OCR Interpretation

St. Paul daily globe. [volume] (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1884-1896, April 13, 1888, Image 10

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90059522/1888-04-13/ed-1/seq-10/

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, Wants on this page will be inserted uudei
.lassified headings according to the following
O . >-3 »■. •_ *^ ■ ir. en
a s: a- o •-*• *-*• ®
t n A -1 c" 5 " •
[Number * ° § ->:.«-• „ g
; of o o _. _■. ~ _ £
{Words. ,*§ I I g- 5 g 2 3
1 . a ■as S° *J*
I : : ' ---Li : ILL
15 or less .15!5. 27:5. 39 §.51 $.03j5.75|5.87
10 words .10 :28 .40! .52, .04 .70 .88
17 words .17 .30 .43 .50 .09 .82 .95
lSwcrds .18 .32 .40 .00; .74 .88-.01
119 words .19 .34 .49 .6. .79 .94 1.08
90 words .20 .35 .50" .05' .80 .951. 10
21 words .21 .371 .53 .09, .85 1.0 Hi.l 7
22 words .22 .39 .50 .73 .90 1 .07 1 .2 1
{23 words .23 -.41 .59 .77 .851.1311.31
24 words .21 .42 .001 .78' .90J1.14;1.32
25 words .25 .11 .03 .82 1 .01 1. 20 1.39
20 words .26 .46 .66 .801.001.26;1*.4
--27 words .27 .48 .09 .90 1.1 1 1 .3- .53
28 words 1 .28 .49 .70 .91 1.12J1 .331.54
29 words .29 .51 .73 .95 1.171.39,1.01
80 words .30 .53! .701 . 99 1.2211 .45 1.65
31 words 31 .551 .791.03 _5 11.78
(32 words .32 .561 .80j1.0_11.281.521.7
--33 words .33 .58 .83 1.08 1.331.58|1.80
34 words .341 .0!); .80|1.12 1 .38 1.6311. 90
IB words .35! .02. :891.16 1.43:1.701.97
30 words .36 .03 .901 .17 1.44J1.711.98
37 words .37 .65 .93 1.21,1.491.77 2.05
"38 words .38 .07 .901.251.541.832.12
139 words .39! .09 .991. 291.59 1.89:2.19
f_o words .401 .70 1.09:1. 39 1.00 1.90,2. 20
41 words .4] .72 1.031.34 1.65 1.96 2.27
42 words .42 .74 1 .00 1 38 .702.02 2.30
43 words .43 .70 1.09 1.42 1 .75 2.08 2.4 1
-4 words .44 I.IOJI. 43 1.70 2 2. 42
-5 words .45 .79 1.13 !47 1 .81 2. 15 2.49
40 words .40' .81 1 . 16 1 1.802.21 2.56
47 words .47 .-3 1. 19 .55 .91 2.27 2. 03
18 word- .48' .84 1 .'.'O I .56 I .922.2*2
49 words .491 .86) 1.2311. 6011.9712.34
50 words .50| . ss; 1. 20 1. 04:2.02, 2
, Compound words count two words, and
levery abbreviation counts the same as a full
- In Every Case the Money Must Accom
pany the Order.
.tin 10. '
AGENTS and solicitors in city and coun
try at good nay, for a large Eastern life
insurance company, in Minnesota and Da
kota. Address 1 38, Globe. 103-109
AGENTS— Wanted, energetic agents tor
the Union Endowment association; ab
solutely safe; some of our agents are aver
aging -10 per day. Call on or address B. M.
"French, Secretary. Rooms 91, 92 and 93,
.Union block, St. Paul. 99-100
'* GENTS — Agents wanted everywhere;
.__- three new articles just out; big money;
exclusive territory: inclose stamp for par
ticular's; samples of all three 35 cents. Ad
dress Swinburne & Co.. Manufacturers, La
Crosse, Wis. 107
AGENTS— 1). W. Jackson is making
liberal offers to reliable agents; home
Office 94 East Fourth, St. Paul. Minn. 90-120
A" GENTS WANTED— Agents to handle
the new Chemical Ink Erasing Pencil;
greatest novelty ever produced ; erases ink in
wo seconds; no abrasion of paper; 200 to
500 per cent profit; one agent's sales
amounted to $020 in six days; anotner §32
in two hours; territory absolutely free; sal
ary' to good men; no ladies need answer;
■sample 35 cents. For terms and full partic
ulars, address the manufacturers, J. W.
.Skinner & Co.. Onahiska. Wis. 98-104
GOOD MEAL for 10c and upwards;
beef steak, pork chops or sausage, or
Toast beef, mutton or pork, with potatoes,
sc; bread, butter and coffee. sc; good oyster
Blew, 15c. New York Restaurant, 442 Jack -
son st. 99-105
"D ARBER wanted 377 Robert st. 0
BARHER— Wauled, a first-class and sober
burber; no other me I apply. Address
S. W. Nelson, Box :*5. Litchfield, Minn.
_£ . 102-107
ARBER— Wanted. a tirsl-cluss barber at
once; $10 per week. Address Henry
Tedder, New II 1 1 1. Minn. 102-104
BARBER— Wanted; a barber; steady em
ployment for 0 good man. Call at cor
ner Third and Minnesota sts. M. Bigo. 5
BARBER -A' once: steady employment
and good wages for a sober and com
petent man. Write or telegraph to George
Dixon. Grafton, Dak. 100-105
BARHER WANTED— Steady man, at
402 East Seventh st. 0
LAC KS mTt H— anted, first-class black
smith.for plow work and horseshoeing.
Address P. Aylesworth. Aberdeen, Dak. 4
BLACKSMITH— Accustomed to plow
work and horseshoeing; steady work to
a good, sober man. Address G. B. Schnepf,
Madison, Minn. 103-105
BOY— Wanted at once, boy to do chores;
$10 a month and board paid, at 77 Sum
mit ay. 6
BOY— Wanted, a German boy not under
eighteen years of age: fair practical ed
ucation; permanent employment; business
in country. Address E 48, Globe. 103-109
CANVASSER— Wanted, first-class sub
scription and advertising canvassers.
Call at 232 West Sixth st. between 0:30 and
9:30 p.m. 103-104
CANVASSERS— Ten canvassers; will pay
salary and commission. Apply Singer
Sewing Machine office. 27 East Third st.
:;.:.-. v: 103-109
CARP ETL AVER— Wanted, one thorough
ly competent to do bordered worked in
a first class manner; must be reliable and of
good character and habits. Apply im
mediately with reference at Oliver Baker's
carpet house, 417 and 4 lit Wabasha st.
ARI'ET LAYER— Wanted, carpet layer
at Electric, Carpet Cleaning Works, 201
Eagle st. Telephone call 544—3. G. P.
.moss, piopriuim. v
CLERK— Wanted, nt once, an experienced
young man as grocery clerk and willing
to take care of two horses; references re
quired. Address A 89, Globe. .6
COACHMAN— Careful- driver; one who
understands caring for horses.carriages,
etc. Address JB. Globe. 6
DRIVERS— Wanted, two men to drive
teams in a commission house. 141 Con
cord St., West St. Paul. Mc.Namara & Ryan. s
MPLOYMENT— Wanted, elderly man,
who is willing to work about house for
good home and small wages. 592 Jackson. 6
GARDENER for farm in northern part of
this state; married man preferred; wife
to do cooking. Apply at office of Bohn Man
ufacturing company," Arcade st 5
HOSTLER— Live man to work in stable:
wash buggies, etc. Price & Treacy,
veterinary surgeons, 167 West Fourth st. 5
JOH PRINTER wanted immediately at
Rush City. Minn.; city wages paid and
•steady sit. H. P. Robie, publisher Post. 5
AUN DRY ROY at Towel Exchange
laundry, 407 Rice ft. 6
MACHINIST— Wanted, young man of
seventeen or more to learn the ma
chinist's trade; Scandinavian preferred. St.
