2 SOINT POUL. LOCAL NEWS NOTES. A small fire at 1148 Matilda street called cut the Are department yesterday afternoon. Paul Scheffner, shot by his father last Saturday, Is reported as much better by the physician at the city hospital. The funeral of Franclska. Elchler will take place tomorrow morning at 8:30. Services will be held at St. Francis de Sales church at 9 o'clock. SL Paul Camp No. 1. Sons of Veterans, will give a moonlight excursion up the Minnesota river tonight. Steamer Flora Clark and barge for dancing. Will leave foot of Jack eon street at 7:30 sharp. The annual commencement exercises of the Cretin High School will take place at 8 o'clock this evening In Cretin hall, Fort and Sixth streets. The literary and musical programme will be furnished by the students of the school. A sextette of small boys who broke Into a store at 128 East Third street and carried off a sack of fireworks were arraigned In the police court yesterday. The charge against the lads was burglary, and the hearing of testimony was postponed until June 30. THE BLfIY WORLD. F. J. Green, of Janesville, Is at th 6 Met ropolitan. John F. Hughes, of Pierre, S. D., Is a guest at the Merchants'. Charles Bruning and wife, of Columbus, 0., are at the Metropolitan. Miss Agnes Fagerness, of Rushmore, Minn., is registered at the Merchants'. Jerome Mecusker, of Little Falls, is reg istered at the Merchants' hotel. Nate Kingsley, candidate for attorney gen eral, is domiciled at the Windsor. Frank Irons, of Fargo, ex-edltor of the Fargo Argus, is a guest at the Ryan. W. B. Douglas, Moorhead, candidate for at torney general, registered at the Ryan last night". Judge Wells, of Preston, Minn., Is at the Windsor. Ho Is one of the best Democrats In Minnesota, and takes no stock In the free sliver craze. H. H. Landon. G. G. Hannen, Ernest Car ter, Enverson. Latting, New York; Leslie Carter, Miss Carter, Chicago; W. R. Baker, Winnipeg, were arrivals at the Aberdeen yesterday. The Stillwater branch of the Legion of Honor will hold a picnic at Wildwood early In July. They will extend an invitation to the St. Paul lodges to join them. A concert, prize ball and ath'.ezic tournament will be given this evening in Martin's hall, Colorado and Wabasha streets, by the West ern Union bicycle boys. Prizes will be given for the best waltzer. A tug-of war between Redmen and the Danes will be a feature of the evening. E. C. Cooper, of Grand Forks, is a guest at the Merchants. He is a member of the Budge delegation from Grand Forks county, N. D., and expresses the opinion that Mr. Budge will be nominated by acclamation at the state convention. Mr. Cooper Is a travel ing Insurance agent in his state and is one of the most astute politicians In the North state. He asserts that if there is any opposition to the candidacy of Mr. Budge it will be merely perfunctory and due to the opposition of the administration. First Events for June and July. Hotel Lafayette, Mlnnetonka Beach, now open. Saturday, June 2 7. eight-oared boat race between tho Miaaesoti and Du'iith Bnat clubs, followed by hop at Hotel Lafayette. Saturday July 4: Great >Mght-oared roniest between the crack University of "W'lscursm and Minnesota Boat olu'ts. Eight trains- to Mlnnetonka via Great Northern railway. Latest train schedule at 199 East Third street. Spiritualist Camp Meeting. Although there was some rain yesterday, yet the Northwestern camp meeting at Ham line went right on with its work, The dally conference meetings have become a place of Interest to the old spiritualists and the new mediums, skeptics and investigators. They are ably conducted by E. Andrus Titus, of Boston, and are attended by all of the speakers at the camp. Thus It Is possible to glvo an answer to all Inquiring minds. The chlldrens' lyceum or Sunday school, was ac tively engaged In by all present, and will be ffladd one of the features of the camp. To day tfie lyoeum will commence at 9 a. m. At 10:30 the dally conference meeting will be held In the large pavilion. At 2:30 p. m., Mrs. Julia Steelman Mitchell, of Kentucky, will give one .of her interesting lectures and will follow with, a public test seance. Tomor row at 2:30 p. m., Prof. H. D. Barrett, of Washington, D. C, will give another of his inspirational addresses. Got Off With a Warning. Monday afternoon John A. Letheral, while riding a bike on Western avenue, ran Into William Miller, an elderly gentleman. Miller took occasion to swipe the man who collided with him and said a great many things about Letheral that would not look well- In print. Letheral swore out a warrant for Miller on a charge of assault and battery and the case Was heard yesterday in the police court. Judge Twohy advised Miller In the future to be very careful who he struck and made him sign a bond to keep the peace. More Fanners Coming, As one of the several parties of farmers which has been invited to attend and inspect the State Experimental station, an excursion of 55 agriculturalists will arrive in St. Paul from Morrle, Stevens county, Monday, June 29. The party will remain in the city two days, the first of which will be spent at the Experimental station, and the second at the South St. Paul stock yards, where the methods of marketing, shipping and killing stock will be practically explained to the visitors. Another party of 75 excursionists will come down from Alexandria June 30 for the same purposes. Anna Fink Ilonnd Over. The examination of Anna Fink, a midwife who resides on Blair street, and is charged with performing a criminal operation on Mrs. Weisner, came up in the police court yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Weisner gave her testimony and the attorneys for the defense, Messrs. Townley and Haesse, waived examination on behalf of their client The court held the de