OCR Interpretation

The Cape County herald. (Cape Girardeau, Mo.) 1911-1914, February 14, 1913, Image 2

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066619/1913-02-14/ed-1/seq-2/

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Hfa'J pyb'is.-'nj Co. i
r:r.3. ASTC.i uriiuppy vc.:aj
Wtetnv if Jchn Joccb Hit Net Even
lfca Ccrc.!on cf Great Riches
If Her Brreane fit.
The r.isM vnbaj i'j oiia in New
York" In IT rrsnner la t!ch a friend
rec-r.Cy ivferrr-i to Mrs. John Jacob
A-ttor, write a corrpunderiL "S!i
;ooii. U.e httifcftif.1 who tftkfQ
from fcer la such tragio ' f ablon by
tlf rrck of the Titanic, cf court.
V.ul V,e I. Hi i,v.'nLfii.t stlsg cf that l
rTHVt .!. . f;t i perh&pS past NOW tb
It U ? Uo view ber future to
frd fir i:fa tTiOcl before St bas b
f ail.
'Tu M l-.-jt a your.,? woa-aa
yc-nx wrrr.-an cf b au'y. All br short
I.;3 she lm-d fully. Hb bad a.
onJprfol capacity for enjo) incfiL H
ber m hoiesome. b-rty, oiea ru
d arc rj.uir.ce of the goedt that youth
arid tboundirg b-n!th pod strtxg'.u
brought fctr that first attracted the
t."r,:;oa of the man wbo later mar
tied her. That marriage as hit
t:r!y critic Izc-d. And yet those who
know her nay tuat it as a marriage
of love only Perhaps others tr
urn hi; low s (or her. ho had do thought
cf the social k-adersh'.p that would
come as u commonplace to John Ja
cob Astor ' i.'e.
"Acd then," said her friend, "after
but a brief honeymoon the skies crash
ed down. The income from 1 5.000,000
wai settled upon her. Bat that in
come largo as It lb ia barely suf
ficient to maintain properly the great
Astor home, a life estate in which it
hert by the will. She could close that
borne, but to do so would be to rob
her sod cf a part cf his Astor heritage.
Ia the midst cf riches she is almost
$cor. She has not sought to take a
position in society, of course, nor will
he, even when her lime of mourning
S( over. It has been made, more clear
ly apparent to her that the friends of
the first Mrs. Astor are still loyal. By
the term of her husband's will, she
vill he thorn of practically ail of the
fortune which la now hers if she were
, to marry again. She is left almost
.lone except for a few servants in
tie great Astor bouse." v
Literary Mystery.
A literary mystery of a hundred
years ai;o is recalled by the special
centenary number, recently Issued, of
The Newry Telrgraps, an Ulster tri
weekly. In its paiies on April 19,
1S17, under the simple bead of "Poe
try," appeared what Byron called "the
most perfect ode In the language"
"The Burial cf Sir John Moore."
Byron, or Campbell, or any of the
c'hers to whom this poem was Tarl
outHy aserlhed. would doubtless have
been proud to claim It But the au
thor was the obscure curate of Bally
cloy, in Tyrone, Rev. Charles Wolfe,
and the fame of the piece was but a
posthumous fame for hlrn. Not until
bla death, of consumption, In 1823, at
the early age of 32, did the authorship
become known to the world. And
Wolfe, who wrote much other Terse
of merit, Is remembered only by that
one poem which sprang from the col
umns of a provincial newspaper to
finlversal recognition in the big world
cf letters.
Blue Sky.'
The blue sky, which reveals Itself
as the hemisphere vault of the firma
ment In the absence of clouds. Is noth
ing more nor less than the far depths
of the air sendinR back to the obserr
er some parfof the solar illumination
which it receives. The light thus re
turned to the eye is blue, simply be
cause the particles of the air are of
euch exceedingly diminutive size that
they can effectively deal with only the
unallest of the luminous vibrations
fcat la with tho blue undulutlons.
Europe's Best-Known Woman's Club.
Among women's cluhs the Lyceum
Is perhaps the bef known In Kurope.
)t baa been in existence nine years,
and while the parent organization Is
In London there are branches in Ber
lin, BriiMBt'ls, Florence, Milan, Purls
and Ime. A woman Joining any one
of these clubs becomes therewith a
member of thern all.
