OCR Interpretation

The gazette and Democrat. (Lancaster, Ohio) 1860-1860, May 24, 1860, Image 1

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88078725/1860-05-24/ed-1/seq-1/

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r.t-r7ytcrx"-r-tnrr-!-.rc n mmmmmrmmmmmmmrmmmmm!ma J' "" 'wesaaaaaasaeanassawaaaw Jtol'iiwii -wmTim 7 -- .. i. " --
. ,.,i;a..,,f.' . ..... . ., . ' I ' I-T Hi TTMTflxr . tiTTI mT3TTr Orn A mwa rVVTTI M-vm.wrm " TZ-r r- ! 1 "gl.. .
1 V-
NO. 8.
'rojis mopRuttoitai ; "' -,
"V ' i ia i i i
vJii!.-i jnO F. Fit 0Js.'i w!i u.,
TallmaUt BIckTltl4 Btry th
ruifU 'ttatT Head of thef Btalr.
Tie Gatett will b publlilied TrT Thursday vpi
oblivious to every' other " thought and
feeling, wrapt in tbt mutt contemplation
of litis primeval acent of eolittry . grand
ure and wilderness. -Tit ambrosial per
fume of uncultivated flowers has , wooed
him JDto forgetfulDcss ol everj thing else
around him. , . , i ,
; But suddenly, by soms unseen kalid
oscop yower, the soma shanges.. Only
hers and the;e,a stricken few ut the red
miojemnin.', Their graves are acvered
far and" ,yjle, by mjunt, by, strem and
Bea:-rtLir ishnll' war whoop no longsr
resounds through the darkling woods:
their council tivei have gone 'out, while
the grve, solemn eacheuia who were wont
to gather, round ihejn, eleep in fence be
neathlne green turr oi their own nativs
Vullies; nhd in their fitead, lie sees Knotti
er, and fairer riieo oi beings, surrounded
by every comfoit and luxury, , that heart
caodesiro. ' - ' . '.
flXX, The order, hsrwony and beauty which
. t - ....... J .... I.U. I.Hld fl.Pt.ifl .. . V j - ( ... . . ...
Od va&rtaadvftnot wuiHn.tu'
For.lswtlm lllta 00 jeir, mm rv si., i u
n al.mrriMtf la unm, . v .:
ttrinmin M mnUMlinnHi, -i: -n
jJTNvllcODtiouirjoeuiillUrreariger pal J. ,
A iqiiara of 10 Una, or la, on luiartlon. 0' JO
Thloartloa.v...i.ri-t.'..i.T"...' S?
FarvachaiMUtoMl laiactiou 94
SH afiirorttaMaiBnUrwaluf loillaao tot U11M1U11,
0qntB......v"' ZT"
Taro" ...-.. 6 U0...... 7 w..
Taiwan -.. ' 00.,.
roar ' oo,.,. .-u oo..
One-foorlh column. ..10 00 IS W..
Oua-thlrd tV . ,.'.1 ,t..17 00...
OikwImU - ...14 00......19 00 .
Oaa eoluan . k..U 00 .
TrBulnM cinla afabonl S llnaay t T. M
1TJA dTOtUiomanW, noi maruo on mo mi
.tliktt AnntinHMl ut nnr tMia ubUI forbid.
irpUnal advertisementt, A4ralnlitrator-i nnllcot,
Aotrmuil b paid for li.adfanM, for raaaona wlilea,
tlrexplnaitlin. -
jyTho abore lerart ttrletly bored In all o'
' BOOK, AND JOB lEINTIliia, ; '
W aropraptrad to oiecula all deacrtpllonol 10R
HALL TICK KTii and erv other rarlaly of Vh.Ktn
AND PAHCY JOBniSQ,wllb adiUpetlo.'po
aud on abort oollca. - .
i.i . a ..i hi.
.JH 00
lu no
u ia oo
. l -t 00
. SO 01)
. S3 00
, S5 00
40 00
nrmsntfl: but extend to him ths hand of
hxoiberly love, bidding bim God peed In
his honest avocation, . wheiher it b that
of uacbr, stilor, minUtei, or mecbauio.
West Gloucestr, Jan. 4ih, i860.
. - , : Tba Jnpanete.
,W find in ths New York Befuldna
interesting account of these distinguished
strangers,- who are already at our gates. -They
bad corns to, New York in the steam
ship Roanoke.' where an' order from the
Stcre'.ary f the fiavy intercepted them,
directirtir; their immediate' dpsrtur to
Washington. The President will receive
them first.1 The account states' that the
Embassy brings with it some 180,000
OABb, for the purpossofmakinxpurohases.
There sro two boxes of 20,000 each, one
$13,400, one $9,000, one $16,000, and
some 94000 ' of silver, Supposed to be
thatof their 'own- monejv Their-inrrsy
was all brought from Jspan in Mexican
dollars and Araarioan halt-dollass, sump
ed with the Japanese mark an arrange
ment made by - Commissioner Harris.
Foreign coin has never before been re
ceived' in Japan till lately, except in a
very depreciated value. At San Franoisoo
they , exchanged thvir silver ior Ameri
can gold, which' Purser, Doran, of the
Roaiiulie, has in charge for safe keeping.
