OCR Interpretation

Daily gazette and comet. (Baton Rouge, La.) 1856-186?, November 01, 1860, Morning, Image 2

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88083120/1860-11-01/ed-1/seq-2/

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'uauu Afhllaalt altttttltt tttt ,V .14  .
own *º Loggs 3Basa.-the
ky papers of eeeledsy, sewacTe
eslim. 3e diSl a his uiee
a HSplatad setr to New Ortune
ae Mouay the u9th ulto. at theo
m1 igtyooe yes. Mr. ltrlge, r
Wil n ,wVt of 1814 sad '1mi, 3I
a ft n l di, het r%m hs 1
oes7ry is e jY ikesPedeal sad '
Mt fib li wrviso Ve., w utr.
lae-0rl do ih llt--s lfeduml
D eos * Mae. lsawae Ltvweeaow.
The ew Toth pager sreoor tie death In
tee dey, *m the s.h, ef Ms. LUvligetea,
the veneloreMedter ad LUviegate,
the IthieMte statemsee of Lerutsa*.,
sad eath. of that d of laws whieb h as
made hle sameiemisetameag tie dietl
gplaited sataiam of the Weld. A brief
epraph al stlayr 1ao
lea Is the Island
aboht eleovel or
Niage w t md-of the
ra 0. A1 omllt mseo ws"
i,!i**.I .vg-l e nm. r  Ie..
s eINi were M mendn ed0eawle
hwresIthait of
i~ awe with thte l e, ,r Nlie 't
* two4"h km a  ed ea,d
o l ew Or *ell , tI.v y har
ee irls*e. . T he mothere.
Seeemp ished d eghtere rett
Ms I to teehinlg m*ic. Amnlg
d Wheen ea tle, KNr high4 t
t I tere- of ,Mr. tr epton I
be ISO"u; he was mhkoged we meet
l 11o hie tiofe, while.
seYal eam, os Ie,s:edled law, and
a oes'elv aVal M ieaied sO,
SirIi II t the Kan.. rlp.
i aldaatf haulree
war a saoit !
e to sad ita
a, id .sed lamlted br ikn roeplie
as teea'h wte N ta be*s be a.
T seamed Never to have eser
t e; : e it ot fald
bsal d resiMelled ir ries is the
Waep oft mea. She ael' late as ealy
Ai the death of Mrs. .I
ean t ""hs c.ead
S ll we e., k. atg.p e
Sesemblesladl pse. I
seie., heowever leaves be
PaMeou.-Tho Preldet hg per.
at hur yes ti the Ilet Peaeltaf
o? fir nrital Stat. lad
wara. Wl wue letaed to
toa genstetpriment ,buthihealth
hi e midbly selose his la.
primem, sad his rileu. had be
ems met of hbi or desth.-Pi.
W Aeo paidosed, some ats
OWr alan. Peelss to lhaving this
phls, he pil M ear easles a vW4t,
ma rea wver the hietory of hie down.
Ahl. We bhtel he i  epeataast,
aid bo, t3r as then here was,
ad asks as doubt, that he will leer
desiet his old pouideleads of th
GeLoeM, bo wbem be is ads btd fot
athl ta eals s whioh have followed
hts ies thoter day, t osr .
r Arthur Awroo who appearo pr
Aiem she Agees telow, wMohi we'
et hum th PicEk. ua, is eleoed.
We glive aeo zesurs troru tih.
ctrm t esday me t :
Poee RaE mranvra Durlaso.
..I. .D3s to V. 3tI
Ve5Us (bSagme4 (Seratr.
.... IL a I
.... s. J. l.. M
I1n 3 , ..
.... ·- ..--. .3 s
.... ..,:gm
m.e e .- . ......... ;
£-*eqs . .0ist
C L-~-L I~~r~r~r··rrr s
It Ms a mattff w7ry smll eon.
squesele 1itedU , hew a man geta~
tl be has b i Let his some be
b1r2ed about im thi eommon walks
of men, and if b does not profit by
it ethewltin the merebandise of his
shelve or the mterebanjie of his
stol, be may blame nlo one fo" it
but him.-If. The adverse of I)go
to(Casto,about putting money in his
paree, is the prineiple apon whieh
irreat me as well as the thnls, of
this nineteenth century act upon.
