PAGE TWO. The "Parsnips Post" Must Deliver Articles in O.K. Condition. Words by Srharfer Muhlc by (V)iiil<>. TOM TO HOLD CARNIVAL OF BOXING (lly United Prem Leaded Wire.) LOS ANGELES. Jan. 11.—A i pilgrimage of fighters, great and '. ■mall, will Journey toward Los .' Angeles during the first three ' months of 1913 If matches con templated today by Promoter Mc ■ Care/ materialize. In addition to several matches • already scheduled, McCarey has promised to bring Johnny Coulon and Joe Mandot to the Vernon fight shed again before spring, Intimating that he . has almost dosed negotiations with these youths. Jess Willard and two or - three other giants also are among tbo probabilities. • Sammy Trott of Columbus and - Bud Anderson of Vancouver will ', ■tart the ball rolling when they meet for 20 rounds January 25. ; Kid Williams of Baltimore and . Knockout Brown will furnish the February 22 card. Late in March the winner of the Wllliams-Campl bout will be matched with Coulon for the championship if Johnny consents to the risk. ' FANS TO PICK A MANAGER. Officials of the Danville club In ■■' the Three-I league, being unable • to select a manager, plan to have ■ the fan! elect one. Eight candl ■' ; dates will be put up and the office • will go to the one .getting the blg % sest vote. DR. <.l 1 ' MlilST s Colic Remedy A never falling colic remedy in the treatment of all oolics In the horse. Price 50c Per Bottle. PETERSON Up-to-Date . Tailoring at moderate prices. 614 Natl. Realty Bldg. By the use of medic- lnal herbs and roots fl RW known for their re- Hr 9 markable cures In ■ Bhl China, we are able ■ Mn to absolutely cure ■H£sraV such ailments as V Bsr Catarrh, Deafness, I Asthma, Skin Pis |^k. eases, Rheumatism, .^JVK^^aaal Appendicitis, Heart s^H&^flH Trouble. Kidney •^••sssslssßssissl Complaint, etc Th« remedies we us* are obso lately non-poisonous and positively do not contain mercury. If unable to call personally, send tc stamp for diagnosis blank. N. TOW CHINBSIS .MKI>KI\K CO. lllfl'.i Pacific ay. Phone 1143% Cmanw at. Main 0288 your set of books for the new year should be or ; dered —aside from a larger selection of ready-mades, we manu facture any special form required—-either bound or loose-leaf. PIONEER Bindery & Ptg. Co. f 947 C st. ( 946 Com. St. Main 436. \: . Strs. Indianapolis i and Chippewa . The »«»*•• t •■« flarat 4mj > ; rt»mrrt «■
:00. 11:0* i. m ; 100. ' 100, . (00. 7.00 • 00 p. SB. v Leave Seattle ;; from Colraaa dock 7:00. »:00 11:00 a. - ra.. 1:00. 3:00. «:00. 7:00. 9.00 p. m '•.'>. IIiraLBMU M«. , ?' . HOUND THIf Me A lltnmrr Krery *»» Hinn. W6 i. jK. PliH(Kl.l» - Aim »»■ ti'Ajivja Phone a Main luJ ■«■ -■"" ■t- MMaMaaa»WaMMal»»^a»aaa^aa"iM NO CHAMP EVER MATCHED M'CARTY'S PAST-OR FAMILY SIDNEY, Ohio, Jan. 10. — "Wham!" said a man near tUe ring side, ag a left hand swing, delivered by Harry Holliiiger, an obscure laborer in a local tan nery, knocked out Luther Mc- Carty—and maONI,IN T EXPECTS TO MANAGE CHICAGO, Jan. 11. — A re port wag current here Tuesfiay that Mike Donlln would be miaa ager of the Phillies If Secretary Will Locke of the Pirates puts through his deal to take over tnfe Phillies. Donlin wag here las< week, and la said to have told friends that he had that agree ment with Locke. EYES EXAMINED KIOHT Glasses Right! Prices Right! < \s\\ i:i,l, OPTICAL CO. 742 Str Helens ay. <£ ■ ' ■ <& ♦ <3> <«> BARNEY AM) TEDDY. - * <£> (By United Press leased Wire.) ♦ LOS ANGELES, Jan. 11.—Barney Oldfield and Teddy <$> ♦ Tetzlaff were scheduled to meet today at the Los Angeles mo- 4> •$> tordrome In the first of a series of automobile races that is ••■ causing much Interest here. Three heats of a mile each were $> <*> scheduled. The meeting of the speeders is under the sanction <$> ■*> of the recently organized Western Automobile association. <§> .