PAGE It Wasn't One of Those Delicate Lace Ones with Impassioned Poetry. .'■ ■ Words by Scliaefer Music bjr Oondo. IH»K«ESMaaKßaSa^Ka*maami SAVE YOl'R VALUAIILUS FIRE OU l"l ItGLARS hrlnit-—«lirm—ft>— Bnfetjr Depoalt Vnulta •Dd you are alwaya >urt ol ttarm Pactfle Hat* Deposit Co. 111 go. 10th Street SUNDAY, FERKUAItY 1« George M. Cohan's Latest Comedy Triumph "Broadway JoneY* With New York Cast and Pro duction PRICKS 50c to 91.50 Seat sale Saturday. PRINCESS THEATER MAIN 7700 TIIIS Wll X "Because She Loved Him So." Bargain Matinees \W aVlafi WKEK 7—Parisian Violets— "The Rah Rah Boys" Firo Other Act*. EMPRESS A Night in the Park s—Other Special Features—s THE LYRIC 1320 Pacific Avenue. The permanent home ot cork- Inc comedlea and thrilling West era first-run pictures, the latest output of the leading producers. THE PALACE 1128 Pacific Avenne. Snappy comedies and high-class dramas. Four to the hour, and always something worth while. FREE FREE jlJTer_Teagpoon.s to tlm IJMlieg I — aim—a»aas»»m»a»s»sss»p»aa»a»»i [PITZEN BIG OPENING SALEJ I — ••' ______________________________ H I OLD FIRM-NEW LOCATION-1332 PACIFIC AVENUE I I A genuine bargain for every customer and remember every article given as advertised. We mean to build up our reputation by giving m ■ good honest values. See a few of the bargains below. ■ * . B I Open at 9 a. m. Saturday, February 15th I *~V Cotton Socks, black,, tan and fancies, '.".-. \ ■''■!»«» Mind You Ps ■ and Os Go GIVE A 1.0 OK! AT "FTP_. ■■'■-■- —t ■■ "; -_■ —• ■- ,;.-»-_».„ * »: -i _-^. _*•* - w-vxi a. ijuujv. __j. AXX—OX., DIIjX- IP- Ml ■ !• Mind Ynn Pq anri Os Work Shirts, 50c value, - OQ I m'^^^V^b^i0T:...::....,....:..,.: .. -. 87C Men's Goodyear Welts Snappy ess Shoes, a genuine bargain.. «P^i.«^vr double soles ...."..". i.*-»v Fancy Dress Shirts, slightly soiled samples, CA_ ¥• ■ values 12.00, g0at;............ w OOC ■--■■•.■.• •• - - ■■ ■ --■ - m»... —___—__ _ values up to .25, go at . OUC H"-; 1-sisSgliJl? iS cLOTHiNG-.Y« 10 Ao (Mr bWT-^ ■■■■■...69c I ■ .-g0at...................... $1.33 Choice of any of OUr $20 XL 1 # kfll Q V 1 b^ Golf Shirts, military collars, French Q(- |:> I gsiji-l|^_^ Sfj £!£? ast uils 'a genuine tp-l-uDU & «pID £g±«;S!t -J^ I ■ /vaiue»up to »4.00. go at $z.Du bargain at . -.:'•;.-•>• >:-;.v/v». T : . vv^->;;fe^ . ■ .> included lac gs IQQO PACIFIC THE WHITE PIT7FN'^ THE WHITE PACIFIC 1 QQO I |fl:a^4 AVENUE -. • FROMiiilir 1 1 A.Ejl^l O FRONT . AVENUE 1006 j ■niI^HHHyBHfIHHHUHKQfIBBSBH^HBHHHIHiH^HH^HHHHfIiI^HII^HiIHiIIiHIHBHIIHHII^ KOEPKEY WILL NOT BE ON HAND COMING TO TACOMA United Doctors SPECIALISTS Will lie at the DONNELLY HOTEL Monday, Feb. 17 And Will Kemain Until Sunday, Feb. 23 Remarkable |MM of These Tnl fiiteil Physicians in the Treat ment of Chronic Diseases. OVm THEIR SERVICES FREE OF CHARGE United Specialists, licensed by the state for the treatment of de formities and All nervous and chronic diseases of men, women and children, without surgical operation. Rupture, External Tumors, En larged Glands, Gall Stones, Appen dicitis rurod without the knife. Headache, Neuralgia. Chronic diseases of the Skin and Blood, Stomach, Bowels, Liv er, Kidneys and Bladder, Goitre, Nervous Debility with tired feel- Ing, Rheumatism and Catarrh. The I'ntlfd Doctors will give free treatment (except a small charge for.: biedicines) on this particular visit, and this only to those who are interested and real ly sick. Inasmuch as these doctors are giving their valuabl* services free to the sick they will expect of those treated to tell the results to their friends and thus prove to the afflicted in every city and lo cality that at last treatments have been discovered that are reasona ble sure and certain In their ef fect. . Married ladles must be accom panied by their husbands and minors with their parents. Frank Koepkey, the big Taco ma athlete who Is billed to meet Kd Hagen in Seattle tonfglit, was forced to call the match off, for the present, on account of an in jury received in a wrestling mntcu at Olyiupia Wednesday night. Koepkey met Johnson, the clever Seattle grappler, who agreed to flop the Taconia man two times in an hour. After nearly fifty minutes" work he succeeded tn getiiig one fall and severely wrenched Koepkey's arm. Koep key, however, finished the matcn and succeeded in staying with Johnson another ten minutes and winning the match. SEEK NEW GOLF CLUB A new golf club, with a nine hole course at Lakewood on the prairie, is the plan of the lovers of golf in Tucoraa. The organiza tion will be known as trie Lake wood Golf clul) and a club house will be erected at the course. In terest in the new venture la keen and many Tucoiuans have already signified their intentions or as sisting the new club. No Need to Si op Work When the doctor orders you to stop work it staggers you. I can't, you say. You know you are weak, run