OCR Interpretation

The Cape County herald. (Cape Girardeau, Mo.) 1911-1914, February 17, 1911, Image 4

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066619/1911-02-17/ed-1/seq-4/

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i r
: 5
: tl-H't Pr tr
on i!.-y.'i. for -i!!.?T i
?. r M ti i-'-tit 'fr'f at
A I .- . ' . I Jiris( Li.O
!n 6.rfo;;r,t ef the work -n-j'n
p'.ovjn'- t.h HeraH
:,r.t frr--in Json to Care Gi
"''vvj, this v. k' i.H?.ue of
eC?;-e (.-.: ':ty Herald ! not
to tic :t:.r. :;.rs whscn the
i'.'j: ?.'-ri hope to attain.
It 5 r-vr fr-te'-.tivn to make the
.a IhihUl the r;rvi.Ht., !ean-i
:i ; o
'.t by
! ro i n
i lit!
? r
fe , vv
' p f ir- i. rl. (. ro
three f'. 'jf-'. i D m-orrc.t:
:,:r f..r th i
the 75 IrJ I gklative U
of St Ur-'n")- l-itc!y complet
f d. IVt''.' Itionu were takf-n
i'ur:-' f lx we.ks. the Demo
crats br-.irg nprrer.td by J. L. j
HcCorowV. Jr., and the Re-
r;uL:;..r, by Judge scM-.nr. r-tn i rr.v rpiTC1 Fr,?
C. Dor.fifil. To the sore 3 !-- j
pointmcr.ta ,f the Democrat the VvK ,h lh
j . v-.i . , , 4 vn (,.;, fi I Favor Of Both B'acrve
?vidTice c;r.,-Iosel the entire &
it ,. . . Permanently Xectd fr t CJ
fence of fraua in that iifit.net at . ,
the t ection of November 8. Nu-
u-Unflvai. rr i, r,! Jtrn-rinon Lily, wo., I to. li.-v.iu
i:-. .ri 1;'; -h!-v.- r
, t:tr jr,nrf: er."..T .; ! it'.'
J .' n, 'i rr t ic v-'..':t trt r:tr
cnisi nTn:i;:;vW,ia;v,rof,;,t,f ;: poor RICHARD S
t.?.-;rt are wmr.jr.y tr.e
dc.'ice of the ix't'i-Ie more arid
more, Jay by da3 The I:ej.-jb-licari
ri Mi3:z'jri are riyht on
ail i'ro,Vfsitior,3 gfT'iOtinj? the wel
fare ar.'J advancement of the '
State, and they r.roj.ose a 'rt V
more than the mere afcr.- i,
dency of their own yarty. U
It is astoni.-.hir jr how few peo-
I.!e know the rerned va) valae ol':,
pure drinking water. It is bet-:
tor than any i.atentor j;re:-.cr:bed l
A .- .r I... !.,.-.,, -u tif.T FlliV i r,.. '
) life t' rr.'i'l-
a 4
rr.'jf. ui'l li'r iit. .uoilli a r ;it ;it ja-i.
a n .
Df-t.oHt voiir aviii'' with thi- b.-mk an'l v-i
v. ill !, mrprir"! b'-s t h-y rro-.v. '- j")
r;T iut-'iv?, -uiiniit M-mi -aiifHJally.
a c
f ;
4 r
many Derrwratic ciectwn oia-, t. 8r .'w-tj, fCie igm r.t .u. ! remedy for many of the ordinary
cia'a, teKttfied to the emeient en-1 tying ir th tity to fiod ,!at to
di'-x-aaos and for clearing the fya-ifi
tem of impurities &n1 mievirit!
,,.rr;.,t rf t- Jw.i(,n laws l','lr U.'-tii.i;n, litti Of t'.i.Mt,i!
t.tf tlio 5l.,ir,)(H fif rifV. Hail. I .. . . ?r ,V,.,.i-li,.r, W.,..
riO'A .o;'"-r ."v ...v-. . i iu. in jvrrf rwn li;v is i.aai w:r..i eu.ivivin jivjh i-'-j., .171., u-
1 !.ir ei-,l ti fairnr-B nrirl
Oil OH
lion. It will t-reseot ;y
t:i tit; .-. in a ciear and corise
f;i;.nri' r, uider var ious claifi-1 "
cstk'.n Lea'h thereby making it! Missouri Republicans have con
j:ca.ccat;cr.r;r.3 or tr.e election.
