18 nnnrxri riti tr* itr^. /*S tag n rS fr* 1 nim /??s nn n n /—\ >< >-v ri nJ^ ♦ ■ •» ♦~^~* H MINNESOTA BEATS WISCONSIN'S STURDY TEAM STORMQUIST Wisconsin Right Half and Fullback + Wisconsin Right Half and Fullback MINNESOTA EQUALS MICHIGAN'S SCORE Continued From Thirteenth Page Out on the field there was no sympathy displayed, and, beaten beyond redemption, "Wisconsin played as hard, if not harder, than ever. Try as they would, Minnesota :could, not get across the. line ■ for . the ". touchdown : that would have made a maniac of everyone present. Another touchdown would have meant much to Minnesota and could have added but lit tle bitterness to Wisconsin, and Just when everyone thought the team from Madison, would become discouraged N they .. settled down and fought grimly for. every' Inch. After the kickoff following the fifth touch ■ down, Minnesota" started to sweep up the field, in compliance with the insistent ap peal for "another." Wisconsin rallied and held the exultant Gophers for downs and then kicked. Minnesota sped, up the field and again and again was forced to kick. Wisconsin could make no -.gains and re turned the punt after two i, tries, and all' the time the precious seconds were i tick ing off. The remaining minutes were, spent In this unprofitable play and the final whistle blew with the the i first V half tola ' severely on both ■; line and back field.- In the; second half there was scarce ly %. scrimmage ' which . wasn't V delayed whug^the^trainers restored some battered BaOSCr, ana Coach Curtis was sending in fresh men- every few moments. fi - --- On the offensive Minnesota was at times irresistible. Three • minutes for the first - touchdtrwn and another made in the same ' time in the opening of the second half tells! this feature of the play. Then again Wisconsin, held, but this was due more to the -desperate valor of the Badgers than any-falling off on the part of .Minnesota. . Wisconsin simply played on nerve and grit, but nerve 'and grit ■ cannot last for ever-and Minnesota wore out their stout hearts. {- .' ••£ <'.*■-: ■ ■*„ ; - The • defense' of the Gophers was as bril liant as their offense.., Wisconsin's' elec tric c.ha,rej» were effective for first down but five times during the game and their trick plays; ? which were few. were never successful. ri The line was - always - solid. A. yard and sometimes two or three could ««« hVw ? eX£ 0™ P«ited. ; Time " J£L VFSS ■ Vanderboom and Clark shot against the forwards, to : get through for a foot, when - the Minnesota back field wouW rally to the opening and throw - the runner back for no gain or a loss. ■ ?*:*T Gophers Well Balanced - Minnesota played k well balanced game. There was a dearth of individual spec tacular-^lajra. .which- brtng the Multitude ■"J°i^ h.'S' fßt' but this fact probably con tributed the more to their success Every man on the team played his same -an « ?n n?t laj» A sjr6tem. and there wal^o bTa* ing ft..-..Davies. Kremer and Burgan did wonders advancing the ball, buT^very man on the team was in on . every play ana made their runs possible • - • :*.',25.h?2? "I 1"018111 to be made Is that of fumbling. - Minnesota lost the r ball' again end again by. dropping It. Without the £ UIJ£Si score would nave been great I er b/ . touchdowns. as the blunders al ' SB^-^ & c, ritlcal moments. Minnesota suffered, heavily from the officials and • JT BS22l«^. capSd; udicla» retribution al mos^entlriJtj'.i Minnesota ■ lost ;15 • yards' I for offside play and 45 yards ! for: holding^ making- a total of CO yards that had to be, regained.. With all this the game was , remarkably free 1 from rough work -;v"v ~ There may have been some exchanges that are barred in ", the rules, . but at least r that had the merit of escaping the notice .of ; the spectators. During, the entire game there was not a single demonstra tion , against the Badgers, and there were" UiL fWl.tf^ any< who did n°t openly ad mire their brave struggle. .