OCR Interpretation

The Tacoma times. [volume] (Tacoma, Wash.) 1903-1949, November 20, 1912, Image 8

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88085187/1912-11-20/ed-1/seq-8/

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$15 and $18. $15 and $18. $15 and $18. $15 and $18.
At the price —without fear of con- sj
"g tradictUm, we say that these clothes are
the highest possible value any mer- g
chant can give under any conditions.
Volume of business makes it possible <A
for us. Two prices. Suit, Overcoat
** and Rain Coat $15 and $18 p
James H. Dege Co. £
rj. 1110-12-14-10 Pacific Avc. w
$15 and $18. $15 and $18. $15 and $18. $15 and $18.
f(Ry I'nitod Press Leased Wire.)
TORONTO, Out., Nov. 20. —
Twelve-year-old Archie Duncan Is
dead here today in his father's
home and search 1b being made
for an unknown boy who gave
the little fellow several poisonous
pills Monday which resulted In
his death the following after
.'(By I'nilod IVess Lmm4 Wire.)
NEW YORK, Nov. 20.—Dis
■atiBfaction with the methods of
receivers, who are claimed to be
really brokers for the California
ohippers, is the cause of a fruit
buyers' strike here today, which
is tying up more than $300,000
■Worth of the product.
g\ $5 GOLD
mm,,] vv glasses
8 Bbjl ML. Jf H positive guar
fBEnBJiSiMSBS&BB^^^BBxBr a(' with every
TO mat I' 1"1' "' glasses.
w b^b V Free examina-
I^Hl^ tion for the next
v W H ten days.
'RtSA A few of the many
. Ml thousands who recom-
M H mend my work:
afl H J- F. Wl.i la Pacific Cold Stor-
M .■!>■•. K. D. Woodi, 1609 South I St.;
' ■ SRM H Wm. Zelley, foreman round, house,
fl WB 8B Mllwaukrn K. It.; O«org« '('••!,»,iitn
- B ■ supt. Soldiers' Home, Ortlng, Waili ■
;B ■ S. J. Smith. 4632 South X at.; T.
'■ fl ■ • Stickler, WoKtcrn Union Telegraph
■I H office; Rev. 11. S. Stubbs, 3926 North
SE EfS ■ 30th St.; Mrs. W. Petrl, 719 South
;H B^fl H I.nvvrcnif; A. Peterson, 2901 Pacific
H H ay.: E. K. Perry, County Trrasur .< n
■I H| office; John 11. Peterson, KID Bouth
: ■ H lßth St.; A. A. Unwell, lawyer Dank
■ ■ <•!■« Trust Hldtr.; Mrs. Charlod Intf
■ ■ wan, 5116 No. 44th St.; C. A. Gallup
B ■ clerk, Tacoma hot -I. T. A. Fuller'
888888881 dispatcher, Putret Hound Electric U.
pBBBBBJHS X. ' Mrs A- Ford, Ortlng.
g Open Saturday Evenings „
i 1 Chicago Eye Specialists
I Rooms 332-333 Provident Bldg. f >-• ■
noon. All that Is known about
the tragic, happening Is the mea
gor details which the boy's par
ents were able to gather rrom him
after he returned to his home,
complaining of dizziness and
thirst and drank copious draughts
of water. Later he was seized
with vomiting spells.
(Hy I nit. <I I'ivsh Leased Wire.)
ITUNICB, Nov. 20. — Awh
duchess Isabella of Austria, who
refuses to live with her husband,
Prince Oorge of Bavaria, to
whom she was married in Feb
ruary, is alleged to have declared
that the Bavarian court was
"too dull and miserly."
While Contractor McHugh was ket afforded as long as he lived,
fighting his $130,000 case When Mr. McCoy went to
against the city in Judge W. O. «&' % ffilaTeve^
Chapman s court Monday after- i ng he found the animal lying
noon, his ' faithful old horse on the floor unable to rise.