This, ws understand, will be deposited
in the Sub-Treasury of New York, and
drawn out as they want it. .They bring
an immense . umount of batrirairs over
ifrlirlttv lnnH-.wliii1i ma.4a Tnnr full' nnr
beauty of a thousand aromatio and to him ! IrtorJ itrAP 'ilia PaharMA "Ruili'Aarl ' 'PliAtt
' ill uiivett i nameless fliwers. and Wdvinr Hells of! have articles of tlieir own manufnntiirA nf
UJtr nT ValTicia TJomr.OK Hl l,cxi . - a. - ---
C. WHITM.VR, railnence uoramrr, unio
.tvigi at Falrjlcli Comw.il Firm C'otl-
Proh.m JuJi-t-JESSK LEOHNEK, Office In Public
S,T;g-KYlOX W. KRUIftHT.Oirice (it Jail.
C;ri- ,C.,-;OHS C, rtAlSEV, 0 foMU
HS-'jt.T"l)Tt.tifNR.Offlc. PnbUe BnllHIny.-Trtn.nrer'-f.T,.
rlHNAPITM.Ofllca r'nbllc Rulldlnj
lltt.rdert. SVFBKT. OrJco Public Bullclliir.
Ktrciyort.8. Hilt SUM, Offlec,Tallmd!,'emx-k,
Barotd btofj.' ' ; - -
Coronf t. BHJEFFKW. ie1diea,Mdlon In.
C.nl(i(-f-J01!El'H'RnAKPLot Burn Ton-
bin. 0ANIKL COLL1KR Of Amanfli Townhlp.
Sri.l Fiat,(-.-WM. W. WHITNEY, JOHN
eo delights his cys, reveals to him the
faot, that ho lives in an age of refinement,
tasl and culture. , As if by maL'io. the al-
inost impenetrable , 'ftrests are swept a
way,and in their pluoa he beholds splend
id dties, populous town?, rural villages,
cultivated gardens, blooming with "the
Fro ttm ,frly Vafittaa.
' nSUCno, Jtf CHuw.i.n
If att mr p Uroaj lint ataald bo
Wlttoat a iboro.wiiJiDat s aara,
If towora ararro4 ( a,
Iraormw nvrrr ctefd Uxra, : T
IflU vutita4lliett.ron'.t.
dfhPllaaairltnStrlu9al alio?, ,
h atrll i.iddlteord mmnat; ' -
! til iratota centlaaoasjfy, . .. . .
1 iliOoiabattmplod to'f jtM " '
1 ha band ibatfclodlrall btatoSy - ... ,
Forfaits tbtnk the Ood who ra,
Forftl lha aonrc frwn wbenca It tvnti."'
I ihoald bo ttmptad io forfal'
Myaalf talnfollwonBlobf, .
Til la aioimiit ooold paiaiasd,. . .
. Ualota aaitalaad, UT Ltfd, b; ibao.
'Tli boft thtltofrow'i (loak abonld fall,
At daiea, aragod aawhIM S'raharei
It will bat nakt lha Jot Mr f rtat
Wbon with tba Savloir we a'pptar.
let mo not srlora If Vlala cona ;. ,
' Or, ir tbrwerW Iipdo'tio rro4- ' . '
flow can I hope to wear the a rown. C. 8 .
Atopoaiflw tiioBT. , , . . , . L -. a l-rakifor Baelness flea.
.v j vii t . a . t nere was one upon a time a mac who
v; & V .i . - "'nd sold goods wholesale and
"2io, Mjor; ( gtt the city papers pot retail. ,
muchlnitiet; terms, ac I take souple of J . And became melancholy becsase ensto.
thm. ,', - i ... latere wor ati ...... i... j : .
."But 'Squire the county papers oltsn . And he said.- Lol I .ulnd, andthe
prove ot grat arvico to us, aiid he iuor sensaiiuii is not sgreeabU: ..
nv ,vv.l.u, ..rul, euin-r canj iunray rum is the more pstuful to
m"..wi i? . .J , : , ' ; 1 hMr hCue it is slow iu progieaa, even
,' ny. tdft know, of wht service jaa wstor doth gradually becom- l.otter in
they are io me. . .. , ; . ... . : the pot whefein th. lubster b-dleth. until
-iiu Jarmjou sold last fall, was ad-itheernsiaoeooscreatuie ahriekoth cut hi.
verlued in oue j of them, and thereby
yuu oDta;ooa a custumr. ', jjW vou
not!" . .,'?,.,
' Very. true lajor; but., I paid tire
dollars for it,,' ' , ;
''But tou ma!e more than three n'otlara
byjt. Sow if jour ncihl ors. had n t
mainlined thH y r ga. and kept i( resdy
for your qe, you would have ban with
out means io advertise your property.
But I think I raw your daughter's roar
riage in those papers; did tliat cost you
anything?" , . '. ,'
'o, but 1'
"And your brother's death .'was' thus
i i. i ... . . . .
And the destruction of yom. neighbor
Biigg'e house by fire. You know these
things are exaggerated till the au.heniio
... i,
"X, Fromtha Otnolmati Conmorclat.',
"ii i BALI.AOi '
Wtlbelm J Mary ' by s Straaio. . -(.
vrfe'ere tbejiln tbe!lij Ftowv weflea-;
Vl'liora tha perfume llnpewd llkeiomaaweot Jroain,
And the Ylntl hung Inftfetoone dliheetlod. "
And the old ttorjXola dTalore tbal ebonld latt
Through i. Well rao of (nadneia oMOtroW"' ' -1
Andmomoribtamoathto'theglooiB blthapsA, ,
And hope riromleed Joy for each morrow., j 1 - f -
Sbewat falesa (he tnow rod pnre utlio 3ew, '
And bar hair huoglailchsolilooUeeiaa, - , , k ,.
lie wae noble and brare unawerrlns and true - .
