OCR Interpretation

St. Paul daily globe. [volume] (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1884-1896, April 05, 1896, Image 15

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90059522/1896-04-05/ed-1/seq-15/

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Pages 77
13 to 24.
GIRL.. v
Which Came to an Ending the Fol-
lowing*- Day in Minneapolis'—
lowing Day in Minneapolis—
Interesting; Details.
The complaint in the action of Grace M.
The complaint in the action of Grace M.
Dennis vs. Iving H. Dennis was filed yesterday
In the office of the clerk of the district court.
In it . the plaintiff asks for absolute divorce
frcm the defendant. The single allegation
contained In it Is that the couple were mar
ried on Feb. 12, 1593, and the defendant de
serted the plaintiff.
Back of the bound document Is the old story
of "not wisely but too well." It is a romance
of interest, and dates back far more than a
year. Notwithstanding the fact that it is the
last chapter of the unfortunate story which is
now be'ng printed, the prologue has never
seen light in print.
. In February, 1893, Grace, the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Wurts, living at 852 |
Walker avenue, was one 'of the most popular I
and esteemed members of the younger social I
set of Hamiine. A girl of only seventeen, |
and still in school, she was thrown in contact '
with older friends who, while they exercised !
upon her no positive Influence for evil, were j
responsible for the fact that there arose in her j
mind ideas which might be better omitted from i
the mental make-up of a girl still in her teens. I
. Through the Intervention of one of these !
fiieids she met on Feb. 1, 1895, Irving H. '
Dennis, North-western representative of the \
Si rague Collection agency, who had offices in j
the Guaranty Loan building, Minneapolis. I
Dennis wag a man of thirty-five and pos- '
sessed in experience- all that the girl lacked, j
There is nothing to show, and no reason to !
suppose, that Dennis had any idea of taking |
advantage of Miss Wurt's lack of worldly
knowledge. He permitted the acquaintance
to rapidly ripen into friendship, and then into
love, knowing that the whole matter was be- j
Ing concealed from the parents of Miss i
Wurts. Through the efforts of Dennis and j
the influence of the friends who had precip- j
itated tho acquaintance, a secret marriage was !
finally agreed upon. Miss Wurts, it is alleg
ed, consented reluctantly, and on Feb. 12, I
1895, eleven days after she had met the man,
she and Dennis were married quietly by Rev.
Mr. Snodgrass at New Richmond, Wis.
;, Even after the romantic termination of the
story across the state line, the affair was still
kept, a secret. No • hint of the step taken
came to Mr. and Mrs. Wurtz, -and- even by
the friends of Miss Wurts at Hamiine it was
not suspected. -.*'"•-
Returning from New Richmond, Mr. and
Mrs. Dennis arrived at Minneapolis the same
day the ceremony was performed. Going to
the boarding house on Eighth street, between !
Hennepin and Nicollet avenues, where Mr. |
Dennis had lived, the groom and his young
wife took up the responsibilities of married
life. But before they had reached the board-
ing house Miss Wurtz realized that she had
made a mistake. Before the new partnership
was well inaugurated it was bankrupt in
all those things which make marriage suc
cessful. y.77
Just what led up to a break Is not appar
ent, but, as a matter of fact, on the day sue-
ceeding the marriage Miss Wurts returned
to her parents, and the marriage relation was
never resumed. Dennis continued the same
business bachelor, so far as his Minneapolis
acquaintances knew, and Miss Wurts resumed
her homo life with her parents. Shortly after
his business in its regular course took him
away from Minneapolis, and he went, leav-
ing the breach between himself and Miss
Wurts unhealed. The first chapter of the
story terminated abruptly here and it ended
ln disaster.
Miss Wurts, frightened by this time at the
serious turn affairs had taken, decided to
tike her parents into her confidence, and for
the first time the whole story came to them.
With the regret and indignation which fol-
lowed the revelation, there came the neces
sity of some steps to release Miss Wurts
from the predicament into which inexpe
rience and poor advice had led her. The par-
ents determined to take steps . to annul the
marriage which had been contracted, and al
leging the immature age of their daughter,
proceedings to that end through Attorney O.
IT. Comfort were begun on March 1, 1895, in
the Ramsey county, district court. Every
precaution was taken to keep the matter from
becoming unduly public, and so successful
that nothing was heard of the proceeding,
although the case in duo course was set for
hearing at the May term of court-
Owing to the absence of witnesses the case
was postponed until last February, when
Judge Otis dismissed the complaint on motion
of the plaintiff's attorney on account of lack
of proper and sufficient evidence.
In that complaint, which was never filed
until the case came to trial, the plaintiff. al
leged that she had been misled by the fraud-
ulent representations, of the defendant; that
he falsely represented that ho loved her and
desired to make her his lawful wife; that
notwithstanding the fact that he knew she
was under age and could not bo legally mar
ried without the consent of her parents, he
had represented to her that the marriage
■would be legal by having it performed in
-'Wisconsin, and they would keep it secret
until she became eighteen years of ago, a
few ..months later. It was further charged
that the defendant was acting in bad faith
In making theso representations; that . he
never intended to make her his wife, and
was simply imposing on her innocence.