"Jake," who has been an import- He telephoned the police asking
ant adjunct to his master's bust- that he might be permitted to
ness for many years, fell in the shoot "Jake" and his ' request
stable where he has been care- was granted. Half an hour lat
fully kept in his declining age, er hi again called the station to
and broke his leg, necessitating inform the captain in charge
his being shot. that he could not kill the old
"Jake" had been left in the horse.
hands of C. A. McCoy, 5725 South "Send out an officer," he said,
Yakima avenue, a friend of Me- "I can't do it." And Patrolman
Hugh, with orders to give him Bryan was dispatched on the
the best the grain and hay mar- Job.
While demonstrating the accur
acy with which he could pick ofr
the clay pipes in a shooting gal
lery with his own tiS-caliber re
volver last night, T. Brandoui, 20
years old, was arrested.
Attorney Ralph Woods has
moved his office from the Provi
dent bldg to the Tacoma build
ing. "Advertisement."
Tacoma lumbermen are leaving
today for the meeting of the
West Coast Lumber Manufactur
ers' association and the Western
I'ine Manufacturers' association
whh'h convenes in Portland to
| morrow.
Governor-elect Lister and Lieu
tenant Governor-elect Hart will
head the list of speakers who will
address the convention of the
Washington State Good Roads
association which meets at the
Commercial club here December
4, I and C.
Frank H. Kelley has moved his
law office from the Perkins bldg.
to the Tacoma bldg.
Charles Talbert, a stevedore, Is
in the county hospital today with
a broken rib. He was knocked
down the hatchway of the steam
er Montara last night by the load
ing apparatus.
Mrs. S. L. Woods, who com
plained that her husband befct her
frequently, is now protected irom
his wrath by a $200 peace bond
which he has placed with the
court, promising to remain tran
quil in the future.
How-de-du? Have you read
"Skooting Skyward?" A locul
story of the Mountain. For sale
at all dealers. Price 50 cents.
Thla month')-, precipitation Is
already 2 1-2 inches above the
normal, the last storm having ad
ded 2.17 inches.
Tacoma delegates to the West
ern Washington Development
loague meeting at Montesano Sat
urday are Ci. A. Brown, J. H.
Davis, F. C. Brewer, S. A. Gibbs,
jr., H. D. Cowles and L. F. Gault.
"Carstens Packing company will
have three carload of choice, dry
picked, corn fed turkeys en route
to Tacoma for the Thanksgiving
trade, to be disposed of at whole
sale." "Advertisement."
Sons of the American Revolu
tion will hold their November
meeting at the home of E. B. Jud
son, 511 North C street, Friday
evening, November 22, at 8
Airtight heaters, $1.50 and up.
Ewing Hardware Co., 1111 C st.
Main 7750. "Advertisement."
Appraisers have placed the val
ue of the estate of. Willard Carney
at $2,500.
Edna F. Miller has been grant
ed a divorce from Edward H.
Miller, her allegations being
drunkenness and non-support.
Rev. John slijk ll'niil, father
of Judge J. A. siiai krlfi.i ii. was
yesterday voted honorary mem
bcrsliip by the trustees of the
Commercial club. Mr. Shackel
ford lias been a minister for 53
years. For 'Jo years he was pro
fessor of Kukllsli - in Kentucky
State university. s
Argonaut Hotel, 1007 Vac. ay.
Cafe and grill in connection.
Easton & Johnson, grocers „„
South X street, had their taxes
< u( from 9<M.7H to «5t in a law
suit before Judge Clifford yester
Beginning Mondny County Aud
itor Stewart will pay off the elec
tion judges and clerks for the re
cent election and Mettle for poll
ing places.
* Milwaukee Sausage now ' in.
Duenwald's, 813 11th, near C st.
--• "Advertisement." ■
: Randle woim^, „ £gO strong or
ganized j( good j-oade club.
There Is . yet : about $300,600
taxes to be paid by Pierce county
citizens ' this ' year. •,. Two ,t weeks
remain In which to Bottle and
those nut paying then will have a
penalty . added \ amounting to IS
.per cent interest. * *t.TiV;;?,«.C£:
Larz Anderson, now minister
to Belgium, who has just feeen
appointed to succeed Oharle* P.