Paul Novelty factory, 017 Mississippi st. 5
MAN — A bright, active man between the
ages of twenty-five and thirty years; a
real estate salesman preferred: good chance
to right party. Address J 00, Globe. 6
MAN— Wanted, a young man to take care
of horse and work around house. Apply
at 330 Pleasant ay., comer Forbes. 0
AN WANTED— To close sales for sew
ing machine company. Highest- salary
to competent man. Apply 78 East Seventh
•street. Room B. 6
N" EWSPAPER M EN— A few capable men
to work on a state publication as writers
reporters and solicitors. Address II 33
Globe. 104
QUARRYMAN— A practical quarryman:
references required; good wages. Call
at office. No. 146 East Fourth st., Room 4.
_■ 102-105 ■ - -. -,;.-_
SALESMAN wanted for dry goods store.
O Apply 78 East Seventh st.," room 8.
- 103-104.
SAUSAGE MAKER— Wanted, a first-class
sausage maker at IS. Western ay. ; sin
gle man preferred. 6
SOLICTOR— Wanted. first-class advertis
ing solicitor for daily paper; must have
had experience on such. Address, stating
experience. A 60, Globe. 6
Hammond tv*>e-writer operator wanted.
I, 60 Globe. ' 104-107
TAILOR— Pants maker. Reid Tailoring
315 Jackson st. 6
TAILOR— a pnntsmaker at once;
to steady man will give work the year
round. A. D. Marsh, Ada. Minn. 103-106
TAILOR— Wanted, a first elasscoatmaker
at Brainerd. Address B. Whitford.
Brainerd, Minn- Box 852. 9S-104
U' PIIOLSTERERS— First-class; no other
need apply; highest wages paid to good
•men at Miller A* ('raw's Furniture House,
1027 Fourth ay. south. Minneapolis.
„ ■ ■ 101-100. . .
WAGONMA t. El ■—>'■ anted immediately,
first-class wagoumeker. Apply to
James Tippet, Tower. >; inn. 0
W" ANTED— Book __. salesmen, office
clerks. collectors, bartenders, coach
men, hostlers, . drive;*, janitors, watchmen,
engineers, firemen,, teamster-, etc., to call and
learn our method of advert:.-:;:.- voif .wants.-'
•The Advertising Di recto: 7- East Seventh
Room 8. ••-...'■•- ' 1 "3-104
WANTED— few persons 111 ea_'i place
to do light writing; inclose stamp for
fifty-page book of particulars to J. 11. od
bury, Albany. N. Y. " 103-108.
WASHERWOMAN— Wanted, a washer
woman this morning at Achilles' in
telligence office, 105 East Seventh st, 6 I
J* email*.
fice, 105 East Seventh St.. corner Jack
son—Wanted, good girls for housework, fam
ily cooks and waitresses. 104
COOK— Girl wanted to help cook, wash
/ and iron at 47 Summit ay 0
COOK— Wanted, cook at city and county
hospital; references required. 101-103
COOK— a good cook at 528 Cedar
st. ; call early this morning. 5
COOK— At once, a competent lemale cook
for Kindred hotel, -Valley City. Dak.
DINING ROOM GlßL— Wanted, a first
class dining room girl; apply at once.
450 Wabasha st. 0
INING ROOM GIRL wanted. 382
Robert st. 0
INING ROOM GIRL— At St. Jamas ho
tel. ' - - 6
DRESSMAKER— Wanted, an expert
sewer; one who understands dressmak
ing generally. Apply at once to 085 St.
Peter st. 5
/~t IRL— To do ironing, at 042 Broadway.
IRL— A girl wanted at 97 West Tenth st.
GIRL— for cooking and laundry
work. Mrs. Russell Dorr, 545 Oakland
aye . . 6
GIRLS— Dining-room and kitchen girls
wanted at 382 Robert st. 0
GIRLS— Wanted, girls to run sewing ma
chine at N. G. Real's tent and awning
shop, 18 West Third st. 5
HIRED GIRLS, Macalester, Slo; best
hotel places in and outside city." Doug
lass' Intelligence, 35 Seventh. " 92-105
OI'SE CLEANING— Woman wanted at
238 East Ninth, corner Waconta. 5
OUSEWORK— GirI for housework. 204
East Fourteenth st. 6
OCSKWOKK— GirI for general house
work: references required. Mrs. H. E.
Warner. 340 Fuller st. ; 0
OUSEWORK— girl for general
housework at 50 East Seventh st. 6
OUSEWORK— Wanted, good girl for
general housework. 003 John st. 0
OUSEWORK— GirI wanted to do house
work in a small family; wanted to-day.
Inquire at 39 ML Airy st, 0
HOUSEWORK— A good girl for general
housework in private family. Apply at
144 Iglehart st. Mrs. DeCamp. 0
HOUSEWORK— A good girl for general
housework. Apply mornings at 551
Broadway. " 104-100
HOUSE WORK —Wanted, immediately,
competent girl for general housework.
418 East Tenth st. 5
OUSEWORK— Wauted, a girl to do gen
eral housework, at 665 East Fourth st.s
OUSEWORK— Wanted, a girl to do
housework at 252 West Fifth st. 5
OL'SEWORK-rWanled, a good girl tor
genera, housework. Call at 001 Selby
ay. 5
HOUSEWORK— Wanted, a good girl for
general housework. Call at 182 Far
rington ay. 5
HOUSEWORK— Competent girl for gen
eral housework ; also nurse girl. Call at
Room 14, Mannbeimer block. 4
RESSMAKER— one with ex
perience, who can cut and fit preferred.
Call at 500 Marshall ay. 4
HOUSEWORK— Girl wanted tor general
housework: two in family; German
preferred. 407 North street. 5
HOUSEWORK— girl for general house
work: good washer and ironer. Call at
555 Westminster st. 102-103
T7"ITCIII.N girl at 385 Washington st.
LADY ASSISTANCE in kindergarten;
must speak German and English. 5 Call
at I . G. Heine's, 449 Wabasha st. * 5
rAUNDRES.s— a tirst-class latin-
J dress. 305 Pleasant ay. 6
NURSE wanted at 523 Mississippi St.; call
at once. . 0
NURSES Ladies to become nurses. Apply
or inclose stamc for circular, 400 Nicol
let, Minneapolis. Prof. Lonsdale. . 99-105
A L I.S LADY— Wanted, a saleslady. Ap
ply 78 East Seven st., room 8. 103-104
SEAMSTRESS, one who understands
cutting and fitting. Mrs. Pelton, 000
East Fourth st. 0
CKAMSTKESS wanted. 100 Pleasant ay.
