OCR Interpretation

St. Paul daily globe. [volume] (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1884-1896, July 12, 1892, Image 6

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90059522/1892-07-12/ed-1/seq-6/

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"\ 4
tter Crop Showing Than
Expected Affects Prices
:fr ~ at Chicago.
i: low and Cautious Buying
■f£ Confined Largely to \ .
* • Shorts.
C rams Lower Than Saturday,
But Provisions Nota
.-' - bly Higher.
■Haw York Stock Exchange
~; Is Still Dull and Trad :
ing Stagnant.
J Chicago, July 11. — The government report
■ lowing the condition of the crops rather
.1 etter than expected, exerted a depressing ef
; 1 >ct today upon nil cereals. - The ■ condition
Hu corn and oats was. especially better than
trade was looking for, and this fact,
: iken in connection with the other bearish
i ictors, which include the nuti-option bill,
; ie labor troubles, the cholera in Europe,
We silver bill, with the June* weather, the
freak cables and the general stagnation in
.peculation led to much depression.
; Long property came . out freely, stop-loss
orders bocame operative, and there was more
jir Jess selling for ' the short account. The
laying was slow and cautious and confined
srgely to shorts who had a good profit in
•/ inner sales and were- disposed to secure it.
■ 'revisions were the only bull card, and they
' vere not only sustained, but aggressively ad- |
vanced, pork gaining 20c, lard 7i&c. and j
; ')s. r )C.
■- Wheat corn and oats opened .weak, and al
•'iough closing at some recovery from their
I . west' depth, were still under Saturday's
i ! iosing quotations when trading ceased to- \
■■ ;y. Wheat is 14c lower; corner s,^c and ;
i .us at Use decline.
,: \Vheat-was moderatively active. The 1
: eiiinjr was about Vsc to lie lower, and '
- ices declined He, then rallied %*(l and |
<. ,:ed steady to the close. The movement of
■■•MV wheat is just starting in. and. operators
. .ther inclined to await developments. The
1 :e decrease in the visible supply was a stir- I
jrtse to the : trade, and caused' the rally in j
; rices. . The recovery was helped by indiea
:::s of wet .weather. . A noteworthy
...Uure was that July maintained
a. premium of '. %c to ie over
■ cpte niter. The extreme break in the price
> [ September from the close Saturday to the I
'Sow point today was li&c. The receipts were j
way over the "estimate at 340 cars, and the
grading was the best of the year, with 100
i ais of No. 2 corn on the tracks. The local |
• locus were increased 375,0.) > bo, making
• orn of all kinds in Chicago exceed 4,003,00)
:i. With the aid of the bear news the trade
.-.jadily forced the Bloom corn on the market.
• ut it was less than half a million bushels
■ :i(i much less than -expected. After the
isible supply showed a decrease of 102.000
. 11 and the estimate for two days was given
■■■1 550 cars there was better support. The
• lie cable quoted July corn «ti up at Liver
. Oats were active, weaker and lower.- There
• as large selliug by loniis most of the day.
V liere was also considerable loading of Jufy
: nd ' buying September. - July started at We
premium, but later sold at ifcc discount -■ -
: The provision trade gut brought up with a
found turn today. : Prom a decline of H)c at
•he opening, pork advanced to £>c over the
i losing price on Saturday, an.l retained the
i-iosi of . the advance to the end. There was
. ot as much change in lard or ribs, the spec
ulative activity finding its luilest expression -
M the article of barreled pork.
. .1. G. Steever. ascribed Uie days-a dvance
* ) increasing apprehensions regarding the
...-obabla reserves of ho^s. which ha s.iys are.
v it .what has been heretofore- supposed, or
v resent prices at the yards would bring them
i .it in mticli heavier droves. "lie that. as it
• .ay,' ' said another operator, "if Tom Hen
■. ett did have from someone what appeared to 1
: 3 an unlimited buying order for pork.' there
» ould have been no such advance in it to
:y." Trade was only nuulerale.- until about
: iif mi hour from the close, when : the bull
tactics referred to were in action.
•..The trade generally credit the effort to
"jtitrul the. market 10 tha'did-ihy interests,
freights were steady. wim. a liberal Inquiry
t;t 2c for v.'haat iv.\<\ "I»4C for corn to fJutt'iilo.
Estimated receipts for -tomorrow: Wheat,
: f .i9cars; corn, 050 cars; oats, COO cars; hogs,
tip'jo. ._^v.*".; '.. -..-.. ....
: leading futures ranged- as follows:
•'1 AnTiciVs I Opeu-j High- Low- I Clos
,r, articles... 1 ing . 1 est. est. 1 ing.
.o. 2 Wheat—-! ; •
•-July.-.:.. I-.; 1 -.-.. :'>76%'^r76% : 7t'U '■" 7u%
August: V.V 757* ■•;•■ 7."i% <5\k ! 75%-76
September.... 75% 76",% 75U,75%-76
- o. -' Corn— •
•'uly 48% 48% 47% 4SI&
August ...... 48 : 4S>4 47% 4SV4
September:;.. 47% 48 47% 48
So. •_' Oats- -.K3&S
-Ju1y.......... 30% 30^ 2fl3^ 20%
August 30 30 VI 89% 2.17,8
September 30 3;>4 'i-JVs 30
-.ess Pork—
".July. .?. 11 50 11 82V2 II 53 11 771/2
September.... 11 (55 11 ffTft 11 iiM2 11 05
Lard— .
July.. 7 121.-2 7 17V 2 705 7-15
fccptember.... 725 730 7 17V-' 7 271,*
ihart Ribs-
July 7 371*! 7 42v 2 730 7 42%
September 7 371,-j 745 730 7 4 > .'i,2
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
r:isy. holders would shade prices f<T{.loc to in
crease sales. Wheat— No. 2 spring, 7tJ¥i@
"?^«c: No. 3 spring, f. o. b.. 72c: No. red.,
.7i 2 @,78c. Corn— .No. 2. . 4fVac. Oats— No. 2, '
■t:i%ia:«)c;Xo. 2white,"3l@32c: No. 3 white.
'■ ©31V2C Rye— No. -2, 7<»c.~ Barley— No. 4,
1. o. b.. 40(&45c. Flaxseed— Xo. 1", Sl.oiu,.
'.lmothy Seed— Prime. 51.25@1.:-J5. Mess Pork
• Per bbl. [email protected]. Lord— Per 100 lbs, "
? .'.1f>@7. 17V2. Short Ribs — Sides (loose),
. 7.4. r [email protected]. Dry salted shoulders (boxed).
: '.X&7. Short clear sides (boxed), $7.50©
..!>">. Whisky— Distillers" finisued good, per
-•.I. 51. 15. . Sugars— Cut loaf, ;"@s%c: granu
i.ied, 4V2C: standard B, 4%c. Corn— 3,
. c. Receipts— Flour, l »,'>o) bbls : wheat, 66,
--'■• <» on; corn. U'.'.OOJ bu: oats, 353,030 bu; rye
.."WO bu; barley, 3.000 bu. shipments— Flour,
' '.000 bbls: wheat. 31,003 bu: corn. iOJ.OOO
! :i : oats, 3J6.03J bu ; rye, 1.003 bu; barley.
-.'•00 bu. On the produce, exchange today the
: utter market was steady: fancy ero.iiiery,
.i @li»ii>c: fine Western, 10i,2@18c: ordinary.
■? oiUic: fine dairies, lOGtUc. Eggs weak;
i M.»@l4c.
Lr«inm->:i^r on Iraproroi pripj::/ in !
.; •.;>•,: Paul and Minneapolis -..,..-,•
At <i Per Cent "}>. ior Berurc*
New Pioneer Press Hulldinz. St. Paul,
l.'eeve Auildlng. Minneapolis.
i , Diilitlh \VJic:it.
f r-ecial to the Globe.
Dulutu. July 11.— Outside of a few sales
:u cash there was very little done' on the
Voard of trade today. There was an . early
iecliue, cash opening Kte lower than Satur
day's close. The government retjort, which
was published Saturday, had very little effect,
as it had already been" anticipated. On the
v. hole the effect of the government report
".as bearish, as it Indicated a fairly good
- heat crop for ISSI2. The continued "excel
! -nt weatner reports from V the Northwest
: had a depressing influence on the market,
■.ot to; men lion, > weak cables. Speculation
:. i corn seems to be rife just at present.
;:nllness characterized . the session from'
cpenitiE to close, which latter was quite
■-.eady at. a decline all round from Saturday
- -f from 14c to i.<2C. The last haif hour was
. •..ecidedly steady. The close was as follows:
So. 1 hard, on track. 7'J'4c: cash. 7!)i,i>c;
,'uly. 7yVjc; September. 78t*>c: No. 1 northern,
■-:i track. 77\4c; cash, 77c: July, 77c old; Sep
««'mber. 7(ic bid; No. li northern,' cash, o'Jc;
.-.0. 3, cash, GOc; rejecte-l, cash, : s'Jc.
Cars Inspected No. I bard wheat, C; No.
.! northern.; Si);: No. 2 northern,'. ll; No. 3
■•■ring. 1: rejected. 16; total,- 115.
Receipts— Wheat, 00,363 bu; flax, 2,313 bu;
-. Sjur. li.till bbls. .
. Shipments— Wheat, 3.00S bu ; corn, 508 bu;
iur, 15,315 bbls.
Carson Track— Northern Pacific, 113; Great
'.'orlhorn, 7(5; C.. St. P., M. & 0., 7; St. Paul
• Dulutb, :>j; total, fa\
flowing the stock of grain In store at Dultith
■' by grades) for the week ending Saturday,
'uly 9, ISJ^:
Wheat- Bushels
o. 1 hard. 26V, 470
.<O. 1 northern ... '. '. '. . '. . . . . ... .'..'. '..'.'. 1,7.:?, 044
>'o. 2 northern ......... :.:... . 6i I.UOB
No. 3 spring r..... Iji.
Vo grade spring . : .... .' 50',7.;7
. (ejected eendeuined ..... ....... 10-*-.7.'--j
»l»C(:iul bin...'....'. ....... ....;........ GC.Wi
Total irlieatin store ..-.J,51!.;V-3
">ecrense during ike week .V.;. .....'.■ o'C7, T-27.
.11 Store thib 1111 (clafi yi'ar...".;. \\;, ':.1,71R!.:>13
increase for tin.- ttcvkUUt year..... .. 2>S.'is4
. -lock of flaxseed :imv in -store .::..'. ■■.■Ti'.'.U.'i'
increase 01 l!r..\M-i-ii during the xit&t. ' 'i,'M~
' Produce.
• : - Mu.wAL-Kh.*:. July ii.— r'loar i^Jiiet. Wheat
-."inn: Sst*|»i«"iiti*«-r.'.lHV«r: N.«. :.' •>;■: inc. 7:{©"4c:
.-•'. ■ so. 1 !ii.iiiii"t:i tic: ■ i;«»r:j tjititH:' No. b. 45c.
<\*tM lower; >■.. -' wht;e, i-J3ri%c; No. 3
white, 31@31 1*0. l Barley" quiet; .No/ 2. 58c;
sample on- track,' 48®'i!«ic. : Rye steady: No.
