OCR Interpretation

St. Paul daily globe. [volume] (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1884-1896, February 24, 1884, Image 2

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90059522/1884-02-24/ed-1/seq-2/

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kkouient Sale
r 7 O
422 Wabasliaw Street,
Will be a Gala Day for Bargains. A tremen
dous cut will be made in the price of
Grey Flannels. Refl Flannels.
Blue Flannels. Check Flannels.
Black Flannels. Opera Flannels.
Lite Flannels. S. K. Wilson Checks.
U taiers, U Cassimers,
Hale & Frost's Repellaiits, Etc., Etc.,
At less than the same goods can be purchased
by any dealer in the country. Every article in
the house a specialty, and an undeniable bar
gain. The people are realizing the fact that
competition in prices is suicidal to those who
undertake it. They are given the benefit oi
prices that could be given in no other way save
through failure in business. The creditors are
the sufferers, and the people are the gainers
thereby. Every article has been marked at a
price that will surely sell them.
Ii Sis aid Fie Dress Goods
We show prices that have never been equaled
in the history of the city. Come early and be
Sundmj • (KlnbE.
Still Greater Seductions
During this week, in
Black and Colored Silks,
Cloaks and Dolmans,
Seal Sacques and Dolmans,
For Garments!
20 pieces Black Satin Brocades, 22 inches wide,
$1.50; worth $2.50.
50 pieces G. G. Silks of various manufactures,
in excellent and warranted qualities, at the
unusually low price of $1.
additional attractions in
In connection with this sale we offer to-morrow
10 cases of Fruit of Loom and Lonsdale
We have more goods suited to the needs of the Workingmen
than any house in Minnesota. We want all the Workingmen
in St. Paul to trade with us, and can and* will save them money
on every dollar they leave with us. We sell a good JE AN PANT
for 75c; a good Working SHIRT for 50c; Sweet Orr's OVER
ALLS tor 75c; a good common OVERALL for 50c, and will
surely save you a days wages on one suit of clothes,
Workingmen: Remember we guarantee to sell you goods at
less prices than any store in Minnesota. COME AND SEE.
Cor. Third and Robert Streets, St. Paul.
Seventh, street, Near Jackson.
MONDAY, FEB. 25,1884
. Star AlflaiiGß Specially ComD'y
) In their unrivaled athletic feats, acknowledged
by the press and public, the wonders of the age.
> The great character Comedians
In their laughable act of the two Hebrews.
The universal favorites, the great Breakneck
Song and Dance Artists, and Ethiopian Come
The Refined Change Artiste and Vocalist
' The Musical Moraus,
Who will perform solos on nine different instru
The Eccentric sketch artists,
The pleasing Contralto Vocalist,
And the great exponents of German Comedy,
The above list forming the strongest aggrega
tion of talent that have ever appeared in this
Family Matinees
Wednesday and Saturday.
Annual Carnival I
Sitarloi Maspraiiß,
Monday Evening; Feb. 25, '84.
In Every Feature !
Positively no admittance to the floor except to
subscribers in full mask. Subscription lists now
open with Messrs. P. Thanwald, Paul Faber,
Frank Werner, J. C. Kahlert, P. J. Giesen, Platte
<fc Stein, Walter & Dreher, Mrs. Herwegen, and
with soliciting committee.
TICKETS —for gentlemen, Si: ladies, 50 cents.
Tickets to gallery, 50 cents each. Reserved
seats, 25 cents extra, on sale at J. Zahonyis
music store and at the door. sv!-sli
Moiay Evening, Fell. 25.
Tickets admitting lady aud gentleman, $1.00
All are invited. 55-56
The Best, Largest & Most
Varied Stock of i
Musical MBrctaift,'
We guarantee lower prices, easier terms and
oetti-r »oods tuau any small dealer can possibly
■>ffer. TKV US.
148 & 150 East Third St.
Grand Opera House!
L. X. SCOTT, Manager.
A Season of 3 Nights, Commencing
Monday, February 25th ?
Wednesday Matinee, 2 P. M.
Will be signalized by the appearance of the
World-Renowned Artist,
FRANK IXi\i n IyAawK
! i:\NW itflU I S FRANK
In the Idylir Romance,
(HIE EYt.ldiltEb'.y HI. I ) :>
Presented with Speci&l New' Scenery under the
management of MR. SHERIDAN COBBYN.
Si as now on sale.
Prices, $1, 76c, 50c and 2r>c.
Grand Opera House!
L. X. SCOTT, Manages.
3 lights & Saturday Matiuee !
