1 iiila\, l>e< i'hilmt "J!>, 10222 Neighborhood News ALBION The guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. .1- Cunningham on Christ mas day were Win. Parvin and fam ily of Colfax, Mrs. W. A. Bidle and family, C. I. Roberts and family, James Cunningham and family, a. D. Burton, David Christy and Miss Patience llandley and Mrs. T. M Farnsworth. Mrs Robert X. McClvi and hus band are entertaining the former's son from Oregon a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Ted H. Fair and Bon were visitors at the home of Mrs. W. M. Chapman Monday. The Misses Jeanette and Blanche Rice are in Colfax at the home of i their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. j Eugene Rice, during their week's va- j cation. Miss Marjorie Christopher, who is attending high school at Colfax, is spending her vacation with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. .1. 11, Christopher and family, near Albion. Harvey Juhnke, son of Mi. ami Mrs. Fred W. Juhnke of near Albion, : accidentally discharged a revolver while out hunting rabbits Christmas ! day. The bullet penetrated his low er limb, He was rushed to St. Igna tius hospital for treatment. Members of the United Brethren Sunday school will entertain at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira X. j Luce. An old fashioned taffy pull j will be the main feature of the even ing. Mrs. Firman Kenoyer, a teacher j in the grade school. Is again able to j be out, after a siege of illness. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Clark and fam ily spent .1 few (laVS the past week i in Spokane with .Mr-. Clark's par ents. Master Thomas Lawson of Pull man is visiting at Grandma Plow man's. A. D. O'Kelley and family were guests at the home of Mrs. O'Kell | mother, Mrs. T. F. Ferguson, and husband Christmas day. Miss .lane Mullen, teacher of the lover grades, is spending the holi iavs with her parents in Spokane. Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. Reid of Arling- j !;i visited a few days this week with lie hitter's mother, Mrs Elwood Harold, ami husband. Harry Warner of Pullman was the } nest of his parents, Mr. and Mr-. David Warner, the past week. W. A. Bidle is visiting at Marcus. ' Wash. • W. M. Dobson of Troy. Idaho, was | in town Monday on business. The Elberton high school and town basket ball teams played the k Albion high school and town teams „, here Wednesday, December 27. The second number of the Lyceum course will be given Friday evening. December 20, including a moving Picture entitled "Evangeline" and a "Trip to Niagara Falls." Miss Kathleen Mallory. a teacher in the high school, is spending her Christmas vacation in Seattle CLINTON The Stitch and Chatter club met t the home of Mrs. Fred Weber this *eek. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Purnell of I Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Mrs. D. of ■firkston and Mr. and Mrs. D. L. '■ frocunier spent Christmas day at *« I. O. Purnell home. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Benedict and ' family were visitors at the Elvin . food home on Christmas day. Raymond Lee of Pullman is spend in? the week at the T. E. Wiley borne. Mrs. Angus Rose and son. Stanley, v"re Tuesday visitors at the W. H. w 'olfe home. A. M. Haynes, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer ■ Haynes and family, Mr. and Mrs. G'enn Kimble and small son. Mr. a'■(1 Mrs. T. B. McMurray and son, Mr. and Mrs. Alen Hodge a nd small son, and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Paynes were visitors at the Mrs. A. *J Haynes home on Christmas day. ■ Mrs. Fred Weber spent last wee* until Wednesday evening at the home j ; of her mother, Mrs. Mclnturff, of I 'ohnson. M Mrs. Cloid Clark returned Wed nesday from a visit at the home of ll>l' Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aultman I•' (irangeville, Idaho. I Mr. and Mrs. Augus Rose and son, 52 Stanley, were Friday visitors at the |J j '""■ Of Mrs. Rose's parents, Mr. and ■ »rs. Develin, of Moscow. I I T- B. McMurray and son, Wayne, l*»v e returned home after a visit to r r- McMurray's mother and friends IW^ relatives in Tennessee. -«i Mrs. Err fan '• '-• W Hey home. Miss Thelma Purnell | 8 BUtferlnß £» on her flnßcr JS23 A neighborhood gatherine «■■ !",'" « the Clinton Grtge^ |Hstm a 8 Blght A ; uppe ; w ?n ■ Mr Mr- ;";'' Arnold Robert, and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hart, spent d ay at the >. W . Robert: son home I CHAMBERS ! *}*■ aml Mr»- John Sodorff and children of Garfield are visiting,,-s jSodorffa parents, Mr. and Mrs. j 1 ' Vi agner. I . Mr. and Mrs. Will Hooper spent sunday night and Monday in Pull man with Mr. and Mrs. J esa Gray and family. Mr. and Mrs. Milt Olmstead of ; Pu»man, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Law rence and Mr. and .Mrs. .1. Lawrence i spent. Christmas with Mr. and Mrs | Hardy Long ! Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Morgan and daughter of Pullman, Mark and A. I L. Morgan of Lewiston spent, a cou ple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Miles Pendry. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Crosley of Pull man spent several days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Will Hooper. Mr and Mrs. J. K. Polston and sons spent Monday In Pullman at I the James c,a>s home, Mrs. C. 11. Kincaid had the mis : fortune to have her hip broken in three places Tuesday when she was in a runaway. She is at the Xorth j west sanitarium in Pullman Mr. and Mrs. Will Hooper, Mi and Mrs. Ralph Lawrence and Mr. and .Mrs. A. W. Nelson spent Wed nesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sodorff. Mr, and Mrs. Miles Pendry and ; Mr. and Mrs. Will Hooper called at the J. It. Greenwell home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Kincaid and family spent Christmas at the Oscar I Kincaid home FORD Mrs. Forker entertained her pupils : with a Christmas party last Friday [afternoon. Refreshments of apples, I popcorn balls, oranges and candy I were passed and a small gin given reach. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Travis en tertained .Mr. and Mrs. Sam Breeze on Christmas day. Melvin and Clark Brownlee spent Sunday with O. A. and R. K. Leo nard. .Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Co* spent Christmas with .Mr. and Mrs. How ard Gimlin, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Clark and Mr. an 1 Mrs. Rudolph Mengelkamp anil family spent Christinas eve at Don Green well's. Mr. and Mis. Dave Kloppenstein ate Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Naffziger in Pullman. Relatives from Montana arrived Tuesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kloppenstein. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Childreth and baby, after visiting at the home of Sam Breeze, left to make their home at Pocatello, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Draper and family spent Christmas with the '. Ray Guthrie family in the Rose Creek neighborhood returning home on Tuesday. Sam Breeze left for Walla Walla on Wednesday after receiving a wire containing the sad news that his brother, R. X. Breeze, had been in stantly killed when a train hit the auto in which he was riding. His son also had several ribs broken and there is fear that he is hurt in ternally. ROSE CREEK Kay Guthrie had the misfortune to have on of his good work horses die this week. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Kinder and family wore Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hathaway. Mrs. Jesse Grant and children are spending the holidays in Pullman with Mr. and Mrs. George Grant and Mrs. Kate Pope. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Btbredge and Miss Hazel were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ora Eth redge. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Tueth spent Christmas eve with Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Adams. Severe colds are going around in this neighborhood. i Mr. and Mrs. Andy Mael and Miss Esther attended the Christmas tree and program Saturday evening at Four Mile school house. I _ Mr. and Mrs. R, i; . Ethredge were Christmas guests of their daughter, Mis. John Doigai. in Pot latch". Mr. and Mrs. .lesse Barber enter tained Air. and Mrs. O. R. Tueth on Christmas day. Among those who attended the Collins school Christmas tree Sal ! urday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Newell and son-. Claude i Klrkendall and children ami Mr. and Mis- August Held. -Mr. and Mrs. Omar Mastop and j children spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mis. .1. ||. Maston. Miss Minnie Meld was home from Moscow- for tin. week-end. Mr. and Mrs. R a *■ Draper and family enjoyed the hospitality of tho Kay Guthrie home on Christmas. A Christmas tree was enjoyed Monday evening at the Henry Peter- Ben home. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Barber and sons. ; Mr. ,md Mrs. Clifford Furnas, Mr. and Mrs. Tueth and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Baird and daughter spent the . week-end and i Christinas with her parents and oth er relatives ill Moscow. i Mr. and Mrs. Henry IVtersen were ; Sunday dinner guests of her parents, ; Mr. and Mrs. ,1. D. Carson. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Benedict spent Wednesday with Air. and Mrs. Carl Reid. ( SPRING FLAT i Mi Isabella Taylor pent Mou- ■ day night with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Creighton, I Leonard Small spent the Christ- ■ mas holidays at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Me- ( Carthy of Pullman. Ben lnman ho has hern in Pull man for several days returned to Ihe Lewis ranch Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mush and ( family, Mrs. Isabella Taylor, Miss Amanda Taylor, Bill Taylor and Mr, , and Mrs, Hugh Taylor were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe . Creighton Christmas day. Mrs. 11. J. Brock and Merle Brock , of Wilbur are spending the holidays i with Mr. and Mrs. Hoy E. Draper. Crystal Lewis of Pullman visited at the .las. Small home last Friday mil Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. W. ii Gibson and Lindus Sherdien spent Wednesday (■veiling with .Mr. and Mrs. W. II N'affziger. Mr, and Mrs. R. A. Smith gave a party at their home last Friday I evening. The evening was spent in : playing progressive pedro and danc ing. At cards Mrs W. 11. Gibson was awarded the prize, a box of sta- ; tionery, and the booby prize, a hand kerchief, was presented to Earl Gib son. Supper was served at mid night and all returned home at an early hour, having spent a very en joyable evening. Those who spent Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Draper were Mrs. 11. J. Brock, Merle Brock, Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Draper and little daughter, Barbara .lean. Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Smith and family and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gib son and son. Earl, spent Christ] with Mrs. Belle Harvey in Pullman. Visitors at the W. 11. Gibson home Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hush and sous. Dale and VVillard, Bill Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Naff ziger ami Llnduß Sherdien Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Naffziger of Pullman on Christmas day were Mr. and Mrs. | A. C .Clunk, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Naff ziger, Frank Innian, Mr and Mrs. John Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Klopsenstein, Frank Williamson, Mr. J and Mrs. W. H. Naffzlger and Claude ! N af f zigi Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Diaper and little Barbara Jean. Mrs. H. J. Brock and Merle Brock spent Christmas eve at the home of Mr. and Mi Bert Draper. HOLLAND STATION Mr. and Mrs. Scott Getchell and family were Christmas dinner guests at the T. A. Leonard home. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Clark were' Christmas dinner guests at the home of Jim Clark. Jim Clark was a LaCrosse visitor . Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Clark and , baby spent Tuesday night at the Jim : Clark home. Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. Ferrand and daughter, Beryl, were Moscow visi tors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Thonney had all their children home for Christmas. IMI II I I. MAN 111 KM n They were Mr. and Mrs X Tlionney, Mr and Mis. Claude Harris of Spo kane, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Myers and daughter of Pullman, Mr. and Mr-. Walter Thonney and Mrs Walter Thonney'a cousin. Miss Martha Col ard. o! Spirit Lake. Mrs. 1.. Stralton and children speii! Christmas in Moscow with her parents. U r , and Mrs. Litch. •Mr. Miid Mrs, Clarence ilinchliff and daughter. Marion wenl to Elber ton and spent Christmas with Mrs. Hlnchlitf's parent-. Mr. and .Mrs. Starrett. Edmond Gilbert wenl to Almota to spend Christmas with his parents. Frank Justice weni to Enterprise, Oregon, to spend Christinas with his parents. Chester ami Maydn Getchell went to a party in Pullman Wednesday evening. Will Ilalpill was a caller at the Scotl Getrhell home Sunday. WHELAN Hubert Proctor spent Christmas in Palouse with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. 1' Proctor. Ml and Mrs. T. M. Pritchnrd and Earl ami Anna spent Christmas even ing with All-, and is. C. W, Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Dwlghl Taylor and child look Christinas dinner with Mrs. Taylor's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Simpson, in Albion. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wexler and children went to Colfax Wednesday to visit during the holidays with Mrs. Wexler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Coryell. .Mrs. Callowaj and son. Russell, are visiting for a few days wit Mr. and Mrs. Dwighl Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Waller Pi hard of Ewartsvllle spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Pritchard Mr. and Mrs. Flaurice Gray [)enl Christmas in Pullman at Hie home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stlrewalt and Mr. and Mrs. Flaurice Cray attend ed the dance at Clinton Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Woi ley Hately and children and W. .1. Boatright of Johnson spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hooper Mrs. Chas. SI li ■■■,■. .ill was called to the Shafer home by the illness of her daughter, Mrs. Roy Shafer. BANNER .Miss Ruth Olson spent Christmas day at home, Henry Rodeen spent Christinas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rodeen. E. D. Eldredge came down from Spokane Saturday and is spend this week with his wife and mother here. Mr, Eldredge Is attending the Northwestern Business College at Spokane, Mr. ami Mrs. E. !