This year a branch will be eBtab
llahed in Stockholm and very shortly
a Swiss Lyceum club will come into
existence. It is probable that Russia
will alxo have a branch before long,,
while at Athens and at i'.udapest
preparations are being made for the
opening cf similar branches.
Heaviest Veteran Dies.
Peter Dubray, said to be the heav
!ent Civil war veteran, Is dead at
Chazy Lake, N. Y. He weighed 47!
pounds when he stepped on the scales
on New Year's day to please a gath
ering of bis 12 children and 30 grand
shlldren. Ho was 70 years old and a
member of the 9lHt New York Vol
unteers. He was shot In an engage
ment and carried. an open wound un
til the time of his death.
Hard to Tell.
"Old Rocks, the multimillionaire. Is
feeling awfully depressed."
"What's the matter?" " .
"Why, bo made a bad In vpM merit
last summer, and will lone $10,000. It
breaks him all up. Hays he knows
be'a on bla way to the poorhouse. I
pointed out to blm that ho could lose
flO.O'H) a year for 1,500 years without
coming to the end of his pile, and
what du you suppose ho said?"
"(iive It up."
ttitd: And what will happen to
aa then!' "
1 ' A .
n; -i-y , yy rf
These are portraits cf Joseph It. Wilson and Jesele Woodrow Wilson,
of Woodrow Wilson, president-elect of the United States.
Nahma, a Pleasure Yacht,
Brought Woe to GoClcts
Last Affliction Caused Family to Deny
Dying Withet of One of Its Prom
inent Members Vessel Prob
ably Will Be Sold.
New York. The members of the
enormously wealthy Goelet family of
New York, one of the moat prominent
families of America, either die on
board their yachts or are taken from
thern to die, says a writer. For this
reason young Mrs. Robert Wilson Goe
! let, the former Miss Elsie Wbelen,
will not let her husband own a yacht
of any kind, will not let him go cruis
i ing, nor will she go herself And
i more than this, she is bringing up her
j small noys to hate yacnts ana win noi
1 even let them have toy boats of any
j kind.
"Yachts are evil to the Goelets," she
has said many times. Last summer,
when the news of Mrs. Robert Goe
let's Berious illness reached her,
young Mrs. Bobby said to her great
friend. Mrs. Gordon Douglas:
I "The Nahma will claim another vic
tim." Early in December Mrs. Goelet died,
I not on board the Nahma, as she de-
fiired, however, but in Paris, where
' her only son, Robert Walton Goelet,
insisted on taking bcr. Mrs. Goelet's
illness and death is the lateBt tragedy
of the magnificent pleasure craft that
cost the late Robert Goelet more than
So strongly do the whole family feel
on the yachting subject in general,
so keen 1b their dread of the Nahma
in particular, that they refused to
comply with Mrs. Robert Goelet's last
wishes and have her body brought
back to America on hoard.
But the Nahma was not the first
yacht to bring tragedy to the family
Fifteen years ago Ogden Goelet, one
of tlio befit knowq New York and
Newport multimillionaires, died on
hoard his steam yacht Mayflower. He
had been cruising In English waters
and died at Cowes. Ills body was
brought home on board the vesbel that
he loved as ho did hlB life. His widow
and eon, Robert Wilson Goelet, would
not keep the Mayflower. Mrs. Goe
i( t said that it would always be a
funeral ship to her, and no the sold it
to the United States government. It
Aas used as a concerted gunboat dur
ing tho Kpanish war, and is now tho
president's yacht.
It is a noticeable fact that Mrs. Og
den Goelet and her ron have never
been Interested in yachts or yachting
since Ogden Goelet's death.
Twenty months after putting the
Nahma in commission Robert Goelet
died on board In the bay of Naples,
and his body was brought homo to
New York, in the beautiful little
library whose walls were lined with
rare tirut editions and eijually rare
old prints.
Robert Goelet left the Nahma to his
wife, with the request that she hold
It until her death. From that day un
til her death a few weeks ago the
widow' lived almost entirely on board
the vessel on which her hUBband died.