Wi(U tirtfclit J that lovingly bleisea. . .
-!TeVr'lrer-tVWt oftWcret ,
Kneeing to hira aongnof lore'a aweetneai '
AndtbuepoeMil.tbe eurnraer In hnpplt hours '
Hut alaJ ; Joj'a companion la Seetneu. i :-
Era tbe aunimer bad faio8 ere faded the Roe,
Ere the green wood wasitrippedof lubeauly, . ., :
Heilepttheeweelaleepof quiet repoaa, -' .
Aal Death taught her Hfol laddest duty. ; ; '
Thej bnrledhln where the pfi"le'.JUjleep, ...
Where fcte hrorlte ttreant flowa eerenely
'ITieyhartolMni where tha wild Cataract leaps,
And the Rainbow enthroned atta io queenly. . .
But yeara have now Sed lince tbla trial of youth
Took from, Marr llfe batt-rrlcheit treaeure,
Htt aongta Bltll awaewan4 uaaullled her truth, .
Forher eplrll to bla elngalte meeiure. ' - .
Her footfall la low, and dimmed It her eye,
And allrered are those golden tretaea, "
lleninllelntlllbrlgbt-herthmiglilsiro on r.ijh,
For ebe knoni that a iplrltland blcuei. . .
.1.1 -I. ' '. s-. ' " I :v ' t-
She knnwithaf the love who have gone before,'
Will await m at Heaven bright portal '
That tha Voted and the loil will meet ouce wore ,
- A Mesajnger yesterday pale and grim,
Announced her life's pilgrimage ended, ' 'i
(be unfolded hai wings Inthe twilight dim, '
And aped where UielrpijHtov'1b,ond?Ji
And the grsvethst bail held but Wilhelm alono
Sow scattered Us Flowers iver Mr ft,'.' ' .
. na the Rainbow alts bs her crystal tWone "
Where the Cataract weeps her lost Fairy.
I grain. r. ' . i
I : At hi very feet a ' hundrt-d fictoiles
slart into life, tilled, with eunouimaeh'ne
ry by which humn hands weave out an
almost endless variety, of labile, soma of
them rich and beautiful, as those from
the looms of Persia and India. From the
din and clatter of tbU ' busy scene, l.c
turns with feeliugs somewhat akin to awe
and superstition, to behold the irreat
railway invention. Onward, right on
ward,' comes old Ironsides, proud and de
fiant, in its mati'hluss strength, sweeping
with the velocity of lightning over the.
smooth and even r rails, whiob have be
come the strong ligumentr to write' more
closely in the bonds of fraternal concord
and unison, every ci'y, town, village and
hamlet, throughout America. ,: "
But scarcely liaV the heavy trttmp of the
iron borne, died away iu the distance,
when a Btill more wonderful, more wizzard
like Invention -than the last, nlaims his
attention ; tlie powoi T arid' VchTe vrno'ntfS
every description,' some of which will
ABtooibh our people when they see them.
They have a hunuiiful encciinoiiof Sharpe's
rifle, one of their own inamif ieture; also
one nf those presented by Commodore
Perry", made- by' Sharps himself. Tlie
oti6 mude ty the Jnpanif0 is adacided
improvement upon the or.ginal, as pro
nounced by ull who have Sf en it.
They havd "a laro quantity ef bennti
ful 8;lkj; biocatels, linen, crape silk,
pnngeeg, poplins, and so forth, of every
oonoeivable Btyle and pattorni It Would
r qu.io an. experioiiced. dry goods olerk
to give the proper names of hundreds of
articles which they have in the dry goods
line. 'On their Voyage on board the Powl
hattan and Roenoke, ihey amused them
selves most of the lime by Bitting down in
parties of six or eight, eating riue, drink
ing tea, smokiug, laughing, and Laving a
good time generally. They spend much
of their time in reading, writing, drain
ing, and making sketches of everything
they see They generally lie stretched
out full longth on duck when reading or
wri'ing. They have any quantity of
books of every description, from the size
of Webster'a - large dictionary to little'
pamphlets of half a dozen pages each,
illustrated, sore of them, in the moat
Alindand Sfaaunl Lribor.
The true connection or relation between
mind and matter, has baffl-d all philo
sophy. But this much we do kuotv to a
certainty, that mind is extending its as
cendancy over matte t; and judging from
the past, it must yet attain complete con
trol over all material forms and organize
lioue-. The growih-and development of account of the newspipersets them right,
mind, and the increase of it a power over "0. trne hut "
the forces in nature, are the raostremaik- "ADd when jour cousin SpWh was up
able facts in the history of tha raoe. Ilow,for tw Legislature, you appeared much
would the productions of that very early gratified at hi nephew s dufeoce which
aruuuor, 1 uuai-uain, euiupara wun uis
fellw trauaHiiisn ot London and l ane, to
day?. The Moors r present very well
the mental strengtli ot early times; how
their implements of culture, and other
houI in ansruish.
LotUi i betti-r to be ruined quickly
than to endure this slyw torture.
I will give iny money away to the poor
aian-evD to ite poorest, whh b ia he
And th bowlings of Rome shall be as
the dulcet sound of duleimona. and they
ho blow the flutes' and instruments of
mueic, compared to th din I will make
.-) t ef 1 i . , I r. w w t,aai mil win tUKw7
pul.lislied, with a long ootiuary notice, m the ears of the world even in the ears
labor-saving contriyancea.compare with
those made by Nourse, Maaou ii Co., and
with other
of ihn bank dirrctors
And even as be said he dM;for Le w-s
not like other men's souh who are fool
ish and know it not, and thry who say
they will do so and so, performing that
which is contrary.'
