OCR Interpretation

The Lynden tribune. [volume] (Lynden, Wash.) 1908-current, July 09, 1908, Image 1

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88085445/1908-07-09/ed-1/seq-1/

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Olhe Street Work Carried
I )ver
\ll in. ml.t i s were present at the reg
ular meting of the council on Friday
evening last
m» minutes <.r ihe last meting were
»■ - "f 'he Marshal. Town Tre-
MMTor and the Town Clerk |m read
■ml !• •• ,| pbrwl on file.
I lie following hills were read and
It vs I lender. M H \ and June salary,
H $10,110
J A, Wilghi. | months oom'n. 47..1. r >
« «n ttalley, June salary, .. fiO.ull
*m Pilot, priming Ml
V« >"< »' lons for Olive street were
• «<l 4n>l oil luuiloii were laid over un
! !•- »I I. KilUl meeting.
IMI atotioM. council ail join lied.
Inm |i. W, lUiidir. clerk.
Fading June 30, I*oß.
Hal mi band. Jan. I, 190N, . . $2fi«6.3ti
MwrltMl 11olil (HUM; Ileus. I.NT.l.'i
ii. . i eil 11 oiii eoiiniy lreas. &53.54
MMWtted flout fines a.OO
I l,i>lii In elites, Wti.ai
Total. »3<;ir..a.
l.mii.d lo Main St. Imp Mat, faff.fl
' i mull lo Jd Si Imp. Dial. 'iW.Vt
l-.atn.-d Fish Trap St. Imp. DM. 49.7!
I'aid In warrant*. 1142.0;
Total |2. r .78.7'i
Ital ou hand July I, 11)08. |1157.1;.
ki.iih Mi reel Improvement Fund: i
• Ulan., on hand Jan. I, 1!HIS, i».oi" ,
r. ||« Hon.. 106.28 ,
Total Hla.lt i
Iteiurned to Main St. Imp. Fund, 115.3
Vo bal on hand July 1, 1»08.
Mala akrwi Improvement Fund — .
I til on hand Jan. 1. IWOS, 28.44
i > I lert lon a 80.47
Hemmed from Front St. 115.33
Honi.wed from t'ur'nt Kx. Fund, 527.7'
Tiital 761.01
I'atd wairanl No. 2 761.01
No balance.
aWond Su.ei Improvement Fund —
<al afl hand Jan I. ISM, $377.13
Morrow'd fn m CWut Fx.Fund 259.17
I.lsl. 636.3(1
Paid warrant, 636.30
•!■ I 111 p Flllld
Mima 269.1 i.
■ 11. 14. .| N. in Cur. Xx Fund. 19.7.".
..a*. 319.15
Hald aautnil No. I. 319.15
MM raah on hand, July 1, '08, 1157.15 •
• . imilled .mil .-hinged to inarsha
.int. 70.00 I
i llniid li> mnrsliul, 50.69 1
i in ii mi |7n al per cent, 17.50
n*l due from Mini:dial, IJM 8
Toial. $70.00
Total SIUoMHI of licenses Issued
IriHW Jan. I. 191 th lo July 1. 1908, 114.00
I \<\ eleik and ireaaurer 44.an 1
• 'harfjatt to marahal, 70.00
Vtairant named from Jan. I to July ,
I IWM. 11137.15
vtanatit* psld from Jan.l, to July
I IttM. H42.08 ,
No warrants outstanding July .1, 1908.
H. h|h eitiillv submitted,
11 v\ lieiuler, Town Clerk.
Wihon IMumincr Loses Limb
Widen Hummer was taken to the
h,«f)lt«l Hi HalllßghSin, Monday and
,v, 11 was I bought best lo ain
sastass hta leg above the knee. He
stessi the opersltoe well.
x,. i-i.ll .1 h knee has been Iroub
« him »ltahily ever stncehe waa
l .earn ..Id Kor the past tour years
It turn Irritated him more than ever,
I | „... ~, ,11 ii.,.hi m\ weeks ago when
.11 i,, in ii wheel and hurt 11.
