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St. Paul daily globe. [volume] (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1884-1896, September 22, 1886, Image 1

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A Late Rumor Gives the Farmer the
Plum of the Gubernatorial
For the Rich Friends of McGill Sold
Him Out After a Very
Bitter Fight.
Trouble to Begin in the Eepublican State
Convention This lore
A "Weary Day of Wild, Wordy Wrangling
of Low and Hiffh Degree Poli
Whe Lay Aside All Dignity and With
Grasping Hand Reach for
the Offices.
A Warfare After the Most Approved
Guerilla Style--lt is Dog
Eat Dog.
Three Caucuses Held by tlie Friends
of Three Candidates, and All
What Will Be in the Platform-- Maj*
Strait is Out of the Politi
cal Tield.
Trouble Begin* To-day.
Delegates to the Republican state con
rention will meer at 11 o'clock to-day in
the Exposition rink, St. Paul, and try to
nominate a candidate for governor. If
they succeed in doing this to-day, they will
nominate candidates for other state offices.
Three candidates lor the gubernatorial
honor are in the tield— A. R. McGill, C. A.
Gilman and J. L. Gibbs. After fifteen or
more hours of loud talking yesterday and
vigorous button-holing, little change in the
situation from the previous night was
broudit about. Friends of each of
the candidates profess to believe that
their man will be the winner.
Each of the candidates said yesterday to a
GrLOBE man: "I am confident of receiving
the nomination; I am satisfied with the out-
■ I jH? —
look. " Those who have no personal feeling
in the matter, as a rule, concede that Mc-
Grill has the greatest strength, or that he
had last night. Congressman Strait said
last night that, so far as he could judge,
McGill could command the greatest num
ber of delegates.
Interviews with friends of all the candi
dates yesterday produced no facts that
materially change the standing of the coun
ties on the first ballot. Delegates conceded
that they were as nearly accurate
as it was possible to forecast.
It came from the inside last night at a late
hour, that Gibbs was to be the man, unless
the first ballot gave it to one of the others.
This programme was arranged late in the
It was intimated that McGill would with
draw early in the game and that his forces
would go to Gibbs. Langdon, Fletcher,
the house of Pillsbury and the entire Min
neapolis Millers' association have gone over
to Gibbs, having effected a satisfactory deal
with him. In order to bring tins about,
McGill had to be "lixed," which was done
alter several long conferences. If this
scheme goes through, Gibbs will be nomi
nated on the second or third ballot; other
wise the dark horse will be groomed. Dr.
A. C. Wedge, of Freeborn county, will call
Ihe convention to order, and then the
tn >üble will begin. It is a yery interesting
McGill Deserted and Gibbs to be
>*oiatnatod— The millers Ring: —
<:ibbs' Temperance Record.
True to their history in the part the
old Pioneer Press ring has been led by the
halter to conserve the interests of the Min
neapolis Miller's association. Langdon.
Fletcher, Pillsbury, et al., have effected a
bargain and trade whereby Gibbs and
McGill join hands to produce a hybrid
ticket to-day. That such a combination
has been effected there can be no doubt,
and if the convention that meets at the Ex
position hall at high noon to-day, does not
display a great slaughter ot the innocents,
it will only be because twelve hours" no
tice has been served on the most
astute politician of the Republican party.
And the fates, that all along have seemed to
be with Ames, promise in this combination
assured victory to our wisely chosen Demo
cratic leader. Langdon, the great railroad
contractor, leading the Gibbs host, and
Fletcher and Pillsbury, of the Millers' asso
ciation, trusted counselors in the McGill
camp, apparently in conflict, was only
part of a concerted plan, the Issue of
which could have been seen from the
start by any other than a purblind.
The farmer delegates will find it difficult to
explain to their constituents. In the light
of this fact, it may be reasonably predicted
that the nomination of Gibbs, which seems
a foregone conclusion, will eliminate the
temperance question from the coming cam
paign. And it further demonstrates the
ease with which the politician can hoodwink
the fanner,
The records show that John L. Gibbs.
•while in the legislature, in every case when
the question of high license came up,
dodged the question. All his decisions
favored the low license men. It will also
be found by the records that whenever the
temperance question was up in committee
of the whole, the chairman of the commit
tee appointed by Mr. Gibbs was in every
instance a low-license man. The low
license men are to be congratulated, for
whatever else may be said of Gibbs, the
low-license men have little to fear, judging
from his legislative course.
Indulged in by the Politicians
About Headquarters Yesterday.
