Mf LITTLE MISERY™ ANOTHER CORKING ROBERT W. CHAMBERS STORY, APPEARS IN THE TIMES TOMORROW The Newspaper Enterprise Asso- X ciation has writers and photogra- I phers everywhere. Tacoraans re- | ceive its every feature in the Times A »»— would like to do It well And I'm .ur. that you'll uw "'• wa*,%™ *bOut ""» Jui« pu'.-nat *"•**? K*l Tacoma and vicinity: Fair tonight and Saturday. Washington: Fair tonight and Saturday. TheTacoma Times 30c A I THE ONLY DTDEPKNDBNT MEW3PAPEB IN TAOOMA I HQME _ .MONTH! VOL. X. NO. 23:*. TACOMA, WA&aiNUTOIS. iriUDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 191:;' HOW MURDERER OF ANNA AUMULLER WAS TRACED In Exclusive Interview Inspector Faurot Explains How He Ran Down Pseudo-Priest BIXBY TRIAL IS NOW ON gS"#>>'^®! ♦'♦♦ ■ ■;•■>♦.»" ♦♦ ♦ • ■■■•-■■■ •♦♦♦,■- .♦♦♦-"' GIRL FAINTS ON STAND |5 «>♦♦ <>*♦ ":-• ,■■'♦♦♦ ■■-■'■■■ ♦♦♦ ♦*♦ 3 ♦♦♦•'■. BLACKMAIL, THE DEFENSE Girls who accuse George 11. Uixliy, Long Beach millionaire, of contributing to Mieir delinquency. Top, Rittle Phillips; lower right, Eva Nesbitt; lower left, Marie Levy. «<•<>. H. Blxby. *-. LOS ANGELAS, Sept. —The trial of George H. Uixby, million aire of" Long Beach,' ■}. Oil., on charges of contributing to the de linquency of two minor girls, wax resumed .in the superior V court tills morning. ?'.;?:-"^ ■ I :;'r' '-£? >/, That the defense plans to win Its. case 'by proving j (hat >. Itixby was I the victim 'of i a huge black mail ' plot •'. was I indicated | at ' yes terday afternoon's j session I when Attorney liecompte' Davis for the defense . ( subjected j* Helen ft. Cleo Darker, one of the girls named in the charges, to a severe i cross-ex amination. gjf At the conclusion of her ' testimony ; the j girl j fainted, v On direct jj questioning ■, the girt said : that she I had I been I introduc ed |to Bixby as < a "Mr. Kins" at the Jonquil, a notorious **J resort owned Iby | Emma .T. Goodman, alias i Josie ; Rosenberg, - who — is now serving I a year ■In jail, and that I Blxby, had | given .-■ her $600 and' a ; gold J cross » and I chain fol lowing i an '/;:: acquaintanceship p{oi six 5 weeks. ?~ She admitted, how ever, that sßixby gave her $300 when she told him •; that j she was going East to i get married, ; and other sums '; which f amounted Sto the entire amount which she said she used "■ for other purposes. vv 'i Dnvia then cross-questioned her. "Did you ever talk over with Attorney W. H. Stevens and Charles McKelvey plans for ob taining money from men who frequented the Jonquil?" "I don't remember," answered the witness. '.'Did they never suggest to you to get the names of the wealthy men who visited that resort, tell ing you that money could be got from them? 1' "I don't remember," answered the witness again. The hearing was resumed this morning. Thrown Out Of Window CLEVELAND, 0., Sept. 11. — The Invention of a rocking bed, designed to lull to early slumbers all those troubled with insomnia, is announced by Benjamin Apfou weltz, baker and delicatessen'mer chant, who recently Invented a musical ice cream freezer, rocking bathtub, a set of spring-action false teeth, an automatic chopping bowl and a mechanical cork leg. The bed is equipped with a clock dial, so attached that at a set hour the motor would raise the head of the bed and set Ibe occu pant oat upon his feet. Apfenweltz got into the bed, which set up a gentle rocking. Suddenly there was a rattling whir, then a yell from the inven tor and a crash. "The self-rising feature of the bed needs some chimes before the invention can be