OCR Interpretation

The Columbia evening Missourian. [volume] (Columbia, Mo.) 1920-1923, September 07, 1920, Image 6

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066316/1920-09-07/ed-1/seq-6/

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5. -
rlls. lac J II.
'JOHNSON. Manatee,
itiaaCfttPTKlM asTTA
Si4 . a . f .
. T Wt I .., bj u . -
S"". "Hw rsrsUr U Arises.
..Aaall.BirMa Clmlstisa.
"- - wtl MBlfa -SilMkft.
SSS M ! ScIa JIM lH . fl4LM V ISli
TsMal bsswlaf M. Itls.
TeuruoNC NmktEs
: ul CbcsluUs. U.
lUaO OcMin . tbe bMlWM ! ill w
U U. VlijUls aUf. Mauh
"outi needs a new Stale Coostiiu
The incredulous aX. the question.
WiT new Constitution?"
' answer what fanner In Missouri
tej-wouM attempt lu farm and market
tSUt '" tle same manner that lie
M in tne early seventies? What Dusi.
s.man wouIJ try la sell the unc
J or try to me the aune methods
"business that he did forty years ago?
Forry-Gve Tears ago the Constitution
'Mi-souii in its pm-ent form came in-
obeiog. )i was a product of the day in
cli it uas Lorn. It met the heeds d
' pwiod.
"Jt was ad.'(ilrj just following the great
Finnic bf 1870. Just at a lime when the
flfople of the Stale were excited about
Ithe rev-Met cvieiiditures and the loose
financial ulicies of State and local official.
K-'Its puriuu- and plan was that of a
t-contervatite finance and a restriction
;upou the action of Stair and local of
: bilali The present constitution is ad
fBjiisUy adapted to such a policv. There
were great restrictions placed upon in
cwporaled cities, and the functioning ot
tale, lucal and city courts. There was
inadequate provision made for schools
ia rural districts, for proper co-operation
with the Slate in agricultural interests.
Ji-'was formed tn meet the needs of a
population of seme two millions of pco-
. pie living in rural disricts. It has not
provisions t cojie with the complex in
Hernial proUrms that have arisen in a
population that is now near fifty per
cent urban.
'Missouri con'litution sacrificed the
statement of fundamentl law and flex
ibility for detail and slain. Hence,
ve are met with the necessity of contin
ually trying to amend our constitution to
meet new conditions that Inevitably arise
With the continued increase in popula
tion and the inerraed complexity ol in
dustrial and social relations.
Indeed il seems to be the opinion of
the forward looking men of the state
that the shortest road to the reforms
which will put Missouri on the lift of
progressive and well-governed slates it
a new constitution, a new instrument
Sith which to make possible reforms in
education, the judiciary, taxation, city
charters, good roads and stair finances.
So let us discard the old ao! put on
the new. Let us have a new Stale con
stitution which will be the fundamental
law of .the state and rut a code of restrictions.
Why shouldn't the scruples in regard
to working on Labor Day be applied a
openly on Sunday?
On Modern Uirisliantiy.
The importune of Chrisianiry to mod
ern world life has been talked .of ao .re
peatedly that il is trite. The very
words close the wind and ears of the lis
tener to their import.
From the time that Ch'rVt waa bom,
to the prrtcnt day, rantings against
Christianity and Christian teachings have
increased with dynamic force. Xlany
men go so far as to advocate doing away
entirely with th belief In- the Bible.
of living on a purely scientific basis, of
liring for one's own development alone.
This is particularly true of rhose foils
who have attained some education and
antral degrees to lean on complacently.
Thry say the rhurib failed in tbe War,
in all the movements it has undertaken.
They say that men of brains arejw Ling
er interested in tlieology, that preaching
is futile.
These men, however. Icaie out-of ac
count that most of them have been rear
ed b Christian mothers, its. Christian
homes, under tbe inuence of church and
Snndiv School. Nevertheresa one of
the most bitter denunciators of the entire
teaching of hie Bible, sends his small ton
regularly to Sunday School.
Time was when Death was considered
aa an escape from the follies of life, but
now spiritualists would 'bate us believe
that even departed ghts shake theshim
mie i tables.
Colombia enjojs the reputition f be
ing tbe prettiest town of its sire in the
.Ute . During the paP-' ?
rier it beauty has beer. Increased by the
effort, of Cttirn ap"l ? ,b
townspeople In ' kwp tf '
J-Cnltj-" "" cul " h" f"""
weeds, The season for cutUng grass and
wiot-tsie-fcwera is 'almost over-for
this year. bat w ar just entering upon
SBohter seas(m;daring which Columbia's
srtriaxtiae.Mauty,can be retained jii an
osJar trpeof iJlitMl fibe
lawns for that which has beea giren them
during the past aprir. atminier.
