OCR Interpretation

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Tenn.) 1888-1946, July 19, 1901, Image 1

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1 rKr1"
SUBSCRIPTION: $1.00 Per Year
Hawley Cole, aged 83 years, one of
the best-known horseman in the west,
died in Milwaukee on the 9th.
Col. E. C. Little, of the famous
Twentieth Kansas volunteer regi
ment which,' under the command of
Gen. Frederick Funston, won an en
viable record in the opening- campaign
in the Philippines, has been granted
a pension of $30 a month for injuries
Marias, the well-known Cape rebel,
was hanged at Middleburg, Transvaal
colony, on the 10th, " by order of the
military authorities." The execution
was witnessed by prominent residents
of Middleburg.
The Peruvian government, instea I
t f resigning1 in consequence of th
agitalion growing cut of th'e alleged
irregularities of Carlos de Pierola,
president of the electoral board, has
decided to bring- that official to trial
n fonr.:il charges and to lay the
whole matter before the chamber of
The British admiralty has issued in
structions for 169 vessels of the navy
to eng-age in maneuvers, beginning
the 29th. During' these maneuvers,
two main fleets of the participating
vessels will contend for the command
of the English channel.
Following- out the proclamation of
President McKinley opening- up to set
tlement by the whites the 13,000 farms
in the Kiowa-Comanche country, the
first registration of homseekers was
made at El Reno and Lawton, Okla.,
on the 10th.
A delug-e of rain, amounting- to a
cloudburst, washed away nearly tho
entire town of Corbin, Mont., and thft
big Peck concentrator located there
on the night of the 9th.
About six hundred men employed in
saw and planing- mills at Tupper Lake,
N. Y., went out on strike, on the 11th,
demanding- a nine-hour day instead of
11. The trouble was occasioned by a
factory inspector insisting- that a
dozen boys under eighteen years old
should not be compelled to work over
ten hours. No attempt has been made
to start the mills.
Commissioner of Indian Affairs
Jones,, on the 11th, received an en
velope postmarked Denver, Col., con
taining $40 in bank notes, with a sim
ple memorandum: "Please give this
to any tribe of Indians. From a friend
of the Indians." It was forwarded to
a representative of the Indian Indus
trial league for use in its work.
Dr. Murdock, the physician who is
attending- Gen. Daniel Butterfield at
his summer home in Cold Springs, N.
Y., said, on the 11th, that for ten days
the g-eneral had been very weak and
unable to leave his bed without as
sistance and that he realized that the
end was drawing- near.
On the 11th the secretary of the
treasury purchased short-term bonds
as follows; $20,000 threes, at 109.0264;
.$2,000 fives, at 109.1372, and $26,500
fours, at 112.979.
Mrs. Helen Althoff, widow, and her
two-year-old daughter, were burned
to death in a fire which destroyed
their home at VaJlejo, Cal., on the
The will of the late Pierre Larillard
was read, on the 11th, in a law office
in Jersey Citj-. No statement as to its
contents was made public.
Warden Wolfer of the Minnesota
prison at Stillwater decided not to
make known the time when the
Youngers would be released, in order
that no demonstration, friendly or
hostile might occur on the outside.
Mrs. Jefferson Davis, widow of the
former president of the confederacy,
is quite ill at the Willard hotel in
- Portiliivl, Me., where she went, re
cently, to spend the summer.
A Boston dispatch of the 11th said
"Paddy" Breeu was under arrest
there charged with the theft of a gold
watch from Rev. Michael Burnham,
of St. Louis, which was taken from
the priest's pocket while waiting- for a
Fire, on the 11th, destroyed the en
tire crop of wheat on the farm of
Mrs. A. V. Whathen, two miles north
of Henderson, Ky. A separator had
just completed threshing- the crop
and was moving away when a spark
from the engine set fire to the straw.
Conservative men who have careful
ly studied the disastrous effects of the
prevailing- drought in Kansas say the
people of the state have suffered a
loss in all crops, except wheat, to the
amount of nearly $200,000,000 since
July 1.
The continued intense heat and ac
companying drought is assuming- the
form of a calamity as unharvested
crops of all kinds are drying- up in
the fields and water, in many places,
is becoming- exceedingly scarce.
