EL PASO HERALD News Of the Great Southwest Thursday October 13, 1910. PIONEER CITIZEN OF SILVER CITY DIES 4 News Of the Great Southwest ns ----v, fr ,.,i BABY'S PICTURE baby's picture ought to be taken now. His summer outing has done him good and his picture of healthy, happy baby hood will delight the admiring relatives, who perhaps, have never seen him. Then, j too, now is a good time to have fotografs made, while the bustle of Christmastide I still in the remote distance. -i VIH Of eoorse, baby's picture most be a Feldinsn Fotograf. Kbt only will we be s3Ie to catch Baby in his sweetest and most natural pose but the exquisite finishing, i&e artistic workmanship that 5s expressed in a -Feldman Fotograf it doubly valued. FELDMAN'S 308 San Antonio SMALJj BOYS AT VAUGHN CONSTRUCT A RESIDENCE Cattle Skipped -to Kansas City Market; Old. Residents Move to St. Louis; Couple Jf srrles at Tacumcari. Vaughn, X. M, Oct. 13. J. P. Will iams has shipped from his San Pablo ranch 12 carloads of cattle to Kansas City. There is in Vaughn a four room adobe house not unlike a score of others in town, but this special one is being- built by a trio of lads all under 17 years of age. Kenneth, Charles, and T,heodore Crawford are the build ers. They made the blocks and set them up, their father gave a little in struction in carpentering, but left them to really do the work, and it is surprisingly well done. A. E. Stone and Miss Bessie Reagan both of this place, were married at Tucumcari. Mr. ana Mrs. Reed of Illinois are here with their daughter, Mrs. J. E. Stuart, who is very silk. Mr. and Mrs. French left for St. Louis, where they will reside in future. Xrewis Simpson who has been absent several months in Kansas, is home. A good rain fell here. Searching Parties Still Loo For Missing Man in the Hills. Silver City, X. M., Oct. 13. George EL Bell, one of the largest property owners and a resident here since 1SS0, died in a local hospital after a brief illness. Deceased was born in Ohio, but located in Sherman, Texas, when a young man. During the exciting In dian raids in the early 80s, he came to this city with -a band of young men, .fighting his way through much hos'tile Indian country. He was at one time engaged in business in El Paso. He owned a large group of mining claims in the Burro mountain mining district, a cattle rancn just jbelow Tyrone, and the Bell business block in this city. He was prominent as an Elk and was buried by that order. Still Search for Hasserty. Searching parties are still in , the Pinos Alias hills hunting for Michael Hagg-erty, who mysteriously disap peared from his home there over one week ago. Leaving a letter with Hon. F. J. Davidson, which he requested him not to open until the following day, Haggerty went to his nome, left his watch, personal effects and clothing, and has not since been seen. Upon opening the letter, Mr. Davidson found that it was m the nature of a will, leaving all his property, which is con siderable, to young Roland Davidson, upon the proviso that his legatee pay off a small indebtedness at the David son store, and further saying he was going away and would not return. No clue has been found, but the friends of the pioneer resident believe tnat he has committed suicide back in the mountains. Dies In San Francisco. A telegram received here announces the death of Mrs. Laura A. Newcomb, wife of judge "William H. iewcomb, of this city, in a hospital in San Francisco, where she had undergone a surgical operation a few days ago. Mrs. Xew comb -was prominent in this city, where she had resided for many years anu was a most estimable lacy, .tier re- i mains will be brought nere for inter ment. Judge Newcomb is a leading citizen of this county and of the terri tory, and prominent as a Republican leader, t Hardware Store Robbed. The (hardware store of W. W. Still well was broken into ty a Mexican, who secured a sixshooter and soon aft erwards attempted to hold up a bunch of his fellow citizens, at the point ot the stolen gun. Deputy sheriff Dickin son was soon on the scene and an arrest followed. I ncrease irculation 20TH AlOTEVERSARY IS CELEBRATED PLAN SPEEDWAY FROM HOUSTON TO GALVESTON. Fiaest AHto Course In the "World to Cexraect the Two Sonth Texas Cities. San Antonio, Tex., Oct. 13. Texas plans to have the finest auto speedway in the world. It will be built between Houston and Galveston at a cost of $500,000. The road will be 100 feet wide, fenced the entire way, built on rock foundation and covered with shell. The course is to be an air line and over 40 miles long. Such -a course of fers to racing machines the greatest opportunities imaginable, affording a race course of 40 miles straightaway, tnence across Galveston county's $1 500,000 causeway to Galveston's unpar alleled beach, where a straightaway course of 30 miles Is again offered. Gal veston and Houston counties, assisted by the auto dealers and manufacturers are expected to furnish the money for the proposition. A small toll will be charged to those who use the road in order to insure an income on the investment. BREAKING IT ALL OVE Well Known Clifton Couple Receive the Cordial Con gratulations of Many Friends. Clifton, Ariz., Oct. 13. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Abraham' celebrated the 20th anniversary of their wedding. Mrs. Abraham entertained tne ladies with an afternoon card party, progressive hearts was played at 14 tables, punch and bonbons were dispensed during the game. Miss Katharine Tuttle received the first prize, a Japanese china tea service; Miss Backstein 'second, a set of china cups and saucers; Mrs. 'J. R. Todd third, china bread and butter plates; Mrs. George Chase, consolation, china vase with a smiling Biliken sit ting at the base, wishing the fair pos sessor a better fortune. The veranda was beautifully decorat ed with huge bunches of chrysanthe mums, Japanese parasols, fans, lanterns and crepe paper ribbons. The color scheme, pink, lavender and yellow, was clevely worked out, even to the re freshments. A delicious repast was served; the napkins had red hearts at tached with many pretty toasts written by the hostess. Souvenirs were china swans in which the cream was served. Tally cards with small many colored fans attached and small candy boxes representing white volumes, made more realistic with the title in gold, "Mar ried Life." The plates were garnished with fresh carnations and pink chrys anthemums. The ladies paid their host ess a charming compliment by wearing all new and handsome gowns made for the occasion, she terself being gowned in white silk triauied with real Val enciennes lace. Mrs. Abraham was assisted by Miss Abraham in pink silk, and Miss Dilli ner in a white hand embroidered dress. Twenty years being the china wed ding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. ADra ham received many beautiful, and valu able gifts as they were all handpaint ed, and also many telegrams of con gratulations from friends and relatives that could not be present. Both previous, to and during the El Pasp Fall Fair & Ex position, The Herald can be depended upon to carry everything connected with this big event. In The Her ald will.be found a complete directory of both the Fair and El Paso's representa tive business establishments IN addition to its splendid circulation of over 12,000 daily, The Herald has made arrangements, through its network of out-of-town agents, to distribute extra copies. This is done both in the interests of Herald advertisers and to boost the Fair. A Fair Edition Saturday DVANCE advertising, being recognized as an im portant factor in getting business, The Herald will issue next Saturday, Oct. 15th, a splendid Fair Edition. This Edition will cover the El Paso territory like a blanket. Not to be represented in this issue next Satur day will be poor business policy if you are looking- for increased business during Fair week. ESER VE SPA CE AT ONCE If you have not already done so, reserve your space at once, for this Edition will be a representative one. In case you have not been solicited, telephone 116, Bell, or Automatic, 1115. , - to the best method for protecting it against Injury from exposure to the air, which causes it to begin to disintegrate. Supervisor Bennett has had most of the streets in the closely built sections of Roswell carefully shaped up with the street grades and it has made a wonderful improvement in tne appear ance of the town, as well as given au tos and other vehicles a much smoother surface to travel over. Fine baled grama hay has been on the Roswell market for the past 10 days or two weeks, as a result of the timely rains this region had in the lat ter part of the summer. Stockmen say there will be fine winter pasture over the greater portion of the range country- , City attorney H. M. Daw has gone to Santa Fe to argue "the sprinkling case" before judge Frank W. Parker for the city, M. S. Bateman, the plain tiff representing himself. The Union Central Life Insurance company has bought 160 acres of land four or five miles west of Dexter, for $8000. PECOS VAIiliEY EDITORS ENTERTAINED AT CLOVIS THROUGH MISTAKE lhrh?fs SI "? t(LJXe BRIGHT JS SHOT AT VYUiiUCiJ-Ui u.iJ.w .. .w., , Irken place here in the last three jtrars. Where only a short time ago the lone ranchman handled his cattle, now windmills, comfortable homes and prosperous farmers are found on every quarter section, all of which these edi tors will proclaim in their