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The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Tenn.) 1888-1946, January 15, 1904, Image 3

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The Bolivar Bulletin.
Progress Tklkpiione No. 17.
We are authorized to announce
T. F. Bishop as a candidate for
.trustee of Hardeman County, bu1 -
ject to the action of the Democratic
Primary, March 15, 1904.
We are authorized to announce
G. M. Savage as a candidate for
1 rustee of llardemm Countv, sud-i
ject to the action of the Democrat
ic Primary, March 15, 1904
We are authorized to announce
W. T. Marsh as a candidate for
Trustee of Hardeman County, sub
ject to the action of the Democratic
Primary, March 15, 1904.
We are authorized to announce
S. T. Smith as a candidate for re
election to the office of Sheriff of
Hardeman County, subject to the
action of the Democratic Primary,
March 15, 1904.
We are authorized to announce
J. II. Doyle as a candidate for the
office of Sheriff of Hardeman
County, subject to the action of the
Democratic Primary, March 15,
I m a candidate for reelection to
the office of Marshal, and respect
fully solicit the votes of the citi
zens of Bolivar, promising if re
elected to do my duty to the best of
my ability, as I have endeavored to
do in the past. N. F. IIIZEIl.
vLocal News 4
. Knox Tate visited Memphis
Charlie Horneby has returned
from Earl, Ark.
Will Joyner, of Kirkwood,
Mo., is visiting relatives here.
Messrs. Jim Harris and Newsora
Smith visited WLiteville Sunday.
Miss Gladys Taj lor, of St.
Katharine's, is spending the week at
her home in Jackson.
Mrs. Neilson, of M urf reosboro,
is visiting ber son, Prof. P. D
Mr. J. A. Wilson, Sr., and
wife, of Whiteville, were here this
Mr. V. C- Doriou, cashier of
the Bank of Bolivar, was in Mem
phis Thursday on business.
The teachers of St. Katharine's
will be c,at home" every Thursday,
to their friends, from 3 to o p.m.
Mrs. Taylor, of Jackson, (for
merly Miss Maggie Tiller) visited
Miss Maude Wilkinson this week.
Dr. W. J. Cox, of Fulton, spent
several days in the city this week
to the pleasure of his many friends.
Mrs. Nancy Dorris, one of the
oldest women in Hardeman County,
died Monday at her home in the
13th district.
Miss Sadie Durrett returned
Saturday evening from New York,
where for several months she has
been studying art
Mrs. G M. W&iteside and
daughter, Miss Irene Louise, from
Chattanooga, are visiting Mrs. C.
M. Wellons.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Redd,
Miss Willie Itedd, Mrs. T. D.
Newbern and Mrs. S. Dickson at
tended the funeral of Mrs. M. J.
Mesdames Harwood, Cole and
Misses Williamson, Wooden and
Tonkin, will be the hostesses of
the Card Club, at the Acton House,
Friday tight, January 15lh.
liheuben Dorris, who was
elected Commissioner of the Poor
at the January term of Court, re
quests us to return thanks to the
magistrates for the honor conferred.
Mrs. Blair, of the 14th district,
left Suuday morning for South
Sulpher, Tex., to visit her children.
She was accompanied as far as Mem
phis by her son, A J. Blair.
Miss Irene Bond was the' host
ess of an informal Afternoon Tea,"
Tuesday. Those who enjoyed her
delightful hospitality ere Misses i
WnA.lon W i I 1 i !J tIKilll Fil'llrt 311(1
Mesdames Evie
Tate and
1 nil r o I
The papers of Tuesday last
contained an account of the aeei-
dental self-killing of J. II.
P ilk,
Jr., at his lather s Dome in JNau-
ville. The young man was a eon
- ..mm m "AT 1
f T II Pnlk fnrmpr iiti7onnf
Ol J. 11. X oik., A luriiiei ini-u ui
Tlnlivar IIU mitimelv ilpatb is
ISOUVar. 111S Uimmeiy (team IS
oofllo mnnnipd liv 1 lartre eirelp of
eacuy mournea oy a large cirtie 01
Momlaanil relatives
menus ana relatives.