Bryan as ambassador to Jag>an.
That the aged and sickly,' the
deserted wives and fathelless
families, and the children and
mothers of the poor of Taooma
may not want for a proper
Thanksgiving, the Associated
Charities of this city is making
its 14th annual appeal for funds.
Boxes will be placed on dawn
town street corners Wednesday
mornts*^ for cash donations
which' iwk to be turned intot
wagon loads of good .things 'and
delivered tp the dopr of the
needy Thanksgiving morning.
Debate Sherman Law
ROCHESTER, N. V., Nov. 20.—
That section of President Samuel
Gompers 1 annual report which re
lates to the Sherman anti-trust
law with reference to labor was
debater at length yesterday in th<>
convention of the American Feder
ation of Labor in session here.
Heavy Weight
On the Stomach
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Re
move It and All Other Forms
of Indigestion Quickly.
That awful 1 feeling as though
there were a heavy weight on your
stomach — as though you had
swallowed an enormous lump of
lead—is caused by the failure of
your stomach to thoroughly di
gest your foods. You may have
eaten too fast or too much. Your
stomach may be over-worked and
tired out. It is too weak to pro-
•duce enough of the digestive
juices necessary to talce proper
care of the food. Gases form and
cause all sorts of agony.. The
stomach demands more pepsin,
hydrochloric acid and other di
gestive agents which it is unable
to secrete.
Medicines are not only worth
less in cases of this kind but are
actually injurious to the whole
system. It is sheer lunacy to pour
a lot of vile stuff into the stom
ach—drugs that have no digestive
power whatever.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets con
tain Ingredients that not only
bring quick relief to indigestion
sufferers, but actually digest.the
food for the stomach. One of
these little magic tablets taken
after each meal, will rest the
stomach, revitalize the secretory
glands, strengthen the muscular
walls—in fact, tone up the entire
digestive system.
No home should be without
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets con
stantly on hand. They stop all
forms of indigestion, such as sour
stomach, belchings, heartburn,
dizziness, burning Sensation,
brash, etc. AftSf a b r i e ( course
of treatment your appetite Im
proves. You enjoy your food
more. You awaken every morn
ing with a happy disposition. Life
looks brighter. Your brain be
comes clearer and your eyes spar
kle with their old time snap end
twimkle. You are practically a
new person.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets am
sold by all druggists at 50c * box.
«|\ AND eomjDctition sits in awe at the sensational ■
IA ND competition sits this is at the sensational ._ Jf/if»r
value-giving. For this is uoi an ordinary jf t^^
jj|| event (we want to impress you with' that). This is a - >-»*wP"^aß^few "\
'Mj wonder-sale, a sale that calls to all feminine Tacoma Ir^Hi JHf^^^^
«r> with the clarion cry of Bargains as it has never been mimljttmo^M^
||| heard in this good city before. riß^^B^^^^'W^
M . 200 SUITS AND AS MANY COATS / flfl ''imVlm
gjp Think of it—s27.so, $35.00 and even $40.00 gar- 1 WSJf/ dXL IMA
m incuts, the dashing, distinctive styles that dare to / \^/Btfo- d%R\W\
gj be unique and yet modest. WtJ^/mw/wyMm UVft
rr^ Colors— Gray, tan, brown, blue and smart mix- /iy^f^SßOfP^ffl |//j jji
M Styles—Cutaway, Norfolk, fancy or plain tailored. j|^^^^^Bßi 'Ml
gg Alterations"are free here of course and a fit Wfl W^rrjtwvlNL wm
| The price, oil, how it beckons. $19.98 JmS? mm-mM
HI j&/%Sm \ E)ono wlth cash to tho fore and a wi?o i 1 '111 ////Jril Winiwm /
|fl buyer on the ground. Done in three ' I if\ Jljlji W/vWim I
55> iS minutes b^ thG clock an<l done in time I % j[\ 'f/MWim
Z*a y^^^j^ and scores of Trimmed Ueiiullis less I Hllll/fl \\\'fm ill '
Bumper Bedding Bar- Women's Tailpred Waists
B Bumper Time Thanks- Art Goods Here in a Rous- Women's Tailored Waists
gains in Time for Thanks- Art Goods Here in a Rous- Le SS Than Half Price
|j| giving. * ing Sale If s a clean-np—one of those
*3J What a shame it would be if the T'Tft T* TH •i!!j?T$L rare events that will start the bar
—•-^ "Big Day" came and you were Ll/ L L «$ A3k gain bells clanging bright and
«■> short on bedding while these I IVJ^Ji/ ili^W ear'y tomorrow. READ!