BjJfJJi badh hail It been holherliiK him
.•in!,.- ih. ii he has been
walking on crutches and the swelling
had «one . lear down Into hU foot and
i here aaa danger of blood poison set-
M ,, Wilson I'luuiiuer went
*.«» Wed»»aday to care for him.
Mr and Mrs S«» rk vlH,trtl
aajjfj Ma mother, a few days the lat
,., pa.< «f '«« •«* " lIJ nn,t ° f th ' B '.
Friends of R. Church have
Patriotic Day
Over COO friends and members of
he Christian Reformed church spent
ihe Fourth at Spaan's Park. The day
was passed In a very patriotic and en
.oyable manner. The main feature of
ihe occasion was the rendition of the'
iirogiinn printed below. It was carried
out to a line and with credit lo all.
A. H. TeSelle's canteen proved to be
a very popular affair.
During recess in the program and
ifter it was over, everyone joiued in
naking things pleasant by cracking
jokes and entering into harmless
iports. To put it in a few words:
everybody was in for a good time and
everybody had a good time.
continued on 3d page
Wright Co. lowa Reunion
A large numher of Wright County,
lowa, people, about 70 in numher, ga
rtered at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Jeorge Handy July Fourth to cele
irute the National Holiday and enjoy
i picnic dinner. Among those in ali
■ndance were: Mr. and Mrs. (Jeorge
.{andy and family, Mr. and Mrs. 11.
J. Crahiree and family, Mr. and Mrs.
A. Hlnkley and daughter, Mr. and Mrs
f. H. Sinilh, Mr. and Mrs. Waller Kl
ler, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Day, and
.amily, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hamilton,
uid family,, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Handy and family, Mr. and Mrs. VV.
Hi Elder and family, Mrs. Fields and
amily, Mr. and Mrs. C, C. Smith and
son, Mr. and Mrs. It. S. Smith and
laughter, Ml*, and Mrs. 11. E. Siuari
.ml family, Misses Pearl and Nellie
'rabtree and Pansy Siuari, Messers.
Harvey Smith and Uenjamen Crabtree.
Everyone had un excellent tune and
he day passed altogether too sunn.
The Kensington -Club met At the
hi me t.f Mrs. Fred Saxettr last Fri
lay afternoon. There were 14 niem
jers present and light refreshments
were sei ved. The t'luh will meet this
Enjoy Quiet Fourth
A epiiet little company gathered at
he home of Mr. and Mrs. George
truce to spend the Fourth. It was
■ii the foim of a picnic. Among those
.■resent were: Mr. and Mrs. George
Hnice, Mrs. Mary Jones, Wilder Jones,
I'eler Itergraff. Miss Myrtle Niehol ,
MISS Vera Nichols and Clarence Ni
Baptist Picnic a Happy One
Some of the people of the Baptist
church met at the Hawley park for a
picnic July 4. A good time was en
joyed by all present.
Mission Cliuich Picnic
| The Mission Society met at the Jac
kmun l>ark July 4 for a quiet meet-
I tug. About 75 were In attendance.
In surrounc'ingMsuch as these, Uandall ami Cross will make their seventh animal crui.e.
Special 30-Day Offer
In older to immediately increase
the circulation of the Tribune, we
make Hie following liberal offer.
The Tribune will be sent to any ad
dress for Three Years, or lo any
Three Addresses One Year for $2.00
Those who are in arrears on thei
subscription should come into the
office and settle up so that they
may lake advantage of this big
Fred Fourtner only Victim
In Lynden on the 4th.
Jack Johnson was fooling wllh :i
loaded revolver in the Milliard Hall on
ihe nighi before the Fourth and the
revolver was accidentally discharge.!,
the slim pasting into Fred Fourlnei si
knee. Dr. Mulder was called and dres
sed the wound. lie says that it is
gelling along nicely and if no compli
cations set in, ii will soon be well.
Hand; 11 and Cross leave Monday
aexL [rum bete in Iheir sloop, ii"'
"'Spray" (or their seventh annual v p
among the islands' ol the Bound.