Within a short time after the dismissal of
the first complaint, action was begun for
absolute divorce on the ground of desertion.
Miss; Wurtz is 'living at the -present time
. With her parents, who have moved from Ham- !
line,to'lS6 Arch street. The daughter is a
** pretty little - woman of. the brunette* type,
with modest unassuming manners and quiet
£ j Leather Goods, f0r.....! 25c \ _^Jt '■•'■ff-'''-''.^-'-'- %_yff ■■■ Lace Department. <iS
Hfe \ and Hnds in Leather Goods Pocket Books, Coin j fw^£B?MjffiJ&!oQ Iff M /€ ' MQ& M £ J&M M/£ W^BB&% MF M^W £ & S\\ \ Machine nade Torchon Laces— l to 3 inches wide, g* ! ?*2
(."axs. Card Cases. Chatelaine Bags and other f" X J^^ MJ^M^JM^l M J^^^^^^ J'^ M \W^MJm#M. JSLmM^^ ** I worth up to 15c. Monday OC ( CJ}
Ok I and worth up to $1.00 and even more. Monday] I * """""iiiiiiiiiihm lviii'"' ■— | n iimiuji unffr*--!— ..- ||||MjJ ij Point de Paris Laces— From V/z to 4 inches wide; \ Q^» <
•0* ![ and worth up to $1.00 and even more. Monday) &/£/ V '! -^^-^j^^^^^j|^^ :* ' *' ■■■■■"' ."■ . ' ||n^^J ([Point de Paris Laces— From \% to 4 inches wide; -A (Q^-, \\ %?
g A fact we never lose sight of. It's the General, All- Round Low Prices on Everything We Sell that makes this store so popular. No variation about our Jg
S A fact we never lose sight of. It's the General, All-Round Low Prices on Everything We Sell that makes this store so popular. No variation about our §
Ok methods. It's our everlasting effort to price Reliable nerchancise.of all sorts so Low as not only to retain the enviable clientage we enjoy, but add new S
© friends to the list every day. The larger crowds— typical of this Store— the best evidence of how well we succeed. Mondays are established Bargain X
©Days. See what a Bargain Day we make it Tomorrow. -yy^\^ . . . . . . X
1 20 th Century Skirt, j; ATTENTION TO SILKS, | Wash Goods. ij Colored DresT^Qoods IftADIES^OT
® larceff plaits Jli^&iSa '! iS one of the orders of the day. Our attention is -J; j| Look around, it's your privilege; !' With their combinations of Silken.nohair and Wool- |! ._" . . Sfc
© in front; mW^vk\ ■' world"wide and results in a gathering of the finest j|- see if you can match, this list of -j! en threads, certainly have ''Art" expressed more 'j! 5) Ladies' J%
A Martha : ■ WiP'MwWi^ !' weaves and ideas» enabling you to . view the best bargains for Monday : ■-■' . .■'-*[ truly than ever in the productions for 1896 wear. ij 4«iP Suits. /2
7%. Washington ;k*Jfe||flp 5 products of Europe and America. We have silk ex- 1! ' DwM. o xrt. ' _ ..,!' Some of the choicest selections on sale tomorrow. ? fr^F 5?
: £ ferXseT #Mfill """"" ,H°St TT^' (38 " Pr'Ce «*$ BtaTJgSto £■*££? Vrß° One Lot of Fancy Tw.-T.ne Mohair Suit: ,» , . Jzk^ g!7" IcM 9
5^ ges, Mohairs M3&t^d^Wk ]> "eSS aS thoroughly pleasing and satisfactory. : . ,\t\ and 12)^c goods. Monday $Q > ings-Book fold, usually sold at 20c per 1/ C|! /#%^£^\a Jackets extra
g and Brillian- Jg|gM|m S 1,000 Yards Cable Cord Wash Silks- new 1 r I °nly I yard' Monday's sale Price 2 j \if&% * |i^^ full sleeves, new fl*
'$ throughout WlWl® > about fifty styles and colorings, regu- I§C > , Fine Zephyr dinghams-In neat Heavy All-Wool Henriettas-Full 40 inches wide, in X Vi^V J3^ back.buttonsput ©
© with rustling Wfe?^^ larv3°C quality. Monday..... - At,V < checks and stripes; fine as im- ft !» black na^, cardinal and brOWn; a regular oOc ( .^CjM Perfect fitting "' £
:ft Tafteta; full ij i.ooo Yards Cream Habutai _ A standard /% A£ '. ported goods; regular 12^c Ur j <luallty- Also one lot of . > /y^m ? Bought to fell 1?
