i.i... ion nit \i.i:v. STYLES, styles, styles. All kinds for everybody and everyone a creation of 1913. Just look them over on the woman's page to day—they're hot from New York. CITY SETTLES UP CONTRACT Huns IVil< iMiii gets $61,342.70 in full .settlement for the work on the balance due for the construction of the Nisqually power flant. He asked $108,000. After he had agreed to compromises with the council on va rious items he came down to about $70,000. This morning En gineer Arvid Itydstroni gave his filial report on the whole plant in which ho figured the amount legally due Pederson $01,:t41i.7i) and after carefully going over his figures the council adopted Ills report and a resolution offering I'ederson the amount in full set tlement. Freeland refused to concur in the action. Seymour Objects. Mayor Seymour objected to tinning over all the money and in addition to $1,000 held back until some minor details are fin ished at the power station, tUe mayor insisted on Pederson giv ing him a check for $1,500 to liold for 15 days, until he makes personal Investigation of some things ou which he Is not satis fled. Pederson will meet with his bondsmen this afternoon and de cide whether to accept tne money tendered or go to court to collect more. Mayor Seymour stated In the council he believed Pederson was morally entitled to more. Engineer Rydstrom said there were two items on which the council morally owned Pederson more than It wag paying but that he had taken simply the legal end of It in figuring. Had Ped erson been given what really was coming to him as a basis of com mon honesty on these two Items lie would get about $6,000 more but he could not collect It legal ly and the council cut it out. l'ederson May Accept. It is expected Pederson will take what the city haa offered. "I will bo advise," was the statement of George Williamson, his attorney, after the meeting today. If he does this makes the whole Nisqually plant cost $2,065,310. ' lii addition to this there was nearly $200,000 put into building and equipment for the sub-station in this city, making the plant cost a total of $2,265,000. Engineer Rydatrom figured it at $77 a horsepower, which Is considered extremely low for con struction of power plants. "I believe It is the best ant? cheapest plant per horsepower ever built in the country," said Mayor Seymour. Pretty Soft For Matthews SEATTLE, Jan. 29.—Determ ined to outbid Los Angeles in the contest for the services of Rev. M. A. Matthews, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of this city, who has received an offer from the Southern city, 5,000 members of his church here have banded themselves together to give him any "support" he asks. The offer from Los Angeles In cluded a statement that the con gregation there was financially able to carry out any program he might plan. 26 ARE DROWNED HAVRE, France, Jan. 20. —Twenty-six of the crew of the German bark Ponganie are drowned today following a collision between that ves sel and the French steamer Phryne off here. BROUGHT INTO COURT IN IRONS, PETER MILLER ' ASKS FOR NEW TRIAL -'Peter Miller again stepped into the ray of the . spotlight today , with motions to quash a dozen of ■ the -13 \ informations ; for perjury ' against -■ him," arguing ' that if lie f swore , to ' lies % on *■; the V* witness ■ stand,' his whole testimony should be taken, us a lie —one lie, bat not 'i thirteen.'. ~~J~~- \:^£i*~C~JjX>2!£i fjT*£i These motions will be heard by BERTON BRALEY AND J. CAMPBELL CORY PLAN A FINE LIVELY FEATURE FOR THE TIMES READERS Berton Braley, the witty poet, whose writing are a feature of the Times, will colaborate with the punchy cartoonist, J. Campbell Cory, for the Times in a set of human life poem-cartoons, which will be published from time to time as humor mutually strikes them. These two men are at the very top among the leaders in their respective lines of newspaper work, and readers of the Times may expect a treat. The first of Braley and Cory's efforts will be printed tomorrow under the title of "The Chewers." TheTacoma Times CITY PASSES DANCE HALL ORDINANCE Over the bitter opposition of Owen Woods, who declared it a "crazy ordinance, tit for Siberia, Kii.ssin," the new- dance hall ordi nance was passed by the council this morning and is now