Thursday, February 28.
Kate Claxton Company
A enr load of scenery and mechanical effects.
Prices $1, 75c, 50c, and 25c. Sale of seats com
mences Wednesday, 9 a. m.
10 West Third street, St. Paul.
I respectfully invite the attention of ladies and
gentlemen to my large, most complete and ele
gant stock of new Masquerade Costumes, for
balls, parties, theatrical performances, old folks'
concerts, tableaus, &c.
Masks at wholesale.
Country parties, send for list and prices.
(Twelve years established in Saint Paul as)
Corner Third and Robert streets, in the Savings
Bank block, ST. PAUL, MINN.
N. B. —Special attention given to property find
interests of non-resident clients. Investments
guaranteed to net 7 per cent. Capitalists will
do weil to correspond. 984
Corner of Wabashaw and Fourth streets.
Over Express Office. 270
Mayor Anies Announces Himself an Inde
pendent Candidate,
[Minneapolis News Letter.]
Since my return from Chicago I find that
several jobs of considerable magnitude have
been put up to down me in the approaching
caucuses and convention. The boss Repub
licans have been trying to make combina
tions with ambitious and sore-head Demo
crats upon false representations, and, appar
ently, the time has arrived for a movement
to the front. I therefore announce myself
as an independent candidate for re-election to
the office of mayor, and I pledge myself to
remain such until the polls close on election
day. Not being prepared by natural endow
ment or education in the art of packing cau
cuses, sending out beer buyers, and employ
ing strikers to distribute lies, I prefer to
leave that field to others, and make my ap
peal directly to the people. If the broad
guage policy which I have pursued for two
years, and "under which the city has pros
peied, is what the voters want continued,
they can so express themselves at the polls;
if a narrow-guage plan is decided upon I am
not the person to nil the bill, and will gladly
retire. ' My record as a public
servant is an open book, and I in
vite fair investigation and the
closest scrutiny and criticisms. If any one
can lind a dishonest act in my official record,
or any combination with cliques or men to
wrong the city, I will resign at once. Other
wise I shall ask for an endorsement or re
pudiation of my official stewardship at the
hands of the people of Minneapolis. Ido
not claim to have a policy that fits every
body's idea; but I have always tried, as an
executive, to give every sect and class of
citizens all the personal liberties consistent
with their early education, habits and belief,
and not inconsistent with good order and the
rights of others.
Confusion which was playing to an aver
age of $1,200 at the Fifth Avenue theatre,
New York, doing an average of $500 at the
Comedy theatre, and the receipts of the
Princess Ida at the Fifth Avenue have noi
equalled those of Confusion there so far.
Botli Had Their Victories—A Drop i
in Grain and an Upturn in
Hog Products.
Wheat DecliiK'il to a Close of 98c on t
'Change, With No Bright Pros- fi
peets for a Rise.
Pork Active on Local Speculative Account—
Cattle in Better Demand and Prices n
a Shade Higher. a
ft'all Street Market Inactive, Fears of a p
Railroad War Being the Dc- .
pressing Cause. p
[Special Telegram to the Globe.] | j
CniCAOu, Feb. '23.—Graiu gradually v
dropped to-day while bog uroeucts had quite a
»n up turn. Before the hour fur coinmene- „
ing business on 'change there was v very s
prominent bull feeling. It was largely due r
:o some dispatches frum ditlerent puinN on
tto I)liinii< Central railroad, in the southern v
part of the Bt&te, which reported the ground
bare and thoroughly frozen. These disputeh- c
l* wt-re accompanied with buying orders r
tvhieh advauecd prices J£c over the opening i
which \va< ',c over the closes of Thursday.
Phis gain was so^u lost however by v gener- g
al onslaught by the bears aud the f,
closing of a lot of trades Btopped -\
at (.<v £@98, aud the market finally closed on ]
'change at 97%@98 for May. On the curb ,
there was but little disposition 1o trade and t
May wheat was weak at V7J{. Nat .loves, f
N. B. Ream. Charley Singer and Jacob Cado- j
by arc now reported short on an Immense j
quantity of wheat, and they act as though
they intended to hammer the market down ,
to a point where they can wifely cover. }
wheat appears to have but few frieuds.
Minor, Richards & Cd. say: "We cannot |
sec anything at present that is liable to put j
prices up much, only as the shorts may
cover. It will, in our opinion, take large
buying and by strong parlies to turn the
course of the market."'
