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The Colfax gazette. [volume] (Colfax, Wash.) 1893-1932, March 29, 1907, Image 5

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Correspondents Tell What Our
Neighbors Are Doing.
Live News of the County Gathered
From Many Sources For
Gazette Readers.
Re.vnoldH Lodge No. 14, P. &. A. M.,
will hold a bauquet at the lodge rooms
Saturday evening, March :tO. Colfax
Lodge in expected to be present aud
other victors will be entertained.
Albion will noon have a newspaper X
Hughey has the matter under supervis
U. Q. Lawler was on a business trip to
Spokane the latter part of last week.
Minn Stella Beard in attending the
teachers' institute this week
Mrs. Nat Hipley visited relatives in Pa
loUHe laHt week.
The Christian L. A. S. will give an
Easter supper in the hotel dining room
the evening of March :iO.
George Thompson has four children
ill with pneumonia and grip.
A. C. Short has been at Eden Valley
for several days helping care for his aged
father who in very ill.
Mrs. Bertha Armstrong's baby is quite
sick—the effects of a Hevere cold.
Grandma Crawford has returned from
Spokane, where she went to care for a
little grand-daughter who has been very
The Epworth League enjoyed a social
time at the M. E. parsonage last Friday
Walter Beard h>*s been ill with grip
This disease is quite prevalent this
The new chop mill has been very busy
since its completion—at work every day
Several carloads of potatoes are being
shipped from this station.
I)r. Howell's son killed a bob cat. on
their ranch, the fore part of the week.
The cat showed tight, attacking the boy,
who shot at it several times before killing
it. It weighed over thirty pounds.
The weather remains cold and raw and
the roads are in the very worst of con
dition. Hauling of any kind is almc st
M C. Cannon haa moved on to his newly
purchased ranch at Shawnee and will be
found as busy as a bee from now until
the spring work is completed.
A. Miller lost a valuable heifer last
week. The animal got down and could
not get up again.
Mrs. Stella Haxton and little child are
both quite ill with grip.
Bert Jennings is the new man who
waits on the customers in the meat
Elberton is rejoicing over the fact that
L"onditiH I'enn captured the decision as
the bent declaimer at the conteHt at I'a
louse Saturday evening. Uarfield, P^arm
ington and Paloom were also represent
ed. Thin gives the GlbertOD boy a try
for honors in the contest at Colfax this
The U E. Hums place of 19 acres ad
joining town was sold last week to John
A. Scott of Farmington. Mr. Scott will
move hia family htTe as soon as the
roHiln permit. Mr. Burns in now living
on I'uget Sound.
Miss Mabel Lindley, who has been
teaching in Whitman county the past
winter, was visiting relatives and friends
here this week. Miss Lindley left for her
home at Grants Pass, Oregon, Monday
Quite a number of potatoes are being
shipped from this point as fast as cars
can be obtained. Besides local buyers a
number of outside commission men have
been bidding for them and the market
has been strong, sales being made at
from 70 to 90 cents per 100 pounds.
J. L. Foskett & Sou have been making
improvements to the interior of their
store, which add much to the appearance
as well as convenience in handling their
Walter Thomas Mills, socialist orator,
gave a talk on socialism here last Sat
urday night to a good sized crowd.
After the speaking a "Local" was organ
izt-d with seven members.
.1. E. Price, a former Elberton mer
chant, now living in Moscow, Idaho, was
shaking hands with old friends here
Mth. P. li. Lair returned last Satur
day from a long visit at Hooper and
La Crosse.
Melvin Crumbaker is visiting this week
at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
S. W. Crumhaker.
Peter Richardson and family are mov
ing to Potlatch.
TheJ.H. Ellis sale turned out well
considering the weather.
Mrs. S. W. Crumbaker returned last
Saturday from a short stay with her
daughter, Mrs. Ed Hosh.
Hiding Easter eggs is the order of the
day with the children of this neighbor
The Spokane ft Inland has a steam
shovel working in the deep cut north of
Oakesdale. It also has a large force of
men placing poles for the trolley wires.
