OCR Interpretation

St. Paul daily globe. [volume] (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1884-1896, July 28, 1894, Image 7

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90059522/1894-07-28/ed-1/seq-7/

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— ~ ■'■ ■ ■ m^VKimUi^^*-fV^rtrtt'^-. T rt<y-H 1^ (>| -' | ■>■•» ■■ • ■--, v jr -^-T^r^fp;,.,'> > yYi«.'t^<prtrt'i'ii.h'[j<^VT« :- ? ■ -I tC/ALI .' p J r l_.VC.r^ T, t3 vLJ I i.-rVT. ....STwSi~L?-~7.1J.—.). i {^.r^-^*^-—- '*'"t ' 1 1- sr 1/ 5— / • P?wyyy.vV<r^»J^^y
Corn Shorts Hasten to Get Under
CoTcr. and Many Orders From
the Country C umo In — Most of
the Advance Retained at the
•' ' Close —Wheat Influenced by
the Corn Boom.
Chicago, July 27.— Corn led the eralh
fciarkets a lively dance today. For May
delivery there was an excited bulze of
3 »c per bu, and a net gain of 2c at
the close, anil September closed %c
higher. The bul effect upon the crop
j.<ff scorching heat was the cause of the
advance. In the simple for life of the
npeat two-billion monster of a corn crop
Tt drew the little 430,000.000- bu wheat
yield into the whirl of its tail-lashings,
and sent the latter' s leaden spirits toss
ins up and down fur two hours like a
professional mounter at a variety per
formance. In the i-iiii wheat reasserted
its bearish nature, and, after an advance
of l^c. closed weak at an advance of
3-; C. Provisions were firm, and made
another^nodest train in values.
Wheat— There was a fair trade and
rather a more active, market, prices
covering 1-V.l; l-Yc range. The market
opened with tree selling at s'2}^c for |
September, a trifle advance, and sold
down l\c, rallied l'V^gl^'c. broke lc,
changed some and closed at 522£ c for
September. The surrounding features
■were rather bearish, but the corn situa
tion was something of a factor ana
tended to sustain the markets. Cables
were weak, receipts lame and fresh ex
port business small, which acted as de
pressing factor*, as also did the talk of
liberal increase in the visible Monday.
The bulge In corn rather offset these in
fluences In a measure, as it was im
agined that the scarcity of food stuffs
and high prices for the same would
have a tendency to offset wheat. The
export clearance of wheat and flour
wera fair and aggregated 467.000 bu, of
which 188,000 !>u was in dour. Closing
cables generally weaker and lower.
There was no "export business doing
lure and uotuituc at the seaboard.
Corn was active, excited and higher.
with trading heavy and the market
broken, with fluctuations covering >*@
Vi'c ranjre. There was an urgent de
mand from shorts, and the country
bought freely, the opening bein«r very
unsettled and prices irregular at K@lc
higher lor September at 44}4'e for that
ir.onth, and 1 ; 4 ; ic higher for May.
1 he market easf-d off %(&%<:. rallied 1@
2}{e, worked down I@*c, ruled firmer
and closed at 4-j^c for September. The
■showers predicted again failed to ma
terialize, and the newspapers were full
•of damage and drought reports, some
-■U«i!ij?'.'riibst. sensational, and caused a
trrcat. deal of ai.xiety among shorts,
•who scid freely yesterday, but hastened
to cover at the opening today. Country
buying orders were much more numer
ous.especjally from lowa and Nebraska,
where it is supposed by many operators
that the crop has been permanently
injured. Realizing at the advance
caused a sharp" break; but the market
rallied and closet i firm.
Oats were stronger. in sympathy with
corn and on the unfavorable wheat her
in the West. The range was lc for Sep
tember, and the close showed a gnin of '
; c for that delivery.
Provisions were firm during the
greater part of the session on scarce
offerings and the strength iv corn, but
it weakened near the finish when corn
declined. Compared with last night, i
September port is :>c hither; Septem- i
ber lard 2)$«: bibber, and September
ribs 2.4 c higher.
Freights— Kafea quotable at %@lo
wheat or corn to Port Huron or Buffalo.
The leading futures ramrea as follows:
[Open i Hi^ii- Low- cio»-
Aeticles. { tug. est. e«t. ins;.
Vi heat, No. 2— 1 ■ " I '
July . '(Si Sl?* SCU 50%
Sej tenjber ... .^ii-s,| 5^ 5-4? 5-ifc
December 55^-i* 57U 55^5 56
Corn. No.:— | 1
July I 4«% 44U 2 44 441*
September.... 4:u-:i« 4=l.* 444 445*8
October -i-.i 2 ! -147}. •},;-* 44VH
May 4Ha-*^ 43% 41 Vit 4^l*
Cat*. No. 2—
August 2?-Vi Sfil,?! 2&«4 2£iV»
September ... ifctt 2MS '.-j-vs 1 2t%
; May 32 33$ 32 3:%
July jo 75
September.... 12 7, \l2£u 12 70- 12 75
July '• (i> 700 ;6 05 i6 95
September ■:■:•::• ' 7 OJii 6 i'7u 0 tfji*
Short Kit)*— ! j
•July I 0?. 1 IC SO 670 675
M-i'tember ... », :.i..; 0 77Va| 070 1 670
Cash quotation's were as follows:
Flour weak. Wheat.— No. 2 spring.
K'J4®32f£c; No. 3 spring, nominal; No. 2
red, 50J6<g;52#c. Corn—So. 2, 44% c.
Oats— No. •>. nominal; No. 2 white. bi@
SSc ; N0.3 iv h ■ te. 32>£@33J£c Rye— No.
JOc. Barley— No. z, nominal; No. 3,
46c. Seed— No. 1 flax, [email protected];
prime timothy, £[email protected]. Pork— Mess
per bbl, t\±:7X(al>.s7}{. Lard- Per
100 lbs, *';.''.Va ;.77- ;. Short Ribs -Sides
(loose), sS.^Jiftti.S-.W. Shoulders — Dry
salted iboxed), [email protected]. Sides— Short
clear (boxed), #G.BT>^(g7. Whisky—Dis
tillers' finished (roods, per gal, $1.22. "
S»s:ar unchanged.
Receipts— Ffnur. 15,000 bbls; wheat,
213.000 bo; corn, 180,000 (>u; oats. 116.000
L;i: rye. 2,000 bu; barley, 2.000 bu.
Shipments— 4,000 bbls; wheat,
14.000 bu; cum. 212,000 bu ; oats, 113,000
Lv, rye, 3.000 bu.
On the Droduee exchange today the
butter market was firm; ereainerv,
I4<giy^c. •
jbiitfztla Wheat,
Di-i.vTn. .July 27.-Wheat took a
bullish streak lay, and, after opening
unehaiiKect at sa>i'c tor September, ad
vanced steadily with dull and slow
business t0 54;. c. hut tv« spurt did not
last, and it closed easy, but firm We
above yesterday. Close— No. 1 north
ern, cash. July, "Me; September, 53% c
bid; Deecmorr. 55^c; to arrive, sC^c.
Keeeipts — Wheat, 113.828 bu. Ship
ments—Wheat, 114.73(3 bu; oats. 1,557
bu. Cars wheat inspected in, 251; oats,
7: year ago. whrst. 152.
> _- bey \»vU. I'rodiite.
3i E» r Vonst, July 27. - Flour — Re
*ejpts. 2MOO bb!s: exports. 31.900 bbls;
sales, I?,ouj i>ki;s; steady and more in
quiry for straights; low grades slow
Southern fl.-,ur steady; sales. 200 bbls!
lvye Hour dull; sates. 100 bbls. Buck
wheat Hour nominal. Buckwheat uorn
hial. Cornnnral firm; sales. :m bbls.