Shepard & Peacock say: "ft seems now
that we must get either an actual demand
for wheat or else must L ret reports of damage
to winter wheat, before we can draw either
rapport or outside orders enough to- amount
to anything."
Crittenden A Harvey Bay: ■•Then- is
nothing in tW> situation to warrant antici- [
bating much of a bulge right away outside
of the large .~hort interest aud low prices pre
Robt Lindblow A: Co. say: 'The old bulls
are tired and dNuusted. and we see no signs
of any real bull movement, or any cause for
it. In two months this May wheat will have
to be paid for, aud half a cent storage after
Mct'ormick, Kennett & Day say: "The
crowd are all short, and low prices aud re
ports of dama<r<-to winter wheat, which art
sure to come next month, will cause a rush
to cover anil a sharp upturn. If you buy
wheat at present prices it may go a cent or
two lower, but you will have an opportunity
to sell it at about SI.OO sure."
A. M. Wright <te Co. say: "The trading
was largely between local operators, and al
though there is very little out*ido demand
for any purjiose there are reasons for think
ing that the large selling of the past
few days has created a heavy short interest.
This with the present unfavorable condition
justifies the opinion that, inasmuch as prices
have already receded 4%c. from thu point
from which they turned down,the risk of sell
ing short must be largely increased,and those
who desire to do so will do well to consider
the contingencies ofi'a breather scare,
and the temper of tbe bull crowd, who
are ever on the watch to take advantage of
any circumstance Calculated to aid them in
squeezing the shorts by manipulating prices
for an upturn."
Milmine, Bodrnsiu & Co. say: ''The gen
eral situation must change materially favor
ng the bull side during the next month, else
they will be sold out of existence. We think
prudent holders had better be trimming their
sails now with this end in view. Every day
now is just so much nearer the crop, a fact
that should be kept steadily in view. The
bear feeling is increasing rapidly now and
we are nearly converted."
Corn was moderately active, but the de
mand was chiefly to cover shorts. Prices
were irregular and business destitute of vim.
Opened a shade higher, but receded %c, and
after repeated fluctuations in which price-;
followed wheat up and down, closed at about
the same as Thursday. It was said that both
buying and selling orders came from New
York, but the failure of the market to break
was chiefly due to the support given by land
holders, as the legitimate influences were not
calculated to increase confidence in future
values.the week's receipts being 591,500 bush
els over the shipments, and larger than for
the same week in the four preceding year-.
Oats aud rye were both dull and prices
remain about as they closed on Thursday.
May oats, 30% c; r ye, 62&e.
Pork was active on local speculative ac
count, but values very irregular. It opened
iirui and 20(a25c higher, the advance being
engineered by a combination of large opera
tors, a majority of whom are packers, their
object being to squeeze the shorts and make
them settle, and at the same time enable
them to sell lines to outsiders, in both of
which they were successful, as the shorts
seeing their position bought in at once,
while the tallers thinking another up raid
was contemplated took the bait freely. Sell
er option for May delivery opened at $18.45
(218.50, but under large offerings declined
to $18.25, when the bulls rallied it to $18.50.
It closed at 318.37><(a;18.40.
Lard was without new features of a legiti
mate character and business was confined to
local scalpers. It opened 10c higher in syuT
pathy with pork. The market opened at
$10.00 for May, declined to $9.87^ and
closed at §9.»[email protected]>£.
The receipts of cattle at the stock yards to
day were about the same as last Saturday,
but for the week ending to-night about 3,000
less than last week. Under light receipts
and an improved demand there was an active
market, at a shade stronger prices than yes
terday. The market closing 15@25c higher
than the first days of the week, yet only a
shade stronger than last Saturday. About
everything salable in the shipping and dressed
beef line was disposed of at an early hour.
The stacker and feeder trade was dull, with
but few buyers, and a rather inferior lot of
stock to select from.
Hogs came in 5,000 stronger, though about
3,000 less than last Saturday, but for the
week about 2,000 ahead of last week. The"re
was considerable activity for Saturday, and
the common light sort 3 that have been so dif
ficult to dispose of for the past two or three
days were in more active demand, two or
three fresh buyers making their appearance
on the market. For light there was little or
no change in prices. Common and rouhg
packing grades underwent no particular
change. In fact, outside of one or two lots
of fancy Philadelphias, which sold higher,
there was little or no change. About the only
nprovem?nts were a more active demand b:
nd a chance that the pens would be about T
leared for the m>t time tfiis week. tl
The receipts of sheep wen- only 000 or si
,000, somewhat below last Saturday, but for al
ac weekending to-night about 4.0U0 more a
lan last week. The market was quiet, tt
wing to the small numbers on sale with D
rices about the same as Thursday, the week p<
losing on a steady market and a shade X
rmer prices as a£ain-=t a week a<;o. We b
vote, Common, [email protected]; medium $4.00
$4.50; good, $4.75(25; choice. $5 35l ■ ■"•.r>o; et
nd extras, $5.75(56: lamb-, [email protected]. s<
Howard. White A: Co., of the IhUy Cmi- P
tercial IfuUrtin, review the forenoon market ti
s follows: Speculative trading exhibited si
onsiderable activity in the market for hog 1]
rodncts during the week just dost .