O north. 5
SERVANT— servant for general
housework in family of two. Apply
with references to 57 Til ton st. 6
O EWERS— Wanted, plain sewers at 521
>-> Wabasha. ' 103-107
SEWING GIRL wanted at 50 West Cen
tral ay. i 4
sha st. _5
WASHERWOMAN— a girl to
take washing at home. 324 Wabasha
st. ...... 6
WASHWOMAN— Wanted this, Friday,
morning at 80 Kent st,, a woman to
wash and clean house. Mrs. P. F. Egan. 6
ASHERWOMAN— Wanted, a- wash
woman to do washing at home by the
week. Apply 599 Selby ay. 4
WILL GIVE perfect satisfaction to girls,
housekeepers and hotels at once at the
German Ladies' Intelligence office, 52 West
Tenth st. 101-107
CARRIAGE— For sale, a family carriage ;
can be seen a l barn between 12 and 3
o'clock at 397 East Tenth st." 98-104
CARRIAGES, buggies of every style at
lower prices than same can De bought of
any other dealer in St. Paul; two-seat car
riages, buggies, phaetons, surreys, rockaways,
cabriolets, jumpseats, canopy tops, carts,
two-seated wagons, ! express and delivery
wagons arid harness. Call, before purchas
ing. King's carriage rooms, Fourth and Min
nesota. 61*
FOR SALE— Pair ot line matched driving
horses, five years old. , Pome'roy's, Eighth
and Sibley streets. - • 104
FOR SALE— One driving horse, five years
old. 354 East Ninth street. ' 104
FOR SALE— Light chestnut or cream col
ored pony four years old; weight r^OO;
kind, gentle, stylish and an elegant saddler;
suitable for lady to ride; price $150. Ad
dress P. J. Malcum, Pine Ber.d, Dakota
county, Minn. 104
FOR SALE— Good sidebar top buggy
cheap. Call 433 Ellen st. 102-104
HORSE— Good family horse, cheap. Ad
dress Magraw Bros., 103 East Fourth
st. 104-105
HORSE— We have for sale a line six-year
old horse, sound and good driver;
weight, about 1.075; price, $135. Gooch &
Falde. 51 East Fourth st. 104-106
HORSE— For sale, nice family horse, five
years old, very gentle, plewsant for a
lady "to drive. Call atO'Halloran & Murphy's,
No." 10 West Sixth st. ;.■■■. 102-103
HORSE— Good gray horse about 1.350
pounds, with or without harness or de
livery wagon. John C. Mueller & Co,, corner
Sibley and Levee. 102-105
HORSES— A good team of horses for sale
cheap at 627 Farrington ay. 104
INSURE your horses and cattle in The
Sterling Live Stock Insurance company,
509 Lumber Exchange Minneapolis. 3i_*
WISH TO SELL my carriage, har
ness, an open ' carriage, ' a close car
riage, buggy and sleigh. Will take real
estate in exchange. 13 Mannheimer 'block.
102104 . . .
MULES— heavy span of mules for
sale cheap. •N. R. Frost, Room 10,
Frost block. 102-104
driving horse, weight 1.300; sound in
every wav; eight years old this spring;
worth $175 ; will sell for $100: dcu't miss
him. J. B. McKenney, 33. Cedar st., Union
block, room 45. ' . ' 104
PONY— A pony about 650 pounds heavy,
a little white spot on the forehead, two
shoes on the front feet. A reward of $5 will
be paid if returned to Paul Klein, corner of
Como and Western ays. . .. - 103 105
PONY— sale, finest little riding and
driving pony in city. Call at 405 Sum
mit ay. - 103-106
ANT TO BOY- Good young work
team, wagon and harness. Apply A.
11. Ranney & Co, 422 Wacouta. 102-104
OARD— Elegant apartments with table
board; modern conveniences. 592-594
Jackson st. 102-106
EIGHTH ST., 417, EAST— Rooms with
board : nice accommodations for gentle
men or married people; nrivate family. 104
F" IFTEKNTiI ST., 270, EAST— A nicely
furnished front room, with board, for
two, in private family, and table board . for
one or two. - _. ... 104-100
F" OURTH.ST., 51. WEST— Good board
and nicely furnished room at reasona
ble rate. ■ ■-■■-_.: 10-1-100
GOOD BOARD and room for four gentle
men at 4"! North Exchange st. 103-109
ST. PETER ST.. 020— lonng girls' home,
.. for respectable young girls only; board
ing and lodging $2. 50, per 'week; reading
room free. . . ._■ 99-120
WASHINGTON- ST., . 3.5, Near City
Hail— For rent, two furnished rooms,
with board. ; 102-104
APPRENTICE— young man twenty
one years old -would like a place to learn
the barber trade. Address 242 Maria ay.
.* 102 104 -.-»■-■■
BAKER— wanted by a first-class
bread and cake baker in country town
or hotel. Address n 27. Globe. 5
BOOKKEEPER— thoroughly trained
Canadian bookkeeper and teacher
wants position as bookkeeper on similar
work. G 23. . 6
BOOKKEEPER wants situation as assist
ant; best of references. Address G 23,
Globe. - . . -. -4
BOY faithful, good boy, who can speak
English and Scandinavian, wants a situ
ation in any store ; wages no object. 1130,
Globe. 4
CLERK— a position as clerk or
manager of a hotel; large experience
and best of references. Address J 42, Globe.s
CLERK— Position as night clerk by a reg
istered pharmisist; graduate and ex
perience; good references. Address T. D.
Pease. Redwood Falls. Minn. 102-100
CLERK— sit wanted by a young man in
clothing store ; has had two years' expe
rience; speaks German and English. Ad
dress A 48, Globe. 102-108
COACHMAN— Situation wanted as coach
man by a colored man, in private fam
ily. 'Address H 90, Globe. . > 4
COOK— by a hotel, meat and pas
try cook in or out of the city, twelve
years' experience; best of references; would
like some Western hotel. Address 8 S,
Globe. " •-. 104-100
COOK— A competent camp cook wants
situation on railroad or boarding house;
good references; speaks German and Eng
lish. Call at Paber'shoteL 170 West Third
st. 5
DRIVER— To driver delivery wagon;
best city references. Address A. G.,
336 Prairie St.. St. Paul. 6
DRIVER— Wanted, by a young man of
good habits, to drive for private family.
Address 217 East Eighth st. 4
DRIVER— Wanted, situation to drive or
take care of horses for private family;
can give references. Address D B 10, Globe.
DRUGGIST— Situation wanted as man
ager or assistant, by young man twenty
three years of age; graduate Ontario College
of Pharmacy; A. 1 reference. Address O. 0.
P.. Globe. '" 104-109
EMPLOYMENT by young mini with the
best of reference; work of any kind;
would like to help on carpenter work. Ad
dress X 17, Globe. 6
EMPLOYMENT— Situation by an intelli
■J gent German boy in any place where he
can advance. Address LM, Globe. 5
MPLOYMENT— A young man with five
years' experience in the grocery, feed
and commission busiuess ana understands
keeping books, wants a situation; good ref
erences. E 31, Globe. 4
EMPLOYMENT— Wauted, a situation by
a young man with office experience
and a good knowledge of the French
language. Address C 33, lobe. 4
ELPLOYMENT by a young man who un
derstands bookkeeping; speaks German
aud English and has had experience, in the
grocery business: references given. Address
J 498.'Woodward ay.. city. 102-105
EMPLOYMENT— Position by young man
of considerable experience as bill clerk,
collector or general office work; good refer
ences. Address I 85, Globe. 102-104
ENGINEER— Wanted, situation as engin
eer; can give tirst-class reference. Call
or address K. 11. Johnston, 450 Rice St., St.
Paul. 6
PHARMACIST — A Norwegian phar
macist, registered in Minnesota, wants a
situation; can furnish best of references.
Address 11 42. Gloce, Minneapolis. 102-105
SAWYER wishes situation to run circular,
ganger band mill; can do filing; good
references. Address Sawyer, Chicago house,
Minneapolis. : 98-104
ITER— Competent head waiter wishes
situation in or out of city. 257
George st. r : .V. -.-'--; 0
AR HO AN— Situation as ware
houseman; good salesman and packer;
moderate salary;* good references. Address
95 Concord st." 0
WOODSMAN— An expert woodsman and
timber estimator wants position with
good firm. Address J. Al., box 58, Hinckley,
Minn. IQ3-IQ4
FIT. C1A.1..
MONEY is loaned by us on improved
. real estate security in St. Paul, Minne
apolis and Duluth at 0, o'., 7, 7V2 per cent,
on shortest notice for any amount. It. M.
