OCR Interpretation

New Ulm review. (New Ulm, Brown County, Minn.) 1892-1961, January 22, 1913, Image 1

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89081128/1913-01-22/ed-1/seq-1/

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tV.,,'-w $vra*&. wt
Champion Found
For "Bad" Boys
^'Superintendent C. ft "Mefiet
Proves Fitness For Po
I sition He Holds. ,'
The Friend Of The Bad Boy
Calls Parents and Society
*, To Account
'*8tMd»f room only" at tha Con
gregational Church lest Thursday
evening •bowed tbe keen Interest taken
by the people to general when 8upt
C. O. Merle* of the Red Wing Train
ing School for boya wee announced
bytbeMeo'e Club aa tbeir apeaker.
Mr. Meriea spoke to tbe paplls of (be
High School in the eilerneoo end ia
ihe evening faced ma audience thai
Clad every MM to the, church and
liatened attentively to every word of a
•speech lasting more than an hour, on
"Tbe Boy Problem."
Tbe speaker's intense persocality
cannot be properly convened to those
of our waders who did not hear him
nor la II ptesiMe to give lav detail tbe
ty intereetleg! and witty digram
eionsofbis lallt. He laid ao touch
that Uls Impoeslble to report it
.'$ hatha but we give as near as possible
$ his own expreealoos and carry his
|i thamathru aa be worked it out, leav
#, leg out much that added to tbe eater
taiomeot aad kept the interest at high
jji pitch.
""All my life I
all my lite ba« been a, sumajbasto
work. 8oa*ortbesadeja wkjntbe
summons to work is not so insistent
aad when my. daily »e% soaps to be
over I ant going to prepare a regular
lecture, something thatjriil seem to be
like tbe lecture of other folks, eome*
6 thing finished And: wall rounded put,
something upon some ii.tcre.tlag eon?
Now Jor Instance there is tbe
%^borse. Some day I am going to pre
pare a lecture on tbe horse. Or the
eow. One could make a most interest
ing talk on the cow If one bad time to
7 prepare for it. And there is the
American bog,—hog iu more senses
than one. What a lot of interesting
tbiogs could be said on that subject!
But I have never had time to arrange
a (lecture on any of these interesting
topics and I have come here to talk to
you about a boy. This being so UD
interesting and so uninviting and un
attractive. The boy who is always in
the way, a fellow who has too many
feet, too many hands and who has tbe
unhappy faculty of always being at
tbe wrong place at the right time.
'•There is a boy on whom I might
have prepared a lecture who is his
mother's own angel child. He has long
'iaxen curls aud a beautiful complexion
"with beautiful blue eyes and be wears
in the summer a white sailor suit upon
the sleeves of which his mother has
put an anchor. But this is not the
boy I want to talk to you about.
That boy has no flaxen curls and
doesn't want any because they give
hie opponent an unfair advantage in
tbe daily scrimmage. His complexion
may be fair if you are able to get
beneath the dirt to find out, and he
uses the same words that folks use at
prayer meetings but they area little
differently arranged. I can see him
now as one can see him every day in
tbe cities. I saw him the other day
going around a building and there
wae another boy ahead of him. The
boy behind bad a olub in his bands a
true Ishmaelite is this boy I have
eome to talk to you about tonight,
and this boy with the club in his
hands oftentimes later in life comes
to own the bank, to own the mill, to
own the store, to own the farms and
the mother's angel child with flaxen
eurls and blue eyes keeps his books
and runs his errands for him.
"Now, in a discussion of any. sub
ject we are always confronted with
more or less difficulty when we attempt
to agree upon a definition of the
abstract thing we want to discuss.
There is the word "wrong," for
instance. Unfortunately, we do not
all of us use tbe same dfctionary,
apparently, in this world. What is
•wrong?" Why, wrong is very likely
to be tbe thing that some other fellow
i: does that you do not care much about
doing. Wrong is so likely to be
.^ some other man's temptation that
never attracted you very much.
|r Wrong dwells in our neighbor's
house. Wrong is the thing.tbat other
folks like to do. When like to do it
then It ceases to be wrong. I remem
hm? indeed very distinctly a little
woman whom I knew in Earlier life as
being very bitter against whist play
fig and tbe sins' of card playing.