&.:-y 1 or us reauers 10 nna at a nequenuy ana p-er&isienuy aavwi r-icnutivcf. The -.ool roousi
fj-rnon thca'.'r
til foday tcfik pon-!i(iD of Kt. l'
t'T'i 'fiCKj! ha'l, whfrh ban tier.
r-novtf(j oi furi!lbd for the r-
vc. The tcl.fxA rooro t-!o'
C'ir.re the news in which they csted the erection of a Stat j I utj tor tm,mnwi room di
s.re the mo.st interested. Capitol in keeping with the! th" h:l w tb jif1 ,n
.... ,. , , 1 , , . . . 'ity tht purpose. Tb wxate
In ad .iliunto ad lxal happen- wealth, population and dignity 1 Dj.t ip ,iit. ,.f)nntr (.,irt uwntt p,r,g
ir.'.i. newa of the courts, the of our great commonwealth, j noup.i- t iourB rry jy. but to
Ute U-8ilaturc,-conKres8, the Now that lightning and fire have , ' r ,t-s ln "e of th
. , . ,. , , . ' 1 pr-rae court room, with coinui.u.'-'
ir.y and navy, big fires iu:d trade a new capitol an impera- riKTn, , Lr6rly fcdJsu.eDt poBii-!
Tfcf touc of x'iTrt:nUii' t.s ! ache: ccnsurr.'.t.'vr, k i d n f y
ln U K-onj ta the tr ',V La l'!iyP 9f;rLrfl
for a J The fire bis virtually crippled ll.t
k-n brief pithy labor-saving para- building that will reflect the new I Tony .ix-.h c-ra! mbf od tt t
. ;s. tind aggressive spirit of the peo-1 ,.aU;ll p wh th(;lr ork The par1.
T his weekly review of current pie a building ample in size and i mount u-tu u pr'-w ot u to g'rt new
vcnt? will be upplcmented by jn.-ipiring in appearance. If it'Ci-Uo1 "Mt,i tin. for the ir.-rft-leer,
impartial editorial com- can be constructed altogether uiMilSon or IM.,0(jrt,B th(.
-rocnt on the moat important ' with Misacuri materials and by ; caj,iii,: r.ai; ixKt-d.
current evtiits and topics of Missourians it will be moreac-i Aft"r thf flr t-i-trn. rr
, . . ... . r , t-vt;C from il! parti of ttin i.af o:
! 3
As the Democratic leaot-r-sa'
JefTerK'n City wer.i to be in an
investigating mwi it's a wonder 1 $
they have not appointed a com-
mitie to ascertain why a freak
lightning stroke was p'-rmired
WiUAAM PAf'.l:
to destroy the Stale eapit"!.
A'-:wt-C'j.-liier .
j;encr&! ir.tst'eft
The Herald will conduct no
"baby contests," "rwpularity ; pi0urjn
conxesu or corn growing con
tents." Its publishers believe
o i Jifftr ot nnftiriK pla:'. At firs-:
r . J H K b-li-vfrd thai fvtrrf f tf of ar.r
Uemwracy, always t!t )n ,je ,tafe wo,.m llt. D ,tl, .j,,
Uitra-COnservatiVe, opposes C-X-'to rnut! th horee of the alt c'jv. i
pendictures for anything not ah-! 4 "". b-n b-y fc m'iy r.
f u t. radii tri.rr. rh. .Ill,
Missouri has
capitol for year.-', ;
have provided lor
Now it is a maf.r-r
"'a groun'i nov c;
be (vrtrjcted
li: erv entc f riri
- ,
a newj
,-ght to';
the p i -goverr,-
;et:ei .iy --
- to br-.
at of ,
i bill
g: -
I IMA . .
: l.f
... ... , . iUL.-ijr ii:u:.i-.a jf si uic i.i.ii'c vi,ft,tli. f f j.f ,,,! -ri . i r,.,.fror
" ' - f y 0 VT
in the interest of the many in-
tne expendicture. rjine result is oi; -m to , a.fti-r th f.-apiai an-; ;
flint whn an Pmr-rtrenev riU':!;' ' a """' r-'ijf for it. Th i
m1 A
etcad of the few, a host of per- . , - r. . TUi bo-n r, ar for the trjont pa
, , . , , .. HIIC JO ilU UI U VIj.'JJI i'U 11. ilc
ers can be secured.
