WHAT NEIGHBORS IK) Letters Full of Interesting R«wi Notes From Many Country Points. GUY. Mrs. Maud Bdmiatoa and children from Wardner, Idaho, are visiting rela tives here. Mrs. Murray Morrison lias moved to (ivy for the winter. llethodwt Ladies' Aid Society will give a npper the night of December 20 — jiiMt an old fashioned home sapper Everybody come and enjoy it. lira. Mollie Bachna andiittle daughter arc visiting in Moscow this week. The Iloweli Brothers, Bert Whetsel mid James Stover are away on a hunt ing trip—"a wild goose,chase," we under stand. Masons are organizing a lodge here in town. Mrs. Caddie Mciteynolds is in Spokane curing for her very sick daughter, Mrs' Cora Murray. A tiny young granddaughter came to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McMahan on Thanksgiving (Jay. The mother, Mrs. I. W. Shearer, is doing well The new parsonage building is steadily growing toward completion. Mrs. ftfamie DePeucier of La Cronse recently spent a week with Mrs. Mollie Short of Hear Creek and Mrs. Genie A. Bachue of (ivy. W. C. T. I', will hold a parlor meeting at tli: home of Mrs, Mary Standard this (Friday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. A pleasant afternoon is expected by all. The state evangelist of the Christian church gave a most excellent talk to Guy people last Thursday night. He will hold a series of meetings here in January, we are informed. Mrs. Lou Johnson is recovering from a severe illness of neuraliria. Ed. Stovers new barn, now about finished, is the largest und beet one in town. 'Gene Rice is painting and paperinc the interior of the furm houses of Mr~. Walker and (ieorge Miller, in or near Pine Grove district. Bay (lark is moving to Moscow,ldaho, and tiic state of his blind pig must be determined later. Edwards college has organized a foot ball team and the boys are doing some very creditable practising in that, line. W. C. T, I", will have a Demorest medal contest in the near future. Bight contestants are practising for the event. While eating popped corn one day last week, Mrs. .Mamie Loving crunch pi a hard kernel in such a way as to never the ligaments of the jaw. *Sbe has suffered much pain and inconvenience since. Mr Janney and a force of men from Colfax have been moving W. H. Thomas' grist mill.to the new site. The mill will be ran by water power henceforth, and will now soon be ready for steady work. Frank McV.ahou has been enduring the pain of a large abscess on the back of his neck for a long time. Dr. Hall lanced it Sunday and the young man is much better. Ladies of the U. B. church organized b missionary society last Thursday,with ten charter members and three branches of work—home and foreign missions and temperance. Local meetings for each branch alternately. \ Dew independent order of Maccabees has sprung into existence entirely for the west, we understand. Quite a large lodge has been organized here. This place will soon rank as the banner town for organizations of all varieties. We will wake up some morning to much social distinction. liA CItOSSK. Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge Bassett of Wash tnena Btopped over here a few hours Thursday, waiting for the up passenger to take them to Spokane. John Bolon, who took the contract to build l'.t miles of fence for William I'at tt-i>on brought in a boquet of butter cups last Saturday. Emory Gordon, accompanied by bin cousin, Minn Bukill, teacher of the Pampa school, and Mjhh Alice Bowman, made La Crosse a visit Sunday. Miss Alice Bowman, of Pampa, left on Monday's train for Walla \Valla to visit her sister, Mrs. Biggins. Bert Phillips of Pampa was in town Monday. W M Hickey took the train Monday for Oakesdale, to visit relativea and friends for a few days. Mrs. T. B. Turner returned Monday from a few days' visit with her husband at Walla Walla. Mr. Turner in slowly improving. Saturday, November 24, 22(50 pounds of dressed turkeys were shipped from thin point. Mr. Mahoney, the Wallace butcher, was in town the first of the week, after W. B. Wood of Meeker wan in town Tuesday. <>ne day hist week the Washtucna train came near not getting back to La Crosse. Several large rocks had slid