/-». 5# yards wide; lf» JAO <! 35c silk; always sold for that. ZllC < quality. Monday 'v J> Fancy Silk and Wool Mixtures-Beautiful *r ' A j \\ at S7 50 Mon fl^
52 Velveteen on bottom. XI UN j! Monday fcVV 1% , " jj styles and colorings; worth 50c; All-Wool /$£ \ /^ Til \\ day «
(^ Monday ; VI,/U j1 500 Yards Black Habutai — A pure silk /*•*•) r <' -32-Inch Challies— ln woolen ef- J» Serge, in all colors. Go tomorrow at vw ji M W\ \\ pZ
3k Other Skirts from $1.98 up to $15.00. ]! guaranteed to wash, sells in other stores at /J)f S l^%dark grounds, with col- flr» 5 Beautiful New Fancy nohair and Wool Inverness |! M ll\ $5.00 ©
X - m, - — • - L SOc. Our price for Monday J ored %ures; regular 15c qual- - y (J Suitings-Handsome styles and colorings, full \ M I|\ *->*^. ©
%P $5 VICI €7 E i\ > 6o° Yards Brocaded Taffetas— New, large, me- /} ft •(,>"?• monaay » jj *:- 40 inches wide, styles similar to $1.00 and FA J^Jf IB^fß^ Other Suits; Ji
SKid Shoe.? <SL»DV '! dium and small designs, elegant color- fiUf «!'.'ii Dimities, in beautiful lace strioe <! $1.25 goods; this fabric should sell at 75c, gllf \ ll& '&^ §?rt°d ValueS at S
X W? Onoea „. V ,; inffS. should be 50c. Monday °7* ,; effects; ■ Grass fiwii. Una Co? J Our price for Monday «;VW!! V—^*^ $10 and up to SB
X fSS Ladies' Vici Kid, J 200 Yards Black Rhadame and Black Faille /ft j! ored Batistes, Jaconets, English < The Largest Line of $1.00 Fancy Novelties in the <| ' ft
S \ hand-sewed, turn or i» bilk— A guaranteed 90c quality. Monday liyr Ji Percales— an endless variety of J > Northwest— 2 and 3-tone colorings, figured and Ji Ladies' CM
& 1 SK^^ welt' all the new '• °n '» the best and choicest colors -i /*! x <[ changeable rough and smooth effects, Fancy Mo- i! cif I, {^& ?2.
Ok Klffi\ styles of toes, worth Ji 1,000 Yards of Spring Novelties— 24-inch Warp J» and patterns to select rom; 1/ f hairs, Canish Cloths, Silk and Wool Mixtures, !i ;51,K F^cJ ft
X VSJI Wi $3.50 to d»^ J-A J Printed Silks, choice flower designs, Brocaded ll worth UP to 18c. Monday.. *** 2 v i ; English Tailor Suitings, Fancy Mohair Diagon- !| Waists, Lg fa m 3J
-^ NsVC^Sv 55-00- ehZa»j!9 / Taffetas, every new color combination and i*l r ill 'lmnnrtP-1 nro-anHJao t i. !' als; regular selling price everywhere (t»| AA<!T„ T . u/m !^>>» 3^
X Monday... V^^V artistic design; made for this season; cv- /SC steL and Organdies- In^ newest , • $1.25 and $1.50. Our cut price JkJ III) In LlSht Co 1: flsEP&*Bf**A. ft
SP V^V—^ - - cry yard worth $1.25. Cutto ............ . 'Jl LnK^i figUreS' light /yr '! ' Monday T. fPI.WVS ors, lin e d f/^ 4^T^^H h S
8 tl^^p^?BS^Sl!j^S 30oYdsB.ackBrocade;lGrosGrains-Flegant, 7rSS°S&^ »C ' — ■■' I^^O^Sfifti/ ft
|liS^^ilisMss .^^a^S.o«oX^ 75c Irish Dimitles_ln a large varlety Black Dress Goods. fle-e- &^^E^ %
1 L^i^»^4Bc "feSSsJS^^^ ISS^^'S&r 25c *tStt^ 19c gwsa -^^^ I
fls worth Monday........ v*MV J ?«>^ea -affetas, large floral designs, chanKea- i *looaaJ' ••:.••■ •••••••• •• .. , price, 35c. Monday's sale price...... ;... 1/V 5 "'"■ Waist M (in «5
© "■""■•- ' . - ; ' P^uct? ?om 'atSheeTor^s tolc?ff d.".*l ««' < i fe'^ D«"<s - Wnen colors, F»ncy Btack Figured Crepons and R.ugh EtfecU- Jgg {§ .^ °ffered* Mon* $Z.VO ©
5 t I^'" ' S*S? from^e'To'^s^diS^'AtJt *FteU/ed »«*•-"«« colors, F»"2 Black Figured Crepons and Rough Effects- JjWg -« °ff"^- "°-$L,f6 S
Sk Ladies' $1.2S -. looms, such qualities usually sell "at $1 flO ?^'7ed a"d figured; heavy fir- j 40 •-"njo*- wide; sold everywhere at 75c FA I; a*"y---v- ■■■„■....■■■■■ ;., X
X Union Suit! .&■ LJi^L°!l!Z^l^^^ 0C j£S Monday, 6Sc and *WC j "^ Silk 1