$> * .j. *. <$> <«> ij. <$> <$>^> i^i^^>^>^>^^is>^^^# BY WIIJAI M WILDWAVE. The lion has a disposition, That is often mean; It is no simple proiosition To pound him on the bean. Sec, llelene, we start off with a pome today and a lovely illustra tion taken from life: One of the local undertakers has lust eot » nire now hearse, and everybody is dying to ride in it! Willie, how can you torment your little sister like that? SAD STORY. The icy Wast swept up Pacific avenue and the poor ragged little newsboy survey ed his unsold papers with hopeless glance. Nobody. will buy my pa pers," he sobbed. So he 'phoned for his mo tor-car and was driven home. ■'I is a sad world, isn't It, Mercedes? Some call him PalSer and oth ers say 'Ub PalZer. Don't make much difference; he's there with the wallop. Joe McGinnlty stopped off at Chicago today to look into the capabilities of several young sprouting ball players. There will be another message tomor row telling that he walked up State street and shook dice for a cigar aud lost. By the first of next week it is expected he will send a sizzling message that he failed to pay the conductor his carfare, and then Joe will start for home and the sport scribes will have something to sting the typewriters about on the baseball line. ZOOIXXJICATj POME. I in I.- Maybelle, she loved pets; So to Grandpa wrote, Hogging for a I'anky Poodle, But she got his goat. MAY LEGALIZE BOXING HERE It is said that a plan Is on foot in this state to legalize boxing in the future and to pattern a law after the Frawley act of New York, which permits 10 round no decisions, but prohibits the hang ing up of purses. The Frawley act has done a lot in eliminating crooks from the boxing game in New York, and the game nas tnrlved. Should a law be enacted here, only competent hands could make it a success, and the handling of fights by irresponsible alleged flght promoters and others look ing for a sure graft would be as sassination. > The Choice of a Husband is too Important a matter for a woman to be handicapped by weakness, bad blood or foal breath. Avoid these klll-hop«B by taking Dr. King's Life Pills. New strength, fine complexion, pure breath, cheerful spirits — things that win men—follow their use. Easy, safe, sure. 25c. Ryner Malatrom Drue Co., 938 Pacific ay. When hunting lions always carry Some salt within a pall; Approach your lion (do not tarry) And put some on his tail! Maybe Admiral Dewey will In sist upon having his salute of 21 guns before he goes into dinner after this. Gee, but this preced ence thing is mighty pifflish, huhT Our idea of wasted energy: Forming a boxing club in Ta coma. Buying 15-cent buttermilks for friends on the W. W. Buying 15-cent drinks. Buying buttermilk. Bat Nelson is going to preach from the pulpit hereafter. Bat has seen so many visions of here after in the ring so often that he probably believes he ought to join the band wagon while the joining is good*. Ye, s-i-r-e-e. Luther MoCarty is the real world's champ-e-eu heavyweight. Don't forget it. Let's see now, how many days are there before the playing sea son starts? We mean the base ball season, of course. There are as many good ball players in the bushes as has ever been caught with the hook. Now, just for that, George Welling Shrimp, you take your hat and go home. I'-H sjl Ha BANKING SERVICE POSSIBLE] :?M'. for 1913 by opening a Check ing Account with this bank. . Since its organization July sth, 1906, this bank has grown in favor and strength each year —and the reason is— satis fy our patrons. . • - - ■ .- Your account, large or small, business or private, solicited. Our Capital $200,000.00. Scandinavian American ' Bank of Xftcoma. DUCKS PLENTIFUL AT THE NISQUALLY FLATS Ducks —and then duck soup. That's what you will get if you go to the Nisqually\flatß after the game birds. Of course you must have a good gun and your sight must not have been impeded by the night before the morning after, et cetera. If you can see a yellow streak COBB'S DEMAND IS HONOR, NOT ORBED Ty Cobb's friends say greed isn't back of his demand for an increased salary. It is the unique distinction he is after. Hans Wagner has been paid in the past $10,000 a year. Cobb's