Pretty toon tie. leavra wilt begirt io
shower dawi fra the trees. They will
pile up ia the corner -of the yards and
In jutters., ,Tkey QL collect around the
inmhs wkfch-Si.ln carefully carei
for daring tbe summer. They will soon
lose their green color and become dead
and uuightly. The grass will become
deaii in places from the frosts which are
M. -- I . t.L.I J 3
to come, lats wiu w un-aiuiy anc nn
less removed will roar the beauty of the
lawns of Columbia which have acquired
a reputation all over tbe state for beins
exceptionally well cared for.
If the leaves are raked up and burnoS
and not allowed to collect in great piles
and blow from place to place and the
dead grass Is removed and burned wilh
the leaves, Colombia will retain all dur
ing the fall the beauty which it Iras rn- f
joyed during the past spring and sum
--., ? - .-:-W '''M,-yk&.l&wmsmv-r'j', v -g
-. ; -. ,-$'-. " '- j -
scene of as thrilling twld-ups as were
ever enacted in the days of the stage
coaclk- Many arrests are made by the
government men in tense situations, and '
L Yesday. scVeral freshmen stopped eal. of the State of MiesourlT S SjSlSZ ZlZl
n,T VJ-. T?"' Sme , T" A "' tm ih" ' htmi strmtglvv Some bootleggers decorate
.i.'C,,. ' W,T, Un .ffm,Br "' tvM of several of thf University's fiiftolb!inlei Prod,s-
lhestor f he ? buildings. Of course, only tbe shield. ; cabbages and garlic have already played '
, JZ,'' . 'tself I used in tbetdeMgn. Tkeootft a conspicuous part while others put
r '? "KOBeJTcar'a fter the admwsion ,art c,,,;,,! 0f ,(,,. supporting grtelyltheir faith, and whisky, in oil cans or
ft. rC'i" ", W'e """-.'hf V""U '"" " ,la"-' ,he dPt. of lacking boxes.
tne lint legislature prescribed that a ,!. ,,,, .&u, ppu; ,Uprema. lex Many of the arrests are made at Creen-1
stare seal should be made. Tbe design I to- m om;t . . j,. distance over the New York
EST,."?'??1. r ' art",,r Mrs. iUbert Buret! Oliver of Cane "ate line ami on the Boston Poi Jload.
uTl7n. . .if '"Tr-fi P"!-".1 Cirardeau. who ul the state, seal In The cargoes usually from New York, are
iiL Z'Jl K " .'i. ' 'i i ','f " ' '' '"in of the state flag- made In 10OT consigned destinations throughout New
side, in which is the grialy bear of Mis- . .... , ..." , .. . .u--. ;. , P.l.nJ k..t mnv hf ihem of late luve
- si . i ssiu inr loiiowinc aooui us nranuiE i - -- i , ,
and about ils use in the flag: ' been .committed, to the custom! uouvs
The crccen, on ihe shield, in her ' J V uSd men are sched-
rv rciutsvnlfi lh Krond nn mn axir .. . ' - --
To BLscass Floor 3w.
The'Carden Qub will rWd'a;mecting
at 7J30 tomjhl'in tbe Corataercial Onb
Rooms.- The fall noiirBow-wili.bejBa-
cssaed. AH persons iutarested In Doners
are-asked to attend.
soon. Above, separated bv a wave.
curved line, is a white, or silter, cres
cent in an arure field. On the left, on
a white field is tbe coat-of-arms uf the
is lor scrona n. so our ,. , , . ,j P,lio i!.-Thomas in
United States. On the band surround- rttVTnl on 'h! Ur f1" .,h". federal' court here on September 21 for
ing the escutcheon are the word,: . f '"" M ."? -. (Lomsiana :,:oi.,i0nJ 0f ,hf Volstead act. This numb-
y,inS. nrsti torroeu 01 tne terniory oH w! nrob,MT be conderablv aue-
"Umted. we stand; DiyiJeiL we fill"
The crest consists of a gulden helmet.
lull-laced and grated with six lurs.
above which is a silver .Mar. ami over
he great LouiMana Purchase. The . . fore lial dllf.
Iirlmct o the ruat of arms indicatn en-f ti,. frKnilt,. fnlcral
terpris?, and hardihood and signifies ,,,, lgrn, in lui, ,ut,. has bat four-
er srara; me lareer star rrDrrsetatinp
Missocrl as the twenty-fourth' slate ad
mitted into the Union, and the oihcr
stars, the Htrnty-tlirce sifter states liat
preceded her.