As a disinterested spectator looked over
the crowd of politicians who spent the day
before the Republican state convention
crowding and wrangling in the corridors of
the Merchants hotel, he was reminded of
the frontiersman who met the grizzly bear
alone in the mountains of Colorado, when
he drew his knife, and dropping on bis
knees for a moment of prayer, said to the
Almighty: "Lord, just you lay low and
vratch, and you'll see the cussedest bear
right directly that has ever taken place in
this county." Something of this sort seemet!
foreshadowed yesterday, roliticiaus and
candidates of every grade and standing wen
in the betel corridors soon after brea\fa>t,
and from then until late last night the}
stayed, chewing cigar stubs and trying u>
size up the chances of their favorite candi
dates. It seemed as if all the rumors ol
war that have been floating through the
state since the day that Farmer Gihbs re
signed his place as a member of the lowei
house, that lie might become a Candidas
for governor muter the law, had been
turned loose within the four walls of the
hotel, and they buzzed, and hissed biul
splattered until it made one's ears ring.
Its effect was worse than too much cham
pagne on the heated brains of the partici
pants, and there were indications last nigh;
that some of the delegates had forgotten
from which county they had come, and
were uncertain as to whether they were In
structed or were at liberty to walk at their
own sweet inclinations in the path that
will be spread for them in Exposition hall
What took place yesterday cannot be dig
nhied by being called a fight; it was a
squabble, a wrangle, an aggregation of
wire-pullers, hard at work at their trade.
It was guerrilla warfare. Scores of hungry
office-seekers were hustling for a chance to
get a square meal, as it were. The corridor
ot the Merchants contained no less than a
hundred or two of the wire-workers at any
time daring the day. Among those were
those men who want to be candidates, and
delegates from all parts of the state. It
was worse than the open ing of a ses
sion of the legislature, and the clatter that
was k^pt up, would have stopped a strike
among a gang of iron-molders. It
was with difficulty that one could
elbow across the room. Placards
were posted in conspicuous places
announcing the whereabouts of the men
who were working for the several guber
natorial candidates, and it was regarded as
a significant omen by the McGill and Gibbs
men. when a big. red piece of paste board,
witli Got. tinman's name upon the top. be
came unfastened and dangled iiead down
ward from one of the central piilars of the
The delegates came in, a few at a time,
on about every train, and it kept the lieu
tenants of the several candidates pretty
busy hunting them up and steering them
into the proper quarters. Some of both
delegations from St. Louis county came in,
and they probably received as much atten
tion as the delegates from any county in
the state. It was thought there might be
considerable of a row before the com
mittee on credentials to-day on the point of
which delegation should be seated.
The lace work done by the nimble
hands of such men as Maj. Wilson, Loren
Fletcher, Capt. Castle, Mark Flower. Sen
ator Sargeant and others, is not visible to
the naked eve. To get a clear view of the
little meshes and knots requires the
microscope. To a spectator who walked
about the corridor all was hubbub. No
body could tell anything definitely. Friends
of every candidate simply remarked that
they were "confident over the outlook."
from Gilman to Will Nichols. But it was
noticeable that Maj. Wilson was not put
ting in much time in the corridors. He was
in the parlors, on the office floor, which have
been made Oilman's headquarters, most of
the time, and only came out long enough
to catch some delegate and carry him
bodily, if necessary, to the auction room,
as it were. Here, as in all the headquar
ters, most of the trading was done—un
known to the mass of delegates outside,
who simply made themselves weary jost
ling in tee crowd and really receiving on
giving no information on the real progress
of* the fight.' It was generally conceded by
those who had their hands on the wires
that altogether too many counties had sent
instructed delegates to allow the wires to
work well. Trading in candidates was
hard work, and it required more than usual
talk to make a bargain. There were a
great many rumors, started nobody knows
where, of breaks of various delegations for
some candidate other than the one for
which the delegates had been instructed.
It was said at one time that some of the
Ramsey county delegates would go from
McGill to Gilman, but this was denied by
McGill men. One thing was apparent,
namely, that Gibbs had a stronger following
than he has sometimes been accredited
with. There were those who claimed that
he would be nominated on the second bal
lot. Senator Sargeant, of Albert Lea, a
strong Gibbs man, claimed that. Others
who are for McGill or Gihnan on the first
ballot, did not hesitate to say that Gibbs
was the second choice, so that on the whole
Mr. Gibbs was inclined to be good natured.
He denied in strong terms that there was
any deal between himself and Gilman — a
somewhat old rumor which was set atloat
during the afternoon.
Friends of Senator Kice were confident
that he would easily get the second place
on the ticket. They agreed that, granting
Gilman and McGill an equal number of
votes, at the start Rice would have an
even thing with Castle, and that outside
the slate, Kice would draw heavier than
Castle, gettiu^ a lmwr share of the Gibbs
men than Gilinan. Mr. Castle's friends,
however, were very confident. There was
less talk about the secretary of state and
the auditor and treasurer, than about the
attorney general. Mr. Kellogg and Mr.
Pattee had a good many friends who were
confident, and it was difficult to learn much
that would indicate just which was the
It was not a good day to talk about dark
horses. Everybody was too confident and too
ready to fight to have for a moment any use
for such an animal. There were some, how
ever, who spoke of Albert Scheffer as the
mau who would be the next candidate, and
it was circulated through the crowd that
he had declared himself, but little credence
was given to this story
Maj. Strait gave it out that he was not a
dark horse, and that the silver salver act
would not catch him.