different newspapers, and Cloyis will be more than paid for her generous hospitality. RANCHMAN" AT VALENTINE INJURED BY HORSE'S FALTi BOUT Itched Dreadfully. When Scratched It would Bleed and Become Very Sore. Could Scarcely Sleep as the Itching was Worse at Night. Dreaded Putting Hands in Water. Used Cuticura Soap and Ointment 3 Weeks,. Trouble all Disappeared. "ome time ago I Tiad a breaking out all over my body. It first started like what we call goose flesh and itched dreadfully. "When I scratched it, it would bleed and become very sore. I tried al most everything for the itching but none gave me much relief. I could scarcely sleep as the itching was always worse at night. My hands were so sore I dreaded putting them in water and after I would wash dishes or do laundry work that required the use of other soaps they were always worse. This went on for about six months. Then I used Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment, and in two or three weeks the trouble all disap peared. I always found that my hands were worse (with a dry scale on them) after using any cheap soap but the Cuticura Soap produced such a soothing, feeling on my skin that ifca-as a pleasure to use it. I also know what wonders the Cuticura Remedies have done for a friend of mipe, so I would recommend them to any one. Mrs. Delaware Barrett, 611 King St., Wilmington, Del., Nov. 15, 1909." Cuilcnri tteinpdlps sold throughout the -world. Potter Drue f- Che-n Carv . Pole Props- Ecston. t .f-ilaiied Iree, 32-psse hoot on SUn Diseases. FILE PROTEST AGAINST ABANDONING DEEP WEDL. Tucumcnri Sends Delegation to Confer Wltk Officials of Railroad and Urjje Continuing Work. Tucumcari, N. M., Oct. 13. The Pro gressive society of San Jon, east of this city, on the Tucumcari & Memphis rail road, has sent a delegation to communi cate with the railroad officials to pro test against the abandonment of the deep well that was being put down at that place. The well in question was abandoned by the company because of the reports to the effect that salt wa ter had been struck. At last reports no word had been received from the company. It is expected that a fine flow of artesian water will yet be de veloped, as the water is now standing but 40 feet from the surface of the hole. The well gang is now beginning a new bore nine miles from Tucumcari, where water is reported to be found at a shallow depth. J. D. IOvelady has had on exfnibition an immense centipede which wa3 caught at the high school grounds on Third street. The reptile is nearly sev en inches long and half an inch thick, and very vicious. The "Woman's Home Mission of the M. E. church, south, is 'navlng a series of rummage sales at the Hittson build ing during the fair. The Tucumcari Telephone company has ndded nearly 50 names to the di rectory since the publication of thej last list, September 1. It is under stood that some new improvements are being considered. Annual Meeting: of Association Proves Profitable and Enjoyable Occasion. rinria. "T. M.. Oct. 13. The Pecos Valley Press association, which has en- sister. Miss Miriam Moore Cattle Buyers in the Valentine Valley Numerous; Many Visitors in the Town: Personals. Valentine, Tex., Oc. 13. Richard Prince, of the Kelly .ranch was badly injured by a horse throwing hm. Sev eral deep gashes were cut in the back of his head. Mrs. P. M. Smith is visiting her daughter Mrs. Van Neil, at her ranch. Mrs. A. S. Stewart and children are visiting El Paso friends. J. E. Hanson and O. TV Wadenphohl, forlo of San Antonio, are here buying cat tle for local markets. Henry C. A. Torrey, of Charleston, S. C, is visiting C. E. Couring. C. M. Rozell, of Hutchinson, Kans., is in Valentinue hunting a location. Mrs. R. X. Everett is visiting her BONE OF MASTODON IS DISCOVERED NEAR ROSWELD. Is Found In Grand Pit, Ten Feet Be neath he Surface, by C. S. Brewster. Roswell, N. M., Oct. 13. The thigh bone of a mastodon or behemoth has been discovered by Charles S. Brew ster while taking 'gravel from a pit 10 feet deep. The bone is 54 inches long, weighs 75 pounds and has a cir cumference of 20 inches at the smallest point and 36 at the largest, and is fair ly well preserved. Mr. Brewster has It buried at his home, awaiting instfuc- 1 tions from some competent source as rolled 30 or more editors, besides many other prominent newspaper men, con vened in Clovis. Many visitors also were present from the diferent towns in this section, making the meet the largest held in the history of the asso ciation. The editors were entertained under the auspices of the chamber of com merce, which had made every prepara tion for a grand welcome for these rep-T-p.5fntRtives of the press. The association was called to order f at the