In January, 1S02. after a renes of
brilliant entertainments on the Nih
rna, Mrs. Goelet decided to return to
New York and bring out her daughter
IJeatrlce was then seventeen years
old, a remarkably pretty young per
son, and one who seemed destined to
make a great match, for in Europe she
waa oa friendly terms witb the
ounger members of the royal families
of Great Britain and Germany. While
speeding across the Atlantic with the
future so rosy before her Beatrice waa
stricken wUh rueasles On reaching
Nw Yutk she was hurried to (he
Tiarislciu so wonderfully prepared for
or, but she died on the tenth of Feb
ruary, the second victim of tho Nah
ma. Even after this tragedy, from which
she never recovered, Mrs. Goelet
would not isell the yacht
Last winter Mrs. Goelet returned to
New York and was frequently at the
opera in her box, but otherwise she
did not entertain very formally She
went to Europe last spring and after
'be Nahma had been redecorated took
a cruise to the northward. Her son
did not go with her. In July Mrs. Goe
let developed a dangrou3 illness
Specialists hurried to the yaeht from
London and Paris, said that it was
cancer and that there was no hope."
"Let me die on hoard my boat."
said Mrs. Goelet.
Her son hastened to Europe, but re
fused to grant his mother's request
hrie went to Paris, where she had
an apartment, and after several
months of suffering died there on De
cember 5.
Oregon's Governor Has All of the
Prisoners Dressed In a
Gray Uniform.
Salem, Ore. This year not a pris
oner in the state penitentiary is wear
ing stripes. As a Christmas pres
ent to the men, all parole violators,
all those who have usurped the prison
discipline, and, in short, all tho men
In the prison who have been compelled
to wear stripes, were placed in the
convict gray as a start of a new year
for these men.
The stripes were abolished some
time ngo as a regular prison costume,
and have been worn only by those
who have become recalcitrant.
Paroles from Governor West were
the Christmas presents received by
Terrible Plague Was Known as Early
as the Year 767 B. C. Declares
London Writer.
London The terrible ravages chol
era is making at the present time in
Turkey remind one of many previous
occasions when epidemics have car
ried off thousands at a time, says Tlt
Rils As early as 707 B. C. we read
of a plague, mid again in 453 B. C.
Rome suffered terribly. Athens was
attacked by a pestilence in 430 B. C,
which was believed to have been caus
ed by their enemies poisoning tho wa
ter supplies.
As many as 10,000 people a day fell
victims to tiie plague at Rome in A. D
80. So many people were killed dur
ing the epidemic which occurred in
Bii ian during tho fifth century that
there were hardly sullielent persons
left to bury tho dead. In 772 Chiches
ter lost 34,000 people, and in 9j4 Scot
land lost 40,000. London was visited
In the 10th and 11th centuries, and
Ireland suffered severely in 1204.
The Oriental plague occurred be
tween 13 IS and 13h2. It was known
as the "Black Plague," on account of
the black spots which appeared on tho
skin at death. It started in China in
13'.:3, and the deaths numbered 13.
000,000, and 24,000.000 succumbed in
the rest of Aula. It appeared lu Nor
way and Sweden in 134 and 13S2.
About 2.000.000 fell victims to the
black plague In England, of which 52,
000 occurred in London alone.
The sweating alcknesa appeared in
Englend four times during the 15th
and Kith centuries, the first time in
148r, and lasted one month, in which
2u,0u0 people died in London alone.
It aliio visited Holland, Germany,' Den
mark, Sweden, Poland and Russia be
tween 1:25 and 1530
In the 17th century a pestilence
broke out In London and carried off
30,000 people In Lyons 60.000 (lied
dui-tpi; 1U32 through u scourge which
the grandfather and grandmother
James' L. Riley and Frank Nash, and
as long as their behavior is good they
will enjoy their liberty.
Riley was serving from one tc 11
years for killing Louis Long, the for
mer prize fighter of California, near
Redmond, Crook county. Long waa
eloping with Riley's wife In an au
tomobile, and after a whirlwind race
was overtaken and killed by Riley. It
Is said that Riley and bis wife bava
become reconciled and will live to
gether. Several other prisoners were given
their liberty on probation.
Army to Protect the Animals, at They
Eat Pestt' Breeding Ground
at Fort Washington.
