OCR Interpretation

El Paso herald. (El Paso, Tex.) 1901-1931, November 30, 1910, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88084272/1910-11-30/ed-1/seq-1/

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El Paso's Rapid Grovth
Official United States Census.
Population 1910 39,279
Population 1900 15,906
Population 1890 10,338
El Paso, Texas,
Wednesday Evening
November 30, 1910-16 Pages
"8Bt B t
: - ! .
Macao, Island of Macao, Xov. 30. Portuguese troops of the local garrison and the creiv of the Portuguese
ennboat Patrla revolted last night and took possession of the city.
They marched "to Santa Clara convent and ordered the nuns to leave the island. The nuns fled to Hong:
Kong. , y
Tire rebels then marched to the government house, forced an audience -with the governor and compelled him
to grant their demands, which vrere expulsion of the religious orders, increased pay for the army and navy, the
suppression, or the newspaper VIda Nora and the righting of other alleged wrongs of the soldiers and sailors.
Hong Kong, China, Nov. 30. Advices from Macao say that foreigners are safe. The Chinese shops are closed.
Cattlemen Will Have Every
Comfort While Spend
ing Year in Jail.
Omaha, Neb., Nov. SO. W. G. Corn
stock, Bartley R- Richards, Charles
Jamison and Aquila Triplett, million
aire cattlemen of Nebraska, convicted
in the federal court of fencing gov
ernment lands, and sentenced to a.
year in the county jail, after spending
a month visiting various county jails
of the state, departed last night for
There they Trill become inmates of
the Adams county jail. "With them
they 'took a Japanese chef, who will do
their cooking.
This week they ordered expensive
furniture and carpets sent to the
Hastings jail as furnishings for their
In addition a, large library has been
sent out and they have subscribed for
a number of daily papers and many
magazines. "
The windows of the cells have been
hung with expensive lace curtains.
New Tork,N. 1, Nov. 30. James J.
Gallagher, who shot mayor W. J. Gay
nor last August, was arrajgned before
judge Blair in Jersey Citybn a charge
of atrocious assault with intent to kill
street commissioner "Big Bill" Ed
wards of New York, who was with
mavor Gaynor at the time, and with
carrying concealed weapons.
It developed today that prosecutor
Garvan intended to keep in reserve the
charge against Gallagher of intent to
kill mavor Gavnor. as under the New
Jersej law, should the victim die with- j
in a. year and a day, the charge ot
murder will lie against tiauagner. j
POLICE ST4TIOX JjFVEUP I - confess I do not know absolutely
ODERGOEs' SOME CHANGES. I whether I reached the pole or not Tnis
.... ,. .,. j may come ai air amaring statement,
Assistant chief of police WJ J. 3 en bur j am -ming to startle the world,
Eyck is again on duty at night, lut j lf bv so'doing I can gt an opportunity
is assisted by sergeant W. P. Roberts, t lo present mv case not as a geograph
who has-been in charge while Mr. Ten j ioal aiSCOVerei but as a man."
Eyck has been working days. Ser- j Cook declares that at the time he
geant I.,N. Davis, who has been wotk- J convinced himself he had discovered
ing nights, has been transferred to the tne pole, he had spen.. two years in his
day shift. Chief of police Jenkins has j quest, during that time enduring hun
returned from Los Angeles and is also er privation taat he says would
at the station the greater part of the unbalance any mind,
day Officer Lon Garner, who has j Most of the Dime during his exile, Dr.
been 111. has returned to work. ! Cook has been in London. "I have been
Dallas. Texas,. Nov. 30. Little pro- '
gress was made this morning in the '
trial of Fred Fleming, charged with' i
receivinig deposits when he knew uhe
Western Bank and Trust Co., of which his history and says that to him the
he was president, was failing. Thirty- nonor of discovering the north pole no
six i-ien were examined in an effort to longer means anything. He has been
secure jurors, all except nine being j working on the story since latft August
challenged for cause. Judge R. B. i and, according to the editor of Hamp
Seav ordered 100 talesmen for tomor- j ton's magazine, "his sole desire is to
row and adjourned court. make the people of the United (States
j realize just -what he went through dur-
BEWLEY JURY UNABLE TO I '"S his two and a half years In the
AGREE AND IS DISCHARGED. -Arctic fastness and make them see
-c r-rt- i .r. -v- n rr.i. what processes of thinking or lack of
Fort Worth. Texas Nov. 30.-The j tninki it was tnat led bim to do
jury in federal court today which j the thi hich conflred to the aver-
heard the case of S. B. Bewley, charged . mnu tue vor,t tiSpicions against
with using the mails to defraud in J ,. '
writing a letter to J. A. Kemp, -a
-wealthy "Wichita. Falls citizen, demand
ing $10,000 on a threat to kidnap his
son, was today discharged by judge
"William B. Sheppard, the jurors being
unable to agree. EigRt were for ac
quittal and four for conviction.
