6RESSIAFJ BOT Tho Well-ECnovii Kansas Statesman, Cured of Catarrh of the Stomach by Po-ru-na, AFTER TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' SUFFERING. More Evidence of Interest to the Millions of Catarrh Sufferers in the United States. I HON. J. 1). 130TKO, CONGKESSMAJf-AT-LAJIGE FROM KANSAS. In a recent letter to Dr. Ilartman, Congressman Botkin, of AYinfield, Kan., Whose lame is a national one, says of. l'ervma : My Dear Doctor It gives me pleasure to certify to the excellent cura tive qualities of your medicines Peruna and Manalin. I have been afflicted more or less for a quarter of a century with catarrh of the stomach and con stipation. A residence in Washington has increased these troubles. A few bottles of your medicine have given me almost complete relief, and I am sure that a continuation of them will effect a permanent cure. Peruna is surely a wonderful remedy for catarrhal affections." J. D. Botkin, Congressman-at-Large. CONGRESSMAN BOTKIN is one ol the most influential and best known men in the State of Kansas. AVhatever he may say on any subject will be accepted by the people as the truth. So famous a remedy as Peruna could not have well escaped the atten tion of so famous a man. Ife not only lias heard of the remedy, but he has used it and was relieved of an affliction of twenty-five years' standing1. Peruna is the one internal remedy that cures chronic caiarrh. It cures catarrh wherevj located. This is a fact that the people are rapidly finding- out, but .V-there are still a large multitude who need to know it. Jlr. Frank Iiichter, of Winona, Minn., teays in a letter to The Peruna Medi cine Company: "As a remedy for catarrh I taJce pleasure in recommending Peruna for catarrh of the stomach. I know what it is to be afflicted with this awful dis ease and consider it my duty to say a word in behalf of the remedy which, pave me such relief. Peruna ciired me, und I know it will cure anyone else who Buffers from this disease. It gives me preat pleasure to testify to the cura tive effects of this medicine. Peruna is a well tested and frequently used rem edy, and for catarrh of the stomach is unsurpassed. "My catarrh was principally located in my head and stomach. I tried many remedies without success. I tried sev eral doctors, but they were unable to cure me. I read of Peruna in the pa pers and five bottles cured me." Jfrank Bichter. The gastric juice is secreted by the mucous follicles of the stomach. iVhen this juice is normal it digests '(dissolves) the food without produc ing any disturbance whatever. If, liowever, the gastric juice is not nor mal, digestion causes many disagree ble symptoms. This condition is 3nown as indigestion. Teruna will cure this. Mrs. writes: Selina Tanner, Athens, O., "I cannot find words to ex press my thanks for your kind ad vice. I never once thought had catarrh of the stomach. commenced tak' mg Peruna as you directed. My stomach contin ueu to hurt me for about' two weeks after I be gan the medi cine and then it stopped. , I now Mr. Selina Tanner. have a good ap petite while before I was nearly starved. .Mrs. belina .tanner, Mr. L. O. Marble, of Geneva, Neb., writes: "I do believe that my catarrh is en tirely cured. I have not had any trouble with my stomach for a long time. 1 am as well as one of my ag-e could expect (seventy years). I have had the catarrh ever since I was a young- man, and have doctored for it for years and got very little better, but thanks to you and your Peruna and Manalin I believe I am well of it. I can eat anything- now and it doesn't hurt me, and Peruna is the only thing I ever found that will cure the catarrh. I be lieve it is the only cure for catarrh, and I hope every one troubled withca tarrh will try Peruna and be cured." Lu O. Marble If you do not derive prompt and sat isfactory results from the use of Peru na, write at once to Dr..IIartman, giv ing a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his val uable advice gratis. Address Dr. ITartman, president of The Ilartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio W- L. DOUGLAS S3 & $3.50 SHOES tESS. The real -worth of W. I Douglas 3.00 and S3.50 Shoes compared -with other makes is 51.00 to S5.00. Our $4. OO Gilt Edgre Line cannot be equalled at any price. IV e make and sell more $3.00 and S3.50 shoes than any other two manufacturers in the United States. Til E REASON moreW.L. Pousrlss S3 and MM rtoea in sold thsnsnr other mskeia because TJ1EY AUKTHK BEST. Tour dealer ahould keep them i we fit one dealer exclusive in each town. Take noiubititutr! Inaist mi ha vine W. L.. Donfrlas ehoea with, Same and pnea stamped on bottom. It yonr dealer will nut ret them for yon. Bend direct to factory, encloring price and 25c extra tor carriage. Bests kind of leather, size, and width, plain or rap toe. Our ehoee will reach you anywhere. Write or catalogue tfuiwmg nno Spring style. We nan Fast Color We I- Iot.rlus Shoe Co., Eyelet in all our shoes. - - ISrockLon. A as. Cheap Ratea to California. February 12th and" each Tuesday there aJler, until and including April 30th, Special jLow Kate Colonist Tickets will be sold via the Southern Pacific's Company's "Ogden" nd "Sunset" Koutes to all points in CaIiA nia. The rate will be: From Chicago 530.00, from St. Louis, Memphis and New Orleans $-7.50, from Omaha, Kansas City, tc, $25.00. Corresponding low rates from, all other points east and north. For particulars and detailed information pertaining to the Southern Pacific Com pany's .Routes, and these -pecial rates to Cal ifornia, ca'l upon or addiess W. 6. Xeimver, G. W. A, S. P. Co., 233 Clark St., Chicago, 111. V. H. Connor, C. A., S. P. Co., Chamber of Commerce BIdg., Cincinnati, Ohio. G. G. Herring, C. A., S. P. Co., 711 Park Bldg., Patts-burg, Pa. L. E. Townsley, C. A., S. F. Co., 421 Olive St., St, louis, Mo. ' C. C. Cary, C. A., S. P. Co., 203 Sheidley Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Couldn't Square the Circle. He I thought you knew the Browns. Don't yon live in the same square ? She Yes, but you pee, we don't move in the same circle Tit-Bite. "Is he a professional man?" "No; only an amateur." Town Tories. Carter's Ink oest for school, home and office. It costs no sTsrethan poor ink. Always ask for Carter's. Opportunities make obligations. Ram'i Horn. READERS OF THIS PAPER DESIKLNG TO BUY ANYTHING ADVERTISED IN ITS COLUMNS SIIOCLD INSIST UPON HAVING WIIAT THEY ASK FOR, REFUSING ALL SUBSTITUTES OR IMITATIONS. Use CERTAIN iP CUBE. S5e eoc 15C -Li LUHf S hHI-Si. all fl Hii Q Beat Cough byrnp. Tastes Good. nme. Hold tr drrjo-elts. see OTHERWISE UNNOTICED. Thomna A. Edison has entered the auto field rith a new light storage battery. Twenty thousand persons partici pated in an anti-clerical riot at Bar celona, Spain .Sunday. Col. D. S. Twitchell died suddenly, Sunday morning', at Kansas City, Mo of a complication of diseases. Startlinrj frauds are alleged to have been discovered in the commissary department in the Philippines. College women from all parts of the United States purpose establishing a college woman's clubhouse in New York. Mrs. Charles Hess, an a.q-ed. Cer- man resident of Edwardsville, 111., died suddenly, Sunday, while on her way to church. President McKinley has decided not to take with, him any special news paper correspondents on his trip to the Pacific coast. Fernando Yznaga, who died a few weeks asro in New York, left to his frister, Consuelo, duchess of Marlbo rough, $1,250,000. Thomas L. Sobey, who served in the Spanish-American war with the Mis souri engineer battalion, committed suicide in Chicago. The life of a St. Joseph jirl was saved by her bustle. The steel and wire fixing turned the bullets fired by her jealous sweetheart. Florian Imer, a Kansas City (Mo.) saloonkeeper preferred death to life without his wife and hanged himself to a tree over her grave. The prospects for a large wheat erop in southern Illinois this j'ear are exceedingly bright. A repetition of the crop of 1SS2 is looked for. Arrangements for the ceremonies