down a hillside and landed squarely on the track across the I'alouse river from A. .1. Hooper's place. It took all the train in :i and two passengers about one hour to clear the track. The La Crosse Literary and Debating Society debated the following question at the regular session last Tuesday night: "Resolved, that capital punish ment should be abolished." The speak ers were: Affirmative, E. D. Eldredge, Joseph (handler, W. .1. Tbarp and L. -1 l>e\ililer; negative, J. T. Billups, P. N. McK.nzie and Frank Mcdintock. The leader of the debate decided to have lath judges and the following ladies were selected: Mrs. T. H. Shobe, Mrs J. Carman and Miss I.enn Schreck. The decision was tendered in favor of the attirmative. PAMPA The weather i« quite pleasant, but a little foggy. Prospect* are good for next year's crop. There has been plenty of moisture, and everybody is busy plowing. Patnpa hue expanded quite a little this rammer. The Pacific Coast Ele vator Co. built a new warehouse; dor don Bros., our enterprising merchants, have buiit a large addition to their (•tore; also a new warehouse and coal bonne Kveryone in Tampa and vicinity >b prosperous, healthy and happy. J. F\ Gordon of Covello in visiting his sons, Frank, Emory and H. N. bordon. Him Amy Rudolph has returned to her home in Pampa, after a few months sojoorn in Spokane. . I. S. Rudolph, from Ananadale, Hi., is here visiting his children, Mrs. Winget, Mif } n\y »t"l Wm Radolph lD*"f. d«*diogon their homestead isontK "lt>Hir'««»'i Christmas' tree Kpa Pr°WrHm f°r rhrit »c genial mail carrier 'rom La Crosse to Hooper i- still P~»Ptand on time. He haTnot mi^d « trip In nve y eara> PINE GROVE. (liH r:;'; lU: f'd 'V' (1. wift' fr<"" «* Banner th ; M'HH Ver» >'^rson sp,nt last week at t h°T?n»er aunt who lives near the S?iS.. tthal him'- we did not learn tne lady g name. Basket suppers or entertainments seem to be very much in order just now, three having been held in neighboring districts in the past wee k; one at the Banner school house, one at the Pitta school house and one at the new school house north of kamiae Mis« Delia Lynch was so sorely afflict ed with a touch of la grippe last week that she was bedfast for several dm* nut is aboal well now. W. .]. Walker lost a valuable milch cow last week from an overdose of chop eed. He was offered $50 for the animal, hut refused it just a few days before the accident. A. J. Stewart has been appointed road overseer for this district, to whom pou can apply for assistance to repair the bad places in the roads. The literary last Wednesday evening was both entertaining and instructive. It was decided by a vote of two to one that "The love ol money is not the root of all evil." That being the evening For the regular election of society offlcers.the following were chosen: Earl Hodge, president; (Jeo. Thompson, vice presi dent; Ralph Hell, secretary; Miss Bessie Lynch, assistant secretary; Ole Lynch, treasurer and A. J.Stewart, eergeant-at arms. The question for next debate in: "Resolved, That cattle are more useful than horses." PEN AW AW A. The weather hero is !ik<> spring; the grass in green and growing Fast and stock is Joins finely on the range. George Smith wan down to the burg one day last week on busiueas. •I. W. Richards was up to Colfax a few days tiiis week. N. N. Cota wan a visitor at Penawawa school last week. There are IS scholars iv attendance and the gchool in doiug nicely. Grant C. Ash brook i* teacher, and in taking great interest in bis school. Robert Pincher and Susie Reynolds were visitors at Penawawa last Sunday. Mr. and Mr*. Herbert Smith were vis iting at Riparia and Day tun last week. Prank A. Lee is moving down to his ranch at I'erington bar. Mrs. Swinson ofCromell bar was down fixing up a house for tiie children to go to school. James and Charly Simpson are think ing of going to Oregon soon. (ieorge T. Smith was over to Eodicott Thanksgiving. Born—Nov. 27, to Mr. and Mrs. \. X. Cota, a son. KAMI AC. The basket social given at the kamiac school house Friday night was a com plete success. The entertainment began at 7:30 and lasted until 11 o'clock. After the entertainment was ended the baskets were sold at from 2<> cents up to .