OCR Interpretation

The Cape Girardeau Democrat. (Cape Girardeau, Mo.) 1876-1909, August 12, 1893, Image 3

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066818/1893-08-12/ed-1/seq-3/

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-a rm" ---i .'I r 1-- -ssissgs " " giMsg!!!! Jt!.
. lllTkaiilll M K III 1 Jill III
i m m a a a aai bm ai v e, m i m 11 m m-m
ft "ST.
Invariably im Advance.
Baa tee m weak
fear additional liwrUoa.
baa taoh one asoota ...a.
thre. laootha. ...........
fcfi-. .alaaaooth.
" 'ooe year.. ?
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.Vf" - tr-.. aix moiAha..
Jff"?"i Tear .....
Om half eolnhin, three month. ..
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ixnwnini.. .........
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our ft 10 orjtt-i iht ilnp &cn inacrUoY
'ataadliur ootic-1 o.rcUilorial psge &ccnta
David Rosky proprietor ot the
largest jewelcry store in Southeast
Missouri, at Charleston, Missouri,
made an assignment yestcrdav.
Charleston nceins to be the big town
of the Southeast in the way of failures
this year.
31 Cure vonr corns by wearing the
Seal skin shoe sold at the "Gem Shoe
Store" on Broadway by W. U, Iluters.
Mrs. Anna M. Teickmanndied in
this city this morning at the age of 67
years 2 months and 12 days. The de
ceased has been sick for some time
aud had become convalescent, till last
night she took a relapse, add when
the Dr. was called this inoruing she
was bevond the reach of human aid.
Udmoranduns Madd in tha B-
porter'a Wander-inn.
moxda v.
"" Reports of the corn crop from
all parts of this couuty are rather dis
It is reported that Otto Buclir
111 mi n is guiug to move back to tlii-
citv. Wc bone the report is true, for
we need just such husinem men as Mr.
Itucliriuaun is to drive away the hard
times a id put ucw life iu our people.
Ilou. I.oiiis IloncU returned
home from St. I-ouW to-day where !ir
had been to attcud the fiiurral of T.
J. Moss wliich took place yooterday
An old au prmniutMit liiiMticse
mail was missed from his pla.:e ot
liiixiucss this muruiug. Tlii beiu).
of such an unusual uecuraucc excited
the curiosity of almost every passer
by, aud upou iuiiiiry it was found
that 4. M. Clulcy was paralyzed in lii.
loft arm aud unable to resume Ins
work this morning. He has becii
lookiug unwell for sometime,
but lins always been prompt at hi
post of duty. He is now well up in
the scvculies aud it may require oim
time for him to recuperate a a per
mtu at lii advanced age improver
IT yemr appetite I Rone notli
ttii will reiorc U more quickly
than "C C '. Certain thill
:jsr." the Rt-ent Tonic and
rnnrantced Cure for Cullla and
I-'rvcr. I "rice SO cents.
Furcaleby XV. II. Coervcr, druggist
. Liuili-tiiaiili & twin have re-
reived the iiiaclnuerv fur their plain
ing mill. They will put it iu tlici.
building on Spanish street aud o;ier
ntca plaining mill. This is somutliin;.
we have needed iu tliiscily 'or a 11J ji
lime and we are pleased to know that
we have men here at home with Hi.
iii ini'V aud enterprise to em'iark 111 !
business that is so essential and ucccss
a y '.
Dr. Vaudervoort, Vetcrnary
burgeou, is treating a li irse for J;ik
Clughart, of near (ior louville. f.r a
scllinr on his breast .s arse as .1
mall wash tub, will, li win-u la ped
tlisuliargcd more than a water p.nl
full of corruption. The pr.igunsis ot
this peculiar case w.is iloiiblras to
ward drops', though thebliHidy coloi
of the corruption iudicatcd a bruise.
Yon should not fail to sec that ex.
ecllcnt "Bear Skin Shoe" sold by W.
II. Iluters at the "Cent Shoe Store"1
on ISroadway
ir' C. C. C. Certain Chill Cure"
at .lot the bet renif d you hnvc
ever used for Ch.l.a and Fever
your money will be refunded.
Ileaaant to tukc. Large bottles
U eenta.
For sale bv W. U. Cocncr, druggist
All our wool shalley worth 20
cents, goes at l'l cents ior uie re
mainder of the sale.
Ki.extci; & AVoon.
If you can afford to lie annoyed
bv sick headache and constipation.
lou't use DeWitt's Little Iviriy Itisers
for these little pi!l will cure lliciu. I.
lien Miller, Druggi-l.
