OCR Interpretation

The St. Lucie County tribune. (Fort Pierce, St. Lucie County, Fla.) 1905-1920, December 29, 1911, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89058426/1911-12-29/ed-1/seq-1/

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I 11 11iI
Ida da East Coast Railway Adkcnty Ad Adds AddsTlventy Adttwenty
twenty Modern Locomotives LocomotivespOLID LocomotivesSOLID Locomotives1LSOUDSTtL
Mjcent ant Moving Palaces Will WilloughTrains I IJl e eIh
Jl oughTrains ugh Ih Trains Next WeekEquipped WeekEquippedWiih
Wiih W h Axel Electrical Gem rators rotorsI rotorsntadid ratorsundid
undid l ndld equipment second to nor norJamwhere none nonenywhell no
Jamwhere janywhere nywhell will make the throng throngjervice thloughservice throulservice
service over the Florida Fint Fin Eait J mt mtt
t Railway MA season veritaliiU veritable veritableg veritalg
U g palaces Three complete a atrails al alJ ull ulltrains
lyealltotive locomotive locomotiveelectric lucomotivellIhelectrlc
J trains twenty twent new
e Ihelectrlc electric lighting ightlll systems wi wii will willthe w we
i e the trains binding the En Enut EaRt EaRtt Eat
ut t t together absolutely ublolu tely complet completthe cnmpluLethe comptethe
the standpoint of safety comfort comfoirBCIIIt comforta cumfuspeed
speed speedfit a ed I Ibe
fit be rBCIIIt Pacific typo lYc JnB passenger imajciifjci en er insulin insulint locomo locomoof atom atomof
t of the Florida Flol a East Coast Raitire Kai Kailire HuilIre
tire lire Ire among the most powerfoiger powerful powerfilinger powerfuler
linger er locomotives in the Soutof Soutl Soutlhave Routhybave
of ybave have cylinders twenty inches incheswKter i iitter in inier
stroke strokeriit strolOt
wKter itter ier by twentyaixinch
riit t 198500 pounds carry a hoilt hoiltlure boilelre boil
tare lure re of two hundred pounds pe peSi Jlti pt pte
Si e i inch and are capable of mainjig mafa main
jig a schedule of forty fort miles pe peliron pe peon per peron
liron on the trucks of the Florida < I > rida Ea EaIwt Eas Easit East EastlRailway
Iwt it Railway with a train of twelvera twelv twlverri tweltVera
Vera era rri Pullman cars carsfoeir cartlTb curafaefr
foeir Tb ir driving wheels sixtyeigh sixtyeighi
rlsa i in diameter d llmeter insure the be betbuation best bestbWation bewimation
tbuation of speed and power th thnird the therd tlmud
mud rd part of the locomotive being beinitried heirled
tried on a fourwheel center bear bearI beartNlng beuiiwing
living I motion truck and the rem realradial rear reariridial remradial
radial trailing truck The super supericture SUPClture supeenure
icture ture resting on a nicely adjustefag adjuste adjustefug udj ullted ulltedFg
fug Fg of crucible steel spring se selid soto scad
lid to a system of equalizing uqualizjmlot equalizinginsures equalizinhI
hI lot insures an easy riding engirthoue engine enginelioue lmgineOIIe
lioue OIIe that will take the train intilit into intotof fatt
lit tof t of curves without shock shockI shurktenderll shucktenders
I tenders of these locomotive locomotivesix
six thousand gallons of water wateijUntons watern waten
jUntons n tons of coal and are curried carrieiPro curriedFox CarrieoFox
Pro oFox Fox patent pressed pre sed steel trucks trucksRwe truckst truckshieelocomotives
t Rwe locomotives e are equipped will willi witIlatest
i latest l test type Westinghouse W cstillghou e an anAw Hlree an anIe
Aw ee Pyle national electric heaiN hea heai 11I ad adGold <
iN i Gold system of steam heat for foiit fortrains fotug
tug it trains and ar are thoroughly up upte upIn upYla
Yla te In every particular particularlatest particularrelatest particularklatest
relatest latest type ty of these locomotives locomotivesty lOCOmolive5utyof
utyof ty of which were w re received during duringiput duringpot duringfillt
pot summer and fall have cylin cylini cyllntwentytwo cyllirlwentytwo
i twentytwo inches in diameter dium ter b byaixinch bj bjWyaixinch byNixinch
Wyaixinch stroke weigh two bun bunid hunandthrte hurl hurlI
id I ud andthrte three thousand five hundred hundrettor hundredand hundredi
di tor and are about ten per cenl cenljpowerful cenlIlwerful cen cenypowerful
jpowerful Ilwerful than those just jU 3t describ describJtiey describTtiey describThey
They are equipped equipp d with the LocofeSuperheater Loco LocoiteSuperheater LocoeSuperheater
iteSuperheater Companys 11 Schmidttsuerheaters Schmidt Schmidttotsuperheaters Schmidet
totsuperheaters et and carry boiler boilerWe boilere boilepre
eightper We pre e of one hundred and eightj eig hty htypersquare
Aper persquare square inch Only the beatNterial best bestNterial bellterlal
Nterial erlal and workmanship enter instruction in inMutruction initiatruction
Mutruction of these locomotives locomotiveskrw locomotiverweti
nee complete allsteel trains will willgoyided willided + vil vilAided
goyided Aided ided There are fourteen caw cawconsisting CU11IIIIijeon8istin earltunaisting
IIIijeon8istin consisting of mail baggage ox oxNjand exti uxand
Njand ti and couches coachesmade made in the shops shopsI shops1M
1M tI I Pullman Company All are of ofWWt oft ofIIfeet
WWt IIfeet t type and construction They lheytrically
jtetrically trically lighted throughout tJlro Jghoul by bywe bylt1 bJthe
we lt1 the generating device which wh ch also alsoT III nlseidea II IIcurrent