1. 76i*>c. Provisions linn: September pork,
September lard, S7.Ha J-- r
; ' -^^-TO-^ :•.'■'■•■/ ■■.''■■
Consi pr.menistolicited. '.'---. . '
• We w- York Produce. ;
New York. July; 11.— Flour— Receipts. 22,-
Csl pltgs; , export", . 22,570 bbls.' 10,79 J sacks;
dull, heavy; sales 20.'200>bb18. ; Co:nmeal—
Dull, heavy. Wheat— Receipts. 227.403 bu:
exports, 27i),74S bu; sales. 4,515,000 bu futures,
114.003 bu spot; spot dull, lower; N0.. 2 red. ;
6i*^@B:c store and elevator: 87^@SSUc
afloat; WigfbSiVge t, a b.: No. 3 red, X3B^@
84c : umcraded red, 74c@«l; " No. 1 northern, '
84^s;aSc%c; No. -1 hard.' , 88i*®8.'%c;-
No. 2. northern. "7«%@7Sc; No.- -2
Chicago, ."4VsS.S4\*c; .No. 2;- Milwaukee.
BS^4c; No. 3 Spring, 77% c;.' options
sold off- 1,2 to lc on the government report
and the rumor that the anti-option bill whs
likely to pass, together with cables and weak- ;
ness at the West: advanced on the de
crease in the visible and a report that an
amendment had been made to the auti-optiou ;
bill to include flour: No. 2 red. July. 83%®54c, :
closing at 83% c: August. 82 13-lC@Bl%e. clos
ing at&ji&c; September. Sji#@Sji*4C, closing
ia Bai,ie; October. S4©B4*itc, closing at 8 ;%c;
December. sliest & 8 0, closing at BOV2C: -May,
1803, 90 3 lC©'XSUr\ closing at st 1,2 c. Rye dull,
lower, heavy: Western, 7f<Sßlc, 'stocks
01 grain stored and afloat. July 9:
Wheat. 1.244,<J. > 3 bn ; corn. 41 1, 558 bu :" oats,
6SO.'JMmi: rye.25.!).;0 bu; barley. 117.03) bu:
malt, 14.250 bu: peas, 18J.379 bu.. Barley Malt
—Canada, 75c351.05. Com— Receipts. 64.020
bu: exports, 4(i,4(."ibu; sales. 1.093,003 bu lut
uros. 77.000 bu spot: spots dull, lower: No. 2,
55S>5o^c elevator. 55Me®36^C afloat: un
graded mixed, 'it<&X.t/2t:: options declined
Ts'gilc on lower cables and government re
port, advanced ?sc on decreased visible and
higher cables, and closed, h'rjn . at i&c under
Saturday; July, 54'4@5;»V&c. closing ats;".i&c:
August .'3s^(a.H%c. closing at -sl%sc; Septem
ber, S:iUS»S-lVsc. closing et 54V»c; October,
r..!>4'S">3T«c, closing at 53* C. Oats— Receipts,
1 150 bu: exports. 21,3v:5 bu; sales. 015.000
bu futures, SS,OJ'J bu spot; spot lower, mod
erately active; options more active, closing
steady: July, 3'@3sVjC closing at 3.j^c; Au
gust, 34itt©35i,' c, closing at 3T.i&c; September,
34i4@3*<sc\ closing at347fec: No. 2 spot, while,
3C1.2C; mixed Western, ac@'Hii&c: white West
ern, 3r@'isV«c. liny stead, quiet. Hops quiet,
steady. Coffee— Options opened sttady, un
changed to 5 points up, closed firm. 10
points up: sales. ' 11,750 bags. in
cluding: July, '[email protected]; . August,
[email protected]: September, [email protected];
October. [email protected]; December. ll.(i.:c; spot
Rio dull, steady: No. 7, YJ&XSa. Suzar— Raw
•dull, steady: re a tied dull, steady": No. 0,
3 15-16®4 l-!Cc; No. 11, 3 5-E@i3%c; Vo.
12. 3 5-l(X?/>S 7-lCc; No. 13, i 5-16®3
7-JGc. Molasses— Foreign dull; New Or
leans quiet, steady. Rice firm, good
demand. Cottonseed oil dull. : Tal
low unchanged, quiet. , Rosin dull,
steady. Turpentine quiet, firmer: 3C©
3 3,4 C. Ecgs— Moderate receipts: prime,
(inner; Western poor to prime, 'lf.(§»lSV>c: re
ceipts, 4,8 .15 pegs. Hines steady, quiet." Poik
active, firm. Cut meats quiet, firm; middles
firmer; short clear, $S. 10. Lara higher, linn:
Western steam closed 5!).47V2 bid; sales, 1.100
tcs at S;.4'.'@i' 45; option Shies. 500'lcs: July,
§r.47: Au«ust, {7.47; September,'- ST.3O, clos
ing 57.52 bid October, §7.54 bid ; January,
$r.subid. Butter quiet, about steady; \Ves*t
ern dairy, H@U'.c: Western creamery, lC(S£tc;
Western factory, 13®!Gc; . Elgin. li%@->ic.
Cheese quiet, fairly _ steady; part skims,
" l .i<i!ib3jc. Pig iron dull; American, $l4f«ds.
Copper weak; lake, $11.2;.® 11. 40. Lead
easier; domestic. 54.20®4.25. Tin weak;
straits, 530.53g|3>>.60. - . •
SI. T,ouis Produce. .
St. Louis, Mo.. July Flour quiet and
unchanged. Wheat opened iUi&ftc o IF. par
tially recovered later, but closed k(&,SBc be
low Saturday; cash, 7(ic: July closed at
7:% c; August, 7;,sJjc; September, 7-1 i4(T"74^c ;
December, ■>%-,.!>:&. corn dropped lVsc at
the opening, rallied a fraction, and closed lc
under Saturday; cash, 4Jc: July closed at
441& C: August, 44c; September, 44i/fe@UUc
Oats followed corn and wheat, and closed %
©lc below Saturday; cash. 2"jc; July, •_'yi/>f;
August, 2s-i.Se : September, 2Si,<2c:. Rye duifat
<UC. Bran iirm; li.'c on track. . - »
Kansas City Grain.
Kansas City, July 11— Wheat weak, lower;
No. 2.C'J@62c: No. 2 red, G6@6Bc, Corn steady;
No. :.' mixed, 4-.'i.2'a>»c; No. 2 white. AV-u' r <£>
501,2 c. Oats weak; : No. 2 mixed, 2t@%V->c ;
No. 2 white, 2U',2c
Tolcilo Grain.:
Toledo. 0.. July 11.— Wheat active, firm:
No. 2 cash. H)«*C; July, 7-Ji/2C: August, 7W4C.
Corn steady; No. 2 cash, 50c; July, 4Uc; No. '
3, 47c: No. 4, 4Cc. '.Oats quiet;: No. 2 cash,
34c. Rye dull; ; August.'. 6'i.ic. . Cloverseed
dull; prime cash, 87 nominal; October, §j.2J.
Liverpool Grain.,. '-.
LrvEßPonu July ll.~ Wheat dull: holders
offer, moderately. Corn— No prime Western
mixed here. — Canadian, sd percental.
FO 7 A^CI,iI<. -
New York. •.."■■
New York, July , 11.— The stock market
seems still unable to escape from its dull ana
listless condition, and today there 'was the
same insignificant trading,* while the fluctua
tions in the general list wore even of less I
importance, than those of last week. Sales |
for foreign account were the principal feat
ure in the making of prices, but while these
were prominent only in ; Louisvilie & Nash
ville, St. Paul and one or two other stocks,
they, in the absence of any particular de
mand, served to give the whole list a heavy j
to weak temper, despite the favorable nature
of the government crop report. -
This latter Influence, however, seemed to
have been fully discounted, ■ a:id no more
than served to check the declining tendency
inaugurated by the sales for foreign account
The market finally closed dull and barely
steady, after one of the most uninteresting
sessions ever held. The trading only reached
124.400 listed and 4,450 unlisted.
■ The Post says: "Yet it must not be ' over
looked that the present operations in sterling
are a : plain foreshadowing of the foreign
grain movement of the coming season, and
that if they continue to dominate the market
particularly in the absence of .heavy foreign
sales ot our securities a steady decline iv ex
change rates is at hand/ .
V I " Total Sale* of Stocks
today were 128.832 shaes , including:
Atchison ........ 7,255 Reading .... 5,930
Chicago Gas ... 4,650 Rich. & West P.. 5,500
Louis. & Nash. :. 15,232 St. Pau1:.:.;..... 18,915
N. Pacific pfd... 4,665 Union Pacific... 12,51
New England... 7,010
. Stocks— Closing.
Atchi50n......... 35% Nat.Cordase.pfd.lHMi
Adams Express. .147 N. J. Central . 130
Alton & Terre 11. 32 Norfolk & W.pfd. 4:!7k |
do pfd ...150 'North Am: C 0.... 1.v.2 !
♦American Ex... lift i Northern Pacific. "l 9% i
Balti. & 0hi0.... 00 | do pfd ....55 .
Canad'n Pacific. 89%4 I". P. .D. & Gulf; Iftfe
Can. Southern. 57 Northwestern lisi<g
Central Pacific. 30 j do pfd..... 144
dies. &0hi0.... 23itrN. Y. Central ....10i)%
Chicago & Alton. I N. Y. &N. Kng.. 3f>i&
C. B. it Q.......100»,s Out. & Western.. 18%
Chicago Gas. ( Oregon Imp .. 211&
Consol. Gas Oregon Nay.. 70
C. C. C. it st. L: 6.".i4'0. S. L. & U. N.. 20
Colo. Coal & Iron 3') jpacific Mai1...!.. 33%
Cotton Oi! Cert's. 3.5\4.P., 1). & E..'...... IC%"
Del. A: Hudson. .l3l [Pittsmirg. r.'. 155
Del. L. & \V ..'.-. 155 Pullman P. Car . . 193
D, & R. o: pfd... 49 ' ! Reading ......... 59%
Distillers' & C.F. Richmond T0r..., 7%
East Tennessee., 3t2j do pfd. .-....■...•. 42
Erie...... 25.V8 ! Rio G. Western.. 3 ts.i
do pfd......... 01. ! do pfd ..• 7412
1 Foit Wayne .154 Rock 151 and ...... 785 i I
Great Nor. pf J..l«t,*> St.L.& S.F.lst pfd 76
Chi. it K. 111. nfd. 60 Ist. Paul 81%
Hocking Valley.. 34% do pfd..". ...... 125%
Illinois Central IOIV2 St. Paul & Omaha. 47%
St. Paul Dulnth 33% do pfd.'. 110
Kan. & Tex. pfd. 25 iSouthern Pacific. 3.:%
Lake Erie & \\\. 23% Sugar Refinery.. . <•."%
do pfd......... 741/2 Term. C. &1.V... 31%
Lake shore — ...13.»; ITexas Pacific .. 7%
Lead Trust :»4>,i> Tol. & O. C. pfd.. S2V-»
Louisville it X... 7J Union Pacific..'.. 37%
Louisville &N.A. 25 U. S. Express. .. 50
Manhattan Con.. Wab., St. L. & P. 30>4
♦Memphis &Chas 53 do pfd...... ... 24U
Mich. Central..; 104% Weils- Fargo Kxp.l43 -
Missouri Pacific. 57% Western. Union.- .•ftJVi
Mobile it 0hi0. .. 3'JV»' Wheeling &L. E. 30V»
Nashville it Chat 89. I dopfd 271,2
Nat. Cordage.. '.'.llSfltl '-
' ♦ Bid. - -
.: Governiuent and State Bonds.