fendant to await the action of the grand jury and fixed the bond at ?300, which was promptly given. Junior Pioneer Picnic. On Saturday morning at 9 o'clock the sev enth annual outing of the Junior Pioneer as sociation will leave the foot of Jackson street for Lone Rock, on the steamer Daisy. It is expected that this will be the most successful of the outings heretofore taken by the Junior Pioneers, which is saying a good deal. This year the association will see that meals are properly served, not only on the boat, but at the grounds as well. Knocked From a Train. JameS Curraa, living at GSI Mississippi street, jumj sd un BurTlrrfen r Intention of getting to his work on time. He was hanging 3ii the side of a freight car and when passing under the Jankson street bridge was struck by a guard and thrown to the ground. He was taken to his home by an officer from the Margaret street station, and fortunately was not seriously hurt- Transfer of Realty. Theodore Hamm and William Harnm, his 6on, yesterday filed two deeds, transferring to the Hamm Realty company, recently incor porated, all or the real property recorded in their names. The two deeds embrace about 150 descriptions of real ©state. JUNIOR PIONEERS' EXCURSION. Steamer Daisy leaves foot of Jackson street Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. Round trip tickets, 50 cents. B.F. Marnier, 15 East Seventl* St. One car of California Peaches —ripe, 10c perdoz., 75c per box* Car of Fancy Bluefield Bananas, 5, 10. and 150 per doz>, 50e to $1.50 per Bunch. Car Fresh Fancy Messina demons, 15c per doz. Oranges, Apricots, Berries at low prices. Ice Cream Soda, all the different fresh crushed fruit flavors, 5c per glass. Our Crushed Peaches are Delicious, Come And Try Them. A dish of Ice Cream and a dish of Assorted Cake only, 10C. Elegant Ic* Cream Parlor With Electric Fan, The Coolest Place Ii- ThoClty* Complete Line Of Fresh Bakery Goods, Candies, Cigar and Tobaccos Always On Hand. A Low Prices. WILL PKE A BLUFF COUNCIL, FOR POLICY SAKE, TO ATTACK BOARD OP PUBLIC WORKS. LAW IS SAID TO BE WORTHLESS FOR THAT REASON THEY WILL NOT ASK A LEGAL OPINION. ENACTMENT KNOWN TO BE FAULTY Members of the Board Will Not be Legislated Out of Office So Easily. It Is quite possible that the Repub lican council will fire its first gun at the board of public works when the assembly meets tonight. It has de termined to abolish that institution if it can do so. Accordingly the assem bly and the board of aldermen stand ready to adopt the law of 1895, substi tuting a commissioner of public works for the present board without regard to the question of its constitutionality. Whether the assembly will lead the way tonight, or the action be deferred until next week when both bodies will hold regular meetings is uncertain, but there is nothing uncertain regarding the ultimate course the council will take. Before the date of the inauguration— June 2 —the members of the present council held two caucuses on this mat ter, and as recently as last Tuesday the members caucused for a third time, in order to perfect their programme. At the caucuses held In May a com mittee, consisting of Aldermen Mark ham, Donahower and Bigelow, and As semblyman Lewis—constituting the lawyers of the common council, was appointed to examine the act of 1895, providing for a department of public works, and for the appointment by the mayor of a commissioner to succeed the existing board of public works. The committee was also authorized to confer with other lawyers concerning the act, with a view to ascertaining whether the law is constitutional. The members of the council are all aware that the city maintains a legal depart ment for the special purpose of giving them advice upon questions of law, as well as defending suits against the city, but they have seen fit in this matter tc ignore the corporation attorney and his assistants, and have sought advice, if they need any, from private and out side sources. But why a committee of lawyers should require any advice as to the validity of the law designed to abolish the board of public work, is H matter of surprise to all familiar with the act itself. The general Im pression is that the legal luminaries of the common council really entertain very grave doubts of the constitution ality of the law, and that that is one of the reasons why they preferred not to ask the opinion of the corporation attorney, anticipating that that official would hold the act unconstitutional, which is an opinion they do not relish. So, during the past three weeks the committee of lawyers have been study ing, contriving and framing arguments in support of the validity of the act. The chief question that is distressing the committee are these: Is not the act of 1895 unconstitutional on the ground that it is special legislation, and second, is not the act a mere amendment, extension of modification of the former law creating the St. Paul board of public works, instead of be ing a repeal of the same, and for that reason unconstitutional? That the law is essentially special in its application to St. Paul alone is un questioned by anybody. It specifically provides for the substitution of a com missioner of public works for the board of public works in all cities of the state having a population of 100.000 or more and also having a board of public worke. St. Paul is the only city in the state affected by this law, as no other city in the state with a population of 100,000 or more has a board of public works. With such a strong doubt existing as to the constitutionality of the act, the Common council need hardly expect that Commissioners Gorman, Quinby, Hare and Bannholzer of the board of public works, will surrender their seats promptly upon-the passage of a resolution or ordinance adopting the