The lambing season for sheep is now
in progrer-fl and sheepmen report bright
prospects for a good crop of lamhe, de
spite the bad weather.
The baseball fever is high in Rosalia
and a winning team in the Trolley league
is the ambition of the local fans, who
are strong in backing up Ralph Mclntoeh,
the manager for the Senators this season.
The Uuiontown baseball team will
open the season of 1907 on Easter Sun
day, March 81, when they will go to
Clarkston and cross bats with the team
at that place.
Elmer Park* and a boy named Paradis
were shot at Wednesday by some one in
the hills on the Snake river near Frank
Ladoux's railroad camp says a Colton
dispatch, and one of the bullets struck
the Parks boy in the abdomen and in
flicted a serious injury. 8. B. Parks, the
father, came to town and had a warrant
sworn out for the stranger and an officer
was sent to serve it, but he was not able
to locate the guilty party.
G. W. Larue & Co. have $100,000 to
loan on Palouse farm lands on very easy
Souvenir post cards of Colfax, at the
Elk Drug Store.
Harry Ward's Minstrels.
Salt Lake Berald, March 1 : Harry
Wards Minstrels opened a three night
engagement at the Grand last night to a
large audience. Tb* performances were
very j/ O od. Like all minstrels there was
the old time first part, which wasbeauti
tied by a special curtain carried by the
company. It represented a terrace scene,
making a very pretty effect. The com
edians introduced some new jokes, and
the ballads were new and well sung. The
members deserving special mention were
Carl Fletcher, the phenomenal boy so
praoo, who certainly has the sweetest
child voice ever heard in this city. Messrs
Ward and Alexfinder as end men and
monologists were exceptionally enter
taining and funny. George Manoro in
hi* acrobatic act entitled, "The Lone
Hottentot," created a furore of applause.
The Moke quartette received numerous
This attraction will be at the Ridge
way theatre one night only, Saturday,
ftlarct) 80. Scats on snle at Hamilton's
drug store. Prices ~~,c, ~>oc and 25c
Watch for the big parade.
"Julius Caesar."
It requires an actor of special gifts to
adequately present the character of
Mhtc Antony. There are two Marc
Antonjs in Shakespeare, almost as dis
tinct as Or. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. On.
is Marc Antony the idler and the volupt
nary, the toy of Cleopatra's fancy, the
other is Marc Antony the patriot, the
loyal friend and avenger. Yet with these
opposite traits the character is one of
great consistency, for hfstory is full of
examples io which a crisis has called
forth noble qualities in men whose lives
had been given over to pleasure. Man*
Antony should be a handsome man, a
man of gntctful personality, and yet a
man of power and determination. Mr
Charles I*. Hanford, who will present hie
revival of "Julius Caesar" at the Ridge
way theatre on Wednesdaw, April 10,
wns welcomed years ago in the company
of Booth and B'irrett as the ideal Marc
Antony. It is a role to which he owes
much of his present eminence for the
manner in which he fulfilled its many
sided requirements, inspiring confidence
on the part of the play going public and
won him lasting friendships among the
critics. The company associated with
Mr. Hanford in this production includes
a numnpr of players who have become
well known through their performances
with him in the past.
The Whitman College Glee Club, now
making its eighth annual tour, will ap
pear at the Ridgeway in a grand concert
on Thursday evening, April 4, presenting
martial choruses, college glees, etc
Features of the program will be the
work of the baritone, Indian club and
cornet soloists, who are artists in their
THnpective lines. Popular prices—75, 50,
.'55 and 25 cents —will be charged.
Prisoner at Walla Walla Sends One
to Be Raffled.