Hon. L. F. Klostermann was out
at llurfnntsville yratcrday. and he in
forms us tint the corn in tun ileitis
along the roads is burning tip for the
want of ram.
W. II. Huters srlls "The Ulna
Uibbou School Shoes," mid the price
is stamped on each pair. They un
just clegent. I
-All the talk in the world will not
convince vou so quickly as one trial
ot fcVitfs Witch Hazel Salve for
scalds, burns, bruise, skin allcrtious
au.l piles. I. Hvu Miller. Druggist.
p!t your best foot forward, into
ouc of 11 iui iu's easy fitting sliocs.
-rl lou't miss those tiuc ham's: iched
and fast colored bordered banker-1
chiefs, two tor 5 cents at Fleu ge &
Ir. Pottcrtirld wont to Kelso to
day to perform a surgiral operation
on a child of Charley Kobcrt's fol
abscess of the luus.
The Cape City Mills pay one per
cent premium ou all wheat thai
a-cighs over 61) pounds per bushel
and two per cent premium 011 all
wheat that weighs 6J puuu.is per
Our people should begin to talk
.ip our Fair and also pret.a.-e soiue
lliiug for exhiiiitioa. The Fair Ihi
year should be 111 t ic m re attractive
iii.111 ever aud il will b : if our home
people will do their Inly.
u ill.! race tor trade you can
,l.-lv pui your ii'ou.-y ou lla-uaii's'
wagon I't oi appi'-s is now
worth more iu .ins mar.i-i inau a
wagou load ol wheal, ti.id is regulat
ing the price ot apples but the price
of wheal is regulated uy lue ircino
cralic Adiniuislratiou.
Folding beds at A. Walthcrs.
lames Davis, of Oak Kidgc.
lrom.ed dead ill Jacks ..u yelenia.
lie was receiving a pension
D. A. Glenn, the enterprising :
merchant bas adopted a new plan by J De.,fT. m, B,-riM
which he is giving away $100.CK) in utory t it.
cash to purchasers of goods at bis Coi g Fordyce, President of
store. Everyone should call and see : ,j,e jjt- jjon',. Arkansas and Texas
Mr. Glenn and take" advantage of his : Kaii-oad Company tells the story of
liberal offer. . "
We bare a largo line of Ward
robes, at prices that will surprise
yon. A W ' ALTIIKK.
Call at the "Gem Shoe Store"' on
Broadway and see thoso Reindeer
skin shoes. W.;il. Huter's proprietor.
A good fit goarautccd.
Fol the information of those who
arc blaming the Street Railroad Com
pany for the bad condition of the
streets over which the street cartrack
runs wc will state that the city ami
not the Street Railroad Company is
to blame. The citv is bound by cou-
perfect tit, at low : lract ,( m roIir for ;,.ri !
three years the streets ami tl.-? rail
road tr.u k thereon, and as oii a
tlierc is Miliii:icut funds iu the Gen
eral Revenue Fnud to pay tor the
repairs ihe w-jrk will be done.
If money gets tignt over the sil
ver bar you can restore its good con
dition by passing it over Hainan's
for inf
allibly from heart disease.
25 doien dress buckles aud slides
The Planters aud I'nion Mills pay
I per cent premium on all wheat that
weighs over 60 lbs. per bushel.
Anton Hsas was granted a saloon I worth 15, 25. 35 aud 50 ceuts each, go
licence by the CitT Council last night.
James McKcuna is buying all
flu- preen aimless be ran tret, aud hi
I!c:iry Jahus. the big tat liulrher
of Jackson is in the ci:y to-l iy.
Mrs. Theo. H.x-k wishes lo inform
I he public that she is prcpnn d to
weave carpets iu any Myle of colors.
She, will furnish all iuiteri.il or allow
customers to furnish the material.
If you need a:iyt!tii!? in the fur
liltire Hue call at A. Walllo-r's ou
Croadway, it will pay yon.
W i.iiiil.l iwit ioittr.ive tlieininli! t
how Jay Gould once saved T.J.
Moss from financial ruin:
"When the Charles Francis Adania
management of the Union Pacific
Company was overthrown, and Mr.
Gould came into power with that
company, S. II. H- Clark was given
the task of unraveling the details and
adjustiug the terms ol the many con
tracts which the Adams party had
cutcrcd into, among the contracts be
ing the celebrated ouc which per
mitted the Rock Island road to enter
I'nion Pacific territory over I.111011
I'ai-jir tracks an 1 make a coiin-ctiou
with one of its own branches in
Xi-l.ra-ka, which cutrre.l into direct
compi-titiou with the I'nion Pa.-ili
Mr. Gould willed this matter by de
liberately violaling the r.iniract in
spile of the law or Ihe courts, ami
luniiiisr the matter over to Ins legal
dciiarliurut. with instructions to light
to a liuish ou the ground that no rail
road manager has a right to make a
contract with another corporation.