T idea e current for the electric fans fansre fanllBIBO faitke
ke re also installed in the cuucheachee coaches coachesacnes COllchellraehee
raehee acnes chee are seventy feet feetirlell in lengthwith length lengthWwith th thwith
Wwith with comfortable highbuck highbuckna
and na have commodious smoking smokingWits smollnlnls
9irents Wits nls That the comfort and andof IImlof andyof
yof of passengers paRsen ers was the para paraidea
idea in in the designing arid con conon conc conof cvnof
on c of these cars is apparent to towcasual toCBBuul tccasual
wcasual casual observer observerH I IWires
H > t r wires are being strung for fordispatching fOIe foredisputchfng
dispatching e and phones willPiatedat will willWed willt
Piatedat Wed t at every station along the theMast thoJ theEast
Mast J East aBtCoallt Coast Railway from Jack Jackto
to o Key West W e t In additiollllll additiollllllwiII addition alltwill all allsJfill
sJfill twill be equipped so that when whentoy whenthey winesthey
toy they can connect direct with withto withdispatcher witha
to a dispatcher regardless of the then theof I Iof
n of the train This will go far farenabling farenabling I Ienabling
enabling the company to 0 proy pro proKhedule proh
Khedule y h dule of the highest efficiency efficiencythe
JK the past summer about ab ut one oneWiles onemiles onemiles
miles of additional sidetracks sidetracksfat
fat tin in and the theynrds yards at division divisionwere divisionrtters divisionteas
were rtters teas and at important stations stationsSMenally stationerially stationsterially
SMenally erially increased increasedand and improved improvedintension improvedetensfon d dx
intension etensfon x nsion to Kty West to be beJanuary haJanuary heJ
January J quary 22 was was a colossal colo sal onand un unadmittedly unand
and Is is admittedly admittedlythe the most mostI mostJ
J t W9rk work of the age ge tQ the n nt nit nittto
I tto tothe to the Panama canal This Thisimakes Tillsmakes Thismakes
makes makes the main mainline line of theEast the theijlast theEast
ijlast East Coast Railway five t ve bun buntwentytwo huntwentytwo hmttwentytwo
twentytwo miles mileslong long con contogether canether contogether
together ether as l1aB a string of rare rarew larethe rarethe
w the winter resorts of the theRiviera theJ theRiviera
J Riviera beginning with Jack Jackb Jl1cktDJhe
tDJhe b the north and in tiieir ti lir order orderTOBtlne orderstine orderBtlne
TOBtlne stine Ormond Orm nd Daytona Daytonayma Daytonuyrna Daytonayrna
yrna Titus Titusville rltu ville vlll Rock Rockledge RockledgeiLhFort RockledgeFort ledge ledgeFort
iLhFort Fort Pierce Palm Beach Beachy BeachngKev
Ii ° ngKev n Key Camp Kfy West est estehy
y ehy e ° uy y six aix hour boat ride to toinapleasure tot tothe
t the inapleasure pleasure seeker is landed in inM inp in
M 01 p > f the pearl of ofihe the Antilles AntillesRailways Antilleslorlda I IIIG
e has bee II spared in mak makirlda
IIGe lorlda
IIG irlda aEasteCon East Coa tire t Railways Railwayspatrons Rallwnysts
ire ts patrons second to none nonetf nOlleL noneFrank
tf Frank Clark dectat declares es Flori FloriMttrnon Florirmon
Mttrnon armors rmon for president Well Wellthe Welli Wellthe
the eStatcommlttee State committee will willptopl wil will willWpl9
Wpl9 ptopl 1 chance to expreM expreML expre expret
t L t
theh th o u choice titnt
y youll II find f out that the thethin 1
thin Coast OI1Qt Rai hvay lay layCtl told ld j you oU the 0 wrollJt wrollJtO wry
to anyIrnke av Luke I 11 te City Ctl It Index InelexPre
O Of the twentysix v ntsix OCCUpun ts of till tillhOI10 I
Presidents Pre I t chair 11IIr RIX six have been nuti nutit nativH
hOI10 horn
Oftinanss I In liS follows G Grant 11111 t Have Haverrison I IIIVlS IIIVlSl
Gallipld Ga
Benjamin Beliu J r l Ilnrrison rrison
TaftJ Mold Moldnia Me Kin KinROVIl1
l Ivy y IInd Taft ft Virginia nia has ha furnish furnislu
seven SV Seventeen llt een in of 0 the t 10 twenty SIX
were W le college
graduates the tI 0 nine
nlle no non nonVilli to
collegians olle ianR being b Washington W lI hickso J
Pll1 tlINgton
Van Huron Blr
n Taylor Fillmoru
Lincol WIII
Johnson Cleveland dev ill i and IIn I McKinley McKinleyHOMESlN ile1CinleyI10MS I liinl
The 11 Ie ease with which a new lion home
can ca bo bll1Jade made in 1 Florida I is almost ir hn f
possible pO HI e of of belief even when relat rlhtcd rlhtcdI
in m I the tI plainest and tint moat positive hlgunge la laguage lUll lUllullgl
guage ullgl to the people who have lieu lieucrowding hcen hcenclo he hecrowding
crowding clo lhng and developing the We W t tIhlllng
during the past thirty years said saidgentleman SII saidgentleman I CIs CIsell a ac
gentleman ell tl c I nun in talking ta Ik 109 to one of the w wmorons IIlI IIlInwpllis n nonerous
morons nwpllis homeseekers who Iiituarrived lute lutearrived Iutelurrv Y
arrived urrv d here seeking a location
Of course a large IlIr e portion of tl the the11IId t
land in In the new colonies must bu clewed clear cleaed cleared
ed before crops crof can be cultivated cult ivated u in un une
less e s one buys b y an improved place b In hUl hUlIn
in In a majority majorIty of instances the timbtwhich limb timbllwhch limbwhich
which must be removed furnished m nu
tonal forhouses for or houses fences sheds fuel fuell1nd fuell1ndother ai aiother un unother
