. ... ......... - - I 'L -J ;.-r y r. U Li u o THE GAZETTE AND fflBCBSf' 7 .i iiTiriiWii'ir"" VOL. 1. LANCASTER, OHIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1800. ottte Elcmotrnt. CLARKE, KOCKES & SUTPHEN, EDITORS Is PROPRIETORS. o ffVo k Tallmadso KlockTfilrastorrlothe Left at the Head of the Mnlrn. .,4,, -- - - - . , - - r--.T r . NO. 20. luxury und ta?o. Like her lie had been complimented too much upon bis beauty and qualifications, und, like her, protuis ed to be a "deceiver." With two such characters in a small village, as Frank Livingston and Mattie Weston, much harm must naturally accrue; both being well calculated to gain affection, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. The Gazatto will b published ovory Thursday, on the fniluwInK torma: ,. ,. Onu variu odvauce ?" After llieexlrntloiiof mouths ............ " For loss tlmu than un yar, l the rata of. . I .u iiornnnnm. but invariable In advance. JoSo discontinuance ontilarroarageaarepaul. THE SISTINE CHAPEL. By MRS. HARRIET BEECHKR STOWB. this afternoon being a bright and sun ny one, we gave it to the study of the Sistine Chapel. The majestic architec ture of St. Peter's hud already predis- posed one toward Michael Angelo.and 1- :. i ... L. i it. : UIO' and crievously well calculated to trifle Ihev were klri party or mcuiu wnicu I ,,, Q ;i. ,,, i,inL .; oroUK'lt aooui; anil lliou&ii wiuy u-- -, and grievously we I c.ieuia e-10 in ,r .- tbe wi.ni ; me, .. a.u h "7 J -ine Uliapol awakened no responae ol sym- mm nV.la nut' v ft nli--nin wlllfth tlld BeOt) 6 r. . ' . ' TERMS OF ADVERTISING. A jquare of 10 llnoa, otli,ono Imortlonv... Thrtioinswrllons n. u . .1.11. ...! t...n rlintl " " All dvriUoinonuruntiliiBlelhaii thtoo moutUs, tliarKcaattlioboveral. i ,., Hi Onenouaro 3 , TW0 ' .. S Oil 7 uu. Thnio .. TNI...... Vour 11 fl"- Oiio-fonrthooluinii...1 0 J '" Onn-lialf .,-Um 1 nn.rolumn . ...18 Oil 90 ! .n..., ...1. nrnhnnl RllnOS.llV tllB VOnr, 5 00 irPAUvortisBiiiBiitMiotinarlioil on Hip inaiiuiorlit, will be contlnuert at our torinii nntll fnrbbl. . in mi ,v, IS 00 .... 15 00 .... SO 00 .... 92 00 9S 00 4(1 00 er met, each had beun working a sad hav oc among the tender hearts ot unsuspect ing males and females. Mattie had crown ut sincu Frank wa at school, and, indeed, ho had not lived fore th's period. Consequently they had never become acquainted with each other, and had never tried their powers the one upon lha.Dth'cr, This limis the view of the Lat Judge ment only continued tho aversion of the former times. ; In its moral aspeots merely, this pic ture can onlv be considered as onu of I Angelo wa tranVportet simply with the ,.t . mi.lit 4 tmwer let looia to work vengeance, and IU9;rea on uy w usirun livA imptilsas ofk Biii7erse of pcua(ors. Nor was he so M trsnsported ri to for get what an excellent opportunity .this would be to illujtrate the ncwly-dijcov-ered nowers of hU in painting nakod mus cles in unheard df con tractions an! fore shorteninL'S - I.. '.1. . The decent eraFity 01 rooing in ine one picture, ciintrBSfil with the gros, lorce- - What i-tbe Wrth! i .1 I'KHATfBAL COALITlO.lfc Rev Henry Wail Beecker, in one of f ome of th mora onwroptlloUs dd hi, Kermon. lately published in Tbe lode- corrupt leaders of the piebald J ' , the Free Btates, hostile to Li-Coln, are pendeot, has the following: ' racking their brains to devise weans far "Did you ever eo men made in this acc0niplisbing his overthrow. Tbe mass woilj? they had no great wisdom; they eg of lhe people are confidently looking had no great houor; they had no great ,aod i10ping for his ekctioo. But tbese heroism; they had no great patience; thy j lUct8leriug poliiicians are. scheming to had bo great meeuoess; may dbu hu grwn, prevBDt it. They ar trying to bring a wealth o I love. But lliey had a certain i hout gom(J oaiitiort, noma combination of muck-wisdoro; they knew how to thrust ajverge elements .that shall send the con- 1.. 1.. ; ,liua itirl nna tA ill mnlri- . . . .1 If. I. Au..nt-i : mw,A i t I il .r iu m)mrir,li1.-il ! 11 ut """ ' ' iel K) UIC IIOUBM Ul ii"proooiiioii;o, -u. naiteunep0i " ed; they knew how to amass property; elc(.t KtnMg nd Lane, or norae- of the nature ofltho two man one .. i.nw how t0 construct nliiys and -n..-vr iht Lincoln is de- whom reins lums II in wtm a n.ruy,, d kind of ferreting eve. r.,....i r. if !,.,., .1,1 iffepVH. who tore composure, 4 touched and penotra- j 80( t ol- westsel S8g,city; they won, keco; dft iMX cuvasss a Tatter led himself with twe that he holds back i . , arn. ., 0 i , t, ,.r(jS,)e,.! . . l t,n,i,, those shocking expression ol human and ieRVes half Jntold-while the other t!i.yi . they were being built! and ;old ,,ke maeg anij donkeys, would grbssneseand ferocity which projeots its tripa himself li'.f a gladiator and pu . wcordinK t0 tle estimation ol mou . ' , .,lt Listorv. they would beo-ime own imaeino over things called uivino. in . every muscle ln'o" tension, anu cracKs . mn tl,(1saml dollais. and voo z..i u ...... ... . . . i .. :. i , . w - .. . : l-HliaiiflU win cuvii iMiuimi the representations of that great scene in .cheeks in blown; tawVoui his ideas. which is 10 be revealed the htgnesi maj- q'lio graces ot mystery lestv and wisdom of the Ureator ana nu- . . , VIM no mniHiiu-.. ... . . , :nlr. Acr.mmtbapal.lrorll.a.Uance, fur ruaaonS lilcli, W"rr'ru".byvoenntr.etly ob.ervo.1 1 Ml ca.e,. . BOOK AND JOB PRINTIUQ. nxi.l.'I'lCKKTS.iinJ ovnry other varlPty or ri.Ai AND FAStlV JOIlHIXO.with nuw ami iupcrlortyio, knit on abort nnllco. mHthiv ,ll,'l,,Till7T!S. Jvlrtaf Falrfieti Co (.. Ctt-IIKMIY r witlTM AN. rojiitoim l.unraMi-r, (ibio. Prllat, f JWJKSSK LE01INKK, Office III Public b jJlS:-jr Jf.r..r-A mkiiw ""CCHrosiB, Ari(r-AKO.N W. liBltlGH'I'.OmieotJall. C.rk : .Cr-J0llS C. KAlNEY, Office Public Biu',!!i''-A. J. l)II.niK.rt(BcPnMlrnnJJdlne. 1"' d V iii. ii i.HM.nmrc. I'nWic Itiill.liiic Jrr-B fi.H ANNUM, Office, Public il.iil.llng. S""..i.r.-JOSKPII NIlAKP.of H""J, Town-Iblp- JOSAS A. BRKK.oTW5IiinlTowi..Mp.ai..l JoMN W. CUNSlSOIIAM.nrilocklne I0W11.M1. "Li E 5in.r.-WM. W. Wllll NhY, JOHN VII.I.1A.MS i.rtllHIAII C. Ill' I lb"- The NIRIitlleforo the ITIowlnB. All tblmmorWe In U.o inornliig tl.lno, And dlamomloil witli ilcn, And quivering wh ' coiitl find That thrill lllo greon oarlh throngt The little fleld, tho smiling Held With nil Its l!iwera-a-blowlng, How happy looki UIB golden Bold Tile day beforo tho luolng. Ami at ill 'nonlli tl.o depaning lis'it. Twilight tbongh void of lar, fiavo hcre,low watering, Venus ainka From tho red eybor Jlan', Flow peaceful sleeps tho silent field, With all Us bonulies glowing, tlalf stirring like a child in dreams The night before tho mowing. Pharp steel. Inevitable liaml, Cut keen-cut kind! Our ll.'ld Ve know full well must be laid lo lloforo It frngruiico yield. Plenty, and inirlh, and linnaatgaln Its blomelens death bestowing Ahd yet Wo woep.an.l yet we wecji) Tho iilglit boforo the mowing! own imagino over tilings caiieu uivtne. in eVery muscle in'o tension. Gi a man five .housand dollais. and joa .fl(! ,-, .Bet- pn-ntor realitione as unisiueas. - h-iva laid the foundaliun on whi.di to build i t)lty ure ti0W ,,1,,, to foim n.vcr and resbrve i, :mv,,.. i...,. ol), big f.-et built: ttive. i: ,i : (t.; .,.,... l.nt tl.i.uvh cra"es most necessary in the treatment oi , . , . i ( u. . ... , .:,..,aii Mr. Weston, Matiio's father, having i ior ,.f the Universe, we look lor t;ravity idivine subiectH. and so oonspicious in the .,, i.fll,0. i.;m twentv-fivc I .. t....-' u.. ..i. t.. t!. hsa Irrr A mntinm tn Aifnnii tn. nil nn- MnUi m .AmnAtmrA Wa anol in ,.1,1 L' ..t.Ani ha mwtom- are Who V i .r i i i. t . i I o . . J . . numo "B" r - I---- r uuu umjoauu wmr...v. -. meitwiu r.w.o.... - - tuoustiliu. und vou nave mmt imu w winllt-a,iWMrt - them, tor examwe: nn it i;ifih' inr hi l v it:n. al uiu riiu ui liik onir inn inner onnia in inn Mi'.rmm n.iicai.v.tijnriritirT in nun niiiiiiri? iiiiu sciivi f i i i. .1 i.r. ri omi r . . . - . conVeraiion he invited our youn Ancelo. mr.re than they told, iney maa. aj, QV6r 'fwo hundred thousand dollars jio.ot.orabl-, to unite naturally hostile mnuguiiui mm - iWii build a roan in tins wouu. i wo nun-1 ,,,:,,. fi.,as. to nrewnt the elec Frolli tho Wawrly Magiuilie. THE T W O V E 1 U T S. BV CEORCB W. LK CATO. Mattie Weston was unquestionably the l.olln nf dm lit tie villittre of L The young ladies had already acknowledged l.er superior cnums, nnn amue u.u n the case, no one atiempiad to gtiusay the And well she deserved the tillo. She wbs a young Indy of superior talent, ol well-trained nioralB, und ot a goou cuuea lion. Add to this the wealth of her pa Vents and her venus like beauty, and you will have a gi herul idea of our charming heroine. Human naluio, however free from fault it may sometimes appear, must have i'.3 blemishes and imperfections, and wo must naturally turn to see whore that imperfection exists in tho (voung lady be fore us. ' Mntiio Wits the oiilv child of nn indul gent parent. M:o had'been rc ired In lux ury, laving her wishos gratified as soon us expressed, and her idle hims borne with by a kind mini, who hud ncounier ed the task of training her. Concquehl 1v it is not to bo wondered nt that she 3 . . :i .1 1 ..rti grew up, in a measure, a spoueu uuu v to his splendid mansion to see some papers which had ft bearing 'Ipou the business before thfin; and, as Frank was anxious to see our beauty, he readily accepted the invitation. From that time ha became a ponst.uu visitor at Mr. Weston's, and nn ardent admirer of his accomplished daugh ter. - - ' to Frank, unitci1 ordinary circumstan ces, this (act might have promised much pleasnre; but to be in love with a coquette . Was more than he could calmly think up on. No doubt tho icmembiance of ti folly enme hack to him, and no doubt he felt that heaven was dealing out a just retribution for the unhappines ha had brought upon others through nis false no tion of pleasure. Summoning up his courage he tremh lingly approached the subject which had engaged