*">. Forty-one baskets were sold, taking up an hour's time. Then supper lasted until 1 o'clock All enjoyed a good time, and $28 was taken in, which goes for the purpose of getting a library for the school. Mr. Collins was our auctioneer, and we could not have got ten a better one. Mrs. Coryell is visiting in this vicinity this week. Ueorge Tempero has bought a cream seperator this fall. It does excellent work. DIAMOND. Misses Katie Lee and Lydia Waldrip ami Oscar Waldrip of Colfax college spent Thanksgiving at home. Miss Julia Johnson of Spokane is the guest of Mr and Mrs T. li. Waldrip. Mr. Wester and Miss (irimsley, our progressive teachers, spent Thanksgiv ing at their homes near Thornton. The Diamond Literary Society met last Friday evening and elected officers. The entertainment given at the school house whs a decided success, showing careful and efficient training on the par! of the teachers. Revival services are being held at the church under the supervision of Evan gelists King and Walsh. Considerable interes is being shown. How to Cure Croup. Mr. R. (iray, who lives near Anienia, Duchess county, X. V.. Hays: '•(ham berlain'a Coogh Remedy in the best medicine 1 have ever useu. It is a tine children's remedy for eroop and never fails to cure." When given as soou us the child becomes hoarse, or even aft«r the croupy cough has developed, it will prevent the attack. Thin should be borne in mind and a bottle of the Cough Remedy kept at hand ready for instant use as "soon as these symptoms appear. For sale by all druggists. The ladies of Whitman county are inform ed that McOall's Magazine is the handsomest home and fashion magazine in existence This celebrated was -zinc offers beautiful pre niiums to all who rai-e clubs, and illustrates the famous McCall Bazar Patterns. The pre miums offered are the handsomest in the world It contains stories. literary articles and handsome colored fashion plates. The publishers wish one representative in every locality and will send instructions and free prize offers to any lady who will mention this ' DPr and send her name and address to .he McCall Company. 144 West 14r,h Street, New York City. \ nice box of Gonttaer'a Xmas candies makes a nice present. You can get the ! finest at The Klk Drug Srore p A large line of holiday goods at The Elk Drug Btorgp H. W. Goff Agt. Fhentx Ins. Co. COLFAX GAZETTE, COLFAX, WASHINGTON, DECEMBER 14, 1900. AMONG THK CHITKCHFB. Hie subject for the Christian Science lesson sermon for December 10 in: "Ih the I'niversT-, Including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?" Golden text: The heavens declare the glo»y of God and the flrmanent sboweth hid handiwork— I realm* 19:1. Responsive reading, Job i 36. All are welcome. The regular Sabbath services will be held at the United Presbyterian Church. preaching by the pastor, Hey. William w. Reid, as follows: 11 a. in., "The Sixth Commandment;" 7:-"s p. m. THE SOCIAL BIDE. Cards are out announcing the mar riage at Chicago December 6 of Miss Tempe R. Shepard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis K. Shepard, to Robert Henry Lacey of Oolfax. The happy couple will be "at home" at I'olfax after February L 5 Mrs. W. J. Bryant of this city, a sister of the bride, was present at the wedding. The sawdust walled cellar in the rear of D. Milliard's home caught fire at 10 o'clock Wednesday night, and fora time threatened to create a blaze endanger ing the house. It is beyond the reach of the tire depart rnent and no alarm was turned in. The tire, which was in the sawdust of the walls, was extinguished by a bucket brigade of neighbors. Marriage Licenser-,. The following licenses to we! have been it-sued during the week by Auditor Corner: Charles Smith and Bessie E. Feiguson, Palouse; Henry Klaus and Nora O'Dell, Colfax; Walter K. Harris and Edith B.Johnson, Rosalia. A New Year's Guide. '1 here is one book every one should make an effort to get, for the new year. It contains simple and valuable hints concerning health, many am ,sing anec dotes, and much general information. We refer to Uostetter's Almanac, pub lished !»y The Hostetter Co , Pittsburgh, I'm. It will prove valuable to any house hold Sixty employes are kept at work on this valuable book. The issue for 1901 will be over eight millions, printed in the English, German, French, Welsh, Norwegian, Swedish, Holland, Bohemi au and Spanish languages. It contains proof of the efficacy of Hostetters Stomach Bitters, the great remedy pre pared by the publishers, and is worthy of careful preservation. The almanac may be obtained free of cost, of any di nggist or general dealer in the coun try. Shaw's Pure Malt.