For tlie sons of men are fickle and be
that ia born of woman doth i-pits his fare
by diminishing the length of the nuoe
DoVt Excm Yoraazi.wi'Fi
ed trough, ot thii. pwoaaUo Tbtr! "
re. great many men. ;wbo, be&re th ..f
summer is ended, will have uwvti t
11 their Lfrtt many times ,w. cot rid
of -oumberieM jkM k .,
themselves lp t fern haowUi ea3. U
didate and that, and ; enjoytd , quite as 1
much pracUcl misery as itisDosaibldfor 4. 1
any one indir.dual to go through. And -.
'l about Politic. What is there in pel- "
met, pray, to make it so xciilW? Wh 4
ctn't mto talk over the affaire of ,b, MV 4
tion without gsu;ag w mm SmphtA)iB, ,
it til re7 well, but there if such thirty-,
a being ,oo emphatic-. The .-oictathe! ,
grewt exoeedingly Joud, and th, - tenper 1
begint to bdl. V Annmahta .... kla. ft
ting, and to Wowt.- A man ehleflr Am. '
tree tten to conquer, and of course ih,,
who printwh newsoaners and 1 will shut
P my abop and wraumvu lf in tha avtck-
..1. .1. -r j . i , - I
owu ui ueaoiauon, ana pasn my .y. in I train olieot- anrl ih-.' . J
the purlieu. of broted finks.' eursing ,W .fKbt of "to!jXtSP" "
hardnmofthe time. : and rending mj.i. tJ$Mfr,...
! pet - turr.eroi nil mam. -
ory jt w.ll do no harm, and may do a vast
deal rfgo.it!. At any nttr w are cer
ttin it will help to keep down the (her
niomeUr and perhaps rry in his f,y0w
.ttosndidatel W. bave Urd of won-"
deifnl things being done by keeping cool.'
Bolebce and the ClaMlca.n
The study of iheforvuffyMi, coming ( ''
be thought, secondary metier, considered
by the side ol the .tody sjfarf,. J,
wotds, 8cience is of more aeeouuUn hslp
n2 on the world sod the individual, thto . "
Sebolsstiehm. So many sensible t,onnu
1 r has r1 n n n , 4LI..1. a . i . .
.w.v v.B..,H.,.g w Mjiii. uuq iDetr enou-
IV lOrmfia Onitiinnsi j
cost him tiothiiiL'."
"Ye, yes, but these things are news
to the readers. They cause tha pecple to
take the pap-rs. Polish fcew.paper.wa. made Had bv and sem
i-b' ' D0' v qU'Ja G,;ud-no,r,l we.r oi him who sold wholesale and tare making them.el,e. f"l, 1!... Tt
hkc you. how I tell you the day wfl rttail; and he did sound hi. . praise, and more in wrl.tertturwbiob f!Z'm.
eome tvhpn aoino ona will wnta avorv loncir,.;,,f .1 .. j: i 1.1 .t . I . . '""woiou ia me mere)
;r i.,.-. ....1.1,-1 c, : . . . ".."" v '" ne ue?reat A me
f, productions of mechanical leulogyon yoirr life and character, snrl
is couiurj? Place NapoU-on".! priuter wjU . v( U in type with a h
skill in th
horse back courier, in co.upetitioa viih
the electro-magnetic tt-legraphl The old
spinning wheel, and distaff, and hand
loom, beanies Hie spinmngjeuny aim pow
per loo
rl tbe
priuter will f ut it in type with a heavy
black line over it; and witb all your rich
es, this will be done for yon as a grave
for a paupr. : Your wealth, liberality, all
1 great American
.rump o. tame respect u,.i man's deal- Literature-thau io ourfarmin. horticul- ;
inff. from lh ria nu nf ihn an- In ill- J ...l r... . '
. 0 ' " . 5 ..-- iwioi,uiuuiaeiuriug,ana commercial oper-
auons. a man who doea not ana t,j
- " aww KMUVII -
in dw on of the lime
And Le evuo tbe brliilor of DiDers
sUnd tomrthingof the fundamental prin
ciple, of eoteuce, a. rrlatrd to the ordinf
CKI mntrntlV tiid en arra TjiKin h aloi-lc
'.! theaa will hn BDokcn oil and the nnnter nt n,.A i.;rti. n. 1.1 v: . I
onset modem days. These are ia- bov as he sDe'.ls the wordsin arramrinethei.d .l.a nnhii.i. ,i,.-, -i,i,- . 1 I .! u . " . " "'e' c,.nn "
examples; the contrast between the ,-.ta these .av,nr, wiQ remark otvou.i.n,J 'A " - J": 1 -4 .l..". "7 ?T?" " rudim.nUoft
. . ... j 4 n . - , awa) aHw ww mij w .-. iju luc ucLtutT.i rM iiiofiiiwih air l e -
present ana early times is butter seet, iu .poor eap. (ievi, h 19 even sponging to .d the oheapucss ther.ef, tiU tbe poo. (upon law. : what these War. fcl Tl
the number and endless labor-saving con obituary!' Good morniug 'Squire' - :: . nlevea! all of them, far ...1 r iZJZ .J5 T ..T.Melawf r8' h.ow hy .
ntti. n.a..n r.r lit l.-v.f " . ' . ' n wv Nig cerOlB TMB1TB fhoaa
tended control of mind over matter.
