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The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Tenn.) 1888-1946, December 18, 1903, Image 2

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The Bolivar Bulletin.
Hugh Williams, Editor.
Friday, December is, iso3.
The republican national conven
tion will he held in Chicago, June
The special sessiou of the Lou
isiana legislature passed a bill ap
propriating twenty-five thousand
dollars to be used in preventing the
introduction of the boll weevil into
that state.
The Bulletin will observe
Christmas, as usual, hence our
readers need expect no paper next
week. Our next issue will appear
January 1, 1904. In the mean time
we wish ail of our readers a merry
Our people have many things to
be thankful for. Those who have
been in lustriois, have been reward
ed for their labors, peace and plenty
reigns throughout our country.
There are unfortunates, however,
in every community, and they
should not be forgotten. Lighten
their burdens, and you will be
happier. Remember, that it is
more blessed to give than to receive.
Col. II. Clay King died in the
penitentiary at Nashvillo last Thurs
day, lie was serving a life sentence
for the murder of Poston, an emi
nent lawyer of Memphis, who was
shot down on the street's of that
city in-March, 1891. After atrial
lasting over a month, Kiug was
sentenced to death. The case was
carried to the Supreme Court, who
sustained the verdict below. A
powerful movement was started by
defendant's family and friends to
secure clemency, which finally
succeeded, Gov. John P. Buchanan
commuting the death sentence to
life imprisonment.
Republic in Danger.
Congreesman M. K. Patterson
has returned iroiu Washington and
will remain at home until after the
holidays. To a Commercial Ap
peal reporter, he jrave his views
concerning the republican party,
and his words of warning, eloquent
uttered, should be read by all. Mr
Patterson said:
"The fearful debauchery of the
national conscience by the republi
can party is the most ominous thins
in the life of this nation and a fact
which should be contemplated with
the greatest measure of alarm
Vo be convinced of this truth one
has to but mingle with the Republi
can leaders in Washington.
Never before in the history of the
republic has there been such wanton
looseness in Republican political
thought, such absolute disregard of
means and methods for the accom
plishment of given ends. If the
rule of Republican power is not
stopped the consequences will be
disastrous to American institutions
I say deliberately and after careful
reflection that, if the Democratic
party never elected another presi
dent the fact that it is the party of
the people and embodies their ideas
of a free government is sufficient to
warrant-its continued existence."
Going into detail Congressman
Patterson said that it was a fact
beyond dispute that the Republican
party with its unmistakable princi
ples, that the end justified the means
had committed the greatest assaults
on the national conscience since the
republic was given birth. He said
that today in the congress of the
United States might be found legis
lators who concurred with the presi
dent in the infamous principle that
might makes right, men who were
ready and willing to defend the
actions of an imperialistic govern
ment against all reasonable and
justifiable criticism.
'One has to but read and ponder
the recent message of a Republican
president to the congress of the
nation and but to reflect on the fact
that his opinions are upheld by men
chosen to represent a free people to
understand the danger that threatens
the nation. The danger may not
be immediate, but it exists never
theless, and its ominous shadow" is
cast far before the real substance.
More and more am I impressed with
the awful fact that the party in
power is possessed of the single
with the Colombian government re
course was outlined with Nicaragua.
This was as specific . as anything
! could be. In the Spooner act this
j country recognized the sovereignty
' of the Colombian government and
solemnly and legally pledged itself
to treat with that power until it
should be clearly established that a
treaty was impossible when it was
to deal dirCctly with Nicaragua.
What have w? A president who
declares the sovereignly of a re
bellious state against the sovereign
ty of a republic long before re
cognized, and with whom this nation
was lawfully. pledged to treat. It is
not for us to question why Colom-j
bia refused to treat with the
Unitid States any more than
man has a lawful ri-ht to
the motives that actuate a fellow
man for declining to consummate a
trade. But in his message the
president implies that it was best
for the American nation, from the
standpoint of commercial, relations
and future business to recognize the
sovereignty of Panama. Clearly
the motive -underlying this pro
nouncement was that it was best for
the United Slates to recognize the
Panama government for the reason
th it the dollars and cents involved
justified the recognition. The idea
of such a thing is revolting in the
light .of honored precedents and
years of impressed principles of
international government. The
action of the Republican adminisj
tration toward ColombH is enough
to justify the alarm which I have
"Another example of Republican
legislation for the favored few as
against interests of the masses is the
I act that the present congress will
not interfere with the obnoxioue
tariff schedules. Not long ago S.
E. Paine, of New York, chairman
of the house committee on ways
and means, declared thai the Re
publicans would not interfere with
the tariff on the eve of-a presiden
tial election. "We tried that once
and got defeated," he declared,
'and we shall not commit the fo!l
again." Hence there is no ground
for believing that the tariff as we
have it today will be taken up
during the session of the present
congress. The Republicans are
afraid of the vote of the manu
facturers of the East.