Government bonds have been dull . but
firm. Slate " bonds have been dull aud
steady. . . '
U.S. 4s reg......H6iA M. K. &T. G. ob. 80 ,
'do4sfoup:. .-.".. llCi^ " do 55.:..:...... 46%
*do 2s reg...... I'JO N. J. C. int. cert.
♦Pacific tjs of -'95.100 N. Pacific Ists-.:.:116
La. stamped 45... 92V2 *do 2d5.:.. .....114
Tenu. new set. C 5.107 - tN. W. consols.. .140 .
~: do ."5. .•...'... ....101, *do deb. 55.~..:.10r;V2
do 35.:;. ........ 74%5.L.&1.M.Q.55... S5Va
i Can. South. 2d5..103 , SUL.& S.F.G.M .107
; »(.'en. Pacific lsts.los St. Paul consols. 127%
*D. it K. Grists. 1171 St.P..C.&P. lsts.H7Mj
0045.'.:. 82 T.P.L.G.T.R.... 78
R. <! r West. Ists. 83 T.P.R.G.T.R.... 25^
hrio i'd5..;. .'.....104% Union Fac. 15t5.. 106%
■ ♦Mm. Union 6s. . .110 ! West Shore ■...;. .102%
{ ♦Bid. T-Xsked.
; Money -Market. '■ ,"_; :
- Chicago. July li. — New York exchange,' 50c 1 -
I• to iii.c premium. : Sterling exchange dull;
j sixty-day, bills,: St.S7U: dem.ind, Si.BS^.
I . Money steady, 4 to 5 per ce :*r-<-^&g±ftfggfA
I New York. July 11. — Money on call easy at
■ lVs to 2. percent; List Jon 11," IM2: close offered -
at 1\!». Prinio mercantile paper, 3W®5V!i per
- * • - ' ■ '" . ' ' ■ '-■.■■'■
cent. Sterling exchange quiet and easier at*>
54.87 for friity-day bills, and- $LBBU v for de
mand.•.»-;'..;•■-■"■ t. ';;■. : -\ .:-, ■■'■■■"
New York mining . Stocks— West.
Cholor :. . . . :„ .. $7o Ophir ..; .--;: . .-.: $2 25 :
; Crown Point/.;.:. -M) Plymouth ....... "75
Con Cal . & Va . . X 75 Sierra Nevada::. -93
bead wood -.'..... 2 IS ion Con ...r.vl 00,
Gould & Curry.. .a (M Yellow Jacket. . ~9)'
Hale & Xorcross. 130 Iron Silver ..:.. CO
Homestakc .....12 50 Quick Silver. :r^i ? > 40
: Independence 2 -do pfd ...... .:.t0 00
Mexican *A'.>BJi-il 1 5< Bulwer .7TTX^f*l9tf 35
Ontario 41 5'
San Francinco Ifllnlne Slini*e«.
Altar... :-........ $ j -.I) Mono ..... $0 35
8u1wer........... •45 Ophir. :..:. ..... 2 '35
-Best A: Belcher.. 2.75 P0t05i.... .. ..... 50
Bodic Con.. . .:.r if. 5avage....:..:...'. 135
Chollar .... 7i Sierra Nevada... 115
Con. Cal. & Va.. 361 Union C0n......:. 95
Crown Point 1 0: L'lnb .:.... -..::.:.> 33
Eureka Con.." .. : 2 W fellow Jacket..: 00
: Gould cSt Curry. IV. Nevada Queen. .. 45
•Hale «fc Norcross. .1 25ii>el M0nte.. :.:... 5
Mexican ....'.... l 6i)| ■ . - .
S. H. WOOD & GO.
Grain and Stock Brokers, '
: V : ; ' JaiSfXEAPOLI.S, 3IIXX.
•*• - Grain to us;- we . win. sell : it well and
quickly; or if the market is weak we will
s>tore it and sell when the market is highest,
and wil iloaii you what money ' you need : ou
at . 8 : percent. - ■
- tS^Write for our special market letter;
• Chamber of Commerce.
The demand was light for '■ wheat futures,
owing to fine growing weather lor the crop
and the favorable report of conditions :as
made out by the .: agricultural department at
Washington. That with a fair movement of
old wheat and new throughout tha country
caused early weakness here and abroad.
Cables reported British markets dull and
easy.' ' ■ ~ ' . - - •
Cash Wheat— Receipts at Minneapolis for
forty-eight hours, 518 cars; shipments. 2_'4
cars. • Dulu'h received, ?85 cars. Saturday's
receipts graded cars No. 1 hard. VI) No". 1
northern, 20 >o. 2, 22 No. 3, 0 rejected, and 6o
no grade.
The cash wheat market . was slow, with
large supply. A fair demand existed at the
opening tor good No. 1 northern, but it did
not take long to supply it. The market was
dull after that. Low grade was lifeless, with
sellers forcing sales to move. No. 1 north
ern sold at J£@7si/»C for thin, with a few very
choice cars timber wheat at 77c. No. 2 sold
from 67c to 72c and No. 3 from sS*c to Oie, de
pending on quality. •
1-lour — was dull, but demand was
about as general as it has been lor a few
weeks past. The leeliug was weak, gen
erally, In sympathy with an early decline ill
wheat. The added daily output of the mills
grinding yesterday will probably aggregate
;j().<>oo bbls. Shipments. :j .-,40-1 bbls. quoted
at 5K&4.40 for the first patents; Si.!>C(R4.OS for
Eccor.d patents; [email protected]'5 for fancy and export
bakers': Si.4ti&S.tt for low grades, in bags,
including red dog. . :
Bran and Shorts— Bran was steady iii de
mand and prices. The larger mills held for
steady prices that ruled last week at the
close. Shipments, 98? tons. Quoted at Si.:®
9.25 for bran. SD.2S@'J.7S for shorts and SLG<#
10.50 for middlings.
Corn— Corn was weak and futures lower,
caused by the improved weather and conse
quent rapid growth of the crop. Receipts,'
11,54 bu; shipments, none. Quoted at 4Ui>@
4-"j for good dry No. 3, 42©l'ii,sc dry No. if
yellow, 3L@ JSc for dry No. 4, and 110 grade
20@35c. ..
Oas— Oats continued to sell fairly by
sample, while the general market sympa
thized with the decline in corn. Receipts,
47,000 bu; shipments. 22.800 bu. Quoted at
30®30taC for- No. 2 white, 2!X&29i£C No. 6
whits.-, and 2t-<g}\!t>c tor No. 'i and 3.
Rye— Receipts, 1.500 bu; (shipments, none.
Q;io;ed nominal at 604i70c, f . o. b.. for No. 2.
Receipts, 7,400 shipments, 0,660
bu; held at 88@4t-C for No. 3; No. 4, 3t@Wc. --
Flax— Receipts. 7,6^0 bu; shipments, 5,120
bu. Flax sales are based, less . freights,- on
Chicago market.
Feed— Millers held at 516.25®16.5D: less
man car lots, $1G.50©17; corn meal, 815.21®
15 75; granulated meal. S:. ( 0. :
Oar— Receipts light, but mostly better qual
ity; no demand for medium and common;
poor and damaged being cleaned up at j>4;
receipts. 115 tons; shipment's, none; choice
upland, [email protected]; wild, §Sf<jilt>; timothy,
gll@12; poor and.damaged, all kinds, §4.
Following 218 cars are previous day's local •
state grain inspection by the ' different rail
way ■■;--■ :
'•' ~- ~ • V. iNorth'n 2J' S!'si
Olp £ o
■ ;'f'. * Si i « i g O'
Railways. c 9 P : r 3
■ I r y- : f- 9
Gt. N.— div.. ~f 22 2 if 3
Gt. N.— F. F. div V' 3 4 srr;l 24
C,. M. St. P...... c, 40 2 1 .... 4
Mpls. & St. Louis ..:. '31. 5
£00 line .. 15:..:..;. :i ..;.
Northern Pacific . 5 li li £ 20
C, St. P., M. & 0.. .... c .... .... :7.". ;:4
T0ta15.......--:.. t\ 13 31 '2, .. I 60
• Other Grains— Corn — No.' 2 yellow. 1 car; No.
3 yellow, 4 cars; No. 3. Dears; No. 4,1 car: no
crude. 1 car. Oats-No. 3 white. 10 cars: No.
2, 2 cars; No. 3, 10 cars: no grade. 1 car. Flax
—No. 1, 6 curs. Rye— None. Barley— No. 3,
1 car. . Winter Wheat— None.
1 Cars Inspected Out— Wheat— No. 1 hard. 9
cars; No. 1 northern, ]7. cars; No. 2 ; north
ern, 16 ears; No. 3, 21 cars: rejected, 6 cars:
no grade, 50 cars. Corn— None. Oats — No.
2 wkiie, 3 cars; No. 3 white, 2 cars; No. 3, 1
car. Barley— None. Flax— 1,-4 cars.
None. . -
Union Stockyards.
Receipts— hogs, 120 cattle, 8 calves, no
sheep. ;■"
Hogs— Strong. But a couple of hundred
head received, selling . early to one of the
packers at §.j.4j (except a bunch of pigs at
S">.2.">) ; strong, 5c higher than Saturday.
Quality fair. . '
Cattle— Good fat butcher cows and steers in
demand at firm prices. Medium and fair .
grades steady and Iv fair demand; canner
stuff dull. Medium to fair cows sold at 52.15
@2.75. About everything sold except a few
bunches of common cows. Quotations—
Prime steers, f3.75@L25; good steers.
83.25®:.!. 75; prime cows, $J. 75©3.25;
good cows, 82.2502.75; common to fair cows,
Si©-.'; light veal calves, $'.'.W.@.>.5J; heavy,
calves. §1.75@250; stockers, §2<S»-J.50; feeders,
$:.4t©2.75: b-ills, stags and oxen. 51.25t02.50.
Sheep— on good butcher stuff. No
receipts and no trading. ' Quotations: Mut
tons,. 5&50(&4.fi0; lambs, &,@5; btockers and
feeders, §2.5'.ig>3.50.
Chicago. " ■
Chicago, July 25.— Cattle— Receipts. 20,000;
shipments. 6,000; market steady; choice to
prime steers, 5H75®5.5j;; steers, $3.<J.*(§,4.52;
canuera. Sl.7o@^o; stockers, 5.'.20@i25;
cows, S2.7sffs3.bJ. • Hogs— Kecelpts, 2J.OO0;
shipments, 13,000; .market active, -s@loc
higher; rough and - com m or, . [email protected];
mixed and packers, 55.6G&3.75; prime heavy
and butchers' weiahts, $s.B'J®s.oo;" light,
$5.7C(g*5.'.i5. — Receipts, b,000; tship-"
meniK 3,(XK); market active, steady to strong;
natives. &:j..Mi@7: Xexaus, [email protected]; West
erns, §1.75: lambs, S4(§,r.