Ev- ENsnar.- It is sstonishine how much !
erything wbiuh is the product of human ;m.y be accomplished in self-culture by
skill, liom a steam -engins 10 .cow-roilk; the eiiorgiiie and per levering, whosre
Of electricity are displayed before his a!
roaUy.. bewiiaerua ,eyes,. Dy which, iu a beautiful style of art.
momonl 3 tins lie can converse, wan
friends, - though ' separated a thousand
miles and more.' ' ' ';.', .,'.'
.-,.. Vt FLORA tllASD. : .
Lives there "a man who scorns the dig
nity and nobility of homst labor? Who
look's vritffcbii tempt npbri the horny haco8
of toiland turns in' division' and haughty
plide, from the sun burnt brow of the
sturdy1 farmer, the f ti2an, or sailor?
If such it anomali.tio specimen of hu
manity is to be found, in. the vast universe
of creation, let him go forth to' tome lof
ty eminence; which, if it were rm.sible)
overlooked 'the" entire' territory of Now
England, then with face averted from the
Present let himloolj babkipveitjlie check
ered fields' of the . Past bck to that
eventful period in the annals of our Coun
try'! history, which witnessed the brave
hearted Pilgrims, 6n: these" then' unculti
vated and inhospitable shores. '' 1 "N K
One vast; arid almost unbroken wilder
doss meot hit eye,, through, which the
red man roams tt will, fearlest and unmo
lested; while here and there,' from among
the 'tall tree tops, which ' proudly reave
their heads against the cloudly sky, curl
up their blue wreaths of enioke,. the be
trayer, pf tha Indian wigwam. , .
Tbt riven and lake., lie' eleeping in
peaceful .Bverity', undisturbed, Bave by
th. untamod " and untameable 'savagets
he paddles hii beroh canoe along the rooky
sfi6rfli."rTo" whefe in all thie.yaBt pano
rama of pcea'o ant inland, does tie behold
opa foot print of joivilizatloa.,' No where
canhe)race, .the workings of art, of ioi
eoee.or meohanlcal genius. ' Not even the
first rd glimmer to indioale tha dawn of
' that day which shall witoeis their migh
ty efforiund horoalian aohis'meote.
- Still, and statue like, he stand, there
And not only on the land, but the sea
ioo is alike) witness of these marvelous
changes and Improvements. The Ocean,
rivers andf lakosi 'ere ."whitened with' tlie
canvass of a thousand vessels, of tvery
model and desciipticn, which nautical ar
chitecture can iovent,' from the palace
like steamer to tie gaily painted pleasure
yacht.'' ' ''.;;,, ,,' ' . " .
- Bui it nets vain to attempt the enumer
ation of all the facilities and nvenufB,
which open before him, fur the inter
change of commerce, for speed and com
fort ia traveling, for convenience, utility
and beauty in tho construction of dwell
ings,' churches snd school houses; for the
disnaiination of knowledge, and the un
folding of Ai t and Science . among all
classes snd cocditioos of mankind, iu the
fuim of books, journals, periodicals and
lectures. In fhorl, the powers of every
natural Agent is called forth and unrelent
ingly applied.
The elusiicity of ra?tale, the winds, the
water end steam, all are made subservient
to the will of man. . ..
But starting rip from his ,Rip Van
Winkle lithergy ha exclaims, "Tell me
ye powers invisible, what hug produced
this mighty . ohaDgbto what ounniug
and subtle influence do we owe all theso
glorious, triumphs, these bold, achieve
ments und unequalled improvements?"
From every rugged mountain, from
every green hill-top,' from the fertilized
fields, and. blooming vallies,. from the
aide spread ocean,' the laughing rivers,
and placid lakes, breaks forth otio united
voioe to answer hun, that only by toil and
labor, has ! this change been effected.'-
Hard, unflinching and unlireing, montal
and manual Ubor.-u ' . ". I 1
Not all the wealth of California), or the
Indie, could alone have bronghai about
these changes,' or wrought out these improvements.-.
. ,'. .. .-.r ;.
. Neither could ten thousand Buoh weak
brains and inefficient 'hand, have accom
plished the work, which look, npon labor
with contempt, and scornes to engage in
honest toil, either of ths head or hands.'.
0! vain, short sighted (nan! it is idle
ness and slothfulnees wbiob thou should'sl
look upon.' with contempt.; It it these
whicri enervates man'B principal and mor
al nature, and not honest, toil aud tabor,
these, either ot tbt brain, heart or hands(
are the only aura badge of a true man
bood, the true nobility. 7 :
Then give to tha laborer hit just meed
of praise, award him hit true position in
society, and pass him not bj in derision
because of his soiled, and weather stained
Sympathy for Criminnla.