md the feeling was nervous and ft
nsettled throughout. During the early part
tie undertone of the market indicated a a
reaker feeling, due in a measure to a de- i (
line in the prices of hogs, and more iuelina- «
ion on the part of speculators to sell for future ]j
elivery. When the decline set In margins p
ere called with considerable freedom, which p
dded to the depressj,,n in a general way, .
articuiarly by the offerings on behalf of out" n
ide parties, and assisted to some extent in >
educing prices. The demand was not par- n
icularly urgent, and the bulk of the trading Ii
.as credited to local operators, outside par- d
les being less anxious to follow the market
Ither way at present prices. This caused a
naterial reduction In the prices for all the
eading articles.
Toward the close quite a sharp reaction (
••tin, and prices rallied again partially, and
iually closed with considerable strength.
fradiiig centered largely in contracts for
day and June delivery, and operators np
•eared to be transferring their contracts ,
ihead as much as possible. The Inquiry for
thipmentwas moderate with trading chiefly
11 a quiet way. and orders in must instai.
'or small quantities to "bridge over" and
mpply immediate wants. The recent ad
rance, and the approach of the Lenten .season t
nake merchants iv distributing and eon
turning markets, cautions and careful in l
heir trading, and they ;ire not muoh inclined *
0 replenish their stock at present. Thestqeks *
m hand are not very large for the season 1
nul were gradually decreasing. The re- «
ceipts of the product from the Interior were 1
very large and th<- shipmentf> were light for '
the season of the year. The export move- -
[iient is comparatively small and shows, a 1
gradual reduction as compared with the re- l
turns of the past winter packing season to *
late. It is calculated here that the final re- '
[urns of the packing of the west, will slum r
1 decrease of 650,000 to 700,000 hogs, and '
should the average weight exhibit a decrease l
>f ten pounds per head, the aggregate decrease '.
would be equal to 300,000 hogs additional. ,
The average weight here will be very li.
and the returns for the winter season will ,
probably not show much excess over the I
average weight for the past bummer —me i
thing very unusual.
The average yield of lard, too, will no ]
doubt exhibit a decrease. Some ealculatl i
an- made that .'the receipts of hogs trill be ,
larger during the summer months, but that |
Is considerable'of a conundrum at present.
The foreign demand for hog products >
was comparatively lighter during the
week just closed. There uas a little in
quiry for lard for the English market-, and a
few round lots were purchased.
Bacon was little sought for, and naij a
tew -mall orders were provided for. Bf
abroad ar«» uot- very lu'ye. liut BXULjaftaiflAi
to meet present wants, especially as the
lenten season is near. Prices in Liverpool
have been on a declining scale, and are
about »s lower on lard and l@2fl lower
on bacon then reported one week
Continental markets are also easier. The
exports continue moderate, and a good por
tion forwarded are in lir<t hands The do
mestic demand for hog product- was fair.bin
a good portion of the trading was in a quiet
way. Prices were a little more favorable to
buyers, but this did not stimulate business
to any extent. Trade with the south was
somewhat restricted, owing to the high waters
prevailing in the Ohio valley, tad consider
able product has been delayed here
awaiting shipment. The movement to
the south has been somewhat enlarged within
the past two or three days. Orders from the
Pacific coast markets were fair for special
articles. Trade with the Canadian markets
was rather higher. Orders from the eastern
markets showed a little improvement but the
inquiry was mainly for pickled meats. Con
siderable produce has been disposed of at in
terior [<oints to be distributed within the next
thirty days.