J. E. Brown, who is serving a sentence
in the penitentiary at Walla Walla of
seven years for killing Tom Turubow at
GarfieJd about four years ago, sent to
Ed Burns of Uartield, through the eher
iff'h office at this place, a cribbage board
that is pronounced by tho*e who have
seen it to be the most beautiful work of
its kind that ever came under their ob
servation. It was received at the sheriffs
office Tuesday, and is held awaiting
orders from Mr. Burns. Brown said that
the benutiful cribbage board was made
by an inmate of the prison (not giving
his name), and asking that it be rallied
for $30 and the money sent to him. It
is box shaped and consists of 299 pieces
of abalone shells and bones, inlaid in
beautiful designs and with artistic effect
When it jb remembered that each piece
had to be cut by hand and made to tit
to the nicety of a hair the time it actu
ally took to Jeomplete the board muct
have run into the months if not into the
seasons. The work represents heartn,
clubs, spades, diamonds, stars, circles,
horseehoes, the maltese cross, the clover
leaf, even birds. The shells are polished
as only the abalone can be polished. As
a work of art and as an evidence, of
patience and skill it has no superior of
its kind. The f.JO the prisoner wants
for it is nothing compared to the labor
spent in making it.
Property Deal.
C. (). (Yam bun just completed a deal
whereby Thurston & Macomber of Clark
ston have exchanged their Colfax hold
ings, consisting of the Black Hawk livery
barn on South Main street, the adjoin
ing residence, and property in Perkins'
addition, aggregating in value $8000,
and a cash consideration of $040, for
the Al Kinaman farm of 140 acres, well
improved, two miles north of Colfax
Mr. Kinainan will take possession of the
barn and other property April 1, but
will not move into the city until fall,
having reserved possession of the farm
buildings, orchard and garden lauds
until after the fruit harvest is over.
Timothy, Prairie and Timber Lands.
Westlake, a growing Idaho town
located about forty miles southeast of
Lewiston, with the famous Nez Perce
prairie on the north and east and the
teeming foraata of Craig mouutHin on the
south und west, is described in the book
let just issued by Croni <Jc Stewart,
WentlHke towodte owners. The booklet
describes the great natural resources of
the section in process of development
and tells of the valuable timber lands
and unsurpassed timothy and prairie
lands adjacent, which will double in value
in the next few years. At present tim
ofhy lands can be bought for from $15
to $35 an acre and prairie lands at from
$20 to $40. Tim bar quarters range from
$1000 to $5000. Copies of the booklet
may be secured by addressing Crom &
Stewart, Westlake, Idaho, who will give
any additional information desired.
A Cough Remedy that Cures.
Hickory Bark Cough Remedy, made by
The Hickory Bark Remedy Co., of Wal
la Walla, Wash., guaranteed to be pure;
guaranteed to cure your cough, or
money refunded. Guaranteed to make
a friend of you. For sale by W. J. Ham
ilton and iirHt class dealers everywhere.
Ye sell Palmer's mammoth equirrel
poison, also McNah's and the well known
Woodlark. Ellis Drug Co.
Timothy and grain hay for sale at the
ranch. J- G. Elliot, Colfax.
Try Hamilton's squirrel poison and
you will get good results.
I>r. and Mrs. .John Benson and Mrs.
R. F. Banker entertained a large party
of young people at the Benson home last
Friday evening, the event being compli
mentary to Miss Lacej Johnston of
Washington, D. C. Five hundred was
played, the prizes being won by Miss
Fannie Davis anil E A. Peschau. Elab
orate refreshments were served after the
game. The evening was delightfully
On last Saturday evening a surprise
party was tendered Minn Goldie Roberts
at her home on Mill street by a number
of her friend*. The event was in honer
of her 20th birthday anniversary, and
the evening was pleasantly passed with
music, games and refreshments.
Castle Galahad, Knights of King Ar
thur, held open court oh Wednesday
evening, a large number of invited
guests b^ing present. The conclave whs
held in the Congregational church, and
after adjournment refreshments, consist
ing of sandwiches, cake and cocoa, were
served. Upon invitation of the enter
taining knights, Castle Launcelot attend
ed in a body and were most hospitably
welcomed by the members of Castle
Galahad. Mrs. E. E. Bellinger, who, in
the capacity of Merlin, has been leader
of Castle Galahad, leaves next week for
Seattle to remain. As yet no one has
been chosen to till the position in the
club where she has so capably presided
and where she will be greatly missed.
About 4,500,000 Feet Fill Dam In
North End of Town.