Friends of the Candidates Rally
Around the Leaders iVitb Whoops
and Yells.
The Giluian clan assembled about 9
o'clock in the dining-halL the McGill
forces camped in the billiard-room and the
Gibbe faction crowded themselves into the
writing rooms. At 10 o'clock sharp the
curtain rang ud and the play began. In
the Oilman caucus there were about two
hundred men, among whom was William
Window, who supposed he was within the
lines of the McGill camp until Gov. Oilman
took the floor to address his friends. He
then discovered his mistake and
slipped through the door and flew down
to the billiard hall, where he arrived just in
time to respond to a unanimous call to
make a speech. It was a grand love feast
in three chapters. Ex-Lieut. Gov. Barto,
of Sank Centre, was elected chairman of
the Gilnian caucus, which was opened by
C. A. GUman, who threw himself into the
hands of his friends and refrained from out
lining his policy or making any
He was followed by Knute Nelson, the
Fifth district congressman, who paid a
glowing tribute to the St. Cloud candidate,
and said the Fifth district would go into the
convention virtually solid for him. Mr.
Nelson was repeatedly applauded, as were
other speakers, among whom were
Col. Graves, of St. Louis county,
H. i>. Stockton, of Wabasha,
Mason, of Fergus Falls. ex-Attorney
General Searles. of Steams, and Elder
Lathrop, of Noble, all of whom pledged
their hearty support and were lavish with
praise of the efforts of Mr. Gilman to ameli
orate the condition of the farmers. The
caucus lasted nearly an hour. Before an
adjournment was taken, Messrs. Searles,
Sgrague and Nelson were appointed a coin
uiittee on organization.
Mr. Gilman was seen after the caucus
and asked what he thought of his chances.
He said he felt confident of success, but the
other candidates were men who held an in
fluence that was underestimated. He did
not apprehend any danger unless they made
some sudden and unexpected combination
against him, by massing their forces.
The McGill Caucus.
At the same hour that the Gilmanites
were in session in the dining-room, the
McGill men - were caucusing in the billiard.
hall below, and there were „ 300 ineji in the
room. The meeting was presided over by
John S. Pillsbury. Several strong and
eloquent speeches were made that held
McGill ud until his front hair scraped the
firmament. Senator Windom was de
manded and he came forward readily and
eulogized McGill till distant relatives of the
candidate modestly blushed. Various i
counties were called for and the speeches
were short and to the point. Boiler In
spector Flower made a speech, in which he i
said Ramsey county would give McGill j
twenty-one votes that could not be shaken.
John Lind came to the front with a little
speech, in which he said the Second district
was strong for McGilL Standford Newell, j
Gordon E. Cole and others gave their testi- •
stony, and, after an hour's session, Messrs. i
Fletcher, Amundson and W. R. Merriam '
were appointed a committee on organiza- j
Grangers for Gtbbs.
Delegates from Houston, Freeborn,
Mower, Otter Tail, Kenville, Wright, Wa- J
seca and a large number of the "agricultural :
counties," as they are termed by the Gibbs
delegates, in contradistinction to Ramsey,
Hennepin, Red Wing, Wiuona, St. Louis
and Blue Earth counties, selected seats in
the reading room of the Merchants about 9
o'clock. Mr. Gibbs was brought forward
and Dr. A. C. Wedge, of Albert Lea. called
the caucus to order. Col. Hooker, of Hen
nepin, was made chairman on Senator
Langdon's motion, and A. H. Ber
tram, of Monticello, secretary. Col.
Hooker appointed R. B. Lang
don, of Heimepiu, John A. Lovely, of
Freeborn. and C. D. Wrigh, of Otter Tail,
a committee to confer on temporary organ
ization. Speeches were then in order, and
Mr. Gibbs was called for. He stated his
position as the candidate of the farmer and j
workingman. He was frequently ap- /
plauded, |
The most enthusiasm was created when !
Mark H. Dunne!!, of Owatonna. got up. :
He said the laboring men and farmers had
grievances, which it was time to hear and
calmly consider. Their votes would soon
one way or another. They were beginning '
to leave both political parties because they j
despaired of getting any redress. It was
time they were heard. Rins rule had stood
in the way of equitable and just laws. »
John L. Gibbs was the only man placed in
the field by the farmers and workingmen,
and his nomination would be a signification
that the Republican party was ready to
heed their demands for wise legislation.
Frequently the speaker was interrupted by j
loud applause. After him speeches were
made toy Capt. ISnider and Freeman P.
I Lane, of Minneapolis, Hudson and Lewis, .
of Grant. L. L. Whoelock. a workingman, !
of Minneapolis; Dr. Wedge, Senator
Steenerson, of Crookston, Col. Hooker, |
; Editor Randall, a proxy, of Morris; Wash- !
ington Muzzy, of the Farmers' alliance, and i
Rev. Robert ... Forbes, of St. Paul. Dr. ;
Forbes was. loud in his praise of John L.
Gibbs. rat?