.vliicli. ou its face, simply meant that
his own security holders .should be
leered i.ir the b.-nelit of Ihe security
Holders of competing lines. Thai
.i.'ht is Mill on iu the courts, and it
vill stay there as long as the Cnhui
i'.ieiiic Company can employ lawyer
.vho are shrewd enough to keep i(
ihore. or uuiil the Rock Island people
A Cf Bay la Sew Trli.
"We clip the following from
New Vork liecorj-.
A gentleman who is a credit to the
legal profession and who aiso exer
cises a wine ann salutary influence in
Brooklyn political circles is Albert A.
Wray, who was recently made secre
tary of the newly organized Republi
can County Committee, in Kings
Connty. He is a native of Cape
Girardeau, Mo, where he was born
in 1848. When twenty-one years of
age he came to New York and for
the last seven years he has resided in
Van Boren street, near Stnyvcsant
avenue, Brooklyn. He Is a gentle
man of indefatigable methods, scholar
ly instincts and a most thorough ac
quaintance with legal affiirs, iurlnd-
ung thnsa essential rules and details
ol the profession which so materially
coa.l lrj to prom te u l-mess surccs.
He h is a I nv oIH-m al 6J W ill street.
New Vork, where by close attention
to b'lsiues-, he has built ii a iiirrativc
p-a':tice as attorney an I couiiselor-ai
law. lie has long been connect
with several club and social organi
zations, such as the Invincible t.'lnb
or the Twenty-third- Ward, and thr
Young Republican Club. Mr. Wray
isals ian iiil leatiai niMibsr of the
Board of Trustees, ot tho Greene
Avemin Bsutisl Church and also of
the Fort Greene Co-i-icil Royal Ar-
caiiuii:. lie is 111 all respects an earn
est and gentlemanly man who is
destined to sli.l fnrihermakc bis mark
iu the world.
a co;ii.iroin:e. Iu Mr. Moss'
isp. lu.vevi-r, Ihe circumstance's wen
iillereuf. Adams
if paid double the price. DeWill'-
U il cli I l:icl Salve is the best Milvi
that experience can produce, or Ilia'
monev cau huv. 1. lieu Miller, Drug
Peter Maul opened hi new sa
loon this morning with a line opening
lunch. He served lunch all d iv aud
to-uiglit he will serve another extra
line spread.
Henry Jahus, John Clodfcller.
Charley Sleimile. Charles Horn, Jud
sen Randol. A. R. Pickens. A. Sa:i-
lers, Aiiiauuel Mueller and John
havers came in to-day from Jackson
10 attend Ihe funeral ol J. M. Clulcy.
Id-Wilt'.-! Witch Hazel Salve cures
.iles. DeWilt's Witch Hazel Salve
ure l.iiriis. Hi-Win' Witch ll.-iali
Salve cures sores DrWitt's Wilchl
iln- Salve eitris ulcers. I. Icn
Miller, Druggist.
flic, ex'r.i s:-s-i:i:i ol the trade
o-.ress Ins convened at llaman'
shoc stoie.
If James ltloom i'l 1 h id en
tente! himself to live in Cape l.irar-
deau county he would be alive to- lay.
Cut he sold out ami went into ail u::- j ol
civilized wildernss aud ho now sleep
under the sod.
Parlor suits, bed room KiliK an !
lining room furniture at specially low
:riccs at A. Walt her.
had ordered an
enormous number of railroad ties, fni
beyond the legitimate needs ol the
company. The price to he paid was
a fair one, and Mr. Moss, in good
I'aith. had made extensive prepara
tions by the establishment of tic
camps, the laying iu of supplies, and
ihe cmploymeut of men and horses iu
order In fulfill his part of the agrc- -iiieut.
As .wm as the new manage
ment realized that it would have to
take these ties which it did not want,
aud could not readily use, an order
was issued to cancel the coutracl.
This meant ru'.n for M r. Moss, aud he
applied to Jay Gould's sense of justice
and honor to save him from disas er.
Hi: showed that he made Ihe couir: ct
iu guo-l faith l"r a fair price, and
that he hid good ground for aci ni
ill Ihe courts if the contrai t was can
celed. This la-t argument never had
much force with Jay Gould, lb
kept coulracts only when it suited
his interests to do so. aud, as he told
Judge ll'illoti. ot his leg:l department,
mice. -It's your luispies to get us out
f such scrapes-: ili:.t s wnal you are
I.ir. Mr. Clark was also uppcaieu to
by Mr. Moss, and the result was that
ihe I'liioti Pacific look the tics at the
contract figure, advancing several
hundred thousands ol dollars, aim
then jr
Joba M. t'lHIrjr Prart.