In view ot these things Congress
man Patterson took an unpleasant
view of the future.
"I am afraid to think whether we
are drifting," be continued. "Under
the political leadership of a party
that sacrifices all that we have been
trught to revere from our earliest
school days, I tremble as 1 look
into the future under such a regime.
Tin; spirit of republicanism under
which we live is so rampant and de
fiant of established precedents , and
traditions that it is permeating our
institutions and changing our old
tune complexion. The only hope
that I can see lies in the supremacy
of the Democratic party. It is the
party of the people. There is no
doubt about it. Its leaders may go
astray for a short time, but never
theless the party founded upon the
principle of the greatest good to
the greatest number. The spirit o
Democracy is the only one that in
stills a wholesome and strengthen
ing national life. This can not be
questioned. The Republican party
may bring temporary success to
few, as it has under the special pro
tection atiorded certain mauufactur
ers, out a nation that purchases
prosperity at such a fearful price is
anta Glaus
have an immense lino of Christmas
suitable for presents for old, younir
:i n tl mifl(lh-aj;ed, and our piices an extiemely
low. You are cordially invited to call and see
us and inspect our stock. Make your selections
earlv before the rush commences, and the roods
are picked over. We will label and lay aside
Your purchases and deliver them at any time,
in any part of the city, free of charge. Below
we mention a few articles:
Military Sets, Fancy Vases, Toys (endless variety).
Fire Works (all kinds). Cutlery (large stock), Ladies'
Purses (beautiful line), Toilet Sets, (ail .. kinds .-and price)
Aibi'ins, Bibles, Handsome Chinaware, Glassware (bar
gain prices). Complete lino-Books tunable ifpr Hoys ami
Girls. French Stag Wsre, French Plate Mil rot's. Chil
dren's Writing Decks. Stationery (handsoine.Jiu.eX Games,
Puzzles Perfumes in cut glass bottles, Medldions (beauti
ful subjects), Doll (all kinds and prices) Cake Plates,
Salad Dishtt. Latest Novels "by standard authors, - Fine
assortment of Fancy Can diem in Chiistmai packages -and
mny. other things too numerous to mention. J5fCome
and see for yourself before buying. .
JACOB KAHN,. President.
J. M. AVENT, Vice-President
Hardeman County Savings Bank.
CAPITAL, $60,000.0(Wv
JNO. V. WRIGHT, Cashier.
! Bolivar, Tennessee.
L. M. LEE, Cashier.
Grand Juration, Tenn.
A Foster, J. M.
A. S Anderson,
pcficc cj- yBuiinfSi, Jacfrtori, yi cimcikc.
Operated, in connection with and under the charter of the Southwest
ern Baptist University. It is in fact a school where young men and wo
men are trained for business pursuits. It has a strong Board of Trus
tees and 15 years of successful operation behind it, besides hundreds
'of well pleased graduates holding important positions all over the coun
try, drawing salaries ranging from $400 to $3,400 per year.
4The proprietors offer nor publish nothing that they are ?not able or
willing to carry out. The. courses are practical and. complete. The
Teachers are specialists in their respective lines No bait in way. of
guaranteeing positions, or can teach you more in 3 weeks than any other
school can in 12 is offered.
COST. Tuition, boad, use of room heated and lighted, use of all
text-books and matriculation fee, all for five months, in either business
or shorthand, 100.
Send for Catalogue and full information to either C. A. DERRYBER
RY, Principal Shorthand Department, H. C. JAMESON, Principal Bus
iness Department- : .
to be pitied. Better not have the
resemblance of prosperity than the
destruction of those principles that
contribute the only refreshing vitali
ty to the people of a free republic,
If might is right aud preced- nts and
traditions are to be cast to the four
winds of heaven in the pursuit of
sordid gain then only are the finan
cially strong and mighty triumphant
and the masses lose. 1 reiterate
that if the Democratic party is
never rgain triumphant it deserves
to live as the only hope of the
nation of free people who are-tbe
worthv descendants of a stock that
fought and died that America
might be free and independent
Congressman Patterson said that
President Roosevelt was in mortal
dread that Senator llanna might
consent to the use of his name for
the Republican nomination for
nesident, and in that event Roose
velt's chances jxo r!immerina like
r schoolboy's dream. "Roosevelt is
painfully uneasy lest llanna en
courage the talk in favor of his
nomination for the presidency. He.
is the oniy man the president is
Uifraid of, and in Ilann he sees de
feat before the Republican national
convention. I do not say that
llanna will ruu for the honor, but
he will not give Roosevelt quieting
assurances to that effect. llanna
has 6o many friends that the presi-
thought that might is right and the dent is kept on tenterhooks lest they
thought burns into my soul with induce the Ohio boss to announce
added pain of the observation that j b imself for the presidential nomina
the men of the Dresident's political ' Hon."