The supirtrrs are two Frizzly bears
standing on a scroll bearing the mutio of
the State: '"Salus populi suprema lex
ntiw.1,1 iL- TT'lf t .1.- i. -i i
A gold medsl will be awa.ded at tbe.,hc. Supreme I JW;- 3nd underneath a,e
Kanas Stale lair at lopeka for ilie.thc numeral ltttn MUCCCXX. ISil
that a coifiHlation of twem-three snuU. at' sovereignty. The grizzly bears are , lecn $iM,ta.
best all arouoJ family. Among tlu
.ither prosinsite things Kamas has done
il has now placed its fsmilite on a par
wilh its hogs and rattle.
the dale of
toe adoption d th first
.Around the whole
hand bearing tlie nurds: ."The Great officially adopted by the State in 19ll
peculiarly aDoronriale to a stale travers
ed by tlv Missouri River, and id1 our i Xevr Steannilp Servicer,
coal of arms and on this flag these I According to reports rehired from
bears signify the size of the State, the ' Conul Ceneral Edwin N. Gunaaulus.
of her neorlc. and further, thev renrew-' Singaporr, Straits Settlements,
strength of the Stale ami the. courage nouncenwnl lixs been made of the in
of her people, and further, the) repre- auguralion of a new steanuhip service
sent prulectinn to the State from irrva- i l" Canada to Singapore am the Far
siou from )ery source." t Est..and alw a new cargo line brtren
j Italy ami tne rar cjisu ine sicsnnuup
Mrnox, lil o o UUCW Uli'llllU) Ultv
from Canad. and cargo will be accept
ed for Karachi. Madras and Calcutta
with transshipment. Frcijht rates will
be about the same as those operative
from New York.
The flag on which the Missouri seal
was u?d Mas first designed by Mrs.
Oliier, asijted by Mi- Mary Kochtilz
Ly, of Cape Cirardeau, in 190 and was
of such a wrong is confessed in print-' NF.H' TRIl'Kft I.V SJICfiGLIJia
The Poles fougbl for complete iude-. "".''? n",n" be taught re-1
pendeocf but got complete isolation.
i speel for property revered by thousands
OS .Missouri s students and alumni. I!. T.
Ttt OPEN COLUMN 1 1 B" aBW p"f'.',""'m
lint tbe Frdcral Officers Confiscate
Much Liquor.
By UniteJ Press.
NEW HAVEN, Conru, Sept. 3.-Pr-
liibili.n lusy or ma) not he a success
It Is Ensiled "Co-it Price Tclil.'ncles n ConneciicuL It all depends upon what
, j on the Farm, standpoint is taken. I u material, the en
Editor The Musounan: Can the stu- The farmers rajs that under present '"recmen! authorities have much to show
Jent who lives so far without the pale of conditions there is no money in fdrin- tn their work. But as far as getting
reason and decency as to have permitted ( ing. The city man says that the farmer sameihing to drink is concerned -welL
lliat is auotl-er story.
Jus wanton wrong CTrr sing without a,;, tru? realest n.-fit'eer. lL.tl. r, ,ti.
-u ' - -
'- I In ftnini.-ins
lie beauty?" J R. jr Creen lus aiicmnted' m rn il.
. , ....
blush of shrine, "Proud are we in
day when a truck load of booae is r' M
n.il inti-rrpnliHl 14 itmiut tin vinl!An IA I 'v
tne rule, ixinuscaieii wiusay
The dignity of the six supreme gray tfac on i,!, ,;J anJ xbev. ul', !,
Mlumns. laling in majestic line, has published by ,h,. Aericultcral Eineri- i the liands of the authorities is valued al
mffered affront. The dignity and pride mfI,tmcnt Station in a circular entitled more than half a million dollars. Thf
of every son and daughter of Old Mis- -Cpy ,!, p,i Tendfncin. on ihe . value at prevailing prices is much higher.
souri uas Been -injureu. Fatm. The pamnllet neimils vou to Alcohol worth $7MjU0O. according to en
Surely Jioe. other .than an ignorant JraK )our ofcn e,.. forrrmrnt agents' valuation, ha also
hobbledehoy womWpnnt trpon Missouns , been seized. The motor trucks and
pride symbols ol hoydenish rivalry. Nccil teachers of mmleru hnzuages ' pleasure vehicles, used in liquor running
. AH, ulo. saw the-green, rmmeals on Spanish, Fiench ami Ijtin, large toon I and confiscated with the contraband,
,:he gray columns immediately sensed the in Oklaluma. Salary J2UI0, apply Oinr number nearly a liuridred and are worth
wrong. ' j Teachers Agency, F.vchange Nail Bank more than $J00,00O.
It is wilh shame that-the- perpetuation ! Bldg.. Adv. The oIJ Rwton Post Road is daily the
lie Rising
lURING the month of May,
lyzu (latest figures obtain
able) the gasoline production
in the United States was 381,079,
291 gallons, a daily average, of
12,292,880 gallons, the highest-on
record. (Bureau of Mines.)