attending the unveiling of the statue of Gen. John A. Logan in Iowa cir cle, Washington, April 9, have been completed. The remains of James Stephens were buried beside those of his wife in the ''Martyrs' plot," at Bmblin, Sunday, in the presence of a great assemblage. Louis Yaller, a tough character, forced his way into the house of Mrs. Kado Johnson, a widow, near Thomp sonville, 111., and Mrs. Johnson killed him with an ax. Mrs. Maggie Jones, wife of a St. Louis letter carrier, attempted sui cide by shooting, because some of her neighbors had talked about her. Her condition is dangerous. Mrs. Elizabeth llollis, aged "SO, died of dropsj-. She was one of the pio neers of Randolph townsh'p, McLain county, 111., and had lived 50 years on the farm where she died. Margaret Atwell, mother of the Episcopal bishop of the diocese of western Missouri, died suddenly at Kansas City, Sunday morning, from heart disease, aged 88 years. Lieutenant Commander Jesse Mims Toper, of the gunboat Petrel, a native of Missouri, was suffocated in a fire on his vessel, at Cavite, P. I., while trying to rescue members of the crew. Jev. J. G. Campbell, one of the earl it-Ft preachers of the Disciples it Christ in Illinois, died at Blooming ton, 111., Sunday, of nervous prostra- tion. She was the wife of a prominent Eloomington business man. EXECUTIVE APPOINTMENTS. The President Make a. Number of Promotions In the avnl Serv ice and Marine Co rim. "Washington, April 1. The presi-, dent has made the following appoint ments: Treasury Joseph B. Stewart, to bo collector of customs for the district of Richmond, Ya. Navy .Joseph N. Hemphill, Abra ham P. H. Lillie, Henry N. Manney and Wm. T. Swinburne, to be cap tains; Edward M. Hughes and Samuel P. Comly to be commanders; Hoy C. Smith and Robert S. Griflin to be lieutenant-commanders. Emory Win ship to be advanced four numbers in rank on the list of lieutenants, junior grade, for eminent and conspicuous conduct in battle; Col. Robert I. Meade to be brigadier-general by bre vet in the corps,for distinguished con duct and public service in the pres ence of the enemy at the battle of Tien Tsin, China; Lieut. Wm. G. Powell, to be captain by brevet in the marine corps for distinguished con duet and public service in the pres ence of the enemy at Tien Tsin.China, and Thomas P. Hobby to be a warrant machinist in the navy. SAILED FOR THEIR POSTS. I'oor of the Philippine Judicial Ap pointee Sail for Manila on the Transport Bnford. San Francisco, April 1. Four recent appointees to judicial positions in the Philippines sailed for Manila on the transport Bnford. They are J. F. Cooper, of Fort Worth, Tex., and Charles A. Willard, of Minneapolis, who have been appointed justices of the supreme court, the court of last resort in the Philippines; Fletcher Ladd, of Lancaster, N. II., and W. A. Kinkaid, of Galveston, who have been appionted judges of the court of first instance, a trial court with civil and criminal jurisdiction corresponding to the superior court in this state. More Filipino Surrenders. Manila .April 1. Thirty men of Gen. Caille's command have surren dered. Of this number five were of ficers, including Col. Herrera and Belaya. Lord Salisbury Progrrcsalnff. London, April 1. Although no bul letin has been issued, it is said that Lord Salisbury is progressing satis factorily toward recovery from hia illness. WILL INTEREST BRITISHERS. The population of London has in creased to the extent of 700,000 sincfr 1SS1. Every inhabitant of the United King dom may be said figuratively to hold sway over 30 acres abroad. The entire collection of coins and medals in the British museum consists of nearly 250,000 specimens. London has 56 parks and gardens of from one-fourth of an acre to 108 acres, and 30 open spaces and com- xnons, fxpju pna 1ft ?Z fcfirss in size. .. Vhat Will Become of China None can foresee the outcome of the quar rel between foreign powers over the divi sion of China.. It is interesting to watch the going to pieces of this ancient but un