A false alarm telephoned to the Cen
tral fire station Tuesday night caused
a. run to the corner of Mesa and Boule
vard where, failing to fine a fire, the
firemen circled he block and returned
to the station. The fire department
has secured the number of the tele
phone from wJiich the alarm was sent
it, and arrests may follow. It is said
the alarm was telephoned in from East
El Paso.
"Waxahqqhie, Tex., Nov. 30. The jury
in the district court this morning con
victed Joe Walter of manslaughter and
fixed his penaltj' at four years in the
penitentiary. He was charged with
shooting and killing Richard Lee in"
the western part of Ellis county on
May 30. Walter claims Lee- insulted
his wife.
San Francisco, CaL, Nov. 30. The
state supreme court today reversed
the judgment in the trial court in thy
case of Louis Glass, former vice presi
dent and general manager of the Pa
cific States Telephone and Telgraph
company, convicted of having bribed a
member of the Schmitz board of super
visors. A new trial was ordered.
BIsbee, Ariz.. Nov. 30. Jesse "Wells, a shift boss, was burned to death
yesterday as a result of an explosion at the boarding house of the Exten
sion ialn,e, Vi miles from Bisbce. caused by ponrlns oil into a stove. Her
bert McCutcheon. a miner, endeavoring to rescue him. was severely burn,cd.
Telephone communication could n ot be had and help reached "Wells only
after McCutcheon arrived in Bisbce.
Wells was found insane and died on the way to the hospital. The cook
hOHe and tents verc destroyed.
he will be willing to submit the ques
ExplOrer Say'S It- IS a Re- j tions of Itaritt reform to a referen-
gion of Insanity and He
Might .Be Mistaken. ,
New Tork, N. Y., Nov. 30. Dr. Fred
erick A. Cook, in an article which he
published in Hampton's Magazine, con
fesses that he does not know whether
he reached the north' pole or not.
Dr. Cook, Wno has been in hiding
more than a year, has informed the
editors of tuat magazine that he will
return to tho United States with his
wife and children December 22 n order
to spend Christmas here.
Dr. Cook states that it will be impos
sible for any man to demonstrate be
yond question that he has been to the
north pole. He characterizes tne re
gion as a. region of insanity, where one
cannot believe the evidence fathered by
hi own eyes.
"Did I get to the north pole?" he
c6ntinues. "Perhaps I " made a mistake
In thinking I did. Pe-haps I did not
make a mistake. After mature thought,
called the greatest liar in the world.
thi mo K mom'Uiental imposter in his-
in every undesirable way I stand
tory says Dr. C6ok. "I believe that
unique, an object of such suspicion and
vituperation as have assailed few men."
With this realisation. Dr. Cook wrote ,
Pear Fails to Comment.
"Washington, J). C, Nov. 30. Com
mander Robert E. Peary declined to
day to make any comment on Dr.
Cook's admission regarding the north
New York N. Y., Nov. 30. The steel
makers representing thtf leading manu-
facturing companies of the United
States met here today to discuss the
depressed condition of the steel trade
and decide whether or not to maintain
the present schedule of prices.
- E. H. Cary, charman of the United
States Steel corporation, said he is op
posed to cutting prices, as conditions
are no worse than In September.
Ji Sault Ste Marie, Mich., Nov. 4"
i- 30. Three of the crew of the "5
4 tug "General" were drowned 5
today when the tug was sunk
in a collision with the Canadian J
v Jfacinc steamer .VLiiu.ua.scu, oit f
j Jt Lime island. 4"
4, 4.
f- - -5- 4- 4- S-
Washington, D. C.,- Nov. 30. The
population of Tennessee is 2,1&4,789, sfa.
increase of 164,173, or 8.1 percent, over
1900. The population of Minnesota is
2.075.07S, an increase of 324,314, or 1S.5
percent, over 1900.
li 11 UUllULuuiUilu
"DTI?!?1"!? T"NTn TTRT 1?f'B
Will Be Given a Chance to
Vote Upon the Tariff
London, Eng., Nov. 30. The ac
ceptance by A. J. Balfour, leader of
the opposition in the house of com
mons of the policy of the referendum
in the case of the "tariff reform, has
given the campaign a new complexion.