© Z.lJL.u.ie »^ j CurtainDepaTtn^ j WimrrE^QO^ j C^-S ®
© wis5 Ecm Lisie .Ak |curtain Department.! TIILLINERy! I WimTE^GOODS^ I JiL^ c^ '* S
i^,^) Thread Union Suits V»fJ^^*9 ( aiirtaim rune -rr r.A„ ) -V:'" -r-. ... . < r» « *a-m^«^« *t. * ia. '«* " ) >«^^^^^^^^^fe Lined through- 'C/
X closed fronts, silk JMWWa \ CURTAIN ENDS, 75c EACH. j %r-^ : , Trimmed Hats-Several j Prices for Monday that appeal to every < out with Fancy 1%
MC trimmed; a new and Mffllfi^ > SOO Curtain Ends of fine Irish Point and Tarn- '! .-' JV ■ *.*• hundred Beautifully Trim- 5 P"«e. Irresistible Bargains. „ "W^ffM^^^S^ Persian Silk, X
Lb beautiful undergar- '*4Hv^Rln ; S boured Lace Curtains, I}^ and 1# yards in > \LsilMLffi'~yS mcd Hats and Bonnets for -> 12Kc Checked and Striped Dimi- Vmm * < ■ *P^jiM^^^ Ruffle Ribbon HO
S* ment, worth $1.25; '-fIHP^iHK> J length, very heavy and tine quality; mr X ?tr,et '.and evening wear," < ties, :;••."'.. /W I — . < MrWMyFJm trimming, very ft
■^H sold elsewhere for 'HB^WMJL— < worth 53.00 and $4.00 each. For 3 i^Qi v includin«' Imported Pat- > 12 % c Cable Cord Dimities, (iI" i* ) KJ\W///7^y full sweep, a 7%i
Qk that. HffilSin <! days, or as long as they last, each. .*VV!' *- *^^^^S|^^ tern Hats from the most <12 J^c Plain Sheer India Linon, / J f|l ,(' M^iW/''/W^> swell garment. *fP
3^ Our wr Il'^i^pa { About 200 Nottingham Curtain Ends IK to 2 > '^HBSHT'" noted modistes of Paris— $ 12^c Black India Linon, V"/^> y^' , ! " v , Monday, $8.75. ft
W Price I3C S yardslong, full width and fine qual- } W*^T our own productmns. ? 10c Dotted Swisses, all go at / A ;. «!. Same style in Velvet (like A^ AQ ,S.
A Monday... iVY -^^^ f j| ity. As long as they last for 3 days, 7V, I J%'^ U ?he Pnce 4to° ' Linen Colored Swisses-32 inches wide, |C h\ the picture). ; L M.70?5
S •XT < each. 6 ..;........ ..;.:' WT < «^t' long for quotation, but the ( - the newest thing; regular 25c qiiali-ISC l' ■v?^».MV..,.;.7VJ»gg*a
iC n^lrl "■ Ais^y -a ( •*~~>~>~>~>s*~aL^m. y -*■■• ■■'■"-(»' #vSSJf^3^3f ' meager purse can come to <| "tv Monday '** - ? • . . . . lUW i Summer - i*A nifc
© ,V? L . ''- $16^(1 n^^,«^^. a:il /^ l; «^*r' Millinery Section with Silk Hulis-In black 'and white and all' «[ rhfe^fc SIICS
X Watches .. .. V*"*3" ] UraperV IkS (Creped.) I . Ay:' . perfect assurance of con- I deiicate shades. Per yard, • !' ....... .. «/VW ft
•fH _ . .„....- .y. . <| *^ »' m- : . '-- ' , . ■ '-: yy - sideration. - , , 44c and " WV ]i •;;.--- • — > p£
© fi^ a choicJlelectioneofeiLea- % A niw as7Sf-nt ?■^fine^Preped drapery Silk, j; »»000 Sl\k . and Velvet Roses-Cheap at i(|n \ 20C Sheer India LVnon- For Mon^ t , : : l&fl^ Sulmmer C.°r 5g-
%B (2k » choice selection of La- Anr assortment of fine Creped Drapery Silk, || «.W Silk and Velvet Roses-Cheap at « A aoc sheer Indla Llnon _ For Mond f . j, IW La dies' Summer Cor- W
Si W' dies' and Gents' Solid j! fi?^ed, 31 inches wide, very desirable for j 75c and $1.00. /Uf ,* only, our low * l/T! ■- - eX^ra longr waist' ©
52 J^ Gold and %old filled !' window, mantel and piano draper- if) |! Monday, per bunch. xw> S .. . ; ' *"2*' j! ff^<S ] six hooks, per- PA g
X Watches. Our prices are as hi^h as 7Sc Only, 4g(J too Beautifully Trimmed Turbans- T A Wants supplied' at" these prices'^enot an cv- '! tlrgafn af & 3UC S
X WatcheS- °Ur PriceS are P?r yard "" " 75C °Qly' 40C lO° TBef '^ U"y Trimmed Turbans- *+ PA Wants suppi:ed at these '£" ' ' 'QQt an ey. T*T J^LJ^ a 3UC »
ft JBl^Bßkalwavs lower than the } per yara c Just .the thing for present wear; J^JJJJ j - cry -day privilege. j fS^^s^ uar#ain a^ 5?