JohuM. Cbiley one. of our oldest
ml most highly respected citizens
m l one of the best men that ever
tived, died at Ins lio ns in mis city
this morning at the r;;? oi l age of
sevent v-tive years. Mr. Clulcy wa
widely known and universally liked
and his dc:.t'i will be mourned by n
large circle of friends.
John M. Clul-y had h.:i cugiged
in the furniture and undertaking busi
ness in this citv ever since we rn:i
remember, and ivn can safely say that
during his lifclim.: he attended as
funeral director, a greater numb rr of
funerals thau any oilier man that ever
lived iu this city.
As soon as we are able to gather
the niloiiiiatioii necessnrj we will
give our readers a sketch ot the life
of this good aud u still I mm.
T ami bim taea
T. J. Moss, the largest railroad tie
contractor in the United States, died
at 11:45 last night at his home, 4303
Delniar avenue. Mr. Moss was also
President of the Paducah, Tennessee
and Alabama Railroad Company,
President of the Tennessee River Con
struction Company, Preaideut of the
Cape Girardeau Transportation Com
pany, President ot the Tennessee Mid
land Railroad Company, and was in
terested in several other large cor
porations. Mr. Moss was attacked
with the fatal illness ou Monday. Pr.
Heurv Mudd, who was in Chicago,
was telegraphed for, and came to this
citv bv special train. Tuesday morn
ing an operation for apendicilis was
succcsMuIly performed by Dra. Uucld
and Fickle, and hopes were entertain
ed for his recovery. Uraemic poison'
iug set in, however, and death soon
rametoihe patient's relief.
Fifteen veirs ago Mr. Moss was a
penniless boy in Tennessee. Although
only 35 years of age at the tiJie of his
death he was rated at over $1,000,000.
He. leaves a wite and t vo childaen.
Mr. Moss was b.rgely Interested
in Southeast Missouri and excepting
Uuis II tuck, has done more than
auv o!h2r m in who has lived to ae-
velop this s.?ctiou of the State. What
will become of his business in this
section is vet to be determined. It is
uot -irob dilc however that the work
nauguralcd by htm will be allowed
to ccaic.
We lake this method to thank our
many rriemls ana tnc menus 01 our
dear mother for their many acts of
kiudncss to us and the great respect
shown 10 our dear parent during her
illues mid at her funeral. Especially
do we thank thoc who contributed
.00 in in v Wan I i fid flowers.
Very Ilespetively,
Km if.. Tkii'hmann.
To secure the greatest bargains that
have been or will be offered in seasonable
coods. Greatest slaughter sale eYer start- ,
edand will be kept op until all sttmxnpr
goods and remnants of all kinds are Ol
posed of.
10 pieces Scotch Lawn price 7 eenti now 5 cetit 'V
10 pieces Irish Lawn double fold price 15 cents now td.cenU
5 pieces India silk fiinished mull price 15 cents now 10 cents
5 pieces Dotted Swiss Mull price. IJ cents now, AfV,cexi
5 pieces Printed Jaconet price 15 cents now .8 JjiJi, J
3 pieces Dotted Swiss Mull price 25 cents now-ifratf -cents.:
2 pieces Dimity Mulls price 15 cents now 10 cents.
5 pieces Louisianna Sattnes price 15 cents now 10 cents.
Indigo Blue Calicoes prtoe 7 cents now 5 cents.
Good Apron Check Ginghams price 8 1-3 cts now 7 cts
Good Bleached Domestic 5 cents.
20 Dozen Handkerchiefs 1 cent each. ;
Do not wait for some one else to give
as eood bargaius as we will, ior ai uuu
time you will be too old to appreciate them.
Now is the time to get some of the most
stylish and finest goods in the nwrket at
a great bargain. Terms of this sale, Spot
Casll. . npinnillirr
H. V. fUKUHIItl.
18 rear O. . C.
John U Miller is sole agent for this
rare ana lamoiis article, lwcniy
ceutf a drius two Hollars per Dome
Tu.-tt.-n IC:iiiiii.. u-a. called down
. : 1 tt.n cri.tuu 1.1 .itticrcointiatiies.
lull II ia--i L . v " v-.v.w. . " ......
, .... 1 1 iiurs.mr uie 10:1 ai"u:
rv a coiin e. 1 nai was a i.ne n
out the roup!" could wait no longer
and they had the knot tied. j
Ignorance of the merit of lc!