—The sick and delicate need a gentle tonic-stimulant. It is often a matter of life and death with them. The ideal nutriment and restorative is Shaw's Pure Malt. Sold by F. ■]. Stone, Colfax, Wash* The Colfax Candy Factory makes a specialty of the choice confectionery so necessary and useful during the Holiday season. Nuts, too, by the sackful, fresh and prime o Buy your lady friends a fine puree or pocket book for Kmas. We are cutting the price way down. The Klk Drug Store, A complete line of Gunther's candies, put up expressley for Xmas gifts, at the at the Elk Drui* Store. City Jewelry Store for cut glass, silver ware, watches, diamonds and jewelry. A complete line of elegant holiday goods «t Farmers'* Drug Store o Ivsttrh with H. W. Ooff, Some Reasons Why You Should Insist on Having EUREKA HARNESS OIL Unequaled by ;tnv other. Renders hard leather Mjft. E-; >ecially prepared. Keeps out water. /^ heavy bodied oil. Harness All excellent preservative. Reduces cost <>t you-- harness. Never burns the leather; its Efficiency is increased. Secures best service. Stitches kept from breaking. Oil |s sold in all Localities ™ MannfYirtiiT-Pi] t.v Standard Oil Company. Summons for Publication in Fore closure of Tax liien. No. 500. In the superior court of the state of Wash ington, for Whitman county. Walter Hayfleld, plaintiff, vs. Elizabeth Weavers, defendant The state Of Washington to Elizabeth Weavers: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days :ifter the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit, within 60 days after the 30th day of November. A. D. 1900, and' defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff, and seive a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for plaintiff, at their office below stated; and in case of your failure so torio. judgment will be rendered'against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This action is brought upon Certificate of De linquency numbered 2222. issued on the 24th day of November, A. D. 1900, by the county of Whitman, state of Washington, and now owned and held by plaintiff herein, for delinquent taxes for the years 1896-97-98 and 99 upon the following described real estate situate in the county of Whitman, state of Washington, to wit: Lots numbered five (5) and six (6;, in block thirty-eight „""<), of the town of Farmington, to obtain judgment foreclosing the lieu thereof uud for a sale of said real^state according to law. WM. A. INMAN AND R. W. ROBERTS, Plaintiff's attorneys, P. O. address Colfa^, county of Whitman. Washington. Notice for Publication William Phillips. Land Office at Walla Walla, Wash., November loth,l9oo—Notice is hereby given that the follow i ug-:iamed settler has fi led notice of his intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim and that saiil proof will be made before the coun ty clerk and clerk of the superior court of Whit man county. Washington, at Colfax. Washing ton, on December I'yth, 1900, \i/.-. William Phillips, who made H. E. No. 8256 for the sw' 4 . Bee. 15, Tp. 15 N, R42 K. W. M." He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Thomas Knox, John Ma jors. William Byrd and G. Miller, all of Wilcox, Wash. JOHN M. HILL, Register. AI most a Fire. o Take them % © today and 2 o °" © you'll be weli 2 @ to-morrow. O § Baldwins © § Cold Cure © ® Tablet NoBB § \$ (fold in head) ,$& ® IVoiureNoPay2sc @ >^ fi«nd for Tree Sample and Mtdical P%* (^s^ Manuel Baldwin San Francisco SOLD BY ELK DRUG STORE Notice of First Meeting of Creditors In the District Court of the tinted States, for the District of Washington Southern Division. In the matter of Napoleon Bonrbonnie and Soloma Bourbonnie, his wife, bank rupt. No. 452. In bankruptcy. To the creditors of Napoleon Bour bonnie and Solotna Bourbonnie.his wife, of near Pullman, in the county of Whit man and district aforesaid, a bankrupt. Notice is hereby given.that on the 30th day of November, A. I). 