About 4,500,000 feet of logs are lying
in the dam in the north end of town,
haviug been floated down the North Pa
louse by the Potlatch Lumber Co. to be
cut into lumber by tbtir mill at this
place. They lie in all conceivable shapes,
jammed find wedged together as though
by titanic force, us indeed they were, the
recent high water bringing the logs down
and playiug with them like toys. The
dam and river bed for half a mile is filled
with saw logs, which caused the water to
overflow its banks at this point and
flood some of the streets and residence
lots in the neighborhood, notwithstand
ing the river's banks had be'en dyked
for over hall et mile on either side. This
condition of things, however, did not
last long, tin the water soon receded and
things are again normal. It worked
considerable inconvenience for a few
dayp, and some of the north euders were
justly indignant, but the elements were
partly to blame aud it is a bard propo
sition to kick against what it does.
The big mill of the Potlatch Lumber
Co. IB chewing up the logs as fast as pos
sible and converting them into merchant
able lumber; men are piliuglbig stacks
for future use, and the mill and yards
present an animated appearance. A
stack of slab wood is also being formed,
a reminder that stovewood may be
cheaper next winter. About 40 men are
employed in aud around the mill. And
the mpply of logs in the dam, to the
layman, seems almost inexhaustible.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
This remedy has been in use for over
thirty years and has proved itself to be
the most successful remedy yet discover
ed for bowel complaints. It never fails.
Sold by Ellin Drag Co.
Don't Complain
If your chest pains and you are unable
to sleep because of a cough. Buy a bot
tle of Ballard's Horehound Syrup and
you won't have any cough, (let a bot
tle now and that cough will not last
long. A cure for all pulmonary diseases
Mrs. J —, Galveston, Texas, writes: "I
can't say enough for Ballard's Hore
hound Syrup. The relief it has given
me is that is necessary for me to Bay."
vSold by Chas. F. Stuart, Druggist.
Last year we sold 6000 pounds of
Hamilton's squirrel poison. This year
we expect to double that amount. We
claim it to be the best and cheapest
poison on the market.
Sec G. \\. Lame A Co. lor
First Savings & Trust Bank of
Whitman County.
Statement of condition at close of
businpßH, March 22. 1907 :
Overdrafts None
Loans ou real estate, $173,979 86
Loans on other security 50,4J0 55
Warrants 56.130.12
Stocks Securities and Claims 1,818.48
Hank Building 12,000 00
Furniture and Fixtures 500 (X)
Cash due from Banks 10,222.43
(ash ou hand 15,097 05
Capital stock paid up $ 50.000.00
Cndivided profits, net 4.573 73
liej<onits (subject to check 40,695.18
Deposits time certificates 13,:>97 10
Deposits demand certificates 7.67s 89
Savings deposits 233,yJ3.:J9
$3.~>0 238 49
Attest: Certified to
Cashier. President.
QOflO Acres of wheat land in
____^^ Umatilla county, Oregon.
All under cultivation Will sell in
Qk)() Acres wheat land near Hay
~ Station, Whitman county.
Also Some City Property
One 1") H. P. Advance Traction En
gine, at a bargain if taken at once.
Buy of owner
In Standard Old Line Company
Congregational church. Rev. .1. Her
bert Bainton, pastor—S.-rvices at 11 a.
m. and « p. m. Sunday school at 10
a. m. Christian Endeavor at 8:30 p. m.
T-irst Methodist Episcopal church, Rev.
H. B. Elworthy,pastor—Regular services
at 11 a. m. and S p. m. Sunday
school at 9:45 a. m.
Baptist church, Rev Z .1 Edge,pastor
—services at 11 a. tn. and T:-1«> p. m
Sunday school at 10 a. m. B. Y. P. I
at G:.'U) p. m. A h >arty welcome to all.
Morning subject next Sunday, "A Sat
isfied Christ." Evening service for young
men, subject, "True Greatness."
St. Patrick's church (Catholic), Hey.
Father Le Houx, priest— Regular serviccH
every Sunday at S and 10:30 a. m. Sun
day school at 2:30 p. m.