Witt's l.ittle Fai'lv Ki-.ers is a mis-,
fortune, lliese little pin- nvuijir
is paying good prices for them
Simon Hartell will present a
tiroiiosition to the City Council to-
ltigM to furnish electric lights for the
city for another term ot live years.
Let us keep a stiff upper lip with
.or f itr ot the third class. It was a
bad break wc made when we gave 11 1
at 5 cents each for the remainder ol
the sale. Flkntne & Wooi.
The Couuty Court refused to
grant a saloon license to .1. A. Frank
for a saloon in the Harris uuituiug ou
Themis street. Hie ttcciMou
untitled down this morning, Judge
Albert delivering the opinion.
Another attempt was made in
the Council last night to knock that
Sunday clause out of the license tax
... , .1 lin.nr hut it failed attain. 111c
our old cuancr uui we win gci mm. , -
vote stood lour 10 keep mc ud
ud three to knock it out.
after so long.
Judge F. M. Williams introduced
a resolution at the Council mceliug
last nteht asking for the release of the
icow for fifty days that they might be
crmittcd to tramp the weeds down.
The resolution failed ol doption.
The St. Louis Trust Company
Mill probably administer on the es
tate of T. J. Moss, deceased. This, we
ami inree i 1
1 1 - ..tlit1nr iiricfs at i 1U-
roiiuiar , i-i i;.,., t ,i.j,
linuinu o.
The steamer City of ShcfTield
struck a snag and sunk mine u-..-nessce
Kiver last Monday night. She
is not badly damaged aud she will be
raised in a few days.
rhiltlrrn like to lake " C. C. C.
. a s-uw." the ulcas-
uuderstand, will iusurc the carrying .ranieed rare for
uut of all the contracts made by T. J. Fever, Attn and malaria.
Mos. during bis lifetime. rJT-T .. r.er. druni.1
. ::... linn") ...... .
mo otreei uimmimuuv. 1 . . ,,,
... 't . I ir.ilrn.u t .Ullllllisniuui. ...
ordered last night by ttie oounc. .0 -" '"--,,., 1P clllo.
-i. :n r.tH ...r mann
... "I .. ...!..
mt re makius inore-io-i.u
discontinue all city w
orders. The good old Democratic
times and the tightness in moucy
mailers made this order necessary.
f t- rrrtmin Corn Cure'
trnoTM com, warts, "j"1
moles and eallonaea. W nrrau
d. ee that C.C.V. la olown
ioerv bottle. Take no other.
1.:... i..n l.ev arc over the l'residcut s
Lawn chairs and settee's at A
lim Young, the windy man of
Randol township was in the city to-
Jirais one of the way bacK
sw -le bv W. II. Coervcr, druggist llsv
ivttvthievinxi. again going on Democrats on whose uack u.c ,..o
I etty thieving ti again g , ,c u for frce
Karnea up on the corner of rrcaencn Aioen ifeucigu, - - e - -treat
and JefTcriou Avenue and stoic the Democrat a friendly call this
Barnes1 watch aud two or three morning, -ur ucueigu i u
dollars In money. Better fasten your prominent ia )c w. . .-,
doora and windows. He is also corresponoenw
.. .,... J.rk. metropolitan newspi. -
lioosier ,:....L-..i.-,ltr and some ofthepro-
wn this morning k .u.. 1MB1 mVXa wlth wlt
Court to grant him a saloon license uuci.u. .
for a saloon in the Harris building on and humor.
Themie afreet. -The "St. Louis I run wt .)
.tnrfnra with tha running ot the 1 J. Moss, uecea-, u
itcnere wuu " 0 I . . ;to tmnnral manatrcr
.turner New IdlewUd. We are in- nas oecu -i-k- " . . , .
steamer new wi"""- .... . ... . ,....:. ir Fristocisabusi-
th.t the last word that Jir 01 uie iw - -
STiS t. hto wife wM telling nesa maa-of snperior ability, and
aioaaapoac w lm.lness maua-cer for
that the Idiewuu was iwc u.-s - -
Mr. MOa ior several j
the liver, cure heada'-be. oyspepsia.
had breath, contioati.ui ami biliious
nes. 1. IScn .Millt'r, Druggist.
See our large line of reed and
upholstered rockers. A. WAi.iHKK.
J. N. Lucas has Ie ised the Kiver
View Hotel and will commence
operating the same as soon as the
necessary arrrngements can be in vie.
All reports to the contrary are with
out credit.
The return of gold fro-u Kurope
is as cheeriug as the oiler of bargains
by Hainan.
(Inn word ilescrives it -perfection.''