a law. It requires all public dance halls to tie licensed at fees from $15 to $50. All dances must close at 12 o'clock unless special permission has been given by the commis sioner of safety to keep open un til 2. No minor under 18 will be al lowed to enter or dance. No smoking or carrying lighted ripe, cigar or cigaret will be al lowed in the ball room. No one intoxicated may attend a dance and no liquors may be taken into the dance hall or on the premises. Strict surveillance must be ex ercised on all present by the manager and no "undue familiar ity" will be allowed in any dances. SAM GOMPERS RAPS SOCIETY WOMEN NEW YORK, Jan. 29. —Bitter denunciation by Samuel Gompers of the American Federation of Labor of the proposed arbitration law, marked today's sessions of the convention of the National Civic Federatiohn here today. In the presence of many so ciety women interested in social work Gompers dubbed the society workers "dilettantes and faddists who go in for sociological and slumming expeditions and then walk on the other side of the street from the people." TRENTON, N. J., Jan. 39. —"LaFollette—tlie man who always knows what he is talking übnut." This was the tribute paid here today to Senator Rob ert M. I ,iil .illii I.- of Wiscon sin by President-elect Wood row WllNon following his declaration last night at At luntic City that ho favored progresoivißm, irrespective of party. LET WOMEN PUFF CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Jan. 29.— That women should be allowed to smoke as well as men Is today the opinion of Rev. William Boyd Carpenter, bishop of Ripon, Eng land, expressed In an Interview here. Judge Chapman tomorrow with Miller's motion for a new trial. As reason for another hearing 'in the charge of burglarizing the Fred V. Fisher home in Seattle, of which he was convicted last week, Miller sets forth that he was brought to court in irons on the first day of the trial and that two of Judge Clifford's instruc tions to the jury were faulty. VOL. X. NO. 34. 30c A MONTH. FRIEDMANN IS COMING TO U.S. (By I'nitcd Tress leased Wire.) NEW YORK, Jan. 29. —In the endeavor to successfully demon strate his tuberculosis cure and receive $1,000,000 thereby, Dr. Frederick Franz Friedniann of Berlin is to start for America In a few days' time, according to a ietter from the physician today in possession of Charles E. Kin lay, New York banker, who made the offer. Friedman must cure Rex Lee Paris, Finlay'B son-in law, and several others to get the money. For Tacoma and vi cinity: Rain tonight or Thursday. For Washington: Rain west tonight or Thursday; fair east tonight and Thurs day; colder tonight southeast portion. WOULD CURB POWER OF COURTS v (l»y X'nited PIW leased Wire.) OIAMIMA, Jan. Ud.—.Senator John K. Campbell of Kverett has today introduced v bill providing for a constitutional amendment prohibiting the supreme court from holding invulid any act passed by the state legislature. Campbell began his plans for the passage of this amendment two years ago when a member of the house. At that time he es sayed its being made part of the constitution, but the Bupreme court of Idaho ruled on a similar case in that state, declaring it would hold any such act of the legislature contempt. It is asserted now, however, that if the amendment b» sub mitted and ratified at the next general election the court would have no power to declare it void. PAWNBROKER WANTS $2000 FOR RELIC SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29.— That the local Knights Templar attempted to buy back the gold and diamond studded plate bear ing an invitation to the late President McKinley to attend a reception by the Knights here Jn 1890, from the New York pawn broker who obtained it from rela tives of McKinley, wer« prevent ed because $2,000 was demanded lor the relic is stated today. According to Samuel A. Clark, senior grand warden of the Knights Templar of California, the invitation could subsequently have been secured for $1,000, but that figure also was consider ed too high, as the Knights paid but $750 to have the plate made. PIPE BURSTS; ONE HURT When a main trunk water line pipe burst about noon today at Pacific and Jefferson avenue, John Kelly, a teamster, was struck over the eye by a piece of flying I Ipe, his Injury