Kye dull. L,r.!<>y iioulnal. Barley malt
dull. Wheat— Receipts. SS.KiO bu- ex
purls. 82,600 bu: sate*. 5.T80.000 bu fu
tures, 50 T OOO bu spot; spot dull and
almost nominal; No. 2 red. store and
elevator, 54#c: canal siiloat, 54Kc de
livered; No. 2 red, f. 0 . b., 53Vc-
No. .3 red. MJ^e; N. 1 , nh- M
jrn. Goc; e!t:vittir No. I hard, OGc; op
tions opened firm with corn, eased off
later Ui-der local pr«esure and free
movement of winter \vhe<jt. rallied on
decreased shipments of French crops,
attain eased off; No. 2 red, A list, 54^
(JwMJfc; clnsetl ats4^c; SeptemVer,ss%
@56>Jc, closed at 5(5c:" October, 57>^c
iiskfii: December, 59?^@(W>4'c. closed
at 59;: o 'c. Receipts, -^,100 bu;:
export*. 31.9)0 bu;. sales, 4:30.000 bu ,
futures, 54.000 spot; spot firm ; business
checked by Inch views off-sellers:
No. 2. ' 49>a'@ao%c iv elevator,
sl?ic delivered afloat; options
linn on further reports of duruaire to
crop by excessive heat and drought;'
May, 46%@48c, closed at 47>s'c: July,
4 1 .t\c; August 50@50,4'c. closed at 49^c;-
September. 48^(5)4^0, closed at 49J^c; |
October. 48}£(£VI)ic. closed at 49;^c; S
November. 4s.H'@4SKc, closed: at 4S^c;
December. 4lj>£is4:jc, closed 47,^"c. •
Oats— Receipts." 14.*00 l»u; exports, 100
--bu; sales. 85,000 bu future?, 5-i.ooo bu i
spot; spot irreeular, quiet; No. 2 o:\ls,
41c; No. 3. 39c; No. 2 white, 41c;
No. 3 white-, S9c; track while,
3S@s3c. Options quiet and feature
i less, held by corn. July, 39@3»i^i\ '■
closed atß9c; AusrUßt7B3@33&C closed
atS3^c; September, S2%(«j:i}ife. closed:
nt :;■.'■.! c; October. 33^c. nominal. Hay
dull; shipping, 55®00c; Kood to choice,
75@S5c. Hops quiet. Hides quiet but
steady. Leather quiet bat steady. Wool
active and firmer. Beef qniet.' Cut
meats quiet; pickled bellies, 7)£@B££c.
Lard firmer; Western steam closed at
$7.30 bill; refined firmer; V continent,
: (7.65: S. A.. $7.85. Pork fairly /active;
sales, 500 bbls, Hutter steady, to
firm; Western dairy. 12(a!l4^e;
factory. 11>^@14K«*. Cheese more act
ive; state. lars?e."7(27>^c; small. 7K@
'.i'^'.-: part, skims, 3)£@s>£c; toll skim«,j
l}'2@-c. Jesses steady; receipts, 8,904;
Western fresh, 14. Tallow easy; city,;:
4?<c; country, 4 5- 16 c. Petroleum dull;
United closed &lc. Rosin easy: strained,'; '
common to good, $L2S@L6O. Molasses;
steady. Pis ir«n steadier; Scotch, $19.50 :
(3(22.50; American, §10.'25trf 13.50. Copper"
tinner. Lead fins. Tin turner; straits,
SKS.SO bid; sales on chanire, none.';
Cottonseed oil quiet; more disposition
to sell; prices nominally, unchanged.-
Coffee— Options ruled higher. on, demand
from shorts, ruled generally firm; some
European buying reported; _. closed
steady at 5(2:25 points net advance;.
iff higher; late months unchanKed; at
12 in. unchanged to hi<£H hiKlier;-at 3
V. 111. unchanged to % siitrner to )/A low
er; at 5:30 p.m. closed without further
chance; total sales, 23,000 bays. Rio
market quiet; No. 7 KlO. 15.500; ex
change. 9 5-ltid; receipts. 13.000 bass;
cleared for Europe. 3.000 bass: stock,;
155,000 baes; warehouse deliveries from;
New York yesterday. 7,000 baas; New
York stock today, l'Jo,4Si>; United States:
stock. 143.733 bags; arioat for the;
United States. 2-25.000 bags; total
visible for the U nited States. 371,4
723. against 407,431 bairs last year. Sugar
—Raw, steady; sales, none imported: re
fined, fair demand, steady: No. 6, 3 13-1R
@4c; No. 7, 3>4@3 15- 16 c; No. 8, 3^i
(y;.; 13-lbV:; No. 9. 3y-lt;S:-;=-ic; No. 10,
3 »-18@3j£e; No. 11, 3Ji<£3 11-li3c; No.
12. 3 7-l«;@3?£c; No. 13, So: off A. : .
3 L5-16@4j^e; mould A, 4 9-16@4%c;
--standard A. 4 3-100^4^; confectioners':
A. 4 3-10@4?a'c; cut. loaf. s>g@s 5-ltic;'
.crushed.' s ! j(a3 5-16; powdered, 4916@j
4; 4 c; granulated,. 4 5-lG@4i£c; cubes/
4 9-10@4%c. * i
. . LivEHi'ooL. July 27.— 12:30 -D.' m.—
1 Close: AV neat steady; No. 1 California."
C 4s 7d@4s 7j^d;f red winter, 4s 2d(^4:» 3d; !
red- spiin;:," 4s 7d@4s Bd. Corn firm; ;
demand modi-rate: new mixed, spot.
4> 1 4 1. California brewing barley, 23s
6d@2sa fid. Flour— Syrinx patents. ss ;
6d. The receipts ol wheat for the past
three days were 54,000 centals, includ
■Dg 18,300 American; receipts of Amer
.jeiin corn for the past three days were
30,200 centals. The fine, hot weather
foasciai* • .. •;. . .\
3\«iv York.
New York. July 27.— The chief event
in speculative circles today was the'■
passing of the dividend on Wheel &
Lake Erie preferred. The- shares,!
which had been very heavy during the
week, fell C;i to S2>3 on the announce-^
ment, but only 300 snares were brought 1
out. At the lower ranee of tisrures pie I
stock was well supported and advanced
steadily during the rest of the day,
closing at 35, a recovery of 1%. Another!
event of the day was the arrest of Uk
publisher of a. small financial uewa
paper. charged with criminal libel in
having published an article stating that:
a receivership for the American Distill
ins; company was probable. President
Greenhut, of the company, who saused
the arrest, denies that there is any
foundation for the report, ' saying
that the company has no debts
and has fulfilled all its re
bate agreements. The report had no
influence on the speculation in the
stock, which rose % in the early deal-,
ings, subsequently, clone with the rest
of the market, receding 1 percent. Dur
ing the afternoon the dealings in the :
snares were very light, but the tendency
was upward, and the last sale was at a;
recovery of 3* and }£ above the closing
price ot yesterday. The morning ad
vices from Washington being construed :
favorably to a compromise on the sugar
schedule, the stock of the Sugar com
pany was sold down >£, but on fairly ;
good buying, considerable of which was
said to be on Washington orders, a quick
rally was effected, and the shares
moved up steadily until ; a .gain of
IJ4 had been made to 103^.
In the Inter dealings a reaction • of X
took place, followed by a : recovery
which at the close reached % y making ;
again of % on the day. -Reports of
damage to the grain crop and conse
quent rumors that the dividends for the
current quarter would be scaled, if de
clared at all, caused a raid on St. Paul
Burlington & Quincy and Rock Island,
which, however, resulted only in frac
tional losses, except for Burlington,"- on
which the pressure to sell' was most
pronounced. This stock receded % in
the ear* dealings, advanced K. and then
fell off IH to 73%, closing- at the
bottom figures; 1,000 shares seller
sixty days were sold at 733^ and
73, against 74J<@74 regular, which
meant that the sellers counted on the
passing of the dividend. Chicago Gas
was practically .neglected, fluctuating
between 74}£and73>£ and closing at the
latter future, % above yesterday. At
the close the market was steady, and
prices were about evenly divided be
tween declines and advances. lowa
Central shows a less of 1)£, Lead pre
ferred IK and Consolidated Gas 3, while
Minneapolis & St. Louis advanced 2%.
Tobacco .preferred 2, and Pullman
coach 1. ■ •' ■;■;■ ;■;.-. . •
The bond market was Irregular dur
ing. during the early part of the day,
but closed f.rnier.^ The leading change*
are: Artvauces— Burlinscton 4 Quiucy
debenture 5«. I%\ Cedar Falls <fc Min
nesota lsts. 3; St. Joe & Grand Island
lsts. V.- Denver & Klo Grande 4s, yk\
and Omaha & St. Louis lsts. 1 per cent.
Declines— Union Pacific, Denver &
Gulf Ist!, l Z%\ Little Ruck & Memphis
Ist*, 2; Austin & Northwestern lgta,
I^. stud Mobile & Ohio new 6s, 1 per
cent. Louisville & Nashville. Southern
<fc Northern Alabama md. 5s sold at
65 against 90 on Juno .0.