his attention for the last few months; bu'. an almost evasive rcpiy anu an adroit turn in the ronrersttion, by his fair listener, threw him as far oft the sub ject n.8 he was before. Again, he carelul- v commenced to uuioui in a neari s story, when the same change in the subject of conversation was mada, and he was no nearer than befoio. Disgusted with rve- rvthin" he saw and heard, he rushed from y . ... , , . li the room and waiucu siowiy nna eauiy down the shaded street which led to his own home. By this time his mind was bordering upon distraction. To go boldly up aild tell her the story of his heart's affections, he thought would ensure him a blunt re fusal, if not an evasive, jilting reply; and tn know that sho was pln5ing with him was almost mndneee. "A hi" lie exclaimed, "she is exulting over the influence wh eh her charms have thrown around me. and I must tamely submit while sho leads me captive to her will." , , Tho thought that his notions had caused such feelings came up to his mind to add a new sorrow to his already oppressive .. .. .... , i, . i. il. !..!.. one. tattle diu ne iiuhk inni more migui be a time when he would suffer as he had caused others the victim ol his idle fol ly to suffer. Sometimes he would form resolutions to forget her, if possible, in ti e duties of his nrofession; but b. oks which hefote he had ! . , , . .1 . 1.. loveu to siuay were now inrown asmo no , , ,.- . .' r, ----- ... i ti imwucaiiu. iu jv ....... - u oi me 8ay the least, some of the serene maaiy wanting in this picture, nnu e.'y"y Wim aive him a hundred thouwnd, and jr ! i8ol Aaron Burr and the Federal- 3 menu 0f (, ancient heads of Jove. Dut we wanting in the sacred trgures oi M"-uaB you have built liim above lhe heart; give,- , d(k l)V meaDS entirely within the old ! lorei. Hies suggwu ,im Uo Undtei thoU sat,lf alld Le ls made !.he cwitut;n. but as unqueS'ionably have instead a "trrent. brawny, muscular man in a passion, dealing damnation with a coars energy that appalls the delicate, cowering woman by his side, liius low in those days had the idea of divinejustioe fallen; and whon we think that this coarse brutal figuro r-presont8 the benign Swior of the world, every Christian heart must repel the blasphemy of the representation. Itsnoffshow comploteiy me ragamsm of the so-called Christian Churoh of the dav had succcedod in reversing tho idea of tie (Jcod Shepherd under which Christ always appears in early art the Iti.rh tViest and brother, touched with thefdelinrr of our infirmities and how ihey had in its place an avenging despot. Martain Luthern tells us that in his youth when he walked in the proccs3ion of the Hoac. Irs heart was ready to sink with fear of Christ, and no wonder. Christ in fact, seemed to be regarded as habitually in sue.lt it state of indicnation and ven- eeanCe as to require a constant course of soothing appliances from his mother to al low ino human race to live; out now ac coidingtoMichael Anglo.thchourhascome when vindicliveness may have free course and the mother hides her sight! as if God had created a creature with greater tenderness and love than be had hims 11. There is not a single trait of this pictura that exprsses anything of the divine scarcely anything that rises to the dig nity of "the human. It is mere exhibi tion of the IruU element of wrath in man lhe Irute element of fear and des pair in the lost, of brute exultation in the saints and angles. The cowering figure of the Madonna is the only human tnmg in il. She looks like A delicata woman among a knot ol enraged gladiators. Such brawny, gigarttia saints, men and women, as are thero exhibited look as they might have been quite independent of Providence tlu-y neeueu noining neu ter than their own fists and heels to deliv from snv difficulty whatever. St Catherine, with her wheel, is represent ed by a two-fisted virsgo, wbo could nave broken her own wheel and knocked down her executioners St. Bartholomew shakes his skin in the face of the unwerse, and exhibits his naked bulk in a truly Fejee and cannibal style; and one thinks gen erally, in regarding this enormously mus cheat Angelo often times say, more than he suggests and deatuns one wun 11007 assertion. The fresco of Orcagna was a solemn and noble protest against the kingly and eealesiaitical syirU of the ae. which must have had an immense moral forca- Thev who saw on the left hand trcmblm!? and dismayed kingb and nrailitoH-. moil Wnlihols. abbesses, ill all the paraphernalia of royal robes or eccle siastical, must have felt how vain bofore God were all distinctions except those of a holv heart and lite. There was a sub- dred and fifty thousand will make a good',: of Mr. Jefferson. Their failure led deal ola man. five hundred tnousana ,0 l)l8 gudj0 rj 0 Burr, and the ulti makes a splendid fellow, as the world goes, j maU downfa) 0f ti,o Inderal party. In The great trouble, however, is that, 1-1 jgj3i )e Win Clinton, an nndoobtd Ue though the materials way not be very cost-; publi'oan, yielded to the combined