Newport & Son. investment bankers, 152,
153 and 151 Drake block. St. Paul. 73*
FOR SALE— WiII discouut good 8 percent
8787 mortgage, running two years
straight, $50. Edwin Stevens, 87 East
Fourth st. 104
GEORGE B. EVANS, real estate. Room
9, National German-American bank:
stock of St. Paul Laud company, Union Land
company and St. Paul Real Estate Title In
surance "company, bought and sold on com
mission or for personal account. 102-108
I CAN LOAN $4,000 for two years at 7 per
cent ou first-class security. R.W. Johnson.
. 103-105
Company— Loan from $10 upward on
furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, etc., with
out removal; also on warehouse receipts,
diamonds and gold watches. J. S. Mackey,
manager. Room 14, First National bank build
in*.. St. Paul, and Room 7, Mackey-Leeg
block, Minneapolis. 250*
ONEY LOANED on all kinds ot per
tonal property, diamonds, jewelry.fiirni
ture, horses, etc. ; commercial paper and
time checks purchased. E. W. Leonard &
Co., 120 East Third st. 291*
[1/1 ONEY to loan on real estate and good
il-l first mortgages bought and sold by D..
11. Michaud, real estate and loans, 333 „aek
son st. 99-105
MONEY TO LOAN— By Hunt & Sever
ance, 34 East Third St., room 1 ; In
large and small amounts on furniture, horses,
carriages, libraries, warehouse receipts, etc.;
the same to remain in the owner's posses
sion; also on watches, jewelry, diamonds,
etc: business strictly confidential; a private
room for ladies. 292*
MONEY* TO LOAN on improved and un
improved city property, at usual rates;
no delay. Paget & Smith, Room 49, German-
American batik. 73*
ONEY TO LOAN on real estate and
good first mortgages bought by S. H.
Dyer.real estate and 10an5,52 German-Ameri
can bank. £> 106*
MONEY TO LOAN, in sums to suit, iron.
$1 up, on watches, diamonds and all
goods of value; special rates on sums of $50
and over. J. E. Ingham, 327 Jacksonst.
;.;.:;: 240*
MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds,
watches, and all goods of value. Pri
vate office for consultation. George R.
Holmes 141 and 143 East Seventh st. 82*
WANTED— buy some purchase money
mortgages ; state discount and de
scription of property. Address B 64, Globe.
103-104 -
-MT _•*•■ *^ 0 ' » 100 TO LOAN on fur
«P-Ll_/ niture, pianos, carriages, horses, -
cows, watches, diamonds, silverware or any
other article of value; cash advance made on
goods in storage; promptness and privacy
guaranteed in making our loans ; reasonable
rates and no outside fees. St. Panl Loan
company, No. 309 1/2 Jackson st, Rooms 1
and 2. 05*
OTTAGE WANTED— Five to eight
rooms: located conveniently to business
centei. Address F 89. Globe. ■ 99-104
HOUSE— Wanted by the Ist of May, an
j. eight or nine-room house, modern im
provements, barn, in upper town. Address
409 Oak St. ' . - 104
HOUSE wanted by American family of
three; a house of five or six rooms at
$15 to $20 a month, from May 1. C. L. Hyde,
103 East Third st. 104
HOUSE Wanted to rent, a ten or eleven
room house on St. Anthony hill. Will
iam F. Graves, Globe building. 103-108
HOUSE— Wanted to rent, an eight or ten
room house within one-half hours'
wall, from Seven Comers ; not to exceed $25
per month. Address C. Bengle. care of
Home & gang. 103-109
HOUSE— Wanted, house or flat of five or
six rooms; rent about $25 ; small fam
ily, no children. Address E. J. Atkins.
Grand Central hotel, city. 102-100
HOUSE— Wanted, house or room in West
St. Paul for small family, convenient to
Minnesota & Northwestern shops or motor
line. Address W. H. Kline, 014 Warren St.,
West St. Paul. :, . 102-106
HOUSE— May 1, house of five to
seven rooms ; must be in first-class
neighborhood; : long lease. Inquire L. D.
Petty, 365 Robert st. 98-104
ROOMS— Wanted two or three unfurnished
rooms for light housekeeping; central
location. Address E L Globe. - - - 104
. \ ] ' MUSICAL../ •
IVI USIC LESSONS— On different instru
-IVL ments; terms ' reasonable. 127 East -
Eighth. 94-113
PIANO— upright; at a great sacrifice;
oniv $190; call at once. S. W. Randen
bush, 65 East Third st. 104-105;
PIANO TUNING— For prompt, first-class
work leave orders at Whitney's music
store East Third st . • ... ■' .: ■' .■_■.-'.-■. ■::■ 340*
PIANOS tuned SI : repairing at : moderate
; . ; terms -. first-class .-work -. - guaranteed.
Samuel Crutchett, 205 West Sixth st. 76-10 7
. -Female. - .-.' •
BOOKKEEPER- Situation by young lady
bookkeeper as assistant; have had ex
perience; reference given. j N. E. M., 3224
Blaisdell ay., Minneapolis. " : - . - -■ 6
CLERK— Wanted, by a young lady of ex
perience, a position in dry goods store
or Office. Address D 98, Globe. .'5
CLERK— Situation wanted by a young lady
. as clerk in a store ; can speak Swedish
and English. Call or address G. P.," C 92
Preble St.. "'""i*^- 5
COOK— A good cook wants position in
hotel or boarding house. . Address 1. 79,
Globe. % 6
EMPLOYMENT— woman wants two or
three days' work in the week, washing,
ironing, house cleaning or any work by the
day. Please call at 402 Wabasha st., up
stairs, for Ann Dyne. ---.>'," - aS
1 _ _ —
HOUSEKEEPER— Situation as house
keeper in widower's family by a middle
aged, educated and refined German-American
lady. Please address Mrs. F. S. Dohr, gen
eral delivery. ; ■■ . >' ' 6
RESSMAKER would like a situation
in a dressmaking shop ; has experience.
225 St. Anthony ay. -. _ nt'6
EMPLOYMENT— woman wants work
by the day at house cleaning, washing, •
ironing or any work; a good worker, a Ad
dress 91, Globe. 6
HOUSEKEEPER — Position as house
keeper, will go out of city. Address B
54, Globe. '6
HOUSEKEEPER— Situation wanted as
•housekeeper by a widow with a child
two years old. Address H 15, Globe. 4
HOUSEWORK— German girl, who speaks
English, would like situation to do gen
eral '< housework in small family. . Address
30, Globe. „ 5
WORK— Good girl would like
light housework in small family; pay
no object. . Address 050 Minnehaha st. 5
MATRON— wanted as matron
in hotel or place of business. Address
141, Globe. 2__
NURSE GIRL— A young girl would like a
• situation as nurse girl, or second work.
Direct to 00, Globe. 6
SALESLADY— an Eastern lady a
position as saleslady and trimmer;
Parisian styles; willing to go out of city.
Address B. W. C, 21 W. Fifth st. 0
QEAMSTRESS— A widow lady wants to go
-J in private families to sew ; is experienced
in all kinds of sewing. 852 Reaney st. 1
SEWING— Young lady would like sewing
in families; good utter. 564 L'Orient
st. . ■ . 3
SEWING— Wanted, to do sewing by the
day. Address Anna Sweeney, Short Line
Crossing. Webster st. 1
.1, ANTED— Places for first-class help;
V" you can get help at this office on
short notice for hotels, cooks, restaurants,
private family, in or out of the city. Intelli
gent office, 27 East Seventh st. 104
WASHING— Wanted, washing and house
- cleaning to do by a lady. Address
V, 2, Globe. _5
WASHING or housedeaning wanted by
the day. II 31, Globe. 1
WORK by the day or week by a middle
aged woman. Address 456 East Sixth
St., city. 5
BCSI-.ESS __________
Falde A Gooch.
Business Chances. 51 East Fourth St. First
Floor. ' '-
A HOARDING HOUSE, finely located,
elegautlv furnished last fall, cost over
$2,000. full of boarders; will sell for $1,000
cash ; this positively is . the best bargain we
ever ottered.