Omaha. July 11.— Receipts. 1.550:
market slbsv aud weak: common to fancy
steers, $Z [email protected]; • Westerns, : . $->.75& i 75. '
Hogs— Receipts, 2,750; market active and
higher: light, [email protected]; . heavy, $5. 0f.©?;
mixed, 53.45©j.£9. sheep— Receipts, we;
market active; natives, §4.sC©j: Westerns,
&©1.50; lambs. [email protected].
- JtMWM City.
Kansas City. July 11.— Cattle— Receipts.
4,700; shipment?, 8,400; good native- steers
were strong, and others steady at [email protected];
cowssteaav. Sl.(°-5®?.50; Texans steady to
5c higher, Si.SOSfi.SO. Hogs -Receipts, 3,'70^;
shioraenis, 2.500; the market opened steady,
and closed ::@.lOc higher; all grades, [email protected];
bulk, . [email protected]. . Sheep — Receipts, 1,003;
shipmeuts.iione; the market was nominally'
steady ; muttons. 54.85. ".
New York. July 11.— The petroleum mar
ket closed steady. . Pennsylvania oil, spot'
sales none; August option sales, 45,000 bbls:
opening, 53c: highest, 5314 c; lowest, 52% c.
closing at 53c. Lima oil, no sales. Total
sales, 45,003 bbls. >
: British Grain Trade.
London. July 11.— The Mark Lane Express,
--l:i its : weekly ■ review of the British grain
trade, says: -The hop prospects'- have im
proved, with fine weather. English wheat
seems to have . found bottom value in tbe
county markets at 2i»s 2d. Miliers are buying
all they can at this price. Foreign wheafc'aud
flour are lower. ■ Australian and the
finest . Indian wheat .' fetch 335. ; Today En
glish wheat was firm at 32s Od: - foreign met
with little sale. American Hour oecliuin?,
barely - steady. O<< is were 3d dearer. 1 Maize ;
was cheaper oa American reports."' .
Visible Grain Supply.
"New Yohk." July. li.— The visible supply of
grain, S.ii;:rday. July 9,' as compiled by "the'
NewA'ork. produce exchange, is as follows:'
; Wheat, 25.1-4.'>O bu ; | decrease. • 1.-232.000 bu:
Corn; 7.053.0.X) bu: decrease. 755.000 bu. Oats, :
5.!H2,00J b;i; Increase. 479,003 bu. : Rye, 237,-
OIXI-bu; decrewc, 33,(R.<i : bu. .- Barlejv 455.0C0 "
bu; iiicrPiise. 12.i,0 X"i bu. -
- wi binnncrn- Sure cure i win send
lAn I U L t t c o^ iy h 0 : .^ ured me
L. S. Franklin, Music Dealer, Marshall, Mich. ■
: i Deeds were filed 1 or " t record yesterday "or
: follows: •'. ']: ...'-.•■ •"•'■''
Julia Nippolt to William Stelzner, It 10... ..;:.
.- Smith's subd blk 10. Stiuson's add.. . '$893
Lucia C' Fifield to David S Fifieid, It 3,
- '-. blk 2.V Lyinan Dayton's add:."-.:r."r:T.V 6,030
Dlla Hunt to William James, It 27, bI6~ V: ■:-1
--47.-.boo Maria Park. V.V.::....*.... r . 500
Ellen Hanuing to Joseph Schlitz Brew- : -
' ing Co, Its 6 and 7. blk 1. Auerbach &• . ■•-■.:
Hand's ..■.-;..•.....; :;.^:.-.::.:-.:: 1,600
Math Iten to' John J Joyce, Its 5 and ■-'.."
.6, blk 1, McCluug & Van Meter's - -
eddr...........-...:.. .......... .,:..... 6,000
■ D Delight Huney to Charlotte Bennett, * .
-• It 4, blk 2. Miltbu's add '•;" .:::;i,203
Martin J Lee . to /Andrew P Linden, It '■■■ '■-
, 10,blk4.Sanborn's Midway add r...;.' 800
F II Boardman to H. M TodJ, It 26, bllt >
: 4, West End ■ add, Minneapolis Stock- --^T;
-. yards :. :...,: :;::. ::..:.:'..-:: :. :.:. .*. .. ; > 250
Perry H Millard to James ■ M King, It 2, . *i. '(
blk 51, White - Bear ;..;..V..-.r...:r.. 1,500
John J Joyce to Bridget • O'Halloran, It - ■ .<' "
6 and part of It 5, blk l; McClung & -' •
■Vau Meter's ....:. .7 ... . : .."..-. : : : •..:... * 3,650
Mary Canby to Bertha M Schriber.lt :--■ '
■ 19. blk 3, J C Stout's second add ... .V. . 2,250
. One unpublished ... .".;.. . . . . :■/. : ... 4.500
.Total. 12 deeds... ........ ...... $2.»,050
. , •■-■■; BUILDING "rEimiTs. ■'•..-'. \. -..-'.- ■
The > following building permits were' is
sued yesterday : . ; . ,
Theodore Poriath.lVs story frame dwell- -
;. ing, Sherburne. between Avon and .
Gr0tt0....-.....;;.-.;. .....;:....;.. $1,300
S'M Kiidenbush, 2-story frame dwelling, :.-
Osceola, between Avon and Grotto... 5,000 ,
Wm Powers, 1 story frame dwelling. .'
: HiH-rison st, ' between Lawton and -^
We5tern .... ...:.........,..;......".;:. 1,003
John Espy, 3-story brick stores and :
offices, sixth st, betweeu Franklin
and seventh ... .........35,000.
One minor permit......... .:;........... . 500
Total, 5 permits :....".... "....$42,800
The following deeds were recorded yester
day: ' - j
Anna M Hagemeyer to Anna C Graves, '
It 4, etc.. blk 2, Fisk s add. /:....-.::.. .53,500
Daniel E Dow to William ilosp, It 16, ;
b!k 6, West Minneapolis..; 5 .;.... .:.... 350 i
Caroline E Dennis to Sarah A Gorton, -.' .
part Its 14 and 13, bik l, Goodrich
add ...... •.......;...... 5,003
Sarah It Miller to Edward Gonyea, in :' "
sec 16, town 120, range 22..... .:"... ■ i. 1.030
William Gorman to Clarence E Oakley, " •_ "
in sec 23. town 119, range 24.... . ...... 1,400
Oriaydo 11 Harvey to William Gorman, v;
In sec 33, town 119, range 24 ..... ... ..." 1.400
Peter Speich to ' Deborah • Mcßae, It 9, - *
. blk. I, Lauderdale's subd '..;..;...:.. -603
Julia R Blake to John Martin. It 22, blk- •
5. Menage's supplement 1,700
John A Busterud to Frank W Edwards, • . _■>
part It 2, blk 1. LII Clark's. add ...... 500
Geo R Robinson to Nathan A Berwin, ■">
Its 1 and 2. bl 7, Carson's add. . .. .... 750
Chas W Whilten to S A Coouradt, part '■-'■
Its 7 and 8, blk 15. Gale's Ist add J . .-"... 1.250
Two uupublisned deeds.....". 50,000
. Total. 13 deeds .............. $06,450
- The building inspector issued the follow
ing permits yesterday: ;.;;- ■:,.•--
New England association. First ay "
south and fourth st. reconstruction of ••
old Tribune building, making it fire
proof.:..'..\.-....y.- ....'. :.'.'.:. -..'... '.5200,000
Frank E Mix. 31415 Fillmore st north
- east, 2-story frame dwelling 6.000
F S Hall. 2.119 Emerson ay south, finish
ing dwe11ing......... : ..;.......... 1,200
Louis J Finley, 312 Thirty-third st west,
2-story frame dwelling .....1,800
Christian Advent church, Tremont ay '
ana Twenty-fourth ay north, 2-story -.
frame addition to church. ......:.... 1,000
Nine minor permits .' '....". 1,7C0
Total, 14 permit5..'......^.......:. $211,760
Auditor's Office. V
: St. Paul, June 27. 1892. )
Sealed proposals for supplying coal to the
various state institutions for the year ending
July 31. 1803, will be received at this office
until VI o'clock noon on the Ist day of Au
gust, 1802. Blanks specifying kiuas. Quanti
ties and places of delivery, and as near as
possible the amounts required at specified
.'dates, and giving terms ol payment and other
information, will be furnished on applica
tion. ■ The right to reject any and alt bids is
reserved. W. R. MEKKIAM^ Governor.
A. BIERMAN: Auditor.
' JOS. UOBLETEK, Treasurer. --.
Fuel Commissioners of Minnesota.
STUB bT — Office of the : Board -of
Public Works, City of St. Paul, Minn., July
9, 1818. — Sealed bids will be received by the
B*)ard of Public Works iv ■ aud'."fort:ths cor
poration of the City of St. Paul. Minnesota,
at their office iv said city, until 12 m. on the
21st day of July, A. "D. 1802, for grading
Sims street, from Earl street to Cypress
street, iv said city, according to plans and
specifications on hie iv the office of said
Board. ■- '• • " ? " ~
. : A bond with at least two (2) sureties, In a
. sum of at least twenty (20) . per cent; or a
certified ~ check •on a bank of St. Paul ma
a sum of at least ten. (10) per cent of the
gross amount bid, must accompany each bid.
: Said check shall be made payable to the
Clerk of said Board. •'"-'-< .
The said Board reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
' R. L. GORMAN. President.
Ofliciai: J. T. Kerkeu.
Clerk Board of Public Works.
Foundry Company,
Aicfcitectural Iron Work
Founders, Machinists, Blacksmiths aiifl
Pattern Makers. " bend for cuts of - col
umns. «Works on bt. 1., M. & M. K. li.,
near Como avenue. O 212 and 213
Manhattan Building:. St. Paul. 0. M.
rOWEH, Secretary and Treasurer.
Before Tatlug. FVf-rlk-uii'Hetklb Af>rTakUg. ; .
SEXOXKRVE. the (rrcat Turkish Remedy, cures
Nervous Debility, Wakefulnpss. Vital Exhaustion,
Dizziness, Headache, Nervous Prostration, Losses, '
Lost Manhood, Kvjl Dreams, Quickness and all .
wasting diseases, caused by over-exertion of the
brain.self-abuse orover-indulgrence which ultimate.
. ly lead to consumption, insanity and suicide. Put
up in condensed form to carry in the pocket. Price
(1 per box, or a complete treatment of six boxes
with .a Written Cuarantee for»s. Sent post
paid in plain package to any address. Circulars
tree in plain envelope. Address. T^HKKSEOBfE
International Medical Association.
jjflS T»««»b<>»n twet, Chicago, 11]
r *. Wiimintt — <V.r. w»?»«Hii md .ni> eta
trou bk-. ; wi t h Gouorrhcßa^H
»Sw Gleet, Whites. Spermatorrhceawl
wTeSiSB or any uunatural discharge isk™
fim_zjF! vnuT druggist for a bottle of
ag3BBSgsZiS O. It«curc3 in a few days
pj|*PMjß without the aid or publicity of a
j«39«JEfI doctor. Non-poisonous " end
S§S3ft|fruarEnteed not to stricture.
ttfefltflfiSfi.^ 1 Universal American Cure.