act of 1895. On the contrary It is safe to say that these gentlemen will not step out of their present offices-until the supreme court declares the act abolishing the board to be constitu tional. But, as already intimated, the Republican council will not go into the question of validity of the act, but will adopt it in any event purely as a party measure and as a stroke of political policy. Several interesting measures will be discussed and probably disposed of to night. Among them are the ordinance providing for the licensing of dogs and the resolution authorizing the mayor to appoint six dog catchers for three months and five men with teams to assist, them. Both measures have been passed by the board of aldermen. Aid. Bigelow's bicycle ordinance, passed by the board, as well as the ordinance adopted by Geo. W. Mark ham and introduced by Mr. Kirke, will also be considered. , TO CULTIVATE MINISTERS. F. C. Warner's Experience Hae Tuujslit Him Something. F. *C. Wagner, of the First ward, who wanted to be license inspector, but was turned down by Mayor Doran, has de cided that it is good policy to stand in with the ministers. Of course just before election the vote getters are the ones who have the edge and get the promises but afterward the ministers seem to have the plums. Mr. Wagner is sore and don't care Who knoWs it. He Was the choice of the banner Re publican ward for the position of li cense inspector, and says Mr. Doran admitted he was the man for the place. Instead the appointment was given to Maloney simply because he was ident ified with a select circle, who, it is said, threatened to make it warm for the ad ministration unless their man was giv en the job. An official who was present at the time Maloney was given his commis sion is authority for the statement that Mayor Doran informed the hew license inspector that in addition to his official duties in looking after the licenses he would also be required to keep the min isters in check. To this Maloney re plied that he thought it Would require all his time to look after the licenses of the city without devoting any time to the ministers. The fact that there has been no com plaints regarding the keeping open of the saloons on Sunday and after 11 o'clock p. m., as threatened, Would in dicate that Maloney has found time to head off the promised crusade. PAVOWSG THE A. P. A.'S, S1,olT» Where His OM9 a*CBOW £ em-Heart Ifc. F'&'hV'Jf^Mßank, a trimmer hi the Northern-Pacific ■-shops, whoie fesi *<3»nce is given-in-the cftjPdirectory ar THE SAINT PAULV GtOBE: THURSDAY, JUNE £5, 1S90« 337 Rondo stret, will on Friday night begin to act as driver of the Rondo street patrol wagon; and on the same evening Frank Gadbois expects to com mence service as jailor at the same sta tion. Mr. Eubank finds satisfaction in the report that he is a member of the A. P. A. association, and has been such for three years last past. Gadbois has never denied that he was. and is a member of the A. P. A. association, so that one of the present jailors at that station—probably Kennedy—will have to go to make room for him. There are two men at the station named— Capt Kennedy and "Big Jim" Ma gulre—and one of them will have to go to make room for Gadbois. These appointments have not yet been officially announced. Mayor Doran requested the resigna tion of Patrolman Michael Rafter yes terday, and Mr. Rafter compiled with the request. Rafter was appointed a patrolman last February. Prior to that time he was a coachman in the employ of C. D. O'Brien. He was con sidered an efficient police officer. The mayor appointed Ross R. Miller in place of Rafter. Mr. Miller was, un til recently, the assistant foreman in the Pioneer Press composing room, and is very popular with his associates. ST. PATRICK'S BAZAAR. Feature of the Event Which Begins This Evening. A six-night bazaar, which bids fair to be a social and -financial success, will open at 9t. Patrick's church this evening at 8:00 p. m. It will continue Friday of this week, and Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of next week, ending on July 2. At 8:15 each evening there will be given a free exhibition of the latest talking machine, which can be heard in all parts of the halL This evenjng the Capital City Mandolin club will furnish the music. A variety of games and refreshments will be provided. The booths will be in charge of the following persons: Rosary Booth—Mrs. D. McCauley, Mrs. T. J. Geraghty, Miss E. Lordan. Sodality Booth—Misses K. Mullally, M. Gibbons, E. Curry, V. McCauley, M. Lordan, S. Gibbons, M. Prendergast, N. McCauley, A. Moore, M. Whalen. Daughters of Erin Booth—Mr«. J. Haley, Mrs. E. L. Murphy, Miss A. Kelly, Miss L. Hogan, Miss M. Churchill. The refreshment tables will be In charge of the following persons: Table No. I—Mrs. H. O'Toole, Mrs. T. Connolly, Mrs. T. Hinds. Table No. 2—Mrs". W. S. McCauley, Mrs. G. Chrysler, Mrs. T. White. Table No. 3—Mrs. M. Smith, Mrs. J. La hiff. Daughters of Erin (division No. 2)-Miss M. Sullivan, Miss A. McNamara, Miss C. Corrigan. Lemonade Stand—Messrs. M. Fitzgerald, T. White, J. Downey, T. Whalen, D. Scan lan, T. Jordan, D. Sullivan, W. Gibbons. Children's Stand—Misses K. Fitzgerald, A. McCauley, N. Fitzgerald. Talking Machine—Messrs. M. Fitzgerald, Peter Hlckey. Buttermilk Stand—Misses A. Murphy, N. Griffin. ' M The booths In tho bazaar will be stacked with a profusion of fancy 'in 1 useful arti cles, to be disposed of by sale or guesses. In addition to the foregoing there will be three voting contests: Marled ladles' con test for valuable silver tea set; the candidates are Mesdames J. Maher, E. Sexton, M. J. Sullivan, J. H. Towlerton. Young ladles' contest for solitaire diamond ring; candi dates. Misses V. McCauley, M. Peniy, M. Prendergast, Ida Ryan. Girls' contest for