fVOLUMEXXV ROUND-UP PICTURES AT STAR THEATRE Pendleton's Great Show Will Be Reproduced Here in 5000 Feet of ,v * Film Next Tuesday With '"'customary enterprise, Man iger Miller of the Star theater has 'secured"the splendid moving pictures of last year's Round-up at Pendleton. He was obliged to pay 1 tit) for the privilege of using this 5000-foot film, but believes that the people of Pull man are entitled to the very best in the moving picture line, and will give them a chance to see these re markable pictures next Tuesday, February 18, at an afternoon mat inee beginning at 2:00, and the even ing shows, beginning at 6:30. Speaking of the showing of these pic tures at the Auditorium theater in Spokane, the Spokesman-Review said: . "The films are excellent. Excep tionally clear, they have been taken from good viewpoints and show the Round-up features at their best. * "The Pendleton Round-up is one of the most Interesting events in the western country annually and is at tended by thousands of spectators. The events are participated in by cowboys and Indians from all parts of the cattle country and feats of horsemanship and ranch stunts are .exhibited hy the* contestants for championship honors. These feats are well depicted in the pictures. "The 'bucking' contest is one that would stir the blood of any man or woman and several thousand feet of film are devoted to the reproduction of this novel contest. The falls of the riders, the stick-to-itiveness of others thrill and amaze the onlook ers, especially the tenderfoot. j "Other features which arouse great interest and elicited much applause last evening were the wild horse races, the Roman races, the stage coach races and the exciting 'bull dogging.' For the benefit of the un initiated the bulldogging' contest calls for an exhibition of nerve, strength and horsemanship. A horse man; dashes madly alongside of a frightened steer and while both horse and steer are racing at full 'Peed the cowboy throws himself from his horse to catch the steer's horns. With a sudden jerk-he swings his body between the animal's horns and throvs the steer to the ground. Then grasping the upper part of the animal's nostrils between his teeth he holds on like a bulldog, both hands in the air, until the judges are »«Btied that he has completely con ned the steer. A truly exciting ••ne." A n account of th,* heavy expense of ""ring these films an admission of 29 cents will be charged HIGH SCHOOL BOYS CONTINUE TO WIN *'<*t Colfax at flasket Ball ami "*y an Important Game With • . Farmington This Evening Coif 6 „aßket ball team won from t ax , day evening by a score of lead 3' The local team took the were '" the first few minutes and , never in danger, Colfax scoring tov°i c*e* fle,d basket in the firßt J*ranrt^ I,mans llneu P Vas: But ton M°88' forwards; Hinchliff and ce SOn Shards, and Glenn Glover. Nfore t Th muslc by the City Band lv * *« game and between halves "J ployed by a » 'kel »an Wi" Pay remington in *>*lnt gymnaß,um tonight. A m tereßt., game is expected as loc,, "gton has a fast team and the fioor n 7B WUI be on the,r home j- Some of the players who have «S ft Ut af< back and will strength en 1* th* "1 ' The two teams are Monahl Q race for the county cham * thi p ' *ach having lost one game, %c * game W,H practically settle V 0n C. c' The City Band will again £. band to play before the game &i ,.ct*een halves. 'Th»' ? ■ -. %ed Jun,orß and Sophomores **«■ _° first of the lnterclass *Wiln v "day night, the Juniors ' mm thy a score of 16 to 6. ... The Pullman Herald Devoted to the best interests of Pullman and the best farming community in the Northwest surrounding it. The commercial arithmetic class Will finish their work in that subject ihis week and will begin a course In commercial English next week. ; The class n agriculture, which has been attending the lectures given to j the winter school students, will take i up their class work next week. They : Will have two laboratory periods and j three recitation periods each week. At a special meeting of the High School Athletic Association Monday Wesley Brock was elected secretary and treasurer to fill the vacancy caused by Harry Struppler leaving school. lessee. Simmers of the educa tional department of the State Col lege, delivered the third number of the lecture course Wednesday after noon. His subject was The Great ness of Lincoln, and Why We Love Him." After senile, interesting re marks Jit read a part of "The Perfect Tribute," li told of his Gettysburg speech, and showed his real great ness. He ended by wishing that more of us might emulate Lincoln's life. At the last meeting of the Athletic Association a resolution was adopted thanking the members of the Pull man band for the music which they rendered at the basket ball game last week and expressing the appreciation of tin* students. KLEMGARD WRITES FROM LONG BEACH He .Says That the Number of Tour ists Is Breaking All Former Hecords The Herald has received an Inter esting letter from .1. S. Klemgard, dated at Long Beach, Calif., in which he says: "There is great activity In build ing all through this part of the state, especially at coast points. More tourists are here* this winter than ever before in the history of this place. It is difficult to find rooms or