Breus-or ratinr that impudence
whieb Bome of the devil limself, is
all wasted to acquire that cheap
fame, which any one may have,
who will undertake the battle for
fame, or fortune, with a sword in
one hand lad a trowel in the other;
the first to be used in fighting thse
who quest ion hi. motives, and the
latter to plaster fools. Mr. Yancey
has arrived in New Orleans, big
with a speechb, heavily freighted
with treason to the Federal U!nion.
The party paper, in a death trol
gi ei turn out all their largest apital
letters, and throw in all the notes
of eaoleamtion, and interroatitn.
It is annount,ed that, 7h )'ee
(hlerd,-The Yswang AfM's ir rk, s.
ridge mld Lane CIn--Te lrelrr.is.
ridge Guard,- 7'he Le. Drngxgn-s
--'te 7 okhers (,urdsr--Thk Is.
sy Rgnerre--2'h C/e'su"Jir (,wcrrlI.
-- 71trer'm s nrid mad lws tWlard
(,1., and nsw pm/W- I YNewher of
diliz,.V ud ensry Vieitnors, will
turd out. And it Is even a it has
been said : they have turned ont,
and Mr. Yancey ha made his
speech :
Mr. Yancey paid a handsome
compliment i , the clubs that I.a
adopted his same. When the da
of dnngw:r for the South comes, the
would dud him there, ever worthy
of that honrr.
le frankly recommend that in
case of Mr. Lincoln's elee, ion, a
convention of the 8outhere Staite
seould be called to adopt a united
poley. And if the day momes that
LicIoln and his tieutenat General,
Stephen A. Douglas, should send
I federal bayonets to, submit the
Son:h, they will and that they have
as much as they can attend to at
I home. We have good and gallant
'friends on the tb.rders--oon both
si des of tne horde e..
S ppose South Carolina should
choose to reode- -and sim would
be whipped into the Union; kept
therein by force of fedeial a:ms,
would s;,e remain a free and soy
erig itale in theUnwl ion No; she
would be a coaquered proviso . Is
there any provision ia the coestite
tion to Leep in submlss'on a ,on
quoted people by means of a stand
1ing ay ? No; but here is a
provision which esablee fi sad
sovereig Stat- to remsalnor with
draw, as beet subserve their in
te, ets.
Good, for Mr. Yaneoy. Mr. Ya
cey's nam is more familiar than
any bousebold words- -Mr. Yiacey
come up, and evengoesbeyeodtbe
ordiary measure of greatness.
Who but Mr. Yeacey, should lead
the Yeaney uaod., aed the Yan
coy Ragers ? Who would do tf
I tor thea Yancey for King, Prif.
dent or aEperor ?
Nw o Yoa PosrorncL Dgrm.:.
voe.-We learn that the sestance
of the tee;aony of Isaa V. Fow.
Sle, as take in fa Havaa, by Com
mislener Dwtlht, hI that Mesrs.
aw and Conovor signed his adllcal
bond, olly upo hiL. repreeuatioe
t OlivIer Chrlleck would also
Isig; and tihat neither Law nor
Comover rgave him any auto-ity
to deliver the blnd to the Un,,tked
States withont seuch ddi onal sig
nater by CtVaick. Mr. Fwler
frthber ti.tiled e;ata Chaiorlk had
so cheerfully conseted to sign the
former bond, be fit authurized to
assure Law and Conover that be
woold do so agal ; bet h'a bond
being ca'led fo. from Wasliomton
before Mr. Chaulick, who was out
of(towa, coeld be on, ih sent it
on, thiekimg his sremties would
neero be itd oe, au be conside.
ed bis own property moa than sraf
SIlent to met hie obligatios. So
iUusie am's tresry is minus some
to0~060O.-Phitaddp Bnastia.
StbA wr o atmt~ ear h
hma a sd ithesr,
hre Ismrerae or Jsraw.-Ta Oa
.etigO de St. P'eeranbrg pnltiles
a leter from Mmne. AlbreLlt, the
Sli of a phynician, who vidted
Jldde lint w :,t i, and eitnr-ed
Iw Jedo tto fllkdled:d by land.
shoe aye lthat il.y -un0id t.,msat dir.