prese ly as Ood looks upon them, men find it ure of- a )oCa geotiment and a lofiy ambl difficult to build themselves in this way. ; j consented to be the norrfinee of Besides, they re very easily unbuilt. ,afeW jkpU,liCaui and the whole body of Where a man is merely what ho owns, it ; l(ie pe J.jruliat. against Mr. Madison, the dos not take long to annihilste him. I . Heoublican candidate. Clinton You can take aman'sjiead oQ with ahun- noV(.r-scaped rom t(,e fHi9 positron in dred thousand dollars. You can cut him'w,jc, l6 wag then placed, nor regained n two with two hundred and fitly thou- - ,jig e y ,h 8iar,ding with the Republi- lime practical lesson in it which migiitgRn(j You can annihilate him with a! can art . of the country. The charge of nave uot.e lmmtmse goou on 0.0 """' n0l, of live hundred inousnna. so ti.ai,..b ain Rhd c(,rruption," which arose the Sistine Chapel, but for which we look iU)era H,au h0 nothing led of him buti wheIf Mr Ciay K8VJ thivoteof Kentucky in jin tknra. f.on V. or Julius miL'ht' 1..1 I . , P . n e a 11 ...... - -. o iBiiiua.oi have taken snuff before all there is there, and enjoyed the artistic combination with- "There are thousands and thousat.ds of mpn nl' wliom. if vou take away their out once having their repose disturbed j i..,. nnA Mna. and lands, and fiscal with any disagreeable suggestions. i skill, and such other qualities belonging hounded both theee eminent men to their chal Angnlo did not belong to the school 1 10 tlien, aB they will not want in heaven, ..-. tn i32. the opponents of Jack- of Prophet-Painters who stood before the and caDnot carry to heaven, '.here will not : .1,1. State were divided between to Mr. Adams, in tbe House of Rpresen tatives, in 1825, and tho elected him, thouzh utterly fa1ne. whb credited tiy vio lent paitiiant, and was thecrywhijh kings and popes to declare eternal right- but rather reminds us ola splendid eiave, destined to shod ove the triumphal path of religious despotism the adornments and flatteries of his genus. . Ho taught noth ing by his picture of the hnal judgement except anatomy and foreshortening. In regard to the figure of the prophets and sybils upon the roof, I cannot for bear the 6nie species of comparison. The forced attitude of tome, the exaggerated proportions of others, disturb my eye. There is too mocn effort in mem be enough left to represent' them there, of righteousness, and godliness, ana iaun, and love, and patience, and meekness, end such like qualities. They have used all these nua Hies up lor tuci ior ineir ma chine. It has been their business in lifa Wisdom f the Aaeieut. A wise man speaks ' but sp-v'ngly- 4 Demosthenes. , ' Above all things, reverence thy'gulf . Pythagorae, , , It is not only more hononble, bat alsd more delightful, to give thn to reive benefits Kplouritt.' ' - We should remain tfart.jiiit anH a-. tha death of ourfrnda; l0 i b t. cannot tell whether it has l.pf i.ti. for the betlr or the worn-, and because sor row will be of no avail P!to ' ' Poverty and riches ait the Minei of want and sattciency; he who wanttj any-t ihin ought not to be called rich, and he who wants nothing, poor. Demoeritu. Praise not the unworthv on account ol , their wealth 8. Dunnock Avaric ami vanity a.i the prinoipnl el ements of all evil. Tmion. A blush is the omiplexion of Jtrtue.- Theoprastus and Dioger.es.' One part of knowledge ensict' in be ir.g ignorant 01 sucn 'ungs urn n iv worthy to be krown. CtH"-' NeVei praise man ior 'i.F; I k - a man: nor a woman for rseu.b o Paederetui. r Envy Cutrodes vt po s or .. doi iron.-AD isthen. B. All thing should b couiaiuii o-.'.i! friends; onr 'fiend is another h- If - Pj thagoras'. Procure not fr'enis in haS'e) nor. . oncenrocured In baate, abandon t!i"m , Solon- One outrht to remember kind est re ceived, and forget tuose one lias dof.e . Chilo. A md otltjht euhor to be good, or to seem so Dmocritus. A stranr. If j si. is not only to be preferred le rjre rountryman, but a kius ' man:-PyihsgdraJ. Learning teaohei Joutb temperance, a(' fords comlortto old ae, gives riches to tbe poor. (?) and is an ornament to tne riuu. liiogeueii L-rninj is all drnament to the rich, a refuge in adversity, and the bert provis- CUv and Wirt, the form.r being the tan- ioB ..i0.t0ld 2e. Aristotle. didate of the National Republicans, and 0ne ghou(1 B0( 00(lemil, hat he can tne latter 01 tne Ant.-e.... iu.r ot Derfora).chilo. common iiostiiity 10 daemon iou 10 me formation of a coalition electoral ticket, Men are more mindful of wronira than of benefit, and it is but just that it should " nmnnanri nl about an eouni numoer 01. . . . J to sacrifice probity that they might be the friondi of cl aod Wirt-. Tbe pe- U so; " ' but he who d. rich;that they might gain powerand in-1 . A fct the Combination Unnatural serves no ;"d;"! fluence; that they might make their hold parUV,g 0f the character of a maref ll- bUme and P'Bbment.