progressive race. Many people in America are also going to pieces because of dyspep sia, constipation, blood, liver and stomach diseases. We are living .too fast, but strength, vigor and good health can be re tained if we keep off and cure the above dis eases with Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. With Most People. A Kansas City man has issued a -pamphlet on the "Mission of Wealth." With all re pect to the author, the most trouble" with most people is the omission of wealth. Kan saa City (Mo.) Journal. Stats or Ohio, Citt or Toledo, 1 LCCAS COCXTT, I Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo. County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dol lars for each and every case of catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 18S6. A. W. (J LEA SON, Seal Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous sur faces of the svstem. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. There is an insurance company in Paris that refuses to issue policies on the lives of people who use hair dye. Having dyed they are probably considered dead. Chica go Daily News. Von Can Get Allen's Foot-Ease FREE. Write to-day to Allen S. Olmsted, Lerov, N. Y., for a FREE sample of Allen's Foot Ease, a powder to shake into your shoes. It cures chilblains, sweating, damp, swollen, aching feet. It makes New or tight shoes easy. A certain cure for Corns and Bun ions. All druggists anl shoe stores sell it. 25c. "Willie, you mustn't eat so fast; it will give you dyspepsia." "An' then would I be cross as pa? Indianapolis News. It takes two to make a quarrel, but it's usually the work of a third. N. . Herald. Q. E. D. A man who called himself a "demon strator" invaded a Vv est Pniiadclphia board ing house patronized by university stu dents. Hearing of his claims to education al distinction tlie students tried to draw the newcomer into conversation, and finally he was asked to show what kiud of practical work he could do. Immediately tue young man pulled out a box of wnite paste, smeared it on a window pane and polished the glass with a chamois skin. "Tliere, gen tlemen," he said, "if anyone can make a clearer demonstration tiian that let him step up." The students notified the land lady that it was not professional for this kind of a demonstrator to pose in their midst, and the stranger shook the dust from his feet against all in that house and sol emnly announced tjiat he left thein to do the dust of ages. Turning to a dental stu dent, he exclaimed: "I throw it in your teeth that when I have sold all my territory and am riding in my coach the dust of'my chariot wheels shall extinguish you as you trudge along the pave!" With this awful imprecation he took his clothes and went. Philadelphia Record. Aiklng Too Much. A Louisville man is considered a sort of authority on all literary topics. He is con stantly consulted, and recently a dude went ifter him for information on a certain top ic. The man of letters kindly gave it. But somehow or other his dudelets was slow to catch on. He wanted to know the why and wherefore of a lot of things connected with the subject. Why was it thusly. and where fore'was it not so and so? The literary man explained and explained until he grew weary. Finally his boredom and irritation overcame his politeness. "Sir," he thun dered, angrily, "you come to me for infor mation on this subject. I give you the facts, but. Heaven knows, I cannot give you the brains to grasp them. You ask too much." Louisville Times. A Gentle Hint. Tommv "Tell me a story." Uncle "A story! But I don't know what to tell you a story about." Tom my "Oh, tell me a story about a little boy who had a good uncle who gave him six pence." Pick Me Up. ' The Man and the Microbe. At this point in the fable the Maq Mar veled greatly in that he had not mil the Microbe long since. "In what guise have you traveled, pray?" asked the Man. "Why, for the most part in the guys who didn't boil the drinking water!" replied the Microbe, candidly. Of course, hygienic