- Davies, Kreiner and Burgaif did the ground gaining for Minnesota. Davies al ™ftS/w«L. bY# ckiS-K the line low and hard outdid himself. .Kremer. In the past care \lVL£ %?u pomt *of laziness. was. trans ? formed Those who watched " him - amble ; *£f line l In the - earlier - games £ could hardly Sfcognire the mad, headlong „ plunges ,of . ykterday. ■ And - Burgan did .i every * *& l aA we as either, -and just as often. V To Davies • frtl the lot of making the lon* run of the day—42 yards around , s the.- end z which brought . him within .10 yards of. .Wisconsin's , goal. line, while '■■ Current did not show up as strongly as th« two backs and tha end; In ground ! - fainlnK.^it: was only for lack of oppor ". -; tunity. There;.' Is Mttle ■• of f spectacular 1 -■•■--■■■."■ . v ~» -. . .r - • . . „ . ...-rr..,^ REMP -—_■■"'-'- '••-■ " ■''■'■ ■■ ■■-■'■ . ■ Wisconsin Center straight bucks into the line, but Current was always good for a gain, and it was always easy to tell Just where he hit. Team Well Generated . ■ "Sis" ; Harris ran the team' with con summate skill and easily outgeneraled Jones. It is doubtful if he made a mis take in the entire game and he fought and straggled for every bit of territory. He snapped out the signals in I his old time form and three times got the play under way before the . Wisconsin men had time: to\getiin line. He did nothing remarkable in punting, but held his own .with either. Flefsher. or Bush. ' Kicker was the surprise in the line. The big guard showed .up well In the first part of the season'and then slumped so that it looked as ,if he was out of the running.- Yesterday he put up a game hard to beat. ; Brush, be.side him, gained -many a yard for the maroon and gold and; on the defense -allowed but few gains Strathem Remp had a mighty strug gle.! but "Mose." in his calm, unruffled way, generally managed to have the best of It. On the either side of the line was **Sii*iny" Thorpe = Into the thickest of .every play, taking the grueling that comes .to the Jineman". until he was swathed in adhesive .- rape from head to foot. Case. at his lett,.fought his earnestly aggressive "same: working every minute until relieved •by > Vita. Vita made good gains and • played strong' on the defense. v-Marshall at left end was given no op portunity to carry the ball, but he put up a; good article of defense. Several gains were • made by him, but he always more than made up for them by spoiling a double: pass, j Vanderboom was unable to negotiate the plays against "Minnesota •. that have built his football reputation. He was the Badgers* best ground gainer and play ed a hard, defensive game.. Bush was not so strong at right -end, but he was bet ter than cither Flndlay'or Perry at left. Bertke was unable to stop many of the' Minnesota rushes and his position in the line gave the Gophers good gains. Dona van fought hard against odds. Remp pass ed the ball poorly at times. Fleisher punt ed well and held Minnesota, but it was the tackles that were the points, of at tack. Both- Brindley and St.- Germain, who replaced him, were hammered down. Jones lacked Harris" generalship and speed. Wrabetz played steady and hard #.nd Stormqulst added strength to % the team when he replaced the right half. 5 ;? Fully 18.000 people witnessed the game and this number would have been greater but for the Tact that one of the Wiscon sin section* was nearly empty. Had this section.! been thrown 'open to .the public early In the week it is - certain that it would.have been tilled. There were hard ly I.WH) Wisconsin.rooters-present, allow-' Ing for. a liberal scattering throughout the stands. • V- v «-~- - ■ -•-..