other essentials essentialsThe esscnt1l1lsThe essentialsFlee
The settlers lieU leIs will find that througout through througlout throughout
out the year he can plant I > ll1nt for his u usome UH UHsome IHe IHesOllie
some crop that will mature and I Iready h hready ho hoready
ready for his table in ninety days H Hwill lie liewill I Iwill
will need but few and simple implt impltments implenwntll implments
ments for for cultivation of his lands I Iel1n H Hcan He Heclln
can build his own house houseitrwed houseif if need be beam beand heand ¬
and am be far more comfortable fixed the thua than thet
a t man who goes oeR West We t to live In fiv fivyears five fiveyenrs fhyears
years a resolute man should have wo wou won wonIt wl wlt
u t sufficient su clent competence for the balamif balnnc balnncuf balancuof
uf his life lifeEvery IIfoEvery lifeEvery
Every word ord in this is correct Florinlossesses Floridpossesses Florid FloridapOllsesses
possesses lossesses innumerable advantages ovthe ove ovethe over overLhe
the he West for the homeseoker honieseokeroald 1 1would It Itwould
would oald take many columns of a new newpaper newspaper newraper
paper to begin he m to point out all ofthes ofthesiidvantages of ofthetlvantnges these thesemJnntllgeR
iidvantages Those who have t trie trieboth hied hiedboth f floth
both sections are the ones who kno knobest know knowbest knoJest
best bestTo JestTu I
To talk to any man who has lived i ithe in inthe i ihe
the West for five years and who ha hathen has hasthen hihen
then come to Florida to live you coullot coldtot could couldIwt
lot as a n rule pay that man to return returo returnto
to o the West WestBut WestBut WestBut
But the man who thinks he can com como comoto
to o Florida Floriduand and make u living withotworking without withouivorking withoutw01ldng
working is h sadly mistaken There i icontinued i icontinued is iscominuld
continued on page 8 8IHE 8THE 8f
Probably ninetynine ninetv nine out of ever everiiindred every everyhundred everunfired
iiindred people in the country eve evedeluding eve1 eve1including evetchalingthose
deluding tchalingthose those who take a pretty acutnterest acute acuteintereHt scutMerest
Merest in politics believe that at thecent th thecent the therccent
ecent election a large majority of th thjeople the theof theople
jeople eople of New Jersey voted the repub repubican repukcl1i rpuhican
ican cl1i ticket and rebuked Governor GovernoiVilfon GovernorWII GyvernoVllaon
WII iVilfon on This either as a statement o oact of offuct oact
fuct act or as an inference in ferenc o on the day nftei nfteihe uCterthe aftehe
the he election bristled joyfully JOY fully from ever everitandput Evervstandpat evertuadpat
itandput headline cartoon and editorhhero editoriii editoriiivhere edihuhilwhere
where the wish was father to tlv tlvhou the thethou thloll
thou loll rht What were the facts Omiill Omit OnliII
1111 ill II talk of the treacheryif treachery f the democra democraic
til ic e boss the coldly planned knifing thu thuhe thatthe thu1e
the he 1e democratic machine gave gaY Wilson Wilsonunit Wilsonomit Wilsoninit
unit everything in the nature of expla explalution lxplanation t phi phiation
nation consider only the official figuresDenioeratfe figures figuresDemocratic figuresDtlIIocratic
Democratic vote tfiO18 tfiO18Republican tf 16018Republican O 181 181Heluhlican
Republican vote 15708 15708Democratic 15708Delllocratic 16708Democratic
Democratic majority UltiiIt liltiIt Ultii I1I1l1It
It does not matter in tho least that tlialie thattill theu
densely settled section oe o ojew of
till lie u most <
Nl jew e + v Jersey Itrll is the lair of the trimcher trimcherus tlIII htr htrhoss
boss and that therefore he watable wai wailiable WIISenahle
liable us Is to elect leel a republican lower ly + ver house housii hu houseiuajorit7y e eA
of the votes lItes cast with Wilson Wilsoiot Wilsonnot
A i majority democratic Whin Whinlie Wh Ii a aIC lt ltthe
not ot t running running were
wile will willhe witvith
the lie IC majority lIIajol lY might have been rfn or
he witti him on till ticket is IS a pmi sprCtition IlP pmiition cu cuIlltion
that t the state had n 1 republicarararity republican republicanHIUM lIpubl can canmajo
ition uhut >
HIUM inui vn vnliiiorily
before beforeVillon beforeilsuu 11l 1 Ie
majo liiiorily ty of 11502 I1Ii the year
Wil Villon ilsuu on left his hi college to enter politics pobticahistory
ill i history hislor Colliers Weekly IVeoklyFORMER WeeklyFORMER WlklyA
of considerable interest interestoth inttHesthoth interestnth
A mutter alititte the thttate theStutl
and throughout
thixcity thi thiv city
nth in
transpired tlln pireel in Tampa last Friday Fridayhen Frielu Frieluwhen Fridiihen
Stutl tate K 1iner until recently pus pusrof pastor pitsr
when hen W church atLake atLakeuul lit Lake Iakelund Lakeid
tor > rof r of If the lh Methodist Tampa Tampaengage lanpaengage 1III
to pa patl
recently nt Iy gone
lund uul id but has ha rec
in the practice pructll of law la + v filed filedivorce fleddivorce Ii lnd lndvorce
tl engage en age against 11 1111111t his hl wife wifei wifein wifethe
divorce vorce proceedings court courtImmediately courtInJlJletiutely courtImmediately
Hillsboroughcounty h coullty
1l11l II butou
in i Immediately after the papers papcl wereed were wereled WEreIiiId
