OCR Interpretation

The Marshall republican. [volume] (Marshall, Saline County, Mo.) 1899-1914, June 02, 1899, Image 1

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066240/1899-06-02/ed-1/seq-1/

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Vol.. VIII.
no. :ki
The Slate Board ol Agriculture V!il Marshall in
Their Round of Inspection Tuesday, Citiiens
Give Them a Hearty Reception. Show
Them the Sights and End the Oc
easion in a Banquet.
To the oldest as well as to the youngest cit-
The time for the train on which they tverc- to
.IctMtt Mug so ne-nr at hand, the toasts of II,
II. 1'arxni. A. I'. Hector and W. T. Caning
ton wire much to the tegtct of every me, e lit
shntt. the l.it .eiikcr being Judge Uvl, wlm
uhtaini'd. Ills needless to say that all were and in most of the countries' of the Old 'World
well pleased and in (act the memlier from and I have never yet seen a richer, more Wuitti
Audrain was heard to say that "the Almighty fill and more productive union than Saline,
had already done enough for this county and county." lie assured and pledged the cum.
that the state should not lie asked for mure." niittce to a fair consideration of the claims of
As the state is not in this for the sale of chad- each town ami thanked inn oinli.il wuy the
ty, this kind of argument will not count. icople of Marshall and Saline for the treatment.
Dinner at Ming's lintel, attended liy a mini- which had U-eti mvotded the lUitd. The close
Ur of the reception committee was then taken, of his address was matkcsl hy clipping of
after which shnrtlx. the citlcus of the rccep hands ami cheers, and all the haiictiitcts
tion committee lcgnu the business of the day waved napkins while standing iiihiii llftir
in showing the different sites that have liccn
Iens ol this place, the memory of neither mciinnmn. 10 me gciiue-mcu x-m iicn- ... see
callslo.ulnd.il more thorough awakening ol what we oiler. The I.oSh1oi. ttact west of the-
puhlie sentiment and mote enthusiastic united city, the Venule and NlchoU fatins notll. of
aclion on the part of the ciliens. than the sup- I"', nnd the old I'air (.rounds owned by M.
1,1,-1, u .,w ..lee., to Marshall mid S.i- 1 1. Alexander, wele nil visiusl ill turn, but on
line Connie's endidacv for the site ol the ly-the first of these-Is now coiMilcie-d. In-lug inaliec miiiutcH lulk ptesculcd the claims of
State l-'air. As the movement has proven an I'liiodi ''' nil "if niemliers as the most uvailnl.Ie Saline county in "figntcs that counted" nnd de-
upheaval of puhho opinion hele. so has it heeti "It-"- The prettiest stievts of the city, the o.l- uuu, , ollioial opinion ns to wh.1t the ver-
woudeifully successful in enlisting slipotl line and cemetery wele all shown, and our lis- ,lrt of this jufy holy should lie. -ill favoring
from nil over the countv. tcmarkiibly pleased with the town and e.- Mlr.lllU flr ta.Stale I'nir. The facts biought
The people have shown hy their Interest, pedally the imptovenients now in progrcw.. ,,,, were timely, to the iiit nnd brought out
that the Hoard ol Agriculture may rest assitted At i. in the afternoon, iiei-onling Darningi- U lvi,v nv; ,K. confarned the
that the hearty iiippoil of this county will lie incuts made, the visitor lo.ourclly were ten- f n .Mnrshall saixnnicnt and nil Marshall
riven the I'air. should it lie located in our de-red a Iwii.mct at the Mistletoe Club rooms j,,,, cU. oK-ansl mcr the way the subject
midst. And any etilcrptise. stale or privale. " ' ' '
should seek for its location a communily in time was had. Around the fetal Ustnl. these
which the iKickiiiK of Its citiens may I count- vi-itors wete giecti a ihauev t olwerve- the
rd noon, and cleuly demonstrated The nospuamy whi. .. ... amende- r...m- .,..,,
truth of this is too open t ) doubt unil its ap
.ainil.ii, iii flu. inutsttni. lutes- lipfote the Hoard,
must have suggested itself to their minds of much vlijoeimnt u.n this .kv.i.Iou. l-.th b
That the ople of this section would make u-h.ii uf the good thine;, of the Uui.Uel and
the State I'air a success is acknowledged-and ese-ellent after dinner oratory ami wit of the