- --. * ■, 4 Among those in the boxes. were Gov van Sant and ' Governor-elect': John -A.' Johnson.- Gov. Van Bant had invited Gov. La Follette.to be present, but the Wiscon sin executive discovered at the last mo ment that official business -would prevent" his attending. The day wag ideal, a little nip of frost for the benefit of the players and not so cold as. to. make •it uncom fortable for the spectators. All In all, Min nesota, closed the football -season'at home in a . particularly pleasing • manner. - - • rThe.Game In Detail '.; .'Minnesota trotted, on to the field a few moments after 2 o'clock and was greeted enthusiastically. As soon as they were all: on the field « roar went up from "16 000 --throats and. the ..Minnesota i band ! truck up a triumphal - air. Megaphone brigades thundered.and the cheering lasted until the men formed in a ring and began pass ing the ball. Wisconsin came ' out a few minutes later and the reception given to the Badgers wag tart lime less- In volume than that accorded the ; Gophers. Wiscon- •-' sin romped [ through a. few signals to • the music-of the Cardinal,band and Captains Bush ;Bnd.Strathern'tDs«ed for choice of g0a1.,. Strathem won and took. the Church street-goal. A few words of instruction from the officials and the play was on *- Jones kicked off to the 30-«ard line but the ball roiled out of bounds On hi* second attempt he booted the ball to the 35-yard line, where Current caught It and brought tit- back- 10 yards>before being downed. Fullback Clark made the tackle that brought. Current down and the Wls- consin man was "knocked, out. in ; the first I play. He soon came to and the play, was • resumed. \ Current took the ball through Bertke. for ■ 3 \ yards . and Davies brought the Minnesota rooters to their feet with a dash for 22 yards: between" Bertke and Findlay. The ball-was taken. in 26 yards and : Current' went '. through Flelcherfor a a-yard . gain. Kremer bucked - Brindley for the : same : distance. and; Current: smashed over Bertke ' for 6 yards. Kremcr ' hurdled the line for.: 8 yards and brought the ball to 'Wisconsin's ,25 -yard line."-- Burgan skirted rCapt. Bush's end • or 14 yard* : and Kremer hurdled , the left side of Wiscon sin's • line, : going "11. yards ' for the; firrt touchdown after three minutes of play Marshall kicked out to Harris and Har ris kicked goal.'- Score: Minnesota 6, Wis consin 'O. H.r -.*v. *■-*■*- ~'" ' ■ ' --'■"-'. . \ Gophers' First ; Fumble : Jones • kicked • off to the 5-yard line Ho. Burpan. who brought* it back 13, yards and fumbled to ■Wisconsin. Bush went by Mar shall for two yards and was hurt. fi Vander boom;hurdled the line and started on a; pood! gain, only to be thrown ; back. Jones dropped ' back;, to the - 30-yard •: line - for t a place kick. Romp made a poor pass, and Jones missed the'goal by a Tnarrow. margin. Harris kicked ; out 1 from I the > 25-yarrd i line, the bali rolling ■' out «of txwuidß ion Wls c«Nrisln'» 44-yard line. Harris tried again ro»\the 25-yard ■ line < and kicked .'to Wra- THE ST. PAUL GLOBE. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13. 1904 FINDLAY «t -jay **^;> ? t ~* -'-iiw** wf £&BF ] I BR; X JaßC^^Bwn99l^^^^^^H^^^^^^V^ofißß9B33E9B * "*' ♦ v mi^i^Hi^^^Bi^H^^^^^^^Br ~ 2 DlflS^^l^^^^l^Hl K^uK^dßbw^^t "* '^* \if^te^^^^'"^^^^^"^4r^^£^^^^ Wisconsin Fullback ' ' :"•.' ♦? >'*i-^ - t — Vyj « X ."'_.•,••■ Tm"_ "I_L" ill' •»■ _^l*'»i . - • 1^- ■• ~"~™"""T^itt™"""~"?"™^~*"""^n "~ „.T ' _' > Wisconsin Left End BERTKE ■> ■•-ft*i'iT^BBBBBB^MBBBBBB!M^^W ffT^i^ v* -^M»^^^a*- .*tJv*" j J' t t%3Si • «BBF -^SsBS ■ ■ ot "" I^J>^^BEJBMBB^Ha^EMBBBBBBBBBaBPBBBBBBBB| aiMfAatJßwiaylKMiiPg B^O-.' iTy*™ . ' ' I ' ■"■V(iw „,^yct I {Tt.t^Wi £tj «■" '3jir^3Bßß!l*G^|^^?lßcy^^BßfcT?lp^ff*' f^~^ i k.