OCR Interpretation

The Saint Paul globe. (St. Paul, Minn.) 1896-1905, July 10, 1904, Image 10

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90059523/1904-07-10/ed-1/seq-10/

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i. "TflSTna once, wEenth'of T l>ando'Sal'got eatcSed "
{ft Ih Dotdrums. They wusn't a capful o wind stirrin' an' it a ..*• ' ■' TrYbu see, Bill, mv mate, wus somefEin^o* ** arfi« 7 ittct-n m ,.,,,
>,ked ( like we w OS agoinM' lay there an' rot, but instead o' &**' done a dealing tatooin' in his time; an- hav"pl^ died laff'in- fT, th™w fan. rl8I«« •» w»h th' idey an' you'T a
Wit easy ol' Walrus'set me an' Bill t' paintin' th' ship ° t^t an' canvas right f our hand 1 talked th' skipper over marked Mm oT( %m V J" I,™ Out his chest while Bi"
an^pa-ntedrera^htstidd, afore I thought °* ■*- '^^SfrP' ««•«- •-•-»? sn J^-"- £?&'£ Stt^frJ*^.
I^™™™*^***™-^^u 'l^ '_„ ' I ~ ■ ' , *a« BiHj)ainted an* made Davy Jones stick in th' hole
4 H You'd be surprised yerself at th* resemblance an' -v*^— \ "* ■'■L^^^^'^P^^^^Ai ~ ~~~ 4w—>' ~~
a Me-I.ke pitcher Bill he'd drawed we thought he'd keel over fidgetin' around; Bill tried t' holdTm steldv but hw«/„ If £J ° .*'. ff ' th ,""' thinß we knowed ">ey wus a S
/fnnvri.hl iooi"b« C. L HillJ
I. ~T ffi!hS once, wfien tV of TDandn' Sal # got catcfced
Ift tfi' Doldrums. They wusn't a capful o f wind stirrin* an* it
lO*ked like we was agoin* t» lay there an' rot, but instead o*
takinMt easy o\> Walrus'set me an f Bill t' paintin* th' ship
anLwe painted fer a fortnight stiddy afore I thought o* a plan,
4 w You'd be surprised yerself at th' resemblance an'
we couldn't hardly keep our face straight when th' oP man got
back an' we told 'im th' job wus finished. When he saw wot
a life-like pitcher Bill he'd drawed we thought he'd keel over
an' when Davy rolled his eyes a time or two it actually took
th' ol' feller's breath away
p dojne gonA rjO]^XVSS^^i' T - - -^ I F/it?Ktle wr^u,Epp ( h-e-l-p:: •
\^~TJl\ '^jfot'- :. (smasheo dax — -i^-^^c-^&m : f^^- iri' 'TQ p&~ip "^N cute that takes Jr ; Jise a stung Z_H^
<S^-^ ifi-'S? Hill d'StfT Irnfc ~1 H^^ 1 / \ I f / / / v*i
h'« v i«> !L^ Y U ve 6 ' Bm * m mate ' Wus wmetSiii r an artist,
ham' done a deahn o\ tatooin' in bis time, an' havin' plenty
o paint an' canvas right tv our hand I talked th' skipper over
LSS^KSi?" lt > a gen Vine han>-painld likft-
5. " They's no telliri' wofud a happened if Davy, who
wus allus afeared o' th' Caj>, more or less, hadn't got t'
fidgetm' around; Bill tried t' hold »im steady but it was no go
an we see it wus time t' set sail fer th> skipper wus beginnin' V
get red in th' face agin', an* we knowed he suspected foul play
ai*a t ?/• ,n t TEr°l'man fen right in with th' idey an» you'dT a
th- ioke 6' fe r tt e n, Dr, B!!! didn'1 W, a" '" see how Davy «Pl«'»«*

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