■ v. toi __
How It Will Open.
Immediately after the caucuses adjourned j
the MeGill and Gibbs conference commit- '
tees on temporary organization met up- j
; stairs. There were present W. R. Mer- :
riam, of St. Paul; Loren Fletcher, of Mm- j
neapolis, and C. Amundson, of St. Peter, I
for McGill, and R. B. Langdon, of Minne- J
apolis; John A. Lovely, of Albert Lea. and |
C. D. Wright, of Fergus Falls, lor Gibbs. '■
Neither D. B. Searle, of St. Cloud; George i
iW. Sprague, of Prosper, nor Knute Nel- j
sob. of Alexandria, of the Gil
; man committee, were present.
:An understanding was soon arrived at
and a compromise was effected by deciding
upon Dr. A. C. Wedge, of Albert Lea, for
temporary chairman, and Stanford Newell,
of St. Paul, temporary secretary.
The committee appointed by the state
central committee, cons st of Chairman
Castle, and M. J. Daniels, of Rochester, to
present resolutions on the questions of tem
porary organization, apportionment, proxies
and legal ~ majorities have drawn a set of
resolutions giving the state central com
mittee the privilege of presenting the names
of candidates for temporary organization
and establishing the apportionment . at one
delegate for every 500 Republican votes,
, and one at ? large for every . county, and
they will present them to the committee on 1
resolutions to-day. "-4J: ■'
The House of I'iilsbury Declares for
McGill, ana the House of Lanedon
for Gibbs.
The Hennepin delegation held a long !
| meeting in the reading room of the Mer
chants', behind closed doors. R. B. Lang
j don was elected temporary chairman, and
afterward the temporary organization was
; made permanent. S. R. Thayer introduced
i a resolution favoring, a high license plank
| in, the platform. , Iv jrovoked considerable
f discussion and vi^lstrbi^ly.: opposed. The i
' reason given for the objections was that to
: tie up the delegation to high license would
; not be good policy, and would bind the j
| delegation. Eventually the resolution was
j withdrawn. Nothing was said about the j
! governorship, but it was decided that to
j secure the nomination of Hans Mattson for
I secretary of state and Frank Slocum for I
! state treasurer, it might be necessary to
make concessions. There were some mem
! bers of the delegation who were willing to
sacrifice Mr. Slocum.
Loren Fletcher. C. A. Pillsbury and Col.
; H. G. Hicks were working hard for McGill
j yesterday afternoon, and Senator Pillsbury j
; had frequent conferences with McGill. Mr.
' Pillsbury said "We are all for McGill."
1 Loren Fletcher turns an I-know-it-all-you
: know-nothing glance at the inquisitor who
I asks about Gibbs' strength in the delega
tion, and answers "We are going to make it
unanimous for McGill before we get
through." The eyes of Col. Hicks flash as
|he declares: "I always was a McGill man;
: have been that from the beginning. We've
; got 14 votes for McGill that are positive,
m'gill will be the man
that will be nominated. Put that down,
will you?"
Chairman Langdon says Gibbs is sure of ■
18 votes at least, and he concedes that Me- ,
Gill might get 14 votes if they can be '
manipulated by Pillsbury and Fletcher. Who j
the county delegation, controled by Maj.
Camp, will go for he cannot tell. I
"The delegation will have another meeting
this morning," he said, and he added, with
determination in his face: "The high license . :
question won't come up again; no, it won't." \
Senator Langdon was one of its strongest ;
opponents, and Sam Hill is working hard ;
jin conjunction with him. Both declare
I openly for Gibbs. Langdon asserts posi- !
; tively that there will be "no dark horse,"
! implyine that the convention will fight it
\ out on the three most prominently named !
candidates. Mr. Langdon says there never i
was any combination between him and
', Loren Fletcher. It is a fact just now that ;
| Langdon was in Gibbs' headquarters fre- j
' quently during the affernoon. and took it j
! upon himself to canvass a number of dele- .
! gations for Gibbs, while Fletcher and
Pillsbury were dartine and buzzing around
i among the crowd of delegates fixing up
delegations for McGill.
He Would Not Accept tbe Gnberna* |
I torial Nomination iff Offered Him.
"I am not a dark horse," said Congress
man Horace B. Strait, as he stood in the
] rotunda of the Merchants. Maj. Strait was !
about the hotel the greater part of the day.
It was apparent that he was not in the fight
| very deeply, for he did not move about
; with that activity that characterized the
| candidates, and if he talked with any one
it was because the interviewer came over to
the desk against which he was leaning and
started the conversation. The remark above '
quoted he made to a Globe reporter, who
had alluded to the fact that his name had ;
. been prominently mentioned as a candidate rJ
i for governor, if it appeared that none of
| the three avowed candidates could carry
: the convention.
"Would you accept the nomination if it
! were offered you?" asked the reporter.
'•No, I do not ihiak I would," said Maj.