-^*fc?»*. ir'j_^Bk>«»r*^tlfll dHml C^Ebbb^Smßbbm BB^3B3c3^K*sk^.jtySß BBSS3scs»^^B^^3Bfc-?^J^L **„^i S :^E : H;xm i" ul^a^Prii^By^^^^^B!^^^WßWßM!MiiMßi: ' ttfPv*^ ■ • f* ,'J^Cr> *«, • Wisconsin Left Tackle betr on Wisconsin's 45-yard line Wrabetx : returned the ball 8 yards. Burti lost a ' }"*™ on '"**: double pass and Vanderboom railed to make any gain at Marshall's end. FV'isher dropped back to the yard line and panted to Minnesota's - 50-yard line. ' Minnesota got the ball on the 25-yard lice and Kremer made 4 yards off Fleisher. Brush bucked Donavan without success and Current was thrown back a yard on an attempt or* Bertke. and It was Wis consin's ball on Minnesota's 29-yard line. vamlcrboonV tried Marshall's end without any gain and Clark bucked through 'btraihcrn for 2 yards. = Jones' dropped -back to th* 48-yard line for a place kick. Remp marie- another poor pas*. Jones ■ barely- getting the ball on the fly. Jones misspd the o*l by a rod. and Harris •kicked'.from-the 25-yard line to Ftadlay ♦n the center of the Held. ■ Findlay came back to Minnesota's 45-yard line. -•' ' Clark made a yard over Brush and THREE.STARS ON GOPHER ELEVEN "SJG" HARRIS -SIG" HARRIS •.,; ; | - ..." ,; . ; ; — -j BRUSH .. • - I BOBBY MARSHALL i JHmNf ft 'J^y\ ? KPW fc ♦ A ' V^Bs r^^B^Bnßß^^^^^B^Bi B^HH B^SB^^bhßL B^v *' I V^B Ei I b— Jb^B^Bv^v/ ■- ] ~*■ .': ■' Minnesota Quarterback *„"- . Minnesota's JjtO. Scd i-"" ~ "^ Minnesota' Right Tackle - • .. Minnesota Quarterback CLARK Wisconsin Fullback JONES AND VANDERBOOM Wisconsin's Quarter and Left Half ■Vanderboom ■ went the'same-way for four * a yard. Jones punted to Harris on the yards, making first down. Clark smashed 16-yard-line and Harris brought the ball Into Case for four - yards and Vandcr- back > eleven - yards. Case went through boom skirted Marshall's end for two yards, j Brindley for three yards and then tried SlSh B " IsC°K ns, n * first, do - »sain and the other . tackle for a gain of a yard putting the ball on Minnesota's 35-yard Case gained two yards more through ™ ; r,i^der^S?P fumbled the ball on the Fleisher and made it first doWnToSe next play and Minnesota fen on .It. on her broke through center on the next play and 36-yard line. . Da vies shot, into the,, line, was dragged twelve yards before Wis but was thrown back a yard and Harris consin could mass in front of the' ball took the ball three, yards around Bush's Burgan was thrown back a yard on-an end o n a quarterback, play. Harris punt- attempt at Donaran and - Minnesota was ed from Minnesota's. 30-yaxd line, out of penalized five yards for offside; play bounds on \\ isconsin's 43-yard line. > \ Current went through Bertke for" five \*rabeta went Into Brush without any yards and Davies made six around Find gain and Wndlay gained a yard on Mar- lays end. Brush hurdled Remp for three shall s ; end. Flelsb«r., runted from v Win- yards and Davies skirted Bush's end for cons in s; 3. -yard line .to. Da vies 1 -on Mm- fourteen yards ■ and brought the. ball •to nesota s 49-yard line. Davies dropped the Wisconsin** 45-yard line. Brush dove ball and It rolled to Minnesota's 39-yard into the line, but could not make any line. \ where. Wisconsin gained., it. / Van- headway and Davies made four yards off aerboom smashed into : Strathern: without Bertke, and repeated the play for a any gain and tried Tt again for a gain of 3-yard gain. Minnesota drew another BOBBY MARSHALL Minnesota's Left End CAPTAIN BUSH Wisconsin Right End BRUSH Minnesota Ittght T*ckle DONAVAN • Wisconsin Right Tackle Wisconsin Right Halfback "Wisconsin Right Tackle 6-yard penalty for offside play and had the nail on Wisconsin's 45-yard line. Burgan tore around Findlay's end for sixteen \n 3 aiul DrouSht the ball to Wisconsin's 19-yard line. Brush plowed through