We refer to DcWitt's Witch
lla.el Salve, cures obstinate sore.
born', skin diseases ami is a well
known cure for piles. I. Hen Miiler,
T!ie colored Teachers Institute
which convened last Monday 111 m
.. , .- .1 1
at the liucoiu I'liouc mh
will last tlirce
weeks. .1. o. 1.000 is t oii.iih
the success of the institute is au as
sured fact, with such au able and
zealous worker at the helm.
ln careful what you do ami the
most care you ran do is to iraoe won
Little vegetable health producers:
DcWitt's Little Krly lliscrs cure
malarious disorders and regulate Ihe
stomach and bowels, which prevents
headache aud dizziness. L Bcu Miller,
Kor 12 cents. By sending your
address and twelve cents to the Col
lege of Correspondence, Kansas City,
Mo., you will receive, postage paid a
text book of Shorthand, especially
prepared for self instruction and in-
tructiou by mail. This boon is iar
uperior to any other shorthand text
book published. Only one copy will
be sent to any one address. may 1 9
All that honesty, experience aud
kill can do to produce a perfect pill
has becu employed in making De
Win'. Little Earlv Risers. The result
1 he Hurt Krmx t'rtfr License r
The City Marshal arrested Snm
liii'-klew. who was here reprcst nting
ihe Buckley Custom .-diirt Maun-
facturing (.'ompany of ft- L-.nis.
itin kl'.-w was Inking orders for shirts
without taking out a liceii.-e as rc
iiired by city ordinauce for sn.h
trading. He was notitic.l that it was
necessary for him to take out a liccuse
before he could g into business in
this city, hut he said he was instruct
ed by his hcusc to take orders for
shirts hero without a license and that
incl with Mr. Moss iudispos- "c proposed 10 ooej ...c
or his house let wnai come nwuu.
lie was arn-stcd, takcu before Re
corder Kngeliuauti and lined ten dol
lars aud the costs. Refusing to pay
l.U I'irip In- was locked up and he is
now iu the cooler anxiously availing
for lurther instructions from his
Mr. Itucklew claims that his house
makes lighting municipal! ies a special-
Bnrklrn-a Arnica Halve.
Tiik Bust Sai.vk in the world for
Cuts. Bruises, .Sores, Ulcers, Salt
Rheum. Kever Sores, Tetter, Chapped
hands Chilblains, Corns, and all Skiu
Eruptions, and positively cures Piles
or no pay required. It is guaranteed
to sive satislaflion.o r money refunded
Price 1'i ceuts r.er box. For sale at
Wilson's Drug Store
b.isiiiess men j
can tto if they will anil act 111 harmony
with each othf-r, instead of trying to
cut each other's throats. .Mr. Moss'
credit and fortune were saved by this
act of .lay tioulii's, which to Col.
Kordvre's eyes seemed to have been a
,1 1 ol liberal aud generous dealing,
worthy of roiiiuicul. aud of being
presented iu evidence iu favor of Mr.
tiotild at a time when everyone was
evidently endeavoring to tell of all
the had and evil actions Ihe dead
litiatti-ier had been guilty ot."
1 ttM?i&t; J
of srniffin-
Clothing E&rts,
Furnishing Goods.
Special Drives in Ladies and Gnts
. J nv. 1, r. r-t I mil. m. Ih. AWWh. HV.
W3rt kkliw.5. aitd U a pi'rai.t laxative Tilt drink a)
m.lr fi:.m h.'rtis. aad la prrfmroa for Sae aA aaally M
tea. is . n'aa
Tin mr.v. l kt .L4r.tl 1 narfuldmcffir freMtunp.
A Large variety of
which we will sell regardless of cost.
Louis H. Graes&o,
Cor. Broadway and Sprlgg.
Jarar. IlloomSrlil Killed.
E. Mc.lvinuey, a young tanner aud
liti.en of the county was iu the city
vcslcrdav and told what he had
1 ...- il...,- I.n-.t iiirf-r vet liee'
1 v nil t .-. .... . . Stmt. lnr.i. rtot-l..-3!::!y.ciii-nc.rT. Addnw
b if i iu the hiir'.ier courts. The re-!.. 'ttUATbU ..woouwakb. LcitUs,...
iorsts ot the decisious ot the higher
.'..iirts however, do not bear the
young man out iu this assertion.
The ordinance is a city law of this
city and until it is d- clared uiiconati
tytiona! or is knocked out by the
higher courts it will be enforced.
heard concerning the killing of Jas.
Ill, ifiidd. the rumor soou having
spracd very rapidly aud being met
with inteuse regret by our citizens.