withdrawn from runt courtace court courtence COU1thence
IiiId led ed they were
exactly what whatrounds whntround whatnun
hence ence ace it is not stated If If it is i understood understoodnwover uryderstoo uryderstoohowuver understoodsever
rounds nun are sani sanimum saniriunn
Mrs Finer is I in ilia a salll sallltl1rium
nwover sever that and has been beenicre beentbere beenere
tl1rium mum in several Kentucky Some years yearso Ytl1rsgo
tbere icre ere for years pastor of the theirat their therst
Piner was
go o 1 when Mr church chur h of Tampa Mrs Mrsiner MI MIPiner Mrsncr
irat ir rst t Methodist l living there thereith thereLb
ills also a resident therJ therJwilh
Piner iner ncr Was is well remembered rememberedy rcrn m lCrt lCrtby
wilh ith Lb him and She htist has hasot
dC of Tampa his hisnot
by y many people however for the theast t theSt II IIast
not ot t been in tin I
P ast St four or five yearsMr years yeursMr noted as one of the theiost t1emost theSt 1
Mr Piner VetS in the Florida Floridauf Flordt FlordtConferencl Floridainference
most iost St brilliant ministers uf fl conclusIon of thisars this thisrTned t 1 S Syellrs
but at a
Conferencl inference Lllkeland ho decided decldeto decidedgive
yellrs ars mlni ministry try in for the bar an anfor and andrmed
to give ive up the pulpit with WI W T Mar Martlniortbe
for rTned ned a partnership partnei ot law In Tampa TampaJ
tlniortbe I for the practice
A Qualified Judge so Refers Refersfort To Tofort I IFort
Fort Pierce Farms Property PropertyBEST PropertyBEST PropertyBEST
Hclipvps nn Investment in These Lam LamCnn Lands LandsCan LotCan
Can be Safely Counted Gilt I Edge EdgeAgricultural EdgeAgricultural dgc dgcAgricultural
Agricultural Value Unsurpassed UnsurpassedJensen UnsurpassedJensen
Jensen 1 ensen Fla Dec 21th 191 191Florida 101Florida l lJelofida
Florida East Coast Cou t Realty Co 1 FPierce Fo FoFierce < ort ortPierce
Pierce Florida FloridaGentlemenWhen FloridaGentlemenWhen FloridaGentlemenWhen
GentlemenWhen one realizes tl tlunwarranted the theulJwurrl1nted t tunwarranted
unwarranted representations Ifpre elltlltions that ai aibeing are arehtln a ahIng
being htln made mad by some of oqhc the Companies Companiesrlorida Coin iittiles iittilesFlorida in inr
Florida r that thalure are inducing mducln people to i ivest it itvest in invest
vest in 1IIland lands one who has any respei respeifor respect respectfOI resoufor
for their reputation may well be mythan mOl moithan mOlthan
than careful in giving testimony as asthe t tthe to tothe
the merits of any particular tract tracts c cctions or orI
s I ctions I have done this but one onciand oneunll oneand
and then with the necessary qualifieslions qualifies qunlilicalIOns qualificLions
lions lionsI
I have such a well founded aversion aversioto aversionto aversitto
to the indiscriminate > repre entationthat entation entatlonsthut entatiothat
that are prevalent in the sale of Ian Ianin land landin landsIn
in Florida to nonresidents non resident that thatwould thatwould I Iwould
would be very loath to add my testi testimonial testimonil1l testniouial
monial as to the value of any any body o oland of oflund e ehmd
land that did not fulfill my ideas as astheir t ttheir to totheir
their adaptability a to meet the require requirements requirements requirmens
ments of those to whom they ar armost ure uremoslllltely a amoat
most moslllltely likely to be soldFruit sold soldFruit soldFlUlt
Fruit and vegetable growing ar aramong nre nreamong ai aiamong
among the accepted profitable resouices resoui reRources resouoes
ces of the state but Florida Is bournsooner bound boundsooner boundsooner
sooner or later to broaden her indus industries industries indutries
tries into the more stable and aubstuial substar substarcial sUbstan1 sUbstan1ciul
cial ial departments of If agriculture agricultureinto agricultureinnthat int intthat 1 1that
that class of farming farmin that is not s sentirely so a aentirely I Ientirely
entirely dependent upon UI > on market coral condllions cOlldltionll coralLions
lions immediately upon the maturit maturitof maturity maturityof muturilof
of crops as the fruit and vegitabl vegitablcrops veg vegatabraps tablo tablocrops
crops require understand me as in in inway no noway n nway
way underestimating the full value valuethe o othe of I
the last mentioned crops but the pro propective pros prospective prospective
pective settler when seeking a petnanent per permnnent perlI1anent
mnnent investment had far better hSure b bsure lJi lJisure
sure that the land he selects has hasfertility hasfertility a afertility >
fertility and body which will enable cnablhim enablehim enabllint
him to grow all those necessary farm farnproducts farmfrom farturutlucts
products urutlucts from which to feed his stocllis stock stockhis stocklis
his lis chickens and nlllpracticlllly practically his fatnil fatniln family familyin
in n other words have a real farm farmsuch farmsuchland farmsueands sucl sucllands
lands are not to be found everywhere everywherebut
but my investigation of your holding holdinghas holdingshus holdinglas
has las convinced me that you have haveJody i ibody a abody
body of land that is ideal and I believiwill believe believewill believwill
will meet th tht requirements of that thareat thatgrEat thetreat