A ~"'lPpJßiillowest; for instance: AJ, ' , ) cheap at $4.50. Monday J Remnants of yard-wide Bleached Muslin.. 33/c (l *^L *^»\ Lady's Bicycle ft
'C? SEB^Sffl^ Boss 14k 20-year guaran- > A. ft Hpnimc > One Lot Untrimmed Straw Hats— From r "[ 8-4 Finest Unbleached Sheeting 14c > C^?W<J^r Waist, in d»| A A
© teed Case, €1a CA ? niL L'VllIIUd. > last season; worth up to 81.50. Take /3*T >5c White Shaker Flannel 3'-c! VM» *" \ Summer JUJWS
2^ ■H«PP' ' with 15 Jewel J|(J-3JJ 5 MONDAY ONLY.' ; .]»•.- your choice at vv ([ 40c Baby Flannel (cream white) .......... 27c !» P^P^^V A weight v . LA
Ml P. S. Bartlett Movement only i 36-nrh nlnir, .„,_,.,, A^f r»^ • t, < 500 Silk and Velvet Roses-Worth 25c. Monday. f.r J| 40c Scotch Flannels 19c ,» \ fflK» I ) Ladies' Hip Pads and nk\
A Ladies' Silk Belts-Oxidized /^P^ S "^S-fiS^SSSr *„S 1 '? /' ,best ! »»5a?h"VV >ruV"p""i'-m"" 9 < Home-Made Silkoline Comforters .. $1.89 < \Mm\Y //' Bustles.newest styles. 5
7%\ anrl c;i,.o^ hnrklp anrl sim« /*%r ) standard quality, full line of colors: -ir <20 dozen Trimmed Sailor Hats— Regular selling mr >„ . A- .-. ■•• : • „....- «*»■•*»«» * - nH^f / ' . «*.=vl"- QA
and Silver buckle and slide, £^ I regular 25c grade. Monday, only ISf > ■ Price 85c. Monday, each 4VK- \ Selvyt-The greatest Polishing Cloth |A j mW^L One Lot Ladies' 52
rei cPu™ SlS.webH %• Mo"day- j per yard..... . uay, only, ItJt 5 500 Bunches Wood Violets - Regular price 5c ~\c J made-on sale in our Linen Depart- lllr J WT Wfe Huslin Gowns-Dif G^
ft Sterling Silver Hat Pins— Fancy -| A* ' F* . ' IU---------V.- „ , * bunch. Monday, per bunch... 32c « . ment. Each * :• * P. . . . W& i ferent styles taken from mii X
2^ filigree tops, worth 39c. Uf «| / ~~~~~*^~~*~~~&~**~>*s~ XVVVNA/VVVVWWVVVVWWVVVW I i" *^r , C e®'T aKe°r V 0"1 ouJ 7fir» ©
•^n Monday 17^ -? n »+ , -^^^^j^^^s^jy^^^ lAftA^Aft/wwwvvwv*v- ws^wv^^wn^s^« >~ —^^^^^t $1.00 and $I.2s lines, V shape and IMr 5^
p»iiillJi lifiii- i! FURNITURE SAriPLES. % basehent. ;pp^^|| $
gs..7Ssnk-::::=: ruv rwtc i FURNITURE SAHPLES. | basehent. |«^Jg^?*; |
S Hose, $1.00. dk^ ouy tarpCtS - % 05 .. Boys' Suits, $3.48. ©
C Ladies' Pure Lf„.wn™inv , v f^ Our March Sale Prices were of great interest to every one in St. Paul, ;» ■ . Sfe^ flfty. s^-lcui!' Our justly famous ' ,-"V Cfc
*^D Silk Droo stitch WW ft^> >oi us Detore looking elsewhere, V but we will make April the great event for low prices in our Furniture De- / i^>V trunks shipped to i'- Hickory Suit, made /53b %L
LA How-in all ml. W »^V\ ? an? don * buy carPets elsewhere ,' partment. Many large factories from all over the United States ship to I _-^***£Xxk us by a maiiuf?ct* t\ from strictly All-Wool V*4 ©
S ors and Mack' a TIM fbefore seehlf °«rs- You CM bet- !! Grand Rapids, Mich., in January a sample of every new design they make. J; f^^^ffP) STta SSS'IK Cheviots-Pants have H* 3^
*lP beautiful stock W *2MMmWA*&SM > appreciate the supremacy of Ji Buyers from far and near go to Grand Rapids during that month to buy the I ' jjy^f^i^ >J inch to 33-lnch. (! double seat and knees /CViKY^a. 7&
CM and mad* " mmW-^iW/Y I ;ur, selectlons after having -> best made furniture in the world. Our buyer has 'filled our floors with the > fc!!3Sy£^T F ?'hey £? «" sl,ale < —has no equal for style l\Y^i\ ©
Sto sell' (Pi AA JBm)'3fel I loofked elsewhere. It goes with- < latest 18% novelties, so that every corner of our department is a field of j' £^^k? \ 1 pLnmenUM Jnfa^ <or durability. ' " /M \ fl^