Manufactured by ____
>Ej Sabfc^ u - s - *■
■fl n v JHsSbt mm ' H W IBf**B
Manf'ct'd by Baker-Levy Chemical . Co., Cliicag ;
.t-V , '-'.•"} V.'. .>■•.■.-.":-.:"• . ■.:._■ ■-..
Or Resolutions Adopted by the
;, Com moil Council of the City ot
...JSt^Paul.;^;..."^..;';. . : :,''-;:"; ■'-.-;. '-, "■..■} :
Ay F No. 603— " "". '
■ Keiolvcd. That city orders be drawn ■ upon ■
- th? city • treasury, payable out ;of ; the ; "po- :
lice department \ f uua,V : in * favor ,•• of j tbe
following-named persons, for the amount set
opposite to their respective names: " '
: •"■ Am ■Amussen. 830.00;. W. E. Buschmann,
L 88.5 U Louis Bougie.s7s.4S: John Bast, $10.00; :
James • Cleary, $..V3.00; Geo. Dempsey,
..$33,15;; Chaß. Friend '-; & Son, ~ $26.40:
■Ira.' .'Gardner & :;-,' Sons, V $3.00 ; Geo. • Ger- 1
•Jftetr/SlkOO; Griges Bros.. $1.65: P. J. Hogan.
. $»t.50; J. L. Henry.Si.OO: A. llarnish. $8.50; :
! August Jotwt, $8.59; Geo. J. Mitsch =&= Co..
$14.00; Geo. Mitsch, $38.50;? Wm McGuigan.
;*6i.a»; N.W. Telephone Exchange C 0..5159.00; ■
. J,. -J, t.O'Connor, • $8.05; \ Prendergast :- 8r05.,.
„$102.&8: . Keff & . Roseuquist. ; $"..70; August
Tcoedier& Son, $35.03; I St. Paul School Sup
' ply Co.", $2.'. 50; Robert Seeger. $.'. 33; John
"Washer. $J3.55; : Welsh Bros., $19.07: Frank \
5. Zschokke. Geo. A. Dougher. $2.72;
--■ Chas, Matheis, $27.95: John Minea, $19.00; =
.;j'«jircie <fe Jones, $10.85: P." X. Peyer. $7.60;
WalJblora & Thoon<elL $24.75; John Wagner,
$18.75f The St. Paul -Towel Excb., SI >.00. •
Adopted by the Assembly June 28, 1892. ,
■ — Messrs. Doran, Daly, Johnson. Light- i
ncr, Pite, tteardou, Saadeil, Van Slyfce, Mr."
President— 9. . -
Nays— . ..,.- / ■ ■: .- .. . .: ' - -
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 5,
18!«. '-■•-•"•■ -. "- . ; ■ •;.'-. • :-.:• ■r.--- : f; . v 'x
Yeas— Aid. Copeland, Conley, Ciille'n.Dor
niden. Franklin, Hickman, Montgomery, War
ren, Zimmerman, Mr. President— lo. - • «
Nays — '). v • -•. .' .
Approved July 8, 1832. . . .
Ay F No. 697— .'.'.-'.-' ! '■'■■■ ':■■'.
Resolved, That city orrders be drawn upon
the city treasury, payable out of the school
fund, in favor of the following-named per
sons, for the amount set opposite . their re
spective names: " '; •. ■
J. E. Allman;Sß4o.7s: Bazille & Partridge,
5W.75; P. Boeringer & Son, $»; Board of
Water Commissioners. $187 71; Bonn Manu
facturing Company. $1«.00: The' Dispatch
■ Priminz Company, : $12.51: E. A. Carnes, r
SU2: De Coster & Clark Company, $95; C. H.
Congdon, $68.75; Edison Electric, Ligh- and
Power Company, $40.35; : The Electrical En
gineering and Supply Company. $141.75;
Ginn . & Co.. $18.50; Globe Oil Company.
$122.25: J. P. Gcabben Lumber Company,'
5726.05: John Leslie,' s3.'Jl.lo; John P. llaire,"
$15; J. L. Hertz & 50n. 53.20; Erick Johnson,.
$15: E. 11. Milham. 56.02: Miles & Hale,
$105.03; D. D. Merrill Company, $758.10; Mer
rill's Toilet Supply, $12: Myers & C0.;5>.53; :
Nicola & Dean, $)4.64; ;. Northwestern Tele
phone' Exchange Company,' $36; : Noyes
Uros. & ■■- Culler, $293.09; ■ Northwestern
Thompson Houston Electric ; Company.
5569.!ri; C. 11. Park. $103; : Prendergast Bros.,
$278,96: Robinson & Cary Company, $101.64;
Win. O'Ronrke,- $49.65; Wm. Rodger & Co..
$47.14: Paul Reiehett, $14.37: Uenrv E. Wed
elstaedt. & . Co., $2.31; . St. Paul Hardware
Company, $592.16: Schwnab Stamp and Seal
Company, $12.. c 0; St. Paul Gaslight Company,
$160 20; Andrew Schoch Grocery Company.
$17.e7;A. Stolpestad, $60: The A. D. Smith
Company,- $36.47;. Conrad W. Miller, City
Treasurer. $75. . . :■■.':- •-■-■■.■ :.i.
Adopted by the Assembly June 3*, 1892.
Yeas— Messrs. Doran, Daly, Johnson. Light
ncr. Pike, Reardon, Saniell, Van Slyke, Mr.
President— ; - -..•,.-- -
Nays— - : • ■-
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July
5,1892. '
Yeas — Aid. Copeland, Conley, Cullen, Dor
niden. Franklin, Uickman, Montgomery, War
ren, Zimmerman. Mr, President— . '
Nays— o. • -.- - ■ ■ • i
Approved July 8, 169 2. . -. J ... . : ..
A"y F No. 698^- ■ .' .' T^/.T.'u ]X<- V
Resolved. That city .orders be drawn upon
the city treasurer, . payable out of the ••court
house -and city hall maintenance fund' 1 in
favor of the following-named persons, for
me amount set opposite to , their respective
names: • ■> ■" • - ■■ •■ ••
• R. A. Smith." $12.50; Patrick Conley, $12.50;
John F. Gchan. $12.53: W. A. Van - Slyke.
$!2.50; A. P. Wright, $12.50; Geo. Mitsch,
312.50.; Chas. Liedman, $12.50: M. P. Kain,
$.12.53: H. P. Anderson. $14: Board of Water
Commissioners. $77.61 ; Bobn ; Manufacturing
Company, $147.02: Edison Electric Light and
Power company, $15.03;. John Dowlan &
Sons, •- §033.2i: riggs & Co.. $4 ; . George
Mjtsch, 50 cents; Geo. J. Mitsch & Co.. $1.22; |
Miles ii Ha1e. 58.75; liobinson<& CaryCompany,
530.70J St. t'aul Gas Light Company, $ 161.77 ;
a Williams, SI; S. A. Wiley, $6.45; Max
'Ufmau, $(>. -■ - . ;• ; ...-., ,-'-n -. :-, ..
- -Adapted by the Assembly June 23, 1892.
•Yeas— Messrs. Doran. Daly. Johnson. Light-,
ner. Pike, Reardon, ■'Sandell,jVau^slyke J ; Mr.
Fresiqent— 9. . ~ ~ r ",. ", ". "~i : . 7 '.' . V -"
,Naji>— o. ; -••---■' •— ! ••'.■"■' '-lj; I
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July
X 18f'2.
s Yeas— Ald.Tcopelaho", Couley. Cullen, Dor
ni den T Franklin, Hickmßii, Montgomery, Wa
rren, Zimmerman. Mr. President— lo.
.: sUavs— o. .....: ....-.,•.- . .■ .... '- t
.Approved July ; 8, 1892 V : .'..;...;--• -,-.'
.it x'f*. :-■ : f .■•-* v.'i-—— -' ; -'•■- -r«T--— "- ■-"■
Ay F No. 693^-.: ,
Resolved, That city orders be drawn upon
the city treasury, payable out of the elec
tion expense fund of "1892. in favor of the fol
lowing-named Dersons, for the: amount set
opposite to their respective names:. •
James Cleary, ?I4S.">J; John G.'Duggan, S7;
Northwestern Hardware "Company. $1.75;
Prenaergast Bros., Quinby & Abbott.
821. '45; Fred. Schroeder. $HG.5<»: St. Paul
Hardware Company, $10.72; 'Wemott, Howard
6. Company, $1170; E. W. Wallace (M. P.
Breuusn), $27; .- Bach & Reinhard't, $20;
Brown, Treacy & Co., $3; Joseph. Bu
lena, S10; F. J. Brings, $20; Edward Camen.
ISO; Frank Dittmau. 520: P. J. Duenwald,
$20: Charles Eaton, $2): William Esch. $20:
Pat Egan. $2?); Peter Eiswirth, $20; William
Geske, $20; George Gerlach, $20: A; J. Hoban,
$15; Edward Hammer, $20: Chas. F. Hueb
ner,.S23; F. A. Krseh. $20: T. J. Kubik. $20;
Georee Meisel, $20: J. D. Moran, $10; W.
Nordman, $15; A. Poirier.: $20; Jos. Rosen
thai. $20; John D. Ratterman, $20: August
Schultz, $20; Joseph Sommers, $20: M. D.
Shanley, $i 0; G. Siegenthaler, $11; Chas. H.
Williams. $2; E. Wittmer, $10
Adopted by the Assembly June 28, 159 J.
Yeas— Messrs. Doran, Daly, Johnson. Light
ner. Pike, Reardou, Saudell, Van : Slyke, Mr.
President— 9. . ■
Nays— . . -
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 5,
11802.: - ;..•.-.
Yeas— Aid. Copeland. . Conley, Cullen, Dor
niden. Franklin, llickman. Montgomery, Wa
rren. Zimmerman, Mr. President— lo. ;~
Nays— o. • •- . :
Approved July 8, 1892.
Ay F No. 701- : — •
Resolved, That city orders be drawn upon
the . city treasury, payable out of ; the . local
assessment expense fund, in favor of the
following-named persons, for the amount set
opposite to their respective names:
R. T. O'Connor. $70.90. -
Adopted by the Assembly June 28. 1892. :
Messrs. Doran, Daly, Johnson, Light
ner. Pike, Reardon, Sandell, Van Slvke, Mr.
President— 9. •;-;. . : . .
Kays— ".'■■■■ •' . - "
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July
5. 18112. 'vv- .- - ; :■:-; • ' ■■ ••■ : . •
.Yeas—Aid. Copeland, Conley,Cullen. Dorni-.
deu, Franklin, Hickman. Montgomery, Warren,
Zimmerman,' Mr. President— lo. •■.■ ■
Nays— o.
Approved July 8, 1892.
Ay F No. 702- ' '. .