OARDING HOUSE— Good location and
. paying well; price, $650; on easy terms.
*$»*-. fli .. 1 CASH to invest with some rcli
«PO«,_/v.'U able concern, where their
services will be appreciated, or will buy half
interest in a paying commission business in
this city. " - i *•*-'
J Store— Don't pass this, for it is a Snap;
on principal street; price, $550. ■'''*.'
EAT MARKET— The oest in the city;
doing $75 to $109 daily trade. \ '.'-.''■
HOTEL— We have two line hotels in the
state of Minnesota for sale, or traae ;
paying big. V
ARTNER WANTED in the grocery
business; one with $500, the other Iwiih
$1.500. . „,_ ;>
FOR ALL business chances we are head-,
quarters. Gooch & Falde, 51 East. 1 '
Fourth st. : -.--.- 104-100
McKenney Bros. )-T
T OOK these bargains up. S;i;*i**;
ESTAURANT— restaurant centrally
located, feeding 50 to 75 every meat;
four living rooms attached; at a sacrifice.'
Don't miss it. ~'\r
OARDING HOUSES — Four strictly
first-class boarding houses, fine furni
ture for sale; 12, 14 and two containing 19
rooms; fine location; all full choice roomers
and boarders; all at prices that will astonish
you, and easy terms. Investigate.
ROCERY STORE— One grocery store ;
good location. At invoice.
IF YOU are looking for business of any kind, j
come to us; we guarantee to save you
money; $500,000 worth of business prop
erty listed at bed-rock prices. McKenney
Bros., 338 Cedar st., Union Block. Room 45.
Miscellaneous Business Cliauces
ARBER SHOP for sale at 358 Robert
st. 101-107
FOR SALE— A bargain— one-half interest
in a well established flour and feed bus
iness; must sell. Call at 101 Dakota' ay. „
■•■ 103-100
FOR SALE Paving manufacturing busi
ness; $1,000 cash. Address 40 A. Globe.
99-105 •-"*-"•
FOR SALE — My flour aud feed store in
Delano, Minn. Address I. 11. Grafft. "
FOR SALE— A stock of general merchan
dise, also two-story store building, situ
ated in thriving city with two lines of rail
road, and third line graded within twenty
miles; doing a business of $35,000 a year;
will sell at a great sacrifice on acco*unt "of ill
health. For information apply to A. C.
Shultz & Co., Woonsocket, Dak. B.*
eating house. Address J. M. Haines, -
Lowry, Minn. 103-121.
OR SALE Confectionery, ci
gar and milk depot. Call or address,
714 East Seventh. 104-107-
HOTEL— The best paying hotel in St;
Paul, with forty rooms, furniture all
new and elegant, long lease, low rent, bar in
connection, near to Union depot; reason for
selling other business to attend to. Address
Hotel 002. Globe. 102-115
EAT MARKET for sale with first-class
market fixtures, also a good supply of
ice. Good chance for an experienced man.
Address J. F. Heal, Cumberland. Wis. 98-105
EWSPAPER-The Bowdle Pioneer, only
il paper; power press and complete out
fit; live town; terminus Milwaukee railroad;
two other competing lines building; first
class opening for Democrat; paper five years
old; owner going south. Fred J. Bowman,'
Bowdle. Dak. . . 103-105 '
PARTNER— Wanted, a partner with
$5,000 or $10,000 in an established
manufacturing business in St. Paul. Address ;
1 12. Globe. 102-108
PARTNERSHIP— a partnership
with an attorney of good practice; has
had seven years' practice. ■ Address Traddles, i
Globe. 1 ( '4 )
Minneapolis, to rent for five or more ;
years, with railway siding, machine shops, p
millwright shops, foundry and storage v*ate- ,
house, with or without power. Apply to J.
P. Thomson, 101 and 103 Third ay. _____>
Minneapolis. .'6l*'
PURCHASER .wanted for a valuable in
terest in a manufacturing industry;:'ss
paying $2,000 yearly ana can be made to do
much better; $11,000 cash or its equivalent
required; no one need reply who has not the
money. Reply P. O. Box 2107, St. Paul."
Minn. _!__ |
RESTAURANT— offer my restaurant -
tures and household goods for sale at f a,'
bargain : will sell the restaurant fixtures sen- ,
orate if desired; it is well located and doing*
good business. D. H. Hickey, 95 Dakota a}v. °
--■.-■•'. 100-106 -„**l '!
STORE— Cigar and confectionery* store lor
O sale cheap. Call at 58 East Fourth st. •r'
102-107 ; ■
two silent partners, who will furnish
$10,000 or $12,000 capital : head office in
New York city; business a monopoly,
throughout the world - for . seventeen years;
dividend 173 per cent on capital ; references
given and required. Address Lock Box 82,
Grafton, Dak. . .102-108 i
(t.lflf) WILL BUY a central located
"Jti> J- v-f" _» cigar and tobacco store; very good
for a single man. Address 64 Globe.. .104
*&*J\J\J $1,000 a year; profits: bound to
sell sure; don't miss this, chance. Address -
Shure, Globe,' St. Paul, Minn. 95-105
L. JAMIESON & CO.'S Steam Dye
• -, Works— Gents', h clothing a: specialty. '.
14 West Sixth St.. St, Paid. Minn. •-.. 13-*;
dyed.' bleached ; and reshaped in all the
fashionable/ shapes; ostrich- feathers dyed;
and curled. Hayes & Hayes, 30". West Third ':
St., Room 6. ; - -. . -...; .':- ;103_04'
200,000 WANTS
Were printed in the Globe's Advertising
Columns in 1887. This is the best evidence -
that the Globe is the People's ______
LYONS & TICKNOR, Druggists, 707 East
Third street, comer Bates. : , ;-: ;:■ ~.
CONGER BROS.. Druggists, 349 University
- avenue, corner Virginia. ■ 4 .
MOUNTS & SAWYER, Grocers, corner Ash
land avenue and Dale street. .;
A. P. WILKES, Druggist, 759 and 761 West
Seventh street. . : ','-•
BERKMAN & CO., 422 Dakota avenue,
E. FOX, 482 Rice street.
O. P. WILLIAMS, 648 Reaney street.
FRANK L. OSBURG, 178 Western avenue.
3. H. HAVES. 441 West Seventh street.
P. VAN DUYNE, Druggist, 828 East Sev
enth street. ■ ' v.- ' .'■■ ,
HIPPLER & COLLYER, Druggists, 190
East Seventh street •.'■■- ■ : -,
470 Jackson street.
WILKES' PHARMACY. Seven Corners.
M. D. MERRILL, books and stationery*! 442
Broadway. - . . ■
Sargent, Meae ham & Co.'s List.
- ■■ 322 Robert st. ' '■•
/"./1X143 FEET on Holly ay., east of Kent;
tJ KJ a bargain.
In ~\()()~ V VR LOTS, Macalester
(H» 1 ()()( LOT on Beach st. cheap.
i|»bnn— LOTS on Earl st.
(CL? 4/1/^— BLOCK 2, Midway Park.
$4,5(J0~ BLOCK 7 ' DcerPark - ~
(£•_» nnr.— Bt,OCK 12. Rice Street Mo
«4i>Os,Ul_/U tor Line addition.
dlj r^f\f\— TWO LOTS Sargent's Third ad-
Robert st. 103-105
T. Buckley's ______
30 East Fourth Street.
50-foot lot; east of Western av_ on
Aurora ay., .with modern improvements;
only $4.500. . -.■--.',
Park; $2.500. -
ginia ay. ; $2,500.
IP YOU WANT a good bargain in a house
call and see T. Buckley. 30 East Fourth
St., Frost block. 103-100
Odin G. Clay & Co.'s List,
Globe Building.