Washington, D. C. While a small
army of goats is deployed from Fort
Waphlngton, one of the citadels guard
ing the Potomac river approach to the
national capital, to wage war on the
shrubbery that Is a breeding ground
of mosquitoes, a flying squad of ar
tillerymen probably will be ordered
out to protect the goats.
The goals will work for the benefit
of the fort's garrison by eating up the
rank underbrush, while the soldier
will return the compliment by shoo
ing their horned allies away from the
mountain lajrel buds, which play
havoc with their digestions.
Fort Washington has the reputation
of being the most malarial fort In tb
country and war department ofhclalt
conceived tke idea of enlisting th
services of the goats to destroy th
breeding places of the mosquitoes.
536,OC0,0OO Sent to Britain.
London.---Approximately $38,000,00
in money orders waa sent from the
United States to persons in the United
Kingdom, according to statistics gath
ered here.
swept over France. Italy lost 400,000
In six months In 1K58.
In the 1 7th century Holland was vis
ited by a plague; In Leyden 13,000
died of it. and the following year 13,
27 died in Amsterdam. It was brought
to London In bales of cotton by some
Dutch merchants. This was tho plague
of London, and. as everyone knows,
about 100,000 persons died in one
Persia lost 80,000 from a pestilence
in 1773, and Egypt 800,000 during 1790.
Epidemics of cholera appeared In
France several times during tho 19th
century. In which IS, 000 people died
in Paris between March and August,
1S32. It appeared in England in 1848
and 1849. carrying oft 13,161 persons,
and S.O00 persona were carried off in
London in I860 in fifteen weeks
During recent years India has been
heavily visited by plague in Bombay,
Northwest presidency, and Punjab
and a less degree In Burma, and other
pars of India. In January, 1905, thert
was a weekly mortality of 20,000.
reaching by steady increase a total of
57,702. By April 1 it bad dropped to
4,000 weekly, but again reached 5.000
by the end of June. Two yeata after
the number of victims amounted to as
many as 1,316,000.
Suit Over Lo6t Dinner.
Pittsburg Claiming be was dam
aged In the sum of $50 because a
Thanksgiving box intended for him
was delivered at a hospital Instead ol
at his house, and that he was com
pelled to call off a dinner party In con
sequence, George E Fetter brought
suit against tho Adams Express com
pany, lu the petition filed In the
county ccurt Fetter declares tha boj
contained one chicken, one dozen ba
nunas, one dozen oranges, half a dozen
apples,. Jellies, cukes and yarlous oth
er eatables suitable for a Thankhnlv
ing dinner
my e. o Frjt.i.rn?. rr-r.r if
rtr, lxprtmcnt Vh M'xxly I'.lble Ii-
Iltul of t'hlrnito.)
l.rspriM ift-(;kn. n i-
SOl.HF.N TKXT-'I will blM thf.
mi l in. ike tii y i.ni Kr-iU. nJ 1 lliou
t l!li-lnj " Gen, 12 T
Tho Bible dees not profess to a be
a chronoloeieal history of the world.
It does profees to reveal the steps of
the iedi niptive prooe of Cod w here
by fnlii n nan fhal! lr; justified In his
fifht. .Lo It is that we find but little
record of those hundred of years be
tween this Usson and tho ev nts re
corded In that of l.ist week. We do,
however, find all that. Is espential la
the hh tory of the plan of salvation.
The cleansing of the earth by water
was not for long, since we soon seo
men relapsing into Bin.
1. "Get thee out of thy country," vv.
1-3. In this lesson we behold God
upain selecting a eirigle man who shall
be the head of a race. We do inn of
course Infer that Abrsui received an
audible call, though God could certain
ly spak as he did on othe r and numer
ous occasions. God calls today by
these Inward impulses and desireB, by
the volco of duty and conscience, by
the force of circumstances, and by
tho word. The Bible is God's great
est organ of speech.
Abram'a Journey.