- L - i .
way of thinking agree with him in
this repugnant and pernicious prin
ciple. Unless a halt is called I am
loth to predict the result.
An example in evidence is fur
nished by President Roosevelt's
reference t-o the recent trouble in
Columbia and his defense of the re
cognition of Panama as an independ
ent republic.
'Under the Spooner act the
United States government was to
treat with the Colombian govern
ment as exercising undisputed
sovereignty over the entire isthmus,
M Guns, all sizes and
kinds from $1.50 to
$25.00v:t m jt j ijt jt
tBuy the Celebrated Keen
Kutter Tools the kind that
guaranteed. Sold by
W. J. Savase & Co..
Bolivar, neiiii.
53 1 1 y Your
Apples, Oranges?, 'Bananas, Grapes, S"ut.s, Cakes,
Candies, etc. We always keep on hand a fresh and
complete stock of Staple a fid Fancy Groceries
sell at the lowest piices. All goods delivered
of charge in the city. Your patronage respectfully
g solicited. Call and see us. 3!
Santa Claais
THIS SEASON--.---- -. -
v Where, he has just unloaded an immense stock
of Candies, . Oranges, Apples, Cocoanuts, Fire
Works and Toys for the children.
i. A. Mack, .Tr , E. L U.bs
.1 .1. NIy, Ji.o. V. Wright,
C. Wilkinson.
Avent, J. A. Uarrelt, 11. M. Hedfcarn.
i M A.,.,1,. T !..1! l.i;v i
Jscoh Kahn. S. II Jo i en, It
rhcu you wi&h ia
nkreit paid
make a fltpoSit,
when 'you wtih io Sell a foie, or- lvhcn you ivU!i io otiorrow Jlion-
ey call on uL $g$M2ff Safely plecaulion uSecl fon ploleclion of
fundS enltuSled to uS. fCfcuv buSlneSS Solicited.
G. T. INGRAM, President.
W. C. D0RI0N, Cashier.
JNO. L. MITCHELL, Ass't Cashier.
Hstahlishcd 1S87
0iitfxl JStocli: Xsiicl in, $30,000.
State Depository &
Interest Allowed on Time Deposits.
Will huy rent notes and other note?, stocks, honds and other negotiable securities.
Money to loan on reasonable terms on approved personal security, collateral and
re 1 estate. . -
It is our aim to afford our depositors .every convenience for the transaction of their
business, and to look carefully aftt-r the interests of all our patrons.
A majority of our stock is owned and the Bank is con" rolled by home business men.
We have a fire-proof brick vault, in which we have a solid s'eel safe, with steel
burglar chest, with time lock attachment.
Member of the American Bankers' and of the Tennessee Bankers' Associations.
Insured against burglary.
Special attention given to collections and remittances made promptly at lowest rates.
DIRECTORS G. T. Ingram, H. W. Tate, W. T. Anderson, G. M. Savage, Jno. P. Douglas, Jno. L
Mitchell, W. C. Dorion.
TheReliable Grocers!
liunniri!' like mad down the street
dumping the occupants, or a
j hundred other accidents, are every
X7 -aiwav! rcpr day occurrences. It behooves
1, r j. 1 every hodv to
lane kjx vji utti itoj oiapi. handv
and iancy. W.nen you
have a reliable Salve
and there's none is good as
Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Burns,
,4. A o4 Cuts, Sores, Eczema and I lies,
waiiia. &uu aiuLit, ox iH ear quick,v umU,r it8 nothing
US yOUr Order and it Will effect. 25c, at "Cox & Co's Drug
be promptly filled and ap- Store- m.rr
predated. We handle A lassnr lwo of waler laken
Only the beStv?e4 .half an hour before breakfast will
For the holidav trade.1 ll6ually keep lbe bowe,s reu,ar-
we have-apples, oranges,
cocoanuts, Malaga grapes,
nuts, raisins, figs, cur
rants, citron, stick and
fancy candies of all kinds.
J You Know what You are Taking
When you lake Grove's Tasteless
Chill Tonic because the formula is
plainly printed on every bottle
showing that it is simply Iron and
Quinine in a tasteless form. No
cure, no pay. 50o.
h Stoves and Tinware
which we always carry in
slock, we have a beautiful
assortment of
3A full and complete line of Stanle
Fancy Groceries always in slock.
W. J. Redd & Son.
When a purgative is needed, take
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. They are mild and genlle
in their action. For pale by Cox &
Co., Bolivar; Bailey & Aldridge,
Revolution Imminent.