The Berliner Tageblatt, speaking- of
the rumored retirement of Ambassa
dor "White says: "Mr. White is the
recipient of such confidence and ven
eration from all circles in Berlin that
his departure would cause the keen
est regret."
William Butler, one of the most
prominent grocers in the east, died in
the German hospital at Philadelphia,
on the 11th, from shock following an
opeartion for appendicitis. Mr. But
ler owned 86 grocery stores in Phila
delphia and Camden, X. J.
Postmaster-General Smith is de
termined to weed out the fake publi
cations that are burdening- the mails
as second-class matter. Instead of is
suing a general order specific cases
will be faken up and tested on their
While the Marine hospital service is
not prepared to give out specific re
sults of its recent investigation, suf
ficient data is at hand to warrant the
ascertain that there are at least 1,090
cases of leprosy in the United Stat5.
Kpworth LrnKnrri, En Route to San
Franclico, Fall Among Thieves'
In Colorado.
Glenwood Springs, Col., July 15.-
The thoroughly-organized gang- of
pickpockets operating- at Colorado
Springs is responsible for a party of
j about twenty Kpworth Leaguers be
coming- stranded here. Men and wom
en alike .have been robbed, not only
of every cent they had with them, but
of railroad tickets as well, and unless
the railroads will issue tickets' back
home on their proof of having- pur
chased and paid for rides to San Fran
cisco and back they will be compelled
to ask aid from the county authori
In at least ten instances thieves even
secured their victims' trunks on the
stolen bag-gage checks.
Among- those robbed are Dr. J. II.
Wilson, wife and daughter and Mrs
II. 11. Harrington, of Dover, Del.; Dr.
Wilson's wallet, containing- tickets for
the party, drafts on San Francisco
banks and baggage checks, bein
stolen in the crush at the depot in
Colorado Springs.
Maj. S. K. Hooper, general passen
ger agent of the Denver & Rio Grande
railroad, authorized the Glenwood
Springs agent to furnish passes to Og-
den to stranded passengers who de
sired to continue their journey west
Her Attorney are Preparing: to Car
ry the Case to the United
States Supreme Court.
San Francisco, July 15. The attor
neys of Mrs. Cordelia Botkin, who has
been granted a new trial by the state
supreme court on the charge of mur
dering Mrs. John 1. Dunning, of Dela
ware, are preparing to carry her case
to rhe United States supreme court.
They will file a petition in the state
court for a writ of habeas corpus. It
is expected that the application will
be" denied, in which event the case will
be carried to the United States su
preme court on a writ of error. In
the petition for a writ of habeas cor
pus two new points on the question of
jurisdiction will be raised. First, that
the sending- of a box of poisoned
candy through the mails which caused
the death of Mrs. Dunning and her
sister, Mrs. Deane, was not a crime
in this state; second, that the consti
tution of the United States prohibits
the trial of an accused person except
in the state where the crime was actu
ally committed.
The John O'Brien Boiler Co.'s Plant,
at St. Louis, Complete
ly Gntted.
St. Louis. July 15. Fire starting in
the engine room of the John O'Brien
Boiler Works Co., Sunday afternoon
at four o'clock, was not extinguished
until the entire plant, which fills the
block between Eleventh and Twelfth
and Mulianphy anc! Howard streets,
was completely gutted. Instead of a
complete boiler plant, in one hour's
time the place resembled an immense
scrap heap of twisted iron bars and
sheet steel. The company is capital
ized at $250,000. The loss, which was
inainly on costly iron-working ma
chines, will reach about $50,000, ac
cording to a statement by John
O'Brien, Jr. The loss is covered by in
The Two Younger Brothers Get
Their First Taste of Liberty and
See Some Strangle Sifthts.
Stillwater Minn., July 15. Cole and
Tames Younger were released from
prison Sunday, and had the first op
portunity in 25 years to go downtown
and mingle with their friends. It was
i happy uenoument, and was attend
ed with the secrecy that was expect
ed from remarks passed by Warden
Wolfer since their paroles were grant
ed last Monday.