From Acts 7:2 we learn that the call
first came to Abram when be was in
Mesopotamia, probably on the right
bank of the Euphrates river, and that
his obedience io that call was only
partial. Abram got out of his own
country, hut not Into the land prom
ised unto him. He journeyed probably
500 mihs to the northwest but got
only as far as Hnran, which was not
the promised land. It took, evidently,
the death of his father to move hhu
from that place. Acts 7:4. Abram
went not knowing the kind of a land,
nor was he told where it was to be,
Hc-b. 11:8. Ilia cnll was threefold,
(1) "for thy country," (2) "thy kin
dred," (3) "thy father's house." Thus
we see that God demanded a complete
separation from the old life, associa
tions and affections.
II. And Abram departed," TT. 4-6.
"To obey i3 better than sacrifice anJ
to hearken than the fat of rams," 1
Samuel 15:22. Abram had just enough
faith to obey. We do not read that he
asked for enlightenment; he saw not
the land, but he heard the call and
Staggered not at the promise. He was
fully persuaded that God was able to
perform and therefore it was reck
oned unto him for righteousness, Acta
7:20-22. But he did not go alone. Al
ready God had begun to redeem his
promise (v. 2). Abram's character
was such and his name of such import
that his nephew Lot accompanied
him. Lot, however, did not possess
that same faith cor a like character.
Lot went "with him" and not, like
Abram, with God. Abram also took
his own family w Ith him, and "all their
substance" v. 5. Nothing was left be
hind to tempt him to return. "And
they went forth into the land of Ca
naan," a type of the life Into which
we are called In Christ Jesus. Thus
at once another purt of the promise Is
HI. "And the Canaanlte was in the
land," vv. 0-9. All was not so easily
settled for Abram. "Man that Is horn
of womau ia of few days and full of
troubles," no life is devoid of Its tent
ing. Eph., 6:12, R. V., and so as Abram
Journeyed ho met with enemies.
His Place of Rest.
1'asnlns on from thence he reached
a place of rest (v. 8). This is a beau
tiful lesson on consecration. Here is
Abram at "a mountain en the east of
Bethel" (house of God). Notice he Is
on the east of Bethel facing westward,
the direction In which he wa been
journeying, having Hat (ruins) at his
back, and "there he builded an altar
unto the Lord and called upon the
name of the Lord" (v. 8). Let us all
rememb&r to turn our backs upon tho
world, and r.s we face the house, tho
altar of God, rend2r him undivided,
whole-hearted worship ard service.
God's appearance to Abram waa again
in connection with obedience. God ia
Jut as ready to assure us as we jour
ney through this humdrum, toilsome
Journey of life, ever ready to meet us
and to make us glad by the way.
Notice that Abram in a strange laud
did not neglect God'B altar like many
a present-day pilgrim, nor to give tes
timony of his faith for "called upon
the name of the Lord." Like the
Christ who "had not where to lay his
head," bo Abram was a "pilgrim."
For the older classes consider such
questions as, Every Man's Life a Plan
of God; Our Debt to Judaism; Our
Treatment of Others Who Are Pil
grims, Strangers, e. g., Immigrants.
For the younger do not omit Lot
and the dramatic, high-light picture of
that journey from Ur of the Chaldeet
(use a map). Emphasize how much
bettor It ia to be a. blessing than to
seek a blessing for one'a self. "Not
what has happened to myself today,
hut what baa happened to others
through tne."
"So on I n. not knuwlng
I would nut lf I miulit;
I'd mtlmr walk l:i tlm durk with God
Tlian walk alone In the
I'd iatlir go I);- riilth Willi Him
TUan yo nlone by nlxht."
-pr. Uavld . Burtmll
Vorg Mtnlter' PtMlon for Self Sac
rifice Had Betutra That Might
Have Been Anticipated.
The announcement of Mie, I'1
ttlller Gould't betrothal led one of tb
Charity workrri of New York to aay.i
"MarrlBge Itself will not be able to
quench Mtba Gould't paBiou for giv
ing. Apropos to tbla pasrion, ene one
told me a story.
"There wsa a young minister, the
ttory ran, who.' being poor and hav
ing n'othln? else to give, used to gtv
away hln clothea.
"The yoiiiig mlntster'a dtstrlrt con
tained many needy men. and he wouM
give them ahoea and socks, shirts and
cost, gloves, nvercoTtta and trousers.
"Yea. time and again he would g'.v
away his clothes, foolishly and reck
letsly, piece by plern, until "
Here the charity worker smiled.