>. Eldredge and "Mother' Eldredge took Christmas dinner with Mr, and Mrs. August Anderson Clarence Johnson returned home Saturday from Spokane after spend ing ,i week there. Mr, and Mrs. A. 1). O'Kelley and family were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Olson. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reid and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. A D. O'Kelley and family attended the Christmas program at. the Methodist church at Albion Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. W. K. Lawson visited Mr. and Mrs. T. Ferguson at Albion Monday afternoon, ('has. Rodeen last week purchased the c. K. Dutton residence on Star Route street. Mr. and Mrs. August Johnson and mily visited Friday evening last week at the August Anderson home, Mr. and Mrs August Anderson and son occupied the new house by Christmas time. They consider It the best Christinas present received for many years. Clark Burnara is now at home from a long siege of sickness at the St. Ignatius hospital in Colfax. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Eldredge and "Mother" Eldredge were dinner guests at ihe (.'has. Burnam homo Wednesday. STALEY Miss Pried i Faeber's school pro gram was given at the school house last Friday afternoon. It was very successful and much enjoyed by ail Mr. and Mrs. F. .1. Hedglen and daughter, Miss Leona, spent Christ mas at the Jennings home. Miss Leona remained for a few days visit. Mrs. Will Mennetl and daughter, Rowena, left Saturday for Troy. Idaho, to spend the Christmas holi days with Mrs. Mennett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pair. Mr. ami Mis. J. K. PoUton and fumll) Bpenl Christmas ;tt the Jlni Gasa homo m Pullman. -Mr. and Mrs. .1. o. Cooper and daughter wero Chrintuius dinner guests in' Mrs. 1.. C. Slaley. Eurl Mcunct cnmo up from Lewis ton, Idaho, to spend the hollduys with i urn,!; and relntlvea. Emil Mcnnpl spent several dnya with his brother, Will. Hurl Shafer loft for Sandpolnt, Idaho, Insl Thursday to upend tho holidays. Rosa Hedglen of Pullman visited In 111 i-> v Ictnlt) Sundaj. Thirty children and grandchildren gathered at tho J, n. Maston home for Christmas. Mrs, Frank Creed .mil daughters. Vedu and Vivian, cunio own from Palouse for a week's \ isii. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jonea md children wenl to Piilouse for a few days visit. Mrs. Jones' slater died Christmas morning. KITZMILLER Mr. .mil Mr. i. B. Hall and Mas ter Kennoth were Christmas guests i>i Mr, and Mrs. I. G. Eaton! Edwurd I). Kltzmiller and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mis. Thomas Ma he v in Pullman, 'I. 11. Wood of Elarrington ar rived Monday to visit his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. It. I; Mm ii ha in Mr, and Mrs. William Clark and son. Paul, spent December '.'-< In Moscow with Mr, and Mrs .1. L. Hedge. Among the Christmas dinner guests .lit ho home of Mr. and Mrs. 1). U. Burnham were Mrs. Nettie Graves, Mrs. Emma * 'hapl and Mrs William Olson. Miss Augealcte i ibb spent the week-end with Misses Beatrice and Louise Kltzmiller. Christmas guests at the Alex Me- Pherson home were Mr. nd Mrs. Fred Ousley and two sons, also 1011 Freeman. .Mrs. \V. I. (Marl; of Pullman is visiting her son, William Clark for the holidays. Mrs. Win. Olson was a Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. I. v. Rlcketts. Mr. .i nd Mrs. I). R. Burnhain en tertained on Sunday Mr. and Mis. Bliss Dana and children, Mrs. Van Dyke and son, Peter Carl AlBUp of Union Flat spent I If week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ousley. Mr. and Mrs. I! VV. Gwinn enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ousley and guest Saturday evening. EWARTSVILLE Don i forget ihe Ila rd Times mas querade dance at Ewartsville this ( Friday i night, Mr. and Mrs Carrol Whitten had as heir guest on Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Orville Neil, 1.. Bortle and E. Hurtle. Miss lilululle Brown, teacher at he Bryant school, left on Sal unlay to spend the holidays with her parents at Riparla. Mrs. Ida Kamerrer left last week to spend a month with her daughter, .Mrs. U. L. Hollenbeck, near Riparlu .1. M. and J, S. Klemgard butch ered hogs last Friday. Mr. and ,Mrs. Commodore Hend rick pent Christmas da with Mrs. Belle Wllcox In Pullman. Mr. and Mis. C. A. Brannan, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Bi annan, Ml ■- Fre da Brannan and Miss Lucille Bran nan spent ''iii i ima at he Sherman Brannan homo. Mr. and Mi Wade Young and lit tle daughter, Reade Young and Miss Elaine Martin were guests at the T. C. Young home on Christinas. Mr and Mrs. L. R. Hunker had as their guests on Christmas Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Hlgglna, Mr and Mrs. Claude Rucker and little daughter, Mr and Mrs. J. M. Klemga rd, Grandma Davidson and Hudson X lemga rd. Mildred dodges spent thin week with Mrs. T. C. Young. Mrs. L. K. Wayman has been quite ill with neuralgia. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Henson and children, Mrs, L. J. story and fam ily were Christmas guests at the W. C Kamerrer home. Mr. and Mrs. Rani Hreezo were Christinas day guests at the L. E. I Wayman home. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Sterrenburg are spending the holidays at be home of the latti parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Haxton. Mr. and Mrs. Carter of Pullman and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Fulfs and children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Seltz on Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. R E. Long spent Christmas night at the Roy Haxtoa home, Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Collins and children sp'-nt Christmas with rel ntives ut Oenesee. Mr, nnd Mrs. Curter, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Siit/, Mr. and Mra. Carroll Whltten Bpent Christmas night at the .!. H. Fulfs homo. \V. A. Lybecker and mother [lent Christmas at tin* A, )■:. Olson homo, Walter Carrothers, who is work ing in the car simps at Parkwater, spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. :iml Mr a. P. Carrothers. Miss Anna ('in rot hi is upending the holidays with her parc-nta, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. I 'arrol hi Mr. and Mrs. \Y. C. Katnmorrer entertained the Five Hundred club last Thursday night, \V. H. Prltch ard and Mrs. ,1. M. Klemgnrd i■■ ceived prizes for high scores and \V. A. Lybecker and M' Cha - Voll iiiit for low scores, Mi .1. G Klomgard and little daughter left last Thursday for Berkeley, Calif., to spend a month with her parents. Mrs. \Y. li Pritchard and son, Bobby, spent last week with th" former's parents, Mi 'Ui'l Mrs. Chris Naff/iuer, at Asotin Mr and Mr A. K. Olson have just recovered from 'he flu, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith enter tained at card and dancing la i Fri day night Mr. and Mrs. C 11. Kincaid and Helen and .lack Kincaid of Cham bers were guests at the Oscar Kin raid home over Christmas. Miss Carrie Bound? arrived Sat urday from Salem, Ore , to upend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mi C. i: Boundy. Mr, K. C. Hcdglen of Pullman spent Tuesday evening at the I. It. Rucker home. ('. P. hooper left on Tuesday foi- St. .John, after spending three weeks at the 1,. v. Rucker home Lester and Howard Flock of Pull man spent this week at the I. R. Rucker home Master Bobby Pritchard was quite sick the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Klemgard en tertained the Five Hundred club on Wednesday night, .1. T. La Follotte and Mis. \V. C. Kamerrei receiving prizes for high scores and T. C. Young and Mrs. ("has. Vollmer re ceiving prizes for the low scores Mr. and Mrs. V. L. lllggins enter tamed the I. R. Rucker family and the Ben Hen on family with a Christmas tree and cards on Christ mas eve. The Bryant, Irene and Ontario schools gave Christmas programs on Friday night. The program given at the Bryant school was as follows: Jack Frost's Greeting. . .Earl Martin Recitation, 'Why?" lay Snyder A Btory, "The Firs! Christmas Tree" .. .* Lloyd Moys Recitation, '•Christmas Stock inns" Christine Collins Duet, "Christmas Song" . . Hetty I [em Ich . Rob't Henrichs Recitation, runpa :" Rob Collins Drill "Christmas Shopper ' . . Five girl • Recitation, "What the Reindeer Did" Louise Hinrlchs Recital lon, "A Christmas Hve Thought" Ruth Snyder Recitation, "Santa Clans".,.. Delberl Rucker Recitation, "What I Want".... Helen Collins Play, "Christmas Eve in throe acts. Act. I. Place, a living room . time, about 7 .;u o'clock on Christmas t'VO. Act 2. Place, same room; time. about 11:30 the same evening. Art '.',. Place same room; time, 30 minutes later Characters Mother Josephine Collins Joseph John Snydei Clarence Wilbur Martin Ruth Betty Him Ii Hilda Beryl Snyder Jeanett Christine Collins Santa ClaUB Lloyd Moys Fairy Ruth Snyd^r The Herald prints butter wraps. —————————————————————— Chancellor Cigars ST.\M».\Kl> <>!' COMPARISON THE CITY CLUB JOH.VXIE GAXXON, Prop. I'. m<' live