grEat reat class of people who want some something something sonicking
thing that has real merit meritland land on which whiclthey whichlhey whithey
they can grow row fruits and vegetables vegetablesland
land that will produce the real ne nepeSR nepeSRiUes neeeslties ess essities
ties of life lands which when properly properlysut proorlyput proporlout
put out in in order for cropping will always alwaysnave alwayshuve alwuynave
huve nave a real value vl1luea a value predicated 01 01their on onthClr o oheir
their fertility and unquestionable abil abilty abiitv abilty
itv ty to return to the owner full valueor value vulueflf valeor
flf or money and labor expended It ii iihis is isthis i ihis
this his class of land that is going to give t tlorida to toIurida tlurida <
lorida that stability which the frui fruiunl fruiand ruit ruitand
and vegetable business alone cameo cunnouiuply cannot cannotsuuply cameouuply
uiuply suuplyI
1 feel that my twenty years residence residencen
in n this section in a measure qualifies qualifiesno qualil1esfme qualif e eIC 1 1of
fme no as being a fair judge of the facts factsif feetf
of if f which I speak and alllil I wish to congrat cpngratilate congratulate congratlate
late you on having huvil1 such a meritoriousmiposition meritorious meritorillllsprolosilion meritoruanreposition
reposition to submit to prospective prospectivelettlers prospectiveseUler prospectiveettlers
lettlers and I predict that in n a few fewrents flwyeals
yeals rents 0115 we will witness a developmentilong development duvelopnHntalong Icvelopnunlong
along the line I have above aluJ mentioned mentionedhat montiolledthat ntentionelint
hat would be h a credit to the Illuegras Illuegrase Hlue grass grassctions raRH raRHseltions
ctions e Lionsof of Kentucky As n whole bod bodour body bodyour boilour >
our holdings holdill 1I are among the best lH 8t that thatknow lhati thanknow
i know in the state and with propel propelIrainage P proserainage IU I Il I Ilirainagl
Irainage which you are now doing at atnvestment nn nninvt alvesttnent
invt nvestment tIlJlnl in them is something thaime thai thatone thinno
me can safely count on as giltedgeYours giltedge giltedgeYours ilt edg edgYour
Yours very truly trulyWlt trulyWH trulyIv
Tho advent of Chia the ne now ne + v year will be beelibrated bchy behbrated
< elibrated by the Ladies Society of the theVesibyterian thePrl thereshyterittn
Prl Vesibyterian lh tlrian Church in III giving JIVIl1 n re reoption 1 1cl1plion reptinn
option at the home of Rev He mill bfrsW Mrs Mrsi it rs rsH
H i W McCombsIhe McCombs McCombsThe kCornbsIht
The Iht popularity of these ladies as en enrlainers enlQrlllinelR enrtainers
rlainers is well deserved and the peo peole peopie pene
le of Fort Pierce will be triad to take takele tuk tukt
pie e
t ht le glad hand ex extended tended ttlIdldto to them and to toII toI
1111 II I strangers on New NlY Years oar Day DayTho Dayrho Dayfloe
fromto from fromto
floe hours of receiving 1llIVIl1l will be
3 to o 6 and from 7 to 10 p 1 in in1TRUS 111CITRUS inITRUS
The Florida Citrus movement for forhe forthe foro
never neverequalled neverbeen neveren
has probably
the he equalled o past equalled ualled ten days for the s same me leng length h of ofime oftime ofroe
been en l < of the inistry in inthere industry
before blforein in the history history o
time ime
said MnnagerJ Manager J M Simmons SlmmOIllJof Simmonsthe
dustry istry News There 1 here have haveme
of the out of Florida since Monday of last lasteek lastcek I Ione
one fifteen hundred curs cursof carsthe
eek more golden product that thatill thatmaking
of the throu throughout throughouta hout houtt
milking the 8ta state e famous
ill th and breadth of this countryThere country countryThere
t le a len length
there has been beenmidually an unprecedented unprecedentedrush
from all over the coun country couny
rush ish of feature Is the theun thetueually
try y and a gratifying demand from the ther
un midually Bually heavy
h 0 >
r I J
South Our near neighbors nei hbors app apprto appenl appenlto
to have just hecomn aware how howlicious hawlidous de deIi <
licious Ii < ious a fruit a Florida orange orangeand OInll orangeand e iR iRand
and they we ink taking lug hold with un anthusiasimwhich c cthusiusim en entllllRinHim
thusiusim thusiasimwhich which means a larger ilema ilemaand dllnarHI dllnarHIand denttiand
and a peimanont one for the futureline future futureThe futurelhe
The very heavy helv movement for t tChristmas the theChristmllI i iChristians
Christmas trade has brought the thetail t ttal to total
tal shipments for the season within withinhundred withinhundred n nhundlel
hundred cars of the proholiday nun movment movoment nunnnent
ment last year The movement movem lIt tli tliyear thil thilyeaI t tyear
year has probably reached four thou thouand thousand thatand
and cars carsMEN cursMEN carsMEN
Sunday Sundar the 17th a union meetiwas meetii meetiiwas mel1ting mel1tingwas
was held for the Methodists and Pre Prebyterians Presbyterians Prebyterians
byterians in the Improvement cli clihall club clubhall clihull
hall However a great Ieat majority majoritythose majn1 majoritythose ty of ofthoRe
those for whom it was held failed failedrecognize tailedrecognize to toreco
recognize reco recognize nio its importance l 1portanc or they would woulnot wouldnot won wonnot