I Strait. "I hare refused to be a candidate i
: for congress because I wanted rest. If I (
i were to be governor, I should not secure this.
j The work would be a mote severe tax than
that of congressman, for that is familiar, !
whereas this would be new. Ido not want ,
any office, and I think I would refuse the ■
gubernatorial nomination, even if it were ■ '
offered me by the convention." . p
Mr. Strait said that he could not predict ■ l
who would be the choice of the convention. :
He was simply a spectator, he said. ;
View* on the Position of the Ex- •
Cabinet minister. '
William Windom maintains that when he
presided over the anti-saloon Republican j !
convention at Chicago he ■ started on a pol- i ,
icy he intends to adhere to until death. •
C. A. Pillsbury, of Minneapolis, and
others expressed themselves last night on ■ i
both his position and the high-license ques
tion. Mr. Pillsbury said:
I thick Windom was a. little in advance of
his his time; ibat is all. I think It will come
to that in time. I believe ir is the right policy
of the Republican party, and we must advo
cate what Windom does. It's simply a little
ahead of the present day. Mind what I say,
we will have to come to it; but it may beat
the Repuolican party once before we get to
that point. I don't think it hurt Windom in
hia chances for United States senator. In
fact, I don't think he is a candidate.
Ex-Lieut. Gov. Yale of Winona — It would
not do for Windom to be chairman, That
Chicago convention business stands in the
way. I think he lies when he says he is not
opposing C. K. Davis.
Ex-Lieut. Gor. Alphonzo Barto — I have
always been a high license man.
'". C."A. Oilman — will be necessary to put in
a high license plank. It is our only salvation
j now.
H. A. Castle have always worked for
j high license. If we don't adopt a high
license plank the Prohibitionists will get
away with 20,000 vote 3. Where does that
come from? Don't it come from the Re
publican party? We've got to do some
thing to hold these votes.
Loren Fletcher — I don't know anything
about it.
Gordon E. Cole, of Faribault— l think
Windom flopped over.
W. R. Merriam, of St. Windom
jis in advance of his day. I don't think
it will do for a new state. We don't want
it here in the cities anyway.
What Candidates Say on a Labor
Flank in the Platform.
George W. Sprague, of Prosper, presi
dent of the Farmers' alliance, was asked
yesterday what the Republican convention
would do with the Alliance and Knights of
Labor address adopted by the joint confer
ence committee. He replied:
. We don't ask the Republican convention to
adopt the alliance resolutions. They are too
long. They are a platform in themselves.
I All we ask is a hearing, and that their princi
! ples bo substantially adopted. Ten lines
j might cover them.
Secretary Hague said — "Yes; I think the
| Republicans will adopt the principles, that is,
1 put them in their platform. I think the con
vention will do about the same as the Demo
: cratic convention did. We don't expect to
! get everything.
The candidates expressed themselves on the
: labor question like this:
John L. Gibbs — I think the farmers and
workingmen have grievances which we should
consider. It is time we gave them a hearing.
We have got to come to it some time.
A. R. McGill— guess that will be all right.
Mark H. Dunnell — The farmers and labor
in? men are going to turn the vote in this
state this year one way or another.
i; C. A. Pillsbury— l think the labor platform
will be substantially adopted. I shouldn't be
surprised if the convention declared for high
license, too.
i C. A. Oilman l guess their principles will
j be put into the platform.
Knute Nelson — Now bo too inquisivo
with a fellow, will you.
i ' K. B. Langdon laboring men ask for
nothing more than is right.
If the convention to-day does not adopt the
joint conference address in its entirety and
nominate Gibbs. Erick Olson and Washington
Muzzy, of the Farmers' alliance, say it will
Five Donnelly a bis: . chance to start a third
party at his conference to-morrow.
Sam's Son.
John Howard, of Sauk Centre, tells this
story of C. F. Kindred, of Brainerd:
Will Nichols came up and shook hands with
Kindred and said: "How de do, Charley.
How's Sam Nichol's chances in the Fifth dis
Kindred threw up both hands as he replied:
"Great God, anything 1 but Sam Nichols."
- Will left and Kindred turned to a dele
gate and inquired, '"Who is that yonng
man?" "Why, that's Will Nichols. Sam's
son/ was the answer, and Mr. Kindred
never said a word.
Peculiarities in a Group of Republi
can Non«s, Whicli Smell Defeat.
Some man once wrote in a book that
character could be better judged by the
critical examination of the human nose
than by any other feature. If it be so a
student ; would have had ample field for
study in the shifting " picture in the Mer
chants , hotel yesterday and could have
found great food for thought in that
granger-loving, laborer- loving, money-lov
ing throng. . The snuffler of the wolf was
there leading around the tender noses of
little lambs, some others there rooting
around in the mire of trickery for husks;
the nose of the watch doc was there, guard
ing the interests of his vote-buying and
candidate-trading master; the beak of
the eagle was there ready to
swoop down . upon C- the bleeding
carcass of ; some slaughtered candidate;
and there were the nibblersof mice all after
the great Republican pie. The great busi
ness of these noses, with their, various pe
culiarities and numerous colors, seemed to
be to scent each other candidate and the
quality of several brands of whisky. Noses
pointed straight forward, like Herman
Stockenstrom's, and noses protruded down
ward like John B. Giltillan's; some were
directed this, that and every way to get a
smell of success. At last they retired and
the noses of the Republican office seekers
pointed heavenward. The delegates slept
and dreamed of victory to-day.