;.^*Tli» Total Vale, or Stork.
today were 77.881 shares, including:
American su*ar. 23,600; Burlington
.* Qiiiticy. 300; CbICMTO Gas, 3,700; Dis
tillers said Fe«diun, W,4uO: 8u Paul.
tt,oou. ->-•: ■ • •
Bankers and Brokers, '
311 Jackson St.. St. Paul, Minn.
■. ■ \ Stuck*- Clo»ina,- ". - : k- '^i* •-
Aiculson. am Northern factne. 3V»
Adams Express.. lso); do pfd •.. fW4
Alton A Terrell.. -30 U. P.. U. & Gulf : Oft
do yfd. ■-.-. ..170 - Northwestern. 104
Am'cnn Express. 110 do pfd. .. .141
Baltimore & Ohio 71 N. Y. Central ' w? •
Canadian Paciflc Ci% N. Y. & N. E. ' • 14
Can. Southern:.'. 40 Ontario & West .14%
Central Paclflc.n Oiegon 1mp...... 12
Chest. &-0h10,...»:6U OreKQu Nay. ... 13 ■'
ChiCftKO* Alton. 140 O. S. L. &U. N... aVi
CB.IQ 7:i?8 Tacif-c Mail 14". s
Chiiaso uas . 7:na<P.. D. i B. . 278
Consolidated Q. Plttsbnrg ...15u
C. C. a & St. L -3.HS' Pullman P. Car. 157 ;
Colorado C. &1.,.. 6. Heading/.; 17
Cotton Oil Certs . 26 ft Richmond Ter... 141,4
Del. & Hudson... lßl%| do pfd :.. 17Vj"
Del.. Lack. & W.ldlV-j Klo G. Western.. 14Vs
V. &R. G. pfd... U~,\?, do ptd ;. 42 :
Dis. if. F. C 0... I>*S I Rock Island. .... ts^.
East Tennesseo _ .'8 (Si.'Paul.. 57**
Erie 1; .%;sl Paul pfa 117».»
do pfd .28 St. P. Js'Jmatia.. 35
Fort Wayne. : ...13!) do pfd _ .114
OL North, pfd.. 90v» Southern Pacific. 17%
C. & K. L pfd... 961* sugar Refinery. .10^*4
Hockiuß Vnlley.. Tehn.Coai Irou I7i^t
Illinois Ceulral..- 90 Texas Pacific... BVB
St. Paul * D a ITol. AO. C. pfd.. 60
Kan. & Tex. pfd.^'-'OMs Union Paciflc. ... S%
LaKe Erie & West ISwtJ. S. Express .... 50
do pfd. ....... 65** Wubash.SLL.&P. (5
Lake shore. 133 do pfd 131*
Lead Trust 37% Wells-Fnrgo Ex. .112
Louis. & Nash... 4i*t* Western Union .. e4V>
Louisville &N. A. 7 w heelinp &L. E. 8%
Manhattan Con.. 114V2 do p1d.... 33VS
Mem. ACharles'u 5 M. & St. li '.<yl
Michigan Cent... 114 D. &R. (1... " 8
Missouri Pacific. W4 General Electric. 3">7*
Mobile & 0hi0... IS National Linseed IS
Niish.& CbHtt.... 65 Col. Fuel <t 1 .... "6V2
Nat. Cordage 21 do pfd 08
00 pfd 32 H. & Tex.; Cent. 2
N. J. Central.. .lOti^iTol. A. A. &N. M. 4
N. & \V. pfd ISSjT., SV. L AX. c. 1
North Am. C 0... S%l do pfd 7i£
Loau Money on Improved Property in St.
Paul and Minneapolis
At 6% 'On or Before'
New Pioneer Press Bldg., Keeve BuiMiTisr
New York, July 27. — Goverument
bonds easier: state bonds dull.
V. . ?. Reg .... 17% U. &H. 0.7s 113
do do coud ili-3,4 do 4s 72%
do 4s reg ..;... im4 Erie 2ds. . .*"" 71
do 4s coup ....IHU'li. H. &S. A. Ca.. <J0
dq25reg.. ...... utt dodo 7s 100
Pacific of ..101 H. & Tex. C. fs. IP3
Ala. Class A 100 do tis.lOJVs
do do B. 103 M..K.&T. first 4s. 73%
do do C 02 do second 4s aim
doCun-er.cles.. <J:Vj Mutual Union ts. 108
La- uewcousolls Wjn S.J. C. Gen. ss. 115 :
Missouri LS.-....V.1U0 N. P. Ists. -.. .. .108%
N.-C.CS. 124% do^ds. .. 7^14
o «o £-"sv ;•• 03 IN. W. con UiVi
S.TC. fund.. lViil do deb. .'5......1iu*
'feun.newset. 78 l{. (i. W. 15t5..... c; J .^j
do new 55...1!5 SCPaul consols 7sia&Vj
/dot old 65... 00 St. P.,C.&P.-Ss.:.HW
\a. Centuries 67^ St. 1,. & I. M.:'s... 75Vs
do deferred 6<->|;jt.L.dis.F.Gen os. Ss
Atchison 4s 7.-% T. l\ 15t5...... . Sli*
Atcbison id A... 21 T.P. seconds. . . 21%
Canada So ids .106 Union Pac. ists 103
Ceu. Pacific istg .100 West Shore Fourslo4
San *'r<iiicl»co iltlnlßK StocKs.
.Alta^..,.. «0 lfl Mexican „.$; 87
•Bch;berr.T: .v...-..-' 77 srono-.r.-.:;: 16
Best <£ Belcher.. 9- Ouhir 170
BodieCou 9> Potosl 41
Bulwer 14 Suvaire 25
Chollarv '-' sierra Nevada".'.'. 58
Con. Cal. & Va... 300 Union Con. . 53
Crown Point/.... ■ Ct Ut«h. : - .07
Gould & Curry.... 3.. Yellow Jacket... 40
Uale it Xorcross.. 57
New York Jionev.
New Yohk. July 27.— Money on call
easy at 1 per cent; last call.l. closed at
1 per cent. Prime mercantile- paper, 3
@5 percent. Sterling exchange firm;
with actual business in bankers' bills at
f4.SS&@4.SSK for demand, and $4.87#
©4.8734 for sixty days. Posted rates,
?4:[email protected] l J>£; commercial bills, $4.86^^
4.ij;j>i. Silver certificates. 64(aC5c
Chicago Itlonej-.
Chicago, July 27. -New York ex
change 10c premium. Foreign "ex
change dull: Actual, *4.B7>[email protected]>^.
AioU'iy rates, 4@6 -per-cenU - --
JLon<lon 31<>ney.
London; July 27.— Closing: Consols
for money, 101 9-10; for the account,
.101 9-10. Canadian Pacific. G5J£; Erie
14%; Erie seconds, 74#; Illinois Cen
tral, 93; Mexican ordinary; 15; bt. I'aul
common, 59%; New York Central, 99V;
Pennsylvania, 50)£; Mexican Central,
new 49, 54; Reading, 8%. The amount
Of bullion irone into the Bank of En*
lautlon balance is £41,000. The price
of gold at Buenos Ayres today is 279.
fs r Tbsse Quotations Furnislia'Jiy
Jameson, Havener
& co.,
Hay, Feed.' Flour and Seeds
St. Paul Grain Market.
heat— No. 1 hard 60@Clc
Wheat— No. 1 northern. 59<g60c
Wheat— No. 2 northern „..57(a58c
Corn— No. 3 ...:..:............. .4'2@43c
Corn— No. 3 ye110w... ........... 43@44c
Oats— No. 3 white .-.3'2}s@B3 We
Oats-No. 8 .:..; 81^@32c
Barley Sti@4sc
Rye— No. .................. ,-. n 41(g42c
Timothy seed [email protected]
Clover seed *.V i. ......;. .55@5. 60
Flour— Patent....... ...$3.30(^3.60
Flour— Straight ...$3(53.20
Flour— Bakers' ".?2@:J.10
Flour— Rye .:.....;:.. :..... .$2.40(^2.80
Corumeai — Bolted ...$21@22
Cornmeal— Coarse.......... $10:00
Ground Feed— No. 1 ...$17.5u@18
Ground Feed— 2.. . . ..'. .$23
Ground Feed— No. 8 $21
Bran— Bulk 1...;...;..... ...510.50@1l
8u1k................. $10.00
Hay— No. 1 upland prairie ...... [email protected]
Hay— No. a upland prairie ...... S7.fJo@B
Hay— No.l wi1d.......;..'... 56««e.50
Hay— No. 1 timothy..... HO
5traw........... .... ..... $5&6.50
»; St. Paul Produce.