-Dcmo-011 this world brevier and stronger. And j tiade hetween hostile factions, and they . if they can not oarry foith these things jbeat u down by an overwhelming majori- In t, steel is better tluo gold; in life, which have been the objects to the attain- , t ig36 tiie anttroniat8 of Van Bu-' wisdom exceeds weAlih. Socratee. I meot vt which thuy have devoted all t.scir; ren War8 split into many s. o'.ions. Una-; Commit no sseret to afrieod.which.il sooh as picked up; he had no taste for any cular breed of saints and angels, that heav- 1 ...... . , . I il. - .1 1-- I.....1 ,.f n.nA. thin" except to think of his sorrow, and indvia nlnns for its alleviation. Mao. doned by this suspense, ho commenced making preparations to loave his home, determined to atiit a place whore he was fionslaiillv in pain at the realization of events whiih ho could not alter. Three yesis had rolled away, and still Frank LivingHton lingered abroad. Tid ings enme to his friends from him which HRsnied thorn ho was wandering from phce to place, never satished, an cxilo from home, and friends, and fame. That mind, whirll promised in the beginning to shed such a halo of glory around his en must bo the partio.ular laud of prize fights and no place for such lovely wo men as she who sits shrinking,, cowering and abased in the center of the universal brute convulsion. "Thou thoughtest thatl was altogeth er such an one as thyself," might truly bu written under this picture by the di vine hand. Even the heathen though more worthily of tho godhead. Tn the A110II0 Belvidere wo see the wandering from GreekTconception ofaDivino Being who had just launched tho shaft ol vengeance against a monster evil. But how free how high, how calm the expression. Uort clear and maiestio the serenity of the Compare them'witk tho composed gran-1 energies, what is left for them to go outj t0 UD;t(9 Upon ajngie candidate, they ! repotted, will bring jou to infamy.- deur ot urcagna s conception 01 p!"""'.!)! lile wnbf lou see not omy eiugio a,rm:(i t0 run Ilanisou, W hue Weister. Ibales. as expressed in his matchless tabernacle 1, 8pecimen3 but whole ranksofthesedwarf-ad jiingU1I1 each in lhe locality where j in Florence those high grave silent wit- jed jngact class of men, patting each other ,)ie waa believed to be the strongest, and : horrtorl hf the Cernus. nesses-whose mysterious foreheads seem fit on the shoulder, registering each other, w;tiloul the interfer:noe of the other can-j Although the marshals ehgaged in ta- to wear the morning star ana one leeis 1 weighmg each other, ana speaxiog ot clialte in his alloted held. The masses tiDg the census sometimes experience an the difference. One is strength in strug-jcaca 0ther of "our first men," our "largest, thought this smacked of "truck and diek- j noyances, yet they occasionally meet with ulo the other in reposeand of two mon." "our influential men," "our strong .. 1 thnurrh Van Burcn was uuoon- Lo'ra0n8 wbo afford them no liitle amttse- strength in repose is always the most meU;" and yet, if you were to take away uari ,1C hei,t the united vote of his Beve-jraent. Their talk U ofied a hard one.aijd impressive.---tlndepeadent. from thsni tint of which the grave 'viHl , opponents. In 1C43, Van Buren ranexp088 them to charges of impertinetioe divost them, you couia not uuu iUpOU the BuHUo I'latlotm, asa free ooiijfroui those who do dot reaiiy utiuermayu even with a microscope! 'candidate. The mass of his supporterat the impornce of "numbering the people." "Do you not know just such men .' i' wore hearty and sinoere. But his subse- j Que of the marshals of Sew Jersey, wnoj vou were to think of those belonging to 'ent CODduct .with that of a put of his geJ 0f operations is In the iuieriorj at a 1 : n .nil d.L. J . . 1 . . . t . . l . t ) .nn.l A. your own circie 01 sequami-auuc, , ihackers in that contest, proved iuat ma p'aco somewnac retnow irom not what this and that man are worth as ajd ttajr 0hject in that memorable ipotg, found considerable i difficulty in get factors in material things, but what they 1 8tl.Uj,ie wa9 to punish Qen. Cass because ; ting information from an "anc'unt maiden are worth as God looks upon them, vfhatjhe peVentc(i the nomination of Van Bu-jhidj" whom he had addressed ori the sub theyare worth when measured by their. eR m 1844 The hypocrisy and treach-!j90t. rinl.inr.nancaa. and failh. and love, and,..., .t il, ITmiEa nf Lindnnwald and its I f .Virtrr tim triKt8 Are foul Well, T patience, ana meehiies n.u-o '."'"spersonil retainers Having Deen maus ap parent, tbey have oeett oompenea to bu in the shade of reiirement, and wander in the cllou nf hnmiliniion. ever since: and tho' their heanlessness, their grasping skill, j ,hey haVfl done penance, shd works of su-'9Tery cent of lax on it tew. 