being so serious that he wag removed to the St. Joseph's hospital. Several yirds of. pavement were torn up by "ihe force ot tTi£ water when the pipe broke. A stream four feet in diameter shot into the air 35 feet high, blockad ing the street and stopping street cars temporarily. For half an hour t%e noonday throng watched the geyser, while all haste waa being made by the water department to "top JUie flow of water. r-- THE ONLY INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER IN TACOMA TACOMA, WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29,1913. HELEN GOULD'S FIRST PHOTO AS A MRS. Special photograph of Mrs. linley .1. Sliepard and her luisliaml, taken day after the wedding. No protographs were allowed at the Clould wedding, but realising that » great ninny |>cople would like to see her as siie looked'in her wedding gown, Mm. Klicpard culled in Photographer Falk the following day mid she and her hushajid posed for the above picture. Tin- Times was one of the newspapers of Americ-u which mii* < «-.lt-,| in purchasing a print off the negutive and we present the ,rln>in.^i';i|ili to nur readers as niimc. > (By United Press Leased Wire.) VIENNA, Jan. 29.—As the result of a prac tical joke played upon him by an actor, a fellow patient in the hospital at Grosswardein, Hun gary, a prosperous farmer of that community, is under arrest for murder. The actor, who was convalescing, dressed up as a priest and heard the sick farmer's confession. To his astonish ment, the man confessed to having murdered one of his farmhands some years ago. TACOMA SCOTS REMEMBER THEIR POET, BOBBY BURNS With poetry and song and; dancing the memory of Robert* Burns was revived last night by Tacoma Scots with a concert to oelebrate his 154 th birth anni versary at Masonic temple. A. S. Drummond, chairman,) delivered a glowing tribute to the ; (By United Press Leased Wire.) SEATTLE, Jan. 2k— Taking his life in his hands, a desperate burglar looted the home of Officer Fay Edwards, one of Seattle's police womeji, of jewelry valued at $500, and is today spending the proceeds. Officers at the central station are not making any special effort, to locate this thief, as it is the general opinion that a man so up against it that he would tackle the home of a policewoman would think nothing of killing off half the male members of the force. Scotch poet, whom he declared the poet of naure, who immor talised In verse the little and c«aiinonpluce things of life. The highland fling by Misses Aiuiiv and Helen Cameron and Annie Conley made a decided bit with the audience and the entire program was one of real merit. HOME EDITION BEGIN PROBE (By United Tress Leaned Wire.) OLYMPIA, Jan. 29.—Speaker Taylor's committee appointed to look into the charges made last week by Representative Houser that a monopoly existed in tlie Seattle waterfront and other cities in the Northwest, that ttie state owned large areas of the waterfront which has been Il legally turned over to private concerns, and that the Seattle docks charged exorbitant rates, is today examining witnesses, the nature of whose testimony will decide whether a special board will be appointed to make a thorough investigation. Five witnesses were examined yesterday, among whom were Krastits Brainard, former editor of the Seattle P.-1., Sam Bridges, former clerk of the federal court; E. W. Ross, former land com missioner: Justice Stephen Chad wick and 0. 0. Calderhead, sta tistician and rate expert of the public service commission. Bralnard, the first witness, be- Heved that the establishment of the harbor lines was legally ac complished because everything: was done according to official ap proval, the plans having been en dorsed by the secretary of war at the time. The testimony of the other four was purely technical. PLAYING INDIAN PROVES FATAL (Ity United Press Leased Wlw.) MITLVANE, Kan., Jan. 29. — While playing "Indian" with a. .22 cmlibre rifle, Clyde Eck, 9, shot his brother, .Veal, 12. and the lat ter is dead here today. THE good women of San Fran cisco are going to recall a judge who made it possible for a trafficker in young girls to make his escape from punishment. Read about them on page four today. MORO REVOLT; TROOPS SLAY (By I'nited Press l.i-nst-il Wire.) WASHINGTON, Jan. 29.