1 <)<)<), the said Napoleon Bourbonnie and Soloma Bur bonnie, hie wife, were duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that t&e lirst meet ing of their creditors will be held at the office of the undersigned referee, in Colfax, Whitman coun ty,in said district on the 28th day of De cember, A. I). 1000, at one o'clock in the afternoon, of said day, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, ex inline the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Dated November :{<>th, A. 1). 1 <»<)<) H. W. CANFIELD, Referee in Bankruptcy. Notice of First Meeting of Creditors In the district court of the United States, for the district of Washington, southern division. In the matter of Jacob B. Crawford, bankrupt. No. 4">4. In bankruptcy. To the creditors of Jacob B. Crawford, of Pullman, iv the county of Whitman, and district aforesaid,a bankrupt: Notice is hereby given, that on the 10th da? of December, A.I). 1900, the Baid Jacob B. Crawford was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of liis creditors will be held at the office of the undersigned referee, iv Colfax, Whitman county, in said district, on the 4th day of January, A. 1). 1901, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, of said day, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt,and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Dated, December 10th, 1900 H. W. CANFIELD, Keferee in Bankruptcy. Notice of First Meeting of Creditors In the district court of Hip United States, for the district of Washington, southern division. Iv the matter of Hoey V. ilil] and Ardella Hill, bin wife, bankrupts. No. 453 In bankruptcy. To the creditors of Hoey V. Hill and Ardella Bill, his wife, of Pullman, i:i the county of Whitman, and district afore said, a bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that on the 10th day of December, A. 1). 1900, the said Hoey V. Hill and Ardella Bill, hi* wife, were (July adjudicated bankrupt: and that the firnt meeting of their creditors will be held at the office of the undersigned referee, in Colfax, Whitman county, in Raid district, on the 4th day of January, A. 1). 1901, at one o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at which time the said creditors may at tend, prove their claims, appoint a trus tee, examine the bankrupt, and transact Hiich other business as may properly come before said meeting. Dated, December 10th, 1900 H. W.CANFIELD, Referee in Bankruptcy. Summons for Publication in Fore- closure of Tax liien. No. W>. In the superior court of the state of Wash ington, for Whitman county. E. (J. Faires, plaintiff, vs. C. B. Kent, de fendant. The State of Washington to C. B Kent! You are hereby summoned to appear with in sixty days after the date of the first rubli cation of thia summons, to wit, within sixty days after the 7th day of December, A. I). l(.H)0. and defend the above entitled action in tho_ above entitled court, and answer the com plaint of the plaintiff, and perve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for plaintiff, at their office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the de mand of the complaint, which has been riled with the clerk of said court. This action is brought upon Certificates of Delinquency numbered 301 and ltiS4 issued on the Ist day of May, A. D 1900. by the couu ty of Whitman, state of Washington, and now owned and held by plaintiff herein, for de liuquent taxes for the years 1893-94 95 96-97 --9S and !