chamber of commerce rooms oy the president, J. M. Wood, editor of the Lakewood Progress. Various com mittees were appointed and other busi ness transacted, after which J. D. Whe lan, editor of the Artesia Advocate, talked for an hour in the interest of newspaper laws for the new state. At 8 p. m. a public session was held and William Robinson, editor of the Roswell Register-Tribune, lectured on "My Brother." He discussed the edi- j torial department from an ethical standpoint in a scholarly ana iorcei-in manner. The Banquet. The meeting then adjourned and all repaired to the banquet hall of the Gran Quivera. The tables were deco rated with a profusion of American beauty roses and smilax. Menu cards appropriate for the occasion were sup plied. Covers were laid for 50 guests, who, listening to the beautiful strains of the ILeebert orchestra, enjoyed a ten course luncheon, served in the style that has made Fred Harvey famous. JmlKe Bayne Toastmaster. Judge R. A. Bayne, of Clovis, was toastmaster. The wit and humor of his remarks and of the different toasts, whiled away the hours until the early morning. The Closing Session. The last session addresses were made by J. E. Curren, of Clovis, Leroy P. Loomis, editor Texico Trumpet, B. F. Harlow, manager Roswell Printing company, and Hon. J. W. Mullens, of Roswell, and officers were elected and the place for the meet next, year cho sen. 1 ft The association then adjourned Mto takda jt3& xideover the plalns"3ff the I J. F. and R. N. Everett have sold seven cars ' of cattle to TR. H. Bigham, of Merkel, Tex. Mr. and Mrs. O. I White, of Lobo, are at the home of Mrs. Lou Foley. Mrs. White is very ill and is under the care of a physician. R. A. Werth, of El Paso, Is visiting friends in Valentine. E. D. Berry, of Fort Stockton, is here calling on Valentine friends. Rev. L. R. Milllgan, of Alimore, con ducted services in the Union church. He is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. McAnelly. R. B. Trent, of Alpine, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. L,ou thian. J. D. L.add, of Chicago, is here look ing after the interests of the experi mental farm. moving train, a passenger, who had neglected to get off when the train stopped, rushed for the platform and for the present season. At prevailing prices in Texas this will bring the farmers fully $100,000,-000. This crop RANCHMAN LOSES HOME BY FIRE NEAR ALAMOGORDO, N. M. Alamogrodo, N. M., Oct. 13. The home of Milton Phillips, on his ranch northeast of town, was totally destroy ed by fire. The house was valued at $2000, and the loss was covered by In surance through the Menger agency for $1500. G. M. Tower and W. A. Hickman re turned Saturday from Albuquerque, where they have been in attendance on the grand lodge Knights of Pythias. W. Li. Shaw has returned from Albu querque, where he has been attending the great council of Red Men of New Mexico for several da3rs. M. H. Fisher returned to his home in Denver, Colorado, after spending some time here. Mr. Fisher formerly resided aU this place and was the own er of the Alamogordo Electric Light conipany for several years. W. H. Miller has returned to Alamo gordo for the winter. Mr. Miller has resided here for many winters and while here is engaged in doing all kinds of cement work. Mr. and Mrs-. Robert G. Mullen of El Paso, Texas, stopped off on their re turn from St. Joseph to spend the day with their many friends. E. Wiggles, wife and daughter,, of San Antonio, stopped off on their 're turn from Cloudcroft to" spend a few days. Bisbee Man Thinks Shot Was Intended for Some one Else. Bisbee, Ariz., Oct. . 13. Superintend ent M. Bright of the Warren ranch, a member of tne posse which captured some horse thieves in Mexico a few weeks ago, was shot at while driving at a slow trot towards Bisbee. Though the snots were fired at close range. Bright was not hurt and he declared, on reaching this town, that he thinks the persons who fired mistook him for somebody else. Miss Mary Miller and James F. Bur nett of Douglas, both 22 years old, who came to Bisbee to see the" ball game, instead of returning to the Smelter City with the fans, went to Tombstone. from where they surprised their fam- ! lhes and friends by announcing that they had been married. The couple, after being assured of their , parents approval, left for Douglas shortly after the wedding. Superintendent Alex. Erickson of the Empire State mine, who had his leg amputated some time ago as the result of a runaway accident, died Sunday night from the effects of cancer, of the stomach. Frank White, a pioneer of this dis trict, 70 years oM, died at the county hospital Monday morning. M. Marcovitch, the Slavonian who was taken into custody on account