lenhl; vi gatlln ;orla;ns;,l t,,a make
the journey, and tua, ;t was die
O,,Ute,fe,' by the rep,.pnentall.es
or to.eer oIt'roe' Ina :one, ies Ameri
can c')no,,,l sIpepal. i' aniculaIrlv
s'rains. i,. 'T',,v ,rovidled tlmem
oIlves with ,one 1i in bnmlono eages
which I o Japanese seed for nalan
riOtluN, and witehih te an nmafl hiat
one as nwot have a sees 'o" them, but
mlst ', on ns 'eno. There were
live o' liNe paty, an., shry were es
oursied by seven .l.epanene function
arsn, ense0 one alwm in loin little
as,;e. TI'se palanquis asre one
penledd to a pole, which is carried
by two beatrers, one before eadI ote
behind. Spare bearere ran along
by tie 0:dco of the palanquinn for.
relays, ao.me palancquins having as
many as teo in rl'. Bleside, a
large miuth r of pol'oe accompanied
theml -,Ie either sidle of their line of
psll.qmuen. A body of poli'ce in
front, forming " vanguard, con.In.
ally shouied, in a melancholly and
'oneslli,'d lIutle, "Mlarsy," "&'aray,"
("ilh dewn," "n'i down ") and all
the people whoml they on. mt at down
in olie ctresel ialong u;e oolds, neme
times in the madn, *ad w,ile Ii was
raining. Only in plauese nhabited
h1v prinoe of lte crown were thie
Japanese people allowed to keep
their trowsers ulee,.
In the it 'en thete wan rfi'n genat
confolmiom I';,e people pre.ced
about the palanquin, tryin to open
the thdoeCwn oi. boet shie4, but the
policcemen, atmerd wit ll long staves,
pushed them brack, sometimes draw.
ing out fi tm ftwi. sleeves a nhort
olbb, ol which tlh people neemed to
be glatly afirild ; Miue. Albericlht
wcsn told lthat whlnver wan tt,ºmch
ccl by this club war considered to
be fnder aresnt. The whole train
was mnle than half a mile long. A
msseennger traveled Iefore them,
arni at every stalon thley faund a
vely comfortable rooms, hang with
manlifieent painted papers. There
was but one leconvenience; it we
very ci.ld. Thite rooms were warm
ed willh portable trlet at evening,
but the hires did not last long.-
T'.e road wan very good; the firt
half of the way it was planted with
large trees on either side, forming
a comple.e arch overhead, and be.
yond the trees she saw nothing but
riHe ields. The lattr part ,f" the
way was mountains, lid .bse had
mckh incotvsenieace fromn ow and
rain. Here they were narrcolyever
out of hearing of waierfalls, and
they had frequently to crone rivers
on ferry-boats. T'b reetleet n with
which they met in pvery iwuo was
very tedious. The Gotverno, frest
came onu in nn;form and saluted
every palasquin; police were poet
ed on both sides of the at 'e;, wirl
their jnpaunnd clubs. and behind
them were the wi,"gld fractionari.
This winged appearsace is dee o
a pa-ticular gause over-'tresswhich
they wear. Boaind them we e ser
vants, boldin' up on ancs some
thing renmobliou hormes' tails. The
same cerennmtoe met them every.
where; sometimes varied with an
army willt bows and amrows, and
at other oil ies were hedges of soldi.
we w;th a en In one hand and a
matoh In the other. The jo!'aey
ooccupied twe, y-two days, and they
traveled from 8'tees to ,wenty-Ave
miles per day.
From me of h. pilots we hlear that
on the 20th inntant, at 10 o'clock, A.
M., the Red river packet. Iixie, Cap
te. lu Boklev, from Shreeport bound
to Alexanriai, wi;b a30 bales of coo
too aid 1000 hides oossigned to par
tj I In hbi ci:y,whee opposite T~rowe-'
Inditg, ear Campte, strock a snag,
and ater dnragging some forty feet she
sunk io the homler deck, in three min
utcs ai·tr striking. When lef. the
wa;er was ostn e;ghteen io tweety
inchen over hr bow and over the
boiler deck at bthe sier, and it is
thougmat that she will break in two,
sad thereby prove a total lose. The
Dixie was built but a sho t time ago,
anl was owned by Capteias Sleades
and Buckley. She was valued at
$14,000, and insured for $81000.
Thee was 400 baes of eotoe oe the
Dixie owned by Mr. Reub. White, a
planter on Red rivo. It is probeble
that all be freilght will be saved in a
damagel condition.
'The folowini is a list o be on
.ea : 406 bales cotto Payee &
Hrrison: 44 L(. C.Omsalp ; 62 J.
W. Burbridge ; el O..* k roump;
4 Bttle & Noble ; 1000 hida B. L.
MIane & o; wedris to aetr.-N.