apartments and people often go elsewhere for this reason, although there have been dozens of large apartment houses erected the* last year, to say nothing of hundreds of residences, It is claimed that there ii; an'average of three houses being completed every day. Five have' been built in the block that we live in since* we arrived here last Septem ber. "We intend to hold a Washington State Picnic on the 22nd and expect at least 500 from our state to attend. I receive The Herald every week, and note with surprise tin* many business changes up there, which 1 hope will be for the best. Stay up in the north if you want to work and make money. If you wish to play and idle the time away this is the place. "Regards to all. "J. S. Klemgard." i «■__________—_______—__—. Whitman Pomona Elects Officers Whitman Pomona Grange, No. 2, met at the Ewartsville Grange nail : last Friday and Friday evening. Two j sessions were held. At the evening session 27 candidates ivere instructed in tin* fifth, or Pomona, degree. The following officers were elected and Installed for the* ensuing year: Master Mrs. Augusta m. Kegley. Palouse*. Overseer—George O'Donnell. Whe lan. Lecturer — Mrs. AIL- Fair, Albion. •Steward—Charles Oderlin, Palouse. Assistant Steward —W. C. Kamer rer, Ewartsville. Chaplain— Mrs. S. J. Scott. Treasurer— George M. Pyburn. Secretary—F. A. Hodges, Ewarts vUle. Gate Keeper—Will Clark, Whe lan. Ceres —Mrs. George O'Donnell, Whelan. , Pomona—Mrs. Nat Bryant. Ewartsville. Flora—Ethel Largent, Whelan. Lady Assistant Steward —Madge Neil, Ewartsville. George O. Donnell was elected to the office of trustee for the three year term. . Miss Belle Higgins was appointed l as Chorister, and Nat Bryant was appointed as press reporter. ;. PULLMAN. WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14. 1913 MONEY WILL BE PROVIDED FOR MUCH NEEDED BUILDINGS Work on the New Agricultural and Mechanic Arts Buildings will Begin this Spring President Bryan has brought from , Olympia the welcome news that the I appropriation for the State College ; will be allowed In full by the legis lature*. This appropriation provides ! funds sufficient for the construction of tho proposed Agricultural and Mechanic Arts buildings. These buildings will cost $150,000 leach, and will be among the finest 'college buildings in the country. Both will he of fireproof construc tion, built of brick, with steel and concrete floors, and partitions of brick or iron studding and steel lath. Both buildings will be flat-topped, and constructed along the most ap proved lines of modern architecture. The magnitude and importance of ; tho new buildings is shown by the i fact that three years will be required j for their construction. One wing ■ will be completed at a time, ami : will be occupied as soon as finished. The designs for the new buildings • will be drawn by Professor Weaver and his corps of assistants. Sketches have already been submitted by the t various departments, showing the ' room and arrangement they desire, and the designs are being made now, so thai work may commence at the earliest possible date in the spring. The Mechanic Arts Building will stand in front of the present shops, • and will face* to the west and north. The departments of Mechanical En gineering, Electrical Engineering, physics, and architecture will be housed in this structure. The Agricultural Building will be erected east of College Hall, upon the site now occupied by the College [ Hospital. The agricultural and horticultural departments, and the • extension work will occupy this i building. The importance of these buildings to Washington State College can not be overestimated. All our depart ments have* been handicapped for want of room. The engineering de partments have been lacking in many facilities which would improve the high-grade work which they are now doing. The removal of the physics laboratories into more intimate con tact with the engineering depart ments should increase the practical value of the work now being done. New High School will be Erected I Proposed Bond Issue Was Carried Last Saturday by a Vote of SUM) to (i:{ Considerable interest was mani fested in the special election held last Saturday to determine whether or not a bond issue of $25,000 should be made for the erection of a new high school building. The sentiment proved to be overwhelm ingly in favor of the plan, 220 votes being cast in favor of the bonds to G3 against. The school directors have instruct ed the county treasurer to at once advertise for bids on the bonds, and as soon as they are sold will call for bids for the construction of the building. Architect Swain is rush ing work on the preparation of the plans and specifications and says that while the exterior of the build i Ing will be severely plain, it will pre sent a substantial and rather im posing appearance. He will have a sketch of the front elevation of the building ready for Inspection in a few days. . , Rev. W. E. Armfleld, pastor of the Lidgerwood If, E. church of Spo kane, spent a few hours with his sis ter, Mrs. M. E. Vaughan, on Star Route street, Saturday, while en route to attend the district confer ence at Colfax. • • —:—: ffi% Mrs. M. S. Jamar, Miss Ella Ruply, Miss May Wenham and Miss Nell Perry went to Spokane