A suie sign of approaching re
volt and serious trouble in your
system is nervousness, t-leeplesaness
or stomach upsets. Electric Bilters
will quickly dismember the trouble
some causes. It never fails to tone
the stomach, regulate the .Kidneys
and Bowels, stimulate the Liver,
and clarify the blood. - Run down
systems benefit particularly and all
the usual attending aches vauich
under its searching and thorough
effectiveness. Electric Bilters is
only 50c, and that is returned if it
don't oive perfect satisfaction
Lamps, Enamelware, Water! Guaranteed hi Gox Dg-
I have G Houses and Lots and one
Store House, I will nell cheap or
exchange for work stock. For
further information address
Jno. M Geovkttb,
108 Gates Ave, Jackson, Teun.
Favorite Family Remedy.
'Frequently accidents occur in the
household, which cause burns, cute,
sprains and bruiees; for us in such
cases, Ballard's Snow Liniment has
for many years been the constaut
favorite family remedy. 25;, 50d
and $1 00 at Gox & Co's.
He Found a Cure
R. II. Foster, 318 S. '2nd Street,
Salt Lake City, writes: I have
been bothered with dyspepsia or in
digestion for 21 years, hare tried
many doctors without relief, but I
have found a cure in Ilerbine. I
recommend it to all my friends,
who are afflicted that way, and it ia
curing them, tco. 50o at Cox &
Sets, Vases, Cutlery, etc,
crttit a
F. Wilkinson & Sons.
A Timely Suggestion.
I when the prudent and careful bouse-
wife replenishes her supply of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It
is certain to be needed before tht
! winter is over, and results are much
As to the person for ihe Demo
ciais to nominate, Mr. 1'atterson ! m..re prompt and satisfactory wheu
Several availah . T J ,1 We ate Well Supplied With a fresh lot Of NlCe Can- " kept at hand and g,ve. . soon
beeral available men had beenj, f r TT x "D J I an the cold is contracted and before
mentioned, but upon whom the OieS, Apples, UrangeS, iNUtS, KaiSlIlS and a blg--it ..aB beocmeiieul.1 in the Bvsiem.
favor ot the paitv leaders would cfnrb- nl k-k-i-i"i f o-iHlze m o ( r-rro
To improve the appetite and
strengthen the digestion try a few
doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. Air. J. II. Seitz, of
Detroit, Mich., says, ,,lhey re
stored my appetite when impaired,
'relieved me of a bloated feeling and
caused a pleasuit and satisfactory
movement of the bowels." There
are people in this community who
need just such a medicine. For
sale by Cox & Co., Bolivar; Bailey
& Aldridge, Saulsbury. Every
box warranteed.
We are authorized to announce
T. F. Bishop as a candidate for
Trustee of Hardeman County, sub
ject to the action of the Democratic
Pri mary, March 15, 1904.
unite tie was
afraid to venture a
Give us a call and we will endeavor to give
value received for every dollar spent with us.
For the holidays, we have!
a nice assortment of Apples, Aft Christmas we will give you some more close
Oranges, Cocoanuts, IS tits, . r r j xr t 1
Cakes, Fancy and Stick Can- Pncs on DrY Goods Yours Truly,
and in the event this government dies, Fire Works, etc. Call -
failed to make satisfactory treaty and See U9. N. D. SAIN. ! P. F, WILKINSON- & SONiSL
I ti almost every instance a severe
cold may be warded off by taking
this remedy freely as soon as the
tirst indication of the cold appears.
There is no danger in giving it to
I children for it contains no harm
ful substance." It is pleasant to
take bolb adults and children like
it Buv it and yon will tiet the
: est. It al.ways cures For Fale
by Cox & Co., Bolivar; Bailey &
Aldridge, Saulsbury.
Ballard's Horehound Syrup
Immediately relieves hoarse,
croupy cough, oppressed, rattling,
rasping and difficult breathing.
Henry C. Stearns, Druggist, Shulls
burg. Wis. writes, May 20, 1901:
I have leen selling Ballard's
Horehound Syrup for two years,
and have never had a preparation
tLat has given better satisfaction
1 notice lha when I sell a bottle,
they come back for more. J"I ran
honestly recommend it. 25c,I 50c
and tl 00 at Cox & Co's.
We are authorized to announce
G. M. Savage as a candidate for
Trustee of Hardeman County, sub-'
ject to the action of the Democrat
ic Primary, March 15, 1904.
We are authorized to announce
W. T. Marsh as a candidate for
Trustee of Hardeman County, sub
ject to the action of the Democratic
Pri mary, March 15. 1904
We are authorized to announce
S. T. Smith 88 a candidate for re
election to the office of Sheriff of
Hardeman County, subject to the
a- tiorr of the Democratic Primary,
March 15, 1904.
W e- are authorized to announce
J. II. Doyl as a candidate for the
office of Sheriff of Hardeman
County, subject to the action of the
Democratic Primary, March 15,

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