Remp for four yards and Davies wont around Bush s end for four more. Current went through Remp for two yards and the ball was o n Wisconsin's 19-yard line. Davies got three yards through Bertke and then made another through Brindley. but fum bled and the ball went to Wisconsin on ncr thirteen-yard line. Wisconsin Forced to Punt Wrabetx made a yard off Ricker and Vanderboom made another through Brush. Fleisher punted from the 5 to the 41 yard line and Harris brought the ball back to the 19-yard line. Brush made a yard through Brmdley and Davis went by Bertke for seven yards. Kremer went around Bush's end for eight yards and brought the ball to Wisconsin's 22-yard line. Davies got by Bush for two yards and Harris made the same distance around Findlay. Daviea tried Bush's end. but couldn't gain and Wisconsin got the ball on downs on her 18-yard line. Vanderboom and Findlay tried a double pass which resulted in a 4-yard loss, Marshall making a clever tackle. Wis consin tried the line, but Minnesota held, and Fleisher punted 45 yards to Harris on the 55-yard line. Harris fumbled and Wisconsin got the ball in the centre of the field. Vanderboom made a yard through Strathern and fumbled the ball on the next play. Minnesota gaining it on her 60-yard line. Case smashed through Bertke for a 9 yard gain. Kremer bucked into Remp. but the Badger center hold fast. Davies got by Findlay on the next play and went 42 yards to Wisconsin's ' 10-yard line. Davies tried Bush's end without success, and Case went through Donayan for a gain of A yards. Case made a yard through center on the next try. and the ball was on Wisconsin's 5-yard line. Case bucked Remp again and got 2 yards, and Davies went by Bush for a touchdown Marshall punted out to Harris and Har ris kicked goal. Score, Minnesota 12, Wisconsin 0. Jones kicked off to Kremer on the 7 yard line. Kremer returned the ball to the 25-yard line and Harris got around Bush for 3 yards. Brush smashed be tween Brindley and Fleisher for 3 yards, and then made 6 between Bertke" and Dona van. He went to Brindley and Fleisher a second time and made a 3-yard gain and Case made 4 yards through Remp. Gophers Draw Penalties Harris dodged In between Brindley and Bush for a gain of 3 yards, and Case hurdled Brindley for 7 yards. Burgan got around Bush's end for 5 and Kremer re peated the play, hut was called back for starting before the whistle blew. Burgan squirmed by Findlay's end for a 17-yard gain and then went around the other end for 10 yards, bringing the ball to Wis consin's -5-yard line. Kremer got away ahead of time and went 20 yards to Wis consin's 5-yard line, but the play was not allowed. The crowd began to roar "hurry, hurry," and Brush went through the right side of the line for a 6-yard gain. Minnesota drew a 15-yard penalty on the play and the ball went back to Wisconsin's 40-yard line. Burgan made 6 yard? around Bush's end and Davies added 5 more. The time was drawing to a dose, and Harris dropped back to the 42-yard line for a drop kick. The ball went to Jones on Wisconsin's 5-yard line, and the Badger quarterback squirmed through the field to the 44-yard line, making a return of 39 yards. Jones took the ball for a 2-yard gain, and Clark made 2 through Case. Clark tried again but failed, and the ball went to Minne sota on Wisconsin's sft-yard line. Brush smashed through Brindley for 8 yards, and time was called with the ball in Minnesota's possession on Wisconsin's 42 --yard line. Second Half Minnesota made no changes in the line up. For Wisconsin, Perry replaced Find lay at left end and Hunt went in at left tackle in Berike'g place. Harris kicked off t© Perry on the 10 --yard line. Perry came back to the 30 --yard line. Ciark made a yard through the line and Vanderbootn made a double pass