put on the market," the inventor said today. "It had been geared up too high." Instead of setting Mr. Apfenweltz out on the floor It straightened up with a jerk and threw him out of the second-story window. |^yMMtfA|^^MV^^ytf|'-^U[^M^^^£^BKC4B^^^' *I^Bb9^Bßi Bflßßßb^^s^Bßßßß^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B^B BBBB^^^ BBBr^B^^^7*^^^^BF^Bßßßß^^*^^,^B^^^^^Bßßßßl^^^^r ' fl^^^^^B^^^^H jßß^* dBBB^ BBB^^^BBBb & A 111 JINK XT WILL f> MILWAUKEE!, Wis., Sept. 30. —In ! a will eight |5 and Qj one-halt feet 3 long, Miss ■ Math tide Tommet bequeathed everything from mon ey to chicken ! feed to frieads, but an i old i pair Jof shoe ! strings I went SUSftSß|bat=^nTCnß UKT HE GOT DRUNK, TOO I X ROTTERDAM »WiSpt.p| 19.— , .Wagering! on hi* 1 power tof imag-j iUatJon?;Albert Itethya a woa i«|800 cigars-* by i eating - a^pounit at I dry BANDITS ROB DRIVER, IHEN STEAL AUTO Held up by two highwaymen, one of whom was masked and carried a revolver, Krnest Cook, a chauffeur, was robbed of his money early this morning, forced to crank his car and allow the bandiu to drive off with it. The robbery occurred at Pacific ave nue and 40th street at 4a. in., and the machine, a wheel broken off and otherwise badly dam aged, was found two hours later at East 34th and McKinley ave nue, in the ditcb. Cook was a "rent driver" emplo}ed by O. L. Patrldge, owner of the car. The chauffeur had taken two Intern i ban carmen to their homes In the south end of the city and waa returning to his stand at 13th and Pacific. At 40th street a tall man jumped into the street and hailed him. Cook stopped, and as he did so a smaller man, masked and brandishing a gun, leaped on the running board and commanded Cook to hold up bis hands. After the chauffeur's pockets had been searched and $7 in cash removed, the bandits ordered him to crank up the car. Neither highwayman, according to Cook, knew anything about, running a machine, and after they started off, leaving Cook standing in the street, they swerved dangerously from side to side. Cook reported the hold-up to the police and gave a detailed description of the two men. He said that he had seen the taller man in Tacoma many times. ASSASSIN IN AUTO GARAGE RUNS AMUCK \ BAN ' FRANCISCO, Sept. 19.—"My husband shot me .. ■ down before I knew of ~. his ■ \ presence. - ■ Then <> he ? leaned"; ■ over and kissed me and ask ed me if I were badly hart. Then he shot the two men." : •- This statement is c-* alleged ;.' to have been 1 made by Mrs. t- H Kate Coulson, wife of A. • B.lg ,- Coulson, j this , afternoon, . aft- >; i'er she' recovered;. conscious -7' ness for a few minutes.': .'!'^v - w SAN. FRANCISCO, Sept. 18.— George Kovack, night clerk in the Atlas garage, and William Acker, a chauffeur, 1 were shot dead 'and Mrs. Kate Conlson was fatally wounded early this morning by a man whose identity has not been revealed. } Mrs. Coulson '. was ] eat ing luncheon in the garage. She said ; later i that " she ■ knew % the man, lint refused to tell his name. A general order was sent out from police' headquarters' that ihe was A. It.. Coulson, the woman's J bus* band, who ;- has £ been % estranged from . her for some tlmeVryj**.':-*'^ Streaming with blood from the bullet wound, Mrs. Coulson' rush-, ed \ from • the rfi garage > and ;■*■ fled down *: Market. street. *»;f * She col lapsed lln ' front of ' the i Kelly. gar age, where she was ! placed ; in* an automobile 1 and : rushed *A to the Emergency i ho«pltaLti;|AH^^i^g After j her arrival 'she; admitted that ' she '• knew wlo had shot ■ her companions and herself, but would not f tell ) its / name. J Then *£* she lapsed into unconsciousness.";lt is stated -: at , the J hospital I that she cannot, Uve.