Good Samaritan Episcopal church,
Rev. C. P. Burnett, rector. — Sunday
services: Sunday school at 10 and
morning service at 11. Even song at
4:."M) p. m. Litany, Friday, 7:30 p. m
Christian church. Rev. E. If. Flinn.
pastor— Sunday services: Bible school
at 10 a. m , communion service lla
ni , Y. P. S. C. E. 6:.'JO p. in., preaching
t :<io p in.
Next Sand ay evening the children of
the Sunday school will give an Easter
Cantata. All are cordially invited.
Christian Science Church—Services at
11 a.m., Sunday and 7:' M) p. m., Wednes
German Lutheran church, supplied by
Rev Aug. Tr. Graebener—Preaching ser
vice every 2d and 4th Sunday. Religions
instruction every 2d and 4th Saturday
afternoon. Sunday school every Sun
day from 9 to 10. Service commences
at 10 o'clock. Everybody cordially in
Rheumatic Pains Relieved.
Chamberlain's Pain Balm relieves rheu
tnatie pains and niHkes sleep and rest
possible, which is alone worth many
times its cost. B. F. Crocker, Esq., now
84 years of age, and for twenty years
Justice of the Peace at Martiusburg,
lowa, says: I am terribly afflicted with
sciatic rheumatism in my lett arm and
right hip I have used three bottles of
Chamberlain's Pain Balm aud it did me
lots of good." For sale by Kllis Drug Co.
and remember the next time you suffer
from pain—caused by damp weather —
when your head nearly bursts from neu
ralgia—try Ballard's Snow Liniment.
It will cure you. A prominent business
man of Hempstead, Texas, writes: "I
have used your liniment. Previous to
useing it I was h great sufferer from
Rheumatism and Neuralgia. I am pleas
ed to say that now I am free from these
complaints. I am sure I owe this to
your liniment. Sold by Chas. F. Stuart,
This Is Worth Remembering.
Whenever you have a cough or cold,
just remember that Foley'a Honey ar;d
Tar will cure it. Do not rink your health
by taking any but the genuine. It is in
a yellow package. Elk Drug Store.
No. 7095.
report of the condition of the
At Colfax in the State of Washington, at the close
of business, March 22, 11*07.
Loans and discount! $1,033,827 "6
Overdrafts, secured Riid unsecured.. 14 042 01
D. S. bonds to secure circulation.... 2t«,000 00
Premlumi on U. 8, bonds 1,642 19
Bonds, Becuritii-s, etc 14,470 6r>
Hanking house,furniture, ami fixtures 4.700 00
Other real estate owned 7,810 92
Due from National banks
(not reserve Agents) * 23,471 31
Due from state banks and
bankers 29,476 49
Due from approved reserve
agents 7:5 331 58
Checks and other cash items 293 35
Fractional paper currency,
nickels, and cents 490 'JO
Lawful money reserve In
bunk, viz:
Specie 48,771 SO
Legal-tender notes 211 00
1176,047 98
Redemption fund with IT. S. Treas'r
(5 per cent of circulation) 10,t00 CO
Due from U. 8. Treasurer, other than
5 ptr cent, redemption fund 2.000 00
Total $1,464,541 S7
Capital stock paid In 1200,000 00
Surplus fund 40.000 00
Undivid'd profits,less exp and taxes pd '.Mi'.O 48
National Bank notes outstanding .... 200,000 00
Dae toother Nnt'l Banks.. .| 53 112 43
Due to state Banks and
Bankers 113,69<> 21
Due to trust companies and
savings banks .... 10,565 37
Individual deposits subject
to cheek 585,400 98
Demand certificates of de
posit 23,741 30
Time certificates of deposit 188,907 10
Certified checks 25 00
Certificates of deposit for
money borrowed 40.000 00
11,015.451 39
Total $1,46«,641 !>7
State of Washington, \ _
County of Whitman,) bs-
I, Chas. E. Scriber, cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the above
statement is true to the best of my knowledge
ami belief. CHAS. E. SCRIBER, Cashier.