Butter — Fancy separator, 16>tf@l7c-*
extra creamery, 15@lBc; flrßt.cream
ery, 13>i'@14c; second creamery, llj<@
Vie; fancy dairy, 14@16c; tirst dairy, 12
@l2Kc; second dairy, io@llc; com
mon roll and print, 9c; packing stock,
9c; crease, s@s}£c.
s@s>£c; brick cheese, 9@loc; Lim
bur«er cheese, 9X@U)c; Young Amer
ica. 9X(g!loc; Swiss, 12@14c; skims.
4^@sc. .:..-...• . ..
■--: Eggs— Fresh.casea returned,lo@!OKc ;
seconds, cases returned, BV<@9c.
: Poultry — Turkeys, toms, B@»c;
turkeys, hens, 6@7c; chickens, spring
ll@12c; hens, s>i@flc; mixed, s>i@
6c; cox, sc; ducks, 8c; geese. 7c.
■■% Vegetables— Onions, Oaltrornfa,loo lbs,
$1.60(^1.80; onions, screen. perdoz,7@3o;
onions. Southern, [email protected]; radisheg.
per dot, 10c; cauliflower, per doa. Me
cabbaae.per doz. 20@3()c: beetß,dox,3o(a
40c; lettuce, p«r doi,l2@lf)c; cucumbers.
per doz,2nc; spinach, per bu. 85®
iOc; asparagus, per dot, 25(£30c;
wax Loans,; 1 , bu, . $1; atrlnx beans,
bu. 75c;- tomato* B.crate, thux; tomatoes,
lioiue-Kiown, per bu, $2 [email protected]; peas,
per bu, 75c; etc* plant, per doz. $1.25.
Veal— Panoy,-~.s®sXc;' -"medium 4(<s
4Xe;.thi». 3@4c; mutton, s@Bc; lambs,
pelfs off. 7@Be. ■'>■';■■ ■■•■'.
:i"orfe,Beer, Hams, Hides, Etc.— Hides,
steer,. g«:eeu.v per lb, 3c; hidea, cow,
crJ»en.'per;lb..2Kc; hides, calf.green, per
lb.7c; hides, steer, salt, 4}ijc; hides.cow,
salt, per II), S^c; pelts, "10@75c; wool,
washed, 14@15c; wool, uhwasiied, 8(&\£
10c; tallow, 4<g4>^c: pork, mess, «l£@
13.00;: beef, mess. §8.50^!); bacon, Jll®
ILSU; hatus, 9^@loc; Hams, picnic. 1%
@se;diied beer, 9K@Uc: lard, |[email protected]:
hops,; I9@2ic. •; ■ ;. agftsP
Oranees— ; California navels, f4^
4 50; s«edllnsfs, mountain. [email protected]:
seedMns3,TUiverside,S2.so@3; seeUliuga,
lied ; Land, :J2.75@3; inedjum sweets,
*4.®4JO. ? V^ ■,-
Lemons— fancy, $d.75@3; fan
cy. *4.75<£5.50.. •■-.... .. • . ;;.';
Bananas : — Port , Ltinons/ $202.50;
Bluefieul>i,[email protected];^Hoiiauni3No. L
e^.0a<32.50: Houiturns No. 2. [email protected];
c.ocoanutM, per IOC, $3.50@4; pineauules,
per doz, *[email protected]. %*
Califoiuia Fruits — Apricots. $L2s@
1.50; ; pe"ach'es. box. f 1. [email protected].
Berries- Ka3pbeiries,24qts,[email protected];
raspberries,' red; qts. IC@lSc; blactber
rit-s, [email protected]; blueberries, bu.
Apples— Fancy stand, box, [email protected];
faaey. bbl, 346i4.50.
Watcrinelons, per 100. |22@
25;-,;muskuieJons. per doz, $1.20(ft1.50;
jems, basket,
PoMitOBS-^Sotituern, per 100 lb, $1®
1.i0.*: y; ;:.-y,^ - l-?:¥;
Dried Fruit— Apples, evaporated, per
Ib, HX@l3c ßeaches, peeled, 15@l8c,
peaches,^ unpeeiei. ll@Uc; - peats,
-aDricots, 16@17c; raspberries.
22@23c; blackberries, 7@7Xc; prunes,
California French. o(<tM)c.
Game and Fish— black bass. 7@Bc;
pike, sc; pickerel. 3o; croppies, 3c.
W^HEA.T '" a t ' |irtii »'« Now
Send your orders to vbc oJcLreliuMe brokers, the
S.H. produce co. f
. % Ho. 0 Wall St., New York, or
tiuarauty lioan Klde, Minneapolis.
1 85O.Ot>jbiiy» 1,000 bushels.
8250.00 buys 5.000 busbels.
V 500.00 buys 10,000 bushel*
Blluneapplls.CtjNim Iflarkot.
\V"tieat futures were higher aarly In !
sympatfiy- wifli the advance in corn.
L-iter the market cased off. There was
nothing nnrabu (if much interest. Hot
winds art* reported alt over the country
and are doinir considerable damage to
corn. Export demand was light. The
principal by shorts. fr."?"-.SH
July— Operimg. highest, 54% c;
lowest, 54c; closing 54^'«-. ■ ,
September— sl^c; highest,
52% c; lowest, _sl^c,; closing. 51^c.
December -Ooeniue, 52>ac; uiehest.
54>£c; lowest, 52>sc; closing 53#c.
• On Track^-^o.vi harO, 58c; No. 1
northern. 2northern, 55c 1
Some Sample Sales— No. l hard, 1'
car, sSHc7No.'l : hard.^carss.s6>i"c; No. 1
northein. 1 car f. 6. i>., 59c; Ho. 1 north
ern, 2 cars. ! 57c; No. 1 northern. 4 cars, •]
f. o. b., 57^'c: No. 1 northern, 3 cars, 1 :
s(>%c; .No. 1 northern, 1 car, to
go out. 57Ke; No. 2 northern,'
4 cars red wimer. % lb off. sic: '
No. 2 northern, 2 cars, 55)^c; rejected!
wheat, V ib off. 1 car red win tw. 50c; ■
1 car, 1 iuoi^ssc; No. ?yeiio«r corn, l
c.\r, 42^e; No. 8 corn, 2 cars to arrive,
43Kc; No. 3 yellow corn, V car.. 43c; No.
3 white oats, 2 cars, 32c;' No. 3 yellow
oats. 1 car, SO^c; No. 3 oats. 2 cars,
30>£c. No barley, rye or flax sales re- ;
Flour— The flour market for the pres
ent is .quiet and- weaker. ~ v ~. : -
The k following are quotations on ar
rival, f. o. b. : ti- %."?■ ;
First pate [email protected]; second pat
ents, 53.05©3.30; fancy and export bak
ers, *2.0<H«:2.20; red do*, [email protected].
The following quotations 'are in cotton
sacks. oß and 41) lbs: Rye flour, per bbl,
pure. $2.50; buckwheat flour, per bbl,
15; graiutin flour, $2. In wood 20c extra
is charged? - s - *
Bran and Shorts — The market Is
steady. It is said Jtbat sellers are asking
higher .figures than quoted, JUran, in
bulk;S9Jso@!fc7s;V iii sa-.-.ks. *[email protected];
shorts, e;>nimon', in bulk, $10.50<cb10.75:
fine, In bulK, [email protected].
Corn— No. yellow,. 42^c.
Oats— Were offered freely, but th*
demand light. No. 3 sold at So@3oWc,
and No. 3 white at 82c. ■■ ■-■■■
Rye— New rye sold at 37@S7>^c.. Quot
able at ihe-e figures; no sales.
Barley— Choice No. 3, 4^c. None for
sale; doubtful as to value.
Flax— ls governed aud bought, leas
freight,, at Chicago prices, bee seed
market.-- , '.--.
--■ H . ay "~ l ay rT cei P ts 'ten*: demand
better. v R. H. King & Co. report that
Southern shippers want $y per ton as
sured them for upland, while the outside
bid here is -$8.50. Vf he best Northern
ha.v sold at 37^5(38. -.:,.. - . -
Feed— ln car lots Quoted at 817@18
less than car- lots, $ lS@lt>. ■- Cornuieal
held •at «[email protected], v and granulated
meal at
Received —.Wheat, lll.soo bu: corn.
4.270 bu; oats, 2,760 . bu; flax. 500 bu;
flour, 747. bbls; hay, 18 tons; fruit, 144
--oOOlbs; merchandise, 2.088,071 lot; lum
ber. 9 cars: posts. 2 cars; barrel stock
2 ears; machinery, 310,590 Ids; coal
836 tons; wood, 87 cords; brick, 62,000
lime, 2 cars; cement, 20Oi)bls: household
eoods, 2Q.ooolbs;atone,Bcars; pdrk, 200
bbls: dressed meats; 62,850 Ib 3; hide*.