Tin- "Spiny" Ii a splendid 28-fooi
..loop which giiiihd by I lie experienced
lands i I ibt IWo owners lias Weatbe;-
--■(I many a severe gale. Accompany
ing Uie sloop is iheir II- loot lender,
Leaving Lyndtn (rum ibe bar oil
i.c Vaude Kamp place below luwij
.lout down llie N'ooksack lo some cam
.mig ground above tlie l.uiumi reserva
lull lite lnsi day, sailing out on lie
..ay me following day. doing direct
0 their nilues, ihey will make perm*
.ncin uump and do their ai-.sest.meni
..oi k. 'I lie mitit h liny opened lasj
..ear and [ottud a line veinol hard coal
.vtilch lias been pronounced the best
.isi of Pennsylvania by experts.
with ibe assessment work there will
..e some play, as neither -Mr. Kan
.all nor Air. Cross can retrain from
■oensiottally gratifying ins curiousiiy
.is io Whether all the fish have been
.looked Iron ihe bay.
Enjoying his 10 ns fullest, they will
.ompleie their ouung by iheir regular
,IUISe among the islands where the)
aye made many friends during their
:.\ cruises, Some six weeks or twp
dutiths after h avmg. they will land
1 Birch Hay as is their wont and lel
phone for friendly assistance and a
inrse io haul imck the "flprsjy" whhh
is not amphibious. -
Brown mid T remain hnve just plue
■d a dandy new barber pole in front
of their (hop,
Miss June Smith of Tncoma Is vis
iting With ber grand mother while
her parents are in Alaska.
The Heaton Shingle Mill again re
sumed opei ni ions Monday, after a
short close down.
County Association Here on
August First
The next big event to be pulled off
in the CuUttty will be tthe meeting
of the Whatcom County M. W. A.
Picnic Association, to be held in Lyn
tlen, Salurday, August Ist.
Attorney Mixby, the president of
tlie association, is having the program
printed this week and expects 2000
people, will gather in town on that
Although the picnic will be styled
ihe M. W. A. and all contestants in
lie program of sports must be mein
jjfrta of fort frp.temal organisation,
yet all people are expected and In
vited to join in the fun of the day.
The day will be replete with sports
of all kinds including a good wrestl
ing mutch In front of the grand stand.
There will he no charge for admiss
ion lo the grounds.
Erz & lleckes closed a sale thin
week whereby J. B< Eiltou of Spokunt
Wash., becomes the owner of one Ol
i In; finest small ranches in Whatcom
county. Ii was formerly Hie proper
y of T. T. Booth ai 1 is near Booth*
Corners, Tlie consideration was $1600
lot i lie 20-acre tract of land.
S. A. Slit ley has bought the lot on
east Front street from Mrs. Sunk.
Swim & Aldrich sold four lols 111
lie Swim & Aldrichaditlon to Mrs.
'Jailha Topping ilns week.
Richard Seherer sold lo Oeorge W.
itidei iliiiittyti the Swim & Ahlncii a
tfwjcy, 10 acres of Improved river-hot
a>m land, adjoining the Forbes ranch,
(or $4,iino.
K. P. Installation
At their regular meeting last Mon
day < veiling the K. l's. Installed the
uillowing officers to serve for six
A. 11. Krasier, Chanc. Com.
Wm. Uaniil, Vice C C.
J. W. Daly, Prelate
v)eorge Vu.u|i, Serg. at Anna
.1. Bakenhus, Inner Guard
i': H. Loring, Outer Guard
W. W. Gaskill, Master of Work*
Ladies Aid Organized |Q|
The Indies of the Hup! Ist church met
at the parsonage on Wednesday last,
a Ith the following officers:
wis. w. k. Barnhart, pres.
Mrs. Green, vlce-prej
Mrs. Beennnk, secy.
Mrs. Case, trvua.
The siKdety will meet with Mrs. W.
V, Barnhart on Grover St. July 22. All
:hose in sympathy with our work are
cordially Invited to meet with us.
Mrs. j. Beorninki secy.
The Whntsdever Society will meet
1 his week al the home of Mrs. Wash
ington Topping.