safety bicycle; candidates, Elma Evans,Mamie Farnen, Mamie Tipping, Cassie Welch. The unique .feature of the bazaar will be the exclusion from the floor of all solicitors' books, with the exception of one for each of the above-named contestants. DOO COULDN'T GET AWAY. But he Objected to Too Much Free Silver. H. E. Conklin, who keeps a livery stable on Snelling avenue, was in the police court yesterday. Jt was all on account of a bull dog which Mr. Conk lin owns and which, atferbrding to the statements of its owner^rjs something of a wonder in a way. ..Two days ago Alpha Walters entered the place of business kept by Mr. Conklin and en- J gaged in an argument or rather a dis sertation on the free silver question. Mr. Conklin and the men employed about the barn listened until the talk made by Walters became tiresome and then quietly slipped away one by one. Walters, however, would not be headed off and seemingly without any atten tion to the fact that his auditors had left kept up the talk. The bull dog which, Mr. Conklin says, is as affable as canines of this breed usually are was tied to a four foot chain and could not for this reason follow the other hands. Walters in some way came in reach of the pup and the animal took a bite at him. Judge Twohy heard the stories of the parties concerned yes terday and then reserved sentence. Mr. Conklin contended that he had a right to keep the dog in his own sta ble and as the animal was chained up at the time the fault was not that the dog bit Walters, but that Walters should have gone close enough to al low the dog to seize him. THE WILL PROPERTY. Fight for Its Possession Transferred to St. Paul. The legal flght over the property of Julia Will has been transferred from St. Cloud to the Ramsey county court. This action was ori.. nally brought by a j brother to break the will of his sister, Julia Will, who bequeathed her entire estate to the Order of St. Benedict, Of which she was a member. The brother contested the will on the ground that she did not have the property to devise, and that she was not a free moral agent. The judge of probate held that she was, and the will was admitted to probate. The decision having been sustained by the district court, but was later carried to the supreme court. In the new phase Frederick Will, as ad ministrator of the estate of Catherine Will, mother of Julia Will, deceased, has made ap plication in the Ramsey court for a final de cree In the matter of the estate of his mother. The will of the mother provides that all the property of which she died shall belong to her husband for life. and>'*f*Son his death to her two children. Julltf^Will, now de ceased, and Frederick Wm^lQVPhe will con cludes with the following pi4Vlsions: "None of my children norUfleir heirs shall have any right to my prop*e¥ty until after the death of my husband, Ignatius Will." As Julia Will died prior to her father, the brother, Frederick Will, claims that his de- Ceased sister, not having survived her fath er, had no interest in her mother's estate, and therefore could not devise any thereof. CHARGED WITH LARCENY. James and Michael Lynch Accused of Stealing Wire. Detectives J. J. Daly and Sweeney yes teray arrested Jas. and Michael Lynch, residing* at 554 Aurora avenue, on a charge of grand larceny. The defend ants are charged by Supt. Dow Smith, of the street railway company, with having ma^e away with about 2,000 feet of copper wire. Some" Weeks ago light ning struck the street ca% poles on Uni versity avenue and the feed wire used to convey the electric current was dam aged. The Lynches are alleged to have taketi the wire, which was lying on the ground along the street, and disposed of a portion of it to a junk dealer for 9 cents a pound. Investigation by the officers resulted in the wire being found, and, as the junk dealer identi fied the men as the ones who sold him the copper, they were arrested. The case was continued to June 30. Mrs. Wluslow's Soothing Syro* is an OLD and WELL-TRIED REMEDY, and ,'or bvef FIFTY YEARS has been used by millions of mothers for their CHILDREN vhtle CUTTING TEETH with perfect "success i i soothes the child, softens the gums, reduces inflammation, allays all pain, cures wind colic, :s very pleasant to the taste,: and Is the best -x-tcedy for diarrhoea. Sold by druggists In • very part of the Wofld. PRiCja TWENTY *IVE CENTS A BOTTLE. Bfqaui-e and ask or MRS. WINSLOW'S BOOSHiNQ SYRUP nd take no ether kind, «•« aethers will find A tP.e ,869t Medicine to ua* during the teeftft riig period. GIFT TO JJRS HlMi PRESENTED jWITff AN OIL POR TRAIT OF HER HUSBAND, HON J. J, HILL BY THE LOCOMOTIVE FIREMEN. AIT UNEXPECTED BUT PLEASING OCCURRENCE AT THE SUMMIT AVENUE HOME. HOW THE SURPRISE CAME ABOUT. J. J. Hannahan Malces the Presenta tion In a Felicitous Manner —Mr. Hill Replies. Mrs. J. J. Hill received a very hand some oil protralt of her husband last night It came from a source entirely unexpected, but was none the less a welcome gift The occasion of the presentation waa one of those rare sur prises that come to most people at some time whether they be the wives of railroad magnates or persons less favored. The strangest thing about the affair was the fact that the picture and the presentation were the direct result of the big railroad strike of 1894. If the railroad workers hadn't rebelled, and if the railroad magnates hadn't made a winning fight in that year, then President J. J. Hill's gallery would not now be graced with his portrait and the cause of labor would never have reached so intimate a relation with the president of the Great Northern as it did last night. President Hill was one of the first magnates of the Northwest to remem ber the distress the failure of the big strike was bringing his ex-employes. In every way he aided the