7.000 lbs: wool, lbs; railroad ma
teria, 1 car; suudrles. 20 cars; car lots.'
473. ' " „
Shipped— Wheat, 63,240 bii: corn, 2.520
bu; oats, 8,320 bu ; barley, 540 bu; rye
1,820 bu ;., flour, .26,4*6 obis; mlllstuffs,
(531 tons; merchandise, 1,590.250 lbs
lumber. 103 cars,-mnchniery, 337,100 lbs;
coal. 20 tons; cement, 100* bl)U; wool
10.000 .lbs;", sundries, 21 cars; car lots,
675. : ■•- ' ■" ■ >■■ - -•" • • '•" '
-'/c: Union Stackyard*. . r .
Receipts— 3oo hogs, 6 cattle. 128 calves.
21 sheeps. '■;■ ...
Hoks— atronsr, 5o higher; four loads
were offered on the morning market
one load soiling to a butcher at 14.92%
Two loads arrived late, selling steady
with open i ;•■- ■•'••;■ .
Representative Sales-
No. ' ' Wt Dkg. Price. No Wt. Dkg. Price
W .2U 1«) 4J44 226 40 4 £
67...;..260 40 : i 4 So|
Cattle- A few bead arrived, but not
enough offered to make much of a mar
ket. Common stuff Is neglected. Mod
erate demand for fair to jrood butcher
cows and steers. ' ■-. '"■v"--;- v .-;i, - - •
Representative Sates — • . •;
No. ... Wt. Price. I No, . Wt. Price
1 cow .. ..1,100 •$.» so \i 0x...... 1,3*) S3OO
2 steers... l 6 325 •••••*'**" *» w
Sheep - Dull. Llitht demand for
choice,. muttoui and lambs; common
stuff hard to sell at any price.
Representative Sales— -
No. Wt. Pric« No. Wt. Price
»> muttons.. 80 $1 do C muttons. .102 $l»i
187 lambi... . 55 2 M ,^~ ;
«400, 000.00 worth of dear Dakota lands,
and , improved farms to .■exciiaiu.'e for
improved St. Phul business property
Will take property subject t.i in .rtir.iu-es.'
Confidential corraapuude ncr -otiaterft
from owners only. James £. rritr
12 Quiucy street, Chicago. - • - -■
Ask tbc boy v.ho soils flic. patera
and he will tell jcu more ' about
Circulation limn all the affidavit*
that can be pub.i*ii«d. Just try It
and you will be convinced, kltai ilia
Globe leads all. ...... |
;At ilsc Following:" locations Tor
. Insert ion -in I>aii y ami Siuiday
Globe. - " gg* :g £"?£y?9 i
M. D. Merrill. 442 Broadway. eoUatqthasli
S. U. Eceve^ Drugsist. Moore bldeb. r Seven
1 'Corners.. •■ ' jr \}° "^° 5 ?; ■ ''' '/'•> \
C. T. Heiler, Druggist, 258 :St. Peter street. J
Straight Bros.. Druggist^ corner of Roudo
t> - and Grotto. ■- -j<ht c'.2Vr.u«(r< \
William K. Collier, Druggist, 109 East Sev
=-'; en tb street. - ;; -' 5 $P: stvtesr.Kii j
A T. Guernsey. Drnggfst, 171 Dale. 1 ::;! 1 !; I
V. A. Hlrscher, Drupgist 235 Rondo street '■
Sever Westby. Druggist,. Third st. !
E. McCrndden, Coufectlon«r r Rice st. )
W. A. Frost 4 Co.,Drng<clstsv- : corner aelby
+ . find \Vestem avenues. - 4 ,s'"f ''.'"' \
. B.J. ,Wrtte,'; Drugßist. 300 Marked cbr-.Fifth.
.;•■-■< -' ■ .:. ■• Mutes. i-c^k'xii I
{ * OKNTS— agents, for Bankers'
i XJL.JLife association,st- : l a,nj,>iion. : strousrest
borne cornpauT furnishing gnaraateed pro
gtect^qn at lowest com.; profitable position
..open in St. Paul and throughout Jiianesota.
■j'VV rile for agency. . : . -*; ; .'. :^;.'^'. o ».".. p../-..,.- j
" C A <*K>Ts— 3M» to $£y weekly : chemical inlc
Ojfi..o erasing pencil: great seller; preilts
-««ise. Monroe Eraser Mfg. Ca, X 4, La
-Crosse. Wla. ' ■ ':' • »^<^ :■• -:ri?.-. :• w l-.u ■.
...T WANT the use of a few bundred- dollars
->-■-. and services for sixty days; will pay
rcQoo salary and ; Rive ; security .fox- loan. •
-Dtawer J. St. Paul. -i/-.- ..;-.-> v -,; ..;.. ■„• i
KiTCHKX WORK- Wanted, young, mnn
AX 1= for kitcben work. Cafe Nenmaun, 379
' v Wabasha. ' „;' ;•;"; • "-".'" • ■
— — — — — ' ■■' ' T * ' ' - . --^ . .
M-An for grading, "schliug'arid shipping 1
linncer; pring references. Anderson,
"*?«»»»*.-;■„, ,;...■■:
ID AILKOAD UHOliElls tot Dakota;
-ftee fare. Anderson, S?a SiDi^y. ■' ;
SAI>K>»MKN wanted in every county in
O U.S. 575 month and expenses, - Office
advertising, delivery team furnished. -Goods
monopoly. Address K. S. Co., 121 Colonnade'
Bldg.. Boston. Alius. n..: ..- •.:=,-• i
WANTKU-uood canvasser: . salary and
■-.-expenses- from start:'. l stßat3v-'-workr
good chance for advancement. BrpTrnßrosJ
Co., Nurserymen, Chicago, HI. n -• J '-/' ...
WANT*;* — Lady to : write : for me : at
borne; 53 a dayjVNo dnvassln?. Ad
dress, with stump. Miss :Veriia.'Lailgdon.
South Bend, lnd. ;-.•:.• >-.h :.a -t •".::; ,; . ." /«.: j
WANT A larce crowd for.Mackiuac
..Island. Apply 127 Third st. south,:
Minneapolis, or :i'JS Kot'ert St. Pau1. :...:, j
WANTED— Yonugmhii.bfficeexperlence.i
• as assistant »ud/prtrtner in estaoiished
business; gnsrantee ?lf. weekLy; capital
feqnired. H 24. (Jlobe. '" / J -. : *~ :. ; *;' : - "'••;"; ;
..•- ->■ ■:.- ■'■■ Feiaale.*** LMs : ; :'. ■-.-■'.•.'.■, >
A FPRIiNTICES — W.wrted, apprentice
'-fx. girls to learn millinery trade. Apply at
H. E. Brandt's. US Fourth 5 mwh ■
COOK— Wanted, a first-class lndr'cook;
must have references tend understand
the cutting of meats; no otbers need apply
Apply Philadelphia Restauraui, m East Fifth
st. before 7 a. m.
C took— Good second wanted: at Fardee'sJ
■A 52 East Seventh at. Vus ;•::.-. -vJ r. .•»-»-- \
HOUKWOKK- Wanted, a good girl for
ceneral housework; must be well rec
ommeuried. Apply y.n Baei Fifth sl
MOcSEWORK — Experienced glil for
I--1 general housework at once, bbl Wal
nut St.
SEWJNti GIKLs —'Twenty-five girls
warned to sew duck coats and overalls
or. 6team power machines; experienced
operators can get steady employment. Gui
terman Bros.
•Must be experienced operators on steam
power sewing machines, able to make over
alls, pants, shirts, MRckumw ganueuls, duck
coats, etc., etc. Enquire at factory, eoruer
Fourth and Sibley bis. Lindeke, Warner &
i-J Hotel. Call or nddiess Globs counting
DOG Lost- . Scotch I terrier, with
A' ears irregularly- trimmed; clipped to'
shoulders a short lime ago; had, on leather
collar with brass license tag; no name on
collar; 85 reward for return to, Merchants'
hotel. .. ■, '-... ■ „..>..:.■ :...,,.-.-. ■
jl-1 ARKFOU.NU-Sorrel i mare, : face and.
lfl-'left hind foot white, weight about J luo
pounds. Call at Mary Anderson's, Oakland
"Station. •_• ' :: . ■ -'■'■'."." '• : ■
" r LIORSE FOUNO- supposed to be
.IJ.C a riding horse. Call at; Union stable.
;-25i»i>V eat Fifth st., prove property cud pay
-^charges. . • . ■. • . . -.- .1 -.