The Herald comes to Cape Gi
rsrdeau as an independent Re-
J immyYalentiiiei
publican newspaper, and is not
ownud or controlled by any poli
tical ciiqut-B, corporations or in
terests of this city. It will be
published solely as "the people's
favor of t!; nr-H(-rif ua'xUw A
Ppubhcan idea is to take ac-:h-ie thp oftii.jtioa pr..?!iJ-n -,ta
count of conditions that may and ; ,n tU "f ''- "a"
,11 .... , , , H'-r.aiorw Oiiif-r. MfAilit'-r ati-i
probably will arise and be ready . j,,m,M,r(.v t SlV(. rr(.,,.r a whS..,(!
for thern. In other words the pre- ! for n.- -r'-'t;on of a i; t" :
Democrats are dir;posed to l;t ! "-.'' i-'.n. ami tbt t i v-'
jii j-;,- t'.n jf. ji i;,,n i,r. j
gyrtiiiMieni iv- iiuiii au ; 1l k.tt ,i ,.,.
lh" while the Republicans ' r(,io; ;, .. ,.,i,m'f -, 0 t:,.
ara always diRiX':d to create a lr 8 T''' '":" to , raVd
ur,al"; It it arj-n'-'l that ?t. I-o'ils will t,i v-r I
surplus and be ready'
ever miy come to pass.
Joplin and .Springfield want
new charters. They have out
grown their old clothes.
The burning of the capitol
gave the tjood citizens of Jeffer
son City a double .scare they
Well, anyway, the stroke of saw the inadequacy of their fire
lightning awakened the people fighting facilities and the out
of Missouri and they are apt to stretched hands of Sedalia and
wder the erection of a new and
magnificient capitol.
St. Louis grabbing for theper-ili
Ifivo ,i fh;rr.f o t th -;ipttt ;ri"-l
t,c v.' tirn ;i;irt of tl-Ji,i. w,!!l vo'- I
fviir.-i i' o':i!:jr, ard th' n i:r.y ;
,i y, rr'-n ' -it Ui.-.H ar- not hi tnor
of y yk p ti.f.vr Th" HinMi-r may h'-j
fty:at-j fvr foro'- t ! r'.. bwf th" ori'r-!
1 r rf.r?:::- I. '!.;:! 1 will rv.n U :W
tt-'. th-'if '..- !, hu'hilri-? Kill i.'-'
rr'-t'd v. ' o'd ori" H''d, i
' Stor the Fire. ;
Hi'!' r ii jVffi r-oli f'i'y ri .'"!
at thic
Ligiunirig seldom ttrikes twice
in the tame place; nevertheless,
the new capitol should not be
surmounted with a new lightning
Miibouri law makers are lair
ing l),der difficulties --but the
Lest laws have always come from
men who were not too comfortable
to be thoughtful.
u.'. won id no! he i of -1
seat of State govern-j'"'- wi'h"1' r-uuUo. v, ti,-i
., ... . , : f r' a! uiii the t'r:y flnrn'-. that w.rii
Ihe old capitol city was :,,.,,,. , n )S,r. ,,.,., ,.., . , i
truly awakened. The citizer.3 i from th it.-.d-i of th anrhni nnij
were quick to make every pos-f!iH""'"' oi'1 '""f: how a hM7i
sible arrangement for th,-Igi.j t)r,fil lh(. ,.fi!ir(. dnm,. waa aK ?j
lature and for the State officers. frr.. Th !oj i!r dpartrnt(t r. I
They evidenced a public and pa- r '") u h" " t: "H owin to th-l
. . . . .i . , bl ight of tv hul'dirifr, tli wi:tr i-r
triotic fpint- a Fpint that mao'eL.,r,. .... ..,,.,, ' , ,, !
the State officials ami law mak-jcouiri rot Trh thf fir- j
ers feel grateful indeed. t , ,'f i,:f',v an'i oon the wf t !
When Champ Clark was a;.dl'T; " '' ''
what o yoi thinri of the prop- jt'.;-t t:,. m-;, fr. Th
osition to move the State Cani- -f""r 'i"-t' "- ii rc
The State Senate is no w met- to1-"' h - replied. "I don't know."
ing in the new Supreme Court Whn the question was propound-!
ea lr. another way he replied.
; t;. . r, .
luiliiiig. Hope the Democratic
senators will not disturb the even
tenor of our h'gh court.