to Perry- Perry went eight yards and fumbled, the ball rolling out of bounds to Minnesota on the 30-yard line. Brush shot through Remp for a 4-yard gain and repeated the play for two yards. Case hurdled the center of the Hne for two yards and Harris skirted around Perry for seven, bringing the ball to Wiscon sin's 15-yard line. Case went through Hunt for twelve yards and Davies went over for a touchdown after three minutes' play. Marshall kicked out over Harris and the try for goal was lost. Score: Min nesota 17. Wisconsin 0. The pace began to tell on the Badgers and changes in the lineup became fre quent. St. Genrmine went in at right tackle, replacing Brindley. Jones kicked off to Davies on th« 3-yard line. Davies came back seventeen yards. Kremer went areund Bush for flve yards and Davies made eight, but Minnesota was penalized fifteen yard*. Harris went around Per ry's end and was only stopped by a good tackle by the Indian. St. Oermaine. O'Brien replaced Kleisher at right guard. Kremer tried Bush's end. but was thrown back for a 2-yard loss. Harris punted from the 15 to Wisconsin's *0-yard line and Jones brought the ball back to Minnesota's 53-yard line. Da vies Has Accident ' Clark made a yard over and Vanderboom made two • through Case.. Bush punted from the 47 to Minnesota's 26-yard line to Current, who was downed in bis tracks. Da vies fumbled the ball on the next play, recovered it. then stumbled, and .In «pite ■of ■ all these mishaps made : seven .- yards . around Perry's . end. - Case bucked the Mne twice for a 2 and a. 5-yard gain and . Brush hurdled , for five ? more. .Brush tried the line ; again and pot three' yards, and Kramer went around; Bush for ; eight ■ yards. BrusH wen trover Donavan' for three yards and then tried Remp, but failed to gain. '• Stroxxjaist -, went .in- at ; right. half In Wrabetz's place. Case-went through- the line for a yard -and Daries ■went oy*t Hunt for ' three,.: Kreraer ' went: j around; Bush's end • for ■ a 6-yard gain and . Harris ' dodged - around; the other side |of j the lin» or, twelve. ■ Da vlek followed Har iris for font rarda and Brust was held at t center. Current - made ~ a.-yard 'aa * Hunt WRABETZ Wisconsin Right Halfback and Harris gained another by Perry. Vita replaced Case at left tackle. Krcmer made four yards through St. Germaine and Brush made three through Donavan. Biush repeated for a yard and Kiemer went over for a touchdown. Harris !P d *goaL Score: Minnesota 22, Wis consin 0. Wisconsin Falls to Gain Harris kicked off to Perry on the 14 --jara line and Perry came back 9 yards. Ferry tried Marshall's end and lost a yard and Vanderboom went at Burgan for no gain. Bush pnnted from the 12-yard to Minnesota's 58-yard line. Harris got the ball and brought it back to Wiscon sin s 4.-yard line. Brush made 6 yards off Hunt and tried the same place for a gain of 2. Harris went ahead 3 yards and Kremer went 13 through St. " Ger maine. bringing the ball to Wisconsin's 23-yard line. Vita went through Donavan for a yard and then through O'Brien for 4. Current went by Perry for 5. Stromqulst shifted from right half to fullback, re placing Clark and Franzke went In at right half. Davies tried Perry for no gain and Kremer got 3 off Bush. Brush made it first down and Kremer went around Bush for a yard. Vita went through St. Germaine and Current gained 2 by Perry. Kremer made 2 yards through St. Germaine and Vita went over for a touchdown. Harris kicked goal Score: Minnesota 28. Wisconsin 0. Jones kicked off to Harris on the 15 --yard line. Harris returned the ball 8 yards. Vita mffcle a yard and then fum bled. Wisconsin getting the ball on Min nesota's 32-yard line. Vanderboom advanced a yard and Franzke tried the line for no gain. Bush dropped back to the 45-yard line and kicked to