Tea Fzair R ao£ e v o Tiv r.
A railway about thu ile is length
wi b . .I I f Io.m Sinqa
tc is nearly due e
f the brmer place.
OaIAt USnto Dsruorwsariow tN
naw You.-The New York ppes
publleh Iusthly soooens of the is
meloul't Union demoestralan Ih
New *ork ci yI e the e atlg of h
vad. From .he Iherald's report we
extract he iil'owinX :
The Min;e andI the Union Men
turned out in immense numbers last
nigih. On :Ihe I '),,e,,ber the Wide
Awake. had Ishou. ;,rw.eoaieo, so long
talked of,. sd n' mlhoeel, like a stage
dliplay, w;;h r blast and flourilh of
trempeil. sThe pr'oeme'ca was Ifre,
though so; so Isge as the Rlop,,l'
onn ,inaimedl, nld wer comp, e, for
Sgrea jarl, o ff'yi h able uo c' y
torches, but unable to v ,e, eio.her at
the approbling election in Nove.n
ber, or, fiom appearance, at several
subsequent election. The renks wee
swelled Iby clubm from the ibek non
try, cities an villages-from AlInay,
Troy, laertford, 1'nbnry. lirton, sl
even fr.,m more distant p, nts. This
conglomeratie of cl~mh, metropolitan
t nd urban, psweel thrngh the mttrest
ill solemn array, like a mldlnight par
lde of she Sons of Malta, unentbuai.
asisi and awakened no entheelasm.
A party of ,cwled monks, bearing
lightened talw,s returning from a
funeral, wouldl have been quite as
provootive of ainy politiIel excite
meal nr thlIee Wide Aw koe, who
were so nailed, as a wit happily ob
se, rvl "lbecuea they had no pince to
sleep." The crowd which igathewel
to see them appreelated, as all New
York cromsd do, this lack of enthua,.
mm, sad tl'eore all of the dull pro.
cession had penaed,the Wide Awakes
were popularly obhristened "sonas.
buelis," or "sleep-walkers."
CaOpt. Isaiah tyndero saw the pro
cemion, and detertined to serpsm it.
With the Oid of the Ienioa me of ael
pail;es he hab enueorded in doing
more than he intended he has gir
ee us a genuine toribli;Lt proceosene,
the ggrtest New York ever saw-in
numbers d general appearade unS
surpassed--a procesion seven miles
in lesl, and which was over three
hours n pisin a v point ; or,
gseetd upn a p Ie dtilrty op.
posite to t of the Wide Awakem
the procession of last night was com.
poed, with the eoeption of a few ie
vited clubs, etirel of our own
smen who can and will vote bere
In the city and State. In numbers
it more then doubled the Wide
Awake proeemion, thre being,
upon the loweet estimate, from
twenty-five to thirty thoanmad men
in line, in elms, vim and enthe
sisem, It was unequaled. Cheer
ing and cheered, it swept through
the atret a mass of 'igbts, men,
musie, cannon flgs, treneparencies,
tableau, fireworke tand banner, In
desoribably imposing and tem shouts
whih everywhere responded to
the cheers of the clubs from the
thousands who lined the streete
showed that the Union men outside
time procession were so numerous
that the thousands In line were
hardly missed. The crowds upon
the sidewalks were unequaled even
at the Prime of Walre' reception,
and so overflowed the streets that
the procession could hardly pans,
the men obeesig and the ladies
waving their handkerebief. As
the various companies pamed the
Herald office on their return, they
cheered tremendously. If the light
from those countless torches could
illumine all minds; if all would
keep step to the mues of the
Union; If all our voters would
come forth, like the minute med of
"10, at the signal of danger to the
Union, Black Republican fanti
cisem would tbe rebuked, the Wide
Awake torobes quenched, national
coneervatiem once more rule the
land, and none need four for the
safrety of our country and oar
whole country.
CEAMca roa A Snmcuro..
The followig appears i the Wek
imgoa Coaimntio :
To is sld.--By virte de a distral
in favor of G. Hiomaeir agast
the ods aed ehadali c me Pre.
Brok e der A. Ei. L. Kern will
.1l on Tuesday mornit mut, at
hlias tee e'esloek. i Ifrest I th
Bk o Washiugtom, the folleirg
menagerie: One wolf, e owl, em
meran, two wild eats, three 'e
east, two meeys, ue Seouth Amer0
leacaiurel, eight eges, thm e pik
M , wo white mie, oem dram n-d
- oumntargsts
a. Trouble has get late th a
birs c the Nw Yrk 8p6ir8 of IA.