Registration Place Changed
As D. W. Bender, city dark, hat
accepted the position of book-keep*
er for Roo & Van Leeuwen Lum
ber Co. and thus cannot be. In the.
.city for the present, the r agist ra
tion books will be kept open by
Mr. W. I. Baiter in Baker and Tay
lor's real estate office.
Will Respond to Call for a
Retain Date
On the evening of July 4th the Lyn
den Dramatic Company made a grand
hit with their comedy play, "Above
the Clouds." It waa given In Jaml
esou's Hall and the place was pack
ed to the limit. The parts were all
so well taken that It would be hard
to say who waa the star-actor and
the appellation seems to shift owners
nearly every time we" hear the play
liscussed. Mr. J. H. Oale, the dlrec
or, deserves the highest praise for
lite excellent "make-up" of the ebar
The spectators, in fact, were so well
pleased with the play that they are In
sisting that it be played augln in the
near future.
Below is the cast of characters..
i*tiil Rlngold, a mountain hermit,
J. B. Oale.
Alfred Thorp, villian, Fred Sajeur.
Amos Qaylordi father, Geo. De Witt
Howard Uaylord, son, H. E. Stuart.
Titus Turtle, gormand, Ceo. Hall.
Nat Naylor, poet) Frank Kuapp.
Curtis ciiipmau, chipps, Jim Stark.
Hester Thorn, deserted wife,
Mrs. Certy.
ilrace Ingulls, artist, Mrs. Beach.,
Lucretia Uerrish, spinster, Mrs. Hall.
Susy Cay lord, soubrette, Edith Harris.
The I.y nden Dramatic Company will
repent their comedy play, "Above the
Clouds" at Jamleßou's hall In Lynden
on July ltiih. The play made a great
hit on the Fourth and the manage
ment has decided to repeat It for the
benefit of those who wish to hear IV
again, and for those who were out of
town on the Fourth. Tickets will be
on sale at Edaon's Drug Store at the
following prices, 35 cents, 25 cents and.
15 cents. H you waut to laugh, see
this play; the make, up is flue and
.he cast of characters Is the same as
Married, at the home of her parent*),
'Mr. and Mrs. John H. Jacobs, Miss Cc
cilia Jacoba to Mr. Harry Elmer Hut
ting of Raymond, Wash.
About 50 of their relative! and
friends were in attendance at the wed
ding and a goodly aupply of old shoes
and best wishes were bsetowed upon
the happy couple. They were the rec
ipients of many useful, and bjsautifaJ,
presents. The Tribune Johns, with
their many friends In wishing them a
long, prosperous and happy Journey
through life. j
• (Corrected every Thursday.) •
• The following prices. are being *
• offered to the producer by the lo- •
• cal firm* for delivery In town: •
• Hay, Puget Sound. .. .. 12.50 •
• Eggs, fresh runch 18c. *
Butter, Rrancb 18c.
Butter, Creamery, 30c.
Veal, 7c
- Mutton 8-»c. •
Hog*. Sc.
Covi*. 6c.
Steer* t> l-.tc.
• Hides Jc. •
• Potatoes. 115.00 •
I.ynden Camp, No. »27. M. W. A. Meet*
; lie aacun.J nod rounl. Saturday ev-,iiii M *
•if each muutlt. in Fraternal liall
C B. iituuua.. V. R. K. Hawh*v. Clerk
LYNCH (i. A. R. No «. H»ehln«toii and
and foirrtll Tu. eday evening* of eaob
niontli In. 1, O. O. F. hall.
A. Jiiuauo Con. J. H. Wright. Adj.
?.' V . NC . H W. K.,C, No Ml. M«eta alternate
.Saturday afternoon in U. AYR ball at
2 o cluck.
jura. i>aii Wainpler, Praa. Adah Clarka
tJNum LpDOJJ, NO N, r. ft A M..
meats the second and lourth Thiiiadave
In Masonic halL
r>, W. liUoy, %V*. If. V. F. handall. Sau.