POCKETBOOK LOST— On last evening,
■ Jl a pocketbook containing 1 - papers ■ and
money;- if returned to Dr. C. B. Bean, Ger
tnnnia Life Building, will obtain reward.
["'HOttSES A l% 1) CAK IMAGES.
A^XOFNCEMKNTS that . arouse atieu
•**' «on, Ned Noble, ; adept at advertising,
Vgr^of Globe. ■;■; ■ . . ..\T
WE ABE always ready to buy and pay
ri%) cash for horses, buggies, harnesses,
.wagons, etc. ITS Piftn st south, Minae
tUHllU. - ■. . ■
"•'■" ''. BOARD OFt'EBEI). ■'.
BOARD— For rent, with board, nicely fur
nished front, room, with alcove and
grate; all modern conveniences. Apply at
X' 7 a tore st. . . ;. . ; ,;..-.
B.'A«i>_Furnished rooms, with board;
i-» . also bible bonni ; opposite new post
office. . :.8a Washington st. north. 'T»^,j:,t^4
'V}>' THE niKMC: ' The • uudarsmued
1 will destroy Cockroaches in iuui-cs in
fested; - satisfaction guaranteed or no pay
Address J*ohu.nelli!*le..-HSj St. Ptt-r St., at
P»u'. ■'-■-' ■ - -l -; - -..■-■ ;■■- *-- >■. ',• , •■*
''_ t'HIKOPODY. ; vif '
G" r*W»« for~^re~i>Vi. 1 ;,.,-, l Lntk
' ->alve; sure cur,- t.., oaiUwnß!ll:i«,feet
, sttiljl lec.t and dry. hot foot. If y<»ux .11 ii<i.l«t
does uui Keep it. send ucc&tl >>:■. \v ii Lock- "
v^ooii, chir-rp,: M.st. . lum.i.j* Uuaicon" Jj uird>
ng; Mr; em und 91 box. ■ ■ ;; fv,- ■■'..♦«< ■■• ;
■"■■'■ '.-.■ ' ■ :'■'....:'• ' fl tC - : ' "-■ ~ '
'-' /I >XOU>CKaiKNTS that arouse atten
.2\ tlon. Ned Noble, adept at advertising,
care of Globe. ' " ' ;
IDA KKKKFJiH— Wanted, at once, sluia-.
I-' tion by a thoroughly competent bar
-Jteeper; highest references; age twenty-six;
married; am CaiiKOtau. Address Mac. Ueu
eral , Delivery, city. . „..,..,, J. 1 •
AKTKNUKII- warned by flrst-
XJ class bartender . who can Rive be*) of
..references: age thirty-three: years and mar
. ried: no objection to gonip out of me city.
W. H. i'arsons. Hotel ArUugton. St. . Paul,
Minn. ...-■•■■■ .
BOYb FOX PLACES- places tat boys,
i employment bureau for poor boys, free;
Newsboys' Club R00m.313 Wabasha at. ; open
from II to I. a. m.. and from 7 1 •9p. m.
niiOKREKPKK — Position wanted as
.';JJ ■ bookkeeper or cashier by a young man
with years of experience; best of refer
ences.- Address f-&A- Globe. -- - : . ;;; .
COOK — Wanted. , situation; ..a first-class
Vy meat and pastry cook would like a situ
ation in a good hotel or restauraut: wages
moderate. Call or address Mate Cook. City
Hotel. Robert st. between Fourth and Fifth".
COACIUIA>. — A sober. s:tadyyounn man
V wishes a si runt ion as coachman, or team
ster for some wholesale house. Address N.
W.. TH East Minnehaim st. '
POACHMAX- Wanted, a position as
■ : V> coeehman. by colored man of experi
ence: highest references »riTen. Address
3;*3 Franklin nv.. Minneapolis. .Minn.
I^KMVKKY MAX— A middle-acedgeniie
-L/ man would like a situation to drive a
delivery wagon •or do . something similar;
wases to suit the employer from the start.
Address A. X., 50-.' Canada st. . . : "■ . . r
DKIV.-R wants work driving a delivery
wngon. or ns -^onchman for some private
family: well acauninted iv the city. Ad
dress 450 East Sixth st.
DKUGGIST — By a young man, over one
year's experieur-e in drug business;
Bpeaks German and English; wants n place
ia a drug store at once. Address N 07.Globe.
DRUGGIST— By a young man with o<ie
year's experience in amar business;
.spcaka Germnu and Eneli*h; wants a place
in a drug stoic at once, M 7t). Glot>e.
ENGIXf.JER — Would like situation as
stationary engineer: had experience on
shop enjrine. Call or address 447 St. Peter
fet., Room 22.
■p.NGiXKER-W anted, position an eu-
X-* eineer, wtth state license for ion horse
•power engine; do my own reprtiring aud
• steam fit ting; understand electricity. Address
"X .G.. 4l!Ha South Robert si.
PJIPLOYME>T— A strong, reliable boy
■L* of sixteen wants work of any kind;
wages no object, G. L . 135 Thirteenth si.
EMPLOYMENT- Wanted, by a young
-Lj num. German, work of any kind; has
had experience in oakery aud lunch coun
ter Address J. E.. 3SO Fort st • ■ '
HOSIXER— German would like a pla c
to take care of two horses and a cow
Address 252 Thomas st.
VI AN AND WIFE would like situation
1»L on farm or in hotel; gooti references.
Address Beebe, 345 West Seventh st.
MAN 4GEB- Wanted, by a party from the
East, of several years' experience, po
sition to take full charge of miliinery^depart
ment; A 1 New York city references," Address
V 1", Globe.
OFFICK WOKK-a thoroughly com
petent office man and typewriter desires
employment during the foreuoou. Address
A 72, (ilote.
DHARMAC^T. registered \ u Mhme!<ota
A. and North Dakota, seeks position; thor
oughly experienced In all branches; speaks
English and French; sirictly temperate;
highly Tecomnx«iided. Address A 4», Globe,
SALKS.HAX— By traveling salesman, five
year*" cx Derlence, with speeialtv iv the
Northwest, desires position with good house,
and will work cheap to learn live; educated,
reliable and a hustler; good references. Ad
dress T 10J, Globe.
SIDE LINE — by an experienced
traveling salesman, calling on retail ;
lumber trade in Minnesota. lowa and Xt
braskd. Address V it). Globe.
: ■ ' females. : .
A NNOINCEMEXTS that arouse atten
.XV uon. Ned Noble, adept at advertising,
care of Globe. . ;
COOK— Middle-aged lady wishes place as
J cook or general housework. Address 318"
Somerset St.. city. .;
COOK— A German girl of experience-
J would like a place as cook. Address
Miss A. James, 373 Cedar. \ '
CIOOK— Situation wmitecl by an experi-
e nced girl; cook and general housework.
•Call or address 204 Carroll st. ,-.
COOK.— A reliable Scandinavian girl wants
, I a position: can do . cooking. Call 293.
Lawsor. St.
DRESSMAKING — Wanted, situation:
more-dresumniring in families: reference
given: satisfaction guaranteed; reasonable
■cnicagoan. 412 East Tenth st. ' : -~ ■ • '
DKKSSMAKKR- An experienced dress-'
XJ maker wauls sewing by the any in fam
ilies. - Call or address 215 Rondo si. -
I^RESSMAKKK — A competent dress
*.-' maker will go out by the day or take iv
sewiug. Cnl! or address 2i"» Roudo st.
DRKSSMAKKR- A flrsi-ciass dressmaker
desires s-e wing in families; references
Address :wf> East Ninth st.
PjKES M/'.KKi;, recently from the
XJ East, will make you stylish uud per
fert-ntting diesses at home: very reasonable
to introduce her weric. Address A 71. Globe
DIttSSM A RE IJ— Competent dressmnker
would like eugasjenients iv families;
understands general l'auaiiy sewing. Address
f.ti West Central ay.
rMPLHYMEST- A capnble youni? ludy
-LJ wishes position in doctor's or demise's
office. Call or address Al. Jl., a3o Harrison ay.
EMPLOYMKM-a uoor woman wants
to get work by the day; she is noed of
it. 411 Eflgt Klfih St.; Mrs. Cott.
EMPt.OYMKNT— Wanted, a pince to
work in hotel or restaurant. Address B.
V., 443Va JacKSon st.
niWIRNBSS- Wanted by a young wor
n position of governess; best of refer
ences. Address A 70. Globe.
II OUBEWORK —A girl wishes a place for
li general housework iv small family. St.
M^ary's Home.