Goern-r Hadley has given no
f,n..ni.f.vi.rt t ( t V. r,ri' ii .'. t if i tl
.1 . i t c, j condition is nev.
to remove the capitol of Mxs-' ,
fcouri. He v. ar.ts a now building
"I don't know, I tell you."
there are .some things in thelv,?
mind of the gn at apostle of j '
Missouri Do.';n.)oracy that he:1'"'
"don't know." This .strange!'"
to Mr. Clark. 1 fr
it comes about through his an, v; '
' .' n I'l.'n'"
I r -oi ' Tl ' '
Ii,. )V,.
?.: f
'5 f-firr.
I Ti r w a -.'l-.rs
X C-.r'.
but not a
new feat of govem-
. iety not to know anything that j r,v
might embarrass him as
1 . . ..it... . . i . - . r i '. ..
: iii j.-,ijt:t..u v c ii:a'it:r ui tnt;.ta
i al Democracy
If you are a Republican in a1
Democratic county don't be slow !
to let your neighbors know it. j Governor Htdley does not ap-
jfou may J:nd more liepuoJicans
abojt you than you have known.
. o 1
; The desperate efforts of Demo
cratic contestants in St. Louis to
fucure evidence of fraud, brib
ery, false registration or srne
i.bing else to give color to their
idakns to offices denied thern by
be people have become hurnor
ms. A drowning man grasp
ing fetraws could nots'i'ijiearmore
j!eh-peraUf. Livery movement
they have made tihows the w-.-ak-cc-.-s
of their contentions.
prove toe proposition to remove
the Capitol. In an interview
Monday, soon after the fire had
destroyed the State Capitol, he
fcajl: "The question of remov
ing the capitol should not even
be considered. The traditions of
a hundred years and the fact
that the utate haw a million dol
lars' worth of other property
here are ttrong arguments
against the wisdom of trying to
remove the capitol from Jeff ei son
City at this time." ,
:iii!d hy th.
Ot"f fpr'f t.f j 1
: and t"! i r!r 't v'.
. n ir-f"t f.iii. .
t Tfi tt j.lf; r I v.
.; I,, ,,. I-,
,':'!d:r.f. t -i.- a
-. :i A T! ' h.O',':f " '
!! '' t.f I'v v'
'!.'.! r'o'da rt t",..
M r,. f,;r f,,, I ,. v,..,
'OMrowd. T! "t.-
r m ' ' ',' ).t:)i- i.,ttt.r
ar:v, . ih" l.'.ol v r'- a:i v-l
f if" hi: o-if t of !,:'!h of tot;,
i" a:! (!.';..'!. T'-o
ours ftf-r th" fir wan f.ri-t it ; d
the old Mn:t'ir(- n q i ,tt. d z:id
.rv f.tdt" ,'.: rompl"t.!y wr- l.'-d.
I'- cTiiic n.'T.'i-r ai'i.j t,y T: iii.tf.y
naH" vry .!..-llj (Tort to rav"
bool ar.d nfottl froru ih- flam'
Tt.- li a! (onijtjy ', j.-jfila ian
rail" d oi.f ar.d h f!"dai!a Ki d ;.ar
lii'-M t"mriiori.d to aid in flfMln t. tj
f.i- Thf- hiiildiiifc, bowv-r, a lor.g
aid 0 bav hem an; thing but fir
pio.f atid ofT i d en '!! it tiodi-r
box for th flam.
Holoriz who had (fori to thitir f
pwt.lv boiiii i. to pi fjd Hunday w r
noUfi' d und I urti'd to tb t'i-ne M'.ri
i".;y ri.ori.!i!. Kvf-rv'hinjf Han in
I hfioi), th Hat (4!i r )'..l;iri for of
fic K.or.K a!! ivr th !ty atid th
rolor.n tryliyj- o d.ji! 'hr tt.y
thouid n.n t 1 t,i-.:y it rL"t:ii of th
M;iatfr a fa:if1 in th four'. houfi.
ai.d a ncttius; of tb ioui In b, tho
h'-i. yii . ti'i Kr&ir.a w- rivt
froii th d:Twtt partn f th i-UI
i i .
'.a!-' J '' .
'.: ' '
, ... , ...
. ; J -
: f ' : '
' . -
ii. i , . . ., , i i ii,..,, , .
A Most Thrilling Story
Teaching a Great Moral
Novelized by Frederick R. Toombs from the play by Paul
(', :,.';' ir. j'-'! on pay )
' 'ilipu.ands Have Gore Vild Over the Play. You VM riavo
I the fJoit Exitlnd Time of Your Life Heading the Storv.

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