[IAXA IHIjI/I'ICKIiKS will be in (he Times next week, beginning Monday. She's going to throw herself into the campaign as an advance agentess. Watch for her. VOL. IX. NO. 253. YOU DON'T HAVE TO STAND FOR THAT MEAN GRAFT Jakey Furth, stand up. Come here this instant! "This hurts us, Jacob, more than it clues you." Whack! There now, you naughty little rascal. You must stay after school and write "peanut grafter" seventeen million times. The members of the state public servicccom mission will now come forward. Boys, it is your duty to keep Jakey in order. You knew he was grafting, and you let him do it. We've got the goods on you, boys. If it happens again we will take you over our knee and punish } Tou severely. Jacob, stop that sniveling! Thursday we called attention to the piddlin' parlor car graft by means of which the Puget Sound Electric Railway gouges two bits out of patrons who are too tired to stand. An indignant Times reader was a victim re cently. He kicked to the public, service commis sion. The letter received in repl} T contains cheerful news for a long suffering public. Here it is: "We beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor of the 21st inst., in which you state that on that date in traveling from Seattle to Kent you found all the seats taken, hence occupied a seat in the junior car. You state that when the conductor took up your ticket he informed you that you would have to pay for parlor car privileges. "You do not state whether you paid the parlor car fare. If you did, we would be glad to secure a refund for you, as we have done in similar cases on this line. VVe take it from the tenor of your letter t!iat what you desire is really an expression of the opinion from this commission with reference to this practice. "We are glad to inform you that we have in structed this and other companies that when all available seats are taken, then seats must be pro vided in parlor and Pullman cars without extra charge, if such seats are available. "We are sending a copy of this letter to Mr. Bean, manager of the Puget Sound Electric Railway company, and assume that there will be no farther difficulty in connection with this matter. If there is, please advise; and if there is any other or fur ther information that you desire, please advise. Yours very truly, "The Public Service Commission of Washington, by Geo. A. Lee." This is .a very nice and polite letter. But it doesn't get anywhere. The Times reader says ho didn't pay the graft. He and two women stood the whole way from Seattle to Kent. He pleaded to the conductor that he was too sick to stand. "That don't make no difference," said the con ductor. "Pay or get out." Lee in his letter admits having secured refunds for other pestiferous patrons who dared to kick at having their pockets politely picked. But he "as sumes," having sent a copy of his letter to Bean, that, thfi nraot.\op. will pnrl CHEAP MONEY We offer the lowest rates obtainable In Tacoma for money on real estate mort gages. No delay in closing. Low expenses. Calvin Philips & Co. 211 California Bids. Main 22 The Tacoma Time LATEST, A MUNICIPAL DANCE HALL FOR THIS CITY A public municipal dance hall for Tacoma. "I'll run the chances of a re call for advocating it," said May or Seymour this morning;. Commissioner Mills was telling what he saw and found on his trip east. "There is Cleveland, heralded as the best governed city in the country," said Milli. "And if I should tell you what they are do ing there and we should advo cate it there would be a recall started in 15 minutes." "What is it?" chirped the com missioners. "They are running municipal dance halls, charging about > Various Features and Events of the Past Week As Pictured By the Tacoma Times Artist THE ONLY INDEPENDENT NEWSPAFER IN TACOMA It hasn't ended. The Furth crowd laughs at the commission. And it isn't the two-bits the pub lic cares about; it's being strong-armed. But the commission has at least ruled definitely on the question. ]f all the seats are taken, help yourself to a chair in the parlor car. The commis sion says that this is your right. When the conductor demands the extra 'quar ter, refuse to pay it. The law is with you. The con ductor may threaten violence, arrest, forcible re moval. If you are any kind of a man you will stand pat and sit tight. We respectfully suggest