not have nave have allowed a few showers showerskeep I Ikeep to toIlep
keep them them away The Ie Men and Hi Hiligion Re Religion R Rligion
ligion Forward Fopvlril Movement t was wasfor u ufor up upfor
for discussion discussionThis dlRcuIIswnlhis discussionIbis
This movement is not n new orgarzittion organ organzation organi organiza
zation za lion but bu t an effort of the mens men 8 HI HIcieties so societies s scieties
cieties of tilt various vnl various ouH churches togetl togetler to togeter eth ethel
er with the Sunday School Assoctatiiand Associulici Associuliciand ARsoclationand
and the Y M C A to rouso the inteiest intoest inter intercst
est and enlist the activities of men atboys an anboys and andboys
boys in in religious work and if possibl possiblto pOllllibloto <
to reach tho 3000000 men and boj bojneeded ho honeeded hoys hoysneeded
needed to make the church us stron stronin strong strongin stroi stroiin
in masculine membership > as it is isfeminine i ifeminine in infeminine
feminineWhy feminine feminineWhy feminineWhy
Why should not the men of For ForPierce IortPierce FoiPierce
Pierce respond respond to this thi effort and hel helalong help helpIIlong healong
along so worthy a movement Ar Arthey Are ArethlY AIthey
they satisfied with the religious amoral an anmoral and andmoral
moral conditions here When so marof man manof many manyof
of the boys and girls are entering apt upoa upon upona apta
a course of immorality and wick trines trineswhen > < dne inesswhen H Hwhen
when the very foundations of osocietv osocietvare sovietare soviet societare
are endangered and it seems so har harto hard hardto hato
to keep our young y ung people from viciouinfluences vicious viciousinfluencns viciatinfluences
influences is is it not time for the me meand men menand meall
and women to be up and doing doingHow duingHow doingHow
How foolish and wicked to praiThy pray prayThy pray1hy
Thy Kingdom Come and then by in indifference indifflrence it itliifarence
difference or positive sin to hmdtthe hinde hindethe hmdertho
the Kingdomsgrowth and helpthe help the Dev Devil DoviIin Devlin
il iIin in his work ork of destruction destructionA
A committee of If laymen from each o othe of ofthe ethe
the Protestant churches has bee beemined heen heennampd beetamed
mined by the pastors and a cull for forneeting formeeting a ameetin
meetin meeting of men will be made soon soonsneakers RoanSpealters sootSpeakers
sneakers from Jacksonville will b bresent be beprpsent breSent
prpsent > resent to present the work of th thnovement the themovement thmovement
movement A great rally will be helin held heldin heln
in n that city in February and ForPierce For ForiercQ FurtPiorc
Piorc Pierce should have a good go d elelegatioi delegation
in in n attendance attendanceLOSING attendanceCLOSING attendanceCLOSING
Friday morning the kindergarte kindergarteslass kindergartpnclass kindergartelass
class of Mrs W F Schorer gave gaverery gaveCory a avBry
Cory pleasant little Christmas enter enterainment entertainment enterailment
ailment at ithe close of their firs firserm firstterm firsernt
term term1he erm ermM erntThe
The M 1MB l parents JilICIIk I Ul of fijuil each I inilll 011th l l1MB were ivun inritel ill illitcd in invited
vited itcd to come and watch watc watch I the children childreio
o through with their work the singncr sing singnir sin sinin
in ncr of motion songs Ron ll recitations etc etcind etcnnd etcn1
ind n1 to each one who responded rm ponded thenwns there therevns thorewas
for themThe them themThe themrho
was a pleasant surprise sllrpl Rc
The parlor at Mrs MI Schorers homo hoimvnsattractive homowas hottuwas
was vnsattractive attractive and suggestive of tinChristmas tin theChristma tinhristmas
Christmas tide as there in gay dress dressitood dresllstood lurestoad
stood a Christmas Chri + tl1llls tree with gifts Jlft for fotach foreach fo foach
ach member of the oluas from from theiieacher their theirteachet thiefeacher
eacher and for the parents dainty daintjemembrancea daintyremembranceR duintleniCnnbranccS
emembrancea made by the children childrenmil childrennnd
mil a number of little gifts for tin tineacher thotcacher theeacher
eacher us tokens of love from tin tinhildroii thochildlClI tinhildren
hildroii childlClIAflel hildroiiAfter hildrenAfter
After the program was over Mrs MrsJchorer MrR1 MrR1Schmer Mrsclover
clover and her hI little class served ice iceircam iceCrllIl11 ic icroan
roan and fancy fanc cakes and then Rev RevtilCombs Rev1rCo
tilCombs tl 1rCo roll1lm nbs was asked to take the earl iiartif lIartof earlf
of if f Santa Claus and dist distribute bute the i gifts giftslie ifts iftsThe ift iftThl
The farewell song was as then sung sun an ami amiill IUIlIall
all ill 11 bad badA Mrs M 11 Schorer gooilhye wit witHilly with withnany willimany
many expressions exple ioIlH of delight and praisuor praisu IlUhwfur psisr
fur or r the pleiisant morning and talc way wayh wayshH tvaJoa
shH h oa handled so many mltt little tots totsThe tntflho totslie
The kindergarten class will wi II have tw twvceks two twowleltR twtveks
vceks for n holiday and wo wish both botheucher bothacher hothtellcher
eucher and pupils a happy oneLOSING one one10SING
The closing c1osirl exercises of the Eldred Eldredchool gldreclRchuol
chool for the Christmas holidays Irity Fri Friuy Frilay