>(J, upon the following described real estate situate in the county of Whitman,state of Washington, to-wit: Lot No seven (7) of block No. five (5) of the town of Garfield, to obtain a judgment foreclosing the lien thereof and for a sale of said real estate according to law. Wm. A. Inman am> R W. Roberts, Plaintiff's attorneys. P. U. address, Colfax, c mnty of Whitman, Washington Notice for Publication. Edwin S. Allen. Laud Office at Walla Walla, Wash., November 14th, 1900. Notice is hereby given that the following-named sejtler has "tiled notice of his intention to make tiual proof in support of his claim, and that sad proof will be made before Win. a. Inman, D. 8. Commissioner,at his office in Colfax. Wash., on Saturday, Dee. 29th, 1900, viz: Edwin 5. Alien, who made homestead entry No. 7CTJI. for lots 3 and 4 and El-2 riWl-4 See. IS, Tp. 14 N, R. 42 E. He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Douglas Richardson, Alvin Allen, Henry Parks and John J. Miller, all of Almota, Wash. JOHN M. HILL, Register. Subscribe for your periodicals through The Gazette and save money. Order to Bhcm Oaase. the> «iperloi conn of Wl Itman co <»f w aahingtoii decewedm *tte' "'"lr ""'"u' "f An*u«« Crome, ••■v< ■••■'■ itu . «rhj la ree ol . ! do! : c ma le < /",' • i of Dlenj „■■■ ".'•: ■ au '<;: or ler of distributii heirs ol -•.: [ d< ceased, *<<•>•■ „'; ,f u« cop: bt PHblished or f« ■ ■: ' "hitmaDcounl ... DaU'd December llth, WILUAM M'DONALJJ, Superior Judge State.of WashinKton, county of Whim l. w. a Renfrew, countj i terk and otuie snperiprcourtol SVhltmHn ponnty, gutet.f Waßhinßton,do hereby certify that the foreg i> a fun true and correct copy of an order ,"n,' IH«' Il"trr'"i"frt'"nl1 l"trr'"i"frt'"nl ''I"1' l!'- mlnun". ol to peri or court w itars-my hand and official seal affixed.thii eleventh day of December \ l> 1900 ~''llls W. W RENFREW, _^ County Clerk. Summons for Publication in Pore closure of Tax Lien No 503. hi the superior conn of the state ol w ashine lou, for \\ hitman county. Oil. Johnson, plaintiff, \k. estate o) M i Sexton, decease i. defendant. The state of Washington to estate of M I Sexton, deceasi •!: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty dn\ - after the dale of the lir-t publication of this summon*, to wit. within sixty days utter the 11th of December, A. !>. l9oo,and defend the above entitled action iv the abw court, and answer the complaint of the plain tiff, ana serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for plaintiff, at their office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, udnnent will !„■ rendered against yon according to the demand of the co ip which has turn riled with the clerk o] court. This action is brought upon Certificate ol De linquency numbered :•] with tax n d issued on the 12th 1899, by tin' county of Whitm in, state oi Wash ington.tand now owned and held by plaintiff herein, for delinquent taxes fur the vi-.u --94-95-96-97-98 and 99, upon the followine scribed real estate, situate in the county of Whitman, state of Washington, to-wit: lots 111'■'■•■ -i'l'i four, ■••; block thirty live, of Uolbrooli ik Gill s addition to the town of Garfleld I tain judgment foreclosing the lien themi and ior a sale of said real estate according to law. WM A IN.VAN, rros. atty. and plaintiff's attorney, I. 0 ad dress. Col fax, r.m:ity ol Whitman, Washin Summons for Publication in b\>re closure of lax Lien. No. 'Hi In the superior conn of the state of Washing ton, for A hitman county B. F. Nicholes, plaintiff, vs. F. Ringenbach defendant. The state of Washington to K. Ringenbanh: iou are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the drat publication oi this summons, to-wit, within sixty days after the 7th day of December A. I> 1900, and defend the h,k>vc entitle"! action in the abov court, and answer the complaint of the plain tnt and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for plaintiff at their office below stated; and in case of your failure bo to do, judgment will be rendered against yon according to the demand of the complaint which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This action is brought upon Certificates of Delinquency numbered 299 and 1470. Issued on the 20th and s.;~\ day of February A l> L 9 I tiie county of Whitman, state ol Washington and now owned and held by plain tiff herein for delinquent taxes for the years LB9l-y ; hern duly appointed I. v''''t couri for the settlement of said account at which time and place any person inten In said estate may appear an.l file his excei> ■ m writing to said account and contest the game Dated