— Thrilling details of slashing fight ing in the Philippines in which more than 100 Moros have been slain and hundrtids wounded dur ing the past few days, were receiv ed here today by the war depart ment from Gen. Pershlng, who is at the head of the American ex pedition. Pershing's cable says that in yesterday's engagement, J. H. Hara of the Eighth cavalry, was killed and Corporal Joseph Ba- Cupid Loafing On the Job; Answer? Since the licftiiiii:iiK of the new year, iniiriiiiK«*s in J'lerce comity have noticahly depreciated in ihiiiilmt. Jus tice Evans, WhoM , average liming I1M1! for .joining hap py couples whs one couple a dii.v, lias officiated at but three weddings since Janu- ary 1. His first wedding in two weeks look place late Tues day afternoon when Col. M. Pride of Wendenll, Idaho, Hud .Miss Adah * I toilers of O]yin|iia rushed to his sanc tum with a license from County Auditor \Vndsw»»rth. What's the reason? Answer: 1012 was leap year. WOMAN IS BAILIFF (By United Press Leased Wire.) SEATTLE, Jan. 29. -- Mrs. Mary H. Kelly will take office as bailiff of the police court here on February 1, she having been ap pointed to that position by Chief Bannick. She has considerable experience in police work during the past 20 years, being the nrßt woman bailiff in the state. LaFollette Girl Leads N.Y. Strike FOIiA LAKOUiKTTK. (By United l'reas Leased Wire.) NKW YORK, Jan. 29.—M:»s I"oIn LaFollette, daughter of Sen ator Robert M. LaFollette of Wis consin, and Miss Maude Young er, a San Francisco labor worker, are working bard in the Interests of the sttkers. Laic yesterday Miits LaFollette led a parade of girl plcketß but escaped arrest when nine of the marchers, in cluding Miss Younger, were fined $2 each. Although Miss Younger Insist ed she had nothing to do with ttie parade and was corroborated by Miss LaFollettc. the magistrate refused to remit the fine. J. < \ Ml'li! 1.1, GORY. gala and Privates Clarence Un derwood, Roy Keller, Robert Tracy and Sylvester Young of the same regiment, were dangerously wounded. In the fortress, after the flag went up, huge piles of dead and dying Moros were found who bad gone down undnr the sabres of the Yankee fighters. There are now three companies of Philippine wonts, a large force of native constabulary, two com panies of field artillery and sev eral hundred American infantry and cavalry now in or near Jolo. BANKER ON STAND IN FURTHCASE (Bf Inited Press Leased Wire.) BEL.LINOHAM, Jan. 29. — Judge Harden'a court, where four Seattle bankers arc on trial fop conspiracy, was rife with excite ment this morning when state's witness, W. E. Schricker, the bankrupt LaConnor banker, dra matically leaped to his feet and •irked permission to make a state ment. This followed Prosecutor Braw ley's reply to Insinuations of At torneys Hughes and Fulton, for the defense. In which he em pbtttcally denied he had spoken to Schrlcker since adjournment of court last night. Without waiting for p«■miissinn to be granted him, Schiicker cried out: "Mr. Brawley did speak to me yesterday. He called me into t lie judge's private office."" '"When was that?" Brawley asked. "In the morning, about 9: IB." "But not after adjournment of court last night?" "No." Schrlcker had been detailing, in answer to Assistant Prosecu tor Corrigan'B questions, a con versation on March 11, 1912, be- Iween himself and President An drews, cashier Ankeney and Dan iel Kelleher, attorney and direc tor of the Seattle National bank. The Schricker bank closed April IC, 1912. NO HOPE TO END STRIKE (H.v liil.d rrp»s leaned Wire.) NBW YORK, Jan. 29.—Hop» of an immediate settlement of .he New York Rarment workers' btrike was abandoned today when some of the clothing manufactur- X fused to abide by the terms, d upon by representatives of the employers and employes. The agreement provided that tl» Btrlkerg were to return to work immediately with increased wage* pending arbitration of their dif ferences. Menzies & Stevens Co. T. .T. FI-EKT\VOOI), ;,j K r. ■ ■'."- 913-916 Pacific 'aV^SS.! Tacoma. Wash. f , •" v "■. ■' ' ,"•_:■ ■ % The " Store i With a Conscience . Are taking orders ■ for made to* ? measure Clothing, ; $15 to $40 per suit. Let a repu table concern make your Clothes,/ if you can't be : pleased with our ':■ ready - tailored! kind. ■'",. .;;'i::