^^*af .#Misf4iJ^ "'y; In ir the g meantime rS Policeman (Saris, j who | rushed i to .:"» the % spot where: the , woman ! fell, traced ; the trail of blood ito , the Atlas garage. He I found | the „ bodies i of l Kovack and ;; Acker, t eaoh of ; whom had been ■: shot 1 several *»;„ times, ••" lying among . the • debris | of 'J. overturned furniture, empty beer bottles and fragments *?$ of fm %$S half-eaten luncheon.'^fMSrf&^*ism- TODAY'S T CLEARINGS Clearings^tf?tl^|f*46;oll.»l BalanbeslTlTTl'nTrfife 63,370.60 Transactions 1,128.228.39 beer. WHKN DOCTORS PA Hi NBWPKOT, R. h, Spet 19.-n When physicians failed to dispel a slight Indisposition of Master Vincent McLean, richest babx .in the world, « troupe of negro' min j strels played tor him cad he ! Improved. FIRST PICTURES PRINTED IN TACOMA OF SHAM PRIEST AND VICTIM IN NEW YORK'S LATEST SENSATIONAL MURDER WITH PILLOW CASE FOR A CLEW DETECTIVE TRACES CRIMINAL - NEW YORK, Sept. 19.—A short, stocky man with a round face, leaned against a desk in the detectives^ room in the great New :f:, ,;' '-""^'ff 1-:^ Jt \ -(^ York police headquarters, [mjjjjjjjmmii^^yjmi ' Efc seemed tired but in W/^^^ e <* m Mr keen, well-set I eyes7*^*v *«* «? V*• there was a look of won \ H^; v O' cß^ -V V' v derful satisfaction. < \' Ac v VVv M - Not at all % the man glt^^-^^il^V : you'd pick ■ for a Lecocq, ; I ?>\* c '• ly * •;!-; "I or a Sherlock Holmes — k ox** \ this Joseph A. Faurot! /&0*~) \ But no •■ old $v sleuth of m \^'^>^ IT-> when he unearthed the man who betrayed and butch ered Anna Aumuller. ■:: -.I^Sk^'v "•■>■■ >'-'■■ ' Xothfng but a pillow case, with a titter "A" embroidered on it, to je«d to the discovery of one of the «r< ilest . and - craftiest ' murderers brown in all the history of inur den and yet— ■ j£IS i'-'v.'-i.fjjp**."*? kj I 'It was simple," • said Inspect- IjFaurot.Vi "The pillow case was pldHfjr! "There was Just one place »U#tc we had to ' lake a chance. We 'took it, and right i there ■ the wiojp knot unraveled." 1" ~ /What were tbe steps?" . |' fxHTell, I there < weren't i so . many af ■«>" might think. "*.. First, : we huS'• that >; pillow slip, on which wik the name of the manufactur er*. » "To whom ■in New York j_ had tl>* manufacturers sold ' slips ; of thi pattern, lately? %&"sZsgig&?% U. Mrney told us, , when we asked, thjrt' their l books ' showed J the j sale oral a■of i these slips '. to ■: George HnwiH, a ' second ; hand (I furniture ■aafe».fi»'Harlein.r^«'^J&gSgi!S^S | Mr Step NUMBER ONE : had ' been taken ; and 1 step No;• =■- 2 i">' led sj to Sa »s! ■ ' pf ; course, we might have ! had to ;<> back on our tracks If Sachs' sa is had i led up 'blind £" alloys.'.. Tl H first one did. He j had sold oi i of the pillowcases to the cap a lof a canal boat. Considering h t • the '. pieces of the ! girl's; body if [' bees } fished ' out of» the • river, h t clew looked good. 'Which " Just > goes, to, show that ire i never can tell. The canal be trnan ' soon convinced as ?: that w< were wasting our time on him. A smuch i less \ likely; looking ! clew was the sale of one |of the slips and a lot of other furniture to a {apt named j Hans i Schmidt, who MiMKealag. liU&K LEBSEH «CO NOW fONKERS, N. V., Sept. 19.