efforts of the railroad: boys and gave them em ployment as fast as possible. He held no grudges. He wanted the good men whether they, were strikers or not. His spirit of conciliation was promptly seconded and the result was a feeling of friendliness that culminated in last night's affair. _ To further show that he Is a friend of his employes, last Sunday Mr. Hill placed at the disposal of the local lodges of the Brotherhood of Locomo tive Firemen a special train that the members and their friends might at tend a meeting of the grand lodge which was in session at Duluth. Four teen coaches made up this special train. There were as many women as men on board. When &H the cars were filled the superintendent called for another, and there were no questions asked as to who had the right to ride in that train if the firemen endorsed the ex cursionist. That kindly action was the final coal, of Are that persuaded the members of local assembly No. 61 that the presentation or the gift they had In store for the wife of Mr. Hill should be made by one of the distinguished members of the order. John J. Hannahan, first grand vice mast' :• of the Brotherhood of Loco motive Firemen, was selected to make the pre: mtatjon. J. F. Driscoll and David MurpEy, representing Local Lodge, No. 61,. were In 'tn» party. There wad? no display and a carriage; &nd cart to carry the portrait were all that wew* necessary to carry the gift and the re m-esentatlves of labor to Mr. Hill's home. 1 The party reached the Summit avenue ■mansion shortly after 7 o'clock last evening. Mr. Hannahan is Democratic and had left his card case at home, Mr. Hill is equally Democratic and received the man who sent in bis name written on a scrap, of paper with an indelible pencil with every courtesy. When the visitors entered Mr. Hill, his wife and Miss Hill together with Archibald Guthrie were in the reception hall. The expressman had followed closely with the big square package, and after pro per introductions Mr. Hannahan said, addressing Mrs. Hill: "We have come to make you a present—a present we believe you'll honor, not only for Itself, but for the source from which It comes. This gift is made as much on be half of our wlyeß to you as a woman, as it is an indication, from the men from the order we represent that ;we appreciate Mr. Hill as a man and as an employer. In the trouble Mr. Hill had with the locomotive firemen in the-great strtkevof two years ago, we realize that he had much .to contend with. We also know that men, entertain different opinions on questions and particularly in the trying times like that to which I refer. We know that he made great efforts to help his men, that he advocated arbitration, and w*V believe that It was largely due to yo ir personal in fluence that this friendship was s-o UiuTvly manifested in of the railroad em ployes. This we hfve been told, and this our wives have ..convinced us contains a large measure or truth. This picture is pre sented without catering In any way to senti ment or with tho sacrifice of any independ ence upon our par4»l It Is, and we hope you will so receive 'lt„ an expression of the re gard we have lar your husband as a man and our admirati'oS for him as a great rail road manager."' When Mtt Hannahan had finished tfie portrait Was unveiled. Mrs. Hill laughingly exclaimed, "Papa, I have got a new man." Then, her manner changing to one of deep feeling, in a few words she express ed gratitude for the gift. Mr. Hill, however, was not so silent. He* scrutinized the elegant painting, declared it a splendid likeness, but a little too good looking, wanted to know the name of the artist, and asked as many questions about it as a boy with his first tintype in his possession. All present pronounced the likeness excel lent. The subsequent proceedings were more like a discussion of labor matters in Mr. Hill's office, and the magnate and labor leader met on equal terms again. It so happened that Mr. Hill knew personally the two representatives of the local lodge of Locomotive Firemen that were in the party and his conver sation was directed as much to them as to the more distinguished Mr. Hanna han, an he appealed to them at times for confirmation of his assertions. Then the visitors withdrew and Mr. Hannahan hastened to the Omaha train en route. tp t Chicago. Hannahan was one of tht> foremost of the A. R. tr. leaders in Chicago during the big strike two years* ago. He is a yt#"""& man and moat conservative. He was opposed to the"'Esrj'ke at that time and he, it was, who jiiore than any of the other leaders brought about a final ad justment of afgiirs. But he was so pop ular with his friends in labor ranks, in spite of his, conservation, that he was put up by thjefn as a candidate for congress and Jl came within a narrow margin of winpi^g. WILL, NOT??Jr"tAjVB THIS YEAR. tr—3 Robert and Cedar Streets to be Left Undisturbed. It Is not fikely'.that Robert and Cedar streets **U1 be paved this season. Yes terday jjte board Of public works, arter grantijjl the property owners a hear ing iiyeach matter, decided to submit adverse reports on the preliminary or ders for paving these two streets from Third to fiiihth streets. The hearing on the preliminary or der for paving Robert street, which took place in the forenoon, was distin guished by the attendance of a number of prominent citizens, who own the abutting property. Among them were cx-Mkyor Smith, Judge j. W. Lusk. William DaWson, Chafles Miller, C. E. -B^lfelby, -Sx-Gd"""-; Ramsey,- t3tebrg^^H% John E. Haggenmiller, John Kerwln, Robert Mannheixner, William Con stans, George W. Taylor and others. The only property owners who favored the improvement were Robert Mann heimer and Bowlby & Co. Of th« others, all who were questioned were opposed to having the street paved this