They were like small boys on their
first visit to a circus. The former
Missouri bandits marveled at the
handiwork of man, and knew not
what to make of the wonders that
they saw during the first day of lib
erty that they have had for a full
quarter of a century. The electric
cars and the telephone were particu
lar wonders to them.
The Monument Commemorating the
Landing: of Commodore Perry
Dedicated at Ivurihama.
Yokohama, July 15. The ceremony
of unveiling at Kurihama the monu
ment to commemorate the landing
there of Commodore Perry, July 14,
1853, was performed, Sunday, by Kear
Admiral Ilodgers, commanding the
United States visiting- squadron.
Viscount Katsura, the Japanese
premier, delivered the memorial ad
dress, and a number of other Japanese
officials of high rank were present.
Three American and five Japanese
ships saluted
The National Fete Day Generally
Celebrated Throogboot
Paris, July 15. Telegrams from all
parts of France show that the nation
al fete day, the anniversary of the
fall of the Bastile, was celebrated ev
erywhere throughout the country
with much enthusiasm and wnthout
disorder. There were reviews at all
military and naval stations, followed
by illuminations, fireworks and bal?i
in the evening.
Dr. Talmage Arraigns Those Who
Live Beyond Their Means.
Causes of Great Financial Disturb
ances Show-Eitravnganoe the
Cause of Most Defalcations
Meeting One's Obligations.
Copyright, 1901, by Louis Klopsch. N. Y.
In this discourse Dr. Talmage shows
the causes of the great financial dis
turbances which take place every few
j'ears and arraigns the people who live
beyond their means; text, Jeremiah
17:11: "As the partridge sitteth on
eggs and hatcheth them not, so he that
g-etteth riches, and not by right, shall
leave them in the midst of his days and
at his end shall be a fool."
Allusion is here made to a well-known
fact in natural history. If a partridge
or a quail or a robin brood the eggs of
another species, the young will not
stay with the one that happened to
brood them, but at the first oppor
tunity will assort with their own spe
cies. Those of us who have been
brought up in the country have seen
the dismay of the farmyard hen, hav
ing brooded aquatic fowls, when after
awhile they tumble into their natural
element, the water. So my text sug
gests that a man may gather under his
wings the property of others, but it
will after awhile escape. It will leave
the man in a sorry predicament and
make him feel very silly.
What has caused all the black days
of finanical disasters for the last 60
years? Some say it is the credit sys
tem. Something back of that. Some
say it is the spirit of gambling ever and
anon becoming- epidemic. Something
back of that. Some say it is the sudden-
shrinkage in the value of securi
ties, which even the most honest and
intelligent men could not have fore
seen. Something back of that. I will
give you the primal cause of all these
disturbances. It is the extravagance
of modern society which impels a man
to sDend more monev than he can hon
estly make, and he goes into wild spec
ulation in order to get the means for
inordinate display, and sometimes the
man is to blame and sometimes his wife
and oftener both. Five thousand dol
lars' income, $10,000, $20,000 income, is
not enough for a man to- keep up the
style of living he proposes, and there
fore he steers his bark toward the
maelstrom. Other men have suddenly
snatched up $50,000 or $100,000. Why
not he? The present income of the
man not being- large enough, he must
move heaven and earth and hell to
catch up with his neighbors. Others
have a country seat; so mi'jt he. Oth
ers have a palaitial residence; so must
Extravagance is the cause of all the
defalcations of the last 60 years, and if
you will go through the history of all
the great panics and the great finan
cial disturbances, no sooner have you
found the story than right back of it
you will find the story of how many
horses the man had, how many car
riages, how many banquets the man
gave always, and not one exception
for the last 60 years, either directly or
indirectly extravagance the cause.
Xow for the elegances and the re
finements and the decorations of life. I
cast my vote. While I am considering
this subject a basKet or flowers is
handed in flowers paradisiacal in
their beauty. White calla with a green
background of begonia. A cluster of
heliotropes nestlingin some geranium.