science was destined to change all this. Detroit Journal. AIwari'l'p-to-Datt. The Passenger Department of the Union Pacific Ry. has recently issued a twenty eight page booklet of "The Overland Limit ed." It is a magnificent specimen of print ing, artistic in the highest degree, and is embellished with views of the train men tioned both interior and exterior, together With much information regarding the serv ice, and also interesting points on the route to California. It makes one feel like putting his affairs in order with the least possible delaV and taking a trip to the Gold en Gate. The Union Pacific was the pio neer line Westward, and it is not too much to say that it has maintained the prestige which that fact gave it. A trip to California over the Union Pacific in connection with the Chicago & Northwestern and Southern Pacific Systems is a delight at all times. Can't Always Tell. "Do you serve lobsters here?" asked the new arrival. "Well," replied the waiter, "we 'as our instructions to discriminate as much as pos sible among them as comes in to eat." Philadelphia North American. I am sure Piso's Cure for Consumption saved my life three years ago. Mrs. Thos. Robbins, Maple Street, Norwich, N. Y, Feb 17, 1900. A woman gets up a good meal for the , preacher, but she eclipses all efforts when her husband brings a former lover home to dine, in order that she may show him what he missed. Atchison Globe. Women nIuci Sfe&p Avoid Kervous Prostration If you are dangerously sick what is the first duty of your physician ? Ho quiets the nervous system, he deadens the pain, and you sleep welL You ought to know that when you ceased to be regular in your courses, grow irritable -without cause, and pass sleepless nights, there is serious To Care a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggist s refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. If a man wants to get mad he will always find an opportunity. Washington (la.) Democrat. Pleasant, WTholesome, Speedy, for coughs is Hale's Honey of Horehound and Tar. Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in one minute. "He called his vaudeville sketch The Vaccination Mark.'" "Yes." "It didn't take." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Have vou ever experienced the joyful sen sation of a good appetite? You will if you chew Adams' Pepsin Tutti Frutti. No matter "how wise a man is there are people who think he is a fool. Atchison Globe. Not all reverent men are wise, but every wise man is reverent. Rani's Horn. Mas. Habtlet. trouble somewhere, and nervous pros tration is sure to follow. You ought to know that indigestion, exhaustion, womb displacements, fainting, dizziness, headache, and. backache send the nerves wild with, affright, and you cannot sleep. Mrs. Hartley, of 221 W. Congress St Chicago, 111., whose portrait we pub lish, suffered all these agonies, and was entirely cured by Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound ; her case should be a warning to others, and her cure carry conviction to the minds of every suffering woman of the un failing efficiency of Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. To produce the best results in fruit, vegetable or grain, the fertilizer used must contain enough Potash. For partic ulars see our pamphlets. We send them free. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau Sc., New York. ' :ers They pmy on all crops ncn land as well as poor land. Write for "Book llllllE lllllOD Uso of Fertilisers v w" w fr.e I.areesr fertilizer company in the world VIRIXlA-f:AKOI,I.NA CllkallCAl, COiirAA A , AlemplUa, Xcna. TO HOT SPRINGS ARKANSAS 3rVTlr Dally Train. TO OKLAHOMA AND Indian Territory Two Dally Trains. Pullman Sleepers and Free Reclining Chair Cars all the wav without change to TEXAS and the WEST- The very best of connections. Cheap home-stfelcers tickets on sale firs and third Tuesdays each month Memphis Ticket Office. 