lay uy evening were much enjoyed by the thearents thoparents therents
parents rents and friends frien s of the pupils p lpil The Thehool TheHchool Thehoof
Hchool hoof house was II1 beautifully hellulifu lIy decorated decoratedith dlCOIII ted tedwith
with ith i t h palms and ferns The followingogrann following followingrojrram follnwillIHOlfrlll
rojrram was excellently rendered renderedecitation Ill1IerldecltatJOn renderedecftttion
IHOlfrlll ecitation Muhul Bennett Bennettccitation B BennettRobinson nnetl nnetlHecitntion
ccitation Irene Robinson Robinsonecitation HobinfonRecitation Robinsoncitation
Recitation Eunice Bennett Bennettecitation UlIl1ettHecitation 11nnettecilation
ecitation Harold Ankeney Ankeneyong Anlter1lYSong Ankeneyn
Schooluy School Schoollay RchoolPlay
ong n
Play lay uy Press Prize Christmas Poems PoemsSchool PoemsSchool erns ernsSchool
School Schoolecitation SchoolRecitation SchoolStevenss
Recitation Emmaline Emmnl im Stevens Stevensialogue StevenllDilllogul Stevensshtlogue
ialogue After the Circus CircusDennis Cir CircusDenas ulI ulIDennis
Dennis Bennett and Daniel Moremg More Moreang MoreSong
School Schoolecitation SchnolRecitution Schaalecitntion
Song ang
ecitation Dennis Bennett Bennettialoguu BennetlDialoguo Bennettalogue
ialoguu Trials of a School Teacher TeacherTeacher TeacherTeacher IeacherIeucher
Teacher Gladys Stevens Jolmy JolmyWhite olmyWhite olmy olmyWhite
White and Harold Ankeneycitation Ankeney Ankeneyecitation AnkeneyRecitation
Recitation i Mabel Bennett Bennettecitation BennettRecitation BennettRobinson
Recitation Margaret Robinson Robinsoneading RohinRol1Reading Robinsonading
Reading Daniel More Moreing MoreSong hIoreng
School SchoolMusic SchoolMusic SchoolMusic
Song ing
Music rendered remJeredby by Miss NewtonAll Newton NewtonAll NEwtonAll
All Eldrtd Eldr d join in thanking the teach teachMiss teachfr teachMiss
fr Miss Wigfield Wf field for the enjoyable enjoyablereninga enjoyableneninia enjoyableenings
reninga entertainment
How the Day was Celebrated By ByThe ByThe ByThe
The Citizens of Fort Pierce PierceSUNDAY PierceSUNDAY PierceSUNDAY
four Celebrations by the Churches ChurchesA ChurchesAGeneral ChurchesAGeneral A AGeneral
I IAutomobile
General Holiday HolidayDinner Dinner Parties And AndAutomobile AndAutomobile
Automobile Rides and Boating BoatingChristmas BoatingChristmas oatingChristmas
Christmas Day was a most pleasant pleasantone
one in Fort Pierce and will long bo bolong boJonJ belong
long remembered by everyone espec especially especially spec speciully ¬
ially the newcomers in this sectionwho section sectionwho sel lion lionwho
who have been accustomed accu tollHd to associat associating a associating sochtt sochtting ¬
ing Christmas with zero weather weathersnow weathersnow weathersnow
snow sleds slellllllnd and furs for here the ther thermometer thernometor thermometer ¬
mometer ranged between seventy and andeighty andClghty andeighty
eighty not only on Christmas day l lbut
but for several days proceeded and andfollowing andfollowing andfollowing
following it itThe itIhe itThe
The season has been a most festive festiveone festiveonu festiveone
one in Fort Pierce this year as it at attested ¬ Ii Iitested i itested
tested by the statements of all of ourmerchants our ourmerchants o r I Imerchants
merchants that the holiday trade has hasfir hasfor i ifqr
fir exceeded exceed 11 any previous year in intheir intheir f ftheir
their experience IxJerlCnce Santa Claus seems seemsto seemsto t
to have been especially generous with withthe withthe i ilhu
the children childrenfor < for in every part part of town townwere townwere townvere
were gathered ath red group of little tots en enjoying enjoying ¬ I IJoying
joying their new brought giftsAutomobile gifts giftsAutomobile 11
Automobile riding dinner parties partiesvarious partiesboating 1 1boating
boating parties to the the ocean beach and andvarious andvarious
various other diversions were enjoyed enjoyedby 1 1by I
by our people during the day butProbably but butprobably butprobably
probably the events of most interest interestwere interestwere interestwe
were we e Christmas trees provided by the thevarious thevarious thevarious
various various Sunday schoolsPRESBYTERIAN schools schoolsPRESBYTERIAN J JPRESBY1ERIAN
The Presbyterian Sunday School Schoolgave Schoolgavetheir gave gavetiieir 1 1thoir
their Christmas entertainment at the theImprovement theImprovtmeht I IImprovement
Improvement dub hall Friday evening eveningwhere eveningwhere 1 i iwhere
where a large lurgenudlence audience was in attendnice attend attendance ¬ J Jnnce
nice to greet the childrpn childrpnSuperintendent child children ron Ji JiSuperintendent i iSuperintendent
Superintendent Leslie Daniels and andMiss J JMiss i i11iss
Miss Genie Andrews deserve great greatcredit greatrelit I
credit for the success of thi thin affair affairThey affairIhey affairhey
They hey were untiring in their efforts to totrain totrain torain
train the children in thedifferent songs songsjrills songsfrills
drills recitations and anddialogues dialogues dialo ues whichere which whichwore whichwme 1
wore ere presented each child child doing histart his hiapart hispart
part tart well and receiving hearty applause applauseWe
We would like to give the program programin