Later on she learned to play and
became one of tbe most ardentedvo
oetes of tbe &*me and even argued
'about the tntellectual value of it
What,ls wrong? Have you succeeded
la making a definition of wrong?
"Wrong is violation of the law made
by somebody," but we are not out of
our dlffloulty yet for there is the matter
of the validity and force and obser
vance of the rule or the law. There is
ae old lae/book that says "If a man
smite thee upon thy cbeek thou ahalt
turn) him the other also." I never saw
anybody obey that- law. That same
old law book says, "If any man take
thy Cloak forbid him not to Mice thy
coat also," but if a fellow starts off
with your overcoat, are you in the
habit of rushing out after him and
suggesting to him that be. forgot your
coat and vest? No, we don't, any of
.us, follow put tbe very letter of the
law. I have known a good many
people who are able to sro to the front
seats of the meeting bouse and who
may have a good deal of influence in
tbe weekly prayer meeting, and yet,
in their daily business practices they,
somehow, manage to wander far from
the laws of fellowship as laid down
by the master they profess to follow.
Does society brand them as wrong
•Then what is«'wrong?" It seems to
me that wrong iafsilure to conform to
what a community, large or email,
towuhvide, or world wide, perhaps, has
decided upon as right and proper the
failure to conform to the social con
cessions made by the people of today.
But suppose you do not know what
Jheoe social eoacessionrare. Is the
^blftion of1them then a wrong? ..%
"It Is easier for you to lead a life
itlnued on slajb page
Siisiect Arrestel
Thursday nightof last week, the dry
goods store of Geo. B. Brett, In& of
Mankato was entered by some bold
burglar^who managed to get away
with two pieoee of silk, but in turning
the trick, must have cot his band as
bloodstains were found. Our local'
police were notified of the robbery and
on Saturday Policemen John T.
Herzog and William Emmerich
arrested a man who was standing on a
street corner selling shoe-strings, cuff
buttons and collar buttons and took
him to the County Jail. He claimed
to be a deaf mute and gave his name
as Ray Adams. He wore a bandage
on tbe left hand which, when removed,
disclosed two cuts in the'palm. Chief
of Police Klause put the suspect thru
a course of sprouts and Deputy
Sheriff Brust tried different tricks on
him, but Ray Adams never tipped
himself off and the officers are almost
convinced that the arrested man is not
faking. Tbe authorities at Mankato
were communicated with and the
Deputy Sheriff of Blue Earth County
came up here Monday with a John
Doe warrant and took tbe 'suspect to
Mankato on tbe afternoon train.
Bowling Scores
The bowling team of the K. C.
council of Mankato met their Water
loo at tbe bowling alleys at tbe
Catholic school house, Thursday
evening, losing out by 228 pins. The
following scores were made:
New Ulm K. of C. 4 2. 3. Total
Carl EicLten
Ray Pfefferle. ...
Dr. O. J. Seifert..
Ed. Berg
Dr. A. V. Seifert.
...130 145 150
...139 174 I2S
...187 121 140
...135 169 147
...117 133 179
Totals 708 742 744 2,194
Mankato K. of C. 1. 2 3. Total
Jos. Huettl 131 104 104 339
Geo. Guth 166 98 105 369
P. Landkammer 112 129 136 377
Louis Hitti 129 199 168 496
Otto Lamm 142 91152 3c5
Total 680 621 685.1,966
Fire broke out in the Porstner Bros,
garase at about 8:30 o'clock Wednes
day night, but luckily it was ex
tinguished before any damage was
done. The back part of the parage
had been partitioned off with building
paper and canvas and as Henry
Forstuer passed through the door of
this partition with a lighted candle
the canvas caught fire. Henry passed
on into tbe basement without noticing
what had happened, but tbe fire
climbed rapidly up the partition and
he ran back and applied a fire ex
tinguisher. Tbe fire company turned
out but
political machine upon the raainanta"
of tbe Sam Y. Gordon organization.'