In his address last night, Mr. Bal
focr announced that in the event of
I victory in the approaching election
The declaration was received with-
enthusiasm by the party, which think!
it will win votes in the north, c&er
; protection has not made the samt
headway as elsewhere.
Cabinet Officials Cut Their
Estimates That Much
in a Day.
"Washington, D. C, Nov. 30. A cut
ui t.uuu.uuu iu. csLiuictics ui Liie run-
ning expenses of the government dur-
ing the next fiscal year was reported state government continued nis eiec
to president Taft today as a result ol j tion and he has been in tranquil pos1
his ultimatum to various heads of de- session ever since, although the region
partme"hts at the cabinet conference may well be called a little dependent
yesterday. " republic rather than a part of Mex-
ico. .
CARNEGIE COMPANY SAVES ! "This territory Covers over 200 miles
ORE DUST IN BRIQUETS, f along the Big Bend county of the Rio
Pittsburg, Pa., Nov. 30. The Car
negie Steel companjficials fester
day saw the first briquet made from
ore dust at their special plant. The
briquet will be converted into pig iron,
and thus fs solved the conservation of
ore dust that heretofore has been
scattered by the winds over many
square miles of the Pittsburg district,
The discovers' means a saving of
"millions of dollars on what has here
tofore been accounted waste.
Baltimore, Md., Nov. 30. Measures
looking to a unification of the three
great branciiss of the American Meth
odists will be considered at a meeting j
here of the joint committee on federa
tion, composed of delegates from tha
Methodist Episcopal church, the Meth
odist Episcopal church south, and the
Methodist Protestant church. The ses
sions begin today.
!. f. 4-
41 Corunna, Spain. Nov. 30.
5" A wild gale caused heavy dam-
age to shipping along the coast 41
rt today. Coasting vessels cap- 3'
f sized and 16 persons were
S drowned. 4
4' 'l'-'4"S'i'
San Antonio, Tex.. Nov. 30. Three
hundred women, representing 275 clubs
are here attending the 13th annual
session of 'the Texas Federation of
Women's clubs, which convened this
morning, Mrs. S. J. "Wright, of Paris,
presiding. The entire day will be de
voted to child study. Compulsory
education and prison reforms also will
be considered.
Washington, D. C. Nov., 30. The
final report of the senate investiga
tions into charges that senator Lori
mer. of Illinois, was elected by corrupt
methods will be ready at the -end of
February, according to senator J. C.
Burrows, chairman of the committee
on privileges and elections.
Franklin,. Tex., Nov. 3(;. Joe Scha
fer, aged 20, who shot himself Monday
night because he was disappointed in
a love affair, died this morning at the
home of his parents, near Wheelelock. ui-v? "V, ""' .,l"ci "clc aB,e "
tti i .i ganlze the Chihuahua street cleaning
His sweeheart was present
death came.
ModernityHDivests EI Paso Of Okie Of
Its Institutions The Plaza Lounger
Twelve-Story Mills Building Throws a Shadow Into the Park and Runs Them Out.
es west side San Jacinto plaza;
also all other plaza benches in
radius of shadow cast by new Mills
building; reason, cold. Address Don
Crocodillo & Sister, agents, Alligator
pool, plaza.
This advertisement might well ap
pear, for the prestige gained in days
j nast by San Jacinto plaza is on the
wane. JModern business demands are
responsible and, as in so many other
Instances in the great southwest, ro
mance has been tramped upon and out
raged. No longer may health seekers, indi
gent and otherwise, sit on the west
side of the plaza on winter afternoons
and bask in the sun, for it's too cold;
for the same reason, they will no long
er sit on the west side benches and
watch women climb Into . street -cars
(now sing) "When the Win-try Bree
zes Blow." i
In ye olden days, San Jacinto plaza
was famed over two republics, from
Veracruz to Bangor, as the "one always
sunny spot in the Uuited States, but
Returned American, Famil
iar With- Conditions, Tells
of Chihuahua Situation.