Sepal and perianth bearing- on them
the marks of God's finger. When I
see that basket of flowers, they per
suade me that God loves beauty and
adornment and decoration. God
might have made the earth so as to
supply the gross demands of sense, but
left it without adornment or attrac
tion. Instead of the variegated colors
of the seasons the earth might have
worn an unchanging dull brown. The
tree might have put forth its fruit
without the prophecy of leaf or blos
som. Niagara might have come down
in gradual descent without thunder
and winged spray. -
Look out of your window any morn
ing after there has been a dew, and
see whether God loves jewels. Put a
crystal of snow under a microscope and
see what God thinks of architecture.-"!
God commanded the priest of olden
time to have his robe adorned with a
wreath of gold and the hem of his gar
ment to be embroidered in pomegran
ates. The earth sleeps and God blank
ets it with the brilliants of the night
sky. The world wakes, and God
washes it from the burnished laver of
the sunrise. So I have not much pa
tience with a man who talks as though
decoration and adornment and the ele-
g-ances of life are a sin when they are
Divinely recommended. But there is'
a line to be drawn between adornment
and decorations that we can afford
and those we cannot afford, and when
a man crosses that line he becomes
culpable. I cannot tell you what is ex
travagant for you. You cannot tell me
what is extravagant for me. What is
right for a queen maybe squandering
for a duchess. What may be econom
ical for you, a man with larger income,
will be wicked for me, with smaller in
come, inere is no iron rule on this
subject. Every man before God and
on his knees must judge what is ex
travagance, and when a man goes into
expenditures beyond his means he is
extravagant. When a man buys any
thing he cannot pay for, he is extrava
There are families in all our cities
who can hardly pay their rent and who
owe all the merchants in the neighbor
hood and yet have an apparel unfit for
their circumstances and are all the
time sailing so near shore that busi
ness misfortune or an attack of sick
ness prepares them for pauperism.
Yon know very well there are thousands
of families in our great cities who stay
iu neig-hborhoods until they have ex
hausted all their capacity to get
trusted. They stay in the neighbor
hood until the druggists will let them
have no more medicines, and the butch
ers will sell them no more meat, and
the bakers will sell them no more
bread, and the groceryman will sell
themno more sugar. Then they find
the region unhealthy, and they hire a
carman, whom they never pay, to take
them to some new quarters where the
merchants, the druggists, the butch
ers, the bakers and the grocerymen
come and give them the best rounds of
beef and the best sugars and the best
merchandise of all sorts until they find
out that the only compensation they
are going to get is the acquaintance of
the patrons. There are thousands of
such thieves in all our big cities. You
see I call them hy the right name, for if
a man buys anythinghe does not mean
to pay for he is a thief.
Of course sometimes men are flung
of misfortunes and they cannot pay.
I know men who are just as honest
tin having- failed as other men are
honest in succeeding-. I suppose there
is hardly a man who has gone through
life but there have been some times
when he has been so hurt by misfor
tune he could not meet his obligations,
but all that I put aside. There are
a multitude of people who buy that
which they never intend to pay for,
for which there is no reasonable ex
pectation that they will ever be able
to pay. Now, if you have become
oblivious of honesty and mean to de
fraud, why not save the merchant as
much as you can? Why not go 'some
day to his store and when nobody is
looking just shoulder the hamrthe
spare rib and in modest silence steal
away? That would be less criminal,
because in the other way you take not
only the man's goods, but you take
the time of the merchant and the time
of his accountant, and you take the
time of his messenger who brought
you the goods. Xow, if you must steal,
steal in a way to do as little damage
to the trader as possible.
John Randolph arose in the Ameri
can senate when a question of na
tional finance was being- discussed,
and, stretching himself to his full
height, in a shrill voice he cried out:
"Mr. Chairman, I have discovered the
philosopher's stone, which turns everything-
into gold pay as you go!"
Society has got to be reconstructed
on this subject or the seasons of de
falcation will continue to repeat them
selves. You hiive no right to ride in
a carriage for 'which you are hopeles
ly in debt to the wheelwright who fur
nished the landau, and to the horse
dealer who provided the blooded span,
and to the harness maker who capari
soned the gay steeds, and tothe liv
eryman who has provided the stabling,
and to the driver who with rosetted
hat, sits on the coach box.