m prices prevailed. READ! THIS > =£ :lCf<? *400 Women's Tailored Linen
m Bed Sheets—Linen finished and - atttttttt V&Z^SLz-rZ&S^Ci* Waists—Snow white models that
£9 full bleached; the 50c OQ« ■ D „.-iirr/g-Ji^r^^?^^ rek with smartness; some have
iflj kind, for JU PILLOW , aS^WsAiJiv^K; embroidered fronts; about 10 doz.
"*"* Hod S|.rca<ls Colored, In pink, ■• „, . 'rHr^^fcSfWKl In all. Choice while *4 QQ
blue or rod, full size with fringes; —tinted LSt 1 %<& >f£-g2\ they last $ I lUO
gl the $2.75 kind, «JO 1 C on good iS^^fW A'-JM Conets, Special—ln all sizes up
I blue or red, full size with fringes; —tinted i^gf / " I'wi the 3°: strongly stayed ■ and yet
the J2.75 kind, 1C on good _-4-'-?K Corsets, Special—ln all sizes up
for tjjfci I O quality Pure *>»^fc <^g "JB-J. to 30; strongly stayed and yet
281 Feather Pillows — Dustlesa and Lintn Crath, «fi> T flexible enough to be comfortable;
htil odorless; the 65c pillows, AQn >S^^S' I $1.00 values, CC#»
■5J for 40b All we ask ii that you buy or • OwC
B|\ Bath Unbleached, double g Sktin* of Dressing SnrquesWith three
j^| nap, hemmed ends. 19*1* > ■ ■ quarter sleeves, girdle and pep
m Social I tab RichardSOn S lum waist effect; all colors; 00
--ft Damask Table Cloth Handsome "2 " *"■■*■ *™w"" ** 79c value, choice t»IC
m patterns, 2 yds. long, C 1 f\(\ Grand PriZe —Second Floor.
CT hemstitched, here y I iUU _^^______^^__^^^_^^
m) Damask Napkins — Snow white CreCiatl FIOSS - T~T- 1 Z T
! with hemmed ends; Snow white CreCiati FIOSS Quotations from Tacoma's
with hemmed ends; •■! in Quotations from TaCOma S
m 51.50 doz. kind, here ..»P Ii I J with which to embroider it and a tpe- T.OWP«it Priffl Gtrocerv
M Other Hig Bargains on tap, too ... . ■ .. r liOWeSIi irnce UTOLBry
JO} —better have a look. . y V SScOlilS ' Store
— Main Floor ram lesson for mm 9 WOIII3 «uw*w
?H) -Main floor. I Fancy Patent "Peacock" Flour—
iVI ——————" —-^-^ j d l ai. t. * i «• r The old standby with cooks who
13 — tt „ . . and Back >4fc«o/ut^y Fr... don't believe in "luck," •! IK
1 What Has Happened to .... .. per sack here *liiU
§) the Big Family Shoe We have live other equally By the $4 45
M Store? 7 v -rt.stlc De,« fl nß BSjuT*,*;
ci Something's in the air here for For XmaS—Why Not? here, 3 pkgs LJu
.') with Christmas less than 40 Stamped Towels—Good large sizes in Cream of Wheat—The 1E«
m days away the values in evidence neat patterns, the 36c OC* 20° Pkß-« nere '****
m) are truly wonderful. JUST kind for . ZOC lilghthousc Cleanser — i-f^SS^s-.