He offered the position of chief oieirk
to the speaker to James Aracaon,'
private secretary of former Lieutaoaat
Governor Gordon. Mr. Aroeeon,'
however, decided that tbe role of
tobacconist to the Rines organicsttOD
would be a more lucrative position
Hepaaaad up tbe .clerkship for the
cigar stand.
is I. A. Caawell, clerk of the supreme^
court, a near Bull Mooser. Like^Mr.
Rines, Mr. Caswell ^followed,, the
Colonel even to tbe heights of 'ATwia^
geddon. When iteame.to^leaving |ht
parifto follow tbe Colonel farther W
balked, but gave aid secretly to the
Rooeeveli forces, ae a dleesotlag
member of the RepuMloea party,
For awhile be was Gordoo'e^pojNcal
advisor.-' •"', '•,•{-{ "-^v
Mr. Riaeahae seleeted asoamof his
floor leaders C. T. Knapp, .GWsJtohav,
of Gordon's menagere as lb
primarkm. Mr. Kaapp «af
dlreoily oader the influence of Caeeter.
D. Coogdon of Duluth, during tbe
'ast regular session He fought ton
nage tax aad stood wiib the steel trust
and other iotereete on neariyf every
count. At the special session, he
bloesoawd out as a progreaslve Re
publican. Then be waa maaaging
Gordon's campaigns andk the cards
W ats«Kaa^lff#a^^
ed, however, an early report on re
epportionment and waa properly
charged with the failure of that
measure to get a fair bearing at tbe
special session.
It ia a matter of speculation bow
long tbe Rines organization can exist
without internal dissensions. It is a
motley collection at best. There is
John G. Lennon of Hennepin county,
a recent convert to the so-called pro
gressive principles and W. I. Nolan,
a La Follette Republican, both
shoulder to shoulder in tbe Rines
Organization. Thomas Kneeland of
Hennepin, a rampant stand-patter and
generally classed ae a re-aotionary
Republican is as much a part of the
Bines Organization ae Thomas Frank
son, of Spring Valley, a radical of
the most ultra type. Mr. Rines'
efforts to keep the fifty-seven varieties
of Republicans on his staff in line
will be watched with considerable
interest by the Democratic members of
the House.
There are 20 Democratic members of
the House and 100 Republicans. In
other words one-fifth of tbe lower body
is Democratic. There are fifty-four
committees as the House is organized
by tbe Rines machine. On these fifty
four committees, the Democrats are
represented by only two chairman
ships or one twenty-seventh of tbe
total chairmanships. Albert Pfaen
der, tbe able floor leader of the
minority got tbe "prize" assignment
of chairman of tbe committee on
crimes and punishments. Frank
Minnette, Democratic candidate for
speaker is assigned to tbe chairman
ship of the state trsining school
In the Senate where the Democrats
constitute twenty .members out of a
membership of sixty-three, the partj
fared a little better. J. A. A. Burn
quist, lieutenant governor, gave teo
Democrats chairmanships. There
are forty-three committees in the
senate, so tbat tbe Democrats get
about a fourth of tbe chairmanships
which is nearer a just ratio than ob
tains in tbe House. The situation, in
the House, however, only confirms the
fact that Mr. Rines was elevated to
tbe speakership only after he had
pledged practically everv position of
trust at his disposal. The scant treat
ment of the Democrats clearly indi
cates this. That he won bis victory
without a pledge, is an empty boast.
In the Senate, Democrats will pre
side over the following committees:
Agriculture and Horticulture, Thomas
their services were not re-jCashman: Banks and Banking, M.J.
Madella Times-Messenger. {McGratb Charitable Institutions,
Legislative News From
State and National Capitals
Democrats Get Scanfcft!onside?ration A't Hands' of Speaker
Rines In Matter. O House Committee
Congressman Hammond Interested In The Tariff Question,
Especially The Beet Sugar Schedule.