* Resolved. That city orders be drawn upon
the city treasury, payable out of the : street j
and sewer, maintenance fund, In favor of
the " follow'ng-named persons, .-. for the
amounts (et opposits - to their - respective
names:- : - . • •..•.-.,•■ .- •• "^
D. L. Bell. $17: - Boeringer & Son. $12;
Blackmer & Post, $105; P. J. Hogan, $3.30;
C.W.Hackett Hardware Company, $20. A.
Jobst, $22.35: John Martin Lumber Company,
$1.(ii)6.57; Maendler Bros., $13.50; Ryan
Company.s7.42; Robinson & Cary Com-,
pany, $4.03: *St. p Paul Foundry Company.
$16.26.; Frank Skok, s»7.4o:'Twin City Lime
and Cement Company, $116.02; EliasFehr,
$57.75-. .. - - . ■
Adopted by the Assembly June 28, 1892.
—Yeas— Messrs.Doran, Daly. Johnson. Light
ner. Pike. Reardon, Saudell, Van Slyke, Mr.
President— 9. • , ■' '- .
' /Nays — 0. _-
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July
5.-1892.- .V -- , : :■ ' --.
Yeas— Aid. Copeland. Conley, Cullen, Dorni
den. Franklin, Hicßman. Montgomery, Warren,
Zimmerman, Mr. President — 10.
Nays— o. .... ■ „• .
Approved July 8, 1892. , •
A"y F No. 703—
. ■Resolved. That city orders be drawn ■ upon 5
: the city treasury, payable out of the Board of
Public" Works, ■in . favor .' of ~. the following-'
named persons, for the amount set opposite
:to their respective names: " "
.Alleii & Co., $3: Merrill's Toilet Supply,
$3: W'arrington & Co., $$.
Adopted by the Assembly June 28, 1892. -
Messrs. Doran, Daly, Johnson.Light
ner, Pike,' Reardou, "Saudell, Van Slyke, Mr.
President— ■ - :•,:.-• ' •..;". .7
Nays— D. -.-
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July .
5, 1S(»2. r '-■ .. • ■-.:■> ~ ' . • -,-,-;
•Yeas— Aid. Copeland,- Coniey. Cullen,- Dor- :
niden. Franklin. Hickmau, Montgomery, War
ren. Zimmerman, Mr. President— lo.
: . ' Nays -0. ■■' ■"- -•"► ~ . - -
Approved July 8, 1802. '
Ay F d. 705— -" ' ';. "' :": •• ': . :: '•- ;' ::
• Resolved, That city orders be drawn .upon .
"the city treasury, payable out of the "fire de- !
partment ; fund."; lv favor of the following
\ named persons, for. the amount : set, opposite
to their respective names:: ".• : ■ • -
. Allen. Moon & Co., $9.20: ; D. Bergman.
$3.25; A. Boedigheimer.s76.3S; 1 Chester Oil
Company, $56.50: ' George ; DougHfer,- $65.57;
Ames, EbCrt & Co., $312. James Fernster-
: maker. f 1.3">: 11. C. Farmer, $225; Ira Gard
• ncr, $3: J. P. ribbon :; Lumber.:' Com
pany. ; $5.03: ■ 0. W. Hackctt , Hardware
• Company,-. $^7.73; - Josli n ? & " Co., $547.85; \
■Geo; Mitbch, $52.20; Goo. J. Mitsch & Co., j
SC4.3S: Maeudler Bros.. »r3.Bi); M. P. Mat
tocks. $33.45; Jiio. Martin Lumber Company.
S--.B7.fcj; Noyes Bros. <$s Cutlcr.S7s.42: Nieols&
- Dean, $41.75: B. B. Preston & Cb.,5»4 .00 ni.L.v
Polk & Co.v $5.00; Prendergast Bros.. $3 08; '
John Pfisier, 31.25; Robinson & Cary = Com
: oany, $J9.52: * Ryan v Drug : Company," $51 .65; '
St. Paul Hardware Company.. 51. 13.V'
Adopted by the Assembly June 2B. 1892. - :
: ; Yeas— Messrs. Doran, Daly, Johnson. Light
ner. Pike, Reardon;'Sandeli. Van Slykc, Mr.
: President— 9. . %
-. Nays— . '■- .: ■ -.^^^^SB^S
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 5,
1892. ■? .'; :.'•... ■;.;•;:.;.■ . ■ •
Yeas— Aid. Copeland. Conley. Cullen. ))or
;niden. 'Franklin. Hickman, Montgomery, War
ren, Zimmerman. Mr. President—
Nays— o.
Approved July 8. 1832.
Bd No. 706— " " -_\
j ." Resolved, That city orders be drawn upon
the city treasury, payable out of the water,
supply fund, in favor of the following-named
: persons, for the amount set opposite to . their
respective names: : ...... '■;.•.■ ... . .. ;;.
: The -. Board -of Water Commissioners,
$166.26.- . .' : • , ... ' . /
Adopted by the Assembly June 2.*, 1892.
Yeas— Messrs. Doran. Daly, Johnson. Light
ner, Pike. Reardon, Saudell, Vau Slyke, Mr.
President— - ,
Nays— O.'^B»s^^^^^a^P^B^^pß
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 5,
Yeas— Aid. Copeland", Conley. Cuilen, Dor
' niden. Franklin. Hiekman.Montgomery,War
ren, Zimmerman, Mr. President— .
V Nays— . ' . .
, Approved July 8. 1892. . ...
A'v F No. 707— \ '-"-- :
Resolved, That city orders be drawn upon
the city treasury, payable out of : the genera [
fund, in favor of -the following-named per
sons, for the amount set , opposite their re
spective names : 1 lj.»l IpTI ? i>> nnt/Ti 111 I JIJi'IWiLB
Ed S. Bean, sheriff. $101.74: William Din
wood ie, 510: Wm. Haas, $.5: Geo. N. Hillman,
$105.47: P. C. Lutz. $18.20; Wm. Me-
Guigan, 513.37: Geo. J. Mitsch &
Co., S~>.3->: Myers & Co, $12.50: Mer
rill's Toilet Supply, $15: Northwestern
Stamp Works, 5.c. : Northwestern Telephone
Exchange Company, $9: R. T. O'Connor,•
--$10.93; Joseph Anstett, $;889; C. P. Hol
comb. $72: M. R. Murnane. $23.50; James
McGuire, $7.56; St. Paul Armory Association,
$500: A. Stewart, $3. .:•:■
Adopted by the Assembly June 28, 1592.
'.. Messrs. Doran. Daly, Johnson, Light
ner, Pike, Reardou, Saadeil, Van SlyKe, Mr.
President— :•::
- Nays— o."
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 5,
Yeas— Aid. Copeland, Conley, Cuilen. Dorni
den. Franklin, Montgomery, Warren,
Zimmerman, Mr. President— lo.
= Nays— o. :
Approved July 8, 1892.
Ay F No 723— .
in the matter of the report of the- Board of
Public Works dated June 25, lSsli.
It is hereby ordered by the . Common Council
. of the City of St. Paul :
. That the Board of Public Works of the City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be made, to wit: Grade and surface Union
street from Chatsjvorth street to Como avenue
in said city.
That said Board cause said work to be let
by contract, as provided by law, without one
half the estimated cost being, first paid into
tne city treasury, and after said work shall
be placed under contract, said Board shall
proceed without delay to assess the amount,
as nearly as they can ascertain the same, which
will be required to pay the costs and neces
sary expenses of such improvement upon the
real estate to be benefited by said improve
ment,as provided by law; it being the opinion
of the Council that real estate to be assesssd
for such improvement can be found benefited
to the extent of the costs and expenses neces
sary to be incurred iharebv. '
Adopted by the Assembly June 28, 1892.
Yeas— Johnson. Lightner. Pike,
Reardon, Van Slyke, Mr. President— S.
" Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 5,
18! ft
Yeas— Aid. Copeland, Conley, Cullen.Dorni
den,Fraiißlin,Hickman, Montgomery, Warren,
Zimmerman, Air. President— lo.
Nays— ~
Approved July 8, 1892.
Ay F No. 714—
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated June 27. 18i)2.\
It is hereby ordered by the Common Coun
cil of the City of St. Paul:
That the Board of Public Works of the City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be made,- to wit: • Condemn and take an
easement in the land abutting on the alley
running north and south (west end) in block
6, Edmund Rice's Second addition, iv siid
city, necessary to construct- the slopes for
cuts and ; fills in grading said ; alley to a par
' tial grade, as shown by 0 the profile of said
grade on file in the office of the City En
gineer, said slopes ;to ' extend one and one
half (1V«) feet on said land for: every foot
of cut or fill as indicated on the plan of said
slopes attached to said report, and to be filed
in the office of said Board.
-, That said Board shall, proceed without
delay to aesss3 the amount, as nearly as they
can ascertain the same, which will be re
quired to pay the damages, costs and neces
sary expenses of such improvement upon
the real estate to be benefited by said ; im
provement, as provided by law; it being the
opinion of the Council th.it real estate to
be assessed for such Improvement can be
found benefited to the extent of. the dam
ages, costs and expenses necessary to be in
curred thereby.
Adopted by the Assembly June 2?, 1892.
— Messrs. Daly,Johnson.Lightuer,Pilce,
Reardon,Saudell,Va"u Slyke, Mr.Presideut—
■Nays— - ■ - 1
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 5,
1892. . . . - •
Yeas— Aid. Copeland.Conley, Cullen.Dorni
den. Frankliu, Uickmati, Montgomery, War
ren, Zimmerman, Mr. President — *
Nays— • -.
Approved July 8, 1892.
A'yFNo. 715— ;
Iv the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated June 28, IS9J. ." ' :■ ■
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of tbe City of St. Paul :
That the Hoard of Public Works of - the
City of St. Paul cause the following improve
ment to be made, to wit: Grade the alley in
block 1, Beifeld's subdivision of lots 12, 13
. and 14. Wilken and Hey ward's out lots, aud
through lot 15, Wilken and. Hey ward's out
lots to St. Paul.- from the east line of Matz's
subdivision to Gaultier street, in said city. ' '•
That said Board cause said work to be let
by contract, as provided by law, without one
half the 'estimated cost being first paid into
the city treasury, and . after said work shall
be placed under contract said Board shall
; proceed without delay to assess the amount,
■as nearly 'as they . ran ascertain the same,
which will cc required to pay the costs
= and necessary expenses of such improvement
upon the . real estate to be benefited by said
improvement, as provided b\ law; it being
' the opinion of the Council that real estate to
be assessed ■ for ■ such improvement can be
found benefited to ' the extent of the costs
and expenses necessary to be incurred there
by. >
Adopted by the Assembly June 28, 189:.
Yeas— Messrs. Daly. Johnson. Lightner. Pike,
Reardou, Sandell,Vau Slyke.Mr President— S.
■ Nays— o. . • • . .
Adopted by the Board ot Aldermen July 5,
1892. • - ■
: Yeas— Copeland. Conley, Cullen, Dor
niden. Franklin, Hickman, Montgomery, Wa
rren. Zimmerman, Mr. President —
Nays— o.
Approved July 8, 1892.
A'yFNo. 716—
In the matter of of the report of the Board
of Public Works dated June 22, 1892.
