OCR Interpretation

El Paso herald. (El Paso, Tex.) 1901-1931, May 08, 1915, HOME EDITION, Section A, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88084272/1915-05-08/ed-1/seq-2/

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2 A
(Contraaed From race Oa).
was well known as th; one time head
of me book nubllshini-; firm of H. ' S.
t- one and comnany and Ute f Minder
r"-; editor of the "Chap Book" and the
House Be'aJitifnl," two successful
i agaztnes.
Passengers Arealm.
"fko heavy loss of life ajnonir the
r r cabin passengers is believed to'
jw been due to the calmness and. self
T issession tfaey displayed in 'the face
danger. Moat of them were . at
rheon when the steamer received
" death blow and declined to Join
e rush for the boats and life belts.
- ie believed the cunarcier wouia re
i' i afloat until assistance could
A considerable proportion of those
at Queenstown are members of the .
--e-K- including Capt. Tomer, with the I
st and seoond officers. Ail ine omer
T "s are believed to have -perished.
Crew Saves Lives
There is no evidence, however, that
tLe time honored rule of the sea.
"women and children- first, was vio
lated. At least one of the survivors,
a Toronto newsfner man, elves evi
dence that there was no panic among
the crew and that the sailors acted
promptly in gettin- the passengers
into the ship's boats.
Four torpedoes apparently were
fired at the Lusitania. but only two of
then found their mark.
Torpedoes Killed Many.
The loss of life caused by the tor
pedoes themselves and the explosions
they caused, must have been terribly
heavy. The tragic freight of bodies
taken to Queenstown bears evidence of
the havoc wrought. Many of those
taken- ashore were serldusly Injured
and more than a score died after they
were removed to Cork and Queenstown
Piano Clearance Sale On at ,BIIlIns.',
Do you really want a genuine piano
bargain? See our Ad on page 2, Cable
News Section. "Call early Monday at
1429 East Boulevard or phone 167 for
our car. Billings Piano Co. Adv.
These-bargains axe offered now at unusual prices to move them quickly
to make room for a large shipment of new pianos now in the depot and
which we must get out. v .
A few of the best are listed below:
$600 Knabe $.75.00
550 Mathushek 100.00
450 J. & C. Fisher 15Q.00
430 Wilson, like new 300.00
'350 Royal 225.00
550 Ivers & Pond Mission.. 375.00 New
375 Bradley, like new 225.00
375 Bradley, new 250.00
eOO.Xreiler Player. ........ 400.00
'600 Gerhard Player ....... 425.00
650 Hr-P. Nelson PMyer . . . 450.00
thir store is full of Just such bargains, they must be sold in the
next five days. Come today and siflect the piano you want before it
goes to another. Terms as low as5 1.50 a week. .Sale begins Mon
day morning. May 3rd, 9 A.M.
Jenkins Pitin& Company
The Big Piano House
Phone 2958.
211-213 Texas St.
Absolute Protection
For Both Buyer
And Seller
For the man who is buying Teal estate, a title guar
anty removes all doubts and uncertainties concerning
his future tenure of the property.
For the man who wants to sell, a title guaranty paves
the way for a quick and satisfactory deal.
H The title guaranties issued by this company are H
H backed by an organization of experts with a capital H
stock of $300,000.00. jg
1 Stewart title Guaranty I
i .pany: i
H Two Republics BIdg. J. E. QUAD), Vice Pres. jS
Lookouts Were Alert When
Submarine Was First Seen; '
Many Babies Perished.
Queenstown, Ireland, May S A sharp
lookout for submarines was kept
aboard the Lusitania as she approached
the Irish coast, according to Ernest
Cowper. a Toronto newspaper man,
who was among the survivors landed
here. lie declared that after the ship
was torpedoed there was no panic
among the crew, that the work of get
ting passengers into the boats pro
ceeded in a prompt and efficient man-
"As wc neared the coast of Ireland," k
he said, "we joined in the lookout, for ,
&. possible attack by a submarine was
the sole topic of conversation. I was
Chatting with a friend at the rail about
2 odock when suddenly I caught a ,
glimpse of the conning tower of a sub- '
marine about 10M yards distant. I
immediately called my friend's atten- I
lion to it. Immediately we both saw
the track of a torpedo, followed almost
tn.t.nflv Tiv an TnlAalnn Pnrtlniu nf
splintered hull were sent flying into j
the air and then another torpedo
struck. The shtp began to list to star
board. Many Children on Board.
1HB crew ai unco pivtceuwi lutei .
the passeneers into boats, in an orderly, I
prompt, efficient manner. Miss Helen j
Smith appealed to me to save her. I j
away. I got into one of the last boats
to leave.
"Some of the boats could not be
launched as the vessel was sinking.
There was a large number of women
and children In the second cabin.
Forty of the children were lees than
a year old."
"Danger Ahead, Don't
Rock the.Boat," Says
Former U. S. Official
New Tork, May 8. 'There's danger
around "us. Don't rock the boat," was
the keynote of an address delivered
Friday night by James M. Beck, former
United States deputy attorney general.
a the fifth annual dinner of the trust
companies of the United Statu and
members of the trust company section
of the American Bankers' association.