_-Q R(\f\— Bl FEET on Como ay. near
•PO s »JUU Ricest. ______'
C_ 1 F\(\l\— FlNE LOT on Como ay. near
'Tftl«)*JUU Western. .
<n»-| 1 i\l \f\— THREE LOTS on Lincoln
«)511«UUU ay. within one block of Dale
st;v. lot-100
Miscellaneous City List.
FOR SALE— House, eight rooms and bath,
hot and cold; lake and cistern water;
sot 40x120; price, $5,000. No. 444
Maria ay. 102-104
dred and sixty acres of magnificent lim
ber land, one and a half miles from Long
Prairie, the county seal of 'food county; this
is a bargain; good team taken in part pay
ment. James Sullivan, Shakopee. Minn.
Paul Property— fine improved 80-acre
farm; orchard. 10 acres good timber, line
grove, on Minnesota <_ Northwestern rail
way. Williams & Pennington, 103 East
Fourth st, - ■ 104
cant Property or Farm Near a Station-
Good 11 -room house, lot and large barn on
St. Anthony hill. Address E 40. Globe. 104
HOUSE— For sale, a 0-room house and lot,
with all conveniences. 003 Burr st.,
near Collins: -98-104
LOT 3, block 2, Edwin Dean's subdivision
. of Smith & Lott's out lots, for sale. Call
790 Carroll st. • 104
LOTS, BLOCKS, ACRES in Midway dis
trict, cheap . for : cash . by owner, 1). 11.
Hunt, St. Anthony Park. 103-109
TO EXCHANGE— By the owner. 100
farm in West Minnesota, house, granary,
75-acre held, good meadow, near school
house and markets. In North Dakota, 100
farm, clear, small house and- barn. 30-acre
field, good meadow, near markets; improve
ments on 100 tree claim lying alongside, 10
--acre field, for Minneapolis or St. Paul prop
erty address price and location. Address T
43. Globe, Minneapolis. 104'
WE HAVE a few lots adjoining North St.
Paul for $85 if taken at once; only
$15 cash. Oliver & Murphy, 51 East Fourth
st. " 102-105
1 *l/"|xlso FEET on Brewster ay., near the
J-V^Vy residence of Col. J. L. Merriam. for
sale. Inquire at 440 Wabasha st. 98-104
ADVANCES made on . goods in storage,
loans given on all articles of value, con
signments solicited; furniture, pianos, glass,
china, pictures, etc., bought, sold or ex
changed, packed, removed. stored or shipped;
auctions sales at mart; open daily to receive
general merchandise and ' household goods - .
for sale or storage ; goods to any amount pur
chased for cash ; auction sales made at pri
vate residences in town or country; -carpet,
cleaning.: Sansomes' Auction,- Storage _*
Forwarding Company, 232 East Seventh st.
412-414 Sibley St.. St. Paul, Minn. ■ 49*
AWNINGS, tents, bags, cots, hammocks,
canvas covers, etc.. J. M. Bosscll, 190
East Fifth st. 88-108,
cheaply and effectually advertised by
the Advertising Directory, 78 East Seventh
st., room 8. 103-101
1 CERTIFY to you that I got the best
eyewater in the states; will warrant to
cure all the sore eyes in the states. I have
some for clearing aud strengthening the
sight. Let the people come and see. I will
warrant this. If there is any poor person,
man, woman or child that can't remit any
thing, will cure them for nothing. You will
find me at 651 Pine st. on, Tuesdays, Thurs
days and Saturdays. .-■< 103-104
r HEREBY NOTIFY all persons not to
J. trust or harbor in any 'way my wife. Mrs.
Mary O'Brien, on my account, as" I will pay
no bills for her after this date. John O'Brien.
Dated Bruce, Chippewa county, Wis. April
11, 1888. 103-105
PAUL FREPPERZ has taken charge of
the Windsor hotel, Lamour, | Dak.: the
hotel has been thoroughly renovated and fur
nished iv first-class style; sample room in
connection. 103-105.
HORTHAND and typewriting of ail
kinds done perfectly on short "notice;
stenographers furnished. Miss J. D.' Hess,
68 and 09, Union Block. 85-114
TOREHOUSE— Fred Lehmann, .- 220
- Western av>, will store your stoves; beat
of care taken at lowest prices: stoves called
for, stored, polished and put back in place
without any trouble to owner. ■ 101-107
YI'E WRITER— Wants to rent for a
month a typewriter. Address with
terms, G 74 Globe. - 104
U7"E WANT to buy -all. the old waste
. paper, books, iron, rags, stoves, bottles,
etc., we can get, and will pay full value in
cash ; will call for such goods in any part of
the city, free of charge. Call on or drop a
postal to J. Firestone, 202 Jackson St., corner
Second. Telephone 90-3. - 310*
1 TlOr. • STOV * , - : '-' 'WANTED, to store
I'UuU over summer. Pruden Stove com
pany^ - - . 99-104
BED— a second-hand folding bed
in best of order; please state style and
price. Address E 20. Globe. " 5
DESK— a good second-had office
desk; state price. Address II 77 Globe. 5
ENCE— Wanted, to buy about 200 feet of
. fence. - Address Lee Hall, 53 East Third
st. . v..-. ■ ■". --;■ ._ ;.- . . 101-100
HOUSE— Wanted to buy, house and lot in
.good neighborhood on monthly or yearly.
payments. Address with price and terms
'9, Globe. - ■-•;•-■ ■.- ,104-105
HOUSE to buy or rent, a good
' house fronting on White Bear lake, or
wiil buy a lot well located. N. R. Frost. St.
Paul. ■: ■• -■* ' .:' . 103-105
WANTED— To buy some purchase money
mortgages, from $300 to $2,500 each ;
state discount you will give and description -
of property. Address 11 89. Globe.- 103-104
■ TO EXCIIA-%OE. j,-; /~
TO EXCHANGE- Fine lots in a prosper
ous city for new .or * good second-hand
household furniture." Address II 43, Globe.
- ;.' ■ 103-108 ■;: -.:■".-.■-.:
WANTED— Planing mill plant for job-",
VV ' bing shop, in exchange for property in -.
the best resident portion of Brainerd, Minn."
Address Box 1221,- Duluth, Minn, te 10.-10. .
'"'■< ■louse*. ; --.
FLATS— rent, June 1, one six-room flat,
: furnished: . one eight-room flat, un
furnished, . and one eight-room flat, fur
nished, from June lto Oct. 1; all steam heat,
baths, hot water, electric bells, aud all
modern improvements; at 562 St. Peter
st. Call at 28 East Fourth st. M. D. Miller.
■.•■■'.■•.■ -■'.-■ 102-115
FURNISHED HOUSE on Ramsey st; all
modern improvements. Inquire Cardozo
| Bros., corner Fifth and Jackson sts. 102-108
HOUSE— For rent, nicely furnished house
■of seven rooms on" Ramsey st. In-"
quire of Wemot, Howard & Co., 385 Jackson
st. 104
HOUSE— For rent, twelve-room house two
- minutes' from fostofliee, suitable for
boarding house, to party purchasing about
$100 worth of household goods; rent low.
Address A 79, Globe. 104
HOUSE— For rent, nine-room nouse ana
barn; good water: corner Aurora and
Victoria. Inquire on premises. 103-104
HOL'SE— rent, house 700 Dayton aye;
8 rooms, $50 per month; one square
from cable car line. R.W. Johnson. 103-105
HOUSE of nine rooms at Irvine Park from
May 1. inquire at 87 East Fourth st.
HOUSE— For rent. May 1, three-story brick
house, No. 58 Tilton st., eleven rooms,
bath, laundry and all modern improvements.
Apply to Herbert W. Brown, 5/ Iglehart st.