Oh, I am so glad when it is not the
absolute necessities of life which send
people out into dishonesties and fling
them into misfortunes. It is almost
always the superfluities. God has
promised us a house, but not a pal
ace; raiment, but not chinchilla; food,
but not canvasback duck. I am vet
to see one of these great defalcations
which is not connected in some way
with extravagance.
Extravagance accounts for the dis
turbance of national finances. Aggre
gations are made up of units, and
when one-half of the people of this
country owe the other half how can
we expect financial prosperitv? Again
and again at the national election we
have had a spasm of virtue, and we
said: "Out with one administration
and in with another and let us have
a new deal of things and then we
will get all over our perturbation." I
do not care who is president or who is
secretary of the treasury or how
much breadstuffs go out of the coun
try or how much gold is imported un
til we learn to pay our debts and it
becomes a general theory in this coun
try that men must buy no more than
they can pay for. Until that time
comes there will be no permanent
prosperity. Look at the pernicious
extravagance. Take the one fact that
New York every year pays $3,000,000
for theatrical amusements. While
once in awhile a Henry Irving or an
Edwin Booth or a Joseph Jefferson
thrills a great audience with tragedy,
you know as well as I do that the vast
majority of the theaters are as de
based as debased they can be, as un
clean as unclean they can be and as
damnable as damnable they can be.
Three million dollars, the vast ma
jority of those dollars going- in the
wrong direction.
Over a hundred millions paid in this
country for cigars and tobacco a year.
About $2,000,000,000 paid for strong
drink in one year in this country.
With such extravagance, pernicious
extravagance, can there be any per
manent prosperity? Business men,
cool-headed business men, is such a
thing- a possibility? These extrava
gances also account, as I have al
ready hinted, for the positive crimes,
the forgeries, the abscondings of the
officers of the banks. The store on
the business street swamped by the
residence on the fashionable avenue.
The father's, the husband's craft cap
sized by carrying- too much domestic
sail. That is what spring's the leak
in the merchant's money till. Thai
is what cracks the pistol of the sui
cides. That is what tears down the
banks. That is what stops insurance
companies. That is what halts this
nation again and again in its tri
umphal march of prosperity. In the
presence of the American people so
far as I can get their attention I
want to arraign this monster curse
of extravagance, and I want you to
pelt it with your scorn and hurl at it
your anathema.
How many fortunes every year
wrecked on the wardrobe. Things
have got to such a pass that when we
cry over our sins in church we wipe
the tears away with a $150 pocket
handkerchief! I show you a domes
tic tragedy in five acts:
Act the first A home, plain and
beautiful. Enter newly married pair.
Enter contentment. Enter as much
happiness as ever gets in one home.
Act the second: Enter discontent.
Enter desire for larger expenditure.
Enter envy.. Enter jealousy.
Act the third Enter 'the queenly
dressmakers. Enter the French mil
liners. Enter all costly plate and all
great extravagances.
Act the fourth Tiptop of society.
Princes and princesses of upper ten
dom floating in and out. Everything
on a large and magnificent scale. En
ter contempt for other people.
Act the fifth and last Enter the
assignee. Enter the sheriff. Enter
the creditors. Enter humiliation. En
ter wrath of God." Enter the con
tempt of societj. Enter ruin and
death. Xow drop the curtain. The
play is ended, and the lights are out.
I ill it a tragedy.- That is a mis
nomer. It is a farce.-
.Extravagance counts for much of
the pauperism. "Who are these peo
ple whom you have to help? Many
of them are the children of parents
who had plenty, lived in luxury, had
more than they needed, spent all they
had, spent more, too; then died and
left their families in poverty. Some
of those who call on you now for aid
had an ancestry that supped on bur
gundy and woodcock. ' I could name a
score of men who have every luxury.
They smoke the best cigars, and they
drink the finest wines, and they have
the grandest surroundings, and when
they die their families will go on the
cold charity of the world. Xow, the
death of such a man is a grand lar
ceny. He swindles the world as he
goes into his coffin, and he deserves
to have his bones sold to the medical
museum for anatomical .specimens,
the proceeds to furnish bread for his
I know it cuts close. I did not
know but some of you in high dud
geon would get up and go out. You
stand it well! Some of you make a
great swash in life, and after awhile
you will die, and ministers will be
sent for to come and stand by your
coffin and lie about your excellences.