HorSEKi-EPHfn — A middle-aged lndy
housekeeper, good cook, wants position
as housekeeper iv Email family. Address
27." Urove .st.
riODSKKEEPER-A middle-aged lady
■L J. capable of housekeeping or taking care
of some home, desires a position, or any kiud
of. work, where there is no objection to hav
ing a little girl. Call or address N. F., No.
384 Pice st. .
MO-CSKKKM-ER— Wanted, place fora
LJ girl with a buby eight months old; at
housekeeper preferred. Call at Pennsyl
vania (IV.
UOl'stKEKl'EB — Wanted, by widow
-*■■»• lady, position as housekeeper. Address
A. G.. i>Ul Olive si.
TNTKLLIGENT LADY with reference!
J. I wishes to exchange her services In a doc- •
otlice for electric treatment. Address
F. M., 1.04 Warren at.. Chlppewa Falls, Wis.
STENOGRAPH XX — Experienced lady
stenographer is desirous of securing em
ployment at once; references furnished.
Address 333 Robert st. ....._>. ,
WANTED, by party from the East, of
several years' experience* position to
take full charge of millinery department; A 1
New York city references'. Address V 17,
Ulobo. ■
WASHWOMAN-A good. «ennan wash
'Vomau would . like to go out washing
or cleaning. Mi Edmund st. . •■ ■■■
WASHING— Wanted, to so out washing
. and ironing. . Cull nt Out Thomas st. ■.
WA-HlJifi- A wqmnu would like to go
omvasWng on ttodfiajotal homo
mi Thomtis ."t; ■ ■ ' -".v ; ". ; . : .
| '..\X/ *■••*« MM>dl« M Kaxi Sixili~sT;
: 'V* . runtfh-dried clo»h«», *Uf u» p«r d<ve«;
• called lor and deli vuu'd. '
t'ftit UK VI. ■-■'■-',
BOBEKT 1,. Wl.\.\E,
■' Agent for Cure of Property*
J. \V. « para, »4 Eaiit 4th St.
IV acts as owncis' agent coL'ecti> rents:
Pleam-heaied.&jjHrtiaeuts for $2u, %&, $3/ and
&i : redut'ed. reutal. , , - :
HOUSE— For rent,' an eight-room house,
: newly pnpered and calcimiued. Apply
614 .Canada st. • - •«• .■■ ; ' . .
UOLSKS— 400 North, st.. six rooms, good
coudition, pleasaut neighborhood; 674
■ John St.. seven rooms: first floor No. 385
East Sixth 6t. ' J. K. Hoffmaan, Gilfillan
810ck... i ;,,;, „.,; 3 ;■;■ . ■ ■ .
HOL'sK— To^TeatJHeiaot-room • house; all
;,- improvements; newly • papered and
painted; on bill; at your own price. 831
rum?ey st. ■"''■' ■-.••-• . ■■
: -Mr •..-.•>.' K»om». ■-. . "
A— HOTKL UHJ.VsW.Ca, for gentle
• ..men only;. fitly modern steam-neated
rooms by day. week. or month. -
SMITH AY 9:j— For rent, three nnfur-
M-. r.lshed side rooms, suitable for house
keeping;.- ..':„'■.„., '^;:: r . ' . :
■ rpENTH s SI.. 414, EAST- Fur
,■ JL niched— A number of small rooms; two
front: from up month. . ■
W ABASH A ST., 523V4— Furnished rooms
for rent; place quiet: ice water on tap.
:V.''-:.-.:- i "|'"^..'-:.'i''li*t:S. '
FLAX- Fourteeii-room flat, steam heat,
: . two baths, elegant repair, cheap rent.
456 St. Peter st. ; snap for right party.
Schram's Ren^ngr Agency, 320 and 322 Man
baitnn Huiidfng.
-1 - A -FIFTY CE>TS for sea salt or
■'^"i- •■*"*•• tub baths; also gives massaee and
improved Turkish baths. .Mrae. Luu Retta,
<ilB First av.jsouth, Minueaiio'.ts.
\ UK YOU IX TROIBLK ? — Consult
XX Madame Ina Walker, "life reader," for
FaitbftilJ reaain? of your past, present and
iatu*e;;she.wi!l guide you in all affaire of
life by a power higher than human; corre
spouaeuee courideniial; ladies, 50 cents;
geutlemeu, '503 Wabasna St., opposite
' Capitol. " " " j ; -
,;A L NKettrNCKMKXTS that arouse atten
tion, Ked Noble, adept at advertising,
care of Globe. ', .. . .
A BHIVKD^-Madnme St. Johns, clairvoy
■ Jri. ant and business adviser: massage, mag
netic and alcoholic treatments; call and be
convinced. . 4t4 Cedar st. Open evenings.
if IDiiTrOEKXiiD-Mnssuge parlors at 59
*)? East.Se-gettth, Room la. ■.;
!: -Mrs. F Alice F. Bagnell, Room 7, 159 West
•Seventh.'^ i'-tr . •
MADA.IIE TrITfiWOKTM, reliable,
prophetic Test and Healing Medium :
-31 years' experience. 13 Eighth st., St. Paul.
US. .PR. BKARUON— Massage parlors,
4 vapor, electric and medicated baths;
massage a specialty: open evenings.
MRS.. & AY, "at 1)4 East Seventh st. gives
. massiige and magnetic treatment; first
floor.:- ';.■•""' . ' ■
MRS. .-VJLICK F.-,B.%G>KL,L. i.-(j West
■ Seventh it., m.tss;ig<j and vapor. baU».
1"A. iu<r nnd ma.ssase • treatments:-
tion assured. 7 . No. 27 East. Seventh st.
Mks. »; A. (ItSSJ-Y) ijaukaloo—
€24 Wabasha St.— Magnetic and .nassage
. treatment for : paralytic, rheumatism and
neivous diseases: nisi) baths .) a.m. to i p.m
\ SXOIStEMKSTS that arouse attea
-Tl. : tion, Ned Noble, adept at advertising,
. cure of Globe. ;. • ...
L» ANK STOCKS a specialty, bonds, com-
XJ mercial paper, mortgages, te^unuea
bought and sold. George W. Jenk», invest
ment Banter, Minnesota Loan and Trust
.Building, '.Miuneapulis.
V 1 ONtiV LOANJiL) on diamonds, jewelry
1»X and personal, property; low interest;
all transactions confidential. Room 7. First
National Bank, corner Fourth and Jackson
streets. . ". — "' ■ .
Y/rojfliY ON HAND to loan on city prop-
L>i erty and farms; lowest rates; no delay.
\r\\\ F. .Morit2, 1.013 Pioneer Press.
! (1,1. ***** n,A-> o ouiira iijfcuraace p
,-l.fJ. icie*; or, Loaght. L P. Van Nuraa.ui
;'■' nuarnnty Loan BulMlng. .Vliuieapoliß
" mania Life Ins. bdg.. Fourth and Minn.
sts, m'rtkps loans on good security at moder
ate rate- and -charges no commission. J: . .
: i..' [ . . FOX SALE. '■■"- ; '
;ANSOUSCKJIE>TS that arouse atten
xjl tion Ned. Noble,, adept at advertising,
cure of Globe. '" " ' ■
PUPS— sale, St. Bernard pups, cheap:
willing to exchange for lumber or wood;
liriS Emma st. and Western ay. north. Call
aftert) p. m. or on .Sunday before noun.
SUf O"\VC asks, lamps, scales, new awning.
etc., tor sale. 471 West Seventh: '
SSUOK" FiXTUUKS- For sale, fine &;ioe
O' fixtures and shelving, nt a bargain, at
S.i East seventh st. Call at once.
r PYPK— For. sale. 7;' i pounds 1 -point Ger
■L man. body type; some of it never inked.
Star Printing Compuuy, 310 Jackson.
SLMMER SCHOOL— Reduced rates for
July. The J. D. Hess Shorthnud school.
Pioneer Press Building.
anil Art, i(5 East Exchange St, St. Paul-
Piano, violin, Kuitar, banjo and mandolin
taught. Lessons given in drawing ac<i paia
ng. , Call or send toe nroso?ctii<». . .
FoX SALE— B.>,OOO worth of. choice real
i. estate forsl,2(X), part cash; will exchauyo
X 87, Globe. ' - . ■ '
FOR SALK VERY (HKAP- 00*143 on
Portland ay., east of Dale, with modern
house and good barn. Address V 16, Globe.