A well known American who has
just returned from the portion of the
state of Chihuahua, Mexico, from
which troubles with the insurrection
ists are reported, gives some interest
ing information concerning the pres
ent insurrection and the discontent
preceding it.
-This man, who knows the country
thoroughlyand who is looked upon as
thoroughly reliable, said in an inter
view: "Revolutionary activity is -felt
throughout the state of Chihuahua.
San Carlos, opposite Lojlta, Brewster
county, Texas, and all of that vast ter
ritory lying between the Coahuila
boundry and the Rio Concho has been
in the hands of the opponents of the
government since June 21, 1909. In
fact when the mob put in Don Pre
j -.. "" .. .. ...
tonilo Estrada as jefe, municipal, the
i iranae, anu. mruugu mis regiuu ai ma
and munitions of war for the malcon
tents has been passing freely for at
least two years. It is also through
this country that the cattle and horse
thieves operating on both sides of the
river pass.
One Town Held by Government.
"The town of Ojnioga, opposite
Presiaio. Tex., is not in the hands of
the insurrectionists because the po
sition has no strategic value, and it is
not an open port ofer.try. It is rather
well guarded by rurales -and mounted
customs officers. Coyame, Cuchillo
j Parado, where Madero owns mines.
Jullnes, and San Paublo ve Mloque.
are well in the hands of the revolu
tionists so that they practically con
trol northeastern Chihuahua, north of
the central division
of the National
railways of Mexico.
"West of this point and covering the
northwestern part of the state the in
surrectionists are In undisputed con
trol of the towns along the line of the
Mexico North Western railway. Their
strongholds begin at the Chubiscar
dam three miles west of the city of
Chihuahua where they control the city
water supply. They are in possession
of El Fresno, El Fortin, Palomas.
Santa Isabel. San Andrea, Bustillos.
La Junta, Minaca, Bocoyna, on the
Kansas City'. Mexican and Orient rail
way, and Urique, near the Sonora bor
der; Guorrero, six miles north of Mi
naca and Temosachic.
Inxurrectox Are Massing.
"The concentration of insurrection
ary troops is talcing place and they
are being drilled for prompt action, so
state the insurrectos. They also say
that the movements that took place
at Puebla, Torreon, Parral and other
points were simply to force the gov
ernment to distribute its army over a
wide area where the soldier could be
reached by their agents. As it is well j
known that the Mexican army proper
is composed partially of ticket-of-leave
men from the penitentiaries of
the country their loyalty can not be
depended upon by the government.
They have the op tion t to serve in the
army, the penitentiary or go to the
insurrectionists. Outside of that fine
body of men known as the rurales,
Mexico will have no army if the In
surrectionists ajre once allowed to gain
one important and permanent victory.
The government cannot get support
outside of the cities and this only from
the store clerks and sons of the
wealthy land owners are people close
to the government.
"An effort was madebv Don Juan
,a r im, nwJTr- . , !
and Don Alberto Terrazas to raise
troop of volunteers, arid after five
(Continued on Page .Eleven.)
the founder of the plaza did not reck
on with the demands of El Paso's fu
ture citizens, for now, shortly after
noon, the sun crawls behind the 12
stories of Mills building and a cold,
crawly feeling creeps down the spinal
column of plaza loungers.
Gen. Mills Did It.
That Gen. Anson Mills did not think
6t the possible shadow effect when ho
let the contract for the 12 story build
ing is more than probable, but if 'he
did and purposes to annex the west
side of the plaza, the coup d'etat Is
about the smoothest worked In these
parrs for some years, for as 'a winter
assembly ground, the west side of the
.former sunny spot is not given serious
A time there was when the plaza
was crowded with loungers during all
the winter months, and back east
"they" still tell you "to go to that
.little park across the street from the
postoffice and you'll be sure to find
Jim." or was the name Pauline? Any
way, such directions in the future will
be about as valuableas a pocket edi
lion of a American-Spanish dictionary '
Mm) 9M
LLLU Dftblv
Reported That Diaz Intends
to Put Him in as Presi
dent to Appease People.
Mexico City, Mex., Nov. 30. It is
persistently rumored here that Gen.
Bernardo Reyes is to be. recalled from
Europe to become vice president, and
later president of Mexico. This, it is
believed, will quiet the present trouble.