But they will not come. If you send
for me, I will teil you what my text
will be: "-He that provideth not for
his own, and especially for those of
his own household, is worse than an
infidel." And yet we find Christian
men, men of large means, who some
times talk eloquently about the Chris
tian church and about civilization, ex
pending everything on themselves and
nothing on the cause of God, and
they crack the back of their Palais
Rojal glove in trying to hide the
one cent they put in the Lord's treas
ury. What an apportionment! Twen
ty thousand dollars for ourselves and
one cent for God. Ah, my friends,
this extravagance accounts for a
great deal of what the cause of God
And the desperation goes on, even
to' the funeral day. You know very
well there are men who die 'solvent,
but the expenses are so great before
they get underground they ue insol
vent. There are families that go into
penury in wicked response to the de
mands of this day. They put in cas
ket and tombstone that which they
ought to put in bread. They wanted
bread; you gave them a tombstone.
And then look how the cause of
God is impoverished. Men give so
much sometimes for their indulgences
they have nothing for the cause of
God and religion. Twenty-two mil
lion dollars expended in this country
a year for religious purposes! But
what are the twenty-two millions ex
pended for religion compared with
the hundred millions expended oa
cigars and tobacco arid then two thou
sand millions of dollars spent for
rum? So a man who had a fortune
of $730,000, or what amounted to that,
in London spent it all in indulgences,
chiefly in gluttonies, and sent hither
and yon for all iie delicacies, and
often had a meal that would cost $100
or $200 for himself. Then he was re
duced to a guinea, with which he
bought a rare bird, had it cooked in
best style, ate it, took two hours for
digestion, walked out on Westminster
bridge and jumped into the Thames
on a large scale what men are do
ing on a small scale.
Oh, my friends, let us take our
stand against the extravagances of
societj-. Do not pay for things which
are frivolous when you may lack the
necessities. Do not put one month's
wages or salary into a trinket, just
one trinket. Keep your credit good
by seldom asking for any. Pay! Do
not starve a whole year to afford one
Belshazzar's carnival. Do not buy a
coat of many colors and then in six
months be out at the elbows. Flour
ish not, as some people I have
Irnown, who took apartments at a
fashionable hotel and had elegant
drawing-rooms attached and then
vanished in the night, not even leav
ing their compliments for the land
lord. I tell you, my friends, in the
day of God's judgment we will not
only have to give an account for the
way we made our money, but for the
way we spent it. We have got to
leave all the things that surround us
Alas, if any of you in the dying
hour felt like the dying actress who
asked that the casket, of jewels be
brought to her and then turned them
over with her pale hand and said:
"Alas, that I have to leave you so
soon!" Better in that hour have one
treasure of Heaven than the bridal
trousseau of a Marie Antoinette or to.
have been seated with Caligula at a
banquet which cost its thousands of
dollars or to have been carried to our
last resting place with senators and
princes as pallbearers. They that con
secrate their wealth, their time, their
all, to God shall be held in everlast
ing remembrance, while I have -the
authority of this book for announcing
that the name of the wicked shall rot.
Just So.
"She winked at yoa, eh? Well what
"I did." Town Topic.
State Finances.
The quarterly statement of State
Treasurer Folk shows receipts from
April 1 to July 1 of $401,493.13, and
disbursements of $690,257.04, leaving
a cash balance in the treasury of
Among the larger items of the re
ceipts were: Trustees, $161,961.91;
county clerks, $.jj.,830.05; penitenti
ary, $75,698.47; circuit clerks, $9,989.
12; coal oil inspectors, $6,721.03;
State tax insurance companies, $5,
471.28. Among the larger items of dis
bursements were: Sinking fund, $253,
089.26; State prosecutions, $41,421.63;
interest, $39,323; judicial salaries, $24,
600.24; legislative per diem and mile
age, $462,219.42; legislative, miscel
laneous $26,219.42; penitentiary, $67,
643.41; pensions, $26,323.77; hospitals,
Middle, $13,866.97, West, $18,027.30,
East, $8,683.48; Deaf and Dumb School
$14,084.81; blind, $10,406.24; industrial
school, $24,641.08.