A. R. McGill's nose will not down. Few
can approach it. It surmounts a
mustache which awes the beholder
while the tips of each black hair
points to JVlcGill. By no means
loes the greatness of this feature
indicate intrigue, but imperious
ness, frigidity and determination
are suggested iv the straight and
heavy outline.
Here is a grim looking, determined, pos
itive protrusion. Not an inch w oukl it
yield to an opponent. A straight
lined, triangular nose, minding the
interests of Charley Oilman only,
and willing to trade no more than
six fdr a dozen. A thousand re
collections of favors granted, and as
many anticipations of future re
turns lurk about it.
This is a genial, accessible,
whole-souled nose. It never was
cut out for a political nose, but
rather is it the kindly prejection of
a well-meaning farmer, overlook
ing a field of timothy and clover.
J ust beneath it are a few hay seeds
mingled among a mass of maroon
hair owned by John L. Gibbs, of
This nose would be recognized anywhere.
Any man having seen it once could
draw a profile of it from memory
years after. If he exaggerated on
it to a considerable degree of exten
sion it would not mar its beauty. It
is a far reaching proboscis, a schem
ing, picturesque, anticipating nose.
such as Chairman Castle himself would
Loren Fletcher's aquiline beak has
made him the JeaderQ of the
Uennepin Republicans. Nothing
else about him could have made
him so famous. It is one of the
prominent parts of his face. It
impresses people. When they be
come accustomed to it they observe
that it bulges toward congressional
The exckic.iveness of this nose is apparent
at a glance. There is no other feature like
it in the Republican party. There is
a retrospectiveness about it which
gives it the appearance of having at
one time ceased to grow forward and
started to develop backward. There
is a inassiveness about the most
prominent facial feature of the head
of the wealthy house of Langdon,
one of the leading peers of the Re
publican nobility, which is striking,
and it is the index to its tall posses
sor's political life. At first it darted
forward until Langdon became sen
ator. Years of contentment gave it
a long droop downward, but just at
the end the tip makes a little spurt
forward, indicating that Laugdons
ambition has started in the direc
tion of the United States senate.
The storms of tiie Northern
winters have never troubled this
feature. Particularly noticeable
are several curves leading in differ-
directions. C. F. Kindred, of Brainerd.has
probably never stopped to examine the
counterpart in a looking-glass. If he would
he naieht have cause for both admiration
and regret.
What They Suy.
C. A. Sandstrom, of St. Paul— lt is acknowl
edged by all that the Swedes are to have the
office of secretary of state, and that their
choice will be equivalent to a nomination.
There are 40 Swedish delegates, ami 26 are
known to fee in favor of Herman Stocfcen
stroin, 9 for Col. Hans Mattsoa and 5 not yet
heard from.
H. G. Day, of Freeborn— There were thir
teen men in that McGill caucus who are
pledged to Gibbs. We appointed committees
of three to canvass each congressional dis
trict,and when they reported after the caucus
we counted 145 votes sure.
G. P. Johnson, of St. James, candidate |for
clerk of the supreme court, was a canJidate
nve years ago and threw his strength over to
Sam Nichols at the instance of his friends.
He has been clerk of courts in Watertown
county eleven years.
J. D. Jones, candidate for clerk of the su
preme court — I think my chances are better
than anybody's else.
W. P. Sarg-eant, of Albert Lea— l don't
know who will make tho nominating 1 speech
for Gibbs.
Joel P. Heatwole — The country delegates
are concentrating and crystalizing for Pattee.
George W. Sprague, of Fillmore — We are
solid for Gil man and always have been.
C. H. Strobeck, of Meeker — You had the
figures about right.
Frank Kelloyg— l've got a lot of yotes in
Hennepin county.
Editor Van Leuren Gives His Rea
sons for Opposing lovely for Cou-
To the Editor of the Globe:
I am written to, and appealed to, by the
friends of John A. Lovely to support him for
congress in this district, as he is the Repub
lican candidate. I was a Union soldier, going 1
to the war before I was 18 years old, and I
have sworn never to go back on it, if I know
myself, that I will not support a Copperhead
for any office under heaven. This pledge I
have always kept, and will keep,
come age, ache, penury or imprison
ment, or all tho ills that can on
nature lie. If I can be satisfied that John A.
Lovely was loyal to the Union, I would cheer
fully give him my vote and nay paper's sup
port. And I can be easily satisfied, — will be
satisfied with any reasonable proof. But Mr.