Fowler, the New York Postmaster, has
stolen from 8100,000 to $200,000 of Gov
ernment money.. This is cailed a defal
cation,, and a defalcation ia considered
somewhat less disgraceful than a com
mon robbery. A warrant was issued for
tha arrest of Fowler, but up to tho date
of our hut advices from New York, he
hsd not . been . found. - "His personal
friends think tt about as well that he es
caped arrest, as, had he been taken into
custody, ho would, without doub., have
commuted suioiilo." ' 'this puce of grat
ifying intelligence is very coolly sent over
the couutry on the telegraph wires.. Had
he been aricsted he would have commit
ted suicide;' therefore, it is well that he
escaped. 'There is morality and justice
both, with a. vengeance. Had -Fowler
been some poor dog, and had he stolen $50
out of somebody's diawer.or pocket, he
would have been arrested and sent to the
Penitentiary, and the probability or the
danger of eoicide would not have con
cerned those people who bestow a great
deal of sympathy upon first olasu crimi
nals. Fowler is a man of education. He
occupied a good sooial position. ." He was
placed in an important offiue. lid stole
the money intrusted ' to bis care, and to
this infamous act he added that of cor
ruption; for we are told that most of the
stolen money was used for eleotioneeiiog
purposes, lie therefore deserves punish
ment rather than sympathy; and to suf
fer him to go at Urge because pf his so
cial standing, or through fear of his ad
ding self murder to the crime of robbery,
is simply, to trifle with the interests of
society by bringing into ndioule tho laws
of the country. Ctn. Daily Oazttte.
cr, has for its purpose the lessening vfhu
man Llor; and yet, the manual labor ie
quired is severe in this countiy, and with
all our machinery, is not sufOuiont to sup
ply our needs.
Hut miud, thus in its . efloits to over
come and control the ponderable clemnni
ol the globeat every step of ila prog
ress with every trophy it wins makes
relays to us sirengtu, nnu reuuntsa uigu
or and more advantageous position ; and,
as progression is an eternal aud all-pervading
law, we may hope, sooner ut later,
to perform all labor now done by hand, by
the directiou of tbe head alone, through
instruments of its owu contriving aud
construction. .
Who can foresee the end? Such won
derful achievemunts have been won by the
mental power and strength of the present
day, that Bolvr-minded men cease to mar
vel at the productiona of ingenious minds
and have almost come to belirvo that what
ever is distinctly conceived in the way of
mechanicul coutrivanco, will some day
bs realized. Chas. Beits.
' 1 ' . . .l . u t re Be8,ion f ft more interest than anr
And ibay aaiJ. lol this man lath gath- thing contained in mere esthetic ., 1
Pleasures of Contentment. I have
a rich neighbor that is always .0 busy
lUtat lis has no leisure to laugh; the whole
butiine'S of his life is to get money, and
more money. He it still drudging on,
saying that Solomon lays, "The diligent
hand maketh rich." And it it true, in
deed; but he considers not that it is not
in the power of riches to make men hap
py, for' it was wisely eaid by a man of
great observation that " there be as many
miseries bevond riches at on this tide ol
them.'" And yet Qod deliver ut from a
pinching' poverty, sod grant that, having
a competency, we may be content and
thankful. Let ui not repine, or eo munh
as think the guts of Qod unequally dealt,
if we see another abound with riuhes,
A Difficult Question Anawcicd.
Can anybody tell why, when Eve was
manufactured from one of Adam's ribs, a
hired girl wasn't made a the eume lime to
wail on her? xchavrc.
We can easy!. Because Adam never c ame
whining to Eve with a ragged stocking to
be darned, a collar string to be sewed on-
or a glove to bo mended Might away,
quick now!' Because he nuver load the
newspaper until the sun got down behind
the palm trees, and ihen stretched him
self, yawning out, 'ain't supper most
toady, my den?' . Not he." Ho made the
Ore and hung over the ten-ketilo himself,
we'll venture; and pulled the radishes,
and peeled tbebaunaunas, and did every
thing olss he'd ought to! ; He milked ihe
cows, and fed the chickens, nnd looked
after ihe pig himself. Ho never brought
home halt a dozen frieuds 10 dinner, when
Eve hadn't sny fiesh pomegranates, and
thi mango season was over! He never
stayed ont until eleven o'olock to a 'ward
meeting;' hurrahing for the out and out
candidate, and then scolded because poor
dear Evo was sitting up ud crying inside
the gates. To bo sura he aotod rather
cowardly about apple gathering time.bui
then that don'i depreciate his general
helpfulness about the garden! Ho never
played billiards, nor drovo fast hotses.
nor ohokod Eve with cigar smoke. ; He
nevor loafed around corner - groceries
while solitary Eve was rooking little Caiu's
cradle at home. Iu ahort ho did nut
think she was specially created for the
purpose of waiting on him, and wasn't
under the imprerion that it disgraced a
man to lighten his wifo' oars, a little.- .
That', the reason that Eve did not need
a hired ffirl. and we wish it Was the rev
carful to uvail themselves of opportunities
and use tip the fragment. 01 spare Itine1
which the idle permit to run 10 waste.
Thus Ferguson learned astronomy from
the heavine whilt wrpp-d in a fheep
skin on tho highland hills. Thus Stoi.e
learned mathematics while working as a
journeyman gardener, thus Drew studied
the highest philosophy in tho intervals of
cobbling shoes; thus Miller taught him
self geology while working as a day-la
borer in a quarry. By bringing their
mind to bear upon knowledge in its vari
ous aspects, and carefully using up the
very odds and ends or their time, men
such as thesi, in the very humblest cir
cumstances, reached the highest culture,
and acquired honorable distinction among
thur frl uwmen.." It ' was ono of the char
aoteristio expressions of Chattertoq, that
God had sent his creatures into tue world
with nrras long enough to reach anything,
if they chose to be at the trouble. . ,
Action. The surest way, alike) to con
form and to strengthen any holy ptinni-
ole, is to carry it out into practice. The
very element snd LrtMh of lile is action
Every, gift and endowment whatsoever.
whether of body and soul, whether natu
ered from the east 1 nd the west costly mer
chaudise and ware of wood. oui value
even the workmanship of cunning artifi
C6ri and we knew it not. ,
Go 10, then. We will lay out our silver
and our gold in these thing, which the
printer printed of, and that which he doth
publish shall be ours. For this man'.
rr erchmdize is britr than the bank notes
of those who promise to pay, and therein
tie, even Dinks 01 deposit, which beguile
as 01 our money ana swindle us like sin.