Unless all signs fail, HenryRlnee,
speaker of the Houae, is building hio^anidpal Corporations, Collar State
Albert Schaller Insurance, Moooan
Another close advisor of Ifr. Blnea the Eighth district where it is political
Soldiers' Home and Military Affairs,
C. P. Cook Towns and Counties, H.
Jfc. Cheadle Engrossment, A. A.
Poehler Enrollment, J. J. Abmann
ftjtte Training School, J. D. Sullivan.
A glance at the House oommittee on
Taxee shows the following members
v4o)eajsly opposed to the passage of a
tonnage UA. R. C. Dunn, A. J. War
ner, C. H. ftibenack, D. P. O'Neill and
W H. Weeebtt. Mr. Rines resides in
^sbjeide to favor a tonnage tax. Bepre
peoUtiTes Bjorge and Frenkson, how
ever, pill leadthe fight for a tonnage
4^x were given places on the tax com
sailtee. bit belied, however, that
tti committee is packed against, a
IbanageHi' .--: i,
.With but* few more than fifty jobs
ar his diejaoeal, Mr. Rinee was
by'^05 hungry Republican
icatlooj and tbeir 0,000 or more
out frlapoe: The Rapubllcana
hardly.?say that too. Democrats
O0mj»upgex,' aliar such aa exbi
eaadoan able ploa
^aeeure rep^eaeotatioo for the Demo
atisalc party on the rules committee.
Hiinry Rinee missed an excellent
Opportunity i^ do the magaaoimouk
thing by giv|og the minority repre
sentation upon this important com
mittee, He followed the machine tao
^J^jhta jiredeceaaors, and denied
|f%|^raetiaM.even. a-member on-tae
committee which shapes the organiza
tion of the House. But Mr. Rices Is
a candidate for state auditor two
years hence and must "make" or
"mar" his political fortune this year.
Upon the whole, the organization Of
either house from a Democratic stand*
point does not differ materially from
past, years. Mr. Burnquist in the
Senate was more inclined to be fair—
or as fair as the CIague-Haycraft
combine allowed him to be than was
Mr. Rines in the House. The distri
bution of committee appointments, as
far aa the Democrats are concerned,
does not differ materially over former
Lieutenant Governor Burnquist is
up against an embarassing situation
already. He was indorsed by tbe
Bull Mooters at tbe fall election.
Already he has given it out privately
that he is opposed to legalizing the
Progressive party. How is that for
gratitude? Tbe Democrats, however,
seeing the justice in tbe claim of the
Progressives for recognition at the
next primaries will support the
measure. Tbe Progressives do not
intend to lobby for tbeir bill, bat
some of tbe Republicans who are
nursing political ambitions will find
Progressives opposing tbem by peti
tion two years hence. Henry Rines is
opposed to recognizing the Pro
gressives, although be supported
Roosevelt last fall. The fact tbat be
entered into a bargain with such re
actionaries as Lennon and Kneeland
indicates clearly that he is going to
play the strict party game during the
There will be one member of the
Minnesota delegation in Congress who
will profit by the change of adminis
tration after March 4. Tbat member
is Representative Hammond from the
secona district, Ever since be has
been in Congress he has been compelled
to take a back seat when it came to
having a say as to the distrioution of
patronage in his district, tbat per
quisite being in tbe bands of the two
Minnesota Senators. But after Wil
son is sworn in the situation will be
reversed, and Hammond will then be
in position to command some of tbe
plums at the disposal of Democratic
However,' it is Stated that most cf
Hammond's post office appointments
will not come due until some time in
1915, at least the larger offices at
his disposal. For the present, and
until after March 4 he will not attempt
to change tbe orderly progress of
events by endeavoring to make chang
es in postmastersblps and unless the
Democrats in the Senate, who have
been conducting an old faabiooed
deadlock for the purpose of obstructing
Republican nominations, change tbeir
tactics a number of Republican post
masters in Minnesota, whose terms4
exjire before March 4*^rlll fail to se
cure reapnointo|s|t.