Desperate Resistance.
Near Yorkville, In resisting arrest,
Jim Hollingsworth shot Deputy Sheriff
Joe Pope. He then escaped for Jthe time
and Sheriff Morgan was notified of tne
occurrence and joined the other officers
In pursuit. Hollingsworth was final
ly located in a house belonging to his
relatives. He locked himself up,
heavily armed, in a room, and defied
the officers to take him, and as the
sheriff entered the room, Hollings
worth emptied the contents of a shot
gun at him, one of the shot grazing
his face. He was then forced to
surrender and was brought to Tren
ton and lodged in jail. He has lately
been indicted for carrying a pistol,
and is also wanted in Cannon county
for alleged murder.
Rival of Maxtor's Road.
Application has been made to the
County Court clerk of Davidson coun
ty for a charter for the Nashville &
Middle Tennessee Railroad, with capi
tal of $1,200,000. The application is
signed by sixteen or seventeen of the
most prominent men in Nashville.
Tfcey propose to ask the city to sub
scribe $l,0u0,000 to the stock of the
road, which Is to be built from Nash
ville through Clarksville to a point
in Montgomery county, where it
strikes the Kentucky line.
Signers of application for the char
ter are all opposed to Baxter's Clarks
ville & Nashville proposition, which
is to be voted on August 8.
Charged With Murder.
J. C. Laycock, who was shot from
ambush recently while working in his
field, died from the effects of his
wounds last week. James Black, the
son-in-law of Laycock, charged with
having committed the deed, is under
arrest. Black's wife is the only child
and heir to Laycock, who, it was re
ported, had intentions of remarrying,
thus dividing his large estate. A bor
rowed gun was found under his bed
with one barrel discharged.
Nashville's Custom House.
The rapid increase In the importa
tions in bond through the office of the
surveyor of customs of N Nashville, is
shown in the tabulation of the busi
ness for the fiscal year just completed.
During 1898-99 the amount was $21,
711; 1899-1900, $30,220, and during
1900-1901, $51,111, or within a small
sum of as much as for the previous
two fiscal years.
Quarantine Against Charbon.
Live Stock Commissioner W. H.
Dunn has inaugurated a quarantine
against live stock from Mississippi. A
State quarantine will be maintained
along the Shelby, f'ayette and Harde
man county unes, and Shelby county
has a county quarantine. There is no
disposition, however, to run stock into
Saloonista as Shootists.
George Brennan and son, Eugene, of
Chattanooga, engaged in a duel las
week with a rival saloonist named
Harrington. The Brennans using re
volvers and Harrington a shotgun.
When the smoke of the fusillade clear
ed it was found that the elder Bren
nan had received a full charge of shot
in his left arm, from which he came
near bleeding to death. Harrington
escaped unhurt.
New Magistrates in Line.
The additional members of the
Davidson County Court, in accordance
with the act of the last legislature,
voted a franchise to the Great Falls
Power Company to furnish lights and
power in the city, and ratified the
ordinance authoring the issuance of
$600,000 in bonds lor use in street and
sewer improvements.
Shuttleblocks Shipped to England.
Eighteen carloads of shuttle blocks
were shipped from the factory in Chat
tanooga last week to Liverpool, Eng
land, that city taking almost the en
tire output of the plant.
Executive Clemency.
Gov. McMiiiin has pardoned Chas.
Morrow, sent up from Knox county in
February, 18J, for housebreaking and
larceny; Steve Garner of Weakley
county, sentenced to thirty days in
jail and a fine of for maliciously
shooting a horse. The governor de
clined to pardon Dent Ferguson and
Bill Brewington, sent up from Put
nam county in 1898 for criminal as
sault on a young girL Two other
men convicted of participation in tha
crime have already been pardoned, it
having been found they were innocent.
After Many "V ran.
The comptroller of the treasury has
passed favorably on a claim of $205
in favor of George P. Roberts of Ten
nessee, filed nearly thirty years ago.1
Mr. Roberts was a member of Capt.
David Beaty's company of independ
ent scouts, which never had been reg
ularly mustered into the service." Con
gress recognized their services in 1870
and Mr. Roberts was originally allow
ed $1,034. Mr. Roberts, however, had"
served compulsorily in the Confeder
ate service and . did not join Capt.