in n full but time and space will not per permit pernit ¬ H Hmit
mit and to lay stress on one number numbermore num er i iacre 1 1more
more than another we cannot do honstly hon honestly ¬ 1 1estly
estly as all did exceptionally well wellRev wellHev wellRev
Rev and andMrs Mrs McCombs were well wellreceived wellecoivedin j jreceived
received ecoivedin in their songs and added much mucho v h hto
to o the entertainment entertainmentThe
1 1Ihe
The tree filled fled with pretty boxes of ofandy ofcandy ofandy
andy for each member of the Sunday SundaySchool I ISchool jthou
School thou old and young youn stood in the theorner thenrner J Jorncr
orner and looked bright in its pretty prettyiress prettydress prettytress
dress of tinsel t nscJ and gold gol This took the thejye i iye I Ieye
eye of tho little tots and when Mraniels Mr MrJaniels MrDaniels
Janiels announced that Santa Claus Clausvas Cllluswas Clauswns
vas on the way and would soon be behere bethere behere
here to give out the gifts ail eyes eyesvere eyeswere eyessere
were eager to catch the first glimpse glimpseif
of if f him and when he appeared a merry merryieal merrypeal merrycal
peal cal of laughter went up upEach upEach upEach
Each little heart there was made madeinppy madehappy madenpoy
happy inppy once once more at Christmas time timemil timead i iIIl1d
mil ad those who had worked hard for the theuccess 1 1access i isucreHB
access of the Sunday School Christens Christ Christnus Christmns
nus entertainment felt well repaid repaidMETHODIST Ii IiME11I0DlSf i iMEfIIODIST
Monday Christmas Ch1 Itmns evening at 730 730iclock 780clock If Ifoclock
clock the Methodist Sunday SchoolOlebrated School Schoolelebrated II IIcelehralt
elebrated d Christmas with a Christmas Christmasree Chr iltma9 1 1tree
tree roe and exercises uXlrl ises appropriate to the theccasion theevasiontile I Ioccasionthe
occasionthe ccasion the singing of pongs recita recitaions recitaIons
ions dialogues dinlo ucs and select readings readingsII Ii
nil II of which received hearty applause applauserom uppluusfrom
from rom the large audience audienceMesdames uudiencoM ttudienCOblesdanles
Mesdames M sdames W L I Baker and W P PJittsnn P PVatson PWatson
Watson with the assistance of Miss Missjiila Missula tiS I ILuln
jiila Jones at the piano vere eIC in charge chargeif char e eot
ot if l the entire program and it goes with withlit wit oil h but hlout
lout lit saying that it was US all good and andreally andL1 andreally
L1 really a tly elljo enjoyed enjoyedThe III l lline i iIll
The Ill church on this occasion OCCIISIOI1 was tastidecorated tasti tastiy tus tl tlIy
Iy y decorated with festoons of ot red und undJhristmas lIlldhriHtmlls andhristmas
Jhristmas bells and the pretty tree treedded treeJdeI i iadded
added to the scene its usual interest interestor I Ifor
for or the little folks folksSanta fulkllRanta fucksSanta
Santa Claus was unable to lio lit there thereiiit t thul i itit
hul iiit he sent a good supply of candy candyuts cUIlIlyIIUtll candyits
IIUtll its and orangM which wero distrihu distrihud p t ted
ed d 1 among all tho t 10 children in tho thochurch thochurchThe church churchThe i ilhe
The church wtis crowded beyond its itseating itsrating I IRCl
RCl eating in capacity so there wore wcr a mini minier nUIIIlwr munrJr
lwr er who did not have the pleasure of ofwitnessing IJ IJitnessing
witnessing this thi pleasant t entertainmentEPISCOPAL entertainment entertainmentEPISCOPAL > ntf rtninm lIt lItIWISCOPAIJ I
The Episcopal Sunday School treated treatodlieir treatedtheir treatedSir
their Sir pupils to a beautiful Christmas Christmasiee
in St Andrews AndrewsThe AndrewIhe Andrewslhe
lr iee > e Monday evening evening
The decorations were beautiful and andnicli andrich LI LIIUuch
nicli rich credit is due the committee who whoad who1d 1 1hud
hud ad that in chargeAn charge chargeAn chureAn
An interesting program pro ram was render renderil ren er erId
Id il I by the pupils consisting of special specialhristmas specialChristmas specialnristmas
Christmas carols and recitations by the theifant theinJunt theunit
inJunt ifant unit class followed foll wfd by nn nn address to tolie tothe toe
the lie e children by the rector Rev ReadeThen Reade ReadeThen Readefhen
Then came the distribution of the theliristmas theChristlllus thenristnns
liristmas presents The treo contain contained
ed il I n gift for each pupil puuilus as well as can cany cannuts
dj y nuts and fruit Miss Edna dna James Jamesjceived Jamesreclived Jamesceived I
jceived a special gift for regular atndance at atJiulance attendance
Jiulance during the year yeaKBAPTIST ye yearBAPTIST r I IBAPTIST
BAPTIST BAPTISTTuesday BAPTISTTuesday i iTuesday
Tuesday evening the Baptist Sunday Sundaychool SundaySchool Sundayhuo
School chool huo celebrated the birth of our Sav Savr Savior
ior > r with the usual u uul Christmas tree treehich treewhich treedch
which hich was WRllvery very pretty Hind hung full fullf funof fullgifts
of f gifts to make the hearts he rts of ofoung ofoungand youngid young youngnd
and nd id old glad ad The exercise exercise were werevery wereveryterestin very veryitereating veryinteresting >
interesting terestin consisting of music by the thehoolan theschool theboo
school hoolan boo and recitations dialogues etc

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