Vice president Corral is a sick man. f
It is stated that his trouble is a very
serious affection of the stomach. He
plans to go to Europe for treatment,
and will soon ask for the necessary
It is said that Jose Ives Limantour,
finance minister of Mexico, who has
been in Europe for several months,
will retire from the cabinet on his re
turn to this republic Reyes and Li
mantour are bitter enemies, and nei
ther would consent to serve with the
other in the official familjr of Mexico.
Gen. Reyes is now in Paris. He went
to Europe after the Reylsta trouble
last year, at the request of president
Diaz, and presumably on a government
commission. The Reylsta trouble re
sulted from the desire of his followers
to see him made vice president in place
of- Corral. Some political rioting was
indulged in, and at one time serious
trouble semed imminent.
If Reyes is recalled and made vice
president, he will succeed Diaz as pres
ident of Mexico. It has been the gen
eral belief that in the event of Diaz's
j death he would return to Mexico to
battle for the presidency. Reyes has a
strong following and is popular wiin
the army. As minister of war, from
j 1900-to X9jtt2,-he introduced" many army
reforms and increased the pay of offi
cers and men. While he unquestion
ably lost prestige with some of his
followers by not making a fight for
the vice presidency, it is now felt gen
erally that he acted patriotically- in
refusing to promote civil strife.
If Diaz decides to make Reyes ice
president, Corral will resign and Reyes
will be appointed to fill out the term'.
It Is believed that such a course would
end all present unrest in Mexico.
Like Diaz, Reyes has an iron hand.
He showed it in the early days of hia
-administration as governor of Nuevo
Leon. As president of Mexico, he
could be depended on to preserve or-
All is quiet in the city of Chihuahua,
according to passengers on Wednes
day morning's National Railway, train.
No serious disturbances have been re
ported there since the battle Sunday.
The Mexico North Western line, which
runs westward into the territory hold
by the Insurrectos, has been opened
for traffic and the trains are unmo
lested for passenger travel, they say.
II. M. Gilbert, who came directly
frpm Parral, reports no more trouble i
there. He savs that n. lars.- number
of soldiers arrived this week, but re- 1
turned north, as they were not needed. '
Mexico City, Mex., Nov. 30. The sit
uation nas taken another turn in the
capital, so far as the attitude of the
press is concerned, and there is a
tendency to lay the blame of the re
cent sensationalism upon the govern
ment, and to make, in an indirect way,
a charge of censorship of the press
against the authorities. Unable to get
accurate news, the sensational press in
Mexico printed the wildest exaggera-
"""? n AT , , B l
would throw the blame on the govern
ment, claiming that It had no accurate
information and was forced to depend
upon such information as it couli ob
tain. This is today the new develop
ment of the Mr.iero situation.
G. B. Cady
to a tenderfoot, for neither Jim nor
Pauline will journey to San Jacinto $
plaza In winter afternoons. (Gee. it's
The Shadow's fcadlus.
Just how far the shadow will
eventually extend is a matter of con
jecture, but now it reaches to the alli
gator pool early In the afternoon and
the sun has not yet reached its south
ern route. Possibly bj- traversing the
realm of known and unknown equa
tions, and finding the value of N, the
exact shadow extension might be as
certained, but after that the ability as
it seems to tourists, of having a sun
that persists In rising and setting at
all points of the compass remains to
be considered.
As a result of the shadow, the win
ter quarters of the alligators are be
coming frigid and Don Crocodillo and
sister are becoming more particular
and less desirable. Accustomed to rise
late in th winter months, they will
hardly have time to take the noonday
sun bath before having to retreat. In
deference to that shaaow.
Vow, it's cold!
Many of Them Reported in "The Big Bend" Country
South of Marathon and Marfa, Where Activity Has
Been Rumored and Where There Are Very Few
Mexican Troops or Officials.
Marathon, Tex., io. 30. A party of hunter from the riwr report
heavy firing across the river In Mexico. They met many Texlcaas jcoingr
to the river who said the revolutionists would attack Botjuillas, Mexico,
shortly. . .
Boqnlllas is jnsi across the river- from the Texas 'aide.
A big fight south of the river in "the bg beiid coaBtry would fee n
surprise here, as Insurrectos have beeu reported as ctossihet the rlvr lata
Mexico for several weeks, and there are no Mexican rurales or troops -stationed
there, and only a few civil officers, maay of whom have already left.
I -
Alpine, Tex., Xoirm 30. Sheriff J. A. Walton and a nrauher of deputies
started out this afternoon by auto to go to the Chlsos xbIbcs, SO railes from
here, whre trouble Is expected with armed Mexicans.