Beaty's scouts until August 1, 1864. He
therefore returned the check to the
treasury and asked that 1 he be paid
for his actual services. This was on
December 6, 1871, and now the mat
ter has been settled. Roberts' honesty
resulted in his waiting thirty years and
the government making a big saving.
Peabody Scholarship Questions.
The State Superintendent of public
instruction has sent out circulars of
instruction to county superintendents
with the lists of questions to be used
1a the competitive examinations for
the Peabody scholarsnlp, to be held
&t the various county seats in senator
ial districts, where there . are vacan
cies. The questions will only be open
ed iu the presence of all the appli
cants. The papers will be sent to the
State superintendent, and graded by a
committee, which will report to the
State board of education, ,
Tennessee Coal For Italy.
Knoxville companies have received!
a joint order for 100,000 tons of East
Tennessee and Southeastern Kentucky
coai to be exported to Venice, Italy..
The coal to be delivered In the next
six months. It is said to be the largest
single export order ever placed with
Southern mines. It Is stated that the
companies wilL likely export -the coal
from Mobile, New Orleans and Bruns
wick, Ga., unless present plans are
ClarkSTille to Tote on Subsidy. '
The City Council of Clarksville has
ordered an election for Thursday,
August 8, to decide the question of
voting $100,000 subscription for stock
in the Nashville & Clarksville Rail
road. Col. Jere Baxter's connecting
link from the Cincinnati Southern and
Southern near ivnoxville to the Illi
nois Central on the north. Nashville
and Cheatham county will hold similar
elections the same day.
Almost a Cloudburst. -
A rain storm approaching a cloud
burst swept over Lynchburg, Moore
county, and vicinity a few days ago.
Mulberry creek, which half-way en
circles the town, rose ten feet in less
than forty minutes, washing away
lumber, fences and buildings. The
postoffice at the county line had to be
anchored to prevent it being washed
away. Thousands of rails were lost
and much wheat in shocks swept away.
In some instances the growing crop
was totally destroyed. On the farm
of Mrs. Callie Bobo, where wheat
threshing was in progress, the thresh
er and a loaded wagon were carried
some distance by the flood.
Farmer Assassinated.
Jack Laycock, a prominent Carroll
county farmer, was shot and mortally
wounded by an unknown party while
at work in his field. A charge of shot
and slugs entered the back and passed
clear through his body.
Ignorant of Her Duties.
In a routine inspection of the post
ofSce at Newburg, Inspector Greenaway
discovered an accumulation of unde
livered mail extending back as far as
March 15, 1898. The postmistress said
she did not know wThat to do with it.
There were a number of letters for
Lewis county officers, which should
have been sent to the county -seat at
Hohenwald. It has been recommended
that the Newburg postoffice be discon
tinued. Good Wheat.
T. R. Reynolds, one of Obion coun
ty's prosperous farmers, who lives
about three miles north of Union
City, raised a head of wheat which had
eight grains to the mesh, two with six
grains, and the remainder with four,
ninety grains of wheat on this one
head. Two and three grains to the
mesh is the average. He made thirty
bushels to the acre.
Farm Hand Meets Death.
Sampson Lewis, a farm hand, near
Cedar Hill, while operating a wheat
thresher, met with a fearful death
while on the machine adjusting a
belt. His foot slipped and one leg was
ground to a pulp, while his body was
fearfully mangled.
Estimable Lady Dead.
Miss Mollie Hall, one of the best
known and most estimable ladies of
Tipton county, died at Covington' a
few days ago,.
Underwood Damages.
Judge Walter Evans of the United
States District Court has reduced the
compensatory damages awarded John
C. Underwood, In his libel suit against
the Confederate Veteran and the South
ern Methodist Publishing House, from
$15,000 to $3,000. The $10,000 punitive
damages recovered against Cunning
ham, editor of the Veteran, are al
lowed to stand.
Oil Company Chartered.
Secretary of State Morton hps chart
ered the Tennessee Southern Oil Com
pany of Chattanooga, capital stock,
$10,000. .x
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