"If there ever was an occasion in
which silence is golden It is now," he
continued. "We may be, for all we
know, in a. very critical hour for our
"A disaster has happened whieh has
filled all of us with horror and which.
I take it. has filled most of t.s and
maybe all of us with reasonable appre-'
There Is a good deal in what our
president has said about rocking the
boat and it is nof a good time to rock
the boat. At the same time those who
are in the boat should refrain from
rocking and I suppose may entertain
the Justifiable hope that the captain
will not sleep on the bridge; that the
captain will do all He can to keep ue
ship on an even keel in the stormy
waters that may be ahead of her."
Mr. Beck then referred to. the recent
note to Germany in whlcB reference
was made that this country "should
be constrained to hold the Imperial
government to a strict accountability"
for acts of their naval authorities, "and
take any steps that jnight be necessary
to safeguard American lives and property."
See Our Other Ads On Next Page and Page 2 of Comic Section
May Whit
Sew Tork, May 8. Germany's justi
fication for sinking the Lusitania is
that the Cunard liner carried muni
tions of war picric add. an explosive.
This was stated by Capt. Franz von
Papen, military attache of the Im rial
Germany embassy, in an interview in
the New Tork World.
He said:
"It Is deplorable, if true, that so
many lives have been lost. I an
shocked to hear the news, especially
that American lives have been saerf
"But It was absolutely crimina. for
the Cunard company to carry, and for
the British government to allow the
line to carry neutral passengers in a
ship which was transporting explo- i
slTes and munitions of war to bt used j
by Great Britain and her allies.
"The ship's manifest will show that
she carried a large amount nf nici-in
acid and other explosive materials, i
They certainly were not inten&ed for I
peaceful uses. Thev were to h ,ibh i
against Germany and Germany had to i
defend herhelf against them. The best
way was to destroy the ship and such
destruction was amply Justified unOer
me rules 01 war.
: -
jfA A
:e oaie or ippare
Delightfully Cool Garments For Warm Weather and For Traveling
0,ur May White Sale is here and many will now begin active preparation for
their trip to the great Panama-Pacific Exposition. As you know the climate
in San Francisco makes a good warm woolen coat suit a necessity for. daytime
wear, and in addition a top coat for evening use.
For wear while at home we show a splendid assortment of sheer cool Dresses N
and Waists and they are all ottered at such prices tnat every one can attorn
as many as they can use. We invite you to make an inspection, for we are
sure that such inspection will reveal the best values you have seen.
Matchless Values Here at $10.00
You will find these handsome suits most practical and stylish. You will find
them herein abundance -and priced especially to your advantage during this
great White Sale. White linen suits of -qua'lity in the, newest and most ap
proved models. There are scores of plain and embroidered suits from which
to make selections. Every new style feature is pronounced every Jittle rjetail
about which women are particular is in evidence. There are a grdat variety
of styles from which to choose. Regular and extra size suits and every one
priced special for our May White Sale at only $10,.
Palm Beach Suits $7.50 to $15.00 ,
We have just received many new models in these practical summertime suits in snappy Norfolk styles,
as well as plain tailored effects. Full flare yoke skirts. Suits that are trimmed with large pearl buttons
and finished with patch pockets. These are theideal cloths for warm weather wear they are Hght and
cool, yet shape retaining. They launder perfectly. Handsome new Palm Beach Suitj that are special
.values at $7.50 to $15
White Chinchilla Coats
The Season's Latest Models t
Made of fine baby-Iamb white Chinchilla in beautiful flare models trimmed with velvet in Belgium blue,
emerald green or black. Stunning models appropriate for mountain or seashore wear. Also, the new
shadow plaids jn belted Norfolk style. Goats that defy comparison at the prices Sj15 up to $25.
Dreses For Confirmation and Graduation and For June Brides
Hundreds and hundreds of beautiful Dresses will be offered in Our May White Sale at prices almost unbelievable. No matter what your
requirements may be, you are most certain to find the summertime Dresses here to meet your needs. .
We Are Featuring Dresses Special at $4.95 and Up
You will find a beautiful assortment of White Nets, White Voiles and White Organdies, Colored Voiles in wide stripes and large dots. Im
ported .Voiles and Crepes in beautiful new patterns'. Oyster Colored Embroidered Voiles and French and Ramie Linens in aH colors. Some
with waist made in the new Fichu effect and with Qared skirt, trimmed with black taffeta or velvet; all sizes; special values at $4.95
and up.
fiiH Mr
All Silks In
Stock how at
Special Reduced
Made In El Paso Clothes
should be m by every El Pasoan who is
interested in the progress of the city. Money
spent here "Bnll slay here and every business
man mil profit by it.
Abandon the idea that Chiiago or Net York
clothes are better.
-. vt
'ur clothes made '
by us and convince yourself thai you can be
-pleated right here in hlPaso fiilj clothes
made by
City National BJmk Bldg., Second Floor.
& hite Sale of
A sale of standard 'brand cor
sets. AU our newest models.