*^C it SI 75 \l 1911 „A^K^M^f^r )°, saying that our prices are > loveliness. In addition to our regular purchases, he bought two carloads of < — A_ ft^^"4^s at about HALF < tf»/» ioK»/ A ?s(
(J^ Mntwh. ' V«V V " --JEgam*^*** , always the lowest. We have the I manufacturers' samples, NO TWO ALIKE, and better still, he bought them !i t /^es the price regular |[ Price. . !KiJ.Nv^ ,*< / ©
Jg Monday . ■ I largest and choicest stock of Sat 70 cents on the dollar, so that we can sell them to you at less than factory .' funk stores ask. • :J, ,; fP«J.^O W» .«^/ g
© *, A !' Carpets in the Northwest, and <[ price, and still make an honest profit for ourselves. This sale consists of S *»— —^ * *"v "V <| lyl v L ' J 52
§£$£.„ -^350 U Jwe are so proud of ft that really J, Parlor, Library, Dining Room and Chamber Furniture. ? JL^-J^ ii{m ASS. &E. Combination \T/ ©
l 5 £^^^ Feather ![ jjfther you wish to buy or not! J \^jitra*J , DINING TABLE. -^^^^^^^ j Xjj di"ar7kind,nb°utareact- vlu S
Ok f'r^^^X rUdiner ? But if you are in need of Car- > •*£:* Pfc-C^f .V, ' , , „ vJ^S^&tTr***^^^ < 5© Dozen Spoons (same as > ual 56.50 values. Suit IS ©
V S»vfe^-1 Rnoc- < pets, select now. We ret mpn- > '. J lilt mil ft "Nothlu*? makes a meal more dell- X r—a^^-r-^f-.- X ) „.~.., c, .. j-K * l , . ) ! „ values, buit, EKf . !%:
rft, YS^i-raV . tSGaS, . < P=*» ' „'v -"j;,^ L,-g^ mef- ? - jMf //f/ clous to sit down at a good, ■m^'^^^CT' > cut); Sterling Plate; regular val- < extra Pants d» IHr fFv\ A
©' '21^1^ }> <fc~» m. am X surements, cut and sew Carpets < **M /Ml solid, neat dining table; Romany g-s^Z!g*Slg ajf -a*3jii- ,' ue, 90c per set. Monday's prices: > and Cap, all !KJ. 1 1 Jufiff Pki
Q) pj^^Ll i «P^«7s' < and keep them until you are) J'4d|f//i» people neglect this article. yy.y ?SSZ_ljPl < Tea Spoons, each .... 5c < for V^slt/ ffi!\f \C
J^^^^t6*^ Best quality $ ready to have them laid. j iSH^F (Mond^-I a^RutlfSl rolW^Mk"^ W. HHu9 «' Dessert Spoons, each 8c j ••••••••- y
iQ iS& Black Ostrich i RUS^S Arrived. \ i^^^^S tens?on^iulngtableUthat will seat 8 If^^^Sl 9 5 Table Spoons, each 10c ) RICVCIe d»/ AA S
L-) -^J^wlilil^L-iWJBSar Feather Boa I . . 7 , „ . . i S-^*l^^Ty people comfortably, and has been MapL»^f^rflm WW* > Forks, each IOC < y .. \i\ fill! *P
$ siJp^pS* our regula? < Oriental wlori^s^^efable 1 '*S!^H|- tomonowfof' bUt Wl" ..! $7.65 FjPS*j fl j Knives, each »» Suits w.wwg
S *^c^"^>'Bf^v%^ price, $3.50 > d o orings, vege ac ? . «K/V Another one-Common solid oak ]£mF ' l|Ul < y-<-—,,,*>>^ Gas Globes > d^\ (Just like picture.) Qk
■<a 7 Monday, $2.75 < " , . . ** r ,^-":;^^-j* -■:*:- ? This cut of ourextension diuitif: table, 603 no AimaWl ; -fflpF .-i . /M""7 y\\ "^WH. at half iras X f3^ Five-piece costume, 3^
$ Black Bead Band Trimming-,!* inch- iAy^' s^n * t<l 15 '^ yy feet ion2, will be for .^ -- : >T ' v "|i^ fixture sSe V^P^fcl Norfolk Jacket,©
7%i eswide, all small beads res-u- -i A \ ¥>'• tPUe4<) ii .. r» V in the Fine Dining Tables we are going to make . A-A.l ffl^^-^^^^ja prices. Beau- kf^XYWS Knickerbockers, Al
© lar price, isc. : * cads' "^ Iflc P"C"- ' ' 7•• • y. ' '■ ' ' ■ ? Library Rocker aS^VSlS^lffi.^. .^.fo^.^-^ $18 tO $30 5 W^&ffl ' Sful%?S Wffi gWrt, Leggings- knd §
LA Monday **vv I c 3 4 tt. 8 in. by ffft 7*" ? n.. yl. " You need to see these goods. Be sure to look at them. (> M i'-^**' ~:'w7 Globes,s-inch > Golf CaP« made of »»£?
