OCR Interpretation

Warren sheaf. [volume] (Warren, Marshall County, Minn.) 1880-current, February 20, 1913, Image 1

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90059228/1913-02-20/ed-1/seq-1/

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Grain, Corn and Potato Contest Held
at Crookston School of Agricul-
tureA. D. Vansickle Won Grand
Championship and Sweepstakes
for Corn, Also Sweepstakes for
Oats and Barley County Also
Wins Sweepstakes for Wheat and
Marshall county farmers scored
heavily at the grain contests held at
the Crookston School of Agriculture
in connection with the short course,
thus demonstrating again the great
productivity of Marshall county soil.
It is a significant fact that the
grand championship in corn for the
9th Congressional District was won
by Marshall county, one of the more
northern counties of the district,
and A. D. Vansickle, of Warren,
carried off the honors. Who says
now that northern Minnesota is too
cold ftjr com?
The barley entry by Mr. Van-
.'**sickle was pronounced by the judges
and other grain experts to be the
best sample of barley they had ever
'seen. '^:.:\-t^[
I Ole Elden, of Alvarado, won the
sweepstakes for wheat and Nols
Hvidsten, of Stephen, for potatoes.
Our neighbor county, 'Pennington,
won the sweepstakes for flax.
The following are the prizes
detail by Marshall county winners:
Grand Championship in Corn
For 9th Congressional District,
won by Northern Section Represen
ted by Af|ll^rTati9lrM#v- Warren
*0 ears Muihesota No *23jjSBS^P^-
K| Sweepstakes for Northern Section
(Counties north of Norman Co.)
Marshall County
A. D. Vansickle, Warren.
Premium6 shovel corn cultiva
tor, donated by Deere & Webber.
jsSweepstakes for Southern Section
(Counties south of Polk Co.)
Norman County
J. E. C. Volland, Ada, White Dent.
PremiumCorn planter, donated
"by Avery Co.
Sweepstakes for Potatoes
Won by Marshall County.
Nols Hvidsten. Stephen.
PremiumSulky plow, donated by
Oliver Plow Co.
s, Sweepstakes for Wheat
Won by Marshall County.
Ole Elden, Alvarado, Minn.
Premium2 1-2 h. p. gasoline en
gine, donated by International Har
vester Co.
Sweepstakes for Oats
Won by Marshall County.
I A. D. Vansickle, Warren.
Premium, $20 in cash, donated by
Agricultural School Short Course,
Sweepstakes for Barley
Won Marshall County.
A. D. Vansiekle, Warren.
Premium, De Laval Cream Separ
ator, donatpd by De Laval Separa
tor Co.'
Sweepstakes for Rye
Won by Norman County.
I Gilbert Peterson,'Fertile.
-j Premium, 1 3-4 h. p. Stickney gas
oline engine, donated by Chas. A.
Stickney Co.
Sweepstakes for Flax
Won by Pennington County.
.1. S. Brown, Thief River Falls.
Premium, $10 cash, donated by
Agricultural School Short Course,
County Awards
For Corn
1st -r- A. D. Vansickle, Warren,
IgGrand champion also).
For Wheat
l8toie Elden, Alvarado, Minn.
(Sweepstakes also).
2ndPeter Erickson, Viking.
3rdMunger & Son, Warren.
For Oats :gfl|T
1stA. D. Vansickle, /Warren,
(Sweepstakes also).
2ndNels Hvidsten, Stephen.
3rdOtto Hjelle,,West Valley.
For Barley
1stA. D. Vansickle.W Warren,
also). Sweepstakes
2ndOtto Hjelle, West Valley.
For Rye
1stOle Elden, Aharado.
2ndOtto Hjelle, West Valley.
For Flax
1stNotto Jacobson, Stephen.
2ndElling Jorgenson, Argyle.
3rdOtto Hjelle, West Valley.
For Potatoes
1stNels Hvidsten, Stephen.
(Sweepstakes also).*
2ndA. D. Vansickle, Warren.
3rdOtto Hjelle, West Valley.
A nurses1
A. D. Vansickle Wins the National
Championship on Wheat, Oats and
Barley at National Corn Exposi-
tion at Columbia, S. C.
Ten championships were won b.y
Minnesotans at the National Corn
exposition at Columbia, S. C.,' last
week. The prizes form the.great
est array ever won by one state in
a national tournament.