R. S. Dod, state surveyor, who Is now at the Chlsos mines, telephoned
Nheriff "Walton that about 30 armed Mexicans are on tkls side of ifce harder
end that the people at the mines are very much excited.
It Is believed that tfeey are Insurrectos, who were driven to this side of
the border by the 3Icxlcan troops. It Is said they foajeat yesterday. Tfco
miners believe It Is the Intention of the Icsurrcctos to -rob the company
store. v'.
The miners are heavily armed aai are prepared to 'meet them.
Guadalajara, Mex., Nov. SO. A dy
namite bomb was found at the Insti
tute Colon, a Methodist school in the
western part of the city. This institu
tion was attacked by anti-American
rioters on the night of November 10,
the building stoned and an iron and
masonry fence wrecked. It is not
known when the bomb was placed
there. The teachers are American wo
men' and the pupils are exclusively
There ha been no serious disturb
ance here since the ant: -American
riots of November 10 and 11. The city
Madera, the Pearson lumber town in
Chihuahua was cut off a week from the
world because of the failure, of the
Chihuahua & Pacific trains to run be
tween these two points. The food sup
ply had got verv short in Madera
and the situation wes rather des
perate. The government was afraid to
operate trains on this line because of
the presence of the Insurgents along
the line who, it was feared, might blow
up the train. It was while attempting
to dislodge the insurrectos that th
regulars were ambushed Sunday.
Telegrams were received in El Paso
and Juarez Monday and Tuesday stat
ing that there had been no train into
or out of the town in a week, and that
no news had been received from the
outside world except that brought over
tne reaerai telegraph line ana tins was
out of order a part of the time.
Today, however, the line was re
ported open again.
A passenger on the train that was
wrecked at San Andres vouches for
the truth of the report that the Ma
deroites haye received positive in
structions not to molest Americans nor
harm their property. The passenger
was carrying a pair of expensive fiold j
ms re ii
glasses. hen the tram was wrecked 1 nos. Alejandro Meneses. and notary
one of the commanders of the insur- public J. Jesus Silva, the latter from
rectos came up to his side and asked to Pachuca.
see the glasses. Upon being shown ' Francisco Chavez, chief of the secret
them, he offered tho American S100 I police, made two other Important ar
for them. This offer was refused be- j rests. The men taken were Francisco
cause the glasses belonged to a friend!
of the foreigner and he could not sell
them. He fully expected the officer to
take them by force, but he handed
them back, stating that the instruc
tions of the insurrectos were not to
harm anything belonging to the for
eigners. Five steamer trunks filled with Win-
is again moving along at its accis
.omed pace. Plaza band corcerts hava
been resumed, the theaters have re
opened and bull fignts are again belnj?
When revolutionary trouble -was
feared, the authorities posted noticed
to the effect that persons congregat
ing in the streets v.-ouid he warned
I y two bugle blasts to disperse, ani
that in the event tt-ey gave no hie I
to the warning, the tropps would com
mence firing one minute after the sec
ond blast. These orders are still effective.
i 1 I I f
cNester rifles and a handcar load ot
cartridges for these guns were said
to have been shipped out of Juarez Sun
day evening for the government forces
at Chihuahua. The arms and am
munition were billed to the govern
ment at Chihuahua and were seen by
an El Pasoan while being loadd a
the Juarez station.
Mexico City, Mex., Nov. vNfc. The
penitentiary of the Federal District
opened its doors yesterday to a number
of -rioters from this ritv and- from
j Pachuca, all of whom had first ptssed
through an interview 'vlrh .lesus Gcn-
sales Rivas. second chief o the secret
police. "
The men who became the guests of
the government on account of their tco
active participation in recent demon
strations are registered as follows.
Victoriano Santiago Garcia. Ben
jamin Rodriguez, Nicolas Phodeasky, J.
Ventura Sanchez, Arturo Serrano,
Francisco Noble. J. Loreto Salinas, Ma
teo Angeles, Eligio Rodriguez, Manuel
Valdez. 'Marcos Garvan, Gregorio Bar-
Cebada, who was' arrested on Avenida
Porfirio Diaz, and J. Trinidad Pimen
tel. who was captured in Santa Julia,
a suburb of this city.
Incriminating documents. allying
them with the Madero forco, were
found on both men. while each was
armed to the teeth with modern revol
vers and ammunition.

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