down and falling In health day by day, but you must work as long as you can stand. What you need is Electric Bitters to give tone, strength and vigor to your system, to prevent break down and build you up. Don't be weak, sickly or ailing when Electric Bitters will bene fit you from the first dose. Thousands bless them for their glorious health and strength. Try them. Every bottle is guaran teed to satisfy. Only 60c at Ryner Malstrom Drug Co., 93S Pacific ay. THE TACOMA TIMES. RANDOM SHOTS BY WILIA'UM WII.nWAVK. They say that they want a lot ii' recruits to fight those battles down in Mexico. Why not send down a few suffragettes— A bibulous gent walked with a starboard tilt into the public phone at the Donnelly the other uight. He took the receiver off'tha hook and listened intently. "Central?" thrilled that famil iar bird-like voice. The bibulous gent answered not. "Central—what number?" a little impatiently. "What numbersh yuh got?" he asked gently. Of course, it's an old gag,, Mustunhu. Hut that ( don't hurt it any, does it? ['";'"' Nothing happened to Genee's toes last night. Now we t ( can breathe freely again. Sv^t Don't fail to be on hand at the opening of the bridge tomorrow. Free music, free speeches, free souvenirs, free champagne.' - Unhappily the champagne Is Tor the bridge only. (Groans'.)-- '-f■■ ■t'-S^^^^^iS->s♦<&♦s>s><» i> . , EXOUSKS. ■■■(: v There are a lot of Queer In habitants In the world —that is, we think so, don't we? But can you think of any way that these can find excuses for themselves. Decent married old coves wltn lots o' kale who make love to their fluffy stenogs? Gay young devils who get as much as $12 per trying to wear silk underwear and smoke two bit cigaroots? Pretty girls who think that It's cute to carry seven distinct Johns on their staff and make 'em spend all their change—and then marry the feller they've had a line on down In the country? Dames who think it's devilish to tote around an ugly snapping; ki-oodle usually named Gertie or Teddy? Married men who belong to the Brass Rail club? Pool or poker sharks? Old maids? »s. «> <$> ■$> <* *■ (?> «.»><«>?> ♦ ♦ ♦ « <»> ADVKXTUIIK. * <$• «> <£ ■» » I do not need to take a snip And sail the Spanish main; I do not need to pacic my grip And ne'er come back again. I do not need to g-o anroaa, I do not need to roam; Adventures such, do smack of fraud; I'm getting mine at home. In this Tacnraa town there are Bold pirates by the score; There's more adventure here by far Than elsewhere; yea, there's more. A pretty damsel in distress. Is very common dope; Adventure? Kid, let me Impress You there's a.lot— there's hope! IS IT RHJHT? Is it right that people should be allowed to roam at large who say "he's got oodles of money;" "he cops the bacon;" and such? No, Bagdad, to the dun geons with 'em! O, Mary Lee, o, Mary Lee, I send this valentine to thee; To write It surely pleases me. The rhmye's an awful cinch, you see! Omly One «bAoMO aUT!VI!fB» That Is Laxatlva Bromo Qulnlno. Look for the •Ignatur* of 83." W. Orov«. Cum a C«ld j m On* Day. Cur*a ufip la Tw» Daya. 280. DRUMMERS' SAMPLE SUIT HOUSE 1.140 Pacific Aye. Suits and Overcoats, $15, $20 and $20. DOG SHOW PLANNED Tacoma will hare another dog show this year. Al though no definite action was taken in the meeting of tho Tacoma Kenuel rlub last night it is generally under stood that the show will take place. A meeting will be THE UP STAIRS MEN'S CLOTHES STORE Men's High Grade Clothing $15 |nd $18 AS THE ELEVATOR GOES UP PRICES GO DOWN ' Ride Up Two Floors and Save $5.00 a Floor If we were on the ground floor we couldn't do it —Our expenses make the difference."We in vite you to call and compare our values. You Bates and Made Han You Save T» ,3d Floor ™ Save $10 00 Bankers> Trnßt Bid* $10 00 $10.00 Take the Elevator" 10(K> .. % held at 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon at the Commercial club to arrange dates and elect officers for the ensuing year. CORNS REMOVED DR. BOYKR, Chiropodist 7th and Pac. ay. Tel. Main 5970 Friday, Feb. 14,1913. LANGERT LIQUOR CO. Sole Agents for the. Famous Pennsylvania Limited Rye, The Olympic Club Bourbon, and our Spe cial Monogram and Pri vate Stock Whiskies. We also guarantee our Wines to be right. Pur ity, quality and full" measure is our motto. Family trade aud mail orders solicited and promptly filled. 1325 C St. Phone Main 6022. Hy the uae ol medic inal herba ami roots known for their re markabl* curea In China, we are ahla to absolutely cura auch ailments aa Catarrh, Deafness, Asthma. Skin Dis eases, Rheumatism, Appendicitis, Heart Trouble, Kidney . Complaint, etc. The remedies we use are obgo lutfly non-poisonous and positively do not contain mercury. If unable to call personally, send 2c stamp for diagnosis nliink. I*. VOW CHINESH MKDICINBI CO. Ill'i': Pacific ii»■ l' lli:i'.. i ciinmrrrr ut- Main 8259