that the commission require the interurban company to post a sign in each of the limited cars informing the traveling public that, if there are no seats left, they may help themselves to chairs in the parlor cars without extra charge. This, it seems to us, is a better way than writ ing a personal letter to every man and woman who may ever have occasion to use the Interurban. FEARING LOSS OF REASON BOY ASKS TO BE LOCKED UP PAUL DUKOY, YOUNG GERMAN RTUIJKXT, PUTS HIMSELF IX THE CUSTODY OF THE POLICE BBCAUSE HE WAS AFKAID THAT HK WOULD COMMIT CltlME. Fearing he would commit crime because of the condition of his mind, I'aul Duroy, a young Omfw student, tins given himself up to the authorities and is today in the county jail awaiting examination by an insanity board. I think it is only a temporary affection," said Duroy this morn- Ing. "Three days ago my mind seemed to become clouded. 1 couldn't think on any one subject clearly, but many ideas crowded my brain like a hundred moving pictures thrown on a screen a< the same time. I was afraid 1 might do some wrong and went to the police station." Duroy has puzzled those whc have seen and talked with him. He seems perfectly sane, yet he claims his mind is yet flooded with myriad thought pictures. He explained that he did not have sufficient funds to consult a brain specialist when he wae first attacked, and looked to the authorities for aid. Monday a board of physicians will take the young student from his cell and give him a thorough examination. Duroy says he reads incessant ly. Scientific books, history and romance are his special delight. His speech, while a mixture ol his mother tongue with English, Is pure, and he has a wealth ol expression an 4an enviable vocab ulary. He Is well rersod in al most every subject of interest an<] Is a veritable storehouse of lat< news. cents a dance," said Mills. "That's all right! too. I'm In favor of It and I'll face a recall on that," said the mayor. "You have got to have dance nails and If we cannot regulate them, then I Bay the municipality ought to own them." "Well, we have a bad proposi tion right here In this city now on that question but I want to tell yon that it is a lot worse in Cleveland," said Mills. Mills declared he had studied the social evil question in all the cities and that there was Dot one that wag in better shape right now than Tacoma, TA^OMA, WASmNOTON.SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1912. His habits are exemplary. He neither drinks nor is addicted to tobacco, his only aversion being continuous study. IAD 111 IS FOUND IN PARK Grasping Tightly the revolver with which he had ended his life last night the body of an unknown man, well dressed and of abont :}H years, was found lying in a path in South Tacoma park this morning, a bullet hole through the head. Charles Joles, a real estate dealer, 5214 South Union avenue, discovered the gruesome object as he was leaving his home for his office. "We heard a shot about 12:20 o'clock thiß morning," said Mr. Joles, "but paid no attention to it, thinking at the time It wag an automobile tire." It is thought the suicide's ac tion was premeditated as he had removed all papers from his pock ets and the only means by which he can possibly be identified are through the initials found in his hat and the tailor's mark in his coat. The latter bears the trade mark of Shaner & Wolff of Se attle. His hatband bears the let ters, "F. A. F. McK." A ring and watch found on the body were taken in charge by Coroner Shaver, who ordered the body removed to the South Ta coma Funeral parlors The dead man was of sandy complexion with a sandy mus tache. He was about 5 feet. 8 inches,ln height and weighed In the neighborhood of 140 pounds. W. R. Rust wm a witnese in the coal conspiracy case In fed oral court this morning. He had been connected with the North western Commercial company, of which Captain Jarvis was a mem ber, but he shed little light on the issues la the out*. OH, YOU BIG PROGRESSIVES! From left to ii«ht. (ho men in the picture are John C. I/awrence (at the wheel), standing Just beside him is C. 11. Kegley of the State grange, next. sitting beside Lawrence, Hob Ilixl^e. Govnor Teats comes next, then l'olndextcr, Kilting in the rear wat, and bo* i «ii«le him is \V. S. Cory. ; . , ' Oh, IM the big chunks of harmony floating