownsntp election to day three ticxets
In the field with an unstated amount of
scratching. There was the straight Re
publican ticket, the Anti-Town House
ticket, and a nondescript ticket that seem.
ed lo have no responsible god father, and
w an voieu very mildly, and was called by
some the Town House ticket, compara
tively few of Uiem voted. The officers
elected are: Trustees, B. F. Spencer,
Oeorge Metcalf, Henry Loveland ; Clerk,
D. E. Harlev; Treasurer, L. B. Brockctt;
Assessor, Henry Bowman; Constables,
Alanson Gary, C.W. Burdick ; The Trus
tees, Clerk, and Constables are Rcpuhli
cans, the Treasurer and Assessor are
Democrats, showing a clear gain on the
part of the Republicans.
One or two more string pulls and Say.
J. J.
April 5, 1880.
The cheese factory at the village com
menced manufacturing on Monday. T.
B. McDowell baa the contract for thia
A. L. Owen purchased the old town
house at the centre, and has moved it
across the atreet to the lot formerly owned
by the Misses Root.
Wm. Dickenson has traded the 'Joseph
Cowles farm, for property near Cleveland,
and will move his family the coming week.
A. M. Baldwin haa purchased the farm
of bis grandfather, Joeiah M. Baldwin,
near tbe old 'Water Cure.
Spencer Udell and wife, of St. Louis.
arrived in town Saturday. Thev have
passed most of the winter in the Gulf
States for health.
Mrs. A. U. Tuttle is at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Seely.
r.uwaru ueny, wno carries tne marks ot
five bullets and ia minus the right index
finger, received to-day official uotifieation
that his application for pension has been
The township election passed off quietly
and resulted ui the election of the old
board of Trustees, Clerk and Treasurer.
r . A. Barnes haa improved the aimear-
ance and convenience of his store with a
new and handsome set ot post office boxes,
aa well 'aa with large atock of spring
Edt. Tel : I notice that in mentioning
tne improvements that are tn progre'ia,
and in contemplation at th Harbor, yo
have overlooked the improvements now
progress upon the old brick dwelling
of Mrs. Thayer, situated on the hil
east aide of the river. This buif
being thoroughly rebuilt throuf
Horace Whitman of Kaat Ami 14
contractor. Under his supery
taking on a more modern appr
once more in keeping with tf
tion which it occupies.
The workmen iu taking J
floor found an ax, which ,
left there when the house
It differs somewhat in
axea of the present da;
stamp "Hyde, Williams
This ia tbe oldest brio
township, having been b
Winthrop ,Yaireus. )
waadone by Iwiuei urn,
ham. The carpor;trs
well aud iuia nutii.
made in the ravii.e a
house. Capt. (j. A. Th
bat a boy, assiMe't in d
from the kiln with an ox
Though our township
it is now as healthy as an
boring towns.
One week ago last Subl
of Mrs. Roland Goddard
to the grave. She bad
er, but a patient one.
band and child to mou
G. B. Devon has .
dence on High street, a
a barn Messrs. P. J.
Bingham are the build'
George success, for he
a thorough business-i
aa we all like to d.
Postmaster V"
but is now couv
Election daj
left Bouiedisc
Some are disi.
cause Ihey wei
of temperance
have had somefs.
tire ol election.
saying do rightj-
April 7, lbSO,

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