But tnercHb) someindlcatiob tbat the
deadlock may be broken in time to
confirm these nominations before the
close of the Tali administration. In
the Senate a two-thirds vote Is re
quired to put through Presidential
nominations. It haa always been a
pert of Senatorial eourteey on the
part of the minority to permit of con
firmation appointments coming about
In the regular cbaoaele of procedure
Tbe Senate Democrata are beglaning
to realize that if they pereiat io iheir
oostruotlva tactics, they may receive
similar treatment from the Republican
minority after March 4
It ia not strange, therefore, tbat the
Democratic wing of the Senate is
showing signs of giving way, and per
mitting regular nominatione to go
thru, drawing tbe line, however, io
eases where it seems to be tbe evident
intention to defraud the Democrats oi
offices properly belonging to tbem
There was a ease of a poet office in
Minnesota, where the postmaster re
cently resigned, it is stated, in favor
of a close relative, the apparent pur
pose being to continue in office a kins
man, of the postmaster. Tbe Demo
cratic,leadere in tbe Senate emphatic
ally object to any such ruse, aa they
term it, Aral it aesms clear to many that
they will not lnterpoee objection to
nominations of poslmaawas wboas
terms of office expires before March 4.
on ways and means, which tyinow
aetiveiy angaged In tariff bearings,
Bsvraaaalattve Hammond will occupy
a'plana of unusual vantage in tha
oounella of his party, and at tha same
Continued on fourth page
A Sweet Bevefl|e
"Why dose a Basket Bawl" wajp the
name of a very interesting little farce
staged by ten repreeentativea of-the
New Ulm an&Bt. James High School*
at*thT"Turner "Hall gynmae'ium last
Friday night. The evening, according
to schedule, was to have been spent in
tbe vigorous winter pastime of basket
ball but, as the St. James boys posi
tively refused to carry out tbeir share
of the programme, the farce was put
on instead with tbe New Ulm boys in
tbe leading roles. The visitors played
the minor parts very minor in fact.
When the evening's travesty came to
a close the scorers, who had worked
harder than any one elee during tbe
game, declared tbat tbeir adding
machines registered 64 points for the
local boys and were unable to find
more than 3 points to the credit of the
youtbe from the Saintly city. The New
Ulm boys feel tbat tbe stigma of last
year's defeat at tbe bands of St. James
is now pretty well obliterated.
From the very start it was apparent
tbat the only point of interest in tbe
game wae to be the size of the score
and tbe home boys commenced to
register with a monotonous regularity.
The half ended with tbe score 38 to 1
in favor of New Ulm. Tbe second
period was simply a repetition of tbe
first but, as it was only fifteen minutes
in length, the score was not so heavy
and tbe boys had to be content with
only 26 new points. St. James won a
wild round of applause from tbe
spectators by venturing to score tbeir
only field-basket, thus showing tbat
tbeir study of New Ulm methods had
not been in vain.
Tbe game was by far tbe poorest
exhibition of basket- ball seen in New
Ulm this year. Tbe visitors were a
green and untried team whose know
lege of the game seemed to be extremely
limited. Tbe lack of resistance de
moralized the team work of the local
boys and their playing was very
ragged in spots.
The boys journey to St. Peter next
Friday to taugle with the strong High
School team and tbe week will be
spent in strenuous preparations for
the event.
The Lineup.
New Ulm St. James
Amann r. f. Ostrum capt)
Sniiert 1. f. Hawkins
Cordcs (capt) c. Heineman
Gieseke g. Biermann
Hueveimann 1. g. Fuller
Goals from field: Amann, 7 Seifert.
11 Uordes, 7 Gieseke, 5 Hawkins, 1
Free throws: Cordes 4 out of 6, Hawk
ins, 1 out of 7. Referee, Lewis
Umpire. Mullenauer.
The Young Ladies' Sodality of the
Catholic Church have arranged for a
costume party to be given at the
Assembly Hall, Sunday evening, Jan.
26th. This will be for the members of
their society only.
At Cheap Rates
utual I
Sifrk Farmers'
suraDce Co. Increases
Gash Balance.