yJ ' < 5 ft. / in. jM l^iVVith saddle shape 7. ''- - , ";j^ " "• * :- y .;■ " (' N*s"i* r>jJZY .. : „ ,„^ 4.1, ) Kp^T^Xiv hard-finish Pavpi-i /^fe
0^ m^ < Price I d wood seat, highly pol- fAiiru h "■- ' s} z c' WOrth < wMd3 V»?tS, nn *bl\ UOve"
52 n«*£iC?o f ««-Il*ir>*<? \ > ished mahogany fln- tUULn. j^k !' 25c 1 01., ? WSSM Cl°th' m tans and r%\
£& L/ICi^b L<iniriirS, S Uschak, 9 ft. 8 ill. (t*»f ira > ish. at Sl.'J.-..Klves only - figSVTg^ij ,^LRUj^eg>g^«»^ ' < each only J-^2^ ? / i V--^ 1 grays, all cut and -^H
rtLy a. „ . . _, Al c' > bv6ft. 6 in. \ll <%j| X a su^"t,:on of li» Another comfortable }%WM y^<SSS^&^*^^TT^. S 'J " Vt-' * '. „ *i Uyy tSk made in the latest im- <3a
Oi French Horsehair Cloth, also /jr ) pyri " m" ipl'te-iJv \ many-things, offered. ' thing to have. Toucan iiE^SUiti^M^CaaaM^ S 500 More Nicely Pressed > /i^ ''V m ™-ny^ 1 If^iJ Vi??« V
7ki herringbone weaves black /IT ? *^rice } Also Belgian and Ma" .urow yourself down on • M^gmWffißßfflß I Wine Glasses— To be closed <>« < *?s^%^"'7'^ ft H-provea style. 1 "SS
© and grfy, 35c quality.' uiuck /aprak, 10 ft 10 A-rf ft •«/* < lachite Stools. Every .'l* at any time, take it ■^WMS^^^^^^W^m^^ < out Monday, each ZC < 1 1 , costume can only be "^
S and gny,osc quality -.-. • j/^v 8 ft' Bin J wtlclelnourimmensb- ' easy and thank yourself J out Monday, each I^BT I } secured here. 2^
X^sSlT|^^?H?^^^ .^ffaßttß^«^^ Jardinieres-Easter plants are WfT I Our. *,&
iJkirt Lining— Fast black, 25c I /?r i Schira^l^ft 1 «« Aa^ -A > 2?w? to.'i.prlceß- * • sta^ bow you could get along without one before. We will place <as pretty again if shown in a , n IJ Low :* JiiJ tan
-^ i>kirt Lining— Fast black, 25c I /9L > Rpi, ,>»«.« *-. i:„ Ai-^ _A < down In prices. Bel- stand how you could get along without one before. We will place las pretty again if shown in a ■ « W Low A|l
7K quality **»£«» i ocniras.io it. lin. {P^JQ .A J ,t€r give these an early one on sale, with corduroy cover, assorted colors, full tfl J (Ui < Jardiniere. Green, pink • and l :: ■-"-*■: **** • Price VV CA
ffl rj.«>™rfi'hi^ c«^i«„ -. ctaa <by 9 ft. 10 in. •hZII.AH I lnspectio?' Pickwtoit -j* width, tufted spring edge, worth SlB, will be...... S>U.UU I ' .. -.. . » *. -y i "•%-*■ 1_ '. -V^V «
Linen Canvas Dress Facing, 1 Ol^ ( price . V^Uet/V < you want, avoid the if Another Couch, with tufted corduroy cover, value $13 CO AA So • , • y'-' *^ ' I • r^ a. a. **>"#?*'
© all linen, 18c quality J-^C « „ . , lA ■ {crowd. y :x.|a^sis, f0r......... ...~..... ..::.....";......■ ;.!" • $v.uy « 8-inch size, each $2.25 l Linen Department. ©
n^ . . _' • Ai * *i- *.-- ... ' Luristan, 16 ft. 4 d» iiPA / ■ ""'-- ■***•»■-—- ' -S 9-inch size each .. ...$3.25 S X ***•»**• -?^
© Linen Grass Cloth-For sleeve 9C i„. by 13 ft. 1 in- $44.51) ■ "A) . • rTT—» ---W^-, Japanese Jardinieres, new " . | The Largest and Host Popular De- ©
A lining, 12^c quality..... Price -^^ Vlt,t/V | -: • J|||f ,f - • j'hi^fl' I shape ' 50c > partment in the West, with a founda- ©
Fiber Interlining —60 inches |r < -~^ ) .^^^^P^i I k uyl 11 il ' $ tion of truth and euerß'3r> aml the 3^
*0 wide, black and light-colored, I J)*T j W/^all Dnnan J W^ r -4***7l ll 1 5 p»9i china — A S you need at the prices you can
wide, black and light-colored, li^C ? \X/««-nl! o^i«^a*« <^^^^^^^ ; l^yiTll li M "*i d^«i ri.:— " - ' * < foods you need at the prices you can
A 25c quality. Monday .-........' *VV,; W ail rdpCl. |.. *, -; y,a\^\ :y^fflf'- ■'i•/- -. J \ ijjjl 'II' /I I 1 Cream <2V,^^^^Hr «! afford to pay. Visit our popular Linen ©