Harris on Minnesota's goal line. Harris was downed after advancing 2 yards. Harris punted from behind the line to Minnesota's 40-yard lino and Wis consin returned the ball 2 yards. Bush made 2 yards by Burgan and Franzke made a yard on a double pass. Bush punted to Harris on the 15-yard line and Harris came back 6 yards. Vita made 4 yards through Remp and Davies went by Perry for 15 on a long hazardous pass from Harris. Kremer went around Bush for 2 yards and Minnesota had the ball on her own 40-yard line. Vita made 5 through Hunt and Kremer made 2 around Bush. Brush hit the line for a gain of a yard. Harris punted from the 36-yard 1 line to Jones on Wisconsin's 27-yard line. Jones was downed in his tracks. Fake Kick Falls Bush tried a fake kick, but was tackled for a loss of 8 yards by Marshall. Franzke made 3 yards through Brush and Wiscon sin punted from her 15 to her 50 yard line. Harris brought the ball back to the 30-yard line. Burgan made a yard around Bush and Brush hurdled Hunt for 3. Wisconsin held on the next try and se cured the ball on downs. Vanderboom went around Marshall for 5 yards and Strom quist hit center for a gain of 3. putting the ball on Wisconsin's 35-yard line. Wis consin used Franzke in a delayed pass play, but he was tackled for no gain. Bush punted from the 25-yard to Min nesota's 53-yard line. Davies made two yards by Bush and Minnesota drew a 15-yard penalty. Har ris punted to Wisconsin's 39-yard line and Wisconsin returned the ball three yards. Vanderboom went around right end for twenty yards. Stramquist made two through center and tried left tackle for no gain. Bush punted to Harris on Minnesota's 25-yard line. Hunter re placed Davies at left half. Hunter made seven yards around right end and time was called with the ball jn Minnesota* possession on her 50-yani line. The line up: Minnesota. Position. Wisconsin. Marshall -..L.E Flndlay-Perry Case-Vita L.. T Bertke-Hunt Thorpe L. G Donavan Strathern C Remp Rlcker R. G.. Fleisher-O' Brien Brush... sk, R. T Brindley- St. Germaine Bnrgan R. E Bush Harris Q Jones Davles-Huntar L. H Vanderboom Kremer R. H Wmbetz- S tromquf at - Franzke Current F. B.Stroraquist-CJarli Touchdowns. Kremer 2, Davies 2, Vita 1; goals, Harris 3; referee, Ralph Hamill, Chicago: umpire, Clyde Williams; head linesman. Coach. Ristine, of Ames; time of halves. 35 minutes. WHAT THE MINISTER SAYS Is Most Convincing "I thought I would write you what Pyramid Pile Cure has done for me. I had a most aggravated case of bleeding piles; indeed I dreaded when I had to go to stool. One fifty cent box cured me. I feel like a new man. I have recommended it to others as being the most wonderful remedy known. It is indeed a great blessing to suffering humanity. You are at liberty to use this for all it is worth, and I hope it may do good." Rev. W. E. Carr, 355 No. Holbrook St., Danville, Va. Clergymen (like all professional men who lead sedentary lives) are espe cially addicted to piles, in various forms, and are continually on the lookout for a remedy which will give relief, with little or no idea of obtain ing a cure. Recognizing this fact. Rev. Mr. Cart consents to the use of his name in or der that other sufferers may know there is a cure called Pyramid Pile , Cure, which is sold by druggists ev erywhere for the low price of fifty ■ cents a package, and which will bring about for every one afflicted with piles, the same beneficial results as in his own case. Be careful to accept" no substitutes, and remember that there is no remedy '"just as good." A Mttle book describing the causes and cure ol piles is published by Pyra mid Drug Co., Marshall, Mich., and will be sent free for the asking. Ail suf ferers are advised to write for it, as It contains valuable information on thf subject of piles.