'Taint beet tor you WW come suuuuiug " votiihful brow, now inaciivo lay with her 1 brow how graceful aad harmonious the mighty powers chained to one object. Ilis frame, so healthy and vigorous, now wast n , 11 - l I lllL'llWBV Iroill U'seaso, lOOKOU use nenuu ted child; iiod. afier having developed iutolow of what it once was. Unn quuted at Womanhood, haVo carried thither a few j f'ection and the remembrance of his youth iinrks of her childish imperfections, which , ful follies had impaired the noble strtic fathHi-'u nva had failed .to observe and correct. Thero eeeniol to be ft natural pro-.lis-position in Mattiu's nature to trille with those whom her superior attractions bro'l before her notice a r.atural re?itlt arising from tho fact that she hud been two often . . 1 l- . . 1 1 - 1 1 ture, and all tna'. once lookeu nooie uuu now put on the tohes which sorrow makes her victims wear as a murk of a sad dis tinction. Once more letters came. Frank would h at home in two more weeks. How slowlv the time wore away. Slowly e- 1. . ... ... il. .. ..1 n.l.A ..nnllv .. I..n.n., wli1 hfllt WHIlt. tllrnllp-llOUt tjomptimetlicil upan tne 01011 1110 c..w inMj iiuuk. iu, vi .,r- . did possess. Tho eircumitunees under : tlueo long years, and looked for his re- whieh she had been brought up. though turn.. She. like frank, Had paled Oencaui they oudit not to ho spoken of in pallia- tho samo malady. She had visited foradds lion of her after life, certainly had nn of- j places of resort, to catch again tho roseate feet upon our Ma'.tie'a conduct which was j hue of health for her cheok and the lire .iJi,.Kl . Rnm vouii!r ladies, though 1 of vitror for her eve. Now, returned, she similarly rearo.l. do not suffer from such ! calmly waited for death to calm its victim. ejects, owing, no donbt, to tho tllllercuce of disposition and feeling. - Shu had not lontr completed her cduca lion belore half of the marriageable yoong Once more they are seated logelhcr; not in the stiff altitude they were in when they Inst sat thero. Locked in the em- 1.1 .I.. !. .-Itnea 1 ..r,.irAr.lm'B utranfrlh thl'V lira IrV- mon Ol tllO Village nau rere.veu men 1 unvo ui uuwum. o - j of encouragemont and coldness in turn, ing in vain to live over again, and in this and still no one was found to make the manner, thoso days of grief which have Blightcst impre.Bion upon her feelings. I marked them more than many years could A year before this period, a young gen-, have done. Ibmur., tho son of a distinguished at tor . "And you wore not trifling with me nev had graduated ut a modern univcrsi-1 when you always evaded my declaration? ... ...J ...an ..iininrr fi Inflv rnnilt.ation bvl "No. Frank- I thoucht you were at- lL talr.tft9n orator. He had chosen 'tempf'na to trifle with mo, and I wished il.,. i.rofesaion which his father had cho . to avoid it." uon fnr him. und Dromised to outstrip him in the pursuit of his professional emi nence. Bo this as it may, it. is certain nttiniile! We feel that the vemeance ol god is beautiful! Thus easily; said the Greek artist doth the divine majesty overcome evil thus withoutconvulsioiis, without ono reflected shadow of the mon ster, doth it Bend the arrow of celestial iusiico. J . .... , 1. . Force n the great attiiutld 01 uivinity according to Michael Angulo and even then he does not discriminate ootweeu the grosser and the finer forms of force the forco of wedge and beetle and the force of electricity, lie studied the Old Testament in its rougher and stormier phases, but forgot the significant story which tells how God was not in tho tem pest) not in the earthquake, but in the "still, small voice. ' Comparing tho Juttgement of Miohael Angelo with the same subject a. trCatoa by Orcagna on the Walls of the Campo Santo, it is easfto feel that roligious art in hia person had failed Into vigorous bands, which W6re destined to rdti it rap idly down hill into materialism and gi oss ness. In that reined fresco with all the faultsof n imperfect development of the malarial forces of an there is a roirt- Lincoln 011 Nejro Equality. The Democracy and Bell-Everf.tts are circulating in Massaoliusetis the following nnfm!iirH. IVniii the erjeeches of Mr. Lin coln, printed in tlu "Joint Debates of Douglas and JjIncoln, puouuneu oj Follrtt and Foster, of Ohio. The ob jeot of the New Kngland Democracy U to show that iir. .Lincoln h not m ivut u. "Negro equality," "1 have said that I do not under stand the Declaration to mean that all men were created eaua! in all respects. Cer tainly, the negro is not our equal in color perhaps not in many other respects. Page C3. "What next? Free them; and mnl-n them sccially and po'iticaly our equals? My own feelings will not admit of this. We can not make them our cqunls." Pago 74. "Our opinion is, mat it wouiu oe oo. for all concerned to have lhe colored pop ulation in a State by themselves, lu this I asrree. Page 1 25. than that I am not, nor which are to make up ottrmankood in the eternal world would you not find among them those of whom, if their selfishness, reckon you can't take none here.' She was indignant at hie first remark. "'Taint none of yoUr business who lives here, nor who owns the dlace ti'e paid for, and their vorldiy wisdom, were they taken j a,jon for tue Negro Pop. fi-.iiii t hem. thero would Oe scarcely any-1 . HlllI ,i...ftr, Vears. thev still cower un . . ... . e. ,. thing