Minnesota prize winners follow
A. B. Lyman, Excelsior, world's
championship alfalfa Ingebretsen
Bros., Lake Park, world's champion
ship flax- Frank Stiffter, Gokato,
world's championship timothy seed
John Henderson, Cokato, world's
championship sweet corn A. D.
Vansickle, Warren, hard wheat,
white oats and two row barley, na
tional championship. J. O. Hender
son, Cokato, yellow oats, national
championship: A. D. Wells, Pine
City, yellow dent corn, world's
alumnae has been or
ganized for the purpose of further
ing the interest of the: Warren-Hos-.
plt^^-iTlpaJftTnit ^choiolfe-IDiBoeWI
%erg electe|d as follows: M^ry^Dartiti
quist, President Anna Erlandson,
Vice President Marie Olson, Secre
tary Carrie Skallerud, Treasurer.
Board of Directors, Mrs. Green, Mrs.
C. Erickson, Mrs. J. E. Budd, Anna
Erlandson, Carrie Skallerud, Clara
Wood, Marie Olson, Mary Dahlquist.
Mrs. Green deserves much credit for
her interest in the welfare of the
nurses. We hope to see the good
work of this organization grow and
prosper. At a later date the Alum
nae expects to give a more com
plete account of their work.
Don't forget the Travelling School
of Traction Engineering at Warren
Auto Company's garage, where the
Universal Gas Tractor sold by
Lundgren, Wittensten & Co., will be
demonstrated. Remember the time
and the place.
Will Demon-
strate the
ENGINES Feb. 24 to
March 4
the day during which he is
hue he loses the connection that any
part of a subject has with other
parts. His work thus becomes more
difficult for him, with each day lost,
until the final result is a dislike for
school and school work.
Many a boy and girl would remain
in school to complete the course,
were it not for their lack of punctu
ality and regularity in attendance
which so often results in their
quitting school.
In order to correct an apparent
misunderstanding of the rules of the
Warren school in regard to the pay
tment of tuition, I wish to reiterate
what has formerly been, said. The
Warren school district has associat
ed with it, four rural schools:
Neither the pupils from these dis
tricts nor the districts are required
to pay tuition. Pupils attending any
grade below the high school, from
districts not associated, are required
,j r^umci engines, i resners ana.Plows
Punctuality in Attendance, Tuition
and Associated Schools Discussed1
by Supt. E. M. Mitchell, Warren
The educational meeting held at
Thief River Falls, Feb. 13th, 14th
and loth was largely attended by
teachers and educators from North
western Minnesota. Marshall County
was well represented and we be
lieve,, outside of Thief River Falls,
Warren had the largest delegation
of teachers present. Entire school
boards,from many country districts
attended the meeting which shows
the progressive attitude of the
country schools.
Anyone attending such a meeting
should go back to the work of the
school room with renewed inspira
tion and a stronger determination to
do more efficient work than ever
Asystem of awards for perfect
attendance and punctuality is being
tried this year in the grades. The
names of those who have been
neither absent nor tardy for the
first five months of school are in
print this week.- Each of these have
received a certificate of award. This
has had the effect of increasing the
attendance and has' largely elimi
nated tardiness. In some cases the
children have been so intent on
avoiding tardiness, that the parents
have had to sacrifice their late mor
ning snooze for the good of the
schools. 7
The habits of punctuality and
regularity in attendance are in
themselves worthy of -every effort
that may be necessary to secure
them and often make a successful
man or woman of one who would
otherwise have proved a failure.
The pupil who is just a little late
at school is very likely to be a little
late in everything he. undertakes,
to.jfiay their own tuition, or- imar
paints must pay it for them. WJten
pupils attend our-high schdpW|
non-associated districts and
anjr of the industrial work^a....,
the district from which suclfpu
nttpnd is legally bound to "pay
tuijtion, not to exceed $2.50 ^per
month for each pupil. Many ffcHtool
districts of the state are charging
tb| full amount ($2 50) as ^he taw
perjrnits but our district his thus
^fai|charged but $2.00 per month.
illustrate the workings of the.