of insanity, was hurried to the county hospital, where he is dying from the effects of nervous collapse. An inquest was held over the body of the infant son of O. W. Wylie, who was found dead in his bed Sunday morning:. The coroner's inauest Droved that the little one had died suddenly, J death being due to natural causes. Charles Keller and M. Nellivoich were the victims of accidents, the former at i the Holbrook and the latter at the Oli- t ver shaft. They were conveyed to the J hospital. Napoleon Lewis was for the third time arrested near Fairbanks and finally taken to the county jail, after j two sensational escapes from the 'offi cers' clutches. Lewis succeeded in eluding officer Trotter a week ago and on being rearrested jumped from tpe train while they were taking him to the county jail. The police of all towns were notified and he was finally captured. M. Lampi was arrested and held on $1000 bail for alleged threats against his wife, who lives separated from him. Mrs. Lampi narrowly escaped death a few days ago from a mysterious dyna mite explosion in her kitchen. Searches are being made here to ar rest George Lee, the negro who is charged with having robbed the Vir ginia hotel 'in Benson, and is said to be iniding in Bisbee. Subpoenas were served on a large number of local people to do duty as grand jurors at the coming term of court, which will open next week. accidentally bumped into Rasbach, who j will not supply half the needs of the fell between the moving train and the platform, sustaining internal injuries from which he died six hours later. Rasbach was 68 years old and before coming to the isthmus was a conduc tor on the Interoceanic railroad, and prior thereto was employed on the Mexican Central as a conductor. He was well known among railroad men throughout Mexico and southern Tex as. His only relative in Mexico is a nephew, who is living here. The body was buried in Rincon Antonio. TEXAS CORN CROP THIS YEAR IS A RECORD BREAKER. Be Estimated Now That Crop "Will Fully 175,000,000 Bushels In State. San Antonio, Tex, Oct. 13. The corn crop of Texas this year will break all previous records, despite the rather severe drouth. It is stated that tne crop will be fully 175,000,000 bushels state, a. great deal having to be brought m every year from Missouri, Iowa, an.l other states. A systematic effort, through boys' com clubs, is being made to encourage the farmer in Taising more corn and the effect is being felt. The average yield per acre of corn in Texas is not over 30 bushels. This estimate is based on figures compiled by R R Dorsej-, former president and secretary of t?neTexas Grain, Dealers association. ADDITIONAL 50TJTJBCWEST ' NEWS ON PAGE NINE, 4- The best plaster. A piece of flannel (lauiycucu kv i.ii vuiuuucriiuu s jiuxixicuu and bound on over the affected parts is superior to a plaster and costs only one tenth as much. Far sale by all dealers First National Bank Capital $ 600,000 Surplus and Profits 225,000 Deposits 3,500,000 We cordially invite new business connections. Our new savings department pays 4 percent on deposits. OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 8 O'CLOCK. C S. MOREHEAD, President. 6XC. D. 7L0Y, Caafcier. JOSEPH MAGOFFIN, V. Prea. C. K. BASSXTT Vies Pri. L. J. GILCHRIST, Asst Cash. State National Bank ESTABLISHED APRIL, 1S81- CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND PROFITS, $175,000. A Legitimate Banking Business Transacted in All Its Braacheo. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR MEXICAN MOlfUY. I I WELD KNOWN CONDUCTOR KIDDED AT LAGUXAS, MEX. C. D. Rasbach Sustains Injuries From Which He Die In a Few Hours. JLincon, Antonio, Oax., Ilex., Oct. 13. C. D. Rasbach. a conductor on the Tehuantepec National railroad for the past three years, was killed at Lacu nas, a small station on this line. Ras bach had signaled h,is train to start and just as he was ' stepping on his Rio GrandeValley Bank & Trust Co. W. W. Turney, Prest. ' S. T. Turner, Vice Prest. W. Cooley, V. P. & Mr. "V. E. Arnold, Cashier. F M. Murchison, Asst. Cashier; H. E. Christie, Secy. CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND PROFITS $150,000 GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED SAVINGS DEPARTMENT OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO OUT OF TOWN ACCOUNTS U. S. CITY NATIONAL BANK EL PASO, TEXAS. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY Capital, Surplus and Profits, $350,000 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: Stewart Frank Powers C. H. Leavell H. J. Simmons A. G. Andreas W. B. Latta B. Blumenthal J. F. Williams H. M. Andreas J. H. Mav YOUR BANKING BUSINESS IS RESPECTIVELY INVITED HBHBaiBBaMHBBHBHteaBBHaHBBmMMHHiaaaBHaHHi