... - .99-105
HOUSE— Very desirable ten-room house,
with all "modern conveniences, ten
■ minutes' from business center. C. J. McCon
ville. Finch, Van . Slvck & Co., Fourth and
Sibley sts. ' 101-103
HOUSES— Rent May 1, $05 per month, for
a term of three or five years, to first
class tenants only, two fine eleven room
houses having all conveniences, cellars, bath
rooms, furnaces, laundries with stationary
tubs, hot and cold Phalen water on every
floor, etc. ; best of references required. I.N.
Snow, 38 East Third st. 102-100
HOUSES— Elegant ten-room houses, 199
and 201 Goodrich ay. ; all modem im
provements; good stable with each. James
<_ Bateham, Renting Agency, German-Ameri
can bank. 99-100
HOUSES— For rent, tenement houses from
$0. $8. $10 and $12 per month. 254
Commercial st. SO*
y Rooms.
ROADWAY, 072— Pleasant furnished
room. 0
OLLEGEAV., 20— Pleasant furnished
rooms for gentlemen ; modern improve
ments. 105
EIGHTH ST., 459, EAST— First-class
rooms furnished or unfurnished ; board
if desired. 104-100
EXCHANGE ST., 228. SOUTH— Two lur
nished rooms; use of bathroom: with
or without board. 99-105
FIFTH ST., 143, WEST— Nicely furnished
front room, with board, for two gentle
men. 103-109
FLAT— rent, furnished flat of tour
rooms for six months; centrally located.
Address C II M. Globe. 102-107
FORT ST., 459, NORTH— Two furnished
rooms, each suitable for two persons:
ground floor. 10-1-106
IGLEHART ST., 5 2-Furuished room for
one or two gentlemen; bath. 101-107
________ AY., 539— For rent, nicely tur
nished room: heated. . 103-104
MARIA AY., -Two furnished rooms.
PLEASANT AY.. 108— Furnished front
rooms with or without board; bath room,
hot and cold water; cable cars pass the
house. 103-105
ROOMS— For rent, parlor and bedroom,
unfurnished, in good repair; suitable
for light housekeeping; $25 per month. 279
East Seventh St., corner Rosabel. ■ 101-104
s^I'LItY AY, 290 — Nicely - furnished
O room suitable for one or two gentlemen
or ladies; private family. 103-100
SEVENTH ST., 280, WEST— One large,
nicely furnished room, use of bath.
near Seven corners. 10-4
EVENTH ST., 224 WEST— nicely
furnished room suitable for two gen
tlemen, hot and cold water and use of bath ;
also two rooms, one an alcove, beautifully
furnished, six windows, faces two streets.one
minutes' walk from Seven corners; heat fur
nished, two gentlemen. 101-108
splendid furnished rooms. 102-101
CMMIT AY., Pleasant furnished
front room with all conveniences. 104-0
Place— Rooms single and en suite: 0
o'clock dinners. .103-104
A HAS HA ST., 574— Nicely furnished
room with gas and use of bath room.
-.;- . - . 102-104 .-• - . : :
: ■'■■ '" ", Stores. 1 . ■ '..■ '■:. -..'
SEVENTH ST.. 321, EAST— Store for
rent; rent moderate. 102-104
STORE and living rooms near Seven
O corners; special inducements for barber
and bath, no opposition. Inquire 135 West
Seventh st. 101
STORE— cigar and confectionery store for
sale, cheap. - ('all at 58 East Fourth st.
--•■■;.. 102-107
TORE-one-half of an elegant storo;
double front; plenty of light. 24 East
Third st. 98-104
TORE FOR RENT— 23O West Seventh
st. :double house of 5 and 4 rooms on
Hague ay.. near Dale st. Inquire of Michaud
: & Michaud, 392 Robert st. 104
ESK ROOM for rent with use of vault,
at 304 Drake block. 93-104
.'I 'ICES- 310 and 318 Jackson St., for rent
on second floor, large, well-lighted room,
suitable for one or more offices. Apply at
St. Paul Trust company. 1041
OFFICES and desk room for rent, very
desirable, in my new building, 28 and
30 East Fourth st. N. R. Frost, Room 10,
Frost Block. ■ 103-107
itli*s4-cll:uiroiis. ■ :T-il .•;>•-.
UILDING— For rent, from May 1, build
ing. corner Third and Exchange. Maj.
I J. Kelliher, 160 Summit ay. 102-115
BUILDING— rent, 3-story building,
suitable for manufacturing or storage
purposes. Call at 254 Commercial st. 00*
RON FOUNDRY— For rant, iron foundry
on Franklin, near Eagle st Maj. J. Kelli
her, 100 Summit ay. . 102-115
STORAGE— For rent, floors or space m
our warehouse. Pruden Stove company.
DRESSMAKER— A competent dressma
ker wants sewing in families; good fit
ting. Address 419 Fuller st. 5
RESSMAKER— Situation wanted as
dressmaker; has had some experience;
will work cheap. Address JM, 633 Aurora '
ay. 4
DRESSMAKING— Prices really reasona
ble for stylish dressmaking. 260 Rice
St., near College; best Ciass custom much
pleas.d. 104
ing at 406 Wabasha st. ; prices very low.
: 103109 - ■
FOLLETT dress and sleeve system; best
in the world; its beautiful lines and
curves give a style to the figure that
no other system can approach; it is
used in the best houses in Philadelphia. New
York and Boston ; it has the new French bias
attachment, and a sleeve that is simply per
fect: it is warranted to fit without changing a
seam. . Call at Mrs. Erhott's, room 24, Mann
heimer block. Agents wanted. 32*
J ADIES OF ST. PALI Have just ar-
J rived from the East prepared to teach
the Adams' Tailor System; gives all the
French curves; day and evening classes. St.
Mary's Home, 318 Somerset St., and Mrs.
Bruggeman's dressmaking parlors, 44 East
Seventh st. - 99-105
; raSTRt
springand summer months. St. Paul Busi
ness College, Seventh and Jackson. 102-173
and telegraphy: first-class and exclusive;
lessons day or evening or by mail ; send for
circulars. The Anna C, Drew school, Hale
block, corner Third and Jackson sts. 103*
HORTHAND and Typewriting Institute.
W. K. Mulliken, proprietor, comer Sev
enth and Jackson sts. 102-173
rates for the spring , term. Corner Sev
enth and Jackson sts. 102-173
YPEWRITING and shorthand work of
all kinds done perfectly at the Anna C.
Drew office. Hale block; experienced oper
ators; perfect wort; low prices: work called
for and delivered; telephone 855-2. 103*
W. __ MULLIKEN offers the best induce
• ments to those desiring a practical
education. Cor.Seventh and Jackson.lo2-173
; BOARD .VA-.T__l>.
BOARD— Young man and wife desire - two
large unfurnished rooms with board
with American family ; state terms and loca
tion.; Address 976 De Soto st. 104
BOARD— Wanted, board for two adults
'■'. and three children ; in " central location
and private family; can furnish part of rooms
if required. Address P. 0. box 2125. .
;■:. 102-103 .■•,;■■,--;
ROOM AND BOARD wanted' on ~ West
I side by two young ladies ; must be near ,
car line and terms reasonable. r Address S A." *
Glob.. ' - •y_;.'"v;- ;_,-..-; >,-%;. ■■■-■„■•_, lv_ i
■_-«" per volume; we are reproducing from the
very latest volumes of the ninth edition, page
for "page, plate for plate, map for map, and
volume for volume, and at about half the
price of the Seribnei or Stoddart editions;
we also have a number of the leading cyclo
pedias (taken in exchange) at about half
price; drop C. W. Dumont a card. 312
Maria ay., and he ill call and show it to
you; good terms to agents; 300 sets already
placed in Twin Cities. C. W. Dumont,
Northwestern manager for the H. G. Allen
company. 60*
OR SALE— Fine Buff Cochin rooster,
$3; pair B. B. Red Games, imported
stock, $0; a few sittings of eggs from prize
winning, imported Black Cochins, $3 per
thirteen. Charles H. Lemon, 458 Maria ay.,
St. Paul. 0102-104
FOR SALE CHEAP— pool and two
billiard tables in good condition. F. A.