Chicago Financial,
[Sppciiil Telegram to the <;iobe.|
CHICABO, Feb. !.•:{.—Banks were fairly called
on to-day for loanable funds, which the principle
institutions report in sufficient supply for all
legitimate requirements, ('all loans of a <l'-ir
ible character are made at ■''■■'■ij> per cent, with
time favor going at 8%®7 per, cent. Eastern
izebange N firmer than during the early purt
of the week, and because of the scarcity of offer
ings sold ut 50c premium per
$1,000. Foreign was also firmer
to-day CO day documentary Sterling selliri;;
at $4.85. The bank clearings for the week
(with one holiday) foot Up a total of $35,
-675,657.72, being about $1,160,000 less than
for the corresponding week last year.
Henry Clews & Co., wired Schwartz tfc Du
pee as follows: "Prices at the opening of
the exchange this morning were fractionally
lower than the closing ones of yesterday, but
soon therearter Reading was stimulated by a
vaccinating process for the purpose of in
occulating the general market, but it did not
take to that, so on Monday it will most
probably be tried over again on some other
more sympathic body. The business of the
day was excessively dull, and doubtless ma
terially dwarfed by a special ov;-r our special
wire from Chicago, which stated that the Tri
bune, of that city, editorially sets forth that
the west was on the. eve of the great
est railroad war ever known. Another
damaging rumor was that a
million of gold was packed for export. Ad
vancing the market on top of the recent im
portant rise, will require, we fear, the lead
ers to often moisten their hands to enable a
new and firmer hold to be taken in order to
sustain an additional upward movement.
For the present prices should be regarded as
sufficiently high to justify realizing profits
whenever they crop out.
hew ;york,
[Special Telegram to the Globe. |
New YORK, Feb. 23.—The coal stocks mo
nopolized the attention of operators to-day
and, Reading was particularly active with a
brisk demand for It from the moment the
exchange opened, next in point of Inl
came the West Shore bonds; they were
wanted and improved in prices. The
grangers, Vanderbilt and some of Mr.
Gould's favorites cut no figure whatever In
to-day's business. Alton was Up to I'M,
Oregon railway fell back some 4 {kt cent
from Thursday's figures. The market was
inactive a good part of the time. There was
but a single quotation in Pullman Palace and
and none in several of the light w ■
The bank statement showed a 10.-s in re
serve of $249,450. There was no change
during the afternoon worth mention. Read
ing continued the leader up to the finish,
with Delaware & Lackawanna following, the
XO. 55.
ilanee being almost entirely •
who are short of the gr
ieir best to depress them, hut Witt
Keeas. Instead of 1800,000 gold »>«-inL>
lipped on Wednesday, it turns oat to ■'
r 1500,000 Ifft this country d
te entire week. The first quotations on
eteware vv Hudson an ex-dtrldend of 1 v '
sr cent This stock b favorably meal
>r :iu advance. Mr. Gould la reporti d .h
ui'ish on Northern Pacific.
Early in the day the St. Paul crowd advi**
1 the purchase of their stock for v
irei and said that next week, when St.
aul sells at 100 and Omaha at par it D
me enough to stop and take a lo«k at the
Itoatlon. Others predicted a sharp ri
lelaware & Hudson. <>r>_'.,n Tran i
t-ut.il w.is also pointed out as a -
jr a turn.
Cleveland advices stated that it v gener*
lly conceded there thai the Cleveland <
mbns, Cincinnati a: [ndianapoUs dtvi
rill be 6 per cent. cash. The Chicago, Bur-
Dgton ft Quincy declared a dividend of 2
ercent, payable March IV The books
lose February 26 and open March to". The
nly thing now reported to l»- ai, rain-t I
rarkct Is the fear of a Rock I-laud an.l
[orthwestern fight A repetition of this
reek's market i- expected now, and the mar
et is considered a purchase on any further
L Cousin of President Garfield Ex
amined in This
!>• Aiknowlfiltrt's That lit- Had Several
Conversations Lately Witb
Kelfer'a Friends.