But the trader was still tad. and he eaid.
the money that these people bring me for
tho goods in my store will I s ill give to
me printer, ana inus win 1 ruin mywll; 1
win uo that wnicn no man hath yet done
iu my time,- or Deture. I will make tbe
printer man, whom all men score for his
poverty, rich, and he shall be elad in fine
linen, and shall rejoice.
And the tons of men shall meet him in
the market place," and the sheriff shall
shun him, and the scoffers shall be rebuk
ed and shall take off their bats to him
that was poor. ; - -. . . ;
And he shall flash , the dollars in the
face of the foolish, and shall est bank
no'e psndwirhes
Yen, even shall he hVht his pipe with
railroad script and cast in. spittle on the
I rt..la r,f nlliui MM n
ral or snHiiuii. improve ny eieie.se, 1 .. 1 .,0,i ; ,....r j i, i , ,i
. , a" - i.ui t muni iuiii uiteou, iiu iiq w iiw -
while by gudty neglect it is enervated :.,, ,uu sh M mv .ubMaDC.
- - 4
seat quite as much beauty, in their useful-
dbot, a. tne one passages we are able with
labor and study to quarry out of the beds
of sncient writing.. They were sufficient '
for their timt let ut be luffioieot foronrt ;
JWThe latest arrival from Europe td
vrse u. that tbe English officials will not
permit Heeuan and Sayers to. ffght again '
this is ihe greatest piece of 00 ward ice in
the whole affair. That Sayers bat been M
decently flogged by Hecaao, it admitted -by
the actions of his friends. Contribu
tions are pouring into Sayers pockets jut
because the Enelisb sivmnathi arith m-
I and they claim his pluck 10 b auperior
lining uei-ause oesiooa to much "lam-
miog" from Heenan. What it that but
admitting the defeat of Ihe champioo -But
the Belt will never leave Eogland wo
warrant. Te fight is mean anoao-li hit 1
b mean after a fight ia awfully puppyi.b. .
Sm on -fHf Eritro A correBpon".
dent sends na the following remedy. '
which she say. she oan vouch for Put 1
a tea-spoonful of black i in a .mall bag; -pour
on it just etough boiling water to - ,
moisten it; then pat it on the eye pretty
warm. Keep it on all hfght. and in tha
morning tbt stye will most likely begone;
if not, a second application ia. certain, to
remove iu
and impaired.. Talents aie increased by
trading; and "to him that hath shall he
given, and from him that hs'.li r.ct fhall
bo taken even that whioh ho seemeth to
have." The sword undrawq rus s iu the
scabbard; the limb unused shrinks and
But lol the trading nan even be who
sold merchandise, became rich,' and even
as the unclean beast lieth iu the mire, so
stirred he not by reason of so much gold,
j Andthe people flocked to . his store
I from the JNorlu,
. I-. 11
pines awsy; tne eiumuering uro Bmoioers And from the Son(h(
into sst.es; sianoing wuttra Magnate ami , And from the East,
breed corruption and malignant m.aBma . And fnm ,he WvM
tho languid h ood of the sluggard, which Ad th printerdid rej0iCe.and hiafat
no healthful impulse quiokeim, becomes, jj abumid
thick and gross, creeps drowsily through j Bat t)(j no, lccome '
his veins, ana oarr.es no strong Pu.SauonsM(, hig m,,sn0,,oy cea.ed. and the smiles
01 iuo u '' i0f happiness were upon his face.
pulsations 0 me 0 tne i.mos nnu 10 tne nd hU children did become mighty
braiu So the idle Christian is a fueble.
drooping, pining Clirisiian. ,
Let tub Stjmacu iiavi its CnaviNa .
In the diseases produced by bad f Kid,
such as scorbutic, dysentery and diarrhea
the patient's stomach often craves for' and
digests things, some of which certainly
would be laid down in no dietary that
ever was invented for the nick and espec
ially nut for suoh i k. These re Iruit.
pickles, jams, gingerbread, fit of ham or
ofbaoon, suet, cheese, bultei. and milk.
1 Those cases I have seen, not by ones, nor
by tens, but by hundreds, And the pa
tient's stoaiaivh was right and ihe book
was wrong. The articles craved for, it
these oasc, might have been principally
airangcd under the two heads of fit and
vegetable a. ids. There is often a marked
differcnoe between - men and women, in
this matter of iek feeding. Women's di-
gpRtion ' is generally slowor. F lorence
1-7.1. .'-. f
when, st Ood knows, the cares that are
kevs that keeD those riohes. hane often
so heavily at tho rich man', girdle, thatleon that none of her fairdosoendantsdidl
they clog' him with weary days and rest
less nights, even when others sleep quiet
ly. We too but the outside of the rich
man's happiness; few ooneidar him to be
like the .ilk worm, that, when she seems
to d1v ib at the vorv same time rpinnme
her own ..bowels, and consuming herself.