Icttr Three Secret Worth Keinemberlils. The Secrd of Respectability lies in the strict observance of the following three rules : Live within your m'ans ; always tell the truth, and keep good company. Tho uegleet of one or the other ensures a loss of character! whether its owner be a nt. Uiclie8 are a much 1 . p. f-L:i.ii ap ..111-1 fVrtm rAsnrtntnliilitv as health is indc' aur hiivn ntiBU. Ill lUVUl ui ytun,u tw uutat iv . - .t maa tint rf mm litviniT them : itunihiit of beauty. hnld office, 'nor in intermarry with! The Secret of Keying a Friend is valu but malteis that don't consain you. Her body iuterposed at the' doorway, although thin and wiry, prevented hia passage into the house, The marshal would gladly have taken a seat, but (he offered no such luxury to her inquisitor. "HevI ever been marnir vveutwnai next I wdmler. Perhaps you'd like to have our peJigree right down iroin Auam. rt.ir wnu cnn'i! .1 'soeBt you're some U-.tns: and I will say further, in a ldition to this, that there is a physical different hntween the black and white racos.which r KoIIj.vo willlorover forbid tho two laces livintrtoo-ether on terms ot social and pol- ' T in. 'Pi,. 13(5. 193. tttuai c.i" v r- , , , , "I ngroe with Judge DoUglas that he (the negro) is nt ,ny "Iur1 in mnn re" speos certainly not in color-perhaps not'inintollcetualandmoralendowmeuts. P. 15 "In that contest I did not at Rny time der the aimwl of a betrayed party. W mitrht cite other illustrations ot the . prof osition We have laid down. But these must suffice to satisfy politicians that the masses of the people like a fair, open fight- that they will not permit a candi date to be beaten through unnatural ctlni limni inns and under false pretenses; but, 1. h.,moo tn Hia trial dav. thev will 1 Rut Trill niiDU i wifwi. . . ' , j . - . . iinnnriitilft vifitorv. while tlicv fcilnw frfirti York, come out to Beck whom UUtAl UI'll WW uwuwi.. j . - ",..111 1 1 smite down his double dealing toes. L you may devour, lou a neue. i?o ... Y Tribune. agio 1 Take our senses, indeed !" . The marshal tried to explain matters, Ilichei; ..: i... nn.lnrsland the necessity nl,la nnd mini ha observed with care. . , ., M l f .11 KISJ1VO l 4 Making acquaintances is easy enougn -Jqu may put aman mine miuet. ui atld uuireojents 0f the law, and particu any rogue or fool can do that; the diffl- ti,0 mx instruments in the worM.itnd , yinog her that he was not a ctilty lies in keeping them, and eonverlini ;f he do9S nol hnw how to play on them rcgiJd(nl a Ooiham. He Utterly failed, ' tlldV Will II 1 1 II 11 U u.uuM.v. 11 J . -, them into friends; The bmt say I was in favor of negro suffrage twice once substantially, and once expressly, I trod" know of is to preserve ydur independence. . may i)0ap wealth upon a man until it cas- There are obligations, however, w men can ,i0 j(geit t0 heaven and yet no may oe a bo rendered find accepted without a losaLau 6r qhe paupers are no', in the poor- of independence. Tho pleasure of con- j 10Usg!ji but in nlausions--for a man is ferring a lavor is greater 10 iiuj,t..; vUU rich only oy so mucn ns o uvn a,;,,.r- mil nk than that of receiving one;!, llso what.' he has: everything beyond hut it is delightful, and a guinntee o'jthat is uoverty. i do not thiuK mat tne that he had gained, during a limited pe riod, a crowd of admirors, composed most ly of the yourg ladies of the 'village who vcie trying to excel in captuiinghis heart. IIi,s personal appearance was well cal culated to win admiratiori, ahd his polish ed manners, together with bis cultivated min,l u.l.l.d tliA finiahina louoh. But, " nd our reckless folly brought on all this! nay, might bHve ended our exist ence, and neither would have known the other returned the affection." . "Yes, Frank, it has taught me a lesson, from sad experience; and I trust, that wo may never bring suoli anotner griei upon our heads by suoh thoughtless, silly con duct." .' . , - , - ;,. And Hi 11 a the mourned over the sor row which might have been avoided by . . -. . .I , . e : 1 T .... r. .1 luucu ua . . , . .1 like our heroine, ho must have his launs; j strict coniurmity to tne ruies 01 justly uu und. Btrantre to sav. faults of the iamo right. " -' - . stamp. Like her he had been ruined, the petted child of an admiring household, in jCiTBorrowed garments seldom fit well. posed and majes'.ic strsngth, a moral dig nity, worthv the subject. The severe and J f ... e ni..:... l.a Ma. mournitii gravity 01 vunsi mm u iu.. donna speaks nothing of human wrath or passion the calm, solemn stntelinea of the apostloa and prophets, the gravity of their decorous robos, which one fan- oiea might be heard falling in Bwaying folds in the awful Hush and Biiuuess 01 that decisive uioracmt tbes'and, myste rious figures of warrior angels, who with brows solemnly Bd, sever the Wicked fpm tha iuat without passion, without vindicliveness, but on the grounas 01 an eternal fitness; all these givctothiscom nnaition of Orcairna a rrravity and mnjes- r . " 1- ..