gfe Cotton Grass Cloth-For sleevs; Kfl \ There is greater^variety in col- fil-^r(l^^^ -i- ''' 7 ' '{3, »(Q " M Pitchers- \F.'tt (^j]' > department. We say for this week: g
% regular price, 9c v\j I orings and styles of Wall Paper X ■»^^™*jW:- IS^BuIJKSTO i®^^^ <! Decorated ft m, <.<>y $ i 60-inch Full-Bleached All-Linen H\r fii
mj ._ - — -;— — :-^- ? for this season than ever. We ) J "flT:.r j J.fjt ' feSls3!lffl,: " '' "' ' tt*** \IU ' !' in assorted * fe^S^" > Table Damask. * • 5C
fl^ Optical Department. '! have it in large quantities and/ M J Jal. V^^^^gj^^S tfl»>*« ft ( spray colors. <$&*>,, V ? 72-inch Full-Bleached All-Linen /»(|r» *«5
S — '"' Eyes Tested Free. )• all &rades- Beautiful things for j. :'- IV "-' '"Syy,'" \\ly*] " .l^ ) Each IQn y\*y'*Y -<\ Table Damask. UUW^
S JLmWS^La. Have' your Spec'acle^ «! !!,ttle mone7' '! - *J 4^ i'only.. A^l> «»v-.v« j 72-inch Double Satin Dam- Cl Sk
© »WR^* °heu"-««^^ 30 PARI OP ■•--£ THAlpl TABLES. |i _f=- *miw*mt*k>\mu\'^^ SU9©
?i \^SrHPffl&*' then we can replace them 5We ran eiv'P' '™i,' ' ■r,^'liV ' ™'m m";'»' ' pAKLUK SUITS. CHAIRS. , ■■■ -■ • « < r1* — 3. Ed and Decorated < fr. •, „,, „ . „, , „,, rak
© -fe-l^^ at any when-broken j^ \eioc^ MnßGilmmer PapeS at iWe are goinK to-put on sale to- A Table, of course. S J?=^ "- Parlor Vase amps, j 60:»ch , Good Hotel Half_32C^
*^333^^ ,or lost. Monday we will sell » T-Mrroll uummer "Pc" at, -> morrow (Monday) tfti!. stylish- Here i*) an «.„ --„"„#„.f(,M- JO" want. Not an ex- > /s<fe^B»*\ : B,altn finish body, an- ) Bleached Linen..*. «^^ Jfc
■^rt Gold-Filled Rimless Eyeglasses and *«0 -rt i' slatfii It Paners as lowaV Derail" Ho < P-*rlor snit of three ' Pieces. "ere is an easy, comfortable pensive one. Here is ) AJ^SS^A tume brass metal foot I Would AH Cost You One-Third Mnr- TS
S pte«,**»r*a*c.********.***-^^^^^^ , g^d combinations w^hQaiirt < lng wili make -your parlor more Chair, witb figured velvet plush a fine figured Curly) / «W^^A and removnhlo oil I WOUia AM Cost YOU One- 1 Bird More Qk
fcrt Steel Spectacles at 10c, < 18-lncb Borden at ocr r 1 iiv. i' ittniCtiT- tha» h»V X ' »Ny cuJhlon. It is 1 Morris Reciin- ?«"* Table; value > /*^.^M complete with (, Anywhere. **P
§ v^T^^^r^^^. "s^CSWfe sgsrth^-aw «gsu «« «-^r6" r-; Brr —»>'"' b8 ton°" Sr-t- 4-F*s "> a— ra*— ■- »**«*- qsc sb
3fc \DTKTS'IHATFPUK i Xcand^c aud liC- at- P erroll. ? silt damask covers, valued at 835 -makes the most comfortable , > L^i^ Bho^ bu*nS-' I Napkins, per dozen. ' "3^^
£» ARTISTS' MATERIAIS 5 llSnff °. ? '*• W PC' ""'* in. < ■"" -junii.lt cvon, T.tueda.B3*- -mates tne met comfottnb.o ... „-. _^^^ 'e.J«"*» W ?""™~. 5 Napkins, per dozen. .* "&Q>>
2 .cgSr™^-..,.. FSSfe»-- 5y.!..-.,^r- $22.50 ;sßSwi^jK««w. $3.25. - 1: 'S^B¥ißx?B 50° y '«rr 24-inch $1 50 8'
W Gold Paint and Brush ...; fSS » Room Mouldings to match all ; -pa-pen i '"' . *„'y*- m '■■ " ryyyyyy.- •, pS&M wl'ckj heR 2)\ handsome Napkins, dozen. «Pi.3V^g
Sr DffiSWS^k^ ....v:......150 ;.. ifyouwant_Waii,Paper Clearer, we >V , Iron and Brass Beds- We are agents for the celebrated Adams, West- ■» ; * \^^© inches/ Priceroniy | Linen Sheeting 8-4 and 10-4- ft/, 9 *
S |! *%s?s? measurements of r^- jl lake & Co''S Metal Be<ls' hi*h Prices $3.95 and upwards. jj !| Ig^ S^Kf q^tSjyS?! OVC g
g c'a% Canvas stretcher made. j^S^^^K*^™*o^ "^- »° lj The Quickest Mail Order House in the West. $1.48. FaDlmaC^-ya^rkeyßed 16iC §
i Sn ages
■ *^r . -,-.•..•; .
13 to 24.

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