— 1 Miss i Bon | Lesser reported ', to . the I ix)lie* she gave; Alexander Mans {cnet %96 of J her savings, snppos | Jngjffjie [} wu l. to be T hi« > Brtde.'j but 4 MtMQanr eloped 1- to p.Provldene* had the stuff delivered at a little third-floor rear flat in Harlem. "Step No. 3 was to go to that apartment. -Detective O'Nell and I VVKNT THKUK and learned that on Aug. 25 a man rented the flat, paylUK »") on-deposit, and on Aug. 26 had ta.ten possession, with a woman. - -\ \i "Sept. 2, we learned, the re maining $14 of -a month's rent was paid by the men. From that day neither the man nor the wom an was seen to go in or come out! "For four days we watched that apartment. I couldn't wait any longeis "THEN IT WAS THAT I DE CIDKB TO TAKE THAT CHANCE! "I hadn't any right to do what I did, with no more to go on than I had,, but the thought of what might Me behind that locked door in those silent rooms was too compelling for me to resist, and I took step No. 4. "With a broken hanme.r I forc ed the door. O'Neil ar d I step ped softly in. "The bed In the bedroom was bare of mattress and pillows. In the closets were banging suits of men's.clothes and a lot of wom an's attire. Two trunks were filled with a woman's clothes. "The place had been washed and cleaned, but we found four bars of soap still bloody, stained rags and a blood-stained scrub bing brush. "HKHK WAS THE PLACE PLACE WHERE A WOMAN HAP confiscated I the nfi®i|§?Ste§feglii' ■ !■ j a n nun" CMUnCH VB. BAR GOSHBN, N. V;, Sept. 19. — When J. B. McKillop, a bartend «r.\ pawed % a church, lightning jumping' rdm ; the I lightning j ro» •>■ \ The Times carries the cream of | the United Press leased wire serr ice daily. The owners of the Times -, own the service. , \ •|l »i» m »» T- r? PiKW.VORK, Sept. f 10.— That the list of < victim* %of '■ " Hans . v Schmidt,tV eßiied ' murderer of Miss Anna Au- Inuller, . had lie escaped '■!? de-, ■ tection, would have „ rivaled» that of Or. H. 11. Holmes," the ) famous Chicago and Cincin nati murderer, who was exe cuted .?;- in frj Philadelphia In ' 1800, Is the belief: here j to-; ; il ay of detective* working on i the case. • Scoreg'J of i*. blank" :' death : and ; burial certificates; were " found Yin & S died 'i naturally. This \ ■, was' the X way jf Holmes " work ed. He committed )12 j mur | ders } in ■ several ! middle [ west * crn cities before he was cap ' tured and : hanged in ■ - Phila •.. delphia. 'l*^ 1 > v •£•&:%' ;1;'i~ ."= •""■"*' * BEEN KILLED AND CUT UP! *p "We \ must find I who' she was, and I who had S murdered! her. ■* We came upon 'a j letter addressed Jto Anna Aumuller, care of St.; Bon iface church, t We thought at once of the "A" on the pillowcase. We found « in . the I trunks * underwear which ' matched I the ■ chemise in which one piece of the body .was found. We found part .of the copy of | the : New York paper, in j which another part of the body had been wrapped. I&pif^^^3&*&s r::i "In the bathroom we found the saw, the ; butcher ■ knife and F wire that I with' which - the 1 bundle* j had been 5 tied. But & what counted MOST OF ALL was the LETTER AI>I>KKHKKI> TO ANNA AU MUIiLKIt, ' CARH ; OF :; ST. \ BONl face; mmi/cm®^m&3b&im& "Hans : Schmidt i had (rented the apartment. ' Beyond a shadow of a > doubt Hans Schmidt was | the murderer. "Was 'Hans Schmidt'.' a real i' or an assumed »ameV^^|*^fi^^| "If the * former, were we going to |be H able I to,' get | any trace |of aim at St. Boniface church, where the gtrl 'evidently been em ployed? . '.'Step ; NUMBER; FIVE ■ was to Ko to 4 St. * Boniface I church 1 and have these § questions « answered. When we confronted the pastor, Rev. J. H, Brawn, and lie told us Bans Schmidt had assisted in pa»; toral duties, our 7 work, was al most done. To ' put our hands on Schmidt was | all I that remained. When we showed hint Anna's pie. turts and asked him whether he had killed her, he just crumpled op,* and tar task • was ; finished.