-:....i..:. IT ' which no muBCUiar uoutuiiuii, artistic arrangements 01 mnrvoivuo w shortenings, oould suggest. ' Orcagna was awed and stilled with iiioo nf fJnd'a iustice and the infinite dif ference botween sin and huliness.-Miohael k..U,il dcTfiilit It.. .f hrtv nn nuroose to introduce poli- tii nnr! sooiitl equality between tho white and black races. P . 194. ,'I tell him very frankly, I am not in favor of negro citiJ!nhip."--P. 167. We have been looking over the "Do bates," and find these extraots to be verit--Wd Pnrhnna our Demooratio brethren will L'ive them circulation in this part of the world. i - ifa-lVn Inarn from the WarrcntotVo, Va. Flag that from a Cock of 100 sheep, un.rl h Col. John Wohlcn, of that i, uaa nlinned this eeason about itnnnnnnnrla. nl wool whiah has alieadv hfin nnfrrtMd hv a Richmond Manufac turer lor the sum of 82,000. To this hundsomn Drolit may bo added SI, 000 more, the estimated receipts of muttons sold and the uatuial increase of the flock. continued amity, if the kiuduess ono re ceives can prouiply be reciprocated. Se condly, do not press your company too much upon the tew acquaintance. Mike yourself agreeable to lum, lot him seek vour society, and when you are with him, avoid all topics on which a difference ol like to ansc. The Secret of Agreeable retsond Ap pearand lies in cleanliness and the ab sence ol many colors. 1 im bocu u nr.. adjusted bunch ot huninle primroses ex cite admiration when ft bouquet of choice and varietra'ed flowers has been scarcely . .1 t i lit....!-!.! noticed. Modem nower-ueua niun.. my me-tning. Wore this uot the case, statues would bo coloted. A taste lor "nudv hues is barbarous, and peculiar to children and Mvsg-s ; a reBued tasie re jects scarlet and yellow as 11 would raw beef and strain oil. A gaudy oravat may il. . nd even well, but a black one Itiun f"ui - ---- ' looks letter. Borne Jouriu 1. . i . . , 1 . . . . 1 .. ... tha m.r.na ' asses mat lug me goiuoie 111 " are rioh; and yet many men choose to tako their places, and spend their whole, life and bend themselves double, to carry that which always will be aburden to iheoi. They do not carry it to make it a power of usefulness, they do not erry it to make it inflame and feed moral power, oy m.11 efactiou by a large dimity of botieU oetiee: they carry il merely as gold, as nonnnr: v 11 nil Kiev are blasts of burdeu, but dene J. Multitudes and multitudes ol suoh beasts there are, and ten thousand aping men running after them Baying, "Oh that 1 were they, or like unto them.' And so the steep path from lhe mine to g,ainmed tll door in his fac... the point where they thtow off their loal k however. h n''","l i woru so smooth tnat many wu" upon it overburdened slip and go to perdi tion! Beechtr.' however, for his next question only in- Steased her anger. "Hev I pot any chil dren! Why you imper dt pupopy, now dare you asperse my chara' ler'-' H-re hev I lived for forty-. -ight enr.ml n't never been ten mile fro 1 in - f-t doubt my resp-ift t 'ility v ... : ' - to our min ster, h kt.o ai. .1 o-.. .. lived here whon I was b .m; 1 all I possess in lhe world ie ii- ' s.-.un. and two houses down to the 'Tag- 'iti. netrly about fift. en ilmusand .' a'.--He fan tell you thai I live w th mi f . ther till I e da d. hvin- u b. l - on ', sisters, and that I nev. r mani , and !,u n't got no .hihlren; ho is wel icqiiui.iicJ with trie people living wi a litt'e girl, a farm man and a big stout ItllC VOU L'Ull J w jfylron platos taken from a boiler which had exploded after fifteen years use. have been tested to a strength of twenly-Beven tons per.aquare inch. rmh enousrh who haih all llO IO v ' 1 that he really needs. 1 (iuii irn I m,.t;,.n nut of mo. I'm a woman cf feW woidsand I don't allow meddlers." The good woman had now Worked bor self into a passion, and turning away. r riu 11. i lu :'cil'iW' MltH A ;i: s' , ?-'d !jr- Cukb fob the Schatches. Take fresh slacked lime, and dust tho affeoted pans net ia mi c 11 with it iwioo a Jay. It will not a. ....A.,.,;nlaA All1 tSlll ....,. .A,... ahows us but oneicause the horse any uneasiness, aua win u ,, . Ko ttlllM , .fft a cuwia a few day. biUo ot the worm, mr ii ouiuu.io ..i--. - flatterers, who will tell us only our mor-, iiaon ; : . and silence our enemies, trom wnom -Rev. W. L. Gaok, totroeriy pastor ,,f Lha UuiUrian Church ia.Wanatia.has received a call from lhe Richmond street Congregational Church, Ediuburgh.Scot- land. its. alone we might learn our defects. & The cloudy weather melts at length into beauty; and the brightest smiles of the heart are bom in teats. ing ficts V eiiibt, ri..i ;! M Tie..; ..lib ... v...-.- , 9 . . a- e .... .. v -, ...r.. property w.-r;e. i , .- - -- - or sisters ear. ies n f ' i'.i'.' 'v - ler all was about all tile inx.ini.i cared to possess. . . M-n.. Nis. tbe hich- si mouotaio in Great Britain, iu.es 4.4-)S fee'- above the level of the nea. He:. Umoai is 3,- 192 feet higii. J -fl.r human biaiu .s : iwtsi.ty inhth of the body, but in a horso but th our-huudredta . 1 .:aftV 1