And, this, many rich . men do loading
themielvea with corroding oaxea to keep
what . they have already got. , Let ut,
therefore, be thankful for health and 60 o
peteooe,. and, above all, for a quiet con
cisnoe.,'.; .., . .: ..,
iWh U the belt proof of tha ' virtues
of a family circle to see a nappy fireside.
Lift Illuttrated.
in the land by reason of the doiUrs which
many of the people who read his adver
tisement had poured into the trader's mon
ey bags. Jtwish Paper.
. Tni Wat to Stop a Papk If you
wish to stop a paper, pay lor it in full to
the time when yon case taking it as an
honest nnn should do. Don't go sneak
ing to the Postmaster and lull him to Bend
your paper back 'refused, but send your
bill, deposit ihe amount 'with the Post
master, and ask him to forward it; or
what is a much' better way. go to the of
fice of publication yourself, aod pay your
honest due. like a mac. Some people
complain that they e n't .top .paper they
have once subscribed for, but there is Do
diffiouliy in it if you take the right way.
Puy up ail you owe, snd then if the paper
bt continued contrary to your Orders, you
are not liable for it. . Don t undertake to
cheat ihe printer out of , his due whether
aW"Mother, I would not be enrprisei
if our Susan got ohoked some day."
"Why, my .on?".
"Bec-aaae her beau twisted hi. arm right
around her neck the other night, and if
she hadn't kissed him. he would ha..
strangled her ; besides, mother, he whis
ers 10 her, and hogs her."
vt ny, Edward, Susan doea not suffer
that, does she?"
8uffr that -golly, she like, il."
ConstyB' Talk. "No, Amy, you're,
quite wrong. J never was refuted iu all
ray life."
Oh, Tom, low can you say so? Why
there was Louise Simpson." ' . - -
' I tell you again you're wroog com
pletely wrong. It, true I waa 'declined
with thanks' once, but I never waa refuted."
Ths Larqbst Sto Ytr.- A Meteoric ,
Sions weighing 1 10 pounds, was discover-, (
ed on Sabbath laat.embeded in tbe ground,
on Mr. Wm. Patterson's farm,' near Con- : 5
oord. This is decidedly tbt largest Stone ' ;
yet lound. . -. t ;.
LiMai Cakb One pound of sugar,1
three-quarters of a pound of buttet, sev- ' '
en eggs, ont pound of flour, the juice of
ont lemon, and the rind of two. Bake ia ,
a moderate oven.. .. . ,
Ctkthu'b GiNQta CooxrEs. One nint
of mola-ses, one : cupful of sugar, ooe of .
butter, one half oupful of water, one tea-
poonrui or gtngor, and one or atleratus;
add flour. '
. fa It is not crimes suoh as robberies
and murder; which destroy the peace of and cut into cakes:
society, so much s the village gossip, tho
family buarrcls, jealousitiea and, piokor
iugs between neighbors, moddlesomonesk
and tattling, whioh ars the canker that
eata into Il sooial happiness : 1 . .
est A Dssenrr on a. ateamer had a
mil of canvass with him; In a lurch of
the host it rolled overboard. . He pitched
in after it; on seeing whiob, a bv-stander
remarked. "As that fellow is in foridnch
B. is bound to havo the eawt back'."
Honkt Cakb f ix together" 7 ounces
of Sntrar and 8 ounces of butter; add 4
eggs; mix and add J a pint of strained ;t jj0 tou cents or, ten dollart. ? You havt
honey: diaaolveof an ouno, of aalorattiB had benefi, 0f hi. labor, and are bound
IS J a pint 01 waier or luim, i.u n, 1
then flavor with sxtraot of. cinnamon.
Mir wtdl throuirh. and add eufficient
flour to make it stiff enough to rcll out;
Put them on greased
nana close tocether. and bake in a hot
oven or stove. By using leBS flour,, bo
that it will be more of a batter, it can be
baked iu larger cakes, in square tins
In this case, the oven .must not he quite
S0 hot, .... . : t t ' tr.; a ;.'") '
SuflAB Cii. One cupful augar; half
cupful 1 f butter; one lea-Bpoonful aaler
atus, salt and nutmeg. ' Mix slowly to
gether with half a leabupful water. Boll
thin. BakequioTc " '
upon every prinolpls of justice and fair
dealing to pay for It. Er.
.To ;DaTKCT Coppsn in Picklm ob
Greki Tba Put a few leave or the tea
the toiokle. cut smtU.-ioio a
phial with two or ihiee oraenme or uquto
ammrinin. dilated with ono-htlf the quan
tity of Water." 8bske: tbe phial; when if
tbe mosttainuie portion of copper be pres
ent, th. liquid will assume a fine blue col
or, -f . '- , I-
tar What did "bliiidl ' wobd-tawyer
take to restore hit tight? - BetookhiB
none, ana saw.
Soda SronoB Cau. The . white of
tix eggs, one ouplul of white sugar, one.
of flour, one tea-spoonful of oream tartar,
one of soda, tne of essence of lemon, and
a little aalt. - :
GlBOXBlRBAD. Two Oupful. of D0O-
Tusee, one of sugar, one of sour milk.
One of butter, one of flour, ono tea -spoonful
of ealeratua, and one table-spoonful of
ginger. . , . . . '
'" tWk fll-natured editor aayt the wo
men til mt paint, and he aeta hit fact .
against it , I ,. 1',
There it some philosophy in th
proverb that tbe Arab's Uat ia imtIL but
ho bat sunrise for hie front door..
1 aWThe wenet of our ohildhood aeem r '
at a pleasant- dream,' long tinea draraoi

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