The case of J. N. McNeal,
nest friend of S. A. E. Irviu v. ,
Illinois Ceutral Railro.nl Company'
for damauen, was continued on ae
count of the illness of the chief en- i
ginger. Miss Irvin wai the'
survivor of the tragedy ai!
the railroad crossing in Toone, at!
the time of the Dallas reunion, when
our persons were killed, by a pe- !
' . , ,..., . 1
c,a1' 1 he l',a"ff ,ost lhe BU,t here !
j las winter and appealed to the;
Supreme Court at Jackson, which
in turn referred it again to the
coljrtt, of M arjemail COuntj .
C. E. Yhompson died Sunday,
afier a short illness of typhoid fever
at the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Thompson, in the 16th
district. Deceased was an industri-i
ous and promising yo.i g m .n, 24
years of age. For several years he
has been engaged in railroad work,
and on account of his merit and
worth, hail been promoted and ad
vanced, holding a responsible p"?i
tion at the time of his death He
was a member of Bolivar Camp, No.
30. Woodmen of the World, and
carried insurance of $1 000 in the
Mrs. Mary Jane Farley, widow
of the late W. W. Farley, died at
the home of her son, W. E Farley,
iu Whiteville, Monday morning,
after a lingering illness, aged about
70 years. Her remains were buried
Tuesday at the family graveyard
in the 4th district, Uev. William
Norment conducting the service.
Mrs. Farley was a most excellent ;
woman and had been a member of
the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church fifty years. She was a sis
ter of our fellow townsman, Mr.
W. J. Redd.
The following officers of Hick
ory Valley Camp, No. 64, Wood
men of the World, were installed
Tuesday night by Sovereign II. T.
Krider, of Magnolia Camp, Pine
Bluff, Ark.: A. E. Futrell, Consul
Commander; R. M. Ferguson, Ad
visor Lieutenant; D. M. McAnulty,
Clerk; E. L. Chambers, Banker; R.
M. Ernest, Escort; A. A Martin,
Watchman; J. W. Maston, Sentry.
After the installation ceremonies,
the officers and members the Camp
and a large number of invited guests
enjoyed an elegant supper, which
was served in the public school
At the present term of Circuit
Court the case of the State against
Babe Farris, who struck Ed. Ow
ens, an Illinois Central contractor, j
on the head with a jug of whiskey j
here a year ago last November,
(who died several days afterwards,)
was again continued on application
of, defendant, because of the . ab
sence of material sick witnesses.
The continuance was not resisted
by the state, for the state bad some
important witnesses absent also, on
account of sickness; but the Judge
notified the parlies that he would "
try this case at the next term of
court, and if not then, ready he
would hold special terms until the '
case was disposed of.
Representatives of the Illinois
Central and Southern Roads held a ;
conference Tuesday of last week
with Messrs. J. W. Jones, O. 13.,
Polk and W. A. May, owners of
the Commercial Hotel, at Grand
Junction, aud arrived at a satisfacto
ry arrangement to all parties con
cerned, in legard to providing ac
commodations for the traveling
public on the ground floor of the j
hotel. The railroads will construct;
commodious and comfortable quar
ters for passengers at once. They
propose to rearrange the ticket of
fice aud sitting rooms and make
other improvements.
It is a pleasure to the Bulle
tin to record good deeds and one
was performed here recently which
must not go unnoticed. While
several of our cit-zens, in attendance ,
upon court, were at the depot, com
fort ably t-eated around a warm fire
availing the arrival of a late train,
out in the cold an afflicted tramp
w as asking for aid 0-e listened
to bis pitiful tale, ami bring con
vinced thai he was desi rving of
help, au appeal was made to his
friends for assistance They
promptly responded, and a purse
was raised sufficient to defray rx-
where the 'tin-
fortunate is now in a hopit:il
gentlem in who interested himself in
VA!ie was ion j,,j1M
Woods, of Hickorv Vall.-t. in
wi10se make up the milk of human
kindness flows freely,
retail trade anlBk;fiiu for manufacture g uoue
I'avinu well established business ; local tf-rnt-ry ;
Mra-lght salary S20 paid weklr and exptne uione.v
"dvnc-d; i-revi-ms experience unnec sar ;
position .nmnent; bu i.i su.-crs-fui Kno!os.
nelf-i id ess-d e vel.,p-. Sujieriuteudent Travel rs
Moaon mdg., Chicago.
The pwi-uhar vuh which in
die.ites ermip, is usually well known
to the mothers of eroupy children.