'.TJfDKN CHAPTER, O. E. a. Na. If.
nwata Ilia flrat and third Thuraday even
iSf*. p , .aT*id.rVV l<wnh!
Frank Itaiidall, Hee.
LYNDEN LODGE. I. O. O. F.. No 7t
s>a*Sf every Halm-day evening: In 1. O.
O. F. hall.
f. 8. Cuprey, N. O. C. O Mulde., Sec.
n.ueis i.i nl and Haul Tuesday avuuituf
■ acn riojith In I O. O. F. hall.
JiTra. Emma' Fraah-r, N. O.
Mr*.. Janey X- Palmer. Sec.
■if America, niaeta tat Saturday or ev
ery mouth In Fraternal Ha!l.~
Aire. Edna Hawley, f. M Mia. Ander
son, Sac.
LYNDEN CAMP W. O. W. No. 714. Meet
*very lat and trd Monday evening avary
month tn Fraternal hall,
a. F. MundalL c. C. R. B. Hawley Clark,
COURT LYNOEN. No. Ml, F. of A.,
hair y w * ,t ""* tfa > r nI «W h°-
c! Landaal. Fin. Sec. Homer Heathers.
«—. Re
LYNOEN LQpQE. R. N. A No. tan,
n.aala avary second and fourth Saturday
ai-enlnra In month at Fraternal hall.
Bella Wainpler. Oracle. J
Annie Ferguson, Rec.
meets every flrat and thlrjT Wednea-
A N. HUdarbrand
LYNDEN OHANOB No. 170. Meeta fnd
and 4th Tuesday avary month. In Odd
Fallow*. Hail.
D. W. Bandar. Master. W. R. Ferg'i
«H<n, ««c.
'^'r&ow!? 7 .ifa dilV -t-
M .ft S-d IS B c**k
prop ar/vv"'-
Oan. Ei a. Exec. C. f*ndual. Clerk.
Sunday services, 9:30 a. m.end 2:00
1 p. m. Every Sunday evening at 7:45.
Sunday school at 3 p. m.
Teachers meeting ,1130, Friday even
ing. Sr. Catechumen classes, Tues
day 2 and 8 p. m.; Jr. Catechumen,
(A B and C) Classes, Saturday from
1:30 to 3 p. m, Young Peoples Soci
ety 8 Thursday evening. Ladles Aid
Society 1:30 p. m. every other Wed
P. J. Hoekesga, pastor.
MISSION CHURCH:— Services, Sun
day School, 10 a. in.; preaching at
11; Evening 7:30. All are cordial
ly Invited to attend.
C. E. Hodges, pastor.
M. % CHURCH, moraine services: Hun
my school lv:ix> in pi * chm*. U.uu s.
in., . lues-meeting 11:00 m. EvenVig ecr
tics: Kuworth League 7 :W p. m... preach
ng 7.3(1 ft. in., Mid-week Prayer montlim:
tVednaadaiy evening *:uu L. m. This
nui-ch JiUeiiUs a. cordial Invltatlou to
.11 friends to attend these services.
A, J. Whitfield, pastor.
Baptist Church- s ci vices every Sun
day. In Adevntlst Church. Bible
school, at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a.
m. and 7:30 p.m. Mid-week prayer
meeting Thursday 7:30 In the even
ing. Preaching, at Northwood and Wi
ner Lakfi. School*, every other Spndsy i
3 p. m. Rev. R. I. Case, pastor.
Rev. Muyskcnsat C. R. Church
Rev. D. H. Muyskeus of Grand Rapid*
Mich., will conduct the service* at the
hrlsilsn Reformed church on Sun
in the evening he will deliver his
discourse lv English,,
All are curdUUly Invited to attend.
At tbe Methodist Church.
Morning, theme at Urn Methodist
Episcopal eburc*. "Saul."'
Evening thane. "If we say we have
not. sinned.' w». make him a liar."
A. J. Whitfield, pastor.
Rev. Muysksns has received a call
from tour different places, Osk Har
bor, Chicago. N*w York and' oae other
city in. the, east. Mr. Mussitans is a
very talented, young man and what
ever place gets him will be very for

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