year. They contended that the pres ent wooden pavement was good enough, and laid stress upon the fact that many of the property owners had already paid assessments for the pav ing- of Fourth and Sixth streets. Ac cordingly the board of public works de cided to submit an adverse report. In the afternoon the board granted a hearing on the order to pave Cedar street. The property owners were well represented. Ex-Gov. Ramsey voiced the sentiments of all when he assured the board that the times were "infer nal hard," and ai-gued that Cedar street was not an important business thoroughfare and that the present wooden pavement would answer for an other year, after repairing the worst places. The board took the same ac tion as it did in the case of Robert street. Only one property owner fav ored the Improvement, while seven teen out of twenty-eight expressed their opposition thereto. ORDERS FOR SIDEWALKS. Assembly Committee Considers a Large Number of Them. The assembly committee on streets held a lengthy session yesterday after noon, which was largely devoted to passing on final orders from the board of public works for laying and relaying sidewalks and crosswalks, and orders providing for the discontinuance of sprinkling on portions of certain streets. The committee, instead of recommending the passage of the side walk orders, referred most of them to the various assemblymen according to the districts in which they reside for the purpose of investigation and in or der to ascertain the wishes and views of the property owners who would be assessed for the improvements. The general discussion developed upon the part of Messrs. Reardon, Krahmer and Thompson a disposition to question the wisdom of the board of 'public works, ar.d a unity of sentiment in favor of abolishing that institution. The committee also decided to sub mit adverse reports on most of the or ders for discontinuing the sprinkling of portions of streets that are now sprinkled. The committee decided hereafter to refuse to recommend the adoption of measures permitting the erection of wooden buildings within the fire limits. In other words, it is proposed to strict ly live up to the ordinance prohibiting the erection of such buildings or wood en additions or repairs within the fire limits. A protest was received from E. S. Willard, objecting to the paving of the Third street hill from Pleasant avenue to Summitt, unless the street railway company is made to pave its tracks from Pleasant avenue to the foot of the Selby hill. Accordingly the com mittee deferred action on the award of the contract let by the board of pub lic works to Thomas Reilly until the next regular meeting, which will take place next Monday at 3 p. m. Assemblyman Kirke's bicycle ordi nance was laid over until this after noon, when the committee will meet to consider it as well as the Bigelow ordinance passed by the board of al dermen. KNIGHTS OF MALTA PICNIC lour Hundred Excursionists Eojoy the Day at Russell Beach. The -fh-st annual picnic of the St. Paul and t \'lnneappllß commanderies. An<-if»nt and 11 --lus?trlot";? Order of the Knights of Malta, was held at Ruscel Beach, on the shores of Lake Chisago, yesterday. Nearly 400 members of the order and their friend'} left the Union depot at 8 o'clock In a sp-j-ciat train of eleven coaches on the Duluth road, arriving at Llndstrom at 9:30. Two-thirds of the excur sionists were from this city while the others composed the Mill city contingent. The 9L Paul Knights of Malta band occupied v coach in the middle of the train, and previous to starting en route, and as the party drew up at the station, entertained the pleasure seek ers with a programme of popular musical selections. Upon the arrival at the picnic grounds every thing conducive to an enjoyable day's outing In the line of boating facilities, fish ing te.ckle and baJM"? boosts was found In readiness for Immediate service and the an ticipated pleasures of the first joint picnic were soon In process of realization. The first event of the regularly arranged programme was an address on the history of the order of Knights of Malta, by Rev. M. G. Schuman. Mr. Schuman began his r«marks by placing the foundation of the order at 1010 A. D., and traced its progress and Influ ence through the Crusades and successive cen turies up to the present time. In a concise manner which called forth the closest at tention from his auditors. At the conclusion of the address the ar rangement committee put on a programme of atl.hitic sports which ran well through the day, though b?lng completed In time to avoid a heavy rain storm which swept over the lake about 5 o'clock. The game of ball between nines picked from the commander ies of Minneapolis and St. Paul was won In four Innings by the St. Paul team by a score of 11 to 3. The St. Paul commanderies were also the victors In the tug-of-war contest, winnlncr from their opponents in three trials. For those who did not care to participate in the athletic events there was dancing In the pavilion throughout the afternoon to the music of the Malta band. The picnicers re turned to the city at S:3O last evening. DIED AT BITTE. W. >I. Itn mi It! Found Dead in His Room. A telegram from Butte, Mont., says: "W. M. Ronald, formerly a well known and pros perous merchant In the city of Winnipeg, of the firm of Parter & Ronald, wholesale deal ers In glass and crockery. Ronald has been In Butte and the near towns for the past few weeks as traveling salesman for the firm of Wemott, Howard & Co., of St. Paul. He has been on the spree since his advent here, sometimes borrowing money from Manitoba friends, and after spending it at the bar of saloons, would wait around for others to treat. He stopped at the Butte hotel as long as his credit lasted, and then sought lodging in a "two-bits" establishment. On Friday "he slept until about 6 o'clock In the evening, when he was discovered to be a corpse. Coroner Richards held an request on Saturday, but nothing was elicited to show either foul play or an attempt at suicide. The verdict was death from natural causes. The Masons took charge of the body for Inter ment." H. A. Boardman, manager of "Wemott, Howard & Co., was shown the above dis patch at his residence, 451 Grove street, last evening and asked concerning Ronald's con nection with his firm. "I know practically nothing about the man," said he, "as he was in our employ scarcely three weeks. This was last April, and I have neither seen nor heard of him since, until notified by Coroner Richards, of Butte, that he had died under peculiar circumstances in that city last Friday. Whtle with us Mr. Ronald was considered to have borne an ex cellent reputation, though from other than a business standpoint we knew little about him. His home is. I think, however. In Win nipeg, where his family at present resides. How much of a family he had I do not know, though I understand there was one son about eighteen, years of age." Cures Absolute, perfect, permanent cures, even after other medicines have fail ed, have given Hood's Sarsaparilla the first place among medicines and the largest sales in the world. Hood's IW B' Sarsaparilla IS the Best—ln fact the Ode True Brood Purifier. Hrw-kH'c Dillc cure Liver Ills; easy to lIUUU 5 flll& taji^ tooperste. 86c Field, Schlick & Co. Biomimn to FM4. ■•bier * O*. Less Than Half-Price. There will be a sale of Shirt Waists here tomorrow that will astonish the town. The two special lines will be sold at Less Than Half- Price —much less than cost of manufacture. One line of Ladies' Laundered Shirt Waists, well made, good styles, per fect-fitting, for 37 cents each; lowest retail value, 75 cents. But here is the wonder: About 300 highest grade Shirt Waists, the verj- best Waists in the country, including the celebrated "Star" and "Monarch" makes, for merly sold for $2.75, 53.50, $4.00 and $4.50, all for $1.50 today. None on approval, and not more than three to one buyer. Ready at 9 o'clock. 45 Tailor-Made Jackets,this season's best styles, strictly all-wool £^ PfP material, worth $6.50 and \jk 11 $7.50; today only V"« I C/ 50 Tailor-Made Silk and Wool Jac quard Dress Skirts, 5 yards wide, lined throughout with d»<2 IfP rustle taffeta, worth $6.50; Jhj.f!) today ™ Silk Selling. The lowest Silk prices ever known in St. Paul. Every yard of Silk in the three lots here mentioned is offered at less thau manufacturers' cost. For 40 Cents. About 100 part pieces of Novelty Silks in this season's newest designs, worth all the way from 85c to $1.50 a yard. All at 40 cents a yard. For 75 Cents. Nearly 100 pieces choicest Warp Printed Taffeta Silks, in qualities that stand alone, many of them worth $2.00 a yard; choice for 75 Cents today. This is less than the regular selling price of ordinary Taffetas. For a. few dollars you can get a Silk Petti coat that would cost $20.00 or $25.00 ready made. Black Silks. Two tables are covered with a whole sale stock of Black Silks, bought at 40 cents on the dollar. Prices run from 40c to 95c; values are 75c to $2.00. These Prices Speak For Themselves. 600 Ladies' Ecru Ribbed Ral- f A briggan Vests, laces at neck and \yQ arms. Extra special for Thursday Ladies' "Hermsdorf" Black 40 --gauge Maco Cotton Stockings, extra high spliced heels, extra spliced gp soles and toes. Extra special \oSC, for Thursday *vv Girls' and Boys' 2-1 and 1-1 Ribbed Cotton Stockings, all sizes a^ from 6to 10. Extra special for Iff] Tnursday V Children's Frenchßalbriggan Shirts, imported to sell at 50c. tftfQ Thursday special Ladies' Canvas Bicycle Leg- gings; assorted ri,\C colors. "vv Short Lengths and Odd Pieces of White and Black Trimming- Laces are being* closed out regard less of value. Some at cost, some less than cost, some at half cost. Fortunately for us it's not a big lot. Ladies' White Leather Belts iA —a special purchase of 1,200 ilfC Belts, for *vv Silk Belts, 2 inches wide, white, black and navy blue, silver fin- |Q ish buckles, worth 35c. For IfjC, just half-price Ladies' 8-inch India Rubber -gA Dressing M£ Combs *vv Ladies' White Linen Collars, |5 cents. Ladies' White Linen Cuffs, 25 cents. Kid Qloves. Genuine French Suede Mousque taire Gloves for 85 Cents a pair today. All sizes in brown, tan, mode, pearl and gray shades; regular $1.50 kinds. Every pair warranted. TWO PRICE WONDERS. (In the Linen Room.) 75 pieces White Checked Lawns, 32 inches wide; all you want today for 5 Cents a yard. Worth 12% cents. 1,500 yards Pin-Head Dotted Swiss, 30 inches wide, for 15 Cents a yard today. The lowest price ever made for Embroidered Swiss. Midsummer Sale of Muslin Underwear. 300 fine Muslin Corset Coy- |/J ers, perfect-fitting, well made, \LQ only Only 80 India Linon Dress QA Waists, full front, fine embroid- Q7C ered collar, worth $1.50, for v** A chance to buy Skirts for less than ever before. 240 good Muslin Skirts, with cluster of tucks and cam- PA brlc flounce. Thtitf&l!? r< • jlllf special •S.-Vftt'.'.n. KS! VVV These few items i'^'bnlV' 'mentioned to show how prices" run during otir"' Annual Midsummer Sale. FIELD, SCHLICK & CO., ....CONTINUE 0.... For Men. The best Underwear values in the United States. Genuine "Bonbon" French Balbrig.» gan Shirts and Drawers, all seams double stitched, all sizes ag-ain in stock. Our price for usual 75c P A qualities. JllC .only v v w Imported Cotton Socks, tan |/*| or fast black, ribbed tops that I/7C will "stay up" * HELD, SCBLICK & CO. Successors to Field. Mahler A Co. CITY NOTICE. Office of the City Treasurer, St. Paul, Minn.. June 24. 