^ %g So, yon t see how simple it was, according to Inspector Faurot. WILL TALK ON| "SEX HYGIENE" p.prAD,*;o.iKMi^tlS»r«tt*r * of P»y«l6lonrTand^phyelc*iaratßfnf at the University of • Washington, will deliver an address to men in the Y. M. ('. A. auditorium Sue day afternoon on "Sex Hygiene " Prof. t Hal lis | considered one sot I the best authortU#s on the snfij«et ia ■; tb#, Nofth»Mt U' »re« «• i 13 MILL TAX join DURING 1914 COMMISSIONERS FINALLY HKT ■ TIJ<: ON miiKJUT—■<7ITIZEN» 'i ; / NOW*. HAVK -: A<* CHANCE— I ikst i:i:.\i. : iKaitKH OF - BXPMNIUCB NKXT VKAU it hush TODAY;«^SSSsISEB '. The > budget iof ' the , city com-; mUsloners was finally adopted • this morning and.t.l'.l;be publish ed until the first | Monday la,: Oc tober, when the people are asked; to come In and offer suggestions. It may be cut ™ now, % but not raised. ■ .-;■, fiSSJgI '■'„ The ■ commission i made mo ! pro vision for a tideflat street railway so , this: enterprise cannot Ibe J5 in- ■; augurated | as. a municipal ] owner-' ship scheme without a bond Ibsu* next year.»:»-,■. j,*«j* l-t.V'ijfiS'^sS^ ■15 The * budget ■ will < require a 13 --mill levy, being within i $24 of cx i actly ■13 mills on & valuation $j of:. , $70,000,000,, which allows 6g per cent for unpaid taxes. v :; ;f ;.*ia.?ißS| I The back taxes were allowed to; ( offset the deficit which Controller . Meads says will occur > this \ year. 0 The totals (or 'the different de- % partments are as follows: p^^Jifg r. Departments— ,;'; Totals. Health A sanitation ; $39,816.85S Public, safety V.... 406,411.7* Public works ...... 318.868.t6 Finance. .; .r .... ; (8,710.00 Public library V;. .'.»?*■ 85,236.00 Miscellaneous .. .- Judge," ruled ' Justice Cullen of the court of ap peals, A "it's Imy opinion ' that - the j court cannot entertain challenges. •: "I believe . persons challenged V are entitled ito , sit, and SIS don't think a member of the court could • be excused even If desired." ; ..'.-; v.' The court ) upheld g the * ruling unanlmou»ly."^>L^*S.?f*«^&^^ 3}For, refusing to »: answer ques tions concerning | charges !he wasj •aid ito | have } made, to I the effect j that j£3 certain f* legislators p werej bribed, to ; vote for Governor Wil- \ liam Sulzer's ;. Impeachment, '; the I state assembly early » today sent ? James f Garrison,' a~£ New 4Y»r* | newspaper '. correspondent, } to i toil. ? •:;« Unless i he ;c clears j, himself si by proving, withdrawing or repudiat ing the , statements! attributed Eto 5 him, 'ie may remain in prison un til- the present ' session of the; le»-:; islature closes, January jl:"';:j.^-^V tiesHdynamite to body, three arejolleb [f BIjOOMISGTON, Ind., Sept/ 10. Tying several sticks of J dyna mite about . his W waist. Mack Hurst, age 58, 4 early ; this morn, ing crept Into the bedroom vriM Ilia daughters, Maud*, 1«; JtmmlKL< 12, and KlizobeUi, a. were stejf^ ing, and ! blew» himself ;. to IMI». , Maude was killad and ; IBtßflj ; was fatally injured. His wtWJWIi two sons yln another be# were uninjured. ', Hurt*'. lifisirt^ that his wife occupied the roast fa-'' which : he: exploded the ■iljlls*i''m" He had , been i recently ; adjudge** Insane and was awaiting pormnt meat to the insane aajrHHa* t%^ l house ,wm wrecked by Urn trtglt irion. ■ '' The New DEMI BOSUfI Shirts are H*r ■ tatched $1.00 and tl J&