"Until." she ended, "ho came to
No Hurry for That Vehicle
A shortsighted eld Indv In a hurry
to mount a tram car held up her u!n
breila and shouted to the d"lvi r of a
passing vehicle, "Stop! S'top"' to
which Iho driver replied. "Don't b In
a hurry, mum; It ain't your turn yet,"
It was a hearse
She Knowa.
"You never thank a man for riving
you a seat In a street car." "Not any
more," replied Miss Cayene "1 used
to until I noticed ihst nlijioot Invaria
bly be was going to get out at th
next corner anyhow "
. 1 'i
HouseworX ia
hard enough for
a, healthy wom
an. The wlfa
who has a bad
back, who la
weak or tired
all the time,
finds her duties
heavy burden.
Thousands of
nervous, dla
courr.ged, Ble'u
ly women bava
traced their
-E ory f-c-frr Tt'.U troubles tO Btck
i.vry" kidneys have
foQDd quick and thorough relief
through using Donn's Kidney PiilB.
The painful, trying times of
woman's life are much easier to
bear lf the kidneys are well.
An Iowa Cat
V r. 3 Tt'int. lim ! lh Kt.. KMrfloM. Iv. .
"K' rtli'nr iwni 1 nnflHri.il f pm k Mun-r imnMA.
I had i..iir b.-.i kariio. 1hb.1j. Ii-s ajwl diAif
III":!. And nT 11 ni two'lr.! m, 1 cmi'ln t .-i !K.
li.an i Kiilnt1 I'hmcuri'd mo whrn fiTlt utrf
ViMi fa.liil. 1 cunol pralsu Ife-iu u hiftUiiy
Cet D4n'( t An? Stora, 60e Cos
FOSTER-MXBURNf CO.. Boff.lo, No York
The Wretchedne
of Constipation
Can quickly be overcome by
V' T, 1
Purely vegetable
act surely and
gently on the
liver. Curo
Head- -ache,
cess, and Indigestion. They do their duty.
Genuine must bear Signature
1 H K-3 ef turn ,.,
""n vwim Ijtnl!
I fi Rrra 1m lN--.m.lnu utorwUu,iid
UUI. III. I.' - IHMil.ll.
hRTr rei i nltr N' Ti v i-. .n.. p f,)f
h. itli-iur.iu, nn.l li i.i if.,- r;i.
r.mut me iww Iiiiiil '
C-ir will btKUi Cubiu vliua tLuiy
Wll) . n
land f.rIlon"",eH1lnjr
A hn itt Cnm-m, ijiioiatrhiiwaii.
frui. r wriii,: l ,.,. ,,
I,i ; tin. 1 1 , .M,in-, in,, h ,,,,,
II vo worth ef bi.rs... pi.,j n uo,
-rj, nn.l jilht K , ,:,, 'i,,,,, i
.i..r.M.H.-.,...r h,l Sj Uir,.,
er unit. Hiid J Hort t. ,,f ft i f " J,.t
I'1 w,r Mi jean,, I,, t,,ni nn lu.
uf wimi DiiiT IwMmm iq
WrM-rii (aun.lii MiU1u,,.
bMmU-bnut ail-i-rm
h- i !io t,,r i.iuTMare,
Mu,, Uu.Ui.uy Kau,
.8. A. COOK,
..Mir1'.'"' i"""""eil As,u.nr
i.iiiv-, Kni.nrinlrn.l..i.l f
'" "'li-rm-i,,,,, .u.ik
ol I.U. f HE t SE EDS lliro.u in .ub r,f ry oi Jru
Our Ct.ttJ K!( llhinttr Cnlof if Ul Ptrta n4
CuiWli ic.nl. I. tunr iKfcJr .04 (ret lu r.iu. W rHi (.
Il igdar. rnd Ulna K;cbbun via.
bur Ko't. A.l.lrew
Soar Soil Ghoaolv Curcd
k i-nlrw., .ui,-l, i. ..,., . , . '"'"-leu.
total!. Cava l UJUl.v. tot.rit.LtftM.
Di innl
Hot oi: Syma. luxo u.A.
J i
!'Wif A lln Province of
V'Kl fi W",,,,n Canada
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