2su, the well knowhn poal jor
CmpsLnte is made by anemothe -
riel em tha p s is mJ t eui
mi M umish mwe te he ir
I. fut ae Whttmma. isaib.
tine Leae stgmuh
om the "mgmrm of e temmb
boA/ te areopliarý l
1! t e bs tet h a ea! hes Arr
lih fro anot Rlowern m cffi hemn
And arm nor'.. bathb moao the t,
oatr hiwt,-fId troll[ the ae" ba Hew.
Mh. lef te, whet the Alutmn's wind.
l. s j tbeif MNA con da al.inr *of ;
When f..,l Is lease. began Ltoll
A admomme' Rowe abad pal.e] Pad goao.
II fl.d, whom other wachiere Pp sad
it w ltd for tus murn.me blNmi
O hea to wIt t them tlt getºIsi .Frm,
Wheae en .a,,er's boas. s veva- buss.
lrin a " *be 'ma, she left boli'd,
Tw'red ornroderrhesrtlaaiodeiei'*lS,
Thy.. 'mathee far o'er 'and and aar,
A º' weetlyr drew. he i,'o agias.
Me northern snows-ne wlsdrt Is,~
Ca breakt at ilm then Huw h stI o go
Atoerd her hert and ounr thte weave,
Is many a warm and glitt1Irng fold.
Amil 1 the aL:el anew.-eownerl hille,
lt my own cold rnd rti'' lend.,
of memory 'lnoge' eh.'1aherlmle,
IVI %r. 'r )gjg " Aol &brif.b
"B1eerlilire'" home Is .rigs. we If ito,
And em~t ird wa ,i i, 1 4 i. fledrwoir ;
Afoot .west -h o ev "r :'' ,y o. the Rower.e
'ITha bloom In desa hIimam mse. Y -lare.
111rt wheo the weltiIng buds In tl.rIng,
Plhll oil that to I ' rt,," aetn r
Oat Rl01l'KIia to her neat tyros! r" r
A id '. her wtnra, to r oer tem ,r.
Labe Otae. Out. 13l0.
!IU'lA(l AA NO1 I U LP .
I. 0. 0. t.
at tt.Ir 1,4419M0 m em Ma. u trme last of the
v 0. llIt.em.
era '.6 ew ounmr, UmamW.1.
I. theC ii,.' e It 4nr 'n N e, ti
CRA1.5lP lift i) .T, .O?.6'*. fuse.
S .I '1 1in 11,1 ito .p 01 ' be pie m'. te
ado *0 the mae,. ow hie stamd eroib
3ot'm'rrd ' aimt.
'e fO'ade of ant.. AND 35't11'7'Im th'a
sad the ra'f' ' #0'"h. ors. hetm r t attend'
oviu ss1m toqm1a A'oIf
Uvra NUVltt rt4 now lbUlli~d
'r in uvn Uuwini~i MWr MOWEU
I I" 'lmea~mepel4Imm bleWtmni7, M edamh
Sihe D/ bernue *mmtmi to the 4aaaauitommmihs.
1t a acrs od revs of bltde Pm'vhtoare, ago N
a mewledgo the tm.'amtaIbsI wisdse.seem )m
mA a ies i.msesa-4 mo abrma,.. a, Hint
semam. s peo raot felo hent. mmd mompmetva
prmq~er~l to gm' egro,.. the fear Asting.. Pa."
Na the 'upam. hugo" of stml. bemt',ea and em.
Amdae m has been emsamaen a to IM.sts to
f-10680 g a dbar ThamsbamlIvsm. therdet.I bowm
ib bIshpreset .m reme'menettIrIh
TUNVSUDAT the daBip etmoengbe,,
vets. bem ashe paml tor bepm.pcmme, sad "Whgist
to 're'me orfeIICreem sad demoLmatImma, the
ptp(ender of ~sps dl dwe !hatday ther angel
"slop" avet~s ht N t..y be d0sdlPt t d .a.
. ralhby N the werrble of crhtt ly gd
iss inlet my ban end lIst d7 the ummo
IWt IfS din efletae, ue. sad mh'h Is.
depamd.mwatit. Vattd b tea of hAmiais,
'ItheAi THOAO. Moosm.