New Sweden Farmers' 1912
Losses Less ThanDuring- iji^l
.£ -'.
At the annual mentiaf the- Stare:
Farmere' Mutual Fire laaaianoo Co.,
held at tbe city of Sleepy Eye oa
Monday, January I3tb the followiag
nine were elected by the policy holder*
as directors for the ensuing year:
Peter Carstenaen, BdEea Isidore
Haas, Cottonwood John Hanson,
Prairieville Herman Albreeht, Mil
ford Nic Schwartz, Leavenworth
Arnold. Hilleebeim, Stark H. A.
Hillesheim, Slgel John Cutting
Home Wm. Preebl, fiurtwtown.
The board organised by re-electing
Arnold Hillesheim, Praa. Ia!
Haaa, Vice Pree. Nlc Sebw
Treasurer andJphaCuttiag, Secretary
ThfOojppany wUlha represented in
the different Towns by the followiag
age-la: A. W. Peoeeaoe, Basbaw
J.L. Farrell, Stately J.'..-J. Ryan,
North" Star C. M. Mo Barnstawn
W. H. Sebullz, BrookviUe Ole Jar
gensan, Linden Hans Blgurdsoa,
Albln MO. Kramaraieh, Mulligan:
Jacob Lieaaafald, Dalton, aad it wa*
reeolved to write iaauraaes also iat
Selnyai Tpwnehip. ', •.' ''-.\i
•iifflost a cash balance oftfiLK
on hand Dec 31, lill, there was'on
banda|tbeeodof tbelaa^ aeeal year
the sum of fIM.64. TWtreaaurer'e
f| showed receipts and dmborea
tbe year aafeBowa:.
,*f""' ••.-•• HKO-PPIO.''7' '*.«***-'
BalcasbonhaDdDee.31,lWl.» 6t.»
Cash received from assessments 4800:00
Csrirreceived from premiums. 1 iv-flo-^
Cash borrowed from bankr. 600 00
"Total.. ........:
Paid losses..............V..
Paid loan of 1911
Paid loan of 1912
Paid current expenee
Cash on band Dec. 31, 1918.
.. ?00 0O
.. 600
.. 768.W
.. 794,50
Total M1Q01&
On Dec. 31, '12 there waa insurance
amounting to 15,178,330 in force, aa
increase of I200,(KJO Over tbe previous.^
ear. Four hundred forty-one ntfj j,
policies aggregating 11,116,738 in
suranoe were issued and insurance to -f
tbe amount of #915,738 lapsed durlnjj
the year. No assessment was levied
during the year 191! and only 10
cents during i912 on every 0100 in
surancecarried. A total of 31 claims
were paid during the year, tbe heaviest
loss being that of Joeeph Ubl of?
Hanska to whom was paid tbe sum of
01087. Tbe smallest loss was $$00
paid to J. J. Mauget for damage done
to a rocking chair by fire. The,^
business has been highly satisfactory
and was certainly conducted with a
very small expense to the company.
Losses from fire in the district
covered by the New Sweden Farmers'
Mutual Fire Insurance company were
considerably lower last year than in
1911. This was shown by the report
of Secretary John Webster, as sub
milled at the annual meeting of the
stockholders, held in Blank's ball at
Nicollet Monday afternoon, January
13. In 1911 they reached a total of
013,096.44, but last year dropped to
•7,477 82.
J. M. Turner, president of tbe com
pany, presided at the annual meeting,
which was well attended by the stock
holders. Io calling the thirty fiiti
yearly meeting to order he stated that
the company had been very fortunate
intern tte.- of lossts, and then called
upon Secretary John Webster for the
iatter's report. The financial portion
of it was as foliows: *,
Cash on hand Jan. 1, 1912....$ 7447
Received from premiums 3,401.65
Received from assessments... 5,169 75
Total $8,645.87
Losses paid $7,477,82
Current expense 567.97
Loan paid 400.00
Cash on hand Dec. 81, 1912... 198 08
Total f8,6#5.87
There has been a steady increase in
the company's business. On Jan. 1,
Continued on back page

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