:It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
I of the City of St. Paul :
That the Board of * Public Works of the
City of St. Paul cause the following improve
ment to be made, to wit: Condemn' and
take an easement in the land abutting on the
alleys in block 25 0f Charles Weide's subdivis
ion of blocks 25 and 26. Arlington Hills ad
dition, iv said city,- necessary to construct
the slopes for cuts and fills in I grading said
alloys rto . the established grade thereof, as
shown by the "profile of said grade on file in .
the office of the Register of Deeds in and for
Ramsey, county, and in the office of the City
Engineer, said slopes to extend one and one- 1
half (IV2) feet on said laud for every foot of
cut or fill as indicated on the plan of said
slopes attached to said report, and to be filed
in the office of said Board. .- ..
- That the said Board shall proceed without ;
delay to assess the amount, as nearly as they
can ascertain the" same, which will -bo re
quired to pay the damages, costs and ■ neces
sary expenses of such improvement upon
the real estate to be benefited b^- said im
provement, as provided by law: - it being ■ the
opinion of the Council that real estate to-be
' assessed for such improvement can be found
' benefited to the extent of the damages, costs
and expenses necessary to be incurred there
Adopted by the Assembly June 23. 1892.
'Yeas — Messrs. Daly, Johnson, Lightner, Pike,
. Reardon. Saudell, Vau Slyke.Mr. President— B.
Nays- — 0.: •..-.-. - • -. ■ •■--- ; .
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 5.
18.12. — - ,'■' '- :--■- .'■=:■- -
Yeas— Aid. Copeland. Conley, Cuilen,- Dor
niden. Franklin, Hiekman. Montgomery, Wa
rren. Zimmerman, Mr. President— lo.
' Nays— o.gsßjßa»«g»B^BE«EgfeßasaßHi
.Approved July 8, 1892.
■;". ' '■ -. — ;;■ . .■■ ■ \
. Ay F No. 717-
In the matter of the ■ report of the Board of
b, : Public Works dated June 22, 1892. ?
It is hereby ordered by. the Common' Council '
of the city of St. Paul:.-.',...-
--■• That this Board iof , Public I Works of the
City of St. Paul cause the following improve
ment to be made.' to wit :-.", Construct a sewer.
on Kent street froniwho i sewer. on ■lslehart" \
•street to a point? 132; feet soi:ih of the south J
line of said Iglehart street. tnsc.'.d city. '."•'; I
• '.That said Board cause 'said worse to be- let j j
by contract, as provided by law. without one-' I
half the estimated cost' being.; first .paid into' j
the city treasury, and after said work shall
'. be ■ placed - under, con tract,' said : Board shall ; . {
I proceed without delay 10 assess UlO amount, \
■as * nearly, -as •; they /can ascertain the same,
"which will be required to pay. the costs and
necessary expenses of such ; improvement
'upon the- real estate to be benefited by said
improvement, as J provided "by law; it being
the opinion of the Council that real estate to
•be assessed : for " such > improvement ' can": be ■
: found benefited , to 1 the extent of * the ' costs
: and • expenses :■' necessary . to - be " incurred :
; thereby. \V%-r '<::■. -■..-. :e.- -.'>;„.•■
:': Adopted by the Assembly June 28, 1832. ? :
leas— Messrs. Doran; Daly, .Johnson. Light-
ncr, Pike, Keardou, Saudoll, Van Slyke, Mr.'
President— 9.; -.
W^ ls ays— o. ;.-.. ?,',■' .'.'•;': . . .
Adopted by the Board of Alderman July 5,
v Yeas— Aid. Copeland, Conley, Cullen, Dor
niden. Frnnkliu.llickniau. Montgomery, Wai
ren, Zimmerman. . Mr. Presideat— v
Nays— o. : ■ . . .
Approved July 8, 1892. .":
Ay No. 718— ' : ' • • " • • -■ . '
In the matter ■of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated June 27; 1892. '
It is heteby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul : . . .
. That the- Board of Public Works of the City
of St. Paul cause the following improvements '
to be made, to wit: Construct an eight (8) foot
wooden sidewalk on the south side of ■ Law
son street, between Arcade street and Green
brier, avenus. in s:«id city. - .'. '--j
, - That said Board shall proceed \ without de
lay to assess the amount, as nearly as they
can ascertain the same, which will be re-
■ quired to pay the costs and necessary ex
penses of : such improvement upon tne" real
estate to be benefited by said improvent, as
provided bylaw; it beins: the opinion of • the
Council ; that real estate to be assessed fjr
-such improvement can be found benefited to
the extent of the . costs , and expenses neces
sary so be incurred thereby.
Adopted by the Assemhlv June 28, 1602.
. Yeas — Messrs. Doran. Daly, Johnson. Light
ner. Pike, Reardon, Saudell, Van Slyke, Mr.
President— » ■ '-■
Nays — ■
Adopted. by the, Board of Aldermen July
5. 189.', :• ■ . . .
. Yens— Aid. Copeland.Conley.Cnllen, Dorni
den, Fran klin.Hickinan.Moutgomery, Warren."
Zimmerman, Mr. President— lo.
- ; Nays— a. . . . '
Approved July 8, 1892."
Ay F No. 719— \
In the matter of the report of the Board of
■ Public Works dated June 27, ISft}.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul: :-r
- • That the Board of Public Works of the City
of St. Paul cause the following improve"
nient to be made, to wit: Construct an eight
(8) foot wooden sidewalk on both sides of-
Lawson street, between Arcade street and
Forest street, in said city.
That said Board shall proceed without de
lay to assess the the amount, as nearly as they
. can : . ascertain the same,, which will be re
quired to pay the costs and neeesary ex
penses of such improvement upon the" real *
estate to be benefited by said improvement,
as provided bylaw: it being the opinion of
the Council that real estate to be assessed for
such improvement can be found benefited to
the extent of costs and expenses necessary to
be incurred thereby. ■-. •■
':■': Adopted by the Assembly June 23, 1892.
Yeas— Messrs. Dorau, Daly. Johnson, Light
ner, Pike, Keardou, Saudell, Van Slyke, .Mr.
President— • . . ...
Nays— o.
• Adopted by the Boa-d of Aldermen July 5,
1892. : :
Yeas— Copeland, Conley. Cullen. Dorni
den. Franklin, Montgomery, Warren,
Zimmerman, Air. President — * -
• Nays— o.
Approved July 8. 1832.
Ay F. No. 720—
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated June 27, 1!>92.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
.. - of the City of St. Paul :
• That the Board of Public Works of the City
of St. Paul cause the following improve me n't
to be made, to wit: -7 Construct a three-plank
crosswalk on the south side of Water street,
across Edward street, in said city.
Adopted by the Assembly June 28, 1832.
Yeas— .Messrs. Dorau. Daly, Johnson. Light
ncr. Pike, Keardou, sandell, Van Slyke, Mr.
President — 9.
Nays— o. ''■ - : ''.r>-': ■
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 5,
Yeas— Aid. Copeland, Conley, Cuilen. Dor
niden. Franklin. llickm m. Montgomery, bar
ren. Zimmerman, Mr. President— lv.
. Nays— o.
Approved July 8. 1892.
Ay F No. 721-
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated June 27, 1892.
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul :
"That the Boara of Public Works of the City
of St." Paul cause the following improvements
to be made, to wit: Remove the gasoline
lamp on State street, at or near bridgj pier,
and place said lamp on the northeast corner
of Starkey and Water streets, in said city. ■•"
Adopted by the Assembly June EBB.
Messrs. Doran, Daly, Johnson, Light
ner. Pike, Keardon. Sandell. Van SJyke, Mr.
President — 9.
Nays— o. " '-.'.:-■ ..:■ - . - "
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 5,
1892. .• . ■ - . -.-. .■ - . ;■ ■■■ . : -'■.. ..- .
"leas— Aid. Copeland, Conley, Cullen, Dor
niden. Franklin, Hic&inau. Montgomery, War
ren. Zimmerman, Mr. President — 10. •■
Nays— o. . . . - .= .
Approved July 1892.
Ay F No 722— r . ■";':;
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works dated June 27. 1892.
it is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul :
That the Board of Public Works of the City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be made, to wit: Construct a cement block
sidewalk on the north &ide of Lincoln avenue,
between Oakland avenue and Dale street, in
said city. • :
. That said Board shall proceed without de
ftly to assess the amount, --as. nearly -as they
can ascertain the same, which will be re
quired to pay. the costs and necessary ex
penses of such improvement upon the real
estate to be benefited -by s lid improvement,
as provided by law; it being the opinion, of
the Council that real estate to be assessed for.
such improvement can be found benefited to ■
the extent of the costs and expenses neces
sary to be incurred thereby. -.-■•,- . ■ -. •
: Adopted by the Assembly June 28,' 1802.
Yeas— Messrs. Doran, Daly, Johnson, Light
ner, Pike. Keurdou, Saudell, Van Slyke, Mr.
President— ' -
Nays— '». ".•_• ' .
Adopted by tha Board of Aldermen July 5,
1892. _■.".-■- ...
Yeas— Copeland, Conley, Cullen, Dor
niden,Frairklin,llickman, Montgomery, War
ren. Zimmerman, Mr. President— lo.
Nays— o. ■'■
Approved July 8, 1832.
Ay F No. 723—
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works Dated June 27, -1892. ;
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul: .
That the Board of Public Works of the City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be made, to wit: : Remove the gasoline
lamp at the Intersection of Robertson street
and levee and place said lamp on . the south
east corner of Cherokee avenue and King
street in said city. -
\ Adopted by the Assembly June 28, 1892.
Messrs. Dorau, Daly, Johnson.Light
ner, Pike, Keardon, Sandell, Van Slyke, Mr
Nays— 9. ' :
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 5,
Yeas— Aid. Copeland, Conley, Cullen. Dor
niden.Franklin, Uickman. Montgomery, War
ren, Zimmerman, Mr. President— lo.
V Nays— o. ■ . :-. -. ■ : :
Approved July 8, 1892.
,■ . ,
Ay F No. 724—
In the matter of the report of . the Board of
: Public Works,' dated June 27, ISIkJ. . •';
It is hereby ordered .by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul: ■;■■■-:
That the Board of Pubiic Works of the City
of St Paul cause the following : improve-
; ments to be made, . to wit: :' Construct ■a ■ ce
ment- block i sidewalk: on the south side of
Portland avenue, from Western avenue to
Arundel street, in said city; "
That said Board . shall proceed without de
• toy to assess : the amount, as nearly as they
can ascertain the same, which will be re
quired' to pay the costs and necessarry ex
penses of such improvement upon the •■real
estate to be benefited by said improvement, I
as provided by law; , it being the opinion of ■
the : Council that r°al estate to .be ' assessed
for such improvement can be found benefited
to the extent of the costs and ex peuses nee-'
essary to be incurred thereby. •- \ - >
Adopted by the Assembly June 23, 1892. ":
1 Yeas— Messrs. Dornn. Daly, Johnson. Light
ner, Pike, Reardou, Sandeil, Van Slyke. Mr.
Nays— o. ; . -
; Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July
5. 1892.- ..- .■•-..■ : ■'■-. .. ■ . .- " . . .