December 6th, L9OO ,„.,., , W- W. RENFREW, Clerk. .IN. Pickrell attorney for estate. Notice of Settlement of Final Ac- count. In the Buperipr court of Whitman eonnty state of U ashington. In the matter of the estate of Nicholas Didiot deceased. Notice is hereby given that Frank A. Lee ad ministrator ile inn.is non of the estate of Nicholas Didiot. deceased, has rendered and :nted for settlement and filed In said court his final account of his administration of said estate, and that Tuesday, the Istb day of I vary. 1901, at the hour of lo o'clock a m of said day, at the court mom of said court, in the city of CoLfax, Whitman county, state of Wash ington, has been duly appointed by the said court lor the settlement of said account at which time ami place any person interested in said estate may appear and rile his exceptions in writing to Bald account and contest the same. Dated December Oth. 1900 „ .. ... W. w. RENFREW, Clerk E. M.Warner, attorney for estate. Notice of Settlement of Final Ac- count. In the superior court of Whitman county st>ite oi w ashington. In the matter of the estate of August (Tome deceased. Notice is hereby given that Diena Urome ad ministratrLx ol the estate of August Crome de ceased, has rendered and presented for - ment and Bled in said court her final account of her administration of said estate, and that Sat urday, the 12th day of January, 1901, at the of ten o dock- a m.. of »aid day, at the court room of said court, in the city of Colfax Whil man county, state of Washington duly appointed by the said court for the settlement of said account, at which time and place any person interested h, snH estate may appear and tile hi- exceptions in writing to said account and contest the same. Dated December llth, woo I>v- W. RENFREW, Clerk. W . J. Bryant, attorney for estate. Notice for Publication. Albert Guske. *Land office at Walla Walla Wash., Novemher2Q 1900.-Notice is hereby given that the follow ing-named settler has filed notice o; his inten tion to make final prof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk and Clerk of the Superior Court of Whitman County, Washington, at (M --fa*, Washington, on January sth, 1901, viz: Albert Guske, who made H. E. No 54.; for the NW 1., Sec 28 Tp. 16N., R 40, E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of said laud, viz: L. 3. Warner, of Endlcott Wash., Henry Bush. Karney As.-endrup and Oliver Broyles, all of LaCrosse, Wash JOHN M. HILL, Register. If you want to buy a stock ranch, fruit farm or choice wheat landn, see Eacho, Larue & Co G uing rftß r y , , January 1." Notice ol saif off Keal K.Hiaif. at Public I notion ■ » WMt tnm »ud entered ..,, Ul< - »tb ,U. ,„ , . lyUu '," th< • ■•■/ rd«y ol eleven "clo. roiit-ioaroMhe Whitman, • »N. Whitman i-oiinty. Was.liinKton.iM Idei for : the I , i i 1,.• the Town - - ■ rorth ■ . ■ north. . ehahi n, H'l'"' W( bains t<»a , - . r ,,,i- ne»i i« iiorhwi,! corner ,„■ M , I : minnteii theure south no '■ ' ' m - ijiiarl l'*sl ° ii«»n Une ol tho -- ( tion chainßiUi, SJ r!"u ■■ • Ixhtj on : :-; . i-liaiim* - Sorth C« out-e rner) . iiohainp tl en« tainiuu II ' vi permsi and . o . litior rash coinol tho i nite.l - . ;lt \ ll \ u ,. Purchase price to ■ paiJ to the administrator X :?;;„• I 1;;,! \ Dated December -, 11*00. . . JAMES X LONG Administrator of the estate innie 1 I ..ne Firsl publii ation Dei ember 14 I Lust i.'ibiji'diii'ii, Jaoua Order lo Bhuw Uaue, In the superior courl of Whitman conntj state ol W ashlngton. ' In the mattei o| the v late ol Foaeph X Rufl ni, ileceaN d. lerto show cause wh) ,| distrih i lould no) be made "" readiug a „., „, >l]Mt . M ''" '■''•'• •■ ■ Urix ol ti state „f i,m,.|.h X. Bumngtoii, deceased, Retting forth thai she has filed her linn] account ofhei administration ol the estate of said decease*] in this court mid that the said estate le in h condition to be closed; that all the debts and expenses of ad< ministration have been duly paid, and that a portion of said estate remains to be divided among the heirs ol h U I ■!, i ea .