all realize that witlt the necessity foi increased l't ies.nder.. Dr. Cote pic-lding as l..il
railroad and hotel accommodations, they would 'itcr invitetl Dr. Illack to invoke the hle-sMiig.
Ie forthcoming The North ,V South Koad which was done with much fading nnd inn
would cease to lc-e.isloiiat and thL: site would uiy h.ippe style. The tqw.l of four curses
n,il lini'ii n Ilk ill fill fllilM ili.. Siiiiih .v was followed on the menu
lr. ami many wete ine m-aiiii
members of the laninl n the tinkle of gluse
was heanl ihtnugh the room.
Dr. D. C. Core as toast master oH.tusl the
aIi making in a slum el enthusing talk,
which was well icsrelxcd and won the fust
pes.plc. The lung hall, the- entile- length of
whiill wele exlciidcil two table, was the- xeile-
North, making Marshall the equal of any of
the contesting jioiuts in railroad accessibility.
The reception committee, which had liven
assigned to the difletetit mciulcrs of the Hoard
of Agriculture, met the visiloi if 10.40 a.
was handled and the visitors doubtless glad to
have- the finishing touch added to their K.ejini
for voting for Marshall V hope Ibis much.
There was a latge crowd nt llm dejK.t at
sn p. in., when the visiting lmid fltelubus
left lor Chitlicothe. ('.iKslbyes wete passed
but with the expectation and expte-ssed wish
on our part to me-et the gentlemen who com
si.e the llexird ot Agticulliire- at the Gt.'i Stale
I'air meet hcte. ns guests again, whom
it is always a pleasme to entertain.
Whether Marshall wins or another town
Minimi's l-tra earnes away ine iiisiiin.u.i., u.vie: ui i..u.s
taken to the Ul 1om: '" 'M"I,K ,,,lr visitors w ittr an 111c ai-
telitions ami ui.nksol goon-will summouaiiir.
for the geultvtucu composlni: that body ate
houotable men, into whose hands we gladly
jilace the consideration and judgment sU Ur
Claims, feeling ierfcctly asstire-d their efllions
will not he biased br any undue inline),, nnd
such teprvsctitalives ol the different sections of
tn., C. .V A- train, being iutiou.. . .ele by a
party of Marshall men, who had taken charge waving of napkins.
1 . . . .. ... . .. , , i. 11........
of the Iloar.l at Illtfglu.sville. l-roui me uepoi e.om;.e. 11 e...mey nun j. . ...., ,,e.e Mnt(it,.lU tti nAA ,
ilu, tnntr lliif of teenite- h.mdsome cmiin.ii!Cs. down for t.ist. resisilulitig ill a way which .
each conveying one of the site scleclois, drove still further nii.iisesl th applause- of the ban
) the south door of the court house, nnd from iueters. the latter eiyiug Jm.niy high lribule
there the memhem were escorted to the Circuit to the "Stale Aduiiiuslrnlion."Tlie ss-vh of
Cottit room. A large audience had gathered here the occasion was delivelesl however by exf('.o
The Hoard is coinposesl of the follnsAw (fu
llcuiill: N. J. Colman, W- H. WilkeT1i, St.
Louis; W. J- koU-tts. Oak Uidge; M. O'Coii
11. North, U eiiun ;
' 1 1, l..l.- IM...
, . I., -.. I.- .I....H...I V 1 r.l.....i 1.. l.r.lUI. nf I I,- Ue.l, .ItlHIlMUIWI, ..i..-,.
ailll IISICUCO Will. Blieilliouio 1.1c niminui juiiiiv eiiun ...P...1..1. j. v. , - sf..l-. ri IfU- eiI.UllM Inn
., -.... i.i 1 ,..,..( n.i. .,.., Mini ilu. J. A. l'otts, Mexico; D. A. J'.l. huDUIWI JiP.
e.OOUVV. UC.I.1U .IS eiiailll...... ..Ill, ill mi. iiiiwii. .ik, tvinin.M. ....- ....... -
souh-d address of welcome bv Mayor Miller.
el. .1.1.. I..I..r ....A.l..n il.A ii,..ktu nnr iii... 11 tin. I.Vilr If 1. if-ilt, il llt-le. eee-te lltllll.iudc
et lius ui.ei iiiiti.MK, .v ,i,, iiv.v ,.i. - ...... 1(- - .
invited to .the dome of the Court House, where to the echo. A te,etitioi. of his wotdswas Geo. II. J-.l s Hates Co., C 1 . took, KpimkI
an excellent view of the county and win-dally once te.iuestnl and complieil wilh, when he Otovc; I,. 1'. I.tithy. I.chauon: 11. atirs,
.1,.. I il,itv ...rrmmillmr miintrv can be statu have tnivchcd nl over tills ecitmiry. toiuiuoi..-, ...u.i.u,..., ..v
.n.ririilliimt iL-solltce-s of
stiju-.tt which one could lest assuieil would U- W. Hill, Chillcothc; l-ugene Hhoadcs, lTllrfSix;
given the I'air if locate. I hcte. wete applaudesl J. 1'. Oroves. Corder; N. II. Gentry, Srdalia;
.;-i;..'J""' - -varoto, - if

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