Lovely has appeared in court, in his own de
fense, and what is his defense a.srninst the
charge tb«t he was a Copperhead during the
•war? As Mr. Lovely is a good lawyer, it must
be conceded, I think, that he has made the
best possible defense, and it is my pur
pose, to bow seriously inquire into the char
acter of that defense. To refute the charge
that he was a copperhead, Mr. Lovely sends
to the Pioneer Press and Winona Republican
a circular, said to have been written at
Watertown, Wis., on the occasion of Lin
coln's assassination. Mr. Lovely's name ap
pears us the third signer on that reputed
circular, showing almost conclusively that he
did not write it, but signed it by request. I
do not state this as a fact, but as
a most reasonable probability. Now. admit
ting that Lovely did sign that circular, does
that fact prove that he was loyal to the Union?
Lincoln was assassinated April 14, 18C5, and
the war closed April 9. 15155, by the Appo
mattox surrender. It therefore appears that
after the close of the war, and after the as
sassination of Lincoln, that John A. Lovely
signed a circular
and now offers that circular in evidence to
show his loyalty: in other words, to prove
that be was not a copperhead. Better evi
dence would be an honorable discharge from
tho Union army. Soriously now, is not my
Lovely's attempted defense most grotesque?
Union soldieis ask this question: Where was
John A. Lovely from IStJO to 1865. during the
war? Where was he? A young man, whole
and sound, where was he? It is the painful
truth that he was a mere straggler
between Vormout and Wisconsin, loitering in I
those states and places whose quotas wero
full— a draft-dodger, and worse, a loud
mouthed advocate, that the "war was a fail
ure." To come forward now and trump up
an old nasty circular, written after the war
had closed, and palm that off as evideuce.
that be was not a copperhead, is an insult to
the intelligence of men and an affront to the
memory of the martyr, Lincoln. On a par
with this gauzy circular business, is the pre
tense by Mr. Lovely that he was "too youn<r"
to flght, that he tried to enlist, bur
they wouldn't take him. To prove
this, Mr. Lovely writes a biographical
sketch of himself for the Pioneer Press, after
bis nomination at Kasson and after
had been freely made against him, and in
that sketch he fixed his ago at 42 years, and
claimed that he was born in Burlington, Vt.,
in 1844. All this may be true, but
does it prove that Lovely was
'•too young" to go to the war?
Comparisons they say are odious, but if Mr.
NO. 2 6 5
I Lovely was born In 1844, a3 ho says, then
| even he is an older man than I am, and I
went to the war and have other evidence of
my loyalty than an old circular show
ing 1 grief over Lincoln's assassin
ation. Gen. Sanborn, Albert Seheffer,
Col. Crooks, Capt. Braden, Dr. Ames, John
■ Frank, Capt. Mullen, Col. Gould, Mal. Frank
j Hall, Senator Sargeant, Collector Biermann,
all old soldiers, and Judge Wilson, satisfied
with Mr. Lovely's war record. Are Union sol
diers satisfied with Mr. Lovely's war record?
If John A. Lovely was not a capper during
the war I would be glad to know it. lam th»
last man to do him an injustice, and I await
anxiously the proofs of his loyalty.
H. C. Van Lettten-.
Spring Valley, Sept. 21.
They Nominate Jame* Brackiin, of
Rice Lake For Congress on the
First Ballot. -
Special to the Globe.
Eau Claire, Wis., Sept 21.—
' Eighth congressional district Democratic
j convention met this afternoon, with repre
sentation from Barron, Dunn, Douglas,
Eau Claire, Jackson, Pepin, St. Croix and
Trempeleau counties. J. L. Henning, of
St. Croix, was chairman and 11. E. Hotch
kiss, of Trempeleau, secretary. James
Brackiin, of Rice Lake, Barron county,
was nominated for member of congress on
the first formal ballot. Thomas Carmichael,
of Eau Claire, who developed strength on
the informal ballot, declining to run under
any circumstances, and a letter being read
from R. J. Mcßride, of Xeillsville, who had
been expecting to run, stating that he could
not be the candidate. Four members of
the district committee were appointed as
follows: D. B. Worthington, of Barron,
James Bardon, of Douglas: Herbert Brack
ett, of Jackson, and J. E. Matthews, of
Dunn. The chairman of the committee is
to be appointed from Eau Claire and the
j committee is empowered to nominate if
liracklin declines. Brackiin is a merchant.
He ran for the assembly in his district two
years ago and was defeated by C. S. Tay
lor. The convention adopted resolutions
as follows:
The Democrats of the Eighth congressional
district, in convention assembled, declare:
First. That they heartily command and ap
prove the administration of President Cleve
land for its fidelity to ante-election promises
and the wise and economical administration
of public affairs. Second. That the reduc
tion of the tariff to a revenue basis is a car
dinal principle of the Democratic party, and
the members of the present house, elected as
Democrats, who voted against considering a
bill for the reduction of the tariff, deserve no
recognition in Democratic councils. Third.
That the thanks of the Democrats of this dis
trict are due and are hereby tendered to
Judge Lewis B. Larson for the unselfish, able
and vigorous canvass made by him in the last
congressional campaign. Fourth. That we
heartily approve the resolutions adopted by
the state convention.