No time should be lest in ih- treat
ment of it. aid for this purpose no
medicine his rereiveil more uni
eral approval than Chamberlain's
Coimh Remedy. Do not waste
valuable lime in experimenting with
untried remedies, no muter how
highly. they may be recommended,
but give this medicine as directed
and all symptoms of croup will
quicklv disappear. For sale by
Cox & Co . Holivar; Bailey &
Aldridge, Saulebury.
Roll of Honor.
The following have paid their
subscriptions to . the Bulletin
j within the past few days.
W. C. Cossar Hickory Valley.
XV. A. Shearin ... . . Hickory Valley .
S. B. Baker Bolivar.
R. M. C.ilahan Saulsbury
T. A. Vincent .Bolivar
Haywood Harris (col ). . ..Bolivar.
Alex Matthews (col.) Bolivar.
( J. H. Franklin.. Boli var.
j J. G. Moody. . Medon.
!T. W. Crowley.. Bolivar.
Mrs. Martin Bolivar.
Mis. Mary Bills Bolivar.
J.AV. Luke Hickory Valley.
Mis. M. L. Burrus Jackson.
Cissie Price (col.) Bolivar.
W. J. Anderson ...Toone
P. F. Wilkinson & Sons Bolivar.
J. A. McKiniiie Boliv.'ir.
L. M. Carrington . MeKinnic, T x.
Mrs. Margaret Sinclair .. . Bolivar.
Mrs S. A- Campbell. .Whiteville.
Mis Georgia Kearney.. Saulsbury.
Miss Saliie Kearney Middlclm'.
W. 11 Kearney.'.11. Bolivar.
Mrs. B. F II uddleslon.Ci aines ville.
H. P. Moss : . Bolivar.
J. B. Moss Bolivar.
, W. W. Scott Saulsbury,
jjno. P. Strong Bolivar.
L. W. Black Toone.
J. I.. Kjaruey Bolivar.
T. W. Cox Saulsbury.
II. C. McAnulty .. .Mariauna, Ark
Circuit Court Proceedings
CIVIL docket.
J. N. McNeal, next friend of S.
A. E lrvin, v.-. I. C. R. It., dam
ages; continued
Boiia Plow Co use of M. Wil
son vs. A. K. aud S. A. Burgess,
debt; verdict for plaintiff, $100.00
and iuteiesi. New trial granted.
Orange Franklin vs. W. R
Woods, certioraii; on motion of de
fendant plaintiffs pe.ii ion dismit-s-ed.
W. T. Adams Mich
Jones Bros. & Kejeer,
ne Co- VS
debt; ver-
diet for defendants.
Spencer Gunu vs. J. D. 0eiis,
replevin; compromised.
W. B. Sammons vs. Bank of
Bolivar, detinue; case carried to
Chancery Court.
Webb & Delk vs. W. M. Sain,
debt; continued.
G. W. Grader vs. J. W. Ward
low, attachment; continued.
R. E. Rose vs. C. R. Pulliam,
condemnation; continued.
R. E. Rose vs. W. F. Pulliam,
condemnation; continued.
J. M. Smith vs. J. W. Taylor,
condemnation; death of plaintiff J.
M. Smith suggested, euit survived.
Wfcbb & Huddlestou vs. W. M.
Sain, debt; contiuued.
J. I). Sasser, Jr. vs. A. E. How
ell, condemnation; settled out of
term lime, (2 cas .-s.)
J. E Mask vs. I. C. R R. Co ,
damages; verdict for pi .in tiff 1200
Wright Bros, vs G. W. Tipler,
debt; verdict for plaintiffs $60 64
J. S. Sa-ser vs. A. E. Howell,
condemnation; settled out of term
Mrs. Manervia A. Jones vs. Coop
er and Robinioe, damages; order
for plaintiff to justify security or
give bond.
R. L. Chandler vs. B. II. Parker,
T. R. Ilazlegrove and W. A New
som, damages; order on plaintiff to
justify security or give boud.
Ed. McKiunie vs. Johu Polk,
condemnation; land coudemned and
sale ordered.
J. L. Gibson vs. J. J. 1 aylor,
condemnation; land condemned and
sale ordered.
Mary AlcNeal vs. I. C. R R Co.,
damages; compromised and settled
$100 00 for plaintiff.