: Yeas— Aid. Copeland. Conley, Callen, Dor
niden. Franklin. Ilickmau; Montgomery, Wa
rren, Zimmerman, Mr. President— lo. ". .
Nays— o. •
Approved July S, 1898.
Ay F No. 725—
In the matter of the report of the Board of
- Public Works dated June 27. 1532.
It is hereby ordered, by me Common Oouucii •
of the City of St. Paul: ■=-.". .'•-- „ . :- ..
That t:;c Board ot Public Works of the City
of St Paul cause the folio whig improvement
to : bo : made, to- wit: Construct a six (0) foot
wooden - sklewa]*, together. with the; '■ neces- -'
sary crosswalks.' on the east side of Delaware
' avenue between linker street and Annapolis
street, in said city. .. ■ •. ' , " '■."■; ' " :
; That Board 8h:?!l proceed without de
lay to, assess the amount; as nearly as they ; '
can ascertain the same, which w:!: be re-:':
"quired \ to ; pay lbs ; costs \ and necessary ex-' I
lenses of such Improvement upon the; real
; estate \ to ' be i Iwtictited by said Improvement."-,
as provided Dy law; b^iuir Hie opinion l of
the Council that real estate" to be assessed for ;
sucli iinptOYdSQftai cua be JCuuud benefited to.
;. the extent of the cost and expenses necessarj '
to be incurred thereby. ■;'-• •■•*-■. -;:''■: t^- ■>:*" ■■;■•■•
* ~* Adopted by the Assembly June 2 J .' 1832". ' •
'. Yeas— Messrs. Doran. Daly."Johnson."Light
;ner, Pike," Keardou, Sandell, Van Slyke, Air.
President— i). "-;-■■• ■■' ■•■■:.
Nays— o.
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July
•5, lttl.\ „;:•■. ; ::- ■ :,.;: . . ;-:-.;;,
Yeas— Aid. Copeland,- Coriley. Cullen. Dor
; iiiden. Franklin,. flickmau, Montgomery, War* ■ '-
reny Zimmerman, Mr. President—
Nays — j.
' Approved July 8,1832. .
. . ' ~>. ~ r . \ * . ■• • - " .;. ; :f i
Ay P No. 726- . « -.- •, - ' ■.. '
In the matter of the report of , the: Board ot
' Public Woks dated Juna .'7, IjO.V
It is hereby ordered." by the Common Council '.
of the City of SL Paul: : .-'
That Hie Board of Public Works of the City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
: to be made." to wit:.; Construct a. two-plank
crosswalK on the south s:'d? of Chicago aye- ■
iine, across Edward struct, in said city. .
Adopted by the Assemby June 28. ISJJ. •
Yeas— Messrs. Down. Daly, Johnson. Light*
ner. Hike, Keardon,, Saudeli, Van Slyke, Mr.
Nays— o.
Adopted by the Board . of Aldermen July 5,
Yeas -Aid. Copeland, Conley, Cullen. Dor
;niden." Franklin, Ilickmau. Montgomery, War*
rcn. Zimmerman, Mr. President— lo.
Nays— o.
Approved July 8, 1892. "
Ay P No. 727— (
In the mutter of the report of the Board of
■-Public Works da ted June 27. -180.'. '
, It is hereby ordered by. the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul: -
That the Board of Public Works of the City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be made, to wit: Construct a plank cross*
walk on the west: side ot Concord street, at
the intersection of Brown avenue.in said city.
Adopted by the Assembly June -'s*. 1891
Yeas— Messrs. Doran, Daly, Johnson, Light
ner, Pike, Reardon, sandell, Van Slvke, Mr,
President—*). "
Nays— l .
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 5,
1592 .;';,■: - ■„ - . _ ■
Yens— Aid. Copeland, Con ley. lien. Dorni
den,Franklin, Hieicrajn, Montgomery, Warren,
Zimmerman, Mr. President— lo. •"- ■ ■
Nays— -
. Approved July 8, 1802. •.' --. f
Ay F No. 728—
In the matter of the report of the Board of
Public Works doted June 27. In»_\
•It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of st. Paul :
That the Board of Pnblib Works of the
City of St Paul cause llio following improve
. ments to be made, to wit: Construct a twoi
plank wooden sidewalk on the north side of
Chicago avenue; from Eaton avenue to Eva
street, in said city.
That said Board shall proceed without
delay to assess the amount, as nearly as
they can ascertain the same, which will
be required to pay the costs and necessary
expenses of such improvement upon the real
estate to be benefited by said improvements*
provided by lav.-; it being the opinion of the
Council that rep.l estate to be assessed foi
such improvement car. be found benefited to
the extent of the costs and expenses neces
sary to be incurred thereby. .
Adopted by the Assembly June 28, 1832. \
•Yeas— Messrs. Dorau,' l)a"ly,Johnson, Light
ner. Pike. Reardou, Sandell, Van Slyke, Mr. -
President— o.
Nays— o.
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 5,
183 .'.
Yeas— Aid. Copeland, Conley, Cullen, Dor
niden. Franklin, llickmau, Montgomery, War
ren, Zimmerman, Mr. President— lo.
■ Nays—:). ■
Approved July 8, 1802,
Ay F No. 729— ' '
In the matter of the reports of the Board of
Public Works dated May 17 and June 23, .
IS»2. .- ""•
It is hereby ordered by the Common Couucil
of the City of St. Paul:
. That the Board of Public Works of the City
of St. Paul cause the following improvement
to be made, to wit: Grade the alleys in blocß
25 of Charles Weide's subdivision of blocks
25 and 215, Arlington Hills addition, in said city.
That said Board cause said work to be let
by contract, as provided by law, without one'
half the estimated cost being first paid into
the city treasury; and after said work shall
be placed under contract, said Board Khali
proceed without delay to assess tne amount,
as nearly as they can - ascertain the same, .
which will be required to pay the costs and
necessary expenses of such improvement
upon the real estate to be benefited by said
improvement, as provided bylaw: it being
the opinion of the Council that real estate to
be assessed for- such Improvement can bo
found benefited to the extent of the cost? and
expenses necessary to be incurred thereby.
Adopted by "the Assembly June 28. 1802. - S
Messrs. Dorian, Daly, Johnson.
ner. Pike, Keardou, Sandell, Van Slyke, Mr.
President— 9. ' •■ - ■ ■■■ j
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 5, -
.Yeas — Aid. Copeland. Conley. Cullen, Dor
niden. Franklin, llickrriau.MontEomeryi'Wai>
rev, Zimmerman, Mr. President--!;).'"
N ays — '.).
Approved July S, 1592.
Ay F No. T3l—
Resolved, That for the purpose or ennbiins*
the City Comptroller to properly away
and enter in a proper bond register all.re
turned bonds and coupons now in his office,'
the City Comptroller be, and hereby is author
ized to employ a clerk at a salary of not ex
ceeding $30 per month from month to month
until said work is completed, the (same to bo
paid out of the general fund.
Adopted by the Assembly June 28, ISO 2.
Yeas Messrs. Doran, Daly. Johnson, Light
ner, Pike. Keardon,' Saudell, Van Siyke, Mr.
President — 'X
. Navs— o. .
Adopted by the Board of Alderman July 5,
IS'"-'. • .
man. Montgomery, Warren, Zimmerman, Mr.
President— .\
Nays— Conley, Doruiden— 2.
Approved July 8, 1892.
Ay F No. 732-
Hesolved, That the City Comptroller be,
and is hereby requested to open a booK to be
known jis the Heal Estate Record of the City
of St. Paul, In which shall be entered a list
and description of all real estate belonging
to the City of St. Paul, or to any of "the
various branches of the municipal govern
ment of this city. •".
And be it further resolved. That all heada
of departments of the municipal government
■of this city be. and they are hereby requested .
to prepare and deliver to the City Comptroller
a list of nil real property under their control
'. belonging to the City of St. Paul, or in which
the City of St. Paul tins any Interest, and also
to report to the City Com ptroller from time
to time all real property purchased, by theii
respective boards. -■■--■■ *
Adopted by, the Assembly June 28, 1802. ." •
Messsr*.' Doran. Daly,Johnsou,Lighl>
ncr, Pike,' Keardon, Sandell", Van Slyke, Mr.
President— ~
Nays— o. _•;■_:
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 5,
1802. ',
Yeas— Aid. Copeland. Coiiley, Cnllen. Dor.
niden. Franklin. Montgomery, War
ren. Zimmerman. Mr. President— lo.
Nays— >. ••■■■.
Approved July 8, 1382.
Ay F No. ,734— 8y Mr. Daly-
It is hereby ordered by the Common Council
of the City of St Paul:
That the matter of grading Fulton street
between Randolph .street and Palace street
be, and the same is . hereby referred to the
Board of Public Works to Investigate and re
port: . . . .
First— ls this improvement properand nec
essary? . " . • : . . .
Second— Give the Council an estimate of
the expense thereof,' and : state whether one
half of the cost thereof is to l.c paid into tha
city treasury, before the contract is let.
• Third— Can real estate ;to be assessed foi
said improvement be found benefited to the
extent of damages," costs and expenses neces
sary to be incurred thereby? • ■ . ; '.
;. Fourth— ls such improvement asked foi
upon the petition or application of the own
ers of a majority \of the property to be as
sessed for such improvement? -. ■ - :'
Fifth— Send the Council a plan or profile ol
said improvement, as required by law, if you
■ report in favor of the same.
' " Sixth— Send the Council a proper order di
' recting the work to be done. . ' ■ -
Adopted by the Assembly June 2£, 1892. '
. .Yeas— Messrs. Dorau, Dafv. Johnson." Light
nor. Pike, Keardon, Sandell, Van Slyke, Mr. *
President— o. :
Nay.— o.
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 5,
1592. ; • . :.. ..■.
Yeas— Aid. Copeland. Conley. fallen, Dor
jiiden. Franklin, .Montgomery, War* •
ren,- Zimmerman, Mr. President—
V. Nays— o.
. Approved July S, ISO 2.
Ay F No. 735— '"' "~~"' ■'_ ■„'.
Resolved. That the plat of Summit Villa,
us approved by the Plat Commission and as
•recommended by the City Engineer, be. and
; the. same is herein- accepted by the ; Common
Council of the City of .St: Paul: -y. '.-;
Adopted by the Assembly June 28, ISO 2 ; ■■■""
- . Yeas— Messrs. Doran. Johnson • Light
uer. Vikc. Ueardon, Sandeii, Vu>i .Mr. :
'. ■.;- Nays— ..;..■ ■ _ • '-. '"
Adopted by the Board of Alde:i:ioti July 5,
Yeas— Aid. Copela:i(3, Conley.Cullen.l>orn£
den. Frank Hick-man. Montgomery, War
ren, Zimmerman, Mr. President— l«j.
Nays— Q,
"Approved July 8, 1802. • . <
A"y F No. 7'M—
.-■ ttesolved. That the pint of Hazel Park Di
: vision 7, as approved by the Plat Commission
and as recommended; by iht; city Bneinecr
bo. and the same is hereby accepted by the
Common Council of the City «if st Paul"
Adopted by the Assembly' .In at- :» 'isir'> '♦!■•"
.Messrs. Dorau, li-Ay, Johnson, Light*

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