13 Monroe St. F. D. BLACKJiAN, T. P. A.. Chattanooga. Ten a. FXA5C M. Griffith, T. P. A., Memphis, Tenn. GKO. H. LM, Gen. P. & T. A., Little Kock, Ark. lief and POSITIVE. J. Y CUKES ni.K.H. Kor free samp' address AA Trib une building, Mow York. PATENTS SiS WEATHKFOHD A.fiT HtLDEBRAND. ioi Madison btreet, Memphis, Tennessee. A. N. K. F 1839 WHEX WKITIXO TO ADVEKTISEKS please state that yvu saw the Advertise, cat la this paper. iiiiiimi mi i i'i PRICE, 25c. A LUXURY WITH ISM THE REACH OF ALL! We are keeping np the grade of Watch our next advertisement. to a high point! It is known all over the country as the best package coffee, and its quality will be strictly maintained. HAVE YOU TRIED IT YET? LION COFFErB .is not a glazed coffee. We do not need to resort to eg-g- mix tures or chemicals which are used to hide im perfections and to make the coffee look shiny. LION COFFEE is absolutely pure, and that is the reason why it is now used in millions of homes. In every package of LION COFFEE you will find a fully illustrated and descriptive list. No "housekeeper, in fact, no woman, man, boy or girl will fail to find in the list some article which will contribute to their happiness, comfort and convenience, and which they may have by simply cutting out a certain number of Lion Heads from the wrappers of our one pound sealed packages (which is the only form in whica this excellent coffee is sold). WOOLSON SPICE CO., TOLEDO, OHIO. Undigested, decaying food remnants, in the mouth and stomach, giving off pestiferous gases, are the cause of that awful breath, so repulsive as to cause a halt in friendship, affection, love, any form of intimacy. Nobody can stand its overpowering stench, and it is a cause of terrible misery to those afflicted and their dear ones. There is only one way to cure it disinfect the digestive canal with CASCARETS! Clean it out, keep it clean, let CASCARETS stimulate the lining of mouth and stomach, and put it in shape to work naturally and properly. Nothing but CASCARETS will bring about the desired result. . BE SURE YOU GET THEM! ter Hted un it to aped ens. Detroit Free Pi. "I bare been using: CASCARETS and aa a mild and ellective laxative they ara simply -wondarfuL My daughter and I were bothered with sick stomach and our breath was rery bad. Alter taking a few doses of Cascarets we have Improved wonderfully. They aro s great help in the family." - . WltiHBLsfrSA Nagil, 1137 Rittenhoose St., Cincinnati. Ohio. or It. thro les' cm see har : L :-r BEST FOR BOWELS AND UVER. J 4 3 THIS 50c NEVER SOLD JN BULK. THE TABLET 8UAKAXTEED TO CUKE all bowel troubles, aiieiidleltis, bllloorans, -bad breath, bavd blood, wind on the stomach, bloated bowels, foal Mouth, headache. Indigestion, pinnies, pains after cation liver trouble, sallow eosa plrxloa and dizziness. V hen yoor bowels don't move ree-ularly you aro eettinar slek. Constipation Kills more oeopie man ail oiner oiseases ft I . & starter for the ehronle ollaoents and lone years or snfferlna- that come afterward. So matter what alia you, start tnklnz CASCAJlfcl fi today, for von will never eet well and be well all the time until you put your bowel iP,. t J Wmi ,wi t I rv i .tart with CASCA.KET& today, under an absoiota m M. - r- . . - Kuaraatee to cure or money rrriuuucu. i57 DRUGGISTS WMsold. A'ew It Is aver sis: mtllfoo boxes m year, xreater than any edlelne la the world. This Is absolute avoof or ereat merit, and ;.lioIsl. Wo have faith, aad will selfCAfcA&ETS absolutely orABAHTEXI) TO OCKEl FlTO'yeara atro tho first box of CAS- f Ale rrg was sold. A ow It Is aver six millioi slsnilJr m them a fair, hoaest trial, as pr slsnnie directions, and If you are not satisfied Bfter usinar one 4 box. return (he unused SOc box and (he empty box to us by mall, or the drunlst from whom you purchased It, and a-et your money bach for both boxes. Take onr ad vice no matterwhat aiis yon start toaay. Health will oulckJy follow and you will bless the day yoi first started the use fTps 2t?x It ETs. Booh. free by mall. Add: STKKU5G iBI CO., Bw Ysrtsr Csieaga. : i 3 . .... .t . t ... i 7 - m , , . lNs.