1 reporter saw Mr. McKinuev
who said: 'A I came to towu Mrs
Wilson, wife ot the section foreman.
at Kistine, told me that Joliu lcmp-
sey had shot and killed Jim Bloom
ticlil. over iu Illinois.
Dcmpsey and liloomlicld were, it
seems, partners in the threshing busi
ness ami it is said that Icmpsey left
and took the thresher aud sonic money
he had collected, which Mr. Bloom
ticld went to see him about.
The reporter saw others who were
talkiug about the murder but every-
iliinff was I ased on ru r. It is said
that Dempsi-y wrote to his wite aud
told her that he had killed Jim Itloom-
Mr llloomlield is a proiniuent aud
wealthy citizen ot this city and Demp-
sey is a citi.en and farmer of the La
forge settlement. -Veic Madrid lie
cord. All Int.
Those who have used Pr. King e
New Discovery kuow its value, and
those w ho have not. have now the
opportunity to try it Free. Call on
the advertised Druggist and get a
Trial Dottle, Free, end yoiu name
and address to II. E. Uucklen & Co
Chicago, and get a sample box of Ir
lviug's New life Tills Free, as well as
Wants, For Sale, Lost, Etc.
S ii.tcrtc l an.l.T thl heil not exced-
in;r live, tin'. fur tt-ii crnls.
j osr A pair of spcstaelM. Fin.lfr will be
rcwarlcl by leaving name ai mia omc
Gape Qhsugpij ft Igd Go.
Cape 0-iraxa.eavL, Mo.
It Mlisnld t .ry .
.1. M. Wilson, 571 Clay St., Sharps-
bur", ra, says he will noi uc wi.iioui
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
Sumptiou, Coughs and Colds, that it
cured his wife who was threatened
with Pneumonia after an attack of
La (Jrilipe," when various other
remedies and several physicians had,
douc her no good. Ilobert Barber,
of Cooksport, Pa., claimes Dr. King's
New Discovery has done him more
good thananytbiug be ever used tor
Lung Trouble. Nothing like it. ir
it. Free Trial Bottles at Wilson's
Drug Store. Large bottles 00c. and
1'ott RKNT Sevi-acl -ool farm" Tvarthe city
' ..I i (iirarlfim K.r further hifurmatiou
ai'iitv C T Ij-wis. airent for lois tloaca.
ontcedajs WrUnndaT. and salardaa.
ar.STEO- -A hoTrv and aa.l.lle hors at
naiv I.', l-'iha-t.l na'tus mm, j w j
ulil. Apply to U. f. Giliouey.
I,sitIM On P!a-iih stTPft this moTonir, a i
a hail.l(-T!-,ieif C'i:ltlatnln somr Tami'im.
OtriiFTran haveaame by calliug at tbia offlce
ami i-rovinK propony.
vi'tn c t ? p rnll.l.lnA.1 Jerw ball calf.
I .1. .... -.'. ni.xnfh. nl.l . Te.l IwantV. Wilt
sell cheap. I'jr lull particular, call at thi
A. RUEDIGER, rrea.
A. J. LANG, Sec'y.
OTTO IIANNV, Gcnl Agent.
t llAMTrorrarmfTS.
is a speciric lor sick headache. bHlious- . f t; nj rj( t(J , ca)th orjilc-
a ...n 1 linn Aliller. ' - . - . - ,
n find constipation. L Ben Jlillcr.
K. Urban, of Terry county, who
was hero a hort time ago in the in
terest of the creamery business will
be here again on the 19th of August
nn the aaiiie erranJ aud will be glad
to meet as many of the business men
ot this city and substantial farmers ; AontT, i.-mi.
of this couuty as possible. dwl9. j S""ni Brow,!'
I Mary mury,
Did yon ever know a legislature t Alice imeti.
to adjourn without some newspicr Pred ianherty.
savins it "-had done nothing of value':" . Mm MUta s-a.
hold Instructor, Free. All of which
w criiaraliieed lo do VOU irood and
cost you uolhiug at Wilsou'a Dru(
he is fa-
Llsl or Mall alaMer
Kemarntni; uncalled for In the poat oflioa o:
uiranleaa, oounty or i- oirau
tt Miaaeaa,
lot iha week eadUig
I -.0:.. alh ihn business be
-lion. Louis Houck rctuniea uome more people.
Will Rrow,
Clara Hotfinana.
E Pamela.
Gideon trd.