^N^ii: l"ii:
F^ast year three pupils at^enjded
0iu|j5choo from Dist. 40 (Bo?fvilte)
&n$ took the industrial work. Two
att|(hded 9 months each and one
jto1|i the short course 4 months.
iThis necessitated a payment of $44
byfthe Boxville district to the War
ren- district. Any district desiring
U ,fivoid the payment of such tui
tion, may do so by associating %ith
our district. We believe the provi
sions of the Putnam law are so li
l^ijal that districts would in many
fflt$je find it cheaper to associatei/
^hould any district desire to call
a} fleeting in the school house^r
thtf purpose of discussing the "ad-
vantages and disadvantages of asso
ciating, the superintendent of the
Warren schools will be glad to^t
tertd suohVmeeting if requested toldo
\$' .-.''r-i''^--- **'-i
We believe it would be* a- wi^se
tiling for district meetings to." tttor
(ly discuss this question1.-'
Warren Machine & Iron Works Co.
Worked Hard to get the Rumely School of Traction Engineering to
come to Warren, for the benefit of those who have bought or contem-
plate buying Oil Burning Engines.
Rumely Engines*/TresHWfnd for Sale by the
aWarrenilMachine & Ironworks Companyh
N. Hanson, who is working
f, auspices of the Minneso
|aloon League, .delivered a
opera house to a large and
audience, on Sunday
evemng last. Rev. F. L. Eriougher
opened the meeting with prayer and
Miss Agda Wennerborg sang a beau
|ifubsolo. f'::::i:
/if -it oan
that a country school can
be^considerably benefitted by asso
ciating with a Putnam school, with
\ejry little and sometimes no in
cruased expenseM,o Ihe district,
would it not be wise to try such
pljjin for two years at least?
I Very respectfully,
"4 E. M. M.
Mr. Hanson is a word painter of
consider^iylc ?'-Ul and he painted
the American saloon in the darkest
and most repulsive colors, imagin
able, yet we do not think'h4overdi
it at all. All who heard him could
not fail to be strengthened in their
conviction that the saloon as an in
stitution must go... Under the term,
'saloon", Mrf Hanson included blind
pigs and other places'where liquor
is sold. The temperance cause has
made good progress thru the anti
saloon league, which enlists under
its banners all temperance people
regardless of party affiliations and
lie characterized the efforts to dis
credit the .work of the league as the
work of the onfmies of the temper
ance cause.
riow to aai tne,"
John Lindberg, well known and
highly respected business man and
pioneer citizen of Warren, passed
away at his home here on Friday
morning, Feb. 14, 1913, at 4:10
o'clock, after a short illness from
pneumonia, aged 53 years, 3 months
and 1 day.
The news of Mr. Lindberg's sud
den demise came as a shock to the
people of this city, many of whom
did not know even that he had been
sick. He was a man of unusual
good health and had never been sick
before in his life until stricken this
time. On Monday morning, Feb.
10, he went to the mill to attend to
his business aslisual, but commenc
ing to feel sick, he returned to his
home before the noon hour. The
doctor was called and everything
that possibly couldbe done for him
was done, but without avail. The
grim disease had him too firmly in
its grip and in a few days more his
active and useful earthly career
was ended. ^'V^'-.r''.
John Lindberg was born in Vest
ergotland, Sweden, Nov. 13, 1859,
and he came with his parents to
America in 1872. The family lived
for'a short time at Hastings, Minn.,
but removed that same year, in the
fall, to Carver county, this state,
where Mr. Lindberg grew to man
hood and stayed with his parents
nearly all the time, until his depar
ture for the Red River Valley in
1881. His, first yoar in the valley
was spent in Norman county and in
the following year, 1882, he came to
Warren where his home has been
ever sinco. Shortly after arriving
here he became associated with
Aug. Lundgren as one of the pro
prietors of the Warren brick yard,
lumber or years
Tn 1897 Mr. Lindberg started in
the farm machinery business and a
short time after Aug. Lundgren
joined him, the firm becoming
known as Lindberg & Lundgren. In
1902 he sold his interest in the ma
chine business to C. Wittensten.
In the year 1905 Mr. Lindberg
bought Mr. J. S. Hilleboe's interest
in the Warren fiouing mill which
at that time was owned by Hilleboe
& Johnson. The new company was
incorporated under the name of Tbr
Warren Milling Company and Mr.