The rising tide of petroleum con
sumption may be taken as an in
dication of increased industrial
activity and of the extension of
power farming.
The Standard 'Oil Company (Indi
ana), serving eleven Middle West
ern states where both agricultural
and industrial production are high,
is bending every effort of its vast
and experienced organization to
produce sufficient gasoline to meet
the rapidly rising demand.
The Standard Oil Company (Indiana)
refineries are worRing intensively to
obtain the maximum' of gasoline from
every gallon of crude oil. Not only are
the methods in use by the Company the
most modem known, but they are car
ried on with that maximum of economy
attendant upon large-scale operations.
Distribution of petroleum products by
the Standard Oil Company (Indiana) is
both comprehensive in development and
economical in practice.
The Standard Oil Company (Indiana)
offers its highly developed efficiency as
a service to the people of the Middle West
j " - i iy
'" W 'JaaPt. I slnaat t MM' 41 -d 4 H Banal
. i.ifsjx wf' v tmuirmi m
' .jks. z..iA wi 4 '' m mm mm.M m
rlB'' 'hWVWfZ- vjjfJ asBlaEtflaHaB' v ? " fcr'ra "-
V i'il K !4IEi i - & t-2'lnBasnaaaaaaaaaa 'V si f
Mmm dmmSf , m to &.
$n5l '' Wftlm$f&$i?sm ' when yo.u order a suit from
Sl" WfflUM'W&sL Hie Glasgow Tailors. 1
?iSan' -alHklBasBasU'l?;feas I N
PXfcTdlBKi&Wii 1 We take your exact meas- 1
Iv? Sri' IwUwuL ure and you are sure of a fit 1-
IkwBs- HIMI There is.no sending Lack in I
'jfflPI '3JiBaBBBiaBBBBf Besides our- tailoring de I.
Teacher named for Latin. History or l'V.Bw! ; !lBsiBaaaaBi'i?B' partment We have the man S ?
Knglish-Iowa salary tlSOO applr Uine SM?raPf'' 'BaaaaaaaaaalffiW-JMI'
Teachers Agency. Adv. V'iX'IK&i ssSaHaBBBaHVt'lCli-aalv JCCeSSOIT- department. A thing
Kl' ra$ BBaaBaaasS I ''tal'Bp
"-i -SvPo -J aHaaa!BaaallaiilSl:w' very necessary for the smart-
anaaaasw -.bbbbbi U-TVi." Si -,- i hnttnaDBaBBBaTilnVffAjT
1 -aBa! ?EV' !?' J nWBsasaaaaalvgMilKi . ,
ll-555nf MSI r aOavHaaaaHaaVS v dressed young man.
It KODAK FILMS II, . i-HHU.iBWP c 'u - c r
. js.ws.a.a F ManHaHVSll See-our showings of Caps,
1 DEVELOPED krHaHft ... c. t .. .
I m i;l rVm&Rm IlUlS, lies, junta x-aic jui-
11 We are doing If - J WmmJWllm lin. and other necessities.
l , Tc.i .faff ,1-S AaaaaBHaH' iBaf'aVt
I work in ;riM.Ej' mm$ We wil1 dad t0 h
jCS.-imoKW'-'ymz.'is. vou can.
" veloping and 1. . .Y Taif TOL
Jt7 im-'?BaaaT"i? -S tnasa .
m priming. mi yxSir
rt Wcare pleas- I twP MsSfcW
ml ing every- ! '
I "hsr Glasgow Tailors
Virginia Dldg. 1 t9
ILglSl...J 22 S. 9th St. C. W. MARTIN, Mgr.
SxTPaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaallJtVV tlD'- ' feSs."
J23&. II ,;
Standard Oil Company
.; u ,'",.. , '(Indiana) . ' J
$10 So Michigan Aye., Chicago
.... . i .
In tftese uiicettniti limes it is advisable to go tothc Tailor tltat has Jong, maintained 'his reputation
for quality apparel. Wc have-built up an enviable reputation -that lt'as given a healthy increase to
our Imsinos.
Quality is'ahvays uppermost in our present display of Womenand!MlsSes,'Suitsarit.Coata.' 'And
with this supreme quality goes equally as .welcome' values 'values 'that giva-you. lobipercentifor.
your dollars. Style,. Fit, and Workmanship are the best. '- ' ' . - .ii,.-,
Importer and Tailbr "ib Women
-t-.'.S. v'
Miller Muilding
We Are The Only Ladies Tailor Between St.sLouis'and Kansas City
Phone 834
' J
,v. '" -'
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vZSzysssvr:- -,
rar- r-.- -.-. -.- f-g-t-':, .?,
&;-:"-)!; -- a.-- ri-
n . . k.
-M'ms&f. .Ll'

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