_.- READ! (20c guest towels to match 15c.) BBc pkgs. OK« I^^^
»| j« Particularly Men s Miscellaneus —Fancy Aprons, Work for £.O\j <\\BmJM#i
m 1^ ■ Shoes —On a big Bags Whisk Broom Holders, 18-in. Him Seed, Silver Shield j ■k.-^rt 1
M L TVV Rv __ table * 3 -r>o and Center Pieces, Necktie Holders, Ja- Here, per O n \Mr£?
A w3L >IKBSiHii $4 -00 pr - oes ,1 bos. Calendars and hundreds of time- pkg •■ OO *2*' i-"'
Jf\ 'VlHWßiiil bliu' " ta"' :l" lv novelties, all stamped, with suf- "Pride of Erin" — iHS^S'^
Sil BfimX^HflEll I''a"" - button flclent thread to complete the OK That's the name of our UHL OLi
;1 I^!®] or blucher ' 19 1- design. Choice, special Z3C coffee r^l it's all that l^^^>
;'1 w9k» JSvll sty 'f! ' 1>(l° pairs. Stamped Pillow Topi — Including the name Implies —
m llllia^k/pilil Cnolce - CO OR Lodge and Flag Pillow Tops; 50c val- I'"re. wholesome coffee that
m —^aff*^ >■< l""r- ■■ ■ «P*.iUU uee tomorrow for a day QQ« equals the 40c lb. grades. 0C«
=v o/ ,7T^ Mcn'B or Wolnen'B only, special ........... ...OUC Here ......... .aVUU
<m\ Storm Calf Shoes—ln tan or black . • Main Floor. Canned Pumpkin—"Del Monte"
m absoluely a {5.00 shoo and yet on i y Bp eelal JOU Here solid pack, ' 0C«
Storm Calf Shoes—ln tan or black Main Floor. Canned Pumpkin—"Del Monte"
abEoluely a |8.00 shoo and yet brand, solid pack. nr n
m they're e/lflfl " 2 large cans ..: ..•..'.'.. ..-CPU
m Children's Shoes^-Lace'or button Cut Out This Coupon! lO^arß here °a!"TT ZOO
. with wedge heels; sizes 4 to 8, : Good for 10 "S.&H." Green "Peefs Silk Soap—. OC*»
SB here JfL and sizes CAp Stamps with every purchase of L*2? he^- ■ i'«'' ■• ••• •: £2?
Bj 2 to 5, for iIUU „- . - 1 -■ . t . Pearllne— 25c size, ftft.
IB And Slippers— me, , oh, my, 25c.0r over in any department of for... ....... .. .. &uC
;M you should see them, 2500 felts' the store. Void after Nov. 23, Corn Flakes ' • IC-:
■■J in all colors and styles. CO** 1912. 2 pkgs. here for ....... luC
jgj\ Special, pair, $1.50 down to Ol#l# McCormack Bros. "Wage Earners' Market,'.*
H —Main Floor. | \ . .. - —Second Floor.
M $2.50 Long White f? ' " ' ~—— 'Are You having
"SJ -..,«. f ' "■■■'• • jffCTlk Your "S. & II."
m l "X $1 ,55 /TH/M /?)" THE STORE THAT/)/- v - B ««-een Stamps?"
M i«r *:• T\ I[JW § M My*SAVES VOUMON€Y"i/\s)W *■■;• i^nl Persistent, effort to
I wear. a $2.50 ifflM| PACIFIC AVENUE AND COMMERCE AT fST»ST._ * it's worth while, it's
pair value. Thursday A PACIFIC AVENUE AND COMMERCE AT 15T2 ST.^ wo^L a In rtelp rtoP
only at this price. *iUB - ■ '■ . . ._ ' r.— ■ ,j) Third Floor.
Wednesday, Nov. 20,1912.

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