Mra C R narrinatoo
Ken O Bannm,
Tildy Wie,
W II Baker,
Her T W Keaiicy
SLLonis this morning where i" charge.
t. i,..l W tomttendthe funeral of
T.J. Moss. Mr. Hoifct wm one 01
the pU-bearers at the luncral.
tent man could not Lave been found
ti place at the bead of Mr. Mos busi
ness than Mr. Fristoc
rn.'.-.- th. .l.tr..rnep hetween a lewis- . Jno L Hendrix.
ture and Hainan. He close np every "1w"f',,r'
will have ! nisht allcr a record of gootl .lone , Mi,chdi
I Pcraoaa calling for any of Um abore lettera
1- . ... . .h. nn.ra vUl DteM aav "Mx",
-IBCWiiamiu.....".- ' . thialirt. II not called for wttbin two ir-ek.
House Ue ia the finest soda fountain jinbeMntto tha Dead Letter omee at
in the State outside of v. Lotus. waatiingtve uw.
O. VRAM1?!,
Taie city ""'"''
I ran
Iu 181-') Thomas Johnson was
mayor of this city: Robert St urdivaut,
William Surrcll and T. J. Rodney
members of the board of council from
the first ward, and James Sitton,
Thomas IJaldwiu aud Joseph Ijus-
mau from the second ward The tol-
excerut from the minutes of
. r - - -
the board is somewhat suggestive as
the diligence of the collector of this
city 47 years ago: "The collector pro
fited deliufpienllist tor the ror-
por iteyear 1815, amounting to 10,S.'.
aud a.-kcd a credit for that amount,
which on motion of Mr. Sturdivant
was allowed, aud a committee con
sistiuc of Messrs. Rodney and St urdi
vaut, appointed to settle wltn tne
The Brat IM Market.
It is a well kuown tact that some of
the finest whisky in this market is the
celebrated goods from tne wnoiesaie
house of J. W. McCullocb, Owensboro.
Kentucky. The goods from this house
have not been extensively advertised
nor do they need advertising to any
ereat extcut They have the merit
that commend them to all judge of
:ood liquors.
Th following dealers in this city
sell the McColloch brands of whisky.
. ...... . 1. lul nf nn rp
anu inose wauua
liquors should call on them aud call
too for Owensooro, iventucay uquor
Chas. Bo rev, Peter Maul, Castxr
We hare eoroe Ane
Dure bred Ball c.ilces foraale cheau or will
. - 1 vl.a . or IUU I1AI-
lake in ernaii5e win, -- ' ' :
st.in Dairy. lw'' lm
I. OK SM.E-lhTewooo.l work mole, and I
twi gmid brw).l man-s with colta. and I waut I
... ...11 ..i.hne th.. mnle. or the marea. ror I
rartieui.r. call and sec meat my I arm near I
ihe lair (iromida. AL. us.
I?OR REST Fir. Rood mm In second atnry
1 ..fa liniMini: e-iiiveulcntly located, lor
further particulars can on .mun .mn.
Tiin H:T Four niceroonw. aeeond a lory.
r .l.-iraMe locition, aoaUiern eapoeDre.
Adaini Dcane, Agentii
ccotatct and
v-v ,1, au v aiiUmlhl farm. 10 aerea.
a jciei in cultivation, i Blflea north of city on
Irec. nvel road ror pamcaian w vm
address Alama 4 Deaae. AienU.
V GiraPlemu and rieimry. uoem
tuiM, ..Ml we lamina the beet and
most coinniete outlit eeer prodded by anr
lin-M.. Write at nee for terma. Send refer-
rncea. Wa ianiakcr Brown, Philadelphia.
nevn ilr. cent, in noataav BtamDate
1 Cmma, . i lt.illdi-.0 Washington l. C.
and tou will receive four copiea of Kale Fleld'a
WaehiiEt..T. eontainmlf mailer oi eci.i in- i
ti'le: t. 5i e i.ame and addreaa, ana aay wncre I
you .aw Una adveruseraen.
asnn SALE Ire Gasolina Store. Twlnel
- Inrmer. I-i aoodcoiHlition. anptTto'!
Cawihroa, iy.
N. W. Corner Main and Broadway,
Cape G-iraxd.ea.'UL, - 2d.o
Broadway past Last Chance I
nuiuis-K ijiim;r no ml. of P.
, ConrwiUonaeTeTT mnayBitrnt. t.u'e
Hall lu tlur n.Mroi ntaraivBTK nan.
I buildin Viaitins Kniitht. welcomed
Ja. Ml KUSA, U. OIK C3.
IV. W. Jruu. C. C.
Blount's True Blue Plows, Bock
Island Plows, Pony Plows
and Double Shovels.
FupniliiF3 nnd Oirtdiiio
Lirgsst Stock, Latest Styles. lowest Prices.
OCl anl iaiptect-my stock; asvirtrn-int complete.
iCoracr liroadway and Middle Streets

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