* NXH'SCEMKSTS that arouse atteu
xx, tion. Ned Noble, adept at adveniiiuK,
care or Globe. ; , y. „,--.
ways the : standard of comparison, al
way* the best find always have the latest im
provements. Typewriter paper and mtpplfes
of all kinds. Machines for rent. Wyclroff
Seamans &-' Benedict U4 Kan Fourth st
Siffi^S»3wpt»rSl Leaves Union Depot
gjf^ES^rfa&fS for Chicago, St. Louis
Siiv If [Quill 1 1 2 ud down " r ' v ° r points
ijE&S^SisK wrajv 7 : 80 a.m. Arrives from
HE j |Pffr *WB Chicago 2:80 p. m. dai-
I f || || 'rß&k ly- Loaves Uuloa De
gn&gfcMr iK^S rot for Chicago and St.
fffix.viM9ai! «fc«^| j Louis 7:40 p. m. Ar
rives from same points 7:43 a. m. dally.- '
•■■': .'sr.ipAßJi i nio> D£por
Dally as. follows: , . Leave.
Boston, Monu-eaJ and New Ens- -
- laud points (j:. 10 m
Vancouver, N. AVhatcom and Pa
oiflc coast points *..'..".■..,.. '... t . 7:50 p. m
r F os furUK'rvwfornmtion :;.:1 !.un> of Una
ttaiils cdii at ,iiek»t ofljceorcou.-uli folder
Dor school for Girl*, .-priug Hill, Term..
WRina its thirteenth yeur Sept. B. |g>l
Thorough Instruction, careful training
healthful surroundings. Moderate term*
Add eg* Mrs. C. W. Soruill principal. ..„■
i (VI ISS A - **- BKoW.N-sehooi lor glrii
UJL reopeu*Ox!t..4; primary, preparatory
nud academic department*; preparation fot
CDilege: special courses. -713, 715. 717 Fifth
ay.. New York city, N. Y. .; .
M.*MSrACH(JM-.TT-4 - The Cambridge
School. Cambridge, Mass.; for young
ladies: comforts of home; small Classes:
peueral courses, and' preparation for Had
cliffe college. Air. Arthur Glliman Is the
director. • - . •
MIB9 JITIA A. WILLKY (many years
at Mrs. Sylvanns Heed's school) will
open a Home School for young ladies Oct 1.
Address 530 Fifth ay.. Sew Fork city N V
H OLDK 3s NKhSaCHOOL— Plymouth, N.
ff.— This school offers the maximum of
advantage at the minimum oi cost to boyi
who desire a thorough preparation for col
lege or scientific school. Fur catalogue and
full information address The Rev Lorin
Websier. rtector. The Xt Rev. W. W. Niles,
President of Trustees.
IV cuse, N. Y. Under the Fuperviston of
Bishop UuuUugton. Thlrty-fuurth school
year begins Thursday. Sept. 13, IfcU4. Apply
to Mis 3 Mary 3 Jackson.
merst.. Broo;lyn, N. V —For girls, from
six to fourteen years of limited means, need
ing a mother's care, gajp per scion! ye«r.
Asbury Park, N.J.— A home Rchonl for
girls; terms, *>.aO. Address Sister-in-t hirga.
Dalafield, Wis. (the American Ku»{by)
a high grade school situated iv lh« beautifu
lake region of Southern Wisconsin. Hew
buildings, steam bent, hot and cold water,
etc. Hates reasonable. For caulogues, tes
timonials, e:c, address Key. Sidney T
Smytlie. A. M., Wardeu.
East Seventeenth St., New York— A
boardiug and day school for girls. Ke*idem
French and English teachers. Pupi.s are
prepared for college examinations. AddreM
The Sister Superior.
in? school reopens Oct. 1, 1694. Separata
buildings, gymnasium, library, klndergaiten
to college. s>end for illustrated catalogue to .
Mrs. H. C. De Mlile. Pompton, New Jersey.
Every advantage lor culture, study
and -health. New gymnasium. Number
limited. Fall session opens Sept 20, lfc94.
Miss Sara J. Smith, Principal. Connecticut.
. Hartford (in the suburbs.}
AFAKXNrtK wanted in meat business;
good chance for wholesale and retail;
small capital required. — lUj7 Washington ay.
north, Minneapolis. " '. .' ' . . •
FOX SALE— Barbershop and bath rooms;
J. a good outfit: for .sale or trade. Add real
for one week C S3. Globe. . -; -
O all; try our Syndicate system of specu
lation; increase your income; information
' free: send for circular. Thompson ■& Den
Co.. 38 Wall St.. New York. Incorporated
under the laws of State of New York. Cap
ital. Skn.t*>;). -
TO EXCHANGE. '" '^ :
A JiNOCNCJSMisNTS that arouse atten
xi. tion, Ned Noble, adept at advertising,
care of Globe. . ..... * - , -
I T>J I£\V goods for sec"d-'ha:id. Ryan Furniture
i li ana Exchange Co.. in ami t44E 7th st
-'. [" BOABD »A.\TEI>. ."; '.;.-
BOARD— Gentleman wants mum and
board in private family-; well-behaved .
child/eu no objection; state* terms. Addresl
C 6.', Globe. - - - • " .: ; . ....
? I
HM. Tr-Jli'Li.- Public Accountant ai»4
--• • Auditor. GennaniaUie Bldg., St Paul
AHl.Lfii & MIMtL — Minnesota
IV Sieam Dtp Works. East Seventh.
—Offices, Endfcott Block, FonrxJi
Street— Acts as executor, adtniu
iktrator, guardian, trustee, as*
frignee, receiver; etc.
Sheriff's Sate of Heal Estate Under
Judsment of Foreclosure.
Iftmsey— sa. District Court, second u
dieial District. '
The st. Paul Trust Company, as Trustee un
der the last will aud testament of Cl»arle<
D. Strong, deceased. plaintiff, vs. Charlei
• A.Moore and Faunle H. " Moore, his Rite;
The Union li.tn&r, . \V. A. Bartlett, William
Pearson, .Mary S. Dudley. dcfeiidaau.
Notice is hereby given* that .under and by
virtue of a judgment an<l"lpecr«sc,- entered in
the nbove-eu tided action on tha2bib day of
July, 1891 a cerUiied uauscripn of irbi«b lihi
been delivered to ac, I the' underfilled.
Sheriff of said RauVsey "County, "will sell at
public auction, to. the highest bidder, tor
ctish, on Wednesday.the tweltth(i'Jth) titty of
September. &Kat l>* o'clock in thefurenoon,
at the Fourth Street from door of the Court
House in the City of St. Psui, in said county,
in two separate panels, the premists and
real estate described in said judgment and
decree, to wit:
All those tracts or parcels of land lying
«nd being in the County ot Ramsey, aiid
Stale of Minnesota, described as icliiiws. to
wit: Lot uumber three Co) and the easterly
three feet of lot niiml.er two {'2\ in block
number thirty-four (3*) of St. Paul Proper,
according to the recorded plat thereof, at
the same is of record in the omce of the Keg
ister of Deeds in and for the County of Ram
sey aforesaid; together with all the" heredita
ments aud appurtenances thereunto belong
iug or in any wise appertaining; or so muck
thereof as may be necessary to pay the costi S
and expenses of sale, the costs and disburse
ments of said action and the amounts ad
judged to be due said plaintiff in and bi
said decree, for, principal and interest, ana
for tuxes. assessments and insurance, paio
by plaintiff 1 , with iuterest on said sums, trom
the date of said decree to the data of such
Sheriff of Ramseyi County.
Dated July 2;. i>m.
Harvkt oppicek, PiaintiiTs Attorney.
St. I'aul, Minn.
New York. July 27. — Petrolcu a
WNIkW, August option closed at 83c.
Oil City, Pa.. July 27. — National
Transit certificates opened at Sac;
highest, B^c; lowest, blj-4'c; closed at
BH^c: sales, 2.CCJO bl»ls; shipments, 56,
--479 Obis; ru us, 77,505 bols.
Pittsuurg. .July 27. — Petroleum-
National Transit certificates one ned at
S2e. closed atSl^'c; hi.icaest,S'2c; lowest,
81>jC. No saies.
Dry Gomls.
New York, July 27.— The improved
demand of today was well maintained,
and minus the wants then supplied the
sales were of good proportions, T'i4> at
tention was directed to a larire class of
stuffs, including blenched cottons, cam*
brie, muslins, irintrbams, cotton and
woolen dress (roods, denims, tickings,
prints and clothing woolens, and for thi
last many duplicate orders were placed.
Printing cloths iudemnnd.aud moderate
sales at 2%c for 04-square.
■ It you carry '*
A ci>' i x tvtt ax Vdkb k.\«;y:pa\'i
ARLii AT Hi; V \ Lili .Vi>i».

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