1596. All persons Interested In the assessments for sprinkling In Sprinkling District No. 6, under contract of the James Forrestal Com pany, during the season of lvj:.. WILL TAKE NOTICE, that on the Bth day of May, 1899, I did re ceive different warrants from the City Comp troller of the City of St. Paul for the col lection of the above-named assessments, on the following streets: Alley In Block 1, J. C. Stout's Addition to Summit Park Addition, east 340 feot thereof. Avon street, from Osceola avenue to Car roll street. Ashland avenue, from Western avenue to Grotto street. Ashland avenue, from Grotto street to Vlo torla street. Arundel street, from Martin street to Uni versity avenue. Arundel street, from Holly avenue to Car roll street. Arundel streot. from Martin street to St. Anthony avenue. Arundel street, from Fniverslty avenue to Thomas street. Aurora avenue, from Rice street to Dale street. Aurora avenue, from Dale street to St. Al bans street. Blair street, from Arundel street to Mao kubln street. Carroll street, from Rice street to Grotto street. Carroll street, from Grotto street to Avon street. Charles street, from Rice street to Dale street. Como avenue, from Rice street to Western avenue. _ Como avenue, from Atwater street to Union street. Dale street, from Como avenue to Goodrich avenue. Dayton avenue, from 260 feet west of Sum mit avenue to Third street. Dayton avenue, from Avon street to Vic toria street. Edmund street, from Rice street to Dais street. Edmund street, from Dale street to St. Al bans street. 9 Farrlngton avenue, from Laurel avenue to University avenue. Floral street, from Summit avenue to Grand avenue. Fairmont place, from Dale street to Vlo toria street. Fairmont place, from Milton street to Vlo toria street. Front street, from Dale street to Lexington avenue. Fuller street, from Rice street to Dale street. Fuller street, from Dale street to St. Al bans street. Goodrich avenue, from north and south al ley east of lot 6, Terrace Park Addition, to Milton street. Grand avenue from Lawton street to Victoria street. Grand avenue, from Victoria street to Chatsworth street. Grotto street, from St. Anthony avenue to Osceola avenue. Grotto street, from St. Anthony avenue to University avenue Hague avenue, from Dalo street to Vic toria street. Holly avenue, from Dale street to Victoria street. Iglehart street, from Rico street tc Flsk street. Jay street, from St. Anthony avenue to Fullor street. Kent street, from Ashland avenue to Selby avenue. K( nt street, from Marshall avenue to Thomas street. Laurel avenue, from Nina avenue to Flsk street. Lawton street, from Summit avunue to Grand avenue . Lincoln avenue, from Oakland street to Milton street. Louis streeet, from Nelson street to Fuller street. Mackubin street, from Summit avenue to Charles street. Marshall avenue, from Western avenue to Grotto street. Marshall avenue, from Grotto street to Vic toria street. Martin street, from Rico street to Grotto street. Marlon street, from University avenue to Charles street Milton street, from Summit avenue to Lin coln avenue. Nelson avenue, from Summit avenue to Western avenue. Nina avenue, from end of asphalt paving to Sibley avenue. Oakland avenue, from Ramsoy street to Summit avenue. Osceola avenue,' from Pleasant avenue to Victoria street. Portland avenue, from Dale street to Vic toria street. Rondo street, from Rice street to Avon street. St. Albans street, fro» Pleasant avenue to Fairmont avenue. St. Albans street, from Fairmont avenue to 140 feet north of Martin street. St. Albans street, from point 140 feet north of Martin street to University avenue. St. Anthony avenue, from Rice street to St. Albans street. Selby avenue, from Submit avonuo to Vic toria street. Sherburne avenue, from Rice street to Dalo street. *" Summit avenue, from west line of Third street to 250 feet south of Dayton avenue. Summit avenue, from Dale street to Snell lng avenue. Summit place, from Dayton avenue to Mar tin street. ' , Thomas street, from Arundel street to Western avenue. Thomas street, from Arundel street to Dale street. University avenue, from Rice street to Lex ington avenue. Van Buren street, from Kent street to Dale street. Victoria street, from Marshall avenue to Osceola avenue. Virginia avenue, from Summit avenue to University avenue. Western avenue, from Dayton avenue to Como avenue. The nature of these warrants is, that if you fall to pay the assessment within THIRTY DAYS, after the first publication of this notice. I shall report you and your real estate so as sessed as delinquent, and apply to the Dis trict Court of the County of Kanisoy, Minne sota, for judgment against your lands, lots, blocks, or parcels thereof so assessed. Includ ing Interest, costs and expenses, and for an order of the Court to sell the same for the payment thereof. C. L. HORST, City Treasurer. June 25. DR.FELLER 180 E. 7th Street, St. Paul, Minn. Speedily cures all private, nervous, chron'& and blood *»<* skin diseases of both sexos without the use of mercury or hindrance from ousiness. NO CURE, NO P\Y Prl vate diseases, and all old, lingering' casea where the blood has become poisoned caus ing ulcers, blotches, sore throat and mouth pains In the head and bonea, and all d'sea^i dt the kidneys and bladder are cur«>d 'or life. Men of all ages who are suffering from the results of youthful Indiscretions or ex cesses if mature years, .producing nervous ness. Indigestion, constipation, loss of mem ory, etc., are thoroughly and permanently cured. Dr. Feller, who has had many rears of ex perience in this specialty, is a graduate frotc ohe of the leading medical collages or tho country. He has never failed in curing any cases that he has undertaken. Cases and correspondence sacredly confidential. Call or v write for Ust. »f questions. Medicine sent by mail and express everywhere free from risk and exposure.