1. EmWnvm MA.P m, A 'mlami· o eate
PTATK OF 1. 'U "IA-A- I'r, n'; Pnat
Hawnorm I ti'po-ttuintb .1n4100, 1le
(.oar[.-1n ºne nat.sr f " 'et'rsse:. ~
o. 'r apd Lrang., dreosar'. 1o. 4i63
P 'oba' e.
iW H U A11 M .1'..a Lan"ve., of t:.
rancih of Knat llan.. Iion"e., he'
thim day f'.d In adid Cotrl en a', "..la
Won payrlirmto hea,5vmn.r.l a'tmtn'o annrm
of .nullI(a.0'..
no ;r'e I. he eby given to o-t ,I '.'0a in
t eme d to mbow, em m(17 a 'tt.ey can)
witb' h ten drm ºr iem tre .ft "'chi:
Von of III.' n'oe.ee, why sod a;, n.110. le
ahorld ct beg 6,612d.
0iv et a atr my bend mad lie oeal of
makl OooPtlOtblatdal of c1 obh, A.
o~.etd Clerk.
TEN fliiiS'3 ITOh .
I Tm msa Jat, uIJ sav the ent.r
Obae milk f taw n,,ae wmed s
I_________ YhY Seamsk, r
ridtnt~mma ae oo.'sr~ci
_ _ _ _ ?aalm WeanOl r4Lrll d
T~hliam enve a ma on .1 saIl.
Cheille · L~r bawle at65MatswethPS
heth ~~lea'wa in u.e e vaJvmdam mlrt
be eImamd oat in~ amb aeS k
cone Lafapes ll~ 1n Lentitm
We~ Em mi~lCLmihJ!Zaeu
u~enS. k ab
kr a ol. Pa. wwuI·~
·Ircrw·ct hlqgsaenrim
TO O.e.
d.,lrr n
lM IbrN
mb I ral
..IM ýy~ drse..
es'slf No" nf-Aons
hal..~ F, Okosees
-ai-º I. t .
IEi' aNigssi"Nal lb
NOVPo M1 , s00e,
-'3-3,0910 01.~ Mu~huLo'
Dut t104ee b mis~ b ss
.sIi lhA. UomSif/.
9"s r oo W A,. haLMMI
.Lf 03bn 4. g IM IMI.Ir er , lw
It. 1ib* Wds A1b... g
.* akeaplef lt ..oM i h seel.,..
itasoII free suOIs~Inmm, E
Ner 1 s. . wkb " . 1 eell. e aol.
Ian orr o o* ltttt e. Ylrta.
Abo aisis dl8z. A , a ussIt
uk IA.. a"mM ieWr0
li N...,WINO 0. Ma
1Iw.arMM R ..a beM as
. IM M =,ý r L r LIrrr
r..IN t qsta
I HA UM1 M whicw
s b.;t .uafmIM etktgi d M egeafodM.r.se..u
and at an pri.sm.
raw& A&3laaNG~ mmmN~f
.54 ..wt sole. e dad is.,e, "a !
Nse -"*Ism sa"
M0ta9 f 1 0 M qý
lrr u a 1 idler 1.1M ý *
obwdmecmssee is h
w%"fill N. /. "Btu".
1.k, * SILOIMF* Olr '.1101N
1 I V . DAYg.
W MoUaA WAltiI at-n DIA1m S Ul
goos. 0n.wtmuo, foaw ama flee..
W X014ehave to aferm .p tsellrd.
.ad LLs e p rl. Is geasg lt k we
are new prepseed Ie efa a 17 flse sad
magslwasa ht ey 6e, eeý. sl
lag Is 0b1 Its of AwU~i,
Cssoo0r , ei lsos LIlelmsflubad
f1ke shadKmm~~hra~
I k. I oe , 11 ql
at..,afa. aft wini be "i tw
al aann, a 99''--r
duslad a 800 rsu.
DAyL6EIrt 3R I1MW *o "
OU FALLp~ ash bufii booj
W;OO LOHIG mrm( ...
oetao. SnylrO o
W~~ I av lslyesioda ey ste
iv00. Seek IUof
wbeke b atebIcwe inmkeleu.
U1 116101 0k falsest.,
Sle ash eOIYsd 351 vt Yost.
Cuslonor oIsoIeI m~kd Noa Jckt.
MadagasN saafybe.flk01 ek er
ibm as very is SginU s Ibeefre
sll um. emhisslsi YWYN ata~r
~~ Jn~r~
wuis~amsm be l mir o~

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