Very Harmonious^
Special to the Globe.
Austin, Sept. 21. — The Democratic
county convention held here yesterday was
the largest and most enthusiastic ever held in
Mower county. Harmony prevailed
throughout, much to the surprise of those
who were looking for a fight of the differ
ent factions. It can be said to the honor
of the different leaders that things were
managed admirably, and that they cast
aside their petty differences for the welfare
of the party. The following nominations
were made:
For senator. Dr. O. W. Gibson, of Austin;
sheriff, Anton Fredericks, of Austin; treas
urer, A. J. Porter, of Leroy; auditor, G. D.
Knox, Racine; county attorney, J. M. Green
man, Austin; probate judge, J. D. Sheedy,
Austin; superintendent of schools, W. G.
Elliott, Brownsdale; register of deeds, Eu«
geue Wood, Austin; representatives, J. J.
Furlong, Windom; S. Schroeder, Grand
Meadow; court commissioner, J. P. Taylor,
Leroy; coroner, Dr. Alex McDonald, Austin;
county surveyor, L. M. Gaskell, Grand
No clerk of court was nominated, it being
left with the central committee to place a
man in nomination.
A Black Eye for .Lovely.
Special to the Globe.
Speing Vaixey, Minn., Sept. 21. — Tho
following is an exact copy of the resolution
introduced in the last Republican conven
tion of this county at Preston, Sept. 17,
and defeated by the friends of Milo
.Resolved, That the Republican delegates of
Fillmore county, in convention assembled, do
hereby pledge themselves to personally and
individually support the Republican state
ticket and John A. Lovely, the Repnblican
nominee for congress in this district, and also
the Republican county ticket.
Many delegates objected to the resolu
tion, and it was amended by leaving out
all allusion to John A. Lovly and then
adopted. The defeat of the resolution in
dorsing Lovely is regarded as a great vic
tory for Milo White, and is everywhere
hailed as a sure indication that White in
tends to give this county to Judge Wilson.
The principal objector to the resolution in
dorsing John A. Lovely was C. G. Ed
wards, of Spring Valley, Milo White's pet
candidate for state senator. Lovely's
friends are up in arms, and swear they will
have their revenge by defeating C. G. Ed
wards for the state senate. .
McJLeofl County Nominations.
Special to the Globe.
Hutchinsox, Minn., Sept. 21. — The Re
publicans held their county convention at
Hutchinson at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon.
The following candidates were nominated:
Auditor, D. J. Butter; treasurer.M. Weihle;
register of deeds, E. P. J. Day; clerk of court,
John Luiten; sheriff, Ed Tifft; judge of pro
bate, T. T. Sargent; court commissioner, A.
J. Snyder; attorney, G. M. Nelson; coroner, J.
O. Rice; superintendent of schools,L. P. Har
rington; surveyor, L. G. Simons.
Legislative Nominees.
Special to the Globe.
Zumbrota, Minn., Sept. 21. — The Re
publican convention for the Twenty-first
senatorial district and the First and Second
legislative districts met in Zumbrota to-day.
O. K. Finseth. of Holden, was nominated
for senator, and O. K. Nesseth, of Wanna
miugo, and Olaf Nosdvold, of Zumbrota
township, for representatives.
They Have a Jui.ijr Chance.
SDCcial to the Globs.
Lancaster. Wis., Sept. — Arthur
Doyle, a rich farmer and crippled ex-Union
soldier, of Smelzer, has been nominated
for assemblyman by the Democrats of the
First Grant county assembly district. The
district is usually solidly Republican, but at
the Republican convention, held last week,
ex-Sheriff J. B. McCoy was nominated, and
the Hazel Green and Jamestown delegates
went home kicking. The Democrats be
lieve they have a good fighting chance, and
are very hopeful.
New York Democrats.
Saratoga, N. V., Sept. 21.— John J.
O'Brien has resigned the chairmanship of
the state Democratic committee, and ex-
Congressman Walker, of Steuben county,
has been elected by the committee to fill
the vacant chairmanship. It was decided
to hold no Democratic state convention
this fall. ________
Named for Congress.
L. E. McCotnas . . Rep 6th Maryland
Andrew Huben Dem 6th Wisconsin
J. E. Washington.. .Dem 6th Tennesso
William Elliott Dem.. 7th South Carolina
Port Huron, Mich. Sept. 31.— Re
publicans of the Seventh congressional
district to-day nominated John P. Sanbora.
Heavy Wind Storm.
Elmira, N. V., Sept. Particulars
of a terrific wind Sunday evening, in a re
mote part of Cuyohoga county, Pennsylva
nia, have just been received. It occurred
near Knoxville, in Deerfield township, and
demolished a number of barns, two farm
houses and orchards and much timber. - It
twisted off the • tops of forest trees and
strewed them over the country. There
were no serious injuries to : human or ani- .
mal life. The devastation extended over ft
distance of ten miles.

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