WiMiiNiiTox. Feb. 23.— The Keifer-Boyn«
on Investigattng committee resumed its ■
lon this morning, thus. S. Garfleld, cattle
li;ii>-r. Cleveland, Ohio, cousin of Preaideni
larfleld, was the lir-t witness. He had
iiiipwn Boynton about a year and a half, and
v-ifiT about the same length of time. Was
it Washington the latter par) <>f February,
•*•■:'.. Was present at a convention which
enk place Bomewhere aboul the Ist "i
.larch, between Boynton, J. W. Elder, and
le thought somebody el-e. He heard m.'-t
tf the conversation. It. was In regard to
■cine claim ulitch Elder had and which ha
n [shed to Bpeak to Boynton about. H>>> nton's
vj.lv in substance, was lie could do
tothing with it. He Bald he had a claim him
..lf. and that if Kelferwould not lake hold
if that, be would not take hold of the smaller
•ill that Elder had. He said it was the
UcGar rattan bill, and any one who would
lot take hold of that bill would not take hold
.f a bill of *.~>.ooo or $6,000. He said he bad
,i-cii tosee General Keifer aboul it, and be
roulddo nothing with It He Bald that the
ipeakcr would leave the chair without either
friends ormoney. He Bald McOarrahan'a
jiil u;is v large one, and any one who would
ie of assistance would get paj for It That
ah- the substance ol the conversation which
took place In the west hall of the house of
representatives. II- could not fix the exact
lay of the conversation. It was about the
middle of the week before congress ad
On cross-examination by the committee
the witness stated he did not understand
Boynton toaaj li< bad made represent Uloni
to Keifer that then m money In the bill fo(
any one who woul«l take it up. Could no'
say-achathar Bu\uton said lie had 4 elaiiu oi
On . ■'. . a, witnftt
admitted he had but a alight acquaintance
with Boynton. He wag here at one tune to
trj and gel a government position and called
■hi Boynton for assistance. The latter did
Dot promise to assist him, and In fact never
did since that time. His relations wit U
Boynton wen- confined to bidding each
other good day when they met on the street.
He might have been in Boynton'a
otlietj once after he < ailed t-»
nsk liis assistance. II seemed
odd to witness that Boynton should thu ■
pose himself to a practical stranger, and he
thought that Boynton was mad about some
thing, or he would not have done it. Wit
ness did not know of his own knowledge
that this F.ider took a prominent part in the
Kellogg-Spofford contested election Investi
gation. He had never mentioned this con
versation to Keifer. He first made it. known
yesterday to the coun lei for General Keifer.
By Chairman Hopkins '-When did you
last see Elder?"
'•This morning." •
"Prior to that?"
"Night before I
'■I'rior to thai I"
"We boarded al hotel until the
29th of May."
••Did -.on tee him between the 29th of May
and night before lasU"
■■1 did."'
'•I think it. was on Monday or Tuesday."
"At Cleveland."
'■llid you have r.iir. • D with him
aboul this matter:''
•■This matter was mentioned then."
ByAdarae "Did he Bay whether anybody
sent him to Cleveland to see you?"
"Witness, "No sir."
chairman — "Had you been subpoenaed
prior to the arrival of Elder in Cleveland}"
Witness—"! had not."
Chairman — "Had you been notified before
that that you would be wanted'! 01
Witness - "1 had."
('lnn-in.in "By whom I"
Witness—"By Keifer, by telegraph."
'•Did you come on from Cleveland to
Washington with Elder?"
"Yes -ir."
This closed the examination of the wit
nnd Cotemas aafead forjn)jpomaa to l>-
Issued on J. W. Elder, w 'ii. Moore, Buffalo;
Henry Maddox, New York; A. .). Works,
Washington; A. C. Smith, Washington;
Thos. H. Gardner, Washington; and W. I:.
Green, Bockville. The testimony which
would be given by these witnesses -.-.a-, of
such a nature that the investigation ought
not to be concluded on the part of Ke; f,- r un
til it could he placed before the cote tmittee.
If the committee would give him 01 te week
he pledged himself that no further contin
uance would be asked for. Boynto v asked
Keifer what In: meant by stating h
h that be (Boynton) had forged a letter,
etc.. but the committee decided the go
involved a collateral matter which -
not be gone into, and Wilson remai ked jocu
larly: '"If we attemnt to find out »•' aether the
members He a Utfto oottte »..,,.-», t1 ,...
then, we would be Interfering with our own
prerogatives." Adjourned until next rfutur
Preparing for the Convention.
I Special Telegram to the <;io!..\i
Chicago,Teb.2B.—Delegates from thirteen
states to the National Democratic con mention,
tp be hflM here next July, have telegraphed
to the- I'almer Bouse 1 engaging rooms Tor that
1 ton. As the Palmer bouse is \
I kuown as the great Democratic headquarters
of Chicago, the other hotels have D
fared so well. They say at the Palmer that
they can take care Of three thousand ol these
political quests, so when that numl
.been absorbed, the- other nouses will I
I chance to tight for the remainder. I. H.
j Palmer, of the Boston Okbe^ has secured a
suite of rooms at thu Tremont during tL<j
Business Troubles.
St. Louis, Feb. JW.—Johu v. Sullivau,
lumber merchant, has assigned. Abicto,
. $30,000, liabilities not known.

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