Lindberg has been its secretary and
treasurer contiually since. Although
the milling business has been his
chief business, he has been inter
ested more or less in many other
enterprises and activities, which
had for its object the upbuilding of
our city and the country tributary
thereto. Among other things he
was one of the charter members of
North Star College and served for a
The Only Sue
cessful Kero
sene Burning
Engine on the
Market. ."V
jjghe as a member of the Board of
directors. He has also served as a
gtember of the city council, where
ge tooK an active part in securing
Bany public improvements. In all
pfiis acts and dealings, whether pub
lic or private, he was always sin-,
cere and outspoken. There was.no
deception, in his nature. He will
be greatly missed in the business
circles of this city, which he loved
so well, and which he has done so
much to build up from the time that
it was a struggling hamlet.
But it was iii his home life that
Mr. Lindberg's character shows to
the bes(. advantage. As a kind and
loving husband and father he will
be missed most in the home now
overcast with sadness, 'j v'^'^fv!
John Lindberg was united in mar
riage to Ida Johnson in this city on
Sept. 7, 1889. To this union Ave
children have been born, namely
Aimer, Frances, Delia and Carrol
one daughter, Minnie, died in in
fancy. These, together with the
mother, are now. plunged into deep
est grief. Deceased leaves also one
brother, Herman Lindberg, and one
sister, Miss Sophy Lindberg, of this
place, and one sister Mrs. Flyberg,
of Norman county, to mourn his
loss. A large number of relatives
and a host of friends also stand sor
rowing at Mr. Lindberg's grave. Mr.
Lindberg's parents who moved here
from Carver a number of years af
ter he came here, died some years
During his long resideneve in
Warren, Mr. Lindberg has been an
active member of the Swedish Lu
theran church and contributed lib
erally to its support.
The funeral was held on Tuesday
afternoon this week. A short ser
vice was held at the late homo, con
ducted by Rev. G. Wahlund and
then the remains were taken to the
Swedish Lutheran church where an
impressive funeral, serjnon, was
preached in English by Rev. N.
Anderson. Rev. G. Wahlund spoke
in Swedish paying a beaiitifjii^tvii
the bereaved family. Rev. L. P.
Lundgren of Hallock, who had
known deceased from his boyhood
in Carver county, was.present at the
funeral, and added his tribute and
words of comfort. The choir also
rendered some specially prepared
hymns. The entire front of the
church was beautifully decorated
with flowers, and a profusion of
flowers adorned the handsome cof
fin, among them being a number of
set pieces artistically worked out in
nature's choicest flowers. One
piece was in the shape of a heart
inscribed "Brother", one represent
ed The Gates Ajar, inscribed "Fa-
ther," another was in ihe'shape of
a harp, inscribed "Friend" and still
another represented a lyre, and one
from the Odd Fellow lodge had the
emblem of the three links in colors
harmoniously blended. These beau
tiful floral tributes attested the love
and esteem in which deceased was
held. The church also was filled
to overflowing by relatives, friends
and old settlers who had come to
pay their last respect to his mem
ory. All the banks, stores and oth
er piaces of business were closed
out of respect, to his memory dur
ing the hour set for the funeral.
Among the relatives from out
were: John E. -Ostrom, of- Seattle,
Wash., brother of Mrs. Lindberg,
Mrs. Flyberg and Miss Ella Flyberg,
of Norman county. Miss Esther Fly
herg, of Baudette, Miss Elida Fly
berg, of Hibbing, Minn., Herman Al
len, of ^Alvarado, Mrs. OUo Allen,
Miss Emma Allen, Mr. and Mrs.
John Allen and Willham Allen, of
Radium, and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
l'eUM-^on, of Thief Ri\er Falls.
The pall bearers weiv: L. M. Ol
son, C. A. Johnson, John Wcstman,
F.d Roscndahi. C. E. Sjostrand and
Ciu?t EKblad: and the honorary pall
hearers: J. U. Anderson, Gottl'red
Erickson, J. P. Mdltson. J. A. Blooin
quist, Fred Johnson and P. A. Lund
A large funeral procession cs-^
corted the remains to Greenwood
Cemetery, where thoy were con
signed to Mother Earth to await the
morn of the Resurerction. But the
memory of the good Husband, fath
er, friend and pioneer will always
be green in the hearts of those who
learned to know and love him.
To the bereaved in their hour of
sorrow, this community extends its
heartfelt sympathy.
Sheaf Want Ads. do the Business.

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