-t, ami praying hings for an order of distribution 111 Illr """l f said •■■till- among the persons entitled; H is ordered thai all person* inter :in th< estate ol Joseph X Ituftington de d. be and appear before the superior court ol \\ hitman couuty, state of W ashinßton a) the pourt room ol said court, .it Col fax in ■ county tuid state aforesaid, on Monday the 24th day of December, A. D. 1900, al ten o'clock a in. then and there to show cause whj an order of distribution should not be made of tbe resi dueof said estate among the hcirH of said de ceased, according to law. It in further ordered that h copy of this order be published for fo . „-f,,,,. the said .'iih day of December, A. D. 1900, in the Coliax GaxeUe, a newspaper printed and pub lished in A hitman county,state of Washiu Dated November r/iu, i-«ni WILLIAM M'DONALD, Superior Judge. State of Washington, couuty of Whitman I, W. W. Renfrew, county clerk- and Hrrk of the superior court of Whitman pounty stateol vN ashingti fy thai the for >ug is a full, true and correct copy ol an order and entei >rd upon the ml <>t the said superior co i Witness my hand and ■ • „1 nffl ied tlii^ 12th .lih oi November, .\ D. I!MW [skal] w. W. RENFREW, County Clerk By i). L. Kknnkdy, Deputy. Sheriff's sal«-. Washingt ■. of U hitman sh In 11,. sui i rior courl of the slate <>f v. iiiKton. in and foi Whitman county. Jacob Ogle, plaintiff. >s Pred i ' Km. hi Mm nic Kuehl, W Illie Kuehl, hh.i viii-e X minor children ol Im,-,i ( . Knehl and I Kucti cm, I- it-, Ic. Km.-hi as »■''"< I Kmila Kuehl, de d, and Fred C X lehl us parent uuil lian >>i Mil ■ Kuehl, U illje X uehl and Alii •■ X nehl, del Deere< ol fo eulosure and order of sn|c By virtue ol a •!<■ trdei ol Kale made and entered in the above entitled cause hm-rk of the said court, undei th then of, l*eariD: . daj or N'ovemtx r A. U. I'JOO, foi , v ,til mini a the 6th day of .Septembt-rA. D. l'JOO.aud the s, and the >. ol 110 ■ and al*o the incrcaNetl thereon, i. Joseph i lanii ' man county, Washington, will on the 15th day • Derember, A D. 1900, at the hotirof i> in. of said ■ 1 n>■, at the soul h an county courl house, ,v C ilfax, W man county, state of Washington, nell »t' i< auction to the highesi bidder, for cash, the following described real estate, situated, lying and being In Whitman county. Washington, and particularly described >is follows, to-wit The southwest ". 1900, JOSEPH C\^' I I siit-rii!'of Whitman county, Washington By C. A. Xi meb, Deputy. k. .1 Neergaard, attorney for plaintiff. Sli*'iifl-H Sale <»1 H<-al Estate By \ Irtue "i hm m out ol the Superior court ol I >n, In and for the county of Whitman, holding at ix, in Whitman county, in said state, mid to me directed and delivered, fur n judgment rendered in said courl ai i i Lfax, at a regular sitting thereof on the 16th day ol November a. D. 1900, in favor of (J. ): Wilson plaintiff, and against L. I. Patton and M Pat ton defendants, for the sum of ftO.OO, with Interest at the rate of 12 per cent per annum from the first di November \.l r irtnersumoff2 attorney's fees, and I* ot unit, I Imve levied on the following tate, ! mth Uhl! ol the southwest quar ter nf Beetion nine 9), township fifteen ;15), north of ranee fortj E. W. M., situated, lying and being in Whil ntj Washing ton. NoticeUhei that .. 1900. at the h -urof 2o'clockp. m of said day, at the court | ilo.ir. in Colfax in t he county of Whitman, -mM I «!! the right, title »mi 1201 day of Novem ber a. I>. i rOSEPM CANCTT, - eriff ol wiii!':. W - uton. By C. A. Elmer. Deputy. l. \\. Kimball, Attorney for Plaintiff Notice of Settlement of Final Ac- count. Iv the superior court ol Whitman county, gton. In the matter of the estate of Joseph X. Kuff ■ ■_;, deceased. Notice is herebj given that 9usie M. Pickell.as administratrix ol tli I >f Joseph X. Buffing in 1 presented for i in srtia court her On*] *.- ■■! her admit Mid estate, and that Monday, tl -■ >of December, 1900, at i. : r of T'-Tl •■ ■ ':•>■ X «. IB court '"art. in the city of Colfax, Whitman ■ - • .- i.^t.-n linted by U -srt fur the >pttit- •rhieh tnnr- aivl place any person Intere*! te may aiiinar and file his exceptions in writing to said act &vA contest the same. Dated November 12th. 1) [-kai W.W. KKNFREW. CIerk. By UFo. M. Carey, Deputy. W'm. J. Bryaut, attorney for estate. 5