Correct —Attest: Edward Johnson, Alfred C'ool
ldge. Edwin T. Coman Directors.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th
day of March, 1907.
[i^eal] W. R. Anderson,
Notary Public for the State of Washington, re
siding at Colfax.
Model Incubators and Brooders
Lice Killer, Bulk Seed,
Chix Foods, Seeders,
Stock Foods, Fresh Seed
Sheep Dip, Nest Eggs,
Roupe Cures, Pure Seed.
©111 c Ufa 111 Squirrel Poison
Fo by Sale C. H. MOORE
Colfax. Wash. 214 Mill Street
When in town remember that
Wade & Luther
Successors to Dicky Bros.
Will feed your horses HAY for
25 cents
Buck's Barn South Main St.
I Ask Yourself:
Am I one of the thousands who are
I using Cleveland's Baking Powder?
The increasing demand is convinc
ing evidence of its goodness.
| Buy the 3-lb Can for 81.00
I Ask your Grocer for it. Take no substitute
.Cleveland's Baking Powder
*— \ 1 r-\ lt:: 1 v"Cs)Fyk::g:it
Farmers' State Bank
Of Colfax, Washing-ton
Plione, 31«iu Tlio Peoples' Bauk
JONKS & MARTIN, mTTTTI "VrTTT'T' A "T> Colfex, Wash.
Proprietors. JL XXJIi J_N JliO J_ l'hone, Main 251
£^3%, An Easter Offering
l\ i w)^S\^ to the housewife that she will
4) J^[rW^l.\ /Av fl appreciate for her Easter din
r^^jß^^^^H^^A ncr w*^ c some °f the choice
) 1 i^ 4C table wines that you can pro
/ Ki&Sl$ j Ms ' \ cure ere' y°u are stocking
/ Tl;§S^ '"7&^y&rr^' y°ur sideboard or closet and
j J Tgf, ..- ! are looking tor rare and choice
(v V'A i^'f^PJ^-^S'}' ■> vintages at reasonable prices
iViL 5* JW choose at
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Are good days to examine the stock of
Watches, Jewelry 11 1 DfiQC'O J(;welry Sfcore '
CutGlas S> Etc.at ||| i| JJ^ |UDL D — St ' Colfax
The other good days for this purpose are
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
fiaifi BINNARD'S
— iron —
Best Brands of CIGARS
LIBERAL TERMS. Oan sell on very easy payments several
wheat and stock ranches. One fruit farm (Snake river.) Oolfax
[Main street] property.
In the Northwest Live Stock Co.
Notice of Dissolution of Partner
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between G.
Leucht and Frank Bakala, known as
the Colfax Shoe Co., is this day dissolved
by mutual consent. All debts due the
farm are payable to G. Leucht. who will
continue the business, and who also as
sumes all outstanding obligations of the
Dated this 19th day of March, 1907.
G Leucht,
Frank Bakala.
Will sell you a new Bicycle, or
put your old one in peefect order.
Repairine of all kinds. Colfax. Wuh
"■JiypVT^CI Bring your Hides to
XlllAEjO the Harris Market
Every Facility
for the safety of deposits, every
convenience for the accommo
dation of our customers, this
bank provides, and our depos
itors' interests are carefully
looked after and protected.
Pleased to provide details any
day you'll inquire.
Auction Sale
- OF -
Blooded Horse
At Coif ax, Wash., on
At 1 o'clock sharp
One seven eighths Clydesdale Stal
lion, lOyeara old, weight 1700 pounds.
, This horse is one of the finest Clydes
in the country and guaranteed a sure
[ foal getter.
Terms of Sale—Time will be given
until November 1, 1907, at the rate of
' 8 per cent interest. Two per cent off
for cash.
S. W. Hickman
S. A. Mitchell, Auctioneer
Tuesday evening, March 26, at the home
of Wm. Goodyear, Every one intercst
pd is ivited to be present.
ALEXANDER & CO re Jton Block.
ALLAHnucn a uu. Spokane Wagh ;
keep the Gazette on file and are Its
authorized agents (or advertisements
and oubscriptioDß.

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