in and about this in teresting photograph! Right whilo the Btandpat papers are frothing at the mouth with yarn and pipe dreams about the turrible strife in the progressive ranks, along comes this picture to give the He to the stand-Irtish "rumors."' This shows how the big progressives p;ist of the mountains treated the bi& progressives from west of the mountiiins. Here yon Senator Poindexter and John C. Lawrence, 'mte rivals of Hob Hodge, nn You WANT THIS CITY TO SPEND MORE MONEY uu IN 1913? IMitor Times: I would like to register my kick against the city dads, should they attempt to levy any un reasonable rate on the prop erty owners of Tacoma. I am a believer In the highest degree of economy In public expenditure. And if the com niissioners must dance to jtck of a few city em ployes, who are not satis . fied with decent wages, 1 say tie them like any other em ployer would, and put in willing and competent tax payers. Low taxes means the up building of a great city. High taxes means ruination $ml property depreciation. My objection is the echo of thousands of others who pay the taxes of the city and county. I emphatically say no to high tax levies. M. SEMN. South Pine St. Editor Times: Why not investigate and learn what these city employes were earning before they went to work for the city? Why did they take the positions in the first place if their services were worth so much more than their salaries would be? While you are about it find out bow many could be dis pensed with and not be missed. Why are some men given a life job and pensioned per haps, while others as descry ing get out and hustle to pay them, and live on from 10 to 50 per cent less than tihose they are paying? I believe In a living wage, but I don't believe in robbing one to give to another. It will be time to boost salaries when all are treat ed as elected officers, given one or two terms and quit. Pass the honors and jobs along as long as there are others competent to flll the places. TAXPAYER. Editor Times: Will you kindly give this communica tion a little space under the ' heading "The 1913 Budget" In answer to an article Oct. 2 signed "A Common Tax payer," saying the city em ployes work only 8 hours? The city fireman who is asking for an increase In sal ary, la on duty 24 hours a day, seven days in the week and for the benefit of the public at large who do not understand that they are on duty all the time. It Is only fair to the city tlremen that attention be called to this fact. M. TRUEDELL. 1618 East Wright Aye. Editor Time*: I w«nt to •ay I am against the propos ed raise In the salaries in the fire and police departments and in the city hall. Your* truly, ANTONB HUCEK. ■% URE, write to Out I inn-., when tiling* «'-on't suit you or when they do. J'ndsr mid boost, or ■% kick un!••., (>corK<* ltaiivy of J'lmervllle ■ apiarist, is today rejoicing over the recovery of Ills sight caused by a bee sting. -■ - '. ;\ ■ ' '-•. ';•■'-• : ' ■ ,:■■)■.?■■■- _; .• '■;.•"':"' lJ:--; i; i * . ,-. Iliiiley was changing a sivnrin of liccs from one. hive to another when several of the insects fitting him on the face and eyelids. *, To his amazement ■ lie suddenly: discovered" that he could see again. :.:■:." ' ",\ : ?'-; ■ ■;;>,:.%^"i,-S*S, The Wants of Tacoma Go Through The Times Want Ad Page If the people who night After night tell of their wants through the Mule WANT ADS in The Times Want Ad page should form a par ide it would reach many blocks. A parade of a week's users of Times Want Ads would make ft good-sized army. Your want in The Times reaches hundreds who see no other dally newspaper. BIG LEAGUE SEASON OVER (Uy United Presii lieascd Wire.} NEW YORK, Oct. 5. —With tße finish of today's games the Na tional and American leagues will close their season. Gardner of Boston is laid up with an Injured finger, fractured recently, and Doyle of the Giants, who was spiked Thursday, Is also on the layoff list, but man's In juries are serious. The Giants will meet the High landers here Monday In an exhi bition game. WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 3.— Although no witnesses were scheduled to testify, the senate campaign contributions commit i/.- which is Investigating cam paign contributions to the demo cratic, republican and progressive campaigns, met here today to ar range for next week's hearings.