last de mand for $9,000 was only a step in hi.s ambition, these friends say, to surpass Wagner's mark. Probably Navin would give him $11,000 this minute. But Cobb wants to set the figure so high that it will take a long time for another star to reach it, so he demands $15,000. If he gets that high figure just one year he will not worry about the next year. CHICAGO CVIVS NOW ON AYATKR WAGON FOR YKAR According to a rule recently laid down by President Murphy of the Chicago National league club, the baseball players of his organization are now on the "wat er wagon" Toi- the 1913 season. Murphy's edict precipitated heated words from Frank Chance, the late manager, who claimed that his players lost no games on account of too frequent tippling. Manager Evers, who succeeds Chance, says the orders of tTie president must be obeyed. It was understood that the order was to go into effect at the beginning of the new year. POWELL. COMES BACK {Ry United Press Leased Wire.) SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 11.— After being out of the game for more than a year, Lew Powell, one-time kingpin of the four rounders in the lightweight divi sion, la today heralded as a real "comeback," fighting four fast rounds to a draw here last night with "Red" Watson of Los An geles. I SAVE YOUli VAX.UAULES — from— FIRE OR IJVRGLARS brlnK—tlioni—to—our Safety Deposit Vault* and you are alnoj-* sure of them 1-mlrlo Safe Deposit Co. 11l So. 10th Street Vitality of Youth For Men Who Have Lost It 9^9H ks^Br V^BP&H ■ ■ % /I t E^B? h\ iMi^ ) ing KSrS. jßsffinS&JtrLnSfcgsTfisjß This is Free Just fill out this coupon and mall It to us If you can't call. We'll send you our big free book (closely sealed.) which tells all about Electra-Vita, how It cures and what It costs. < This book Is Illustrated with photos of perfect men and women, showing how Klectra-Vlta Is applied, and ex plains many things you should know regarding- ..he causa and cure of disease. If you want to . be the man nature Intended you '■ to be you must not fall to read ' this book. ' Consultation free. Office ' hours—• a. m. to 6 p. m. Wed nesday and Saturday - evenings ■ until 8; Sundays. 10 to 12. Saturday, Jan. 11, 1913. of a teal flying past you and! your gun happens to aim at the right spot and you pull the trig ger in time, you may bring home a bag. Laying all jokes aside, It is said that the Nisqually flats are the best ever for duck shooting this year. Try 'em. M'UOORTV AFTKIt KIjAVSK CHICAGO, Jan. 11.—Eddie Mc- Goorty Is determined to get a crack at Joe Klause and is hot on his trail today to secure a match within the next two weeks. Mc- Goorty was stirred to action by the report that a Milwaukee club was negotiating to sign Klause with Jimmy Clubby. PII.RS CURED IX* « TO 14 DATS Your druntit will refund money if Pan Ointment fall* to cur« Itchlnt, Blind. li: ed« Inc or Protruding Pile* Is 6 to 14 days. Ma, Special On Coal Heaters One IC-in. Great Western Ho* Blast Heater. Reg. f>lQ CA $17.00. Special . . <$ loi JU One 14-in. Tubular Hot Blast. Reg. $16.00. Pin Aft Special •) I ZttiU One 12-in. Tubular Hot Blast. Reg. $15.00 Q1 1 If! Special rgan«. Men who suffer from lost Urength, debility, weak nerves /aricocele and similar uomplalnti will find that Electra-Vita, to «ether with the electric suapen >ory attachment, will quickly pul ;hem in good condition. It Is a natural remedy, and :hose who have used it will tel you that It does all we claim foi •• • ' Mr. A. V. Whitney, Cottagi 3rove Or., says: "In regard t< the Electra-Vlta I secured fron jrpu about a month ago. will sa; that I am well pleased with It It has helped me wonderful); md I soon began to feel Ilk* i new man. My appetite Is gno4 sleep well and I have no palw It All* '*"j( „ THE ELECTRfI-VITA CO. DEPT. 8 • ■' ■* SWJ K.mprrn Bide, , Seattle, Wash. Please send me, postv&it, ; your free 90-page illustrate book. -. ...'">;---* r» ,ti .-.■■' ": Nam* ........ ........ .... .... . ; ": . ' Street .....;...........^ .... Town ' ,',.!■