Wednesday to attend the performance of Ben Hur. and leave much-needed space In the Administration Building for the use of other departments. The devotion of the present engineering buildings to workshop purposes only, and the provision of new, roomy quarters for offices, class rooms and laboratories, should make our engineering depart ment take a higher place among the other western colleges. Science Hall has long provided in sufficient room for the needs of the departments housed within it. The expansion of the college work in ag riculture and horticulture, and the phenomenal growth of the college ex tension work, has made the necessity for new quarters a crying one. The extension work alone would almost justify the erection of a new building. The work of farmers' institutes, de monstration boats and trains, and winter schools, is increasing to a marvelous extent. The winter schools alone now number seven. They are in session at Pullman, Puyallup, Lyn den, Vancouver, Watervllle, and other points. The erection of these now build ings, with the increased facilities for work which they offer, should mean the beginning of a new epoch for W. S. C. With every depart ment housed in commodious quart ers, with ample room for lectures, classes and experimental work, with the new dignity and prestige which will attach to our college when fully equipped for its great work, we should seem to be upon the threshold of the greatest broadening out in the history of the college. New students should be attracted In greater num bers than ever before. Instructors should be better content to remain in the college; in short, the whole in stitution would be at once enlarged and rendered more stable. President Bryan deserves great credit for his work in persuading the legislative committees of the need of the new buildings, which is in line with the great constructive work which he has done for the college. If the student body will but live up to the high privileges which the state's bounty has conferred upon every member of the college, Wash ington State College will take a more prominent position in the general opinion of the people of the country. Art Exhibit Miss Orllla E. Miner and Miss Sara B. Tuttle are exhibiting in Miss Min er's studios on Main street Friday and Saturday afternoons of this week. The exhibit will include oil, charcoal and watercolor sketches and portraits by Miss Tuttle, and decorat ed china by Miss Miner and her stu dents from both Pullman and Colfax. Miss Miner is also showing some very interesting photography. All inter ested are most cordially invited to visit the studios and inspect the work. Meeting of College Regents The regular bl-mothly meeting of the board of regents of the State Col lege will occur at Pullman Wednes day, February 19. In view of certain recent newspaper publications the board desires to announce that any person or persons wishing to present charges against the administration of the college will have an opportunity to file written, specific charges at that time and place and a hearing thereon will be granted and the same considered by the board of regents. E. A. BRYAN, Secretary, Board of Regents. Christian Science Christian Science services are held every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock in Masonic hall. All are welcome. The subject for next Sunday's lesson sermon Is "Soul." Golden text: "The Lord is good unto them ; that wait for him. to the soul that seeketh him," Lam mentations 3:25. A Tribute to Thorpe In a strong sermon dealing with the professionalism of Jim Thorpe, the noted Indian athlete, Rev. C. H. Harrison of the Congregational church last Sunday evening quoted the statement of Coach Stagg of Chi cago that "The present amateur rules make liars out of athletes,'' and further condemned the policy of the collegiate rules committee which prevents a college man who wishes to play baseball from the love of the sport from participating in the national pastime unless he loses his amateur standing. Rev. Harrison's sermon was not primarily concerned with the* ques tion of professionalism, however, but more directly with a contrast of the manliness of Thorpe in admit ting that he had played summer baseball, thereby losing the two greatest trophies that is is possible for any athlete to win —an admis sion that might well have remained unsaid had Thorpe wished to prac tice the deception. This sincere and manly action was contrasted with that of Justice Archibald, late of the Commerce Court, when, after being overwhelmingly indicted by the Senate of the United States on the charges of fraud and other criminal practices, he stated that be* " had done no wrong.*** 'I want to say," said Rev. Harrison, "that 1 would be proud to grasp the hand of a man like Thorpe, who, although he is only an Indian, is at the bottom much more of a man than is Archi bald, with all his education, bril liancy and high position." INTEREST IN AGRICUL TURAL CO-OPERATION State College Gives It Much Attention ut Agricultural Short Courses— Prominent Men on Programs Better distribution of farm pro ducts and more co-operation of farm ers is the great present need. All over the nation men are giving the matter attention and the agricultural colleges are studying the problems involved. It is interesting to note the promi nence given these subjects at the ag ricultural short courses which are be ing conducted by the State College this year. This week (February 17) such courses are being held at North Yakima and Puyallup. The North Yakima schedule devotes a whole day to "Co-operation and Marketing Farm Products." Following is the program for Thursday, February 20: 9:30 a. m.