Corsets that women kaow and
appreciate. We offer teem in
this White Sale at worth while
Gossaid, American Lady, Hrne.
Lyra, Nemo, Franco and War
ners, Reduced as follows:
$1 Corsets 78c
S1.50 Corsets. $128
$2 Corsets $1.78
$230 Corsets..,. .$2.18
$3 Corsets $2.68
$5 Corsets -...-$3.8
Higher priced ones in the
same proportion reductions
25c Brassieres 15c
50c Brassieres 35c
$1 Brassieres 78c-
$130 Brassieres $1.28
Queenstown, Ireland, May 8. The
passengers of the torpedoed liner Lusi
tania were at ranch when the German
submarine made its attack Friday af
ternoon, according to a steward who
was amonp the J69 survivors landed
y me lug BiormcocK. I
He said. j
The passengers were at lunch when
a submarine came up and fired two
topedoee, which struct the Lusitania
on the starboard side, one forward and
the other near the engine room. They
caused terrific explosions. ,
"Capt Turner immediately ordered i
the boats out. The ship began to list '
badly immediately. J
"Ten boats were put into the waiter .
and between 4& and Bo passengers en
tered them. The boat in which I was
approached -the land with thro mh..
boats and, were picked up shortly be
fore 4 oclock.
"I fear that few of the officers were
saved. They acted bravely.
Cincinnati. Ohio. May 8 "The United
States is helpless," said William F. Mc
Combs, chairman of tBe Democratic na
tional committee, speaking of the blowing-
up of the Lusitania.
"Suppose we should declare war
against Germany." he said. "It would
I amount to nothing .more than the re
call ui amaassaoors or each countrv.
We could not fight because there are
no German ships on the sea, and no
one would consider the insane propo
sition of sending an army over there.
I am absolutely neutral in this war."
Cork. Ireland. May 8. Indications
that German submarines were seeking
the Lusitania were afforded Thursday
afternoon by the reported presence of
a submarine in nnntnnnns ha, an In
let on the south coast of Ireland, next I ,VIIrrH ,. ,,,,,
SiSrSS ofQ-uCe7sntwCr,C- M4 nBlTo,G,nnyun
The submarine approached the coast ashington, D. C, May i. Itepresen-
after having maneuvered on the sur- tatlve Gardner of Massachusetts, while
face for some time, then disappeared. t t. whit. h , . .., .
. - -. ..-.-. VHBV .w.j Dv.-lcj, r
mUslon for some constituents to visit
Blouse Values Worth Reading About and Hurrying For
UR PRIDE is engendered by your pleasure. If it weren't a meritorious eveat that we could be proud
,of. it wouldn't be one that you would be pleased with. Viewed most critically k s sarely deserv
Assortments, qualities, trimmings and values are aU of an unusual and eicelKag character.
Women to whom the practice of economy appeals only when it can be effected without the sacrifice of a
particle of quality will be pleased with jhe sale's worth in a coaclusive manner.
Plain white voiles, black and white checked voiles, batiste in handkerchief cottar and cuff effects of
brown, navy and purple. White pussy willow blouses. linen blouses in natural color, pink, white, brown
and green; made in Country Club style. Many new ones will be ready and priced at oaly 7S.
Millinery Special!
White Duck Hats -
We offer 1000 Sport Hats of fine quality white
duck as a special feature of our May White
Sale at $J..45 - $1.25 and 95d.
Blouses at. - 50c
Lace and embroidery trimmed Blouses of Kagerie
and voile; long or short sleeve style; high or low
neck; regular 79 and 95c Blouses Fj f
our May White Sale. OUC
Middies 50c
Of Galatea, with green piping; made with clover
leaf collar; extra special f
at J3UC
Inala v b nnMPa ny
New Valley Honey, per frame. . .15J Cluster Raisins, in 1 lb. packages 15
New Valley Honey, per pint jar. .25 New Potatoes 4 lbs for 25fi
Del Monte Spanish Style Tomato Sa uce, per can V 1.0b
Phones 505 & 506. 204 & 206 East Overland St.
London. Eng.. May 8 The British
government made the following an
nouncement "The statement appeal inK in some
newspapers that the LuMlani Has
armed is whoilj false."
the parlors of the mansfbn. Issued a
statement on the Lusi'ania disaster
urgrinK that president "Wilson deal firm
ly with Germany and giving his ideas
of hat CoL Roosevelt would do.
h-n secretary Tumulty heard of It
i ".sued a M.itment sa ing the white
I liuUH rtsenttd Gardner s ' using the ex-
i ecutive offices ae an annex to his press
hnmfln "
London. , Knfc, May 8. Commander
Carlton Bellairs, retired, who is now
a member of parliament and a leading
naval expert said in an'lnterview:
"Having regard for what has hap
pened and may happen, I feel that we
ought to pass a law empowering Brit
ish consuls to refuse passports, ex
cept for ery sound reason, to all neu
trals to tratl b British ships '
Double -Header
Two Games for One Admission
Fim Game at 2 P. M.
Admission to Bleachers 35c; Grandstand 50c;
Boxes 75c.
Douglas Club Will Be Here All Next Week, Opening

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