Davis, Faribault, Minn. 102-104
Owner leaving city; a lot of good house
hold furniture ; also one big size mirror, one
Magee range No. 8, with water connection;
used only short time; one West Point double
heater stove, in use one winter. Call at once
at 440 Maria ay., near Seventh st. 102-104
GROCERY store fixtures for sale; delivery
wagons, horses, etc., at a bargain. Ad
dress A 24. Globe. 102-10-1
gant and cheap; cash or time. Wiitc
Bros., 413 and 424 Fifth ay. south, Min
neapolis. Minn. 92-105
HOW CASES— For sale, a lot of show
cases at a bargain. Simon, the pawn
broker.. 104-105
STOVE— For sale, one No. 10 West Point
stove, price $30, nearly new, and one
small bed- room coal stove; also one
new ash bed room set; also a kitchen range.
Apply 57 Tilton st., mornings. 104-100
STOVES— Choice stoves and ranges to
O close odd lines; low prices. trader.
Stove company, 389 East Third st. 99-1--
WO SHOWCASES— For sale; very
cheap. . 147 E. Third st. 101100
implements and machinery, office and
warehouse furniture, fixtures, tools, horses,
harness, stable fixtures, and other property,
lately belonging to Tusler, De Long <_ Co.,
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of an order of the district court of
Ramsey county, Minnesota, made ami en
tered April 7, 1888, in the matter of the as
signment of Tusler, Do Long & Co., insol
vents, the undersigned, the assignee in said
matter, will offer and expose for sale at pub
lic auction to the highest bidder (tax cash, at
tho warehouse lately occupied by said 'lus
ter, -De Long „ Co., No. 109 East Ninth
street, in the city of St. Paul, in said county,
on Saturday, the 21st day of April, A. D.
1888, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that
day, all and singular the merchandise, stock
in trade, farming and agricultural implo
ments and machinery, oftice and warehouse
furniture, fixtures, loots, horses, harness,
stable fixtures and other property particu
larly described in the Schedules "'-It, '••< .''
and "D," annexed to the statement of assets
filed in said district court by said insolvents.
.- ■-■•'-.- /--- - : ".-•'-' - Assignee.
By S. B. McCooNNi-.*.*.. Secretary.
N. B. — The said personal property may be
examined at any time prior to date of sale,
at warehouse. No. 109 East Ninth street, St.
Paul. . 100-104
O Kamsev— ss. In Probate Court, Special
Term, Match 29. 1888.
In the matter of the estate of Abraham J. Leo
pold, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition of
Abraham B. Leopold, of St. Paul, Minnesota,
representing, among other things, that Abra
ham J. Leopold, late of St. Paul, Minnesota,
on ihe sth day of September, A. D. 1887, at
Anaconda. M. T., died intestate, and being a
resident of this county at the time of his death,
leaving goods, chattels and estate within this
county, and that said petitioner is ihe father
of said deceased, and praying . that adminis
tration of said estate be to him granted:
It is ordered, that said petition be heard
before the judge of this court on Saturday,
the 21st day of April, A. D. 1888, at 10
o'clock a. m.. at the probate court room in St.
Paul, in said county. . .
Ordered further, that notice thereof be
given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all
persons interested, by publishing a copy of
this order for three successive weeks prior to
said day of hearing, on Friday ot each
week, in the St. Paul Daily Globe, a daily
newspaper printed and published at St.
Paul, in said county. 1
By the Court.
[l.s.] E. S. GORMAN, Judge of Probate.
Attest: Fra.nk Robert, Jr., Clerk.
Ramsey, District Court.
In the matter of the assignment of John P.
Notice is hereby given that John P. Kirck
ot St. Paul, In said county and slate, has by
deed in writing, dated -larch 27th. 1888".
made a general assignment to the under
signed, of all his property not exempt by law
from levy and sale on execution, tor the
benefit of all his creditors, without prefer
AH claims must be verified ami presented
to the undersigned for allowance within 20
days from the date hereof.
■ * DAVID SANFORD, Jit. Assignee.
Dated April 2, 1888.
. Ramsey— ss. In Probate Court, Special
Term, held March 22, 1888.
.In the matter of the estate of Arabella Mc-
Lean deceased.
' Oka reading and filing the petitition of Re
_____ J. Hale, administratrix of said estate,
setting forth the amount of persona! estate
that has come to her hands, and the disposi
tion thereof ; the amount of debts outstand
ing against said deceased, and a description
.of all the real estate of which said deceased
died seized, and the condition and value of
the respective portions thereof; and praying
that license be to her granted to sell at pub
lic auction or private sale all the real estate
set forth in said petitition.
And it appearing, by said petition, that
there is not sufficient personal estate In the
hands of said administratrix to j, ay said
debts, and that it is necessary in order to pay
the same, to sell ail of said real estate:
ft is therefore ordered, that all persons in
terested in said estate appear before the
judge of this court on Monday, the 7th day
of May. A. D. 1888, at 10 o'clock a. m., at
the probate court room, in St Paul, in said
county, then and there to show cause (if any
there be) why license should not be granted
to said administratrix to sell said real estate
according to the p layer of said petitition.
And it is further ordered, that a copy of
this order shall- be published for four suc
cessive weeks prior to said day of hearing;
the last of which publications shall Ibe at
least fourteen days before said day of hear
ing, on Friday of each week, in the St. Paul
Daily Globe, a daily newspaper printed and
published at St. Paul, in said county, and
personally served on all persons interested
in said estate, residing iv said county, at
least fourteen days before said day of hear
ing, and upon all other persons interested,
according to law. By the court.
[l.s.] E.S. GORMAN, Judge of Probate.
Attest: Frank Robert. Jr.. Clerk.
F. B. Wright. Attorny for Administratrix.
to Ramsey— ss. In Probate Court, Special
Term. March 31, 1888. .
In the matter of the estate of Mary L. Wil
mot, deceased. -
.On reading and filing the petition of Charles
11. Wilinot, of New _ork, N. V., represent
ing, among other things, that Mary L. Wil
mot, late of Madison, Indiana, on the 23d
day of February, A; D. 1883, at Madison, In
diana, died intestate, leaving goods, chattels
and estate within this county, and that the
said petitioner is a son of said deceased and
praying that administration of said estate
be to David Sanford granted:
It is ordered that said petition be heard be
fore the judge ot this court on Monday. the
30th day of April, A. D., ICB3, at ten o'clock
a. in., at the probate court room in St. Paul,
in said county. -
Ordered further, that notice thereof be
given to the heirs of said deceased and to
all persons interested by publishing a cony
of this order for three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing, on Friday of
each week, in the St. Paul Daily Globe,
a daily newspaper printed and published at
St. Paul, in said county.
By the Court -
[1.5.1 E. S. GORMAN. Judge of Probate.
Attest: Frank Robert. Jr.. Clerk.
J Da viu Sanford. Jr., Attorney for Petitioner.
the undersigned, doing business at St
Paul,- Minnesota, under the firm name of Con
balm Bros. & C 0.," is this day dissolved by
mutual consent, Joseph Conhaim retiring.
The business will hereafter be conducted
by David E. Conhaim and - Albert Conhaim,
under the firm name of Conhaim Bros. The
new firm will collect all bill-due the old firm
and pay all its liabilities.
--: .:.-•• DAVID E. CONnAIM.
-Dated St. Paul, April 1, 1638.

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