—"Co-operation of Growers in Marketing."—W. H. Paulhamus. 10:15 a. in. —"Commercializing the Waste."—C. C. Mlchener, Port land. 1:30 p. m.—"The Relation of the Producer and the Railroad In Mar keting Farm Products."—Thos. Coo per, Assistant to the President N. P. Ry., St. Paul, Minn. 2:45 p. m. —Discussion.—John P. Hartman, Seattle. 8 p. m.—"The Producer and the Consumer in Co-operation."Jahn P. Hartman. 9 p. m.—Address. —Thos. Cooper. The college is conducting eight such schools In the state this year. The fact that such men are willing to spare time to address them is suffi cient measure of the quality and value of the work they are doing. Next Wednesday evening. Febru ary 19, will occur the annual dance and oyster supper of the W. O. W. All members and their ladies are In vited to attend. Attorney J. W. Mathews was in Colfax Wednesday on legal business. R. C. Leuty has remodeled the Coßton blacksmith shop on Grand street and installed considerable new machinery. He will open for busi ness tomorrow and is prepared to do all kinds of repair work. He will be glad to meet any of the patrons, of the shop which he used to run ln Pullman before be moved to south ern Idaho. Guy V. . Greaves has returned from Red Bluff, Calif., where .he spent the early part of the winter, and will take a post-graduate chem- I istry course at the college. Mrs. i Greaves and the little girl will re -1 main in California until June. _*_.^*3>____3_!4___< NUMBER 21 SPOKANE PRAISES THE STATE COLLEGE Strong Resolutions Unanimously Adopted by Chamber of Commerce of the Falls City At the meeting of the Spokane Chamber of Commerce held last Tuesday the following resolution was presented by a special committee composed of Samuel Glasgow, E. T. Coman and Carl F. Uhdeu: "That in view of certain recent attacks upon the State College and its administration by a secret com mittee, the personnel of which Is as yet unknown, and in view of the further fact that these attacks were immediately followed by the Intro duction at Olympla of condemnatory resolutions, and by bills and pro posals of bills attacking the Institu tion and threatening Its financial basis and curtailing Its functions. and In view of the fact that wide cir culation has been given to these at tacks and misrepresentations by the public press, thereby Inflicting in jury upon the college, we, the Chamber of Commerce of Spokane, desire to express to the board of re gents and President E. A. Bryan our belief that the attack is unworthy and unjustifiable and to express our confidence in the administration of the Institution and our readiness to assist in protecting it against attacks which would limit its sphere of use illness or deprive it of Its property." The resolution was adopted by a unanimous vote. St. James Episcopal Church Rev. .1. G. Robinson, rector. Holy Communion, 7:30 a. m.; Sunday school at 10 a. m.; morning service, 11 o'clock; evening service, 7:30 p. m. On Sunday evening will be given the third of a series of six lecture-sermons on Martin Luther and this German Reformation. The special topic will be "Wittenberg and Rome," an account of Luther's de velopment as a teacher ln the uni versity, and of his journey on busi ness to the Pope in Rome. The con ditions he found in Rome led him to question the soundness of the relig ious life which lay beneath. On his return the question of indulgences was forced upon him. and he nailed the famous thesis to the church door. Next Tuesday at the regular W. R. C meeting there will be a special program appropriate to the birth days of Washington and Lincoln, after which refreshments will be served. All members are requested to be present. J. _, Emerson has been In Port land, Ore., this week ordering a stock of spring millinery. PLAGE FOUNTAINS AT BOTH DEPOTS So Tliat Traveling Public Can Get a Taste of Pullman's Pure Artesian Water Acting upon the suggestion made by The Herald several weeks ago, the Chamber of Commerce has taken up the matter of Installing drinking fountains at both the railroad de pots, to advertise Pullman's pure ar tesian water to the traveling public. The plan has been suggested to the officials of both railroad companies and they have shown much Interest and promised to co-operate in any way asked. The city council has voted to supply the fountains with water free of charge and designs and cost estimates are now being secured. The plan is to Install plain, but handsome, concrete fountains, ad joining the depot buildings, on which the virtues of Pullman's flowing ar tesian wells will be advertised. The train men will be asked to do their part by Informing' passengers that when they reach Pullman they can secure a drink of the coldest, purest and best artesian water in the state. The whole Ideals to emphasize and give publicity, to the great asset which Pullman possesses in her nu merous flowing artesian wells.