State vs. Lem W'ilbanltSj tippling;
not guilty.
Slate vs. J W. Tims, tippling;
State vs. Jim and Robert Vaugh
au aud Buck Duncan, milicious
mischief; continued.
State vs West Tims aud Gensie
Smith, lewdness; " submitted and
tii.ed $ 10.00.
State vs. Knox Nuckolls, mali
cious, mischief; fined $10 00.
State vs. Will Hill, murder;
lenced lor life.
Slate vs. Robert Cai lmll, selling
liquor wiihout license; not guilty.
estate vs Amos Ciowiler, carrying
weapons; submitted and fined $50.
Slate vs Marsh Wood, tipplii;g;
eonl 1 it Ut (I
Slate vs.
Smte vb
-ti.i- $2 50
Si Ate vs
Si ale s
fi.ieit 2 50
Stale vs.
Tom Bufoid, lippiing;
Will HilliarJ,
Lun Morrow
murelei ;
i oe
B Farris,
State vs Tom IIill, carrying pis
tul; $50 00 and costs
Stale vs. Ales. McGuire. disturb
ing public worship; fined $51 00.
Siaie vs. Johu Green, carrying
weapons; nolle prossed at defend
ant's cost.
Stale vs. Inez Evans, two cases,
attempt to commit felony; contin
uetl. State vs. Lou Blaylock, felonious
assault; lined $25 00.
State vs. Lou Blaylock, carrying
weapons; fiued $50.00.
Ittoiivar Bulletin
Weekly Commercial Appeal
Qr either of
If you are Dot already a subscriber, become one.
Hundreds of people in Hardeman County have taken advan
tage of this combination offer. Terms cash in advance. All
subscriptions must be sent to
State vs. Ed. Quails, gaming;
fined $2.50.
State vs. Bill Reynolds, carrying
weapons; defendant pays cost.
State vs John Green, carrying
weapons; nolle prossed at defend
ant's cost.
Siate vs Willis Patrick, felonious
assault; guilty " of simple as-auit;
sentenced to county workhouse two
State vs. Wiliis Patrick, eirning
weapons; submits $50 00 and cost.
Hardeman County Truckers Associa
tion. You are earnestly requested to
meet in the Circuit Court room
Thursday, Jan. 21, 104, at 10
o'clock a m , to discuss the fer
tilizer question, shipping and ship
ping accommodations, a signal ser
vice station and to attend to such
other business as may properly
come before you.
By special request au officer of
the U. S. Weather Bureau will
explain the workings, benefits, etc.,
of the weather signal service.
Members of Trucking Associa
tions and progressive farmers are
invited. Jno. R. Black, Pres.
J. P. Mitchell, Secty.
m m mm
I have G Homes and Lots and one
Store House, I will sell cheap or
exchange for work stock. For
further information address
Jno. M. Gkovkttk,
10S Gates Ave, Jackson, Teun.
Vou Know what You are Taking
When you lake Grove's Tasteless
Chill Tonic because the formula is
plainly printed on every bottle
showing that it is simply Iron aud
Quinine in a tasteless form. No
cure, no pay. 50c.
Wonderful Nerve.
Is displayed by many a man
enduring pains of accidental Cuts,
Wounds, Bruises, Burns, Scalds,
Sore feet or stiff joints. But there's
no need for it. Bucklen's Arnica
Salve will kill the pain and cure the
trouble. It's the best Salve on
earth for Piles, too. '25c, at Cox &
For a bid taste in the mojth
take a few doses of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. Price
25 cents. Warranted to cure. For
sale by Cox & Co., Bolivar; Bailey
& Aldridge, Saulsbury.
Trade Marks
Copyrights &c.
ntnnn spndlns a nketoh and description my
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention is prooably patentable. Communica
tions utrictlyeontidentiHl. Handbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest anency for securing pateirts.
Patents taken throuirta Sluim A Co. receive
prriol notice, without charge. In the
Scientific American.
A handsomely illustrated, weekly. I ji nest cir
culation of any ecientidc Journal. 1 erins. S a
year : four months, f L Sold by all newsdealers.
&"UNN 8 Co ,B-New York
Branch Office. (25 F SU Washington. D. C
tl .
ef (tolas
direct znzz '61
takes short roads.
lnd light loads.
'ood for everything
that runs on wheels.
Sold Everywhere.
Mad by STANDARD Oil. CO.
Home and Farm
"Tear Por $1.25.
the above mentioned papers with
the BULLETIN, one year for One
1 riH oLALl
Q' ' ' ' YJ ..
I to
Operated in connection with and under the charter of the Southwest
ern Baptist University. It is in fact a school where young men and wo
men are trained for business pursuits. It has a strong Board of Trus
tees and 15 years of successful operation behind it, besides hundreds
of well pleased graduates holding important positions all over the coun
try, drawing salaries ranging from $400 to S3, 400 per year.
The proprietors oSer nor publish nothing that they are not able or
willing to carry out. The courses are practical and complete. The
Teachers are specialists in their respective lines. No bait in way of
guaranteeing positions, or can teach you more in 3 weeks than any other
school can in 12 is offered.
COST. Tuition, board, use of room heated and lighted, use of all
text-books and matriculation f , all for five months, in either business
or shorthand, $100.
Send for Catalogue and full information to either C. A. DERRYBER
RY, Principal Shorthand Department, H. C. JAMESON, Principal Bus
iness Department.
We always carry a well selected line of Dry-Goods, Clothing, Hats,
Caps, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Queensware, Tinware, Drugs, Wagons
Plow Tools, etc., and we have recently added a full stock of Coffins,
Caskets, and Burial Robes, ranging in price from 2.50 to $75. 00.
WTe respectfully solicit aud will highly appreciate your patronage.
The values we offer cannot be surpassed and we cordially invite you
to call on us when in need of anything in our line. Respectfully,
SCOTT & CO., Hickory Valley, Tenn. ,
vmST. LOUIS, 1904
World's Fair News from Headquarters.
Is the one ijreat ne.vspipi r which ought to find a place in every
home d.iring the coining year. It has no equal or rival' in all the
West aid will be indispensable to all w ho desire to keep fully in
formed as to the World's Fail and the National Campaign of 1904
mmx Semi-Weekly, One Dollar a Yearo
The great republican paper of America The Weekly Globe-Dcmo-
trat is issued in semi-weekly sections,
and Friday. It is a big semi-weekly
earth, twice every week, and a great
ive reading matter for every member of the family. Almost equal to a
daily at the price of a weekly, on'.y one dollar a year.
itThe Daily Globe-Democrats x
Price by mail, postage prepaid: Daily including Sunday 1 year, $6;
G mouths, 3; 3 months. $1.50. Daily without Sunday 1 year, 4; 6
months, 2; 3 months, 1. Sunday edition, 48 to 16 pages, 1 year, $2;
6 months, 1. -The Great New&pai'kk of tiik World.
Yon must have the Giobe Democrat. Write for fre;; sample ccpy, or
better still send your subscription to-dy. Address,
The Globe Printing Co., St. Louis, Mo.
The New Year has
come with its advantages
and opportunities. Grasp
every one you can. you
now have an opportunity
to buy you a pair of
Pants, a Hat. a pair of
Gloves or Shoes cheap
for this month. Don't -miss
your opportunities.
Pants that cost us 85c.
we will sell at 95c.
" All wool Pants at $1.20
a pair. !
Hats in the same pro
nortion and Gloves still
cheaper. We have a few
more of those bargains in
Overcoats. Don't forget
the store that carries the
Peters Brand of Shoes.
P. P. Wilkinson & Sou
I v tu
V AK bULLb 1 liN,
Bolivar, Tennessee.
il I , , .
eight pages or more, each Tuesday
paper, giving all the news of all the
variety of interesting and instruct
We have a resident buyer in
Amsterdam, Holland, the
world's diamond market.
We have another buyer in
New York. By this means,
and through our large buy
ing, we secure utmostadvan
tages in either market. We
sell fine diamonds to people
of the entire South at a sav
ing of io per cent or more.
We sell with a contract to
exchange at any time for full
purchase price. We agree to
buy back at any time within
a year at full price, less 10
per cent. These and other
liberal plans are told of in our
Diamond Book, which is sent
free. Write for it or for our
rilUBtrated